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The separation of minerals in a fluid medium (air, water or heavy media) based on their differences
of specific density is called gravity separation. Besides specific density, other specifications of
particles such as particle size, particle shape, the density of fluid and viscosity values are also
affective on the movement of particles. In addition while the gravity force moves the particles
downwards, the buoyancy force moves in a reverse direction. The third force is the strength
affecting the particles to move in a reverse direction. The ratio between the dimensions of particles
settling at the same terminal speed in a fluid medium called "Equal sedimentation Rate". This free
settling ratio defined as the concentration criteria by Taggart. The related equation and the
description were given below;

𝜎𝐴 − 𝜌
𝜎𝐻 − 𝜌

𝜎𝐴 : The density of heavy mineral

𝜎𝐻 : The density of light mineral
𝜌: The density of fluid medium

Based on the calculated concentration criteria;

If k>2.5 separation can be well performed for fine particles. And all gravity methods can be
efficiently used based on the liberation size.
If 2.5>k>1.75 the separation will be easy again. However the efficient usage of all gravity methods
can be performed to minimum 0.1 mm size range.
If 1.75>k>1.50 the separation will be harder, and jig or heavy media separation can be applied to
1 mm (minimum size)
If 1.50>k>1.25 the separation will be relatively harder and only jig and heavy media seperation can
be efficiently applied to the particles at pebble size.
If k<1.25 the separation will not be economical.

The gravity separation is classified based on the movement direction of fluid to 3 groups, these are;

1) Heavy Media
2) Vertical sliding medium
3) Layered fluidized medium

1. Jig Experiment

The separation of mineral particles with the help of gravity and hydrodynamic forces in a vertical
sliding fluid medium based on the differences of specific gravity is called “enrichment by jigging”
and the used instrument during these processes is called “Jig”. In general the fluid used in Jigging
process is water but in some specific cases, air or any kind of heavy media can be used. The layers
of mineral particles is formed by the ascending (suction) and descending (force) order of fluid to
the separation medium. In this manner, the heavy minerals remain in the bottom layer while light
minerals carried by the fluid to the upper layer. And the separation process is completed by
individually taking the layers oust. The reason for forming layers with different densities can be
ascribed to 3 main reasons as given below;
- The velocity difference in the beginning of settling
- The hindered settling classification
- The mixing of mineral particles into interstitial spaces in the end of settling
It is worth to note that, for separation with jigging method, the density differences between minerals
should be sufficient and the liberation size should be coarser. In short, for coal separation, the
optimum feed size range varies between 100-0.5 mm while it becomes 25-0.2 mm for minerals.

The sample used in experimental studies: In jig experiment, a mineral sample consisting of
chromite, serpentine and olivine which was taken from Albania, Kalimash area will be used. The
particle size of the sample was –6+3 mm. The beneficiation will be conducted with laboratory scale
Hartz Jig.

2. Shaking Table Experiment

For separation in a layered fluidized medium, the separation of coarse-light particles and fine-heavy
particles is adapted with different methods. Shaking table is one of these methods, in which the
separation efficiency is controlled by the values of different operational parameters like washing
water, the solid wt. % in feed, feed speed, the inclination of table, amplitude and etc. The
characteristics of minerals is also significant during separation processes by shaking table.

For shaking table experiments, a sample consist of chromite, serpentine and olivine and -2+1
mm in size will be used. The enrichment process will be conducted with Wilfley Shaking Table.

3. Spiral Experiment

For industrial application of enrichment in layered fluidized medium, spiral is one of the instrument
which is generally used for separation of chromite, iron, tungsten, tin ores and for the separation
of valuable minerals like zircon, rutile, monazite with high density from other minerals having
lower densities in coastal sands. In addition, by different design parameters, it can be used for the
enrichment of fine sized coal particles. For enrichment with spiral, besides the differences of size
and specific gravity, centrifugal forces are also affective during separation. The material is fed to
the feed box (located in the top side of spirals) as a pulp. With the help of centrifugal forces, the
light particles scattered to the outer sides of spiral and taken from the last product section of spirals
while relatively heavy minerals moves to the inner sides of spiral and taken from the holes close to
the center of spiral. In Humprey spiral, for preventing the mixture of relatively lighter particles to
the heavy particles, washing water can be additionally used from the center of spiral to the outer
sides. The effective feed size was determined as -0.5 mm for both Reichert and Humprey spirals
however this size range can be increased to 1 mm.

For spiral experiments, a sample consist of chromite, serpentine and olivine and -0,5 mm in size
will be used. The enrichment process will be conducted with Wilfley Shaking Table.

1. Calculate the concentration criteria for sample ore used in experimental studies and give a brief
introduction about the beneficiation process.
2. Draw schematically the layer formations during enrichment by jigging tests, explain the
experimental study and tell about your observations.
3. Draw the top view of shaking table instrument by free-hand drawing and Show the separation
zones in this figure. In addition explain the experimental study and tell about your
4. Draw the cross-section of a spiral pitch and explain the forming zones during beneficiation.
5. As a result of a beneficiation process for a chromite ore, a pre-concentrate product with coarse
size was obtained after reducing the size to -10 mm. And after reducing the size of this pre-
concentrate to – 2 mm, a saleable chromite concentrate can be obtained. The content of
products and recoveries were given in Table.
- Draw the enrichment flow sheet for this ore.
- Calculate the content of feed ore to the plant and metal recovery.

Products Amount, kg Content, %

Final Concentrate 500 51.2
Tailings 1 1200 7.3
Tailings 2 1500 2.1
Middlings 700 13.4

During calculations, please use the last 2 digit of your student number instead of the last two digits
for the amount values. For example; the amounts for student (05012037) will be 537; 1237 …

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