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A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

1. I love living in Australia ______________ the weather.

a. because

b. since

c. as

d. because of

2. The increase in the number of cans on the road has resulted …. more and more traffic jams.

a. in

b. to

c. at

d. for

e. and

Answer: d

4. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.

a. for

b. at

c. to

d. by

e. either

Answer: c
5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been …. global warming.

a. put up with

b. put down to

c. set down to

d. put to

e. both

Answer: a

6. “He got to work really, really late ‘cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect word is ‘cos short

a. due to

b. because

c. as

d. since

7. Keith lost his job due ________ cutbacks in the department.

a. for

b. at

c. to

d. by

8. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been __________ global warming.

a. put up with

b. put down to

c. set down to

d. put to
9. Which one is NOT correct? “He didn’t turn up for the exam. __________, he failed the course.”

a. As a result

b. Consequently

c. As a consequence

d. As a reason

10.She got mostly A on her report card and graduated with honor_________Her parents are so proud,
they gift her a three-day trip to Bali after the graduation ceremony.

A. Because

B. As

C. So

D. Due to

11. Her computer stopped working ________ a virus

A. Since

B. As

C. Due to

D. Because

12. The police arrested him________he committed a crime

A. Because of

B. From

C. Because

D. Due to

13.we stayed home_____holiday

A. So
B. Because of

C. Because

D. So

14. ___it is taining, I will to stay at home

A. As

B. Because

C. So

D. From

15.She is lazy,______she has failed all of her subjects.

A. Since

B. Due to

C. So

D. Therefore

16.The parents were unable to support the baby, therefore sent it to the orphanage.

A. Because

B. As

C. Therefore

D. So

17.They never argued about my decisions. Therefore, we always ended up as a great team

A. Because

B. So

C. Therefor
D. As

18.Ben has got a flat tire, so he cannot reach the school on time.

A. So

B. Because of

C. As long as

19.I didn’t speak to him since I did not remember his name.

A. Because

B. Due to

C. As a result of

D. Since

20.She ate too much this morning, so she fell asleep in the afternoon.

A. So

B. Because of

C. Due to

D. From

21She deserved to get it, as what she already did.

A. So

B. Due to

C. As

D. As aresult of

22.The aircraft needs to fly over 20,000 feet due to maintaining air pressure.

A. Because of

B. As a result of

C. So
D. Due to

23.She loves to eat onions; consequently, her breath is awful.

A. So

B. Because

C. From

D. Consequenty

24.I was swimming SO I am tired

A. As

B. So

C. Due to

D. From

25.Diana started screaming SINCE she saw a cokcroach on her bag

A. Because

B. Because of

C. Since

D. As

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