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King Lear lived long ago in Ireland. He had four children, two boys and two girls, whom he loved dearly.
However, their step mother was jealous. She wove the spell that turned the children into swans.
Lear was heartbroken. His beard and hair turned white and grief as he searched for his children. One day he
saw four swans. He did not realize who they were; although they recognized him as their father.
The spell could only be broken if the mountain in the north was joined to the one in the south. This seemed
impossible, but after many years all the birds flew into the air and formed an arc between the mountains. The swans
were transformed and Lear saw his children once more. They were no longer young, but had grown old, with hair as
white as their father’s.
1. Why did King Lear’s children turn into swans? b. Lear realized his children because they had grown
a. Their step mother was jealous old
b. Their step mother wove a spell c. The flying bird made Lear’s children realize their
c. They wanted to be swans father
d. They loved them dearly d. Although the swans had been transformed, Lear
e. They lived in Ireland didn’t realized them
2. Why did King Lear not realize his children? e. The mountain in the north was joined to the one in
a. His heart was broken the south by the Lear’s children
b. He had been very old 4. Who were actually the swans?
c. His children didn’t realize him a. The birds
d. His children had turned into swans b. Lear’s children
e. His children’s beard and hair turned white c. Lear’s step children
3. Which statement is true according to the text? d. The bird’s children
a. The spell was broken by the bird’s making an arc e. The step mother’s children

The Rabbit Revenge

Long, long ago a rabbit and lion were neighbors. The lion was very proud, and was fond of boasting about his
strength. And thought they were such close neighbors, the lion look down upon the rabbit, and use to bully and
frighten her. Finally, the rabbit could stand it no longer and wanted to get her own back.
One day she went to the lion and said,” Good day, respected elder brother. Image it, I met an animal over there
who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, ‘Is there anyone in the world who dares stand up to me? If there is, let
me come and have a duel with me. If there is no one, all of you have to submit to my rule and be my servants!” “Oh,
he was an intolerable braggart! He is so puffed up with pride that his eyes can’t even light on anymore!” added the
“Oho,” the lion said. “Didn’t you mention me to him?”
“Yes, indeed, “the rabbit replied. “But it would have been better if I hadn’t. When I described how strong you were, he
just sneered and said dreadfully rude things. He even went so far as to say that he wouldn’t take you for his attendant!”
The lion flew into a rage and roared, “Where is he? Where is he?”
Soon the rabbit took the lion a hill and, not going to near herself, pointed to a well from a distance, and
said,”He is down there, in the well.”
The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes there was his rival who even glared back at him
angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion become so furious that his hair stood on end. So did his
enemy on the well. The lion show his teeth and lashed out with his paws to scare his rival and his enemy in the well
retaliated! In a fit of anger the lion sprang into the air with all his might and then flung himself at the enemy in the
well. The result was that the proud lion was instantly drowned.
5. What do you thing of the animal in the well? a. Be a good neighbor.
a. The image of the lion himself. b. Don’t be so arrogant.
b. An intolerable braggart. c. We must help each other.
c. A stronger animal. d. An enemy can be a good friend.
d. Another lion. e. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
e. His neighbor. 8. The generic structure of the text is?
6. The lion was proud of his? a. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-
a. Hair Orientation
b. Eyes b. Orientation > Events > Re- Orientation
c. Teeth c. General Classification > Description
d. Paws d. Identification > Description
e. Strength e. E.Newsworthy Events > Background Events >
7. What can we learn from the story? Source
The first time I saw her was when I was sitting in a bench at the bus stop near my office, intending to go
home. She stopped next to me, downloaded her basket, tried to save herself from the bright sunlight. It was hot and dry
noon, most people would rather stay at home, but she looked not too care about it. I was in no hurry to go home, so I
watched her. I didn’t understand why she became so interesting in my eyes.
A voice came along, calling her, as she tried to sit on the bench I was sitting. “Bakul jamu!” Hurriedly, she
packed her basket. She smiled at me, a smile for a stranger, but somehow, I saw it was beautiful, yet meaningful. I
could not help myself but to smile back at her. I watched her as she walked by, wondering what would happen next. I
didn’t know why, but she became important for me. Suddenly, I felt like I need to follow her.
She shook her head right and left, searching for an interval between the running engines, and I did the same.
We were sure enough that it was safe to cross the street. Then, I saw a car running fast toward her. All I could think
about was saving her. My hands reached her back, pushed her so hard, so that she could stay away from the running
car. I could hear the sound of people shouting and yelling, and then I just saw her; across the street and saved. I gave
her the best smile I had, just right before a huge pain I felt through my chest. Then, it was all dark; I could feel
nothing, just a feeling of relieved that I had done what I should.
9. What does the short story tell about? The word it above refers to …..
a. About an accident. a. The woman’s smile.
b. About a woman with beautiful smile. b. The writer experience.
c. About bakul jamu. c. The woman
d. About a car crash d. The writer.
e. About the writer’s accident e. The two student girls.
10. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? 12. What is the most suitable synonym of the word
a. The writer got hit by a car “intending” (paragraph 1 line 2)?
b. The woman was crossing the street. a. Thinking
c. The writer pushed the woman. b. Wishing
d. The car hit the woman. c. Hoping
e. There was a car crash d. Designing
11. “…but somehow, I saw it was beautiful, yet e. Specifying
meaningful…”(paragraph 2 line 2)

