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A bear and a lion

A bear and a lion

One upon a time a lion and a bear caught and killed a goat. They had a quarrel over it.
“It is mine,” said the bear. “I caught it with my strong paws.”
“It is not yours. It is mine,” said the lion. “I killed it with my strong jaws.”
Then they began to fight over it. They ran up and down the hill, under and over the fallen trees,
in and out of the forest. They bit and scratched with their strength, but no one could overcome
the other.
At last they both were tired out and could fight no longer. They lay upon the ground, panting and
looking at each other.
A fox who was passing by at the time saw them with a dead goat near by. She ran up to them,
took the goat home and ate it up.
Terjemahan :

Beruang dan singa

Suatu ketika seekor singa dan seekor beruang menangkap dan mebunuh seekor kambing.
Mereka pun berdebat.
“Ini milikku,” kata beruang “Saya menagkapnya dengan kekuatan cakarku.”
“itu bukan milikmu. Itu milikku,” kata singa. “Saya membunuhnya dengan kekuatan rahangku.”
Mereka pun mulai bertengkar. Mereka saling kejar naik turun bukit melewati bawah dan atas
batang pohon tumbang, keluar dan masuk hutan. Mereka saling menggigit dan mencakar dengan
kekuatan mereka yang mereka miliki, tapi tidak ada yang mampu mengalahkan satu sama lain.
Dan pada akhirnya mereka berdu letih dan tidak bias berkelahi lagi. Mereka berbaring dengan
nafas terengah-engah dan saling melihat.
Pada saat yang bersamaan tiba-tiba seekor rubah lewat dan melihat mereka bersama seekor
kambing mati di dekatnya. Dia pun mendekat, dan membawa pergi kambing tersebut.

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