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# v0.19.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed a missing screen in the mall toilets.
- Fixed Logger writing logging header to file when persistent.debug_log is
- Fixed a crash when talking with Admiral Sploosh.
- Fixed being locked inside the gym after yoga.
- Fixed Odette disappearing during the evening.
- Fixed an FSM action that wouldn't trigger on Diane's FSM.
- Fixed hospital lobby background name.
- Fixed soft lock in erik's house during the karaoke tryouts if you go in the
- Fixed soft lock in school when progressing roxxy and bissette at the same
- Fixed the Orcette package monopolising the mailbox when loading a save made
after its delivery.
- Fixed the bank statement randomly showing up in the week with no interest,
now Monday's like clockwork.
- Fixed Erik's mailbox occasionally displaying as having mail when that wasn't
the case.
- Moved the "clean auditorium" quest for dewitt from eve's button to the park
douches button.

# v0.19.0

- {i}New content:{/i}
- Eve, Grace and Odette are now pursuable characters
- Eve, Grace and Odette pregnancies, and H-Scenes
- Ground up rework of the bank ATM:
- You can now deposit/withdraw any amount of money from the bank.
- You are no longer limited to $25, 000 in your savings account
- You will still unlock the tuition achievement once $25, 000 is in your
bank account, even through interest
- The ATM will tell you how much interest you will make for this week.
- You can either use the number row, the keypad or the virtual keypad to
enter the amount of money.
- You can now access Debbie's bank account, to help her repay her debt
- Has no effect right now but will be used during the 0.20 update.
- Debbie's debt starts at $30, 000 and will progressively gets worse
every week.
- The ATM will tell you how much money debbie owes, and how much money
will be taken the following week.
- Future difficulty settings will impact how realistic the loan
interests are.
- New character : Tuuku, who will hang out at the Tattoo Parlor
- New tattoo parlor locations : Apartment, Bedroom, Bathroom, Roof, Fire
Escape, Garage, and Alley.
- New School location : School Frontyard
- New Mall location : Mall Parking Lot
- New Police station location : Police Station Front
- New Hospital location : Hospital Forecourt
- Added DatingSystem feature (mock-up)
- in an effort to foreshadow future save incompatibilities, the dating
system (v1) has been implemented.
- each machine has a set of likes/dislikes defined in data/dating.json
- likes/dislikes include activities, gifts and so on, and range from a -5
to a +5 value.
- That value is added to that machine's "dating points", whenever the
associated action is performed
- each machine has a set of thresholds to unlock available actions with
them, after a certain amount of dating points have been acquired.
- The more an action is performed, the less points will be rewarded for
that action. The rate follows an exponential decay with a time constant tau equal
to 3.
- Added a new UI message feature
- This shows animated messages on the UI screen
- Animated messages may be when you spend/gain money or when you gain
- Animation is just a move up and fade away animation.
- Showing a message is as simple as showing the screen 'ui_message' with
the following arguments:
- position : the absolute position of the message on screen
- displayable : a displayable to show as the message. Every renpy
displayable is supported as well as CDDs
- fadeout_tick : the current tick for the the animation (defaults to
0.0, and is used to refresh the screen every anim_tick_rate)
- anim_tick_rate : a float in seconds representing the tickrate for the
animation (controlling the speed of the animation). Defaults to 0.1.
- timeout : the total time it takes in seconds to play out the
animation. Defaults to 3.0.
- To access a proper ui_message screen, you need to use the classmethod
'Game.get_available_ui_message_screen()' which will return an appropriate screen
name for you to use.
- Up to 10 UI messages may be shown at once, after that, the earliest UI
message screen displayed is used (and its animation ends abruptly)
- MC may now meander around Summerville in the dead of night enjoying the quiet
and seldom seen backdrops to various locations.
- Be warned: Beside a few quest events, not much happens at night, but now
players can visit the art.
- New rap battle minigame:
- Memorize a pattern in the imparted time and repeat it to earn charisma
- When in cheat mode, you can still play that minigame, and reset your
charisma if you want to.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Major reworks have been issued in order to achieve save compatibility.
- FSMs are now instantiated at init time.
- FSM action changes :
- Changed some "exec" actions to be evaluated at runtime rather than
passing the callable straight through
- Changed location unlocks from an "exec" action to the new
"unlocklocation" action, in order to prevent machines from not
resetting when reloading different saves
- FSM Actions have been reworked to clean up the code. The actions are now
individual functions stored in a dictionnary local to "process_actions(...)"
- FSM data is now stored in an FSMData object that will not change version to
version. That object is created when you start a new game.
- The only state saved is the chain of triggers the machines went through. This
offers several benefits :
- States can change names or delay and it won't break save compatibility
- If a state is added in the middle of a machine and your save is past that
point, you will be restored to that change, and can then resume as normal.
- Variables and location schedules can be changed dynamically, given that
the actions are processed on load
- Location data has been moved away from the Player class and into its own
- Missing triggers is handled by the new loading system. If a trigger is
missing, it will skip it and resume loading as usual.
- The loading process is now timed, and printed out to the console.
- The Player and Game classes have had some changes made to them in order to
preserve save compatibility in case they undergo some changes in the future.
- Getting an attribute from those classes will yield the attribute if it
exists, but if it doesn't,
it will yield the attribute as it is defined in __init__. If it is still
not there, it will yield None.
- The same changes have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes
(new savegame objects)
- Improved location locks handling.
- Calls to the lock_check label will be done automatically. If the location
doesn't have a label for lock checks, then no checks will be performed.
- The calls to that lock_check label will be done through the MoveTo screen
action. Any other action won't perform those checks automatically.
- This is done to streamline lock checks, whether it's in the home, or any
other location that may benefit from railroading the player temporarily.
- Improved logging of errors for the game
- Errors and debug messages will be dumped to a file named "summertime-
saga.log" in the game's directory (where the log.txt file is)
- When reporting a bug, this log file is now required.
- Due to being unable to disable prints going into the log.txt file, some
data may be duplicated between the two files.
- Exceptions, and other critical errors will be printed to that log file
with the ERROR level
- Critical systems, which will not cause a total game break will be
reported with the WARNING level
- Debug messages will be reported with the DEