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Chapter 1

The Problem and its background

1.0 Introduction

In this era, the digital age, we are currently living in the world where technology
plays a big role for us human. Many of us adopt to fast changing world and we
benefitted also. As we progress, many people explore many things in the digital
world, especially kids, teenagers and also some adult. Some middle aged person
and seniors rarely give interest on onlune game because of their age. According to
Wikipedia, online games is a video game that is either partially or primarily played
through the internet or any other computer network available. The design of
online games can range from simple text based environments to the incorporating
complex graphics and virtual words. Online games can be found anywhere it
includes modern gaming platform such as PCs consoles and mobile devices, and
span many genre, including first-person shooters, MOBA strategy games and
MMORPG multiplayer online role playing game. Online games are indeed
entartaining to many players around the world because of its visual and graphics
display that attracts many peoples.

As the digital age emerges and online games started to attract many peoples, too
many issues and concerns were made. A twitter based group (Techaddictionca,
2014) says "despite not appearing in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorder(DSM), there has been growing concer about the people who
appear to be obsessed with video games and spend far too much time playing.
Addiction to video games is being considered for upcoming editions of DSM, but for
not it is recognized as an official clinic problem. Regardless of its unofficial status,
there is a little question that some individuals (wheter they are kids, students,
teenagers or adults) play video games excessively and that video game addiction
can create problems in other important areas of their lives". (Abbas, 2017) says in
his research that unlike with substance abuse, the biological aspect of video game
addiction or online game addiction is uncertain. Many research suggest gambling
elevates dopamine, but there's more to addiction that brain chesmistry. (Veracio,
2018) Despite the positive effects, parents frowned because of the potential on the
overuse of this technology which leads to addiction by students. The dark side of
playing online games becomes an issue of debate in society. In addition, the author
says also " a child who is conditioned to play computer games may find it difficult
to socialize with other child. This anti-social behavior can extends through
adulthood, making it more difficult for the adult respond to co-workers in an
effective manner. This can also negatively affect relationships and friend ships,
causing a sense of loneliness.

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game and one of the
world's most popular video games developed and published by Riot Games. It
features a team based competitive game mode based on strategy and outplaying

Theoretical Framework
Flow Theory is another motivational theory that is frequently applied to video
gaming addiction in an effort to understand the behaviour (Wan & Chiou 2006,)
Flow theory is based around having an optimal experience while involved in some
activity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975). In other to achieve this "flow state" there are a
number of things that the experiences must provide immediate feedback on
performance, be challenging but not so much as to overcome the individuals skills,
immerse the individual and of course be interesting in general. These are all things
that video games can provide (Wan & Chiou, 2006).The objectives of games are
clear. They provide immediate feedback through levelling and other reward
They can provide desired challenge but generally allow the player to match their
skill level to the challenge. Finally, certain people find video games to be extremely
interesting and immersive. It is believed that most individuals play video games to
achieve this flow state as it makes the experience much more enjoyable.
Consequently, one would assume that individuals who often achieve this flow state
in a particular game would be more prone to becoming addicted. However, Wan
and Chiou (2006) found that the frequency of this flow state was actually
negatively correlated with addictive tendencies. On the other hand Hull, Williams
and Griffths (2013) found in their study that certain factors in the flow
experience, namely the perceptions of time being altered during play was in fact
significant in predicting addiction. It is not entirely clear what the interaction
between the flow state and video gaming addiction is and studies are conflicted on
the strength and even the existence of this relationship.

Conceptual Framework

As the flow theory says there are different stages a player must achieve or a
certain person must do to attain the "flow state". The researcher must understand
the different flows or patter a player or certain person must achieve in order to
say that a certain person/player is addicted to the League of legends. Flow theory
says that a player or person while playing video games is very satisfied with what
an individual was doing because of the interactions made by the individual and also
the game. Individuals who play video games like League of legends have always one
certain goal to be the strongest or at the top what they playing that's why this
aspect leads them to the addictive state where they continously play until they
reached the top

Once they achieved the said flow state a certain individual may find satisfaction
and continuously play that said game for a long period of time, explore different
things that the person may not experience as he goes through the course of the
game. Also if they find satisfaction for being the top player in the game, individuals
may find different games and apply the flow state to also become the strongest. It
is just a cycle as long as the player or person tries and tries to explore many
different games. Addiction happens when that person continously does that cycle
and affect several aspects in a person's life.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effects of league of legends addictin in relation
to the academic performance of the ICT student in Bestlink college of the
philippines. As a base of creating preventive measures to limit or reduce the
addiction of the ict student and to keep certain individual active on outdoor game
Specifically, the researcher seeks to find the answer of the following

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of their.

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Grade level
1.4 General Average
1.5 Average time spent playing league of legends
2. What are the effects of league of legends addiction to the respondent as regards
2.1 Behavior
2.2 Study habits
2.3 Socialization
2.4 Health
3.What is the academic performance affecting the students by being addicted to
League of Legends?
4.What are the physical effects of addicting in playing league of legends to the ICT
student of bestlink college of the philippines?
5.Is there a significant relation in number 3 and 2?
6.Based on the result of the researcher's findings. We will construct different
preventive measure to proposed a activity or programs may use as a remedy for
League of legends addiction

1. The physical effects of addiction in playing league of legends are causing obesity,
muscular and skeletal disorders such as tendonitis, nerve compression.
2. There is no significant relation between 3 and 2.

Scope and Limitation

The statement of the problem states six possible problems that may affect the
respondents in their academic performance. Therefore, the researcher set's it to
know more the possible relation of the six question in League of legends addiction.
In question number one, the researcher seeks to find the possible aspects that may
affect the person and relate it to League of Legends addiction. In question number
2, the question focuses on the mental effect of the respondents. In question number
3, it focuses on how the playing League of Legends affect the academic
performance of the student. In question 4, the question focuses on the physical
effects of the respondents. In question 5 the researcher relates the question number
3 to 2. Lastly, the researcher will base on the result of the research and finally
construct a preventive measure to find solution to the said problem. The study will
focus on the physical and mental effect of League of legends addiction and how will
it affect the student's academic performance.

Significance of the Study

The importance of the study will benefit the
1. Department of the Education
The study will help them to produce strategies on how to face the addiction of
the student in playing League of legends, online gaming. It will also be their basis
for their future researches as the current age of technology is progressing.

The study will be their basis to use a specific strategy on how to deal with the
said problem. The study will also help the profesors to know the possible effects of
League of legends addiction in a certain student in different aspects.

The study will help the students to know the possible effects of being addicted
in playing League of legends to their academic performance, social life, and health.
In addition, the study will help the students to get ideas that will improve them in
the said aspects.
4.Future Researchers
This study will be useful for their future research as they relate their study
in online games. It will help them to get ideas that will help their research.

Definition of Term
A mental state that allows the certain individual to repeatedly do the
same thing over and over at the long period of time affecting many aspects of the
certain individual's life.

Academic Performance
A gradual or measurable grading achievement of a certain students that is
based on their academic grades.

The result of something made to be.
League of legends
is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot
Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS.
This way of interacting to the society and accepting the norms of it.

Online Games
A video game that is played through the internet or even LAN connections. It
can be played solo or multiplayer.

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