Absorptivity-Of-Different - Coloured-Surfaces

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Aim: To determine the absorptivity of different coloured surfaces; black, blue, white and
reflecting surfaces.

Apparatus: Overhead tank, several drips, four metal surfaces of coloured black, blue, white
and reflecting surface, thermometers with rubber corks, stop-watch, measuring cylinder.

Theory: The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun is known as solar spectrum and
mainly consist ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelengths. Different colours appear
different to our eyes because they reflect different colour wavelengths. When a radiation falls
on the surface of a body, a part of the radiation is reflected back by the surface, a part is
transmitted and the other part is absorbed. The fraction of radiation absorbed at a given
wavelength is called as absorptivity.


Most solids (other than glasses, certain plastics, quartz, and some minerals) absorb radiation
of all wavelengths so readily, that except in thin sheets, the transmissivity τ is zero, and all
non-reflected radiation is completely absorbed in a thin surface layer of the solid. When
sunlight falls on the metal plate a part of it is absorbed and the rest is reflected. ( no
transmission on metal plate.)


When light falls on a given material or surface having atoms of same frequency then those
electrons absorb the energy of that light wave and convert it into vibration motion and thus
to thermal energy. Black colour has more frequency, as the colour gets dark the frequency
increases thus increase in colour leads to increase in the absorbance of light of more
frequency and thus more vibrations and more thermal energy is generated.

Energy which is generated is used to heat the water. Amount of heat is easily calculated using
Fourier’s law:
𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ ∆𝑇= 𝑚 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ (T2-T1)
Where T1 and T2 are inlet and outlet temperature of water respectively.
It is considered that black coloured surface has absorptivity one. So now absorptivity of other
coloured surfaces can be easily calculated by Q. The absorptivity is the amount of heat
absorbed by a surface compared to that absorbed by a black body.
α= !"

Where Qb = Heat absorbed by black body.

Metallic surfaces have low absorptivity in both visible and infrared region. Black coloured
surface shown highest absorptivity as compared to blue, white or reflecting surfaces for the
same material. Reported absorptivity values (in %) are 100, 92-95, 60 for black, blue,
reflecting surface respectively.

1) Place the experimental set up such that it will face sun and it is directly exposed to

2) Fill the overhead tank.

3) Attach the drips to the outlet of tank and to the inlet for each metal surface.

4) Attach the thermometers to the inlet and outlet of the all plates using rubber cork to seal it.

5) Adjust flow rates to each plate such that temperature drop across each plate is easily
observable in the thermometer.

6) Note the flow rate and temperature drops for each surface.

7) Take 4-5 times temperature difference for each surface. And select one reading as result
which is best compared to reported values.


Table 1: Temperature reading for different coloured surfaces

S.No Black Blue White Reflective

(T1) (°C) (T2) (°C) (T1) (°C) (T2) (°C) (T1) (°C) (T2) (°C) (T1) (°C) (T2) (°C)
1 37.50 45.50 37.00 43.25 36.50 41.50 37.00 41.00
2 36.00 45.50 37.00 43.00 37.00 42.00 37.00 41.25
3 37.00 45.00 37.50 43.00 37.00 41.25 37.50 41.50
4 37.00 45.00 37.00 43.00 37.50 42.00 38.00 42.00
5 37.00 44.75 38.00 42.75 38.00 42.25 38.00 42.00
6 37.50 44.00 38.50 42.00 38.00 41.50 38.00 41.50

Table 2: Absorptivity different coloured surfaces

S.No Black Bllue white Reflective
∆T Qb ∆T Q Q/Qb ∆T Q Q/Qb ∆T Q Q/Qb
1 8 120.5568 6.25 94.185 0.78125 5 75.348 0.625 4 60.2784 0.5
2 9.5 143.1612 6 90.4176 0.631579 5 75.348 0.526316 4.25 64.0458 0.447368
3 8 120.5568 5.5 82.8828 0.6875 4.25 64.0458 0.53125 4 60.2784 0.5
4 8 120.5568 6 90.4176 0.75 4.5 67.8132 0.5625 4 60.2784 0.5
5 7.75 116.7894 4.75 71.5806 0.612903 4.25 64.0458 0.548387 4 60.2784 0.516129
6 6.5 97.9524 3.5 52.7436 0.538462 3.5 52.7436 0.538462 3.5 52.7436 0.538462
Sample Calculation for Table 1: for reading 1 of blue material
Flow rate of water = 1g/s = 3.6 kg/hr
Specific heat of water = 4.186 kJ/kg 0C
𝑄 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ ∆𝑇 = 3.6*4.186*(43.25-37) = 94.185 kJ/hr

For reading 1 of black material

Flow rate of water = 1g/s = 3.6 kg/hr.
Specific heat of water = 4.186 kJ/kg 0C
𝑄b = 𝑚 ∗ 𝐶𝑝 ∗ ∆𝑇 = 3.6*4.186*(45.50-37.50) = 120.556 kJ/hr.

Absorptivity for blue surface ε =! = 0.78

Absorptivity for black surface ε =!! = 1


Absorptivity of different coloured surfaces observed is as following:

Black = 1

Blue = 0.67

White = 0.55

Reflecting surface = 0.50


1) Take care that the level in the overhead tank will not become zero.

2) Be sure that the flow rate remains constant.

3) The temperature readings in the thermometer should be seen carefully. (Due to the
limitation of least count of thermometer)

Discussions and Conclusions: The absorptivity of each coloured surface observed is close to
the theoretical value; the variation observed to be may be due to the varying heat (sunlight),
fluctuating flow rates. Error in measurement of temperature difference may cause the
variation in absorptivity. Level of the overhead tank does not remain constant, it may also
cause error.

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