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Online Trade License Management System for Bule Hora Town

A project proposal submitted to the Department of Information science, college of Informatics,

and Bule Hora University in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor
of Science in Information Science.


1. DIMOL ASLEDIN................................................................3095/10
2. MISGANA ADUGNA..........................................................3119/10
3. TILAHUN DEREJE..............................................................3136/10

Advisors: Mihretu Kebede (MSc.)

Fikadu Workina (MSc.)

Bule Hora, Ethiopia

February, 2020

The Research Project Proposal entitled Online trade license management system for Bule Hora
town has been read and approved as meeting the preliminary research requirements of the
department of Information Science in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor
in Information Science, Bule Hora University, Bule Hora, Ethiopia.
Department research project coordinator (DRPC)

Students Signature Date

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3. __________________________ ____________ _______________

Advisors Signature Date

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Examiners Signature Date

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2. __________________________ ____________ _______________

Department head Signature Date

1. __________________________ ____________ ______________

Trade license is a paper provided by government office for starting business and insures that,
started business is legal. The proposed system is designed to allow new users to apply for
license, renew and update existing license, cancel/remove the license and report are generated
for each work done in the organization. An applicant to be a trader performs the registration
process through online application by accessing the organizations website. Applicant has to
submit or fill his/her bank details and the tax identity number (TIN) as well as tax payment
receipt taken from the revenues authority. The application will developed by using PHP as
server side coding and HTML as client side coding as well as MYSQL as server side database
for storing data. Generally, the main goal of Trade license Management System is to shorten
data-processing time, to reduce errors, to improve the accuracy of input and to provide data
reliability of the information and to change the manual data handling system into automated

As we have observed, in trade management system have many problems and it need to be
automated or web based. The things makes us to design or motivates us to design this system is
that those problems faces us in manual way of trade license system. In order to reduce those
problems in manual way trade management of Bule Hora Town (mainly cost and time) we need
to develop the system that can improve those problems.

Table of Contents

APPROVAL SHEET ....................................................................................................................................... i

Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... ii

Motivation................................................................................................................................................ iii

List of Table ................................................................................................................................................. vi

List of Acronyms .................................................................................................................................... vii

Chapter One .................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Statement of problem ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.2. Objective of the project .................................................................................................................... 2

1.2.1. General objective ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.2.2. Specific objectives .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Significance of the project .................................................................................................................. 3

1.4.1 Significance for the Traders ............................................................................................................. 3

1.4.2 Significance for the Organization .................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Operational definition......................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter Two.................................................................................................................................................. 5

2. Literature Review.................................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter Three................................................................................................................................................ 7

3. System design and methodology .......................................................................................................... 7

3.1 System design ..................................................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Method of data collection .................................................................................................................. 7

3.2.1 Interviewing ................................................................................................................................. 7

3.2.2 Observation .................................................................................................................................. 7

3.3 System Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 8

3.3.1 Existing System ................................................................................................................................... 8

3.3.2 The Proposed System. .......................................................................................................................... 8

3.4 Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................................ 9

3.4.1 Operational Feasibility ..................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.2 Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.3 Economic Feasibility ....................................................................................................................... 9

3.4.4 Political feasibility ........................................................................................................................... 9

3.5 Requirement analysis ........................................................................................................................ 10

3.5.1 Functional requirements and Non Functional requirement ........................................................ 10 Functional requirements.............................................................................................................. 10 Non Functional requirement ...................................................................................................... 10

3.5.2 Hardware Requirement and Software requirement ..................................................................... 11

3.5.2 .1 Hardware Requirement .......................................................................................................... 11 Software requirement .................................................................................................................. 12

Chapter Four ............................................................................................................................................... 13

4. Time and Break Down ........................................................................................................................ 13

4.1 Time .................................................................................................................................................. 13

4.2 Break Down/Budget .......................................................................................................................... 14

References .................................................................................................................................................. 15

List of Table
Table 1 Hardware Requirement .................................................................................................... 11
Table 2 time for project................................................................................................................. 13
Table 3 Budget/Break Down for project ....................................................................................... 14

