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A Research Proposal

Presented to

Faculty of Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for

Research Project

Almodal John Vincent

Amoy Brayan luyd

Marticio Joonee

Gatchalian Daniela

Ubalde Elvin John

Arvin Joseph B. Villamil, LPT

Research Adviser

February 2020



A. Introduction

Greek mythology written by John Richard Thornhill, body of the stories concerning

the gods, heroes and rituals of the ancient Greeks. That the myths and contained

considerable element of fiction was recognized by the more critical Greeks,such as the

philosopher Plato in the 5th- 4th century BCE. In general, however, in the popularity

piety of the Greeks, the myths were viewed as true accounts. Greek mythology has

subsequently had extensive influence on the arts and literature of western civilization,

which fell heir to much of Greek culture. Although people of all countries, eras and

stages of civilization have developed myths that explain the existence and workings of

natural phenomena, recount the deeds of gods or heroes, or seek to justify social or

political institutions, the myths of the Greeks have remained unrivaled in the western

world as sources of imaginative and appealing ideas. Poets and artists from ancient

times to the present have derived inspiration from Greek mythology and have

discovered contemporary significance and relevance in classical mythological themes.

Past few years’ technology has been used to promote and improve the quality of

learning of the student. The area of education is very dynamic and every day,some

new information is being added. There are these educational apps that provide

updated information. For education, an app to teach the student about general

knowledge. By using these educational apps,students can enhance their knowledge

base and can increase their credibility. Even the teachers use these apps to provide

updated knowledge to the students. This increases the quality of education which is

being provided in schools. The new learning has changed the way a student perceives

information.there is no hierarchy education system when it comes to learning from an

app. With mobile education apps, any child can access any kind of information, even

if its out of their syllabus. They cane even learn things from higher standards if they

want to. Apart from school education, they can search for any kind of information they

are interested in. Mobile education apps are making the students hungry for

information. The education apps are not only improving the education system in the

world but are also making the student smarter. It is the most synchronized way of

learning and it is also available for everyone, either rich or poor. Although it has

revolutionized the global education system. Other surprises are about to happen as

regards this innovation.

The researchers develop an application that will teach Greek mythology stories

with a quiz function at the end for evaluating the knowledge of the users about Greek

mythology. This work deals with development of android-based multiple-choice

question examination system, this application is developed for educational purpose


B. Background of the study

Greeks Gods and Greek Mythology, Long ago complex series of myths and legend

to help them explain their history the universe and their culture. Greek mythology

include a polytheistic religion meaning that they worship multiple different gods all of

these gods together are called the Greek pantheon. The Greek gods had the figure of

human although many could transform into other objects or animals or immortal and

where associated with certain aspect of life which they controlled for example

Aphrodite was the god of beauty and love others perform others duties like holding of

the sky or pulling the sun across the sky the main gods lived on their mystical home.

Mount Olympus and were called the Olympians other lesser deities lived in country

side or what we may call spirit rather than true gods. Nymphs for example were the

spirits of rivers to the Greeks world are full of spirits and gods and supernatural beings

where very much a part of real life and could save or kill you. in Greek mythology

history were divided into three basic divisions first came the creation of the world and

the age of gods next was the age of gods and men when gods are interacting with

human on daily basis after that was the age of heroes when the gods stopped

interfering as frequently and powerful people control the destiny of Greece.

The effective use of technology in education has changed the face of education

and it has created more educational opportunities. Both teachers and student have

benefited from various educational technologies, teachers have learned how to

integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more interested in

learning with technology. The use of technology in education has removed educational

boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced

educational technologies. Technologies has helped in the growth of mobile learning

and long distance learning. The use of internet technology has enabled teachers to

reach students across boarders and also students from developing countries have

used internet technology to subscribe for advanced educational courses. Many

universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual

classrooms. Online education is flexible and affordable. Students can attend

classrooms during their free time, and they can also have a chance to interact with

other students virtually. Recent advancements of technologies have yielded positive

results in our education sector, this new educational technology is supporting both

teaching and learning processes, technology has digitized classrooms through digital

learning tools like,computers, Ipads, smart phones, smart digital white boards: it has

expanded course offerings, It has increased students engagement and motivation

towards learning. This are some applications that the researchers think it can really

help enhance base learning Duolingo basically this app is popular with 300 million

users around the globe it is a language learning platform, Quickmaths from the name

itself it focuses in improving mathematics ability, DragonBox it is also a math related

applications focusing mainly on algebra with the objectives to help people enhance

their algebra ability.

