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NHA News - Spring 2006

HOPE: Hydrogen Economy Workshops for High School Teachers

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By Mary-Rose Szoka de Valladres

President, M.R.S. Enterprises, LLC

There is widespread agreement that lack of education is a barrier to introduction and advancement of the
hydrogen economy. Today's teachers and their students -- tomorrow's consumers and citizens -- are clearly
key to our energy future. Experience suggests that one of the best ways to reach students is through their
teachers. As a vehicle for technology transfer, it is the teachers who will educate students in hydrogen
science and technology. But who will teach the teachers and how will the training be delivered?

New York State has found a solution. Over the past

year, M.R.S. Enterprises, LLC, teamed with the New
York State Energy Research Development Authority
(NYSERDA) and its partners (the New York Power
Authority [NYPA] and the Long Island Power
Authority [LIPA]) to deliver statewide hydrogen
science and technology workshops to high school
science and technology teachers. Committed to
education through its Energy $mart Students Program
and cognizant of the important role teachers and
students will play in New York's energy future,
NYSERDA selected M.R.S. to deliver "HOPE - the
Hydrogen Economy" teacher workshops. HOPE stands
for the Hydrogen Outreach Program for Education.
The HOPE team -- experts in hydrogen and fuel cells
as well as technology education --conducted four full
day workshops and one half day workshop in locations
around the state. The half day workshop was for the Science Teachers Association of New York (STANYS)

The workshops featured hydrogen and fuel cell 101 presentations, as well as demonstration of a lab scale
fuel cell car. There were interactive exercises and multiple hands-on activities, including the opportunity to
experiment with real fuel cells and the chance to build a HOPEmobile. Teachers received the New HOPE
PilotTM curriculum, which is based on the original HOPE PilotTM developed with the support of the U.S.
Department of Energy. "One-day" and "One-Week" lesson plans accompany the curriculum. A video,
reversible fuel cell car kit and experiment manual, along with supplementary HOPEmobile kits for enhanced
classroom and laboratory activities completed the workshop offering to participating teachers.

Over 130 teachers attended the HOPE workshops.

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NHA News - Spring 2006

These teachers are expected to impact 13,000 New

York students on an annual basis, or 65,000 over a five
year period. All workshops received excellent ratings,
including a commendation from STANYS that came
with an invitation for M.R.S. to present at future
conferences. The team looks forward to bringing New
HOPE to many more teachers for their benefit and their
students' education.

M.R.S. Enterprises, LLC provides management

consulting services in strategic planning, business
development, government relations and education for
energy and environment. For more information email or call 301/530-6591.

© 2006. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of the ational Hydrogen Association.

This material may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

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