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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Division of Quirino
Aglipay, Quirino

November 2019


Schools Division Superintendent
Schools Division of Quirino



This is to submit my Action Research Proposal entitled PARTNERS IN CRIME

GRADE 11 STUDENTS OF AGLIPAY HIGH SCHOOL for your ready reference and

Thank you very much and more power!

Very truly yours,





Schools Division Superintendent


Presented to the
Schools Division of Quirino

Presented by:
Aglipay High School
S.Y. 2018-2019
Aglipay High School

Rational Function is one of the least mastered competency in Mathematics.

Students have a negative perception in rational numbers which made them bored with the

subject. With this, the researcher proposed an intervention to improve the performance of

the students in Rational functions. The research was conducted in order to test the

effectiveness of the intervention Partners in Crime Worksheets on the performance of

grade 11 students in rational functions. The study was carried out using quasi-

experimental research design considering two classes of Grade 11 students of Aglipay

High School. There are thirty students in each group wherein the first group will receive

the intervention partners in CRIME worksheets who will serve as the experimental while

the other will not receive the intervention who will serve as the control group. Mean and

Standard Deviation was utilized in identifying the mean score before and after the

implementation of Partners in CRIME Worksheets, Independent Paired T-test was also

employed in comparing the pre-test and post-test performances of the two groups before

and after the implementation of the intervention and Eta2 was used in determining the

effect size of Partners in CRIME Worksheets in the Performance of Grade 11 students in

Rational Functions. Based from the findings, it was found out that the performance of the

experimental group was significantly different to the performance of the control group.

The finding indicates that the use of Partners in CRIME Worksheets is an effective teaching

and learning strategy and intervention. furthermore, the study recommends create new

interventions and strategy to improve more the performance of the students.

Keywords: Partner in CRIME Worksheets, intervention, Rational function, Performance


With all the sincerity, the author wishes to express her profound gratitude
appreciation to all the persons who in one way or another assisted and contributed much
in the success of this work.

To our Almighty GOD, for giving wisdom to the author and provide her enough strength,
patience and endurance to finish this study.

To my husband, my children and my Parents, for the encouragement and inspiration,

guidance, moral and financial support for the success of this work.

To Mr. Whilmar M. Villanueva, Division Research Focal Person and to all Division
Research Committee for the encouragement and supervision and assistance he extended
that made the realization to finish this piece of work.

To Mrs. Ernestenita S. Ruiz, School Principal I of Aglipay High School for her unending
support and guidance.

To my Respondents, Grade 11 Students (S.Y.2018-2019) for their active participation and

cooperation as subject of this study.

To Mrs. Janette S. Tomas and all my co-workers who always share ideas, encourage
and patiently helping the author for the success of this work.

To my School Research Committee Team who sincerely gave suggestions, valuable

support and guidance to finish this work.

And all those persons who in one way or another, have contributed to the success
of this work.

The Author
I. Context and Rationale

A good Mathematics education is important to the success of the students. The basic

concepts and skills they acquire in this subject area will be very helpful in whatever field

of endeavor they will embark on.

Generally, most of the students do not relish taking up Mathematics. This may be partly

attributed to their erroneous notion of its irrelevance to daily life and it is difficult for them

to understand the different concepts, principles and rules that make them bore with the

subject. Greater emphasis then should be placed on the need for all faculty members to

transform theoretical principles into practical application relating to familiar situations of

everyday experience so that Mathematics will be fun, interesting and useful to have affinity

to life. Thus, further enhance and deeper appreciation of the subject will be acquired by

the students.

One of the learning content in Mathematics should be given a greater emphasis is

rational function. A rational function is a function that is a fraction and has the property

that both its numerator and denominator are polynomials.


It is anticipated that students will display various stages of mathematical understanding

of the construction and composition of rational functions. APOS theory, as defined by

Dubinsky and colleagues, is appropriate to help researchers understand the students’

conception development in the form of action, process, objects, or schema (Breidenbach,

Dubinsky, Hawks, & Nichols, 1992; Dubinsky & Harel, 1992;Dubinsky, 1991). In this

case, the authors have found that APOS theory may define students’ conceptualizations of

rational functions as actions (required sequences of observable external steps), processes

(sequences with no need to externalize),objects (internalizing rational functions as a single

objector entity), or schema (full understanding and containment of all objectified forms of

rational functions).

Thus, the MPS result of the Grade 11 students at Aglipay High School in each grading

period is below 75% which does not meet the standard MPS. One of the learning content

with low MPS is Rationals. Regarding this, remediation should be undertaken to improve

the performance of the students. With this, Partners in CRIME Worksheets was introduce

to improve the performance of the grade 11 students of Aglipay High School.