In their discussion of the state of technology, social studies, and teacher education,

Friedman and Hicks (2006) articulated the need to “research and evaluate the impact

of the use of technology and technology enhanced instruction within classrooms” (p.

250). They explained the need to recognize the digital divide and its impact on

teaching and learning social studies and to examine the digital disconnect between

teachers’ and students’ abilities and expectations with regard to using technology.

Similarly, Whitworth and Berson (2003) found that Internet use and accessing

information on the Web was the most common use of technology in the social studies.

They expressed a concern that technology was being used as a more sophisticated

and expensive way to meet the same learning outcomes that could also be achieved

through more traditional methods.

C. Objective of the Study

General Objective. The main objective of the study is to develop a game about

Greek mythology with following features, namely: Questions bank, Time frame, Data

storage, and Multimedia support (Pictures, text). It will be entertaining and


Specific objective. The specific objective of the study that is needed for the

completion of it is as follows:

1. To design a Greek Mythology game.

a. To create a questionnaire that will be the basis of the history.

b. To put pictures that will add emotion to the game

2. To program the game.

a. To program or integrate the quiz game proper; the images.

3. To test and debug the quiz game if all the functions and choices are functioning


4. To evaluate the game by the respondents, to know the reliability, user-friendly,

portability and accuracy.

D. Statement of the problem.

1. How do the users evaluate the Mythological Greek gods in terms of the following:

a. User-friendliness

b. Design/appearance

2. How do the experts evaluate the Mythological Greek gods in terms of the


a. Functionality

b. Reliability

c. Accuracy

E. Scope and Limitations

The game is called quiz app, the researchers adapted the Greek gods and

goddesses. English dialect was used in the scripts. the game includes a short story

line about the gods if the user chose the correct answer it will display a story line about

the topic or the character, if they answer it wrong we will display the correct answer

and the story. This also includes animations about the gods, sound effects of their


The game is only limited to clicking the answers to sound effects and making the

the right decision to choose a letter of the correct answer. The game only runs in

android OS. the game has the limitation to play offline.

F. Significance of the study

Junior High school students. Since the researchers used the topic about ancient

Greek gods and goddesses, this game may benefit the students in high school

especially the 7th grade students. They may enjoy it playing while studying and also

this game can be their reference.

Future Researchers. The study would be significant to the future researchers for

the study can be a reference in any situation that their research is related to this one.

Teachers. This will be helpful for teachers teaching Greek mythology in students

this can be their reference.

Greek Mythology Enthusiast. The study would be helpful to them because it is

educational and yet entertaining.

C. Definition of terms

Android OS. Android operating system is a mobile operating system that was

developed by Google to be primarily used for touchscreen devices, cellphones, and


Debug. To identify and remove errors from computer hardware or software. The

process of identifying and removing errors from computer.

Game Based. A type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Generally,

a game based learning is designed to balance subject matter with gameplay and the

ability of the player to retain and apply said subject matter to the real world.

User-Friendliness. It is not difficult to learn or understand.



This chapter consist of information called different studies and literature of

individual. That will help in giving the reader and the researcher a better understanding

of what visual app is, the difference of it to any other games or video game and its

similarities to the popular games.


A “computer game” according to Garris et al. (2002), usually refers to a game

played using a personal computer. Meanwhile, Harris et. al. (2010) classified video

games into eight genres, namely; first-person shooter, strategy, sports, role-playing,

puzzle, racing, dance/rhythm, and adventure. Among the most popular video games

are: Conquer Online 2.0, a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG);

K.O.S., a massive multiplayer online (MMO) shooter game; and Tetris Battle, the social

version of a classic puzzle game.

