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Analysis of New Step-up and Step-down Direct

Symmetric 18-pulse Topologies for Aircraft

Autotransformer-Rectifier Units
Alexander Uan-Zo-li, Rolando P. Burgos, Frederic Lacaux, Arman Roshan, Fred Wang and Dushan Boroyevich

Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES)

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111 USA

Abstract—Among possible 18-pulse Autotransformer- DC-DC and DC/AC secondary converters. There exist two
Rectifier-Unit (ATRU) topologies, Direct Symmetric circuit (DS- alternative types of AC/DC conversion techniques, the PWM
ATRU) demonstrates relatively low complexity, it is insensitive to active front-ends and passive multi-pulse converters.
impedance mismatch and distortions of input voltage and has low Seemingly, the former approach still requires considerable
common mode voltage. This paper proposes new step-up and step-
down Direct Symmetric 18-pulse ATRU topologies for aircraft
development for aircraft applications given the stringent
application. Serious study of proposed topologies was performed. operational and reliability goals that must be met. The latter on
The authors analyzed the kVA ratings, effects of leakage the contrary may be readily employed given its sheer
inductance on compliance with input current harmonic simplicity and the vast existent knowledge in industry. Also,
requirements, power sharing between diode bridges, common given that there is no need for isolation, the autotransformers
mode voltage and output ripple. The comparison is carried out for have obvious advantages over transformers due to reduced
the full range of the input line frequency from 400 to 800Hz. Key kVA ratings, size and weight. Given the stringent requirements
analyses and results obtained with Saber simulations are for the input harmonics and output voltage ripple of the
presented for validation of the presented work. Some AC/DC equipment, 18-pulse topologies are a natural choice for
experimental results are shown.
the aircraft application.
A number of possible topologies and winding configurations
I. INTRODUCTION were recently proposed [12], [13], [14], [15] and [16]. Among
Today, the More Electric Aircraft (MEA) initiative aims for possible 18-pulse Autotransformer-Rectifier-Unit (ATRU)
the replacement of Constant Frequency Generators (CFG) by topologies, Direct Symmetric circuit (DS-ATRU) demonstrates
variable frequency generators (VFG), which eliminates all the relatively low complexity, is insensitive to impedance
complexities associated with the integrated mechanical mismatch and distortions of the input voltage and has low
frequency controller of CFG [1], [2]. This approach was common mode voltage [17]. Due to these reasons, 18-pulse
successfully proven on business jets (Bombardier Global DS-ATRU is a logical choice for passive rectification for the
Express), airliners (McDonnell Douglas MD-90), and is the aircraft application.
selected technology for the Airbus A-380 [2], [3]. This in turn This paper presents new step-up and step-down variations of
has drastically changed aircraft electric power systems, which DS-ATRU. The proposed circuits are analyzed in order to
may now employ either variable frequency AC, DC, or a assess the feasibility of employing them in electrical power
hybrid AC and DC system for power distribution [4], [5] and systems of aircrafts. Particular attention is given to their correct
[6]. Aircraft power electronics have also been affected by this operation at relatively high and variable line frequency. The
trend, as the need for conversion and driving equipment has following items are chosen to be analyzed: KVA ratings, input
become manifest. A number of static power converters have harmonic distortion (harmonics and THD), DC voltage
already been studied and tested [3], [7], [8], [9], [10] and [11]. regulation, common-mode voltage, impact of impedance
The work on this area however is far from being mature; and mismatch between converter paths, impact of harmonic voltage
new technologies, structures, and topologies have yet to be distortion, and impact of leakage inductance on the operation
established. of ATRU’s at high frequency.
Recently, the usage of AC-DC conversion has become a
common feature upon the aircraft electric power distribution. II. DIRECT SYMMETRIC TOPOLOGY
For constant frequency systems for instance, Transformer A. Operation of DS-ATRU
Rectifier Units (TRU’s) are employed to generate low voltage The block diagram of DS-ATRU is shown in Fig. 1 and the
DC. For variable frequency systems, the AC-DC conversion is vector diagrams of three consecutive conduction intervals are
used to generate the DC bus, which supplies power to both demonstrated in Fig. 2. As can be observed, the

This work made use of Engineering Research Center Shared Facilities supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Number EEC-
9731677 and the CPES Industry Partnership Program. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation. This work was conducted with the use of Saber Sketch®, donated in kind by
Synopsis Inc of the CPES Industry Partnership Program. 1142
0-7803-9033-4/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.

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autotransformer is used to create two additional 3-phase directly fed to the load. At each moment, there are two bridges
systems, one leading the input AC supply voltage by 40 conducting load current, with one rectifier producing positive
degrees, the other lagging by 40 degrees, with the amplitudes current, and the other negative current. The angle between the
of the created phase voltages equal to the amplitude of the utilized phase vectors is 160 degrees, so the line-to-line voltage
supply voltages. The three resultant three-phase systems are used by rectifiers is 14% higher than the line-to-line voltage of
then connected to the diode bridges (it is possible to use the input line. In average, each rectifier bridge conducts one
compensating inductors to counteract the impedance mismatch third of the total output power. Each bridge diode conducts full
between conduction paths). The outputs of the rectifiers are load DC current for the duration of 40 degrees.

Compensating Forward
AC Supply Inductors Bridge


Fig. 1 Block Diagram of DS-ATRU

Vc Vcpp Vcpp Vcpp

Vc Vc
Vap Vap Vap

Vcp Vcp
Va Va Va

Vbpp Vbpp
Vapp Vapp Vapp
Vb Vb Vb
Vbp Vbp Vbp
Fig. 2 Vector diagram of three consecutive conduction intervals

B. Description of possible winding configurations and (number of unconnected windings per 3-phase
their comparison autotransformer leg) and power rating. It is clear that Delta
Fig. 3 shows three winding configurations of the DS- and T-Delta configurations offer the lowest possible power
ATRU, accordingly T-Delta [15], Delta [15] and Polygon rating, which translates in smaller physical size of the
[18]. Fig. 4 demonstrates how each of the winding autotransformer. It can be seen that Polygon has the
configurations creates three 3-phase systems shifted by 40 smallest number of unconnected windings, which
degrees. Table 1 shows the comparison of the winding translates in higher manufacturability and potentially the
configurations based on autotransformer manufacturability lowest leakage.

Va Va

Vap Vapp Vap Vapp Vapp

Vcpp Vap
Vcpp Vbp
Vbp Vcpp Vbp

Vc Vb
Vc Vb
Vcp Vbpp
Vcp Vbpp
Vcp Vbpp
Fig. 3 T-Delta, Delta and Polygon winding configurations of DS-ATRU


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k1 Vc
k2 k1 Vc
Vc Vap
Vcp Vcpp Vcp k2
Vcp k1
Vbpp Vap Vbpp Va
Vbpp k2
Vb Va Vb Va Vb
Vapp Vbp Vapp
Fig. 4 Vector Diagrams of T-ATRU, D-ATRU and P-ATRU windings

Table 1 Comparison of DS winding configurations for TS-ATRU. All proposed topologies feature very small
Parameter of T- Delta Polygon increase in number of windings, while preserving the
Comparison\Winding Delta symmetry between the created phases and providing required
Number of unconnected 5 3 2 voltage. The main problem with the shown topologies is that
windings per transformer all created phases are at different angle to the input phase. This
leg [#] would create additional harmonics due to imbalance in
kVA Rating [%] 55.4 51.4 83 impedances. The authors also looked at these topologies with
more symmetric output vectors. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show the
C. Variations of Direct Symmetric Topology for simulated the input currents and the harmonic contents of the
increased and decreased voltage input current for the step-down Delta DS-ATRU with
In order to satisfy the requirements of the aircraft power symmetric distribution of the AC vectors and input voltage of
system, it may become necessary to modify the existing 231V, 400Hz and 800Hz input line. SaberR Synopsis Simulator
topology of DS-ATRU in order to provide lower or higher was used to obtain the simulation results. It can be easily
value of the output voltage [19]. Fig. 5 shows vector diagrams noticed that the circuit exhibits the 18-pulse operation with
of some of the proposed step-down and step-up variations of relatively small harmonic distortion of the input voltage. The
the DS-ATRU, which are based on the Delta winding leakage and parasitic parameters used for the simulation were
configuration. It is also possible to show the same variations obtained from the analysis of the existing ATRU technologies.

