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Herbs, in general, are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and
garnishing food, medicinal purposes, or for fragrances; excluding vegetables and other plants
consumed for macronutrients.
There are herbal plants being used in some cuisines including Filipino Foods. For example,
Moringa, Lemongrass, Bitter gourd, Jute Mallows and Mexican Oregano.

This study will focus on the advantages of herbal plants on Filipino Cuisines. Why does
including herbal plants in some cuisines are helpful?

This study is aimed at improving our understanding about the advantages of herbal plants
to some Filipino Food. It will also help us to know the importance of herbal plants. Why does
using a herbal plants on food useful?
It will also determine how satisfied some Filipinos are about the idea of herbal plants
being included as one of the ingredients on some of the foods.
Our group will use a Descriptive Design because it will help us to know the impact of using
herbal plants in some of the Filipino cusine. In order to gather the data needed we use Likert scale type of

After knowing the advantages and how these herbal plants help and satisfy us, as a
consumer will be able to know how they can improve more Filipino food to make it more tastier,
healthier and more flavorful.

As our lifestyle is now getting techno-savy, including the way we prepare our food, we are
moving away from nature. Most people settled for a food with a lot of preservatives. Herbs are
natural products and are free from side effects; they are comparatively safe, eco friendly and
locally available. We can use herbal plants on some foods to make it tastier in a healthier way.

According to Dr. Mahtab Alam Khan (2016), As our lifestyle is now getting techno-savvy, we
are moving away from nature. While we cannot escape from nature because we are part of nature

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