Vavoula and Sharples (2002) suggest that there are three ways in which learning

can be considered mobile: “learning is mobile in terms of space, ie it happens at the

workplace, at home, and at places of leisure; it is mobile between different areas of life,

ie it may relate to work demands, self-improvement, or leisure; and it is mobile with

respect to time, ie it happens at different times during the day, on working days or on



According to Protopsaltis (2011), earlier games tended to be based on a

behaviourist model which is based on the idea that behaviors are acquired through

conditioning which occurs through interaction with the environment. Later games try

and incorporate experiential, situated and socio-cultural pedagogical models (Smith,

2003). Felicia (2009) further argued that games generally feature the behaviorist,

cognitivist and constructivist approaches. In terms of cognition and learning process,

Felicia (2009) disclosed that digital games can be analyzed through well-known

models such as Carroll’s minimalist theory, Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development

and Kolb’s basic learning model.

Gee (2005) argued that to date, educational games have not been designed using

any coherent theory of learning or appropriate research findings. Sotamaa (2007) also

argued that there is a growing amount of evidence that professional game designers

primarily rely on personal experience and intuitive sense of market demand. According

to Crawford (1982), game design is primarily an artistic process and a technical

process. He further expressed that a game development sequence may start with

choosing a goal and topic, followed by research and preparation, design phase,

evaluation of the design, pre-programming phase, programming phase, and lastly, play

testing phase

Meanwhile, according to Rieber (1996), there appears to be a close association

between play and learning. The NMC Horizon Report: 2010 K-12 Edition predicted that

in two to three years from 2011 through 2016, two technologies with a growing

importance may be adopted: game-based learning and open content. Game-based

learning has grown in recent years as research continues to demonstrate its

effectiveness for learning (The NMC Horizon Report: 2011 K-12 Edition). Indeed,

game-based learning can be applied as additional option to classroom lecturing

(Kearney & Pivec, 2007). Most multiplayer virtual environments used today are games

(Oblinger, 2006). Likewise, Dondlinger (2007) cited that video games are conducive to

the development of specific skills, such as attention, spatial concentration, problem-

solving, decision-making, collaborative work, creativity, and ICT skills.



A. Research Design

The Research Design that will be utilized in this study is the method of the research

used, the total number of the respondents, the tools they needed to be used, and the

system design of the game.

1. .Method of Research Used

The Method of research used tell about the methods used by the researchers.

To achieve the accuracy of this research the researchers used Internet Method,

and Descriptive Method.

Descriptive Method - Define as a research method that describe the data is

essential in ensuring that the researchers, and to understand the process that

have been followed the information of the game. The characteristics of the games

the researchers offers a new way to understand the game by focusing o certain

features including the animated pictures, dialogue, information about the game

these characters as basic composition and analysis.

Internet Method - Involves the collection of information from surfing in the net

to find more accurate and knowledgeable information about on any studies of

Greek Mythology that used by the researchers.

2. Respondents of the Study

Since the game can be played by almost all, the researchers preferred to have

a total respondents of 12 (twelve) persons, Which is divided into two, the

respondents is composed of 10 (ten) Junior High School Students and 2 (two) IT


3. Data Gathering Tools

The data gathering tools it is the most crucial of this study, it tells the tool used

by the researchers. This study the researchers used only the Questionnaire Tools

Questionnaire Tools - the researchers used the questionnaire tools which

include an instrument, which includes a series of questions for the respondents for

the purpose of the gathering information.

B. Tools Used in the Analysis

1. System flow Chart

Main Screen C B

A Open Quiz Screen Display Questions

Start Quiz Answer

N Open Lesson Screen

Lesson Open Lesson Screen

Open Settings If N Show correct answer
Y screen lesson
If =8


N =8


2. Conceptual Framework



Information  Formulating
Requirements the Story
Figure 3.2. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework of the proposed system of the researcher, show the

Input, Process, Output of the proposed system. Input is the information and

Software Requirements needed to do the designing the interface, creating the

database and programming to get the output of the said proposed system.