Va VcD Vcpp

Vap Vc
VaD Vapp

Vcpp 40° 40° 40°

Vbp 40°
Vbpp Vb
Vc Vb
VbD Vbp

Vcp Vbpp

Fig. 5 Vector Diagrams for step-down and step-up variations of Delta DS-ATRU


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T H D = 5 .3 %

Fig. 6 ATRU Input current and its harmonic content at 400Hz, 231V input line

T H D = 5 .3 %
T H D = 3 .7 4 %

Fig. 7 ATRU Input current and its harmonic content at 800Hz, 231V input line

• Only couplings of the windings on the same leg are

A serious study of DS-ATRU topologies was performed. • Couplings between Nk1 windings are not important and
The authors analyzed the kVA ratings, effects of leakage can be ignored;
inductance on compliance with input current harmonic • Couplings between adjacent Nk1 and Nk2 are not
requirements, power sharing between diode bridges, common important and can be ignored;
mode voltage and output ripple using Synopsis Saber • Couplings between opposite windings Nk1 and Nk2 are
simulations on the switching models of the equipment. important and must be modeled.

A. Effects of leakage coupling on the input current distortion B. Simulation and Assessment of normal ATRU Operating
Because the decreases in voltage with additional winding is Conditions
normally relatively low, the authors studied the influence of Figs. 16 and 17 show the harmonic content of the input
coupling on the standard ATRU topologies, without the step current of the step-down D-ATRU supplied by balanced 3-
down or step up capability. Fig. 8 shows detailed schematic of phase voltage, 230V, 400Hz and 800Hz accordingly as a
the winding configuration of the T-Delta DS-ATRU. This function of output load. As one can see, the harmonics are
topology was evaluated by [20], but still some questions relatively small. Fig. 18 shows the common mode voltage of
remained unanswered. In order to carefully analyze the effects the ATRU as a function of output load for balanced 3-phase
of coupling, the authors propose to use a fully coupled model voltage. Again, the proposed ATRU topology demonstrates
of the leakage, which takes into account the coupling between low common mode voltage, being less than 12V at maximum
all leakages of all windings of the same autotransformer core output power, while supplied by 230V, 800Hz supply.
leg. Such approach is rather complex, but it allows to observe
the influence of all circuit leakage parameters, and provides C. Simulation and Assessment of Abnormal ATRU
invaluable aid to designers of the autotransformer [21]. Fig. 9 Operating Conditions
shows the approach to modeling, for example, of the five Figs. 19-24 show simulated input current, input voltage,
windings of one autotransformer core leg – where each leakage output common mode voltage and output ripple for the cases of
inductance (defined as inductance, which does not create flux abnormal operating conditions. The results can be summarized
coupled with windings positioned on the other legs) is coupled as follows:
with all windings on the same leg [22]. Figs. 10-15 show some • The step-down D-ATRU presents a minimum common-mode
preliminary data, demonstrating the effects of coupling of the voltage with balanced power supply of 9V at 360 Hz and 3V
winding of the same leg – on the THD of the input current. As at 800 Hz.
can be observed, such dependence is far from simple and some • With 6Vac unbalance, the common mode voltage is 62 V at
effects were not expected. 360 Hz and 24 V at 800 Hz
Based on the analysis of the relationship of THD of the • With 12 Vac unbalance the common mode voltage of the
ATRU input currents and winding leakage coupling, the step-down D-ATRU is 118V at 360 Hz and 47V at 800 Hz
authors came up with the following preliminary conclusions: The input voltage unbalance together with phase
displacement introduces the 2nd order voltage and current


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harmonics and affects the common-mode voltage, which unbalance and voltage modulation generates 3rd and even
surpassed 62V. Voltage modulation introduces current sub- order harmonics of relatively high level. DC offset in the AC
harmonics, i.e., harmonics below fundamental frequency (360 input voltage supply generates further power unbalance
Hz in this case). That leads to low frequency harmonics on the between phases. The combined effect of the dc offset,
DC voltage, i.e., between DC and 2nd order harmonics. harmonic distortion, and phase unbalance and voltage
Voltage harmonic distortion (5th harmonic injection) increases modulation can saturate the autotransformer core, even though
the ATRU input current distortion. Presence of the voltage a small gap was used to prevent saturation.