Diana was born in 1961 as the third daughter of Edward John Spencer and his wife Ruth Burke Roche. Diana
grew up in a very privileged family that had a long history of close ties with the royal family. When Diana’s paternal
grandfather passed away in 1975, Diana’s father became the 8th Earl of Spencer and Diana gained the title of “Lady”.
In 1969, Diana’s parents divorced. Her mother’s affair helped court decide to give custody of the couple’s four
children to Diana’s father. Both of her parents eventually remarried, but the divorce left an emotional scar on Diana.
Diana attended school at West Heath in Kent and spent a short time a finishing school in Switzerland.
Although she was not an excellent student academically, her determined personality, caring nature, and cheerful
outlook helped her through it. After returning from Switzerland, Diana rented an apartment with two friends, worked
with children at the Young England Kindergarten, and watched movies and visited restaurants in her free time.
It was about this time that Prince Charles, in his early 30, was under increasing pressure to choose a wife.
Diana’s vibrancy, cheerfulness, and good family background caught the attention of Prince Charles and the two began
dating during in mid-1980. It was a whirlwind romance for on February 24, 1981, Buckingham Palace officially
announce the couple’s engagement. At the time, Lady Diana and Prince Charles seemed truly in love and whole world
was awed by what seemed like a fairytale romance.

13. How did Diana spend her free time when she was still b. her mother had an affair
a bachelorette? c. she determined her personality
a. She watched movies d. had her very privileged family
b. She finished her school e. her paternal grandfather was dead
c. She worked in restaurant 15. How was Diana’ academic achievement?
d. returned to Switzerland a. Super
e. She visited her friends near the restaurant b. Average
14. The custody of the couple’s four children was given c. First rate
to Diana’s father because……. d. Admirable
a. her outlook was cheerful e. Exceptional

Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy
family and never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge
with a degree of theology.
He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On December 27,1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined
the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist.The five years expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and
meteorologic data from South America and many other regions around the world. Darwin's own observation on this
voyage led to his theory of natural selection.
Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslow in his
development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of
evolution. Darwin's theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in
individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for
survival. This revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin's now famous On the Origin of Species by Means
of Natural Selection.

16. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution believed that .... e. Affected by groups of organisms.
a. people could defend themselves naturally
b. environment affected natural election 18. The famous Darwin theory was published based on
c. organism needed adaptation to survive ....
d. people and nature supported to each other a. theories developed by other scientists
e. natural selection tend to adapt organism to b. the influence of organisms adaptation in survival
survive living
17. How was Darwin's theory of natural selection c. the success of his observation supported by
developed? geologist and naturalist
a. Adapted by the necessary for survival. d. his expedition and natural observation data a
b. Influenced by his collection. scientist
c. Supported the effect of environment. e. the observation of other geologists' natural
d. Influenced by John Henslow. selection

Dear Lucy,
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach hotel. our room is big and cozy. It is
newing the beach.
This is my second visit to Bali and Bali still wonderful. There are many thing to see and to do here. The
beaches and temples are awesaome. the ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some T.shirt and hundreds of wooden accesaries. My mam bought a
beautiful ststue and my father bought a large paintin. The paintin is not only beautiful but also very expensive. I will
return to Malang next week hope to see you again soon.


19. Where is Astuti ? 21. What is so special abaout the hotel ?

a. InNusa Dua Island. a. It has very large swimming pool.
b. In Samarinda b. It makes Astuti feel home.
c. In Jakarta. c. It is so close to the beach.
d. In Bali. d. It has so many rooms.
20. What is the purpose of the text ? 22. What did Astuti’s mother buy ?
a. To tell Lucy about the hotel. a. Wooden accessories.
b. To inform Lucy about Astuti’s plan. b. A painting.
c. To share the joy of Astuti’s birthday. c. A statue.
d. To tell Lucy about Astuti’s activity in Bali. d. T.shirt

a. Reheat
b. Recycle
c. Rewrite
d. Regenerate
e. Remake
24. Who made the lunch?
a. Lawrence’s mother
b. Lawrence
c. Grandmother
23. The most suitable word to complete the message d. Mother
above is…. e. Momm
Hands2Go is a natural alcohol-free instant hand sanitizer. Its unique, non-greasy formula kills 99.99% of known
bacteria instantly! It is formulated with a moisturizing blend of aloe vera, charmomile, and lavender extracts.
Hands2G's gentle foaming formula supplies twice as many applications as alcohol-based gels. Available in bottles and
wall dispensers Guaranteed not to dry skin – pure and gentle enough for frequent cleansing when soap and water are
not available

25. The text tells you about …. d. Antiseptic soap.

a. health product promotion. 27. Why is the formula of the product unique?
b. how to clean bacteria. a. It supplies twice as many applications as alcohol-
c. instant body sanitizer. based gels.
d. foaming formula. b. It blends with aloe vera, chamomile, and lavender
26. What is the name of the product? extract.
a. Hands2GO. c. It is available in bottles and walls dispensers for
b. Antibacterial. your wish.
c. Water journey. d. It kills bacteria instantly whenever you use it.