List of Acronyms

TIN………………………………………………….Tax Identity Number

GUI………………………………………………….Graphical User Interface

TLMS……………………………………………….Trade license management system

SAD............................................................................System analaysis and design

OOSAD......................................................................Object oriented system analaysis and design

Chapter One
1. Introduction

In today’s world of emerging technologies, companies are moving their faces towards the Web
based customer service management technologies. People are rushing towards the Web based
applications for their day-today needs, which in turn are making the Internet very popular. Many
organizations are being computerized and are surely enjoying the benefits of computerization.
The computerized trade license and marketing system has to do with the process of eradicating
the manual ways of recording or processing trade system Online license and marketing has given
both an opportunity and a challenge to traditional customer service [1].In the fast growing world
Services have to be fast and reliable, which saves much of our time processing services
manually. In manual way giving license by paper is time consuming tasks, it is away that need
human efforts, it needs many resources and money [2].These online trade license system
automates many of these Processes by saving time and money.this project is developed online
license Trade management system of Bule Hora town activities of license giving, updating license,
cancelling license and others are done through online system process which are secure and time

1.1 Statement of problem

Trade and market development administration of Bule Hora town does its work in manual system.
All the activities of license giving, updating license, cancelling license and others are done through
manual process which are less secured and time consuming.

For an applicant to be a trader or to have a trade license, he/she must come with a Kebele
identification card given from the Kebele administrator and the tax identity number(TIN) which is
given by the revenues authority by verifying his/her fingerprint. An applicant should have a house
built for trading purpose, if the house is rented he/she has to show the legal agreement made in
between them. Applicants should have valid bank account, after having registered he/she has to
select one of the trade codes and the manager checks the requirements. An applicant should pay for
the registration, for the license when he/she wants to have, or in updating and cancellation. If all
are ok the trader take trade license which allows him/her to do any trade activity based on that
trade code.

In general the currently faced problems are:-

 Applicants have to come to the office for every service, this consumes money for transport
 Trader waits for a long duration of time (day) to get services.
 Bule Hora town trade and market development administration use manual based system.
This system is time taking when, registering applicants, giving license, updating the license
and cancelling license.
 Time loss and boring to give information about trade codes for each applicant.
 Searching information is difficult and there is the chance of losing data.
 Hard to generate report, difficult to manage the overall system and difficult to have
statistical report.

1.2. Objective of the project

1.2.1. General objective

The main objective of this project is to develop and implement online trade license for Bule Hora
town and market development Administration.

1.2.2. Specific objectives

These are the detail objective of the proposed system:

 To Design an interactive and easy to use web based application to serve traders

 To design and implement a GUI (graphical user interface) for the proposed system.
 To design and implement registration form for new traders.
 To design and implement to updating, search and cancel of license.
 To design and implement a database to store data for the proposed system.

1.3 Scope of the project

The system focuses on functionalities of registering applicants for license, give the license for
those who fulfill the requirements, renew license annually, update and cancel license those who
requested. An applicant to be a trader performs the registration process through online application
by accessing the organizations website. In general the project will covers all the followings:

Online registration of new traders, manage licenses, Manage accounts of traders. Manage trade
codes, Generate report

1.4 Significance of the project

1.4.1 Significance for the Traders

 They can apply the registration for trade license, renewal, update license, canceling
license being anywhere at any time.
 It will allow accessing the day to day inforamtion online
 Increase profit by decreasing the distance barrier that traders were affected by, when they
are taking, renew, updating, and cancelling the license.

 To save time and resource needed for both employers and organization

 It will enable to requesting the service and get the service timely

1.4.2 Significance for the Organization

Bule Hora Trade and market development administration will be benefited after the completion of
the project in many ways including:

 To be competitive, profitable, and manage all traders affairs easily.

 It will no need of more manpower and reduce the worker tiredness
 The access of information will be easier, faster, safer, and also in a neat and well
organized way.
 It enable backup,store and securely the trader (customer) data

 Economically get benefit because all activities are done easily and quickly.

 no loss of data for the employers and organization

 to make the system secure from unauthorized access for the organization and the

 easy to generate reports for the employers

 easy to manage the overall system for the organization and the employers

1.5 Operational definition

Trade : the acivity or process of buying,selling,or exchanging good or service

Trade license: is a paper provided by the government administration for starting the business and
it ensure that the new started business is legal.

Management: isthe act or skill of controlling and making decision about a

business,department,sport and team

TIN: is a unique nine-digit number used to identify an individual, business, or other entity in tax
returns and other documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Chapter Two

2. Literature Review

A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to the
selected area of study. A literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical
points of current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and
methodological contributions to a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and
as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. Trade license is a paper provided
by the government administration for starting the business and it ensure that the new started
business is legal [3].Online trade license management system seems to be the ideal answer for
busy individuals with a job and a family, who need more trade market in order to advance or just
keep pace professionally [4].What could be better than a market that meets you have, and builds
a close relationship with your capital and business through any time you are ready and have a
computer available, for exactly the amount of time collaborative discussions [5]. It could be the
only ways in which trader who live far from a market to register everywhere. Few trader have
tried can characterize the online trade license registration system.Trade involves the transfer of
the ownership of goods or services from one person or entity to another in exchange for other
goods or services or for money. Possible synonyms of "trade" include "commerce" and "financial
transaction" [6]. A network that allows trade is called a market. Modern traders generally negotiate
through a medium of exchange, such as money. As a result, buying can be separated from selling.
The invention of money (and later credit, paper money and non-physical money) greatly simplified
and promoted trade. Trade between two traders is called bilateral trade, while trade between more
than two traders is called multilateral trade [7].Trade involves the transfer of goods or
services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money. A system or network
that allows trade is called a market. An early form of trade, barter, saw the direct exchange of
goods and services for other goods and services. Barter involves trading things without the use of
money. Later, one bartering party started to involve precious metals, which gained symbolic as
well as practical importance. Modern traders generally negotiate through a medium of exchange,
such as money and capital business. Trade marketing is a discipline of marketing that relates to
increasing the demand at wholesaler, retailer, or distributor level rather than at the consumer
level. However, there is a need to continue with Brand Management strategies to sustain the need

at the consumer end [8]. A shopper, who may or may not be the consumer him/herself, is the one
who identifies and purchases a product from a retailer even though they might not purchase the
goods at the end of the day. To ensure that a retailer promotes a company's product against
competitors', that company must market its product to the retailers as well by offering steep
discounts versus competitors. Trade marketing might also include offering various
tangible/intangible benefits to retailers such as commissions made for sales. Trade marketing is
the basic idea of marketing your products through the value chain and at the point of sale i.e. the
store. Consider it the thought of creating a demand for your products across the channel and
before it reaches the consumer. This traditionally exists in a brick and mortar environment and
can be argued to be one of the oldest forms of marketing [9].Basic method of trade
marketing is focusing on sales fundamentals, such as distribution, display, promotion
and price. With data and knowledge of sales fundamentals, trade marketing develops
market strategy aligned with brand strategy. In order to deliver sales volume and
value, trade marketing support sales forces with well-designed fundamental
enhancement plans. Shopkeepers and retailers are becoming more and more profit margin
oriented [10].They seek to extract maximum margins from one company, by quoting higher
margins being given to a competitor company. A current trend in trade marketing is the focus on
customer data. According to a research conducted by Deloitte in 2016, digital experiences and
interactions influence customer spending [11].This tendency has been noticed by retailers and it
has affected their strategies. Retailers focus their efforts into e-mail, mobile and social media
marketing activities in order to deliver personalized consumer experiences. Therefore, marketers
have to create comprehensive trade marketing strategies that will be based on customer data,
aimed also at the delivery of personalized customer experiences which influence sales and
purchasing behaviors

