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Innovations in Execution: El Puente De Santolea Dam

Manuel Cabedo, Civil Eng., Isolux Corsán Group—Corsán Corviam Construcción, Madrid, Spain; Jaime Gracia,
Geologist, Copisa, Teruel, Spain; Bernardo Roldán, Civil Eng., Isolux Corsán Group—Corsán Corviam Construcción, Teruel, Spain.
Contact: jsa@isoluxcorsan.com
DOI: 10.2749/101686614X13830788506369

Abstract protection area). Thus, a suitable order to prepare the corresponding

aggregate-processing method was Modified Project, works had to be dis-
El Puente de Santolea is a roller- designed together with a new blasting continued and could not be resumed
compacted concrete (RCC) tailing procedure for excavations during the until January, in contrast to the Project
dam built to regulate the flow of the breeding season. With these measures Technical Specifications which stated
river during the heightening works of and the use of the vacuum chute that October. This late beginning affected
the existing dam and to maintain a works by self-gravity, lower energy was the dam execution plans, which would
constant level afterward, guaranteeing consumed and dust and noise emis- last until winter, requiring storage of
environmental protection and offering sions were minimized. the RCC in severe cold conditions,
recreational uses. and blasting for excavations during
Keywords: RCC; vacuum chute; mix-
Unexpected initial complications the breeding time. But these problems
ture; cementitious; retardant additive;
(namely time limits and climate condi- were dealt by avoiding delaying of the
MEVR (mortar-enriched vibratable
tions) were faced requiring measures work until next October, for the social
RCC); covering time.
which guaranteed the dam execu- benefits of the irrigators.
tion. For this purpose, novel construc- Introduction
Under the new Modified Project, the
tion methods were developed in the
The project of Santolea dam over the dam axis was moved 33 m downstream
European area (vacuum chute), exe-
Guadalope River included the execu- and foundation level was 12 m deeper,
cution innovations (“open air” bottom
tion of two works: heightening of the to lay the dam on solid limestone rock.
outlet, RCC stepped creager) were
existing dam and execution of a new This design doubled the total concrete
proposed, and advantage was taken of
one, El Puente de Santolea dam, in the volume without extending the execu-
the versatile RCC technique to adapt
reservoir tail, which was the objective tion time. The ground plan (Fig. 1) was
to different climate conditions. All this
of this work. designed with two straight alignments
rendered great results in water tight-
forming an angle of 27º, connected
ness and finishing and reduced the At the time excavations began, the with an arch of circumference (50 m
execution time. foundations in the project site were radius), to close at the right abutment.
Execution also involved issues con- found to be inadequate by unexpect- To overcome these new difficulties, the
cerning environmental protection edly discovered at the facies utrillas following challenges were met: high
especially because the reservoir level, a combination of sand and clay speed of execution, labour safety, cost
is located in a birds SPA (special unable to hold the dam efficiently. In efficiency, environmental concerns

601,00 (ASL)

594,30 Conventional concrete (CC)