C. System Design

System Design tackled about the development of the system, the analytical used

in the system and the method used for the evaluation in the proposed system by the


1. Planning - planning is the first phase in making the game. To determine the

problems that need to be solved and formulating ways to deal with in the entire

research. In this planning phase it includes creating our objectives, identifying the

problems and to creating our slope and limitations.

a. Questions - we develop an in game questions for it to be knowledgeable and

yet entertaining for the users to use.

b. Creating background image - in order for this game to be successful it needs

some things that can make it entertaining and dazzling for the users to use and that is

designing the game background image. The researchers search for the best pictures

that will fit in the scene that is being portrayed. The researchers get the pictures in the

internet. In order to make the background the proponent get the background at the

internet and the researchers search for the best images that will fit the scene.

2. Programming - in programming phase of the system design the researches will

use a tool, the Quiz game engine called, Sketch-ware. This type of engine help us to

run and turn our objective into a quiz game. The researchers tried some App inventor

but the researchers chosen engine is Sketch-ware because it is convenient and easy

to code - based Quiz game maker, It is convenient because the sketch-ware is an

android application that why the Quiz game maker can create a app anywhere and

anytime he want.

a. Designing the GUI (Graphical User-Interface) - it is a form of user to interact

with the buttons on the screen of their devices through graphical icons and audio

indicator such as primary notion. This also includes designing the characters

backgrounds, the styles, inserting fonts, and colors of the text used in the game.

The designing of the GUI or the graphical user - Interface Is being made in an

engine called sketchware the version of the sketchware that the researchers will use

3.8.1 because this is the latest version of the engine which offers more options and

easy to use than the previous versions.

the sketchware 6.8.1 is an integrated development environment (IDE) inspired

from the language scratch, which allows you to develop, compile and build an android

application directly using smart phones, without the help from a PC. Anyone can

experience programming and create a working application through sketchware..

b. Coding the Game Proper - in this part, the maker encode the script, images,

sound effects and the background music in Sketch-ware with their corresponding

codes. Also in this parts transitions, effects are programmed. The researchers use the

sketchware 6.8.1 because it is an integrated development environment (IDE) and it

can work on almost all android it does not run on ios.

3. Testing and Debugging - in this part , the game that’s been developed will run until

the researches found an error or bug in the game that will deal with it. The researchers

will repeat the steps again and again until no more errors or bug are occurring. In

testing and debugging it includes running the game, look for the error or bug and

creating the solutions about the error.

Portability Test

Operating System Running

Android 4.1 YES

Android 5.0 YES

Android 6.0 YES

Android 7.0 YES

Android 8.0 YES

Android 9.1 YES

Table 3.1. Compatibility of the game clan and sketchware (Existing) to different


Accuracy and Reliability Test

Trials Start Game Skip Buttons Help Quit Game

1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 3.2. Tested Functions (Part 1)

Trials Display Transition Text Speed Check list

1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No

2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 3.3.Tested Function (Part 2)

4. Evaluating the System - this is the part where the researches and the

respondents will judge the game that has been made by playing it. The researches

used questionnaires to measure the game impact on respondents. The game will be

evaluated by some selected students from different schools. The method that the

researches will used is convenience method.

a. Statistical Tools - Tools that are needed to gather the respondents that are

going to evaluate the game that has been propose.

i.The weighted mean - he most common type of average, where

instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final

average, some data points contribute more than others.

ii. . Fisher Sign Test – used to compares two correlated samples. Used

the difference between each pair of observations.

5. Implementation - In this phase of system design the game will be introduce to the

people for them to see what the game is all about. The game will be distributed to

those people who are interested via mobile playing.



The results gathered data is presented in this chapter. The Researchers used

survey form to gather feedback as well as reactions from respondents , after a series

of validation and evaluation of the results that gathered and analyzed, the researchers

were able to came up the results between the users and experts to on the survey that

answered by the respondents.

The researchers divide the total population of 13(thirteen) respondents into two

groups which is 10 (ten) Users and 3 (three) Experts. The 10 (ten) users are the junior

high school of Tala High School and the 3 (three) experts are IT teacher in Our Lady

of Fatima university.





Figure 4.1. Distribution of Respondents According to Gender.

