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Volume 12 | Issue v | CENTRAL BAPTIST COLLEGE | Conway, AR | March 8, 2019

Issue five:
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in
Him and He will act
Psalm 37:5

Overcoming sexual addiction

Students, faculty discuss temptation.
“No matter what you are going

the battle of pornography

through, because we have Christ
in us we can get through anything
with his strength,” says the student.
nobody can have a healthy She says that finding a mentor
Coby Harvison who is spiritually mature is a good
relationship in their lives until

Reporter they conquer their problems. way to help a struggling person
t is predicted that anywhere “[People who struggle with understand why they are going
from 40 to 60 percent [of pornography] also have to have through this type of problem.
people] in a church service some kind of system that they “Find somebody who is
on Sunday morning have had turn to when it comes to the willing to talk to you about it and
some issues with pornography,” temptation,” says Hall. “I would go with you step by step and pull
says Larry Henderson, campus also recommend limiting their out scriptures to understand the
chaplain. exposure to sensitive material purpose in this,” says the student.
According to a Barna Group on social media and friends “I think that all men struggle
study in 2015, 56 percent of young who encourage inappropriate with [lust], and so do women.
adults between the age of 18 and behaviors.” I think just by repenting and
24 sought out pornography at least One female student says that talking to others is what [God] has
once or twice in a month. Based her life verse is Philippians 4:13, called us to do and ask Him for
on this study, it means that at which says, “I can do all things forgiveness.”
least half of CBC students may be through Christ who strengthens Applying the truth of scripture
struggling with pornography. me.” The student says that and trusting God to bring
Senior Colter Hall says he this verse has helped her a lot redemption is what’s going to
has struggled with and overcome as she has struggled with the help overcome the temptation
pornography. According to him, of pornography, says assistant
professor of Bible Martin Jameson.
“This temptation that you are
warning: Adult content dealing with is common,” says
statistics ahead! Jameson. “God’s going to give
• 62% of young adults have recently received a you a way out. The way you beat
sexually explicit image and 41% have sent one. temptation is by faith.”
• One of the devastating effects of pornography and Jameson also says that 1
infographic Jocelyn Waters

other sexually explicit material is that it sabotages

the ability to enjoy normal sex. Corinthians 10:13 is applicable to
• After viewing material filled with perfectly shaped temptation, and that God is there.
women doing perverse acts, a man naturally may “You’re not alone - other people
have difficulty being attracted to the average have this problem,” says Jameson.
woman. “God still loves you, this
doesn’t keep him from loving you,
this sin can be forgiven.”
credit: Photo illustration Haley Lingenfelter

What’s Inside look College Finances Tattoo Taboo Secret Sins

Ring by Spring Money tips and tricks for To ink or not to ink, that Why they need to come
Next? students is the question out of the closet
>>> Inside Look | Page 2 Campus Life | Page 3 Centerspread | Pages 4-5 Editorial | Page 7

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