Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris Jaka Tarub and 7 Angels X TKJ 1

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Cast :
1. Narrator 1 = Riandi
2. Jaka Tarub = Regi
3. Nawang Wulan = Hesti Agustin
4. Nawang Asri = Novi
5. Nawang Arum = Tarisa
6. Nawang Lintang = Laila
7. Nawang Ningrum= Dea
8. Nawang Sekar = Lusi
9. Nawang Putri = Linda
10. Nawangsih = Boneka
11. Bapa Jaka = Ramdan
12. The King = Rikza
13. Guruminda = Sanju
14. Indrajaya = Rijal


Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jaka Tarub. Jaka Tarub was very
handsome man. He lived in the middle of forest with his father, Dhadapan.
One day, Dhadapan was sick, so Jaka Tarub must look for the medicine to the forest. On the
way, he heard beautiful voices from the lake, then he came closer and closer to the source.
And he hide behind the trees, and he was very surprise, when he found 7 beautiful
girls on the lake.
Jaka Tarub : “ Oh my God, am I dreaming ? I hope, one of them will be mine “.
Then Jaka Tarub, stole a yellow shawl. Before, he hide it, he kissed the shawl and put
it on his little bag.
A few moments later.
Nawang Asri : “ my sisters, I think, we must go home now ! “.
Nawang Arum : “ but, it’s too fast ! “.
Nawang Lintang : “ Yeah ! I love to play here ! And I feel at home “.
Nawang Ningrum : “ Yeah ! Me too ! “.
Nawang Asri : “ Father said that we must stay home before twilight, and he was very worried
about Nawang Wulan “.
Nawang Sekar : “ Oh my God ! He loves her much more than us ! “.
Nawang Putri : “ If it’s true, I wanna change my destiny “
Then,they were get ready.
Nawang Wulan : “ Sister, wait me a minute ! “.
Nawang Sekar : “ What do we wait ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ My shawl, I place it here “.
Nawang Asri : “ What’s going on Nawang Wulan ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Sister, my shawl is lost ! “.
Nawang Asri : “ What do you say ? “.
Nawang Sekar : “ May be, you forget to place it ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ No ! I put it here, besides Nawang Arum’s shawl ! “.
Nawang Arum : “ Oh, really ? I never look your shawl besides my shawl, Darling “.
Nawang Asri : “ You lost it ? How do you come back ? “.
Nawang Wulan was crying.
Nawang Lintang : “ Sister ! Look ! We must back home ! “.
Nawang Sekar : “ How about Nawang Wulan ? “.
Nawang Asri : “ Nawang Wulan ! I am really disappointed of you ! I have no choice ! We
must leave you here ! “.
Nawang Wulan : “ But !! Sister !! Wait me !! “.
Nawang Asri said nothing, she starts to fly together with her 5 younger sisters.
Nawang Wulan moved into a big stone. Over there, she was crying. Jaka Tarub then came
out from his hiding place and greets her.

Jaka Tarub : “ Hei ! Who are you ? “.

Than Nawang Wulan turns on her head.

Nawang Wulan : “ Who are you ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ Let me introduce my self, I am Jaka Tarub,who are you ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ I am Nawang Wulan “.
Jaka Tarub : “ What are you doing here ? And why did you cry ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “Maybe, I have to tell you first. Jaka Tarub, actually I am an angel, I am
from the sky emperor. My father is a king, he was very wise and nice. If you know, after the
rain fall, me and my 6 older sisters always play here. And, today, they left me alone here
because I lost my shawl“.
Jaka Tarub : “ They were so bad to you ! “.
Nawang Wulan : “ No ! You are wrong ! That is my fault, I lost my shawl ! “.

And once again she was crying.

Jaka Tarub : “ Nawang Wulan,would you stay at my house till you find your shawl ?“.
Nawang Wulan : “ Is it OK? “.
Jaka Tarub : “Yes, It’s nice to help you.”
Nawang Wulan : “Thank you”

Finally, Nawang Wulan went to Jaka Tarub’s house, and stayed there
Meanwhile, in the sky emperor,

Nawang Asri : “ Father, we are really sorry about Nawang Wulan..”.

The king : “ What do you say !? Where is she now ?!! “.
Nawang Asri : “ She lost her shawl, and we couldn’t wait her … “.
The king : “ Why Nawang Asri ? Why ?!! “.
Nawang Lintang : “ Cause we felt jealous with her, you love her too much ! “.
Nawang Sekar : “ What do you say Nawang Lintang ? “.
The king : “ I never ask you question Nawang Lintang !! Leave me alone !! “.
Nawang Asri : “ But father, I am really sorry, I can’t come back with her here.. “.
The king : “ I say LEAVE ME ALONE !!! “.

Then Nawang Asri went to her bed. Meanwhile, Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
Jaka Tarub : “ welcome to my house,Nawang Wulan “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Thanks for your help, I think it’s not so bad “.
Jaka Tarub : “ But,Nawang Wulan, I’m really sorry, my house maybe is not good enough for
you “.
Nawang Wulan : “ No Jaka, I think it is very beautiful with the scenery, I feel at home. But
Jaka, I’m sorry. With whom do you live here ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ Actually, I live with my father. But she is sick now, and I can’t cure her “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Oh my God, I’m very sad to hear that. May be I can cure her “.
Jaka Tarub : “ Can you? “.

In the bed room, Dhadapan was sleeping. Nawang Wulan came closer and hold her hand.

Nawang Wulan : “ Excuse me Dad,I am Jaka Tarub’s friend. He lets me cure you, could I ?
Dhadapan : “ Who are you ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ My name is Nawang Wulan “.