Figure 4.1 shows the number of respondents according to gender. 69% or 9 of

respondents are female and 31% or 4 are the male respondents, it means that the

proponents has more female respondents than male.

Data were classified and sorted according to show the verbal interpretations of the

game between the users and experts with the total number of 13 respondents. Range

between 1.00-1.80 not acceptable, 1.81-2.60 slightly acceptable 2.61-3.40 moderately

acceptable, 3.41-4.20 acceptable, and 4.21-5.00 highly acceptable. The tables below

show the results between users and experts.

Criteria Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

User-Friendliness 4.6 Highly Acceptable

Design/Appearance 3.57 Acceptable

Over-All 4.09 Acceptable

Table 4.1. Evaluation of Users

Table 4.1. shows the result on how the Users evaluate the Quiz game, in terms of

user-friendliness and design/ appearance. The Mythology Greek Gods got it lowest

weighted mean of 3.57 at the criteria of Design/Appearance which still got a Acceptable

mark. And the highest is User-friendliness with 4.6 and still got a Highly Acceptable

mark. The over-all weighted mean or average that this game had is 4.09 which falls on

the Acceptable mark. This means that the game acceptable to them in terms of the

criteria measured. This also means that this game has the appropriate, scoring,

background music,and the settings.

Criteria Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

Functionality 4.11 Acceptable

Accuracy 4.33 Highly Acceptable

Reliability 4.43 Highly Acceptable

Over-All 4.29 Highly Acceptable

Table 4.2. Evaluation of Experts

Table 4.2. shows the result on how the Experts evaluate the Quiz game, in terms

of functionality, accuracy, and reliability. The Mythology Greek Gods got it lowest

weighted mean of 4.11 at the criteria of Functionality which still got a Acceptable mark.

Next is Accuracy with 4.33 which falls on Highly Acceptable mark, And the highest is

Reliability with 4.43 and still got a Highly Acceptable mark. The over-all weighted mean

or average that this game had is 4.29 which falls on the Highly Acceptable mark. This

means that the game acceptable to them in terms of the criteria measured. This also

means that this game has the appropriate,color, text, scoring, background music,and

the settings.



A. Summary of Findings

the researchers conducted a survey to get the feedback and reaction of the

respondents about “A mobile trivia game about greek mythology”. The researchers found

out that the results of a conducted survey in users over all weighted mean is 4.09 which is

still a acceptable mark, and for the results in experts is 4.29 which is still a highly

acceptable. And for the total result it shows that the quiz game is appropriate for all.

B. Conclusions

After the survey and the statistical treatment the proponents therefore concluded that

the proposed game, Mythology Greek Gods can be another source of knowledge about

the Greek Mythology. The proponents successfully made a quiz application for students

that is educational in a way they can be entertained as well, they are successful in creating

the short stories about the Greek Gods, Character images, background images and they

are also successful in integrating it and use the functions which are prebuilt in Sketchware

3.9.11 engine and it is tested and debug. The proponents are also successful in evaluating

the application by the respondents and experts.

C. Recommendations

The proponents recommend to the educational institution to use the game or its

concept in teaching different lessons especially the subject itself this may serve as

advancement in teaching.

For the students this game may help you in enjoy, studying about the Greek Gods

and this may also help you think of different possibilities and enhance your imagination in

playing this game.

For the mythology of Greek Gods enthusiast who like to read or watch movies this

research is an effort to combine the gain of knowledge while playing with multiple story

lines about the gods that you can read to deepen your knowledge about Greek gods. The

proponents therefore recommend that you may try out playing this kind of games.

For the researcher’s the proponents that in making this kind of game make sure

to use appropriate tools both on software and source of information. Enhance the

background images, add some background effects and music and if possible different

animations for the characters.

For Teachers. This will be helpful for teachers teaching Greek mythology in

students this can be their reference.


 Squire, K. D. (2008) ‘Video-Game Literacy’ in J. Coiro, M. Knobel, C. Lankshear,

D.J. Leu (eds.) Handbook of Research on New Literacies, New York, NY: Taylor
&Francis Group.
 Yan Jingjing, (2010) Gender and Computer Games / Video Games (girls
perspective orientation),Gotland


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