Chapter Three
3. System design and methodology
3.1 System design
System design is the process of defining the elements of a system such as the architecture,
modules and components, the different interfaces of those components and the data that goes
through that system. System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system
design model. Up to now, we were in the problem domain. System design is the first part to get
into the solution domain in a software development. It is a means to satisfy specific needs and
requirements of a business or organization through the engineering of a coherent and well-
running system.
3.1.1 Object-oriented analysis and design
In order to develop the project the group member will use object oriented system analysis and
design approach. OOSAD approach or methodology is a recommended collection of phases,
procedure, rules, techniques, tools, documentation, management and training to improve the
quality of a software developement effort. In the project we will use OOSAD for the following
 Design class diagram
 Sequence diagram
 Activity Diagram
 Use case diagram and etc

3.2 Method of data collection

3.2.1 Interviewing
In interviewing team member will prepare some open-ended questions to the employees of the
trade, administrator of the trade and some of the traders and will gathered important information
about the trade and how the trade office is administering and performing all activities.

3.2.2 Observation
Through observation our group member will understand how they are performing their activities
and daily tasks. This through the stay within their company for two days with some of their

3.3 System Analysis
System analysis is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and
decomposition of a system into its components. It is the process that decomposes a system into
its component pieces for the purpose of defining how well those components interact to
accomplish the set requirements. System analysis focuses on producing model of a system that
by depending on the developers collect factual data. It expresses how the system will interact to
external entity, nonfunctional requirements. System analysis contains many activities and task
that are important to the overall success trade management system.

3.3.1 Existing System

The current system of Bule Hora town trade and market development administration uses a
manual system to manage trade license.The existing system working process has no speed and not
give timely information for traders. The office gives different services to traders such as giving
license, update license and cancel license .when the office gives the above services because of it
uses in manual process, getting services take many times.

3.3.2 The Proposed System.

The proposed system of trade license management sysytem (TLMS) will change the manual file
system to automate. The new system with more reliable way than the existing system. The
proposed system will solve all problems that are exit in current system, the proposed system will
store files in more secured and reliable way, and the team will be used MYSQL database for
storing the files. Some advantages of proposed system are: -Minimize of data loss through the
data backup technique, easy to find the traders details, easy to generate statistical reports, better
management and decision making, easy to update trader’s information. Database used to store
the information of traders.

In general the proposed system has the following importance.

 Fast rate of operation and excellent response time.

 The system is flexible i.e. it can be accessed at anytime and anywhere.
 Minimizes the wastage of resource.
 It provides easy data storage and management.

3.4 Feasibility Study
The system to determine can be develop, evaluate and identify the newly develop system.
Therefore, the feasibility analysis of proposed system involves the following feasibility:

3.4.1 Operational Feasibility

It determines how the system satisfies organizations needs or solves the organizations problem.
The proposed system will have good user interfaces it will be simple for users to use the system
after developed, so the system operationally feasible as it will be very easy for end user to
operate and would be acceptable to Bule Hora town. Therefore, the system will be operationally

Some factors to be operational feasible are:-

 It easy and simple to use
 Gives a satisfaction to the users of this system.
 Solves the problem relating to time to get services.

3.4.2 Technical Feasibility

The system is going to be developed by technological development technique such as PHP
language with the XAMP Server and notepad++ editor, MYSQL database to store files,
Microsoft word for writing document, java script and CSS. Therefore, the system will be
technically feasible.

3.4.3 Economic Feasibility

Both hardware and software required for developing the system are highly available and can be
owned with small cost, and its benefit had outweighed the cost used to develop the system. The
proposed system to develop will decrease a lot of birr that was expensive to buy the hard
document material such as paper, pencil, and rubber. Also reduce the loss of data that means if it
reduces the loss of data it also reduces the cost of replacing the lost data. Therefore, the system
will be economically feasible.

3.4.4 Political feasibility

The project will not have any features that against the rules and regulations of government,
similarly do not take part in any politics and religion activities. Therefore, the system will be
politically feasible.

3.5 Requirement analysis
In this section we stated the requirements that are needed in the proposed system which address
the problems of the existing system. We have identified the two types of requirements, those are
functional and nonfunctional.

