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Republic of the Philippines


Camiling, 2306, Tarlac



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Republic of the Philippines
Camiling, 2306, Tarlac


All Offices GS General Services VPRET Vice President for Research, Extension & Training
UP University President BAS Business and Auxiliary Services DET Department of Extension & Training
PDO Planning and Development Office VPSAS Vice President for Student Affairs and Services DRD Department of Research & Development
ELIA External Linkages and International Affairs ARS Admission and Registration Services ITSO Innovation & Technology Support Office
IAQA Internal Audit and Quality Assurance SD Socio-Cultural Development AREC Affiliated Renewable Energy Center
GAD Gender and Development SSD Student Services and Development RRTC Rootcrops Research and Training Center
VPFA Vice President for Finance and Administration AR Alumni Relations FPC Food Processing Center
DAS Department of Administrative Services VPAA Vice President for Academic Affairs Others _________________________________
HRMO Human Resource Management Office CAF College of Agriculture and Forestry
PSMO Property and Supply Management Office CAS College of Arts and Sciences
SS Security Office CBM College of Business and Management
MS Motorpool Services CEd College of Education
MDS Medical and Dental Services CET College of Engineering and Technology
RO Records Office CVM College of Veterinary Medicine
FS Financial Services CI Curriculum and Instruction
AO Accounting Office LabS Laboratory School
BO Budget Office LibS Library Services
CTO Cashier and Treasury Office NSTP Natioal Service Training Program
PMS Procurement Management System

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