May this research work help everyone to strengthen the mathematical skills and acquire

mastery of the subject matter to improve the performance of the students in the subject

area. Thus, this study will analyze the effect of Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the

performance of the Grade 11 Students of Aglipay High School in Mathematics.

II. Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

One of the lowest MPS in the schools of Quirino particularly at Aglipay High School

is Mathematics. With this, the researcher would like to enhance the ability of the students,

as well as the increase performance of the students in Math.

This study focuses on Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the performance in Rational

Functions of the Grade 11 students of Aglipay High School. The word CRIME is an

acronym which is an adjective for the respondents which stands Curious Resolver

Investigate, Measure and Evaluate. Partners in CRIME worksheets will be utilized by two

students at a time and they will be partners for the whole duration of the study. Partners

will be assigned by the teacher wherein one partner should be mathematically inclined

while the other partner will be the slow learner in Mathematics. In answering the

worksheets, mathematically inclined students will teach the slow learner for them to

answer the worksheets. Slow learner will be the one to solve and write answers on the

worksheets, whatever will be the result will serve as their scores.

Pre-Test and Post-Test will be conducted before and after the implementation of the

Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the respondents. The researcher will consider two

sections on the implementation of the study wherein one section will make use of

worksheets as a strategy in teaching the lesson while the other section will make use of the

traditional method as a teaching strategy. It is good that the school decided to group the

students heterogeneously. The result of the study will be analyze done after one grading

period and based the effectivity of the strategies done.

III. Action Research Questions

Teaching Mathematics as a subject is not an easy having different levels of ability,

interest and motivation of the students. The researchers believe that the pedagogy used in

instruction has something to do and great impact with the performance of the students in

the subject. This is a study on the effect of Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the

performance of the Grade 11 students in Mathematics.

Specifically, at the end of the study, this research will find answers to the following


1. What is the mean score before and after the implementation of Partners in

CRIME Worksheets strategy?

2. Is there significant difference of the performance of the students before and after

the implementation of Partners in CRIME Worksheets strategy?

3. What is the effect size of Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the performance of

grade 11 students in solving rational functions?

IV. Action Research Methods

This action research will use Quasi-Experimental Method to seek answers to the

problems in this study.

a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information

This study concentrated to all Grade 11 students of Aglipay High

School during the first semester for the school year 2018-2019 which

consists of two sections, Grade 11-Gold and Grade 11-Silver. Wherein,

Grade 11-Gold will serve as the controlled while Grade 11-Silver will be

the experimental group. They are the source of information where Partners

in CRIME is implemented. Respondents were chosen purposively.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will make use of paper and pencil test in administering Pre-

Test and Post-Test to assess the performance in Rational Functions of the Grade

11 students of Aglipay High School. The raw scores of the respondents in the

test were taken for the corrected test papers which represent their performance

in Rational Functions.

After administering Pre- Test, implementation of the Partners in

CRIME Worksheets will be conducted on the experimental group while

traditional method will be done to the control group. Panel discussion will be

done after the implementation of the Partners in CRIME Worksheets.

Data gathered were analyzed and tested statistically with high


c. Data Analysis Plan

The following are the statistical tools to be used to answer the research questions.

1. Mean and Standard deviation will be used to answer research question

number 1.

2. Independent paired t-test will be used to test the significant difference

before and after the implementation of Partners in CRIME strategy.

3. ETA 2 will be utilized to answer research questions number 3.

V. Results and Discussions

This chapter concentrated on the results and discussion. The presentation of data is

divided into two, first is the interpretation of descriptive questions and the second is the

presentation of the results of hypothesis testing.

Result of Descriptive Questions/Statistics

Research Question 1: What are the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the respondents

before and after the implementation of Partners in CRIME worksheets?

The first research questions looked for the pre-test and post-test scores of the

respondents before and after the implementation of the intervention (Partners in CRIME

Worksheets). The data was collected using a teacher-made pre-test and post-test which was

personally administered to the respondents. The data collected were analyzed using

descriptive statistics the mean and standard deviation. Table 1 shows the mean and standard

deviation of the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group while table 2 shows

the mean and standard deviation of the pre-test and post-test scores of the of the control


Table 1:

Test N Mean % SD Descriptive Interpretation

Pre-test Experimental Group 30 13.067 32.66% 4.748 Very Low Mastery

Post-test Experimental Group 30 31.033 77.58% 3.652 Moving Towards Mastery

Mastery Level Description
96%-100% Mastered
86% - 95% Closely Approximating Mastery
66%-85% Moving towards Mastery
36%-65% Average Mastery
16%-35% Low Mastery
6%-15% Very low Mastery
0%-5% Absolutely No Mastery
Table 1 shows the mean scores of the experimental group in their pre-test and post-

test before and after the implementation of Partners in Crime Worksheets in Rational

numbers. It can be inferred from the table that students have a low mastery in the pre-test

with the mean scores of 13.067 and SD of 4.748. With this, it indicates that there is really

need an intervention to improve their performance in Rational Numbers. The post-test of

the students has a mean of 31.033 and a SD of 3.652 which means moving towards mastery.

