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See You At The Top

By Zig Ziglar
Alex Galarza
Self Image

● Self Image is very important to your success

● What can cause bad self images
● Gives methods to improve self image if it is not strong
● Lets you create a path to gain a healthier self image

An important section, for if your self image is poor there’s a less possibility of
success and happiness in the workplace and at home.
Your Relationship With Others

● How you should perceive other people

● You treat others the way you see them and to be wary of that
● To show that you can get plenty out of life if you help others get plenty out
of their lives
● Ways to show genuine love (here used within marriage) in relationships

This segment is important because a huge part of success is how you interact
with those around you such as coworkers and customers. If you treat them well
then you yourself will greatly succeed.

● Explains why goals are important in everyday life and in the workplace
● Why people often don't set goals
● The different kinds of goals each individual should have
● Different explanations to how to set goals and take steps to achieve them

Important to see where your success is going and how to work your way there,
with details that will make it easier to improve.

● Why a good attitude is needed for success and happiness

● How to get rid of a more negative attitude
● How to control your attitude so that under any circumstance it is still
● Explains how habits can stick to a person and how to get rid of bag ones
and attain good ones

A great attitude will not only improve happiness but also ease stress about tasks
which can help keep a positive outlook on the future

● Create an understanding that nothing comes to us for free

● The difference between “paying a price” and “enjoying a price”
● Connect attitude and your career
● You must put something in to get something out

Important to show that hardwork really does pay off in many ways throughout
life because nothing good that comes to us is free but instead earned.

● To become motivated with a desire to succeed

● How to make the most of what is thrown at you
● How to use obstacles in your life as an opportunity to grow

Without desire one cannot succeed to the best of their capability. With desire
comes the need to continue growing even if they have reached their goals.

Overall the book is greatly worth a read for any kind of situation you may be in or
may experience. It not only touches on the most important aspects of life
including attitude, self esteem, goals, relationships, hard work, and desire but it
aids in application to everyday life. Its not set towards a specific audience and
therefore can be a read for anyone that wishes to skim its pages. With attitude
and self esteem it has helped me understand myself better and how to fix my
negativity. With relationships they have been strengthened, goals have been set
both short and long term, and although I already had the desire to be the best I
could be I am now motivated to do so.

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