Without saying any words,Nawang Wulan cured her. And suddenly, Dhadapan felt
better than before. Than she was very thankful to Nawang Wulan. And she starts to love her.
Months were passing by, and Dhadapan wished Jaka Tarub to married Nawang Wulan.
Finally, Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan were married.
Years were passing by and Nawang Wulan gave a birth. Their baby is a beautiful girl,
they named the baby Nawangsih. One day,when Nawang Wulan will cooked, she found out
their rice was used up and empty until the bottom of the jar. then she felt surprised cause she
found her shawl inside It, covered with rice..
Nawang Wulan : “ Jaka Tarub ! What is it ??!! What are you doing with my shawl ?!!! “.
But, Jaka Tarub can’t answer it.

Nawang Wulan : “ Answer my question !!!!! “.

Jaka Tarub : “ Please forgive me Nawang Wulan, it’s not what I mean….”.

Nawang Wulan was crying and big storm appeared between them.

Nawang Wulan : “I’m sorry Jaka, but I must back to my palace”.

Jaka Tarub : “No !!!!!! Don’t leave me, how about Nawangsih ???our baby???”
Nawang Wulan : “I’m so sorry Jaka, but I must leave you with Nawangsih, I have to long to
leave my palace, and now I must come back to my palace”.

Then Nawang wulan flew away, but Jaka Tarub said something

Jaka tarub : “why you leave me, Nawang wulan???”

Nawang wulan : “because I love our baby, Nawangsih”.
In the palace
Nawang Wulan : “ What happened here???”
Nawang Ningrum : “Nawang wulan ..!!!!”
Nawang wulan : “sister,what happened here???”
Nawang sekar : “Indrajaya and Guruminda, they attack our palace “.
Nawang wulan : “ where is father ? “.
Nawang Asri : “ they cast him to the earth “.
Nawang wulan : “ what can we do ? “.
Nawang Asri : “ Save your life, and call someone in the earth to help us “.
Nawang wulan : “ but ? “.
Nawang Asri : “ now Nawang Wulan !! “.

Then Nawang Wulan came back to the earth to look for some helps. And The king arrived in
the earth. He didn’t know the way. Fortunately, he found Jaka Tarub.

The king : “ Hey ! young man ! “.

Jaka Tarub : “ Yes sir ! “.
The king : “ Where is it now ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ of course, it is earth. Where do you live ? May be you can come in “.
The king : “ Yes thanks “.

Then they came in.

Jaka Tarub : “ Sir,who are you ? and where do you come from ? “.
The king : “ you never know who am I ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ No “.
The king : “ Well, I am a king in the sky emperor. But now, my palace is under fire, and they
cast me to the earth “.
Jaka Tarub : “ Nawang Wulan ?! Father ! “.
The king : “ what do you say ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ I am sorry my king, I stole Nawang Wulan’s shawl and hide it, that is why she
can’t go home “.
The king : “ What ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ I am really sorry father “.
The king : “ Where is Nawang Wulan ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ She came back to her palace, and she just leave me and our baby “.
The king : “ Baby ? Nawang Wulan has a baby ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ Yes,I am sorry sir “.
The king : “ where is the baby now ? can I see the baby ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ you can “.
Then they went to Nawangsih’s bedroom. And the king was very happy to see his
grand children.
The king : “ who is she ? she is very beautiful “.
Jaka Tarub : “ She is Nawangsih “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Jaka ! Jaka Tarub !! Where are you ? I need your help !! “.
Jaka Tarub and the king : “ Nawang Wulan ? “.
Then they came out.
The king : “ my daughter ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Father ?? “.
The king : “ what are you doing here ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Nawang Asri asked me to look for some helps.And here, I wanna call Jaka
to go to our palace and save it “.
Jaka Tarub : “ me ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ yes Jaka,I am really sorry. Would you ? “.
Jaka Tarub : “ but,Nawangsih ? “.
Nawang Wulan : “ this is for her, please help us “.

Then Nawang Wulan cried.

Jaka Tarub : “ Nawang Wulan, Of course I will help you and your palace “.

And they flight to the palace.

Guruminda : “ Haha, I am very happy ! “.
Indrajaya : “ not for me ! “.
Guruminda : “ but why ? everything belongs to us ! “.
Indrajaya : “ Where is Nawang Wulan ?!! “.
Nawang Wulan : “ Here I am !! “.
Indrajaya : “ perfect !! “.
Nawang Wulan : “ what do you want from us ? “.
Indrajaya and Guruminda : “ all of here ! the palace, the king, and the angels !! “.
Nawang Asri : “ shut up !!! Leave her alone !! “.
Guruminda : “ I think we must give her a punishment !! “.
Nawang Arum : “ don’t hurt her !! “.
Guruminda : “ just a punishment ! “.
The king : “ you can’t !! “.
The 6 angels : “ father ?? “.
Guruminda and Indrajaya : “ what !!?? “.
The king : “ Jaka, let’s move !! “.

Jaka and the king were in the battle with Guruminda and Indrajaya.And Nawang Wulan,cut
off the rope,which binded up her 6 elder sisters.

Nawang Asri : “ Thank you, Nawang Wulan, you are the best ! “.
Nawang Lintang : “ sister, we have no so much time, we must help father and that young
man! “.
Nawang Asri : “ let’s do it !! “.

Then Jaka Tarub and that 7 angels war with Guruminda and Indrajaya. Finally,Guruminda
and Indrajaya dead in that war.

After that war, Nawang wulan’s father gave permission to Nawang wulan and jaka tarub
relationship and they lived happily in earth.


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