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2 aed Division B 2) The surface of the second coat shall be lightly roughened to provide a key with the finish coat if the finish coat is other than stone dash. Finish Coat 1) When the finish coat is other than stone dash, the base shall be dampened but not saturated before the finish coat is applied. 2) The thickness of the finish coat shall be not less than 3 mm. 3) When a stone dash finish is used, the stone shall be partially embedded in the Second coat before the second coat starts to set or stiffen 9.28.66. Al mative Method 1) ‘Stucco shall be applied in at least 2 coats to provide a total thickness of not less than 19 mm measured from the face of the sheathing paper to the face of the second coat where lath is used. 2) The second coat shall be continuous across the entire surface of the first coat and have no gaps or voids 3) When the finish coat is other than stone dash, the base shall be dampened but not saturated with water before the finish coat is applied. 4) When a stone dash finish is used, the stone shall be partially embedded in the second coat before the second coat starts to set or stiffen. 5) Accessories used with stucco shall be in grounds of 19 mm when the total thickness of the stucco is required to be at least 19 mm, §) The base coat and the finish coat shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 5°C during the application and for not less than 48 h afterwards. Section 9.29. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finishes 9.29.1. General Fire Protection and Sound Control 1) A wall or ceiling finish shall also conform to the appropriate requirements in Sections 9.10. and 9.11,, in addition to the requirements in this Section, 9.29.2. Waterproof Wall Finish Where Required 1) Waterproof finish shall be provided to a height of not less than a) 1.8m above the floor in shower stalls, b) 1.2m above the rims of bathtubs equipped with showers, and ©) 400 mm above the rims of bathtubs not equipped with showers,, Materials 1) Waterproof finish shall consist of ceramic, plastic or metal tile, sheet vinyl, tempered hardboard, laminated thermosetting decorative sheets or linoleum 9.29.3. Wood Furring Size and Spacing of Furring 1) Wood furring for the attachment of wall and ceiling finishes shall conform to Table Alberta Building Code 2014 Volume 2 Division B 9-185, 9.29.6. 9.29.6-1. For single-| mstmutetan bine sneer 2 evry ao lng sng emp npas oout 0m a of the ceilheg the ceiling sheets are supported by the wall sheets around the peri ing, this support may be considered as equivalent to nailing at this loca ‘on walls, nails imeter tion. 3) Exceptas requi shall be eae required by Sentence (4), for single-layer application a) not more than 200 2) ro 1 200 mm 0. on vertical wall supports, oF 2 every 300 mm o.c. along vertical wall suppor, in pairs about 50 mm apart. For single-layer applicati i uired bracing in brmed layer application on walls, where gypsum board provides req! in braced wall panels, lateral support for st wr fi jection, nails shall Septal pomeranian nas nee PINS a) vertical wall supports, and gat) oP and bation plate. (Gee Article, and Section 9.10.) 5) They ost pee spperm st nails on vertical wall supports shall be not more than 200 mm 6) Nails shall be located not les than 10 mm from the side or edge of the board. 7) Nails shall be driven so that the heads do not puncture the paper. Spacing of Screws 4) For single forora| ws 3 raced not more than sort) Forsinsl ayer apliaton na cing see sab ced not mor 2) Where the ceiling sheets are supported by the wall sheets around the perimeter € of the ceiling, this support may be considered as equivalent to screwing at this location. 3) Except as required by Sentence (4) for single-layer application on walls, screws shall be spaced y On 2) not more than more than 400 mm o.c, or b) not more than 400 mm o.c. on vertical wall supports where the supports are not more than 400 mm o.. 4) Except as provided in Sentence (6), for single-layer application on walls, where gypsum board provides required bracing in braced wall panels, lateral suppor for studs, eye protection, screws shall be spaced not more than 300 mm o.c.on ‘a) vertical wall supports, and b) top and bottom plates. (Gee Article and Section 9.10.) 15) Where afire-esistance rating is determined based on Table A-9.10:3.1.4. in “Appundix A, Sentence (4) need not apply forthe purpose of fre protection €6) Screws shall be located not less than 10 mm from the edge of the board 17). Screws shall be driven so thatthe heads do not puncture the paper. 300 mm o.c. on vertical wall supports where the supports are Low Temperature Conditions her, heat shall be provided to maintain a temperature not below ig and finishing and maintained for not less than 48 h 4)_ In cold weat 410°C for 48 h prior to tapiny thereafter Plywood Finish Thickness 1) Exceptaspn anton iid sal eon vided in Sentences (2) and (3), the minimum thickness of plywood yrm to Table Plywc ‘Alberta Building Code 2014 Volume 2, 9.29.9, 9.29.91, 9-190 Division B Divi: Edge Support here ing or framing WI 1) All hardboard edges shall be supported by furring, blocking, the backing is not continuous, _Insulating Fibreboard Finish Material Standard “Wood Fibre Insulating 31). Insulating fibreboard shall conform to CAN/ULC-S706, “Wood Boards for Buildings.” Thickness supports 1} Insulating fibreboard sheets shall be not less than 11.1 mm thick on suppor ot more than 400 min ov 2) , Insulating fibreboard tile shall be not less than 12.7 mm thick on supports Spaced not more than 400 mm o.c. ats 0 fastening fibreboard sheets shall be not less than 2.6 mm shank diameter casing ot fini 'shing nails of sufficient length to penetrate not less than 20 mm into the supports spaced not more than 100 mm o.c. along int mm o.. along edge supports and termediate supports. Edge Support 1) All fibreboard edges shall be supported by blocking, furring or framing. Material Standard 41) Particleboard finish shall conform to ANS} 208.1, 2) OSB or waferboard finish shall conform to 8) GSA 0825, “Construction Sheathing,” or b) CSA 0437.0, “OSB and Waferboare” “Particleboard.” Minimum Thickness 1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3), the minimum, thickness of 0.2 @ rade szaei ess miMterior finish shall conform fen go i bie zoe for plywood in, 2) Thickness es listed in Table 9296.1. shall permita mn continuous backing. 4) OSB conforming to O-1 grade, particleboard shal be © a) not less than 6.35 mm thick b) notless than 9.5mm thick ©) not less than 6.35 mm thi Pports where blocking is provided at mittee inet 5) OSB conforming to CSA ‘minimum panel mark of a) Wis, ©) W16, on supports mid-wall height,

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