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Chapter 5 – Answers to questions (for in-chapter questions)

1 a exothermic, b exothermic, c endothermic, d exothermic

2 a CaO(s) + H2O(l)  Ca(OH)2(aq)

b 1070 kJ

3 a Zn(s) + CuSO4(aq)  ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)

b Mol.CuSO4 reacting = dm3 × 0.2 mol dm–3
= 0.01 mol
Enthalpy change = m × c × ΔT
= 50 g × 4.2 J g–1 K–1 × 9 K
= 1890 J
 1890 J
 Enthalpy change per mol = = –189 000 J mol–1
0.01 mol
= –189 kJ mol–1

4 The electric kettle supplies 3 kJ s–1.

Energy required to evaporate 1 mol of water = 44 kJ
 Time taken to evaporate 1 mol of water = = 14.7 s
3kJ s –1

5 a endothermic
b Enthalpy change = m × c × ΔT
= +100 g × 4.2 J g–1 K–1 × 6 K
= 2520 J

Chemistry in Context (Seventh edition) 1 Answers

c Mol NH4NO3 dissolving = = 0.1 mol
80g mol —1
+ 2520 J
Enthalpy change = = +25200 J mol–1
0.1 mol
= +25.2 kJ mol–1

6 a exothermic, b reactants
c i +575 kJ mol ii –287.5 kJ mol–1
d –487 kJ mol–1

7 Because some combustion processes might result in incomplete conversion of carbon in

the reactants to only carbon (soot) or carbon monoxide rather than burning completely
to form carbon dioxide.

8 a

b Diamond, c Graphite, d +2 kJ mol–1

9 ΔHf° (CH4(g)) = –75 kJ mol–1

10 a Na(s) + ½Cl2(g)  NaCl(s)

b Cu(s) + S(s) + 2O2(g)  CuSO4(s)
c 2C(graphite) + 3H2(g) + ½O2(g)  C2H5OH(l)

11 a SnO2(s) + C(graphite)  Sn(s) + CO2(g)

b +187 kJ mol–1


Chemistry in Context (Seventh edition) 2 Answers

13 Because the activation energy of the reaction is so large. (i.e. The reaction is so slow it
is effectively nil and the diamond is kinetically stable.)

14 a Because it is formed endothermically from its elements, i.e. it is less stable than its
elements. However, it does not decompose into its elements because the activation
energy of the decomposition is high and therefore it is kinetically stable with respect to
its elements.
b i energetically unstable and kinetically unstable
ii energetically unstable, but kinetically stable.

15 a The molecules are kinetically stable.

b The spark provides a high temperature and sufficient energy for a small amount of
the reactants in the vicinity of the spark to react. This reaction is exothermic causing
more of the reactants to react and so on.

16 Bonds broken = H –H + Cl – Cl = +436 + (+244) kJ

= +680 kJ
Bonds formed = 2H – Cl = 2 × –431 kJ
= –862 kJ
 Enthalpy change of reaction = (+680 – 862)kJ mol–1
= –182 kJ mol–1

17 D(H – H) equals ΔHr for the reaction H2(g)  2H(g)

Comment [MES1]: Please check
ΔH at (H(g)) equals ΔHr for the reaction ½H2(g)  H(g) positioning of this superscript character is
 D(H – H) = 2ΔH at (H(g))

18 a ΔHr for the reaction H2O(g)  2H(g) + O(g) is +926 kJ mol–1 and this equals
2D(O – H).
 D(O – H) = +463 kJ mol–1
b Because the average O – H bond energy takes into account the O – H bond in other
compounds as well as water.

19 a Bonds broken = N  N + 3H – H = +994 + 3(436) kJ = +2302 kJ

Bonds formed = 6N –H = 6(–390) kJ = –2340 kJ
ΔHr = +2302 – 2340 = –38 kJ mol–1
b Bonds broken = C = C + H – H = +610 + 436 kJ = +1046 kJ
Bonds formed = C – C + 2C – H = –350 + (–2 × 410) kJ = –1170 kJ
ΔHr = + 1046 – 1170 = +124 kJ mol–1

20 Because oppositely charged ions are coming together to form a more stable product in
which the nearest neighbours are always ions with the opposite charge.

Chemistry in Context (Seventh edition) 3 Answers

21 Because it is impossible to keep oppositely charged gaseous ions apart as reactants.

22 a 2K+(g) + O2–(g)  (K+)2O2–(s)

b O–(g) + e–  O2–(g)

23 Gaseous F atoms with an electron structure of 2, 7 are so keen to gain one electron and
achieve an electron structure of 2, 8 like Ne that the process (which is the first electron
affinity of fluorine) is exothermic.
However, the second electron affinity of F involves adding one electron to each
negatively-charged F– ion. This requires energy owing to their opposite charges and
therefore this process is endothermic.

24 a Along the series, the negative halide ion is becoming larger and therefore the charge
density is decreasing. This means that the attraction between the positive Na+ ion and
the negative halide ion is becoming weaker and the ions cannot get as close. So, the
lattice energy becomes less exothermic.
b In MgO, the two ions each carry a double charge, whereas those in NaF carry only
single charges. As the attraction between the oppositely charged ions depends on the
size of both the positive charge and the negative charge, the lattice energy of Mg 2+O2–
is about four times that of Na+F–.
(A more thorough explanation would also point out that the Na+ and Mg2+ ions will
have roughly the same radius as will the F– and O2– ions. So, the distance between
oppositely-charged ions in their crystals (which will affect the lattice energy) is about
the same.)

25 Assuming that all four compounds have the same crystal structures,
–1877 kJ mol–1 relates to BaI2,
–1985 kJ mol–1 relates to BaBr2
–2327 kJ mol–1 relates to MgI2
–2440 kJ mol–1 relates to MgBr2

26 Li+ is much smaller than Rb+ with a much greater charge density. It therefore causes
greater polarisation of the much larger I– ion than Rb+. So, the experimental value of
ΔH latt (LI(s)) differs more from the calculated value than ΔH latt (RbI(s)).

27 AlCl3

28 Because both anions and cations will be attracted towards the dipoles of opposite
charge on water molecules to form stable hydrated ions.

29 ΔHhyd(MgCl2(s)) = ΔHhyd(Mg2+) + 2ΔHhyd(Cl–)

= –1891 + (2 × –381) kJ
= –2653 kJ mol–1

30 Because the ionic radius is decreasing, resulting in a greater charge density and
therefore a stronger and closer attraction to the negative dipoles in water molecules.

Chemistry in Context (Seventh edition) 4 Answers

31 Because the ionic radius is increasing, resulting in a smaller charge density and
therefore a weaker and more distant attraction to the positive dipoles in water

32 a NaF and MgO

b NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI

Chemistry in Context (Seventh edition) 5 Answers

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