To All Third Grade Students a. A request to return library books.

b. The subjects of the library books.
All library books have to be returned on the twenty- c. A compulsory to replace lost books.
second of May, 2009. They should be covered with d. The library administration officers.
non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be e. Submission of receipts.
replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be 29. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?
charged to the late return of the books. Students who a. You will get receipts.
have handed on all books will get receipts that have to b. It should be covered by non-colorful plastic.
be submitted to the administration officers. c. The librarian will be fined by a certain amount of
Library Staff money.
d. You should cover with wrapping plastic.
28. What is informed on the announcement? e. It should be replaced with a similar book.
30. “Don’t you ever forget what I told you.” 34. I ……… my shower before I went to the cinema last
She told me ……….. night.
a. not to forget what she had told me a. Had had
b. not to have to forget what I had told her. b. Have had
c. not to have forgotten what I told you. c. Have
d. I didn’t have to forget what she had told me d. Had
e. I was not to forget what she had told me. e. Has
31. Anita asked , “ Do you have a dictionary?” 35. The woman says to him: “you play the piano well.”
She asked ………………. The girl says to him that ………….
a. If I have a dictionary. a. you play the piano well.
b. If I have had a dictionary. b. he play the piano well
c. If I had a dictionary. c. he plays the piano well
d. Whether I had had a dictionary. d. he played the piano well
e. Whether I has dictionary e. you played the piano well
32. Mother : Who used the motorcycle for the last time 36. Tony said to me: “Why does she sing so loudly?”
before it was broken? a. Tony said to me why does she sing so loudly
Adityas : It ………………….by Dena b. Tony asked me why did she sing so loudly.
a. is used c. Tony asked why does she sing so loudly
b. was used d. Tony asked me why she sang so loudly
c. is being used e. Tony asked me why she did sing so loudly
d. was being used 37. “Where did you go four days ago?” John asked.
e. uses Tony asked …….
33. Baby snake : Are we poisonous, Mommy? a. where did I go four days ago
Mother snake : Yes, we are, Dear. What’s wrong? b. where I did go four days ago
Baby snake : Because I have just....... my tounge. c. Where I had gone four days before
a. Bitten d. where I had gone four days ago.
b. Biten e. where I went four days before
c. Bites 38. Head master : Why didn”t you clean this room this
d. Bite morning?
e. Bit Jani : I am sorry. I got a headache.
The headmaster asked her why ___ the room this 41. He_____in Paris ten years ago, but now he livesin
morning. Rome
a. I hadn’t cleaned d. he headn’t cleaned a. live d.lives
b. he does not clean e. he would not clean b. lived e. has lived
c. he hasn’t cleaned c. had lived
42. At 9 o’clock yesterday, my friend and i______a
39. Mother asked Mira to close the windows because it practicum
was windy outside. a. was doing d. were doing
Mother said, “ ___________” b. did e. do
a. Mira closed the window. It is windy outside. c. doing
b. Closed the window, Mira. It is windy outside. 43. while Nita was writing her duty, Tham____for more
c. Mira closed the window. It was windy outside. information to help her
d. Does Mira close the window. It was windy a. was looking d. looked
outside. b. looks e. is looking
e. To close the window Mira! It is windy outside. c. had looked
40. My parents advised my sister ____ too much money 44. When i_____Teddy, he_____to music last night
on clothes. a. was calling – listened
a. do not spend d. not spending b. called – listened
b. not to spend e. not spend c. am calling – is listening
c. did not spend d. called – is listening
e. called- was listening

Workers at the Springfield Furniture Factory went on strike yesterday. All ... (45) at the factory has stopped.
Employees promise that they will not return to work until they ... (46) a new contract with the factory owners.
The Springfield ... (47) has been strong since last February when three new factories opened. Unemployment
is at an all-time low. Due to an increase ... (48) job availability, workers can now demand higher pay.
45. A. produce 47. A. economical
B. producer B. economic
C. production C. economize
D. productive D. economy
46. A. negotiate 48. A. at
B. negotiator B. on
C. negotiable C. in
D. negotiation D. of

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We are now (49) … the equator and you might say that things are
heating up. We have an extraordinary evening planned for you tonight. After dinner, there will be a fun-filled variety
show (50)… the main deck, which we call “A Taste of Vegas.” Later you can dance the night away to the strains of
our talented (51) … known band, The Ocean Reefs, in the Neptune Nightclub. Tomorrow after we put in, you will
have an entire day to explore the magical island of Dupree. Dinner will be onboard again tomorrow evening, but you
will be on your own (52) … lunch. So, let the fun begin!

49. A. withdrawing
B. approaching
C. ascending
D. retreating
50. A. on
B. over
C. above
D. at
51. A. international
B. internationalize
C. internationally
D. internationality
52. A. at
B. of
C. at
D. For

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