It further shows that there is an increase in the performance of the students in Rational

numbers with the use of partners in CRIME worksheets.

Table 2: Scores of the control group

Test N Mean SD Descriptive Interpretation

Pre-test Control Group 30 15. 566 38.92% 4.875 Average Mastery

Post-test Control Group 30 29.367 73.41% 4.139 Moving Towards Mastery

The table above shows the mean, percentage of achievement and the Standard

deviation of the scores of the control group. It is glanced above that mean scores of the

students in the pre-test is 15.566 which is equal to 38.92% and has a standard deviation of

4.875 which is Average in the mastery level while the mean scores of the students in the

post-test is 29.367 or equal to 73.41% and has a standard deviation of 4.139. These results

also indicate that there is also an increased in their performance but not as high as the

experimental group.

Research Question 2: Is there significant difference of the performance of the students

before and after the implementation of Partners in CRIME Worksheets strategy?

The second question test if there is a significance difference between the pre-test

and post-test scores of the respondents before and after the implementation of Partners in
CRIME Worksheets. The data were obtained from the result of descriptive analysis.

Independent paired t-test was used to measure if there is statistically difference between

the variables. Table 3 will provide the result.

Table 3: Difference between the result of the pre-test and post-test of the

Experimental Group (Independent Paired Sample Test)

Paired Differences t df Sig.

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence (2-

Deviatio Error Interval of the tailed)

n Mean Difference

Lower Upper

Pre - Test 17.96667 2.12511 .38799 -18.76020 17.17314 26.307 29 .000

Pair 1
Post - Test

Table 3 reveals that the Pre-Test and Post-Test generated a t-value of 26.307 and a p-

value of 0.000 indicates that there is a significant difference on the result of the pre–test

and post-test scores of the students which made the null hypothesis rejected. Then, the

table above indicates that the use of Partners in CRIME Worksheets significantly improved

the performance of the students.

Research Question 3: What is the effect size of Partners in CRIME Worksheets on the

performance of grade 11 students in solving rational functions?

The third question aimed to determine the effectiveness of Partners in CRIME

Worksheets on the performance of Grade 11 students in Rational numbers. The data were

obtained from the results of t-test using the t-value, and it was analyzed using the eta-

squared (eta2) and Cohen’s d scale where 0.01-0.49 means small effect, 0.50-.69 means
moderate effect and 0.70-1.00 means large effect. Table 4 will present the result of the


Table 4: The effect size of Partner in CRIME Worksheets

N t-value Eta2 Remarks

30 26.307 0.814 Large Effect

The table shows the test effect size of Partners in CRIME Worksheets in improving

the performance of the students in rational numbers. The table further shows that the eta2

generated a value of 0.814 which signifies large effect on the performance of the students.

Moreover, the used of Partners in CRIME Worksheets as strategic intervention material is

an effective teaching and learning strategy in improving performance of the students in

Rational numbers.


The study came up with the following conclusions:

Based from the test result, there is an increase in the scores of the students in pre-

test and post-test after the implementation of the Partners in CRIME worksheets. It is

gleaned that the group who received the intervention on the use of Partners in CRIME

Worksheets had greater scores and performed better than the other group.

There is significant difference between on the scores of the students before and

after the implementation of the Partners in CRIME Worksheets as an intervention.

Thus, the use of Partners in CRIME Worksheets has something to do to increase the

performance of the students in Rational numbers.

With this, Partners in CRIME Worksheets has a large effect on the performance of

the students in Rational Numbers.


Based from the finding and conclusions of the study, the following are recommended for


1. Teachers should not only rely on traditional way of teaching, thus, they should

create new strategies to improve the performance of the students.

2. Teachers should give/provide more on learner-centered activities for them to

develop their higher order thinking skills.

3. Teachers should continuously improve itself by attending seminars and


4. The administrators and staffs should help provide the materials needed in the

classroom instructions.

