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Clin. Cardiol.

14, 708-712 (1991)

The Stunned and Hibernating Myocardium: A Brief Review

Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Summary: Definitions: Stunned myocardium is viable inotropes and postextrasystolic potentiation. Perfusion is
myocardium salvaged by coronary reperfusion that exhibits adequate and metabolism is also adequate. Hibernating
prolonged postischemic dysfunction after reperfusion. myocardium also has abnormal wall motion, which nor-
Hihernuting myocardium is ischemic myocardium supplied malizes after nitrates, inotropes, post extrasystolic potenti-
by a narrowed coronary artery in which ischemic cells ation (PESP), PTCA, or CABG. Myocardial perfusion is
remain viable but contraction is chronically depressed. reduced but can be reversed with PTCA or CABG and
metabolism is adequate.
Clinical evidence: Stunned myocardium has been identi-
fied in the following patient groups: (1) thrombolysis or
percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography (PTCA)
i n patients with acute evolving infarction; (2) unstable
Key words: stunned myocardium, hibernating myocardi-
um, left ventricular dysfunction
angina; (3) exercise-induced angina; (4) coronary artery
spasm; ( 5 ) platelet aggregation or transient thrombosis of a
coronary artery; (6) PTCA for chronic myocardial ische-
mia; and (7) immediately following coronary artery bypass Introduction
graft (CABG). Evidence of hibernating myocardium (LV
Most of this review will deal with the stunned myocardi-
dysfunction) is found in the patient with severe coronary
um since the animal models and the human representation
artery stenosis, even in asymptomatic patients at rest.
Stunned myocardium returns to normal after a prolonged are more easily studied than the models of hibernating
period of time (hours to weeks). Hibernating myocardium m yocardi um.
The word stunned is derived from the Latin extonrrw
returns to normal function rather quickly if the cause is
removed. meaning to thunder, from the old English stunian meiin-
ing to crash, and from the old French esfoner meaning to
Differentiation: Stunned myocardium can be differenti- resound. Synonyms include rendering senseless, knocking
ated from hibernating myocardium by three clinical param- unconscious, and dazing.
eters, namely, LV wall motion, myocardial perfusion, and Kloner defined the stunned myocardium as a viable
myocardial metabolism. Stunned myocardium has abnor- myocardium that has been salvaged by coronary reperfu-
mal wall motion that tends to normalize in response to sion, yet exhibits prolonged but transient postischemic dys-
function, lasting hours to days.'

Animal Evidence for Stunned Myocardium

Most have used the IS minute coronary artery occlusion

Address fnr Reprints:
to investigate stunning. Numerous observations have been
C. Richard Conti. M.D. made. These include the following:
PiiliiiBeach Heafl Association
Eminent Scholar (Cardiology) 1. Depression of contractile function for 6 hours after
Chief. Division of Cardiology reflow2
BOX5-277, JHMHC 2. Prolonged diastolic relaxation time3
Gninesville, FL 326 10, USA
3. Depressed levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) up
Received: July 22, 1991 to 72 hours4
Accepted: July 22, 1991 4. Nonnal myocytes as viewed by light microscopys
C. R. Conti: Stunned and hibernating myocardium 709

