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Muhammad Thariq Al Bariqi (15150008)






This paper analyzes the movie, “Hacksaw Ridge” with semiotic

analysis. This paper tries to find the concept of Extremism as
depicted in “Hacksaw Ridge” movie. Using the semiotic theory by
Roland Barthes. The writer found three different concept of
Extremism in the movie. Using Barthes model, the analysis is
classified into denotation, connotation, and myth as the conclusion.
1. Background
Hacksaw Ridge is a movie based on the true story. The movie tells the experience of
Desmond Doss during World War II. The movie shows Desmond Doss (portrayed by Andrew
Garfield), who is advent christian and conscientius objector, joins US military to serve his
nations as medic, but his refusal to handle a rifle due to his religious belief, lead to inappropriate
treatment from his superior and some of his teammates. Given such cruelty, however, doesn’t
change Doss belief not to kill human.
The behaviour of Desmond Doss who chooses to keep his belief despite the pressure
from others, is often called, by most people, as extremism. Extremism refers to an extreme
political or religious belief which is considered unacceptable by most people. Extremism, in the
present time is considered as very serious problem and needs to be eliminated.
Therefore, using semiotic analysis, this paper tries to represent the concept of extremism
as depicted in Hacksaw Ridge movie.
2. Problem restriction and formulation
As explained above, this paper uses semiotic analysis to find the extremism concept in
Hacksaw Ridge movie, so the paper restricts the research on scene that depicts extremism. This
paper uses semiotic analysis model of Roland Barthes which includes denotation, conotation, and
myth. Therefore, the problem formulation are the denotation, conotation, and myth which
represent extremism in Hacksaw Ridge.
3. Goal
The goal of this paper to analyze the extremism concept as depicted in Hacksaw Ridge movie
with semiotic analysis.
4. Theoritical approach
1) Semiotics
According to Ferdinand de Saussure, is the study of sign interpretation which comes
from relationship between signifier and signified. (Ida: 154)
According to Charles Sanders Peirce, Semiotics is the concept of every sign which is
connected to human mind. Expecially language and communication system. (Ida 2011: 154).
According to Geertz, Semiotics is an access to conceptual world of subject which is
alive, so we can communicate with the subject. (Ida 2011:155)
According to Umberto Eco, Semiotics is a study that learn everything which can be
used to lie. (Wibowo 2011: 24)
From the explanation of these experts about semiotics, we can conclude that
semiotics is a study to show the interpretation of sign which consist of implicit or hidden
2) Semiotic model of Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes uses the term denotation, connotation, and myth for his model.
a. Denotation
Denotation refers to the actual or literal meaning of sign which are visible to human
sense, and don’t need certain process to understand a denotative meaning.
b. Connotation
Connotation refers to the hidden meaning of sign which are not always visible to human
sense, so understanding connotative meaning of sign needs certain process of analysis
which is in this case is semiotic analysis.
c. Myth
Myth is the aspect that explains or understanding some aspect of reality or nature
phenomenon. Myth is formed from the generalization of people observation. (Wibowo
2011: 22)
Roland Barthes’ ignores the dimension of shape and substance, define sign (E) as
system which consist of signifier (R) and signified (C). The Barthes’ model of semiotics can
be formulated as follows.

E2 = ( E1 R1 C1 ) R2 C2. E2: connotative sign (myth)

E1: denotative sign
R1: signifier
R2: connotative signifier
C1: signified
C2: connotative signified

Fiske named this model as two order of signification.

Through this model, Barthes explain that the first signification is the relationship
between signifier and signified which later forms denotative sign or the explicit meaning of
In the second signification, which shows the interaction when the sign matches the
feel, emotion, and culture value of the reader or spectator. Which then forms connotative
sign. So the model can further be formulated as follows.
(1) Signifier (2) Signified
(3) Denotative sign
(4) Connotative Signifier (5) Connotative Signified
(6) Connotative sign (myth)

Based on the table above, the denotative sign formed from signifier and signified,
becomes connotative signifier that has its own connotative signified. Then, connotative
signifier and connotative signified form connotative sign which later becomes myth as the
final conclusion of this model.

