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Student’s full name : ……………………………………….


Class 11A Time : 45 minutes
Period : 53
Marks Teacher’s comments

I. Put in the correct tenses or forms of the verbs in brackets (1m)

1. I ______ (not see) him since he (not see) him since he ______ (leave) this school
2. She suggested ______ (go) to the museum.
3. I regret ______ (inform) you that the train was canceled
II. Complete the sentences using the word given (1m)
1. Tom and Jerry haven't talked to each other for 2 years.
 The last time …………………………………………………………………………..
2. It’s not necessary for you to pay to use the office phone. (have)
 You …………………………………………………………………………..
3. Nam started learning English 5 years ago.
 Nam …………………………………………………………………………..
4. We should have a good public transportation to rely on. It is very useful.
 It’s …………………………………………………………………………..
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets (1m)
1. I’m not sure I’ve got the______ to sing in public (confident)
2. When you encounter someone who is being rude or ______, it's hard to know how to react. (respect)
3. Visual ______ cause issues with eyesight that can interfere with students' academic success. (impair)
4. Thanks to your ______ today we are able to help disabled children in the neighbourhood. (donate)
IV. Choose the best answer (3ms)
1. Many ethnic groups find it hard to maintain their own languages. Indicate the word OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underline word
A. continue B. speak C. preserve D. discontinue
2. “Whose is this plane ticket on the floor?”
-Oh, it ________ to me. Thank you.
A. is belonging B. belongs C. has belonged D. belonged
3. Bean ________ Laura an apology because he left her to marry another girl without giving a clear
A. owns B. owe C. is owning D. owes
4. An example of ________ is when a child doesn't need anyone to remind him of what to do.
A. self-discipline B. self-esteem C. self-employment D. self-educated
5. Jessica has________ left, I’m afraid.
A. already B. yet C. still D so far
a6. They give care and comfort to the disadvantaged and handicapped children and help them to get over
difficulties Indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underline word
A. accept B. face C. overcome D. take
7. To be on________ terms with someone is to have good relationship with someone
A. bad B. good C. well D. better
8. He was a bit anxious ________his exam result
A. about B. with C. for D. on
9. When I am in trouble, my close friends are always willing to _______ and give me some advice.
A. volunteer B. be in a relationship
C. break up D. lend an ear
10. I don’t want to depend too much ________ my parents.
A. to B. on C. in D. at
11. “Why don’t we send them some textbooks, newspapers, and picture books?
A. Great idea! What meaningful gifts B. No, they are not available.
C. I’ll take part in this campaign D. That’s fine for me
12. They were finally ________ with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.
A. reconciled B. persuaded C. interested D. fond
V. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions (1m)
Welcome to Get Involved! our weekly programme about inspirational young people. Today, I’ll tell you
the amazing story of an outstanding young person with a disability. Nguyen Anh was born with “glass-born
disease”, a genetic disorder causing fragile bones, and had fractured bones over 30 times. She is unable
to run around like her friends, and has to use a wheelchair. Despite her disability, she always has a smile
on her face. She believes that she is luckier than other people with disabilities because she has many
supportive friends and teachers.
Nguyen Anh has been interested in singing since an early age. Eager to join Charitable campaigns, she
has been using her talent to perform at Voice of Viet Nam since she was eight. She has taken part in
broadcasting radio messages to rural villagers. She has been honoured by UNICEF as an outstanding child
with disabilities. Now, as a Friend of UNICEF Viet Nam, she continues to inspire others, and use her talent
and determination to help children with disabilities.
She became a success when she auditioned for the television show VietNam’s Got Talent. She
immediately received national and international recognition.
Her smile and kind voice will definitely continue to encourage people with disabilities to fulfill their
potential. Her inspiring words are what we would like you to think about. " You can do a lot of things if
people believe in you and actually treat you equally. ”
1. The program is called _______.
A. VietNam’s Got Talent B.
Voice of Viet Nam
C. Charitable campaigns D. Get Involved
2. Due to ____, UNICEF has honoured Nguyen Anh as an outstanding child with disabilities.
A. her “glass-born disease” B. Her smile and kind voice
C. her taking part in charitable campaigns D. her disability
3.The lesson we can learn from the story is that everyone can succeed if they are ______.
A. honoured by UNICEF B. taking part in charity
C. trusted and treated equally D. encouraged after teachers and friends
4.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A. there are still many outstanding people B. everybody has ability of working
C. people with disabilities are part of our communities D. no one is disabled
VI. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase(1m)
A volunteer is someone (1) …………… serves in a community or for the benefit of natural environment
primarily because they choose to do so. Many serve through a non-profit organization – sometimes
referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, (2) ……………
individually or as part of a group. Because these informal volunteers are much harder to (3) ……………, they
may not be included in research and statistics on volunteering. Volunteer work is an immensely rewarding
way to get involved and help out a community. By volunteering, you can get absorbed in the local culture,
have a life-changing (4) …………… and make a difference to the lives of those who are less fortunate than
1. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who
2. A. not only B. either C. neither D. both
3. A. sacrifice B. raise C. identify D. sponsor
4. A trouble B. experience C. luck D. gift
VII. Pick out the word which is stressed on different position from the others(0.5m )
1. A. management B. decisive
C. confident D. discipline
2. A. curfew B. burden C. respect
D. conflict
VIII. Listening
Part 1: Listen to Jessica talking to Frank about a dance class. For questions 1-4, Choose the
correct answer A, B or C .You will hear the conversation twice (1m)
1. What time does the class start?
A. 7.30 p.m
B. 8 p.m C. 9 pm
2. What doesn’t Frank need to take? _____________________
A. trainers B. sportd clothes C.
3. The normal price of the class is _______________
A. £ 5 B. £ 6
C. £ 8
Part 2: You will hear a woman asking a tour of castle. Listen and complete questions 4-6. You
will hear the conversation twice(0.5m)
- Time of first tour (4): _______________
- Ticket include : ( 5) : _______________
- Name of the Garden (6): _______________