Stilling basin
Dam axis of original project

R 50
Left stilling basin 27°
0,2 Roller 0,6 Right stilling basin

1 1 575,50 565
concrete Concreted
(RCC) rockfill
572,50 569

569,00 Drains 568,65

565,00 CC Spillway

Perimetric gallery 33 m
557,00 Bottom outlet


Anchorages RCC

Fig. 1: Cross section at the spillway (left) and ground plan (right)1

82 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2014

Dam type RCC gravity dam temperatures (thermometers). For
Concrete volume 53 000 m3 of RCC and 22 000 m3 of CC (conventional concrete) assessing dam performance, a moni-
toring system was installed to control
Reservoir volume 17,67 hm3
meteorological variables, reservoir
Total crest length 205,00 m (12 blocks between 6,0 and 23,00 m) level, absolute movements, movements
Top level of dam of block joints, structure temperature,
601,0 m above the sea level
crest uplifts, leakage, and shutter degree
Height of dam 44,0 m and 32,0 m to foundations and riverbed, respectively of opening. Then, an automatic data
Upstream slope 0,2H: 1,0 V (1,2 m height steps) acquisition system was installed in
0,6H: 1,0 V below 593,6 m (1.2 m steps)—upright from 593,6 to the dam to process all the instrument
Downstream slope
601,0 m readings, according to the Ebro River
Inspection galleries A perimeter one from the crest to level 570,00 m Basin Authority criteria.
Total length of 36,0 m, two spans, stepped all along the down-
Spillways Innovations
stream slope
At level 572,0 m, there are two pipes (30 m) and four Bureau To meet some of the challenges men-
Bottom outlet
shutters (1,2 × 1,5 m) tioned under the Introduction section,
Left one: 18,0 m width and 27,35 m length at level 569,0 m namely, high speed of execution, labor
Stilling basin
Right one: 18,0 m width and 29,20 m length at level 565,0 m safety, and cost-efficiency, some of the
Water intakes None measures adopted could be considered
as innovative progress.
Table 1: Main characteristics of El Puente de Santolea dam1
Use of the Vacuum chute
and adaptation to adverse weather problems. In January 2010, once the To prevent contamination of RCC
conditions. Modified Project was approved, works layer, a transfer element that allowed
were restarted with excavations. In pouring of the concrete mix on site
August 2010, the execution of the body while isolating it from the outside was
Characteristics of the Dam dam began, raising the crest in January needed. The search included several
El Puente de Santolea dam, across 2011. Execution was extended until factors including high speed, reliabil-
the Guadalope River, is located in March to finish the spillway and the ity, and environmental care. In this
the village of Castellote (province of stilling basin. Finally, in July 2011, the case, as the dam had only 53 000 m3 of
Teruel, northeast of Spain), within dam Load Test Program was success- RCC, usual options such as high-speed
the Maestrazgo mountainous region, fully completed (Fig. 2); it was filled belt conveyors and Creter Crane were
essentially a Cretaceous limestone with 17,67 hm3 of storage capacity and discarded, as the amortization was
area. Its main characteristics can be performed without leaks (<2 L/min). excessive or the dam site topography
visualized in Fig. 1 cross section and demanded highly complicated access
RCC quality during construction roads.
Table 1. stages was controlled for workabil-
ity (Vebe times: 8–12 s), segregation Therefore, the vacuum chute was
Execution (visual aspect), compacting (Troxler selected for El Puente de Santolea
density), compressive strength (test dam, as a transfer element, to trans-
Dam construction started in the sum- tubes tested at different periods: 7, 28, port RCC by gravity from upper
mer of 2007 and one year later, having 90, 180, and 360 days), bonding of lay- feeder level to the placing area. It
the river deviation works were defini- ers (covering time of 16 h, ASTM C403 consisted of the following elements
tively suspended due to foundation standard), and evolution of hydration (Fig. 3): receiving hopper (20 m3),
control gate, belt conveyor (15 m),
small hopper (3 m3), chute (42 m),
discharging device (3 m), and metal
framework. Vacuum chute assembly
took one month including tests. The
chute was a 45º sloped steel gutter of
semicircular section (0,65 m diameter,
8 mm thickness) covered by a flexible
cover tire and made of ten pieces that
are disassembled as RCC layer level
rose—which means that every 3 m
the layer rose, the bottom piece of the
chute and the discharging device were
disassembled and then, the discharg-
ing device was reassembled.
RCC transference process included the
following: (1) dump truck arrived from
the mixing plant with 9 to 12 m3 of
RCC and dumped it into the receiving
hopper embedded in the left abutment
Fig. 2: El Puente de Santolea dam with the Load Test Program completed in July 2011 of the dam (previously executed); (2)

Structural Engineering International 1/2014 Technical Report 83

Receiving hopper
Dump truck from plant
Control gate
Small hopper

Belt Pieces of chute


Piece length 4,2 m

Hopper foundation

Metal framework Discharging device


Dump truck over dam layer

Base nuts

Fig. 3: Scheme of vacuum chute elements (copyrights: FOSCE Consulting Engineers)

• Install vibrators on the discharg-

ing device to help dumping in
case of concrete jams.