VI. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines


To Basic Dissemin LAC Researc Flyers 260.00 November
disseminat Educati ation and Sessio her 2018
e the on Utilizatio n Langua
result of Researc n ge
the study h Teacher
Flyers 1,300.00
Program s and
In- Brochur 500.00
Service Researc es
Trainin her Tarpauli
g School’ n 5,000.00
Progra s
m Faculty 2,500.00
and Registra
Staff tion for
Attend Confere
Resear Researc nces
ch her Hard
Confer Bound

VII. Cost Estimates

Activity/ Task Particulars/ Item Quantity Unit Unit Total

Description Cost Amount
Attend to Training on Registration Fee 1 pax 700.00 700.00
Research Travelling Expense 1 pax 120.00 100.00
Browse Internet for Communication 1 Pc. 500.00 500.00
Sourcing Out Allowance
Information and (Load Card)
Related Literature and
Prepare the Proposal Bond Paper 1 rm 195.00 195.00
Folder ( A4) 10 Pcs. 6.00 60.00
Fastener 10 Pcs. 2.00 20.00
Ink( EPSON 664) 1 set 1,350.00 1,350.00
Prepare Pre- Bond Paper (A4) 1 rm 195.00 195.00
Preparation of Booklet type Pre-test 60 pcs 30 1,800.00
Intervention 225 worksheets 225 pcs 3 675.00
Submit the Research Transportation 1 pax 1,500.00 1,500.00
Proposal Allowance
Orientation of Snacks 60 pax 60.00 3,600.00
Pre-Assessment Pencil 60 pcs 8.00 480.00
Snacks 60 pax 60.00 3,600.00
Conduct of the Snacks 10 pcs 60.00 600.00
Conduct Focus-Group Meals 10 pax 100.00 1,000.00
To analyze data Bond Paper ( A4) 1 rm 195.00 195.00
gathered using Ink( EPSON 664) 1 set 1,350.00 1,350.00
MegaStat and PHStat
To Finalize and Hard Bound 10 pcs 150.00 1,500.00
Complete the research Transportation 1 pax 1,000 1,000.00
Dissemination and Flyers 26 pcs 10.00 260.00
Utilization Brochure 26 pcs 50.00 1,300.00
Tarpaulin 1 pcs 500.00 500.00
Research Conferences 1 pax 5,000.00 5,000.00
Hard Bound for 10 pcs 250.00 2,500.00
Research Conferences

VIII. References

Villanueva, Whilmar M. (2018). SDO Quirino Researchers’ Guidebook


of _rational_functions

(PDF) Students' conceptions of rational functions. Available from:'_conceptions_

of_rational_functions [accessed Nov 23 2018].


Appendix B…………………………………………….Letter to the parent
Appendix C …………………………………………...Parental Consent
Appendix D………………………………………….. Letter to the principal
Appendix B
Letter to Parent

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino
Progreso, Aglipay, Quirino

Mr/ Mrs. ___________________________



Christian Greetings!

I am Sheryl Joy P. Galvez, 30 years of age, JHS Teacher II of Aglipay High School,
Aglipay, Quirino.

As part of my professional development, I am working on an action research

entitled,“Partners in CRIME Worksheets and the Performance in Rational Functions of the
Grade 11 Students of Aglipay High School”.

Anent to this, may I request your permission to conduct the intervention to your
son/daughter ____________________, Grade 11 students of Aglipay High School,

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,



Republic of the Philippines



I/We hereby willingly and voluntarily give consent the participation of my/our
son/daughter _____________________________________ in the intervention and
remediation activities.

I have considered the benefits that my/our son or daughter will derive from his/her
participation in this activity provided that due care and precaution will be observed to
ensure the comfort and safety of my/our son/daughter and that DepED employees and
personnel may not be held responsible for any untoward incident that may happen beyond
their control.

Signature of Father Signature of Mother

Name of Father Name of Mother

Signature of Guardian over Printed name

Letter to the Principal/School Head

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of Quirino
Progreso, Aglipay, Quirino

School Principal I
Aglipay High School
Aglipay, Quirino


Christian Greetings!

I am Sheryl Joy P. Galvez, 30 years of age, JHS Teacher II of Aglipay High School,
Aglipay, Quirino.

As part of my professional development, I am working on an action research

entitled, “Partners in CRIME Worksheets and the Performance in Rational Functions of
the Grade 11 Students of Aglipay High School”.

Anent to this, may I request your benevolence to conduct the intervention to Grade
11 students of Aglipay High School, Aglipay, Quirino.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,


The Researcher

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