L N K 1A
Va R k1

Nk1b Nk1a
L N K 1B R k1
Vap Vapp
Vcpp L N K 2A R k2

Np L N K 2B R k2

Vc Nk2b Nk2a Vb

Fig. 8 Autotransformer winding configuration Fig. 9 Modeling of the autotransformer core winding

0.06 0.065 0.05

0.05 0.055
0.04 0.045

0.03 0.035 0.04

0.015 0.035
0 0.03
0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1 -0.005 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1

Fig. 10 THD as a function of the Nk1a-Nk1b Fig. 11 THD as a function of the Nk2a–Nk2b Fig. 12 THD as a function of the Nk2–Np
coupling coupling coupling

0.07 0.055 0.14

0.05 THD
0.05 0.1
0.045 0.08
0.03 0.06
0.01 0.035

0.03 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1

Fig. 13 THD as a function of the Nk1–Np Fig. 14 THD as a function of the Nk1b–Nk2a Fig. 15 THD as a function of the Nk1a–Nk2a
coupling coupling coupling

5.00 5.00
4.50 4.50

4.00 4.00 12
3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00

[%] 2.50 [%] 2.50


2.00 2.00

1.50 1.50 6
1.00 1.00

0.50 200% 200%
100% 100%
Load Current [% I-5
Load Current [%
I-5 25% I-7 25%
I-7 I-11
I-11 I-13 0%
I-13 0% I-17

Harmonic Order
Harmonic Order
I-37 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 16 Harmonic of Input Current as a function of Fig. 17 Harmonic of Input Current as a function of Fig. 18 Output common mode voltage of the
output load, balanced supply400Hz, 230V output load, balanced supply400Hz, 230V ATRU, balanced supply 400Hz and 800Hz,


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Fig. 19 Input Currents and voltage for 6Vac Fig. 20 Common mode voltage for 6Vac Fig. 21 Output voltage ripple for 6Vac input
input unbalance input unbalance unbalance

Fig. 22 Input Currents and voltage for 12Vac Fig. 23 Common mode voltage for 12Vac Fig. 24 Output voltage ripple for 12Vac
input unbalance input unbalance input unbalance

Figs. 28-29 show the voltages Va, VaD, Vap and Vapp under
IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS load conditions, supplied by 400Hz and 800Hz input line. Figs.
In order to validate the proposed circuits, the authors built a 30-31 show the currents flowing into the rectifier from the
scaled-down prototype of the step-down DS-ATRU with voltages VaD, Vap and Vapp, under load conditions when
symmetric outputs. Figs. 25-27 show the input phase voltages ATRU is supplied by 400Hz and 800Hz input line. Lastly,
Va, Vb and Vc and the created step-down voltages VaD, VbD, Figs. 32 and 33 show the input current of the ATRU under load
VcD, as well as the leading the input supply by 40 degrees at 400Hz and 800Hz supply. It can be seen that the ATRU
voltages Vap, Vbp and Vcp, and lagging by 40 degrees demonstrates 18-pulse rectification of the input voltage, while
voltages Vapp, Vbpp and Vcpp – under no load conditions. providing necessary step-down of the input voltage.

Fig. 25 Voltages Va, Vad, Vap, Vapp under no Fig. 26 Voltages Vb, VbD Vbp, Vbpp under no Fig. 27 Voltages Vb, VbD Vbp, Vbpp under no-
load conditions load conditions load conditions

Fig. 28 Voltages Va, Vad, Vap, Vapp, 400Hz, Fig. 29 Voltages Va, Vad, Vap, Vapp 800Hz, Fig. 30 Currents Iad, Iap, Iapp 400Hz, Voltage
under load under load Va, under load


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Fig. 31 Currents Iad, Iap, Iapp, Voltage Va, Fig. 32 Currents Ia, Ib, Ic, Voltage Va, 400Hz, Fig. 33 Currents Ia, Ib, Ic, Voltage Va, 800Hz,
800Hz, under load under load under load

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