5. Reversible mitochondria1 changes of unknown sig- ned myocardium is implied since patients often require
niftcance as viewed by electron microscopy’ long-term inotropic support after cardiopulmonary bypass.
6. Stimulation of the ventricle to contract with several Anderson,14 Stack,15 and RedutoI6 and their colleagues
inolropes including dopamine, isoproterenol, epin- have shown clearly that following thrombolysis for acute
ephrine, calcium, hydralazine, and postextrasystolic myocardial infarction there is gradual continued improve-
potentiationb ment of ventricular function weeks after successful reper-
fusion. This gradual improvement was not seen in patients
whose infarct-related artery was not reperfused.
Mechanisms of Stunned Myocardium
In the unstable angina patients, Nixon,I7 Satler,I8 and
colleagues have shown convincing cardiac echo evidence
There probably is no single mechanism that results in
of temporary ventricular dysfunction during angina-free
myocardial stunning but several should be considered:
periods. They have also shown that isoproterenol improves
contraction of these “stunned myocardium” analogous to
1. Abiiormal energy utilization
results in animals.
2. Prtduction of oxygen-derived free radicals
Robertson and colleaguesI9 have also shown cardiac
3. Abnormal calcium flux
echo evidence of regional wall motion abnormalities 30
4. White cell accumulation in previously ischemic tissue
minutes after exercise, particularly in patients with multi-
5 . Microvascular abnormalities
vessel disease. Camici et a/.,*” using positron emission
6 . A combination of all of these
tomography (PET) studies, have also shown prolonged
alteration in metabolism using fluorodeoxyglucose (i.e.,
Greenfield and Swain’ have shown experimentally in
decreased myocardial uptake of glucose).
animals after a IS-minute occlusion followed by reperfu-
Further clinical evidence for a stunned myocardium
sion that there is a disruption of energy utilization rather
comes from Wijns and colleagues,21who evaluated dias-
than abnormal energy production. They found a decrease
tolic abnormalities of the ventricle and showed marked
in niyocxrdial creatine kinase (CK) plus a decrease in
decrease in compliance during balloon occlusion and
adenosine diphosphate which is necessary for maximal
reduced compliance up to 15 minutes after repetitive
creatine kinase activity in the animals studied.
Przyklenk and Kloner,8 Myers,9 and Grosslo and co-
workers have reported that cytotoxic oxygen-derived free
radicals (e.g., hydroxide and superoxide anion) are associ-
The Hibernating Myocardium
ated with stunning and free radical scavengers attenuate
the sluniied myocardium.
Hibernate derives from the Latin hibernus meaning win-
The hypothesis that stunning is due to altered calcium
try. To hibernate is to spend a period, either seasonal or
flux, that is, calcium entry after reperfusion, is supported
diurnal in a state of deep sleep, especially one marked by
by the observation that nifedipine given 30 minutes after
a distinct lowering of metabolism and body temperature. A
reperfusion restores myocardial function toward normal. I
second definition is “a state of death-like sleep.”
Conflicting data are reported relating to white cell accu-
Rahimtoola?? defined hibernating myocardium as ische-
mulation i n previously ischemic tissue which results in mi-
mic myocardium (that is supplied by narrowed coronary
crovascular plugging after reperfusion. Both of these can
artery) in which cells remain viable but contraction is
decrease blood flow (the low retlow phenomenon) to pre-
chronically depressed. The depressed contractile function
viously ischemic myocardium and can also be a possible
reduces oxygen demand, which presumably protects these
extracellular source of oxygen-derived free radicals.”,
Tilmanns et nl. showed that there was altered capillary
Keller and Cannon?’ reported a model of hibernating
permeability and red and white cell clumping in the animal
myocardium using isolated perfused rat heart by using
model of stunned myocardium suggesting abnormalities at
graded reductions in coronary artery pressure. Table I sum-
the microvascular level as a possible cause for stunning.”
marizes their observations. They demonstrated significant
reductions in myocardial oxygen consumption and con-
Clinical Evidence for Stunned Myocardium tractile performance that returned to control when coro-
nary artery pressures were returned to baseline.
Nunicrous observations have been made following With modest decrease in coronary perfusion pressure
thronibolysis or percutaneous transluminal coronary these changes were associated with a decrease in myocar-
angiogrophy (PTCA) in patients with evolving acute dial creatine phosphate but no lactate production or change
myocardial infarction. Prolonged recovery of myocardial in myocardial pH or adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
function has also been noted in patients with unstable angi- With further reduction in coronary perfusion pressure,
na. folltwing exercise-induced angina, following PTCA creatine phosphate decreased further, myocardial lactate
for chronic myocardial ischemia, and following coronary production increased, myocardial pH decreased, and ATP
artery bypass graft surgery. In this latter example, a stun- decreased. These observations suggest that traditional
710 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 14, September 1991