Student’s full name : ……………………………………….THE FIRST TERM TEST

Class 11A Time : 45 minutes
Period : 53
Marks Teacher’s comments

I. Put in the correct tenses or forms of the verbs in brackets (1m)

1. We ______ (lose) touch since we______ (leave) school three years ago.
2. Will you please stop ______ (change) TV channels?
3. My mom agreed ______ (lend) me her car.
II. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown.(1m)
1. The last time I saw her was three years ago.
 I haven’t _____________________
2. It isn’t necessary for you to buy a stamp for your letter. (have)
 You _____________________
3. We have used this car since 1999
 We started _____________________
4. You should go out of your comfort zone and meet other people. It is important to do so
It is _____________________
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets (1m)
1. I haven’t got the ______ to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself (confident)
2. I’ve made my______ I’m going to buy the blue one. (decide)
3. This organization's main aim is to help disabled people to overcome their ______ (disable)
4. When my parents got divorce, my best friend was very ______ and listened to all my problems.
IV. Choose the best answer (3ms)
1. The Japanese Government ________ 20 scholarships for international students coming from ASEAN
member countries to study in Japan.
A. affords B. demands C. offers D. provides
2. ASEAN includes ten members states, but may get bigger because other countries have applied to join
A. group B. bloc C. gang D. troop
3. It is nearly 3 months________ he visited his parents.
A. while B. during C. since D. when
4. The boy from Brazil ________ to be the best dancer in the group.
A. appears B. is appearing C. appear D. to appear
5. Young college and university students participate in helping the poor who have suffered badly in wars
or natural disasters. Indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underline word
A. interfere B. join hands C. come into D. get involved in
6. Many teenagers rely heavily ________ their parents, so they cannot live independently.
A. at B. in C. on D. with
7. We were very impressed when we saw that she tried very hard to ……….difficulties.
A. destroyed B. overcome C. overact D. over-protect
8. Your room ________messy. When did you last clean it?
A. feels B. sounds C. smells D. looks
9. My cousin is a very ________ person because he has a lot of knowledge about current topics and
particular situations.
A. determined B. decisive C. well-informed D. self-reliant
10. Singapore consists ________one main island and 63 other tiny islands
A. in B. about C. up D. of
11. As far as I know, doing charity work is a really helpful thing for everyone in the society.
A. That sounds great B. I couldn’t agree with you more
C. I’ll take part in this campaign D. That’s fine for me
12. The maintenance of this company is dependent on international investment. Indicate the word
OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline word
A. affective B. self-reliant C. self-restricted D. reliant
V. Read the following passage and circle the best answer (1m)
More and more young people are (1)_______ voluntary work abroad. The wide variety of jobs and
destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a
year free before university. Many choose (2)_______ these twelve months working in poor countries. There they
will earn little or no money, but they will be doing something useful - and enjoying the experience.
The work may (3)_______ of helping local communities, for example by helping to build new roads or
provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more (4)_______
conservation or environmental protection. Whatever kind of job it is, though, it is certain to be challenging
and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten.
1. A. doing B. getting C. taking D. making
2. A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. to be spent
3. A. involve B. contain C. consist D. include