3.5.1 Functional requirements and Non Functional requirement Functional requirements

Functional requirement describes the way in which the system provides its service in general.
Generally, functional requirements are expressed in the form system must do (requirement).
After completion the proposed system must do the following tasks:

 The system will allow Validate data and store data without error.
 The system will allow Create account and enable traders to register for license.
 The system will allow should manage trader’s accounts i.e. it can create, and delete
 The system will allow perform process of view profile trader,
 The system will allow perform process of Update the license,
 The system will allow perform process of Cancel the license,
 The system will allow should Generate reports
 The system will allow should initial payment of license Non Functional requirement

Non Functional requirement concern with user visible aspects of the system not directly related
to functional behavior of the system. In general non-functional requirements are those
requirements that have nothing to do with the functionality of the system but they determine the
performance of the whole system.

Performance: The system should have a quick response time for a single request made. It is
expected that the software would perform functionally all the requirements that are specified by
the organization and it support multiple users at a time.

Security and Access permissions: Security requirements are important factors in this system as
classified data will be stored in the database. Because of each users have its own account, user
validation will be done during login to insure that the user is valid and that the user

only can access to his or her permitted data only. The user name and password of users also
encrypted when inserting to database.

Availability: Because the system is integrated on an online server it is available at any desired
time if the user has an internet connection.

Accessibility: The system provides access right control for each of its user and every user can
access the data which belong to them.

Error Handling: The system should display error message if the user input invalid information.

Maintainability: After the deployment of the project if any error occurs then it should be easily
maintained by the software developer.

Portability: The software shall work properly in any browsers.

3.5.2 Hardware Requirement and Software requirement

3.5.2 .1 Hardware Requirement

Table 1 Hardware Requirement

Tools Activities

Computer (Desktop or Laptop) Writing Soft copy of Document

Printer Printing Purpose

Used to write the drafting of the

idea on the paper.

Flash disk File Transferring

Internet cable Used to internet access

Phone To communicate advisors and group


11 Software requirement

 Web server: apache web server

 Database server: MYSQL
 Development tool: XAMPP, Notepad++, Dreamweaver
 Microsoft office 2016
 Window 10 operating system

Chapter Four

4. Time and Break Down

4.1 Time

Table 2 time for project


1 Title selection Dec 10/2019 Dec 15/2019
2 Lierature review Dec 16/2019 Jun 20/2019
3 Proposal writing Jan 21/2019 Jan 24/2019
4 Proposal presentation feb 7/2010 feb 8/2010
5 Data collection Feb 28/2020 Mar 28/2020
6 Data analysis Mar 06/2020 Mar 10/2020
7 System design Mar 21/2020 Mar 29/2020
8 Implementation May 11/2020 May 17/2020
9 Testing Jun 2/2020 Jun 2/2020
10 Final presentation Jun 24/2020

4.2 Break Down/Budget

Table 3 Budget/Break Down for project

Hardware No Price Total

Pen 2 10 20
Pen 5 10 50
Personal computer 1 12500 12500
Paper 1 Packs 200 200
Flash 1 200 200
Printing & copy 25 2 50
Binding 2 10 20
Smart phone 1 4200 4200
Total 17,240


[1] A.Hoffer, trade market (6th Edition)., (2007)..

[2] L. Goldsmith, " trade market in nineteenth-century Massachusetts.," Journal of Social History(31),,
pp. 109-125., 2012.

[3] B. a. A. D. Bruegge, " government administration for trading and business," 1999..

[4] Holt, market processing and license, 1999; Macht, 1998)..

[5] V. Gray, "online marketing book," in proclamation of trade and industry, 1998;1997, pp. 40-45.

[6] Suedfeld, "huffmon kahdo," no. 24, pp. 107-116, 2012.

[7] I. McGraw-Hill, trading application and process of trading, Gerald V.Post, 2015.

[8] s. jupylen hofbn, "Methods of trade marketing".

[9] j. K. kramer, "International trade".

[10] j. ch, "World Trade Organization".

[11] f. f, "Non-governmental organizations Trading".


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