TArjt,F, I Hibernating myocardiumf4

Contractile creatine Lactate Myocardial Myocardial
MVO:, function phosphate production PH ATP
Modest 1 1 1 0 0 0
Moderute 1 I 11 T I 1
“Isolated perfused rat heart model.
Ahhrc.viurions: ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CPP = coronary perfursion pressure; MVO;?=myocardial oxygen consumption.
Based on data from Ref. 23.

markers of myocardial ischemia need not be present in the Summary of Difference Between Stunned and
“hibemating” myocardium but oxygen delivery may be an Hibernating Myocardium
important determinant of myocardial function in this
model of decreased coronary perfusion pressure. Table I1 outlines some differences between stunned,
hibernating, and infarcted myocardium. The stunned
myocardium occurs after ischemia and after reperfusion.
Clinical Evidence for Hibernating Myocardium Hibernating myocardium occurs during ischemia. The
clinical causes of stunned myocardium include episodes
Several observations have been made suggesting the of severe ischemia due to either exercise, PTCA occlusion,
presence of a hibernating myocardium in humans:24.25 coronary artery spasm, platelet aggregation, or transient
thrombosis of a coronary artery. In contrast, the clinical
I . Reversal of chronic ventricular asynergy by nitrates, cause of hibernating myocardium is severe coronary artery
postextrasystolic potentiation, inotropes, exercise, stenosis even under resting conditions.
and revascularization. Stunned myocardium returns to normal after a pro-
2. There is some correlation with the severity of coro- longed period of time (hours to weeks). In contrast, hiber-
nary artery disease and the presence or absence of nating myocardium has an indefinite delay, but returns to
coronary artery collaterals. normal function rather quickly if the cause is removed.
3. There is some correlation with quantitated (histolog- A clinical example of the stunned myocardium is the
ic) myocardial loss (e.g., if‘ nitrates are given and reperfused evolving myocardial infarction. The clinical
there is only 10% cell death there will be reversible example of the hibernating myocardium is LV dysfunction
function of the ventricle. In contrast, if 50% of the prior to CABG or PTCA compared with normalized func-
cells are dead there will be little reversible function. tion following CABG or PTCA.
4. Reversal of a thallium perfusion defect in akinetic As summarized in Table 111, one can clinically differen-
myocardium following coronary artery bypass sur- tiate stunned from hibernating myocardium using three
gery. parameters (i.e., wall motion, perfusion, and metabolism).

II Some differences between stunned, hibernating, and infarcted myocardium

Return of
Condition of Time of Clinical myocardial Clinical
myocardium occurrence cause function example
Stunned After Discrete episodes Prolonged Reperfused
ischemia of severe ischemia delay evolving MI
and e.g., exercise, spasm,
reperfusion platelet aggregation,
transient thrombosis
Hi beriiatiiig During Patent but severe Indefinite LV function
ischemia coronary artery delay prior to
stenosis CABG or PTCA
1n farcted After Coronary artery No recovery Failure of
ischemia occlusion reperfusion
S. P. Karas et al.: Restenosis after coronary angioplasty 797