4. A. on B. of C. at D. in
VI. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions(1m)
All of our Viet Nam volunteer projects are focused on working for and with children. Projects range
from working with sick kids in hospitals, looking after children in Buddhist temples, providing much
needed non-formal education to Ha Noi’s disadvantaged youth. Volunteers will be provided with full
orientation and assistance throughout the project.
The Agent Orange project opened more than 15 years ago to care for war veterans and children
suffering from the effects of Agent Orange. Since then, it has grown into a complex of 11 houses that
care for a total of 120 children and 40 veterans. The village is supported by a highly committed and
dedicated base of supporters who volunteer their time, energy and resources to its projects.
From 1963 to 1971, during the war with Viet Nam, American forces sprayed well over 40 million
liters of the chemical defoliants, Agent Orange over Southern Vietnam. However, Agent Orange had not
been adequately tested. The chemicals released during the 1960s inflicted a legacy of suffering on the
Vietnamese. Precise figures are difficult to agree, but there is no question that millions of people were
exposed to the chemical. In the wake of this exposure came liver damage, cancer, heart diseases,
The Agent Orange project is always in need of volunteers. Many of the people go back the
organization spend time raising funds in North America and Europe, and that leaves plenty more work to
be done on the ground in Ha Noi. Regarded of how volunteers land a hand to the community, their
efforts directly help those who have been affected by Agent Orange to live normally, happy and fulfilled
lives. As with any undertaking of this size, there’s always a great deal to be done, and that leaves plenty
opportunity for volunteers to dig in.
1. the volunteer projects mentioned in the text offer……………………
A. focus on non-formal education to Ha Noi’s disadvantaged youth
B. help to disadvantaged children in various centres and with different needs.
C. children to look after Buddhist temples or hospitals for sick kids.
D. full orientation and assistance to children and volunteers throughout the project.
2. The centre for the Agent Orange project…………
A. takes care of 40 veterans and children suffering from the effects of Agent Orange .
B. has veterans take care of 120 children suffering from the effects of Agent Orange .
C. operated for more than 15 years to care for war veterans and children.
D. has received time, energy and resources from supporters and volunteers.
3. All of the following are the effects of the Agent Orange EXCEPT……
A. inadequate testing B. cancer or heart disease
C. severe birth detects D. reproductive disorders
4. Volunteers taking part in the project can…………………….
A. spend time raising finds in Viet Nam.
B. have plenty of more work done on familiar ground in Ha Noi
C. work in different places to support the project. D. have plenty of opportunity to dig.
VII. Pick out the word which is stressed on different position from the others(o.5m )
1. A. talent B. value C. access
D. donate
2. A. impairment B. integrate C. suffering D. cognitive
VIII. Listening:
Part 1: Listen to Jessica talking to Frank about a dance class. For questions 1-4, Choose the
correct answer A, B or C .You will hear the conversation twice.
1. The class takes _________________
A. Half an hour B. three quarters of an hour
C. an hour.
2. The teacher needs to know _________________
A. If people are beginners. B. how fit people are. C.
people’s age.
3. They will meet __________________.
A. at Jessica’s house. B. at college. C. in the café.

Part 2: You will hear a woman asking a tour of castle. Listen and complete questions 4-6. You
will hear the conversation twice.
- Tour takes (4): __________________.
- Price of family ticket ( 5) : £ __________________.
- Name of the Garden (6): __________________.
45 minutes

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