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Brawijaya Museum

It is one of the most modern and well

cared museum. It is located at the
southern end of Ijen Boulevard No.25
in Malang City. The Brawijaya Museum
was built on May 04th, 1968 by Kolonel
Pur. Dr. Soewondo with named “CITTA
UTTHAPANA CAKRA”. It means that
Fire Spreader of Spirit. This museum
has 6825 m2 area space which is
divided into two mean area that are
show room and office room.

This museum houses momentous, weapons, documents, photographs, battle plans

and other. There is “Tank” which is used in Surabaya combat on November 10th,
1945. It is one of the Brawijaya Museum's collection and it is placed in front of the
museum. There is also a weapon of antiaircraft defense that is confiscated by “BKR”
on September 1945 from Japanese soldier. “Tank AMP-TRACK” also one of the

We can see the symbol of The Brawijaya Museum behind the building. It is Death
Railway which carried 100 heroes of Indonesia from Bondowoso to Surabaya but
almost all our heroes were dead, only 12 people were safe.

“Pahlawan Trip” Cemetery &

It is located in Jl. Pahlawan Trip. This
monument is one of Malang City
Government effort to respect the-35
heroes that are known as “TRIP H-11”
soldier. They died when they were
defensing The Independence of
Indonesia. It is to kick back the Dutch
who wanted to decolonize the republic
of Indonesia through the “Agresi Militer
Belanda I”. Those young heroes died on
July 31st, 1947 in the most dangerous combat that happened on Jl. Pahlawan Trip
that called Jl. Salak before. The combat was not balance for fully armed which used
by Dutch. On the other hand, our heroes just used simple armed.

Finally, the Dutch crushed our heroes by “Tank AM- TRACK” until they died. Now,
this ”Tank AM- TRACK” is saved neatly in the Brawijaya Museum of Malang and we
still can see it now as a dumb witness of the cruelty Dutch in the “Agresi Militer
Belanda I”. All of our heroes are buried in one grave in the cemetery “Pahlawan
Trip”. A monument was built by Malang City Government just now to memorize and
give a high respect for their loyality.

This monument is located in the two ways intersection of Jl. Ijen and Jl. Pahlawan
Trip. To reach this monument by public transportation, we can go by GL from
Gadang station and ADL from Landungsari station.

Cathedral Ijen, Malang (Santa Maria Bunda

Santa Maria Bunda Karmel Cathedral is located
on Jalan Guntur No. 2 Ijen Boulevard, Malang. It is
the second church in Malang after “Hati Kudus
Yesus” (church on jalan Kayutangan Malang). The
capacity of this church is about 900 people. It
was built on February 11, 1934 by L. S. Torgie
during the Netherland's occupation in Indonesia.
The architecture of this cathedral’s categorized
classic type. This type is the typical of
Netherland's architecture. It can be seen from the
shape of the cathedral from outside and inside.
Outside, we can see the shape of the high and sharp roof. Inside, there are cubes
above the room of the cathedral.

On October 28, 1934 this church had been blessed with the name “Santa Theresia
dari Kanak - Kanak Yesus” as parochial church and cathedral. At that time Malang is
a mission land and Santa Theresia is a santa who protect a mission. On 1961, the
name of the church changed to “Santa Maria Bunda Karmel”.

Santa Maria Bunda Karmel Cathedral had been renovated on July 27, 2002. It had
been blessed by MSGR. Herman Yoseph Handoyoputro, O.Carm. Actually the
architecture of this cathedral is still original over 60 years, there is an appeal from
Paus Yohanes Paulus ke II that the architecture of this cathedral shouldn't be
changed because it is a history remainder. Therefore, the changing was only on the
colour of the wall.

The priest who had a duty in this cathedral are:

1. Romo Blomesath, O.Carm

2. Romo E. Shallkwyk, O.Carm

3. Romo R. Keijzer, O.Carm

4. Romo T Vanden Hork, O.Carm

5. Romo RMA. Soebonokardi and others.

And the priest now is Romo Eko Atmono, because he has a duty on abroad so he is
replaced for a while by Romo Felix Suyatno.

The bishop who had a duty in this cathedral are

1. MSGR. A.G.Y Albers, O.Carm (on August 10, 1939).

2. MSGR. F..X.S. Hadisumarta, O.Carm..( April 12, 1973).

3. MSGR. H. Y. S Handoyoputro, O.Carm (1989 until now).

There are parochial building and pastoral beside this cathedral. Parochial building is
a place for meeting that no relation to worship, such as parochial meeting and
others. Pastoral is a place provided for the priest to take a rest.

Hamid Roesdi Monument

This is one of historical monument in Malang.
It is located at JI. Simpang Balapan Malang,
made of reinforced concrete iron. This
monument’s like a hero statue Hamid Roesdi
Major. It was initiated by local government,
and the fund comes from public financial. This
monument was officially opened by minister
of home affairs Republic of Indonesia Mr.
Roedini at November 1991. in front of the
statue, there is a wise word, that is" All of
obstacle, I said with your lump. Hai .. beloved
country, my soul and my body is just for you
". The point of that wish word is to show the
spirit and effort of Indonesian, to define
Indonesian freedom independent.

Hamid Roesdi was born at Monday 1891 in Malang, and he lives around religious
family. His parent come from middle class society, but the became rich because
they worked hard. His father’s name is Roesdi, and his mother name is Teguh. In
Dutch colonization, Hamid Roesdi joined scouting organization, that is Pandu Anshor
organization. At 1943-1945, in Japan colonization Hamid Roesdi become member of

Bentoel Museum
Malang as an Industrial city has been proved with so
many small and big factories which surrounding the
city. One of them is Bentoel factory, the 5 biggest
cigarette factory in Indonesia.

It was just a little house for cigarette production in

Little Chinatown area, and now is known as
Wiromargo Street. After its developing, the factory
moved to northern Malang that is Karanglo area.
Now, this house is used as a museum to memorize
the first time it stand. Over there we can see a
traditional equipment to make a cigarette. The Bentoel Museum was built in 1925
by Ong Hok Liong, the owner the Bentoel factory. The name of Bentoel is taken
from a kind of a typical Malang fruit. This museum was opened for public since
1996, and it opens every Saturday and Sunday at 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.

To reach this museum by public transportation, we can go by LG and LDG from

Landungsari bus station and AG from Arjosari station.

Malang Post Office

Malang post office was established on 26th September 1978 based on UU no. 6
TH.1984, about company and incorporated. It was located on merdeka selatan
street no.5, north of town square and near Pelangi hotel. Malang post office was
established on land for about 6000 m2 large with measure of building 4000 m and
186 worker. Malang post office legalized be incorporated/company on June 1995,
exchange from "Perum Pos & Giro".

Malang post office is the biggest and the best one of post outlets in Indonesia with
strategic location, that is in center of town, in economical is potential to competitive
advantage. Malang post office is also supported by many outlets in every place in
Malang city in which there is 38 post offices.

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