l'rapadil, an inhibitor of PDGF-induced cellular prolif- Since events during angioplasty appear to influence the
eration, has been shown to reduce intimal thickness fol- later development of restenosis, much of the research on
lowing balloon injury in the atherosclerotic rabbit.ImIn- new devices has been focused on improving the luminal di-
sulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) acts synergistically with ameter and geometry at the time of PTCA.
PDGF to promote smooth muscle cell replication in The use of coronary artery stents may be one way to op-
vitrO,.VJ.111 Production and release of IGF- 1 by smooth mus- timize final lesion morphology. Initial animal studies
cle cells is regulated by growth hormone. Angiopeptin is a showed minimal restenosis associated with placement of an
synthetic analog of somatostatin which blocks the release intracoronary stent.Ios Studies in humans have shown
of growlh hormone by the pituitary. Pretreatment of rats restenosis rates of about 20% following placement of a
and rabbits with this compound was found to greatly inhibit Palmaz-Schatz stent. l1(] One needs to be aware, howev-
vascular smooth muscle proliferation following denuda- er, that reports of restenosis rates following stent place-
tion of the carotid arteries.'". Its effects on human ment vary considerably depending on the definition of
restenosis are currently under investigation at Georgetown restenosis used. For example, in the same group of patients
University. studied 2 4 months after placement of a Palmaz-Schatz.
Hypertrophy of the vascular muscle layers seen in hy- stent, Ellis found that 20% had restenosis as defined as a
pertension may be mediated by the local production of an- >50% stenosis at the site of the stent.l"'When restenosis
giotensin 11.102 Local angiotensin systems may also be in- was defined as a decrease in luminal diameter of >0.72
volved in the myoproliferative response to vascular injury. mm, the rate of restenosis was 50%. Although relatively
Studies have clearly shown a reduction in intimal thickness fewer patients undergoing stent placement developed sig-
following carotid injury in rats treated with the angiotensin nificant lesions, half of them showed significant intimal
converting enzyme inhibitor ~ilazapril.~" A multicenter proliferation. In a recently published study of the self-ex-
clinicill study in patients following PTCA is currently in panding Wallstent, Sermys et al. reported a restenosis rate
progress at European and U.S. enters, including our own. of 33%, based on a change of ~ 0 . 7 2mm in minimal lumi-
nal diameter.'ll The restenosis rate was 13% when defined
as a stenosis of >50%. These data suggest that perhaps
the benefit of stent placement may be due to stretching of
All potential pharmacologic treatments for restenosis the vessel and thus optimizing luminal diameter, rather
are limited by the difficulty in maintaining a high con- than by limiting the degree of intimal proliferation. Our
centration of the drug at the desired site of activity for an studies in swineBoand those of others in humans'". have
extended period of time without systemic toxicity. Meth- confirmed this suspicion. Results from our swine model in-
ods hilvl! been devised to deliver agents directly to in- dicate that the luminal diameter was significantly greater
jured vascular segments. Perforated balloon catheters have following stent placement compared with the diameter
been uscd to inject high concentrations of heparin into after balloon dilatation. Furthermore, the long-term loss
the arterial wall without significant vascular tra~ ma. " '~ in luminal diameter with stents was comparable to that
Genetically modified endothelial cells have been success- seen following the use of other modalities.
fully implanted onto vascular grafts"Mand onto the de- Using atherectomy devices, atherosclerotic plaque can
nuded luminal surface of porcine iliac arteries.'O5 Recent- be shaved from the luminal surface and subsequently re-
ly, recombinant genes were successfully transferred moved from the body.'13 Cenain features of atherectomy
directly into endothelial cells and myocytes by introducing led to expectations that this technique might be associated
a retroviral vector to the vessel wall through a catheter.lo5 with less intimal reaction and restenosis than balloon an-
Using this technology, recombinant genes could be de- gioplasty. Atherectomy usually results in a smooth, wide-
livered to the arterial wall during PTCA and induce pro- ly patent vessel, often with a residual stenosis of <10%."3
longed It~calproduction of antithrombotic or antiprolifer- Because the device improves luminal diameter by cutting
ative suhstances in order to inhibit restenosis.Io6Stents and removal of tissue, the vessel sustains minimal stretch.
are being developed which may store and slowly release Since atherectomy almost invariably removes portions of
high concentrations of inhibitory agents locally over an ex- the media, elimination of such potential sources of smooth
tended pcriod of time. A recent study investigated the ef- muscle proliferation may reduce the risk of restenosis.
fect of heparin bonding on the development of neointimal Simpson reported overall restenosis rates of 24% following
proliferation after placement of a tantalum stent in porcine atherectomy of de novo lesions in native coronary arter-
carotid arteries. ies.I13 He observed, however, higher rates of restenosis in
patients with vessels <3.0 mm (33%) and in those with
New Devices ostial lesions (46%). Others have found restenosis rates
following atherectomy of de novo native lesions to be
The development of new techniques in the treatment >30%, a figure comparable to those reported following
of coronary artery disease has offered new hope that the lu- balloon angi~plasty."~. I l 5 Data from atherectomy reports
minal diameter could be restored without inducing myoin- indicate even higher rates of restenosis in patients under-
timal proliferation. going atherectomy of restenotic lesions or lesions in saphe-
713 Clin. Cardiol. Vol. 14, September 1991

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