“Open Air” Bottom Outlet Execution

The dam’s deviation block contains
two tunnels previously constructed
to regulate the river flow through the
dam during construction and to hold
the bottom outlet afterward. Once
the dam has reached the crest, it was
originally planned to shut off the water
flow in one tunnel to work inside it,
and then to proceed similarly in the
other one. The complexity of this inner
work, as projected, lied in the accurate
placement of long and heavy metal
Fig. 4: RCC transfer through vacuum chute to dump truck on the layer
pieces, the delicate welds, and the hard
concrete filling against the ceiling. All
RCC was transported by the conveyor system was developed in Europe, this needed high-quality standards of
belt up to the small hopper; (3) RCC which means lower cost due to a sim- execution to assure proper operation.
slid down by self-weight between gut- ple structure, less energy consumption In order to simplify, economize, and
ter and cover tire generating negative and emissions as it works by self-grav- shorten the execution time of bottom
pressure to reduce speed and avoid ity, and less maintenance costs. outlet , and for the first time, the conduits
segregation until it reached the dis- 3. Labor accident risks have been made of two metal pipes (30 m long) and
charging device; and (4) the device reduced by focusing on dump works four Bureau shutters were assembled
poured into the dump truck placed on along the same vertical line. and conventional concrete (CC) was
the layer (Fig. 4). The cycle took 2 or 3 4. From the execution experience, a placed in “open air” conditions (Fig. 5).
min, which allowed transferring a rate few improvements are suggested This procedure avoided making the dif-
of up to 250 m3/h. However, a 90 m3/h for future use in favor of greater ficult staged work inside the narrow tun-
rate (plant capacity) was enough to dumpability: nels (2,75 × 5,60 m2 and 30 m long) left in
complete the average layer (480 m3) in the deviation block, as the project stated.
8 h, leaving eight extra hours of contin- • Place the Chute such that the
gency reserve until the time of cover- RCC concreting method can be Meanwhile, the river ran through two
ing lapsed. used up to the crest. 0,90 × 15 m2 cutouts left in the dam
• To prevent interference with body by the end of the first phase of
The following conclusions were drawn: the receiving truck on the layer, RCC concreting. The result was opti-
1. RCC quality was guaranteed by place the Chute on the bottom mal as the expensive and uncertain
avoiding segregation of aggregates outlet opposite the hillside and second-phase injections, necessary to
during the whole placing process, avoid gallery overlap. fill the bubbles formed while concret-
verifying that the RCC mixture was • Increase steel thickness of the ing the tunnels against the ceiling, were
adequate and “chutable”. discharging device to mitigate avoided, not to mention the improve-
2. An environmentally sustainable abrasion caused by RCC ment in personnel labor and inspec-
and more economic RCC transport aggregates. tion conditions.

84 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2014

RCC Execution of Stepped Creager
Profile and Stilling Basin Foundation
The stepped creager execution was
intended to be done using CC because
of its complex finish, which consists of
a beveled step with progressive short-
ening until reaching the top with a
curved guideline (Fig. 6). Also, CC was
planned for the stilling basin founda-
tion, which should absorb the excava-
tion irregularities.
In order to economize works, to shorten
the deadline, and for first use world-
wide, the art of execution was modified
from CC to RCC, using mortar-enriched
vibratable RCC (MEVR) against form- Fig. 5: First phase of “open air” bottom outlet concrete placing to avoid floating while
works. This was justified because MEVR Guadalope River flows through cutout left in RCC dam body
allowed for a vibratable RCC, which
could adapt to more complex forms
(bezel formwork or rock irregularities). 0,60
596,00 (NMN)
The advantages achieved were as

follows: Conventional 0,28 0,12 × 0,09 Downstream

0,30 0,12 × 0,095

concrete face
• Quality improvement by simplify- Upstream 594,30 0,33 0,12 × 0,10