1. Extremism doesn’t care the norms that human made
1) Scene
The scene is when Desmond Doss tries to convince his father, Thomas Doss, to let him join
the military, but Thomas Doss rejected the idea. (00:25:59 - 00:26:30)
2) Analysis

Scene of Thomas Doss ‘Doss insist to join

objected Desmond Doss army despite the
decision to join the objection from his
military, but Desmond father.’
insist to join.

Doss keeps his belief despite the fact that the

world won’t approve his belief.

Doss keeps his belief despite the fact that the This scene shows how an extremist person
world won’t approve his belief. won’t care about what norms the world
has, even if the norms are contradictive
with the belief.

Holding an extreme belief against world norms is insane. Some people consider it as low
and disgusting. However, some people who keeps their extremism think that opposing
world norms to keep the belief is just a simple matter because they think that devotion
toward the god is more important and benefic than obeying the norms that human made.

2. Extremism ignores the insult or mistreatment

1) Scene
The scene is when Doss tries to retrieve his bible after being snatched by his fellow
roommate, Smitty Ryker, who thinks Doss refusal to handle rifle as cowardness. (00:40:04 -
2) Analysis

Scene of Doss and Doss doesn’t want to

Ryker quarrel. Then, use violence to
Ryker punch Doss, but retrieve the bible.
Doss doesn’t punch

Doss believes that he shall not use violence no

matter what condition he is in, or whatever
people do to him.

Doss believes that he shall not use violence no This scene shows that an extremist person
matter what condition he is in, or whatever always keeps his belief in any condition,
people do to him. and ignores what people think about him.

Extremism is not easy for its believers because extremism means that someone can’t give in
his belief even tough he deals with many of insults, pressures, and violences. The extremists
also musn’t retaliate the mistreatment toward them with same action as it will break the
belief to not return an evil with evil.

3. Extremism is not afraid of being punished severely

1) Scene
The scene when Doss is going to take a furlough, but his superior suspend his furlough
unless Doss shows him how to handle a rifle properly, but Doss refuses which upsets the
superior. (00:48:09 - 00:50:07)
2) Analysis

Scene of Doss taking a Doss doesn’t want to

furlough but being handle a rifle due to
suspended by his his belief, which lead
superior unless Doss him in the verge of
shows how to handle a getting punishment.
rifle properly which
Doss refuses. The
refusal upsets the
superior, but Doss
keeps with his

Doss believes that he shall not break his belief

altough he is going to get punishment due to
his persistency keeping the belief.

Doss believes that he shall not break his belief This scene shows extremist person isn’t
altough he is going to get punishment due to afraid getting even severe punishment in
his persistency keeping the belief. the world because extremist thinks that a
punishment in the world isn’t comparable
than punishment in the afterlife.

Extremists consider punishment in afterlife is more severe than punishment they receive in
the world. Therefore, they can’t afford to break any religious norms that will lead them to
punishment in afterlife regardless of the risk that they receive for keeping an extreme belief.

Given the analysis above, the writer draws conclusion consisting of denotation,
conotation, and myth regarding Extremism.
1. Denotation
The denotation in this movie are shown, first, when Doss insist to join the army, which
his father against it, second, when Doss refuses using violence to get back his bible, and the last,
when Doss refuses to handle a rifle despite threathened with punishment.
2. Connotation
Connotation in this movie are shown as, first, how an extremist doesn’t care about norms
the world has, second, second, how extremist ignores the insult and violence and keeps his
belief, the last, an extremist isn’t afraid with punishment in the world.
3. Myth
From the three myths concluded in the analysis, all of them have similarity that keeping
the extreme belief will lead these extremists to the blessed life in afterlife, so it’s clear that
extremists only care a little about the worldly life.


Adi, Ida Rochani. Fiksi Populer. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2011.

English Oxford Living Dictionaries: extremism. 2 January 2018


IMDb: Hacksaw Ridge (2016). 2016 November 2016. 2 January 2018


Mudjiono, Yoyon. "Kajian Semiotika dalam Film." Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi (2011): 125-138.

Wibowo, Indiwan Seto Wahyu. Semiotika Komunikasi - Aplikasi Praktis Bagi Penelitian dan
Skripsi. Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media, 2011.

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