Makalah Tasamuh

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Makalah Tasamuh

Nama kelompok :
1.Sri Irianti Ningsih
2. Halimatussa’diyah
3. Nur Rizky
4. Nur Hayati



A. Understanding Tasamuh and Its Various Types

1. Understanding tasamuh in language of tasamuh means tolerance,
tolerance or mutual respect while according to the term tasamuh means
an attitude that is always mutual respect between fellow humans. As
social beings we all need each other, because each has weeknesses and
strengthsin accordance with their potential. Thus, a tolerant attitude is
needed to be constantly moved to cover each other’s shortcomings. From
this attitude will amanate mutual respect, be kind and avoid mutual
accusations between friends.

ً ‫ض أ َ َحد ُ ُك ْمأَي ُِحبََُّب ْع‬

‫ضا‬ ََ ‫َبَ ْع‬ َّ ‫َ ِإثْ ٌم‬
َ‫الظ ِن‬ ‫واوال‬
َ ‫س‬ َّ ‫ض ُك َْميَ ْغتَب َْوالت َ َج‬
ُ ‫س‬ ُ ‫َ بَ ْع‬ َ‫ِإ َّن‬
َ‫اجتَنِبُواآ َمنُواالَّذِينَأَيُّ َهاي‬ َّ
ً ِ‫الظنِ ِمنَا َكث‬
ْ ‫ير‬
Meaning : o ye who believe, stay away from most prejudices (suspicion),
because some of it was sinful. And don’t look for the ugliness of people
and do not gossip about one another. Is there anyone among you who
likes to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Then surely you feel disgusted
with him. And fear ALLAH. Lo! ALLAH is the recipient of repentance,
the most merciful. (Q.S. al- hujurat: 12)

The above verse also explain that tolerance does not look at ethnicity,
nation and race. Because they are looked in one belief as god’s creature
in the face of bimi. Before god all have the same rights and obligations.
As for what distinguishes them before ALLAH almighty is taqwa.

2. Various tasamuh or tolerance

Tolerance consists of two kinds, namely: tolerance for fellow muslims
and tolerance toward other than muslims.
a. Tolerance to fellow muslims is an obligation, because in addition to
being a social demand, it is also a form of brotherhood bound by the
same string of faith. Even in the propet’s hadith it is explained that a
person is not perfect in his faith if he does not have a sence of
affection and tolerance toward his other siblings.

‫ال يؤمن احدكم حتى يحب ال خيه ما يحب لنفسه (رواه البخرر ومسلم‬

Meaning: “ the faith of one of you is imperfect, so he loves his brother as

love himself.”(narrated by bukhari al muslim).
Tolerance and kindness toward others, moreover he is a muslim in the
end will refract to us, which is to get a lot of convenience and
opportunities for life because of the axistence of relationships, besides
that god will repay all of our goodness in the hereafter.
b. The tolerance of non-muslim has certain limitations as long as they want
to respect us, and do not expel us from our homeland. They also we must
appreciate it because it is basically the same as god’s creature SWT.
Being tasamuh does not mean we are tolerant of something blindly
without having a stand, but must be coupled with a principle that is just
and defends the truth. We still have to be firm and fair if faced with a
problem both regarding ourselves, family or other people. Althought the
decision will have a bitter effect on yourself. In Islamic teachings justice
is upheld without regard to both the common people and the people of
the city must submit to the laws and teachings of ALLAH SWT. If he
violates, he must accept all the consequences.

B. Tasamuh forms in social life include

1. Not disturbing the peace of the neighbors, Rasulullah SAW said :

‫و هللا ال يؤمن وهللا ال يؤمن وهللا ال يؤمن قبل ومن يا رسو ل هللا قا ل ال يأ من جاربوائقه (رواه‬
Meaning : for the sake of god not believing, for the sake of ALLAH not
believing, at that time he was asked “ o messenger of ALLAH said: (i.e.)
people whose neighbors do not feel comfortable because of the disturbance.
(H.R. Bukhori).
The hadith explains that one’s confession of faith is imperfect if still likes to
disturb his tenacity, both with bad words and deeds.
2. Do not prohibit neighbors if you want to harvest trees in the garden, the
messenger of Rasulullah say :

‫)ال يمنع جا ٌر جا ره ان يغرز خشه فى جداره (رواه البخار‬

meaning: do not let a neighbor prohibit his neighbor if he wants to plant a

tree in the garden.( H.R. Bukhori)

3. Likes something for his neighbor, as he likes for himself.

‫والذي نفسي بيدهال يؤمن عبد حتى يحب لجاره او قال ال خيه ما يحب لنفسه (رواه‬
Meaning: for the sake of the essence that I am his power, it is not believer so
he likes his neighbor or something he likes for himself. (H.R.Muslim).

 Positive impact of tasamuh behavior in community life

- Satisfying other people’s minds because they can take their right
- Inner satisfaction reflected in the look on his face makes the relationship
even tigher brotherhood with other people.
- Closely good relationship with others can facilitate the realization of
good cooperation in community life.
- Can expand opportunities to obtain sustenance because of many
 Get used to being tasamuh
To have the attitude of tasamuh in life it is necessary to pay attention to
several things as follows:
- Trying to respect others, even though he wants to be respected.
- Trying to appreciate the strengths of others even though they have
- Do not always see the shortcomings of others without remembering their
C. Tasamuh in religious life
Islam educated its ummah to behave as tasamuh as found in the following verse.
Meaning:” for you your religion, and for me, my religion. “(Q.S. Al- kafirun:6)
Each believer believes that his religion is the best and the one he adheres to
right. Such recognition becomes the right of each religion. Should not mocking
the religion embraced by others both parties must be able to respect each other
respecting the rights of others by maintaining harmony between religious
 Harmony between muslims
At present in the religion of islam various kinds of understandings develop in
the flow. Even so between one muslim with another muslim remains a
brother. The emergence of the flow different from different interpretations
because of the mastery of the knowledge that supports that interpretation
different. However, muslims must uphold brotherhood because it is binding
brotherhood among them is islam. In the hadith the prophet said:

‫)مثل المؤمن فى تراحمهم وتعا طعهم كمثل الجسد أ ذ اشتحى عضو تداعي سا ئر الجسد با لسهر و الحمي (رواه مسلم‬

Meaning: the parable of an Islamic person in love and love is like one body that if
there is one member who is sick then the other limbs will feel it that is unable to
sleep and feel fever (H.R.Muslim).
One form of harmony is the willingness to help, help and mutual respect each others.
 The harmony of muslims with other religious people
Islam is a religion that has a high tolerance for other religious groups. Dakwa
islam must not be carried out by means of violence and coercion but must be
done in a way the peaceful word of god almighty in Q.S.Al-baqarah verse
Meaning : there is not compulsion to (enter) religion (islam) verily the path
is clear right rather than a false path. Therefore the one who denies thaghutb
and believes in god, then he has held on the knot of a very strong rope that
will not break. And ALLAH is hearer, knower.
In terms of cooperating with people of other religions, islam limits to matters
relating to issues of diversity such asa in social, cultural, economic and
political fields while matters relating to the issue of aqeedah and Islamic
worship prohibit cooperation. We are forbidden to pray for and ask
forgiveness from ALLAH SWT for people of other faiths even though our
parents or children cannot overtake greetings to people of other faiths. If they
greet us, it is enough to answer wa’alaikum. The messengerof ALLAH : said
that meant: “if the scribes greet you then answer with wa’alaikum

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