0,36 0,12 × 0,11
ing the stepped and beveled creager 0,39 0,12 × 0,12

execution. Vibration is always per- 0,43 0,12 × 0,13

formed in an “open air” condition 0,2 0,48

0,12 × 0,14
against formwork, improving face 0,54

finish, avoiding horizontal joints, 0,12 × 0,15

and contributing to personnel safety. 0,62

• Economic and time saving by allow- compacted
0,12 × 0,17

ing RCC placement (Fig. 7) from concrete 0,72

one dam abutment to the other and 0,12 × 0,19

all along the stepped creager height Theoric surface

creager profile

(6 m). This procedure helped to avoid 0,6
the common gap left by CC spillway y
= 0,5 · x
in the RCC area, which would have 4 4 0,6 1
prevented the entrance of pouring,
spreading, and compacting machin- Fig. 6: Creager profile cross section showing the RCC advancement until the last step1
ery on the other side of the spillway.
• Economic and time saving in basin
foundation by avoiding the com-
mon phases associated with form-
work joints to prevent cracks due to
shrinkage in CC (3200 m3 of RCC
was poured in 3 days).
• Mixture saving and lesser shrinkage
when changing from CC to RCC by
increasing the cementitious fly ash
proportion from 50 to 70%.

Technical Achievements
To meet the rest of the challenges men-
tioned under the Introduction section—
high speed of execution, and adaptation
to adverse weather conditions—some
of the measures adopted could be con-
sidered as major technical achievements. Fig. 7: RCC blanket protection at night and RCC stepped creager allowing machinery pass
between abutments
Mixture Design Variation Depending
on Cold or Hot Weather Conditions
and covering time lasted 16 h. This is 16 h generate hot joint with each other.
The mixture design was fixed after the key for RCC dam quality because RCC dam is made of layers of 300 mm
the test slab as summarized in Table 2, spreading the next layer and covering thickness, and to guarantee the hot
Vebe time was settled from 8 to 12 s, completely the previous one before joints (i.e., right bonding) between

Structural Engineering International 1/2014 Technical Report 85

General mixture composition/m3 RCC rates/weather (m3/day) with the same amount of cement and
Cement I 42,5 (kg) 60 August 1002 fly ash used in RCC (bonding mortar).
Fly ash (kg) 140 November 937
Aggregates: 6/15, 15/30, 30/50 (kg) 1448 December* 487 Environmental Protection
Natural sand 0/6 (kg) 216 January** 157 and Social Aspects
Artificial sand 0/6 (kg) 447 Average 860
One of the main objectives of this proj-
Water (l) 108
ect was to maintain a constant level
Retardant additive (l) 1 after the heightening of Santolea dam
Some days working daytime shifts. to guarantee environmental protection
Only working daytime shifts. by avoiding the aggressive oscillations
Table 2: RCC mixture composition and rates following weather conditions
of the reservoir water level to safe-
guard wildlife. Care of social aspects
was taken as well, by suggesting recre-
ational uses afterward, and with all the
them, the monolithic behavior of the continuity and shorter execution times efforts mentioned to reduce the execu-
structure and indeed its impermeabil- in the months during which work with tion term.
ity are ensured. Then, retardant addi- RCC had not been planned in the
tive, the cement type, and others had project. The execution staff was concerned
been adapted according to “outside” about environmental protection espe-
temperatures to maintain high RCC Mortar-Enriched RCC cially because the reservoir is located
rates (Table 2) by keeping the harden- in a birds special protection area
The decisive trials on test slabs showed
ing start time above 16 h and the end (SPA). For that reason, a singular and
that the mortar added to enrich and
of the hardening less than 21 h to help simplified gravel extraction and wash-
make the RCC mixture vibratable
formworks and anchorages. ing system was designed. The gravel
(MEVR) was the most adequate tech-
processing was reduced by sieving
For execution during hot weather, nique to use against formworks and
operations (80%), taking advantage to
efforts were made to avoid desiccation rock contacts as it eased execution
the fact that the gravel of the quarry
of layer surfaces by keeping the work and supported the position (the other
was made of very well-graded calcare-
area continuously moist. The mixture option, the grout, got scattered). The
ous pebbles and sand. Minimal crush-
used was 200 kg of cementitious (140 200 kg cementitious enriched formula
ing in the sand mill (20%) was needed
kg ash, 60 kg cement I 42,5) and 1,5% (88% cement Type I and 12% fly ash)
to produce artificial sand. With these
of retardant additive, according to July improved face finish and water tight-
measures, compatible with the optimal
2010 test slab results. Since November, ness, reinforced the anchorage zone,
mixture aggregates grain size curve, we
with the start of the cold weather, the and minimized the push toward the
consumed lower energy and minimized
mixture was changed to 200 kg of formworks.
dust and noise emissions (Fig. 8).
cementitious (140 kg ash, 60 kg cement
The MEVR execution involved pour-
I 52,5) and 0,5% of retardant additive. During the breeding season of pro-
ing a bead of mortar against the con-
This thinner cement and the smaller tected birds of prey (February to
tacts before spreading the RCC layer
proportion of retardant compensated June), special care was taken by reduc-
and mixing it with the RCC using a
for the lower ambient temperature ing the machinery usage to extract the
vibrator system until the paste flowed
(between 4 and 17 ºC) and kept the gravels and continuous noise controls.
covering time around 16 h. Excavations were planned to begin in
In addition to the MEVR, mortar was October, but the Modified Project was
used in cold joints to favor layer bond- approved in December and this delay
Mixture Design Adaptation to Extreme
ing and to improve impermeability forced execution of excavations during
Cold Weather
Specially in cold months (December
to January), with day temperatures
between 3 and 9 ºC and night temper-
atures between −5 and 0 ºC, concrete
was poured during daytime shifts,
increasing cement on cementitious
(120 kg ash, 80 kg cement I 52,5). More
additive (1,5%) was added only to the
last layer of the day, which was also
protected with blankets (three geotex-
tile sheets of 200 and 400 g/m2) during
the evening to guarantee hot joints
the next morning and work continu-
ity (Fig. 7). In this way, the covering
time of the last layer of the day was
increased to 20 h, and the first one was
decreased to 10 h.
The adaptation of the mixture design
to different seasons allowed for work Fig. 8: Gravel sieving without dust emissions

86 Technical Report Structural Engineering International 1/2014

the breeding season, when blasting was without extending Original Project
forbidden under the Environmental term, and secondly, for the delay itself SEI Data Block
Impact Statement. A new excava- at the beginning, which motivated Owner:
tion through blasting procedure was compromise of execution in low rates Ministry of Environment - Ebro River
designed and tested at another loca- periods (excavations during breeding Basin Authority
tion to evaluate the noise and vibra- season and RCC placing in winter).
Structural design:
tions. Once this was established that All the measures related were taken to
Intecsa, AcuaEbro and Cygsa
those emissions were not large enough finish dam works as early as possible
to disturb birds nesting, the procedure with the respective social benefit of Contractor:
was approved and utilized for dam the irrigators in the area in mind, and U.T.E. Presa Santolea, consortium
excavation. It basically consisted of as a result, the dam was rapidly exe- of Corsán Corviam (Isolux Corsán
replacement of detonating cords and cuted, overcoming winter problems Group) and Copisa
electronic detonators by detonators and doubling the original project RCC (m3): 53 000
with very low explosive power, increas- output. 3
CC (m ): 22 000
ing the number of them but minimizing
noise and vibrations and indeed reduc- Overall, the dam quality is optimal Characteristical
ing each blasting volume to 2000 m3. as it presents no seepages and sat- strength (MPa): 17,5 at 180 days
isfies its main purpose, face finishes 3
Cementitious (kg/m ): 200
All works were controlled by an are very good, and the contractor
ornithological monitoring proce- has successfully innovated in several Cement/Fly-ash proportion (%): 30/70
dure, and its successful evaluation aspects, achieving cost-efficiency, Excavation (m3): 78 000
proved the efficiency of the measures improving workmen safety, and tak-
implemented. ing due care of environmental and River gravels extracted (m3): 100 000
social needs. Estimated cost (EUR million): 16,9
Conclusions Service date: July 2011
Due to the delayed beginning, works Acknowledgment
needed to be accelerated twice: first, The contractor thanks the personnel involved
because of the increase in concrete vol- in the construction of the dam and Fosce
ume (100%) in the Modified Project Consulting Engineers for their advice.

37th IABSE Symposium Madrid, September 3-5, 2014

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Structures and Materials
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Organised by • Education and Ethics
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The Spanish Group of IABSE


Structural Engineering International 1/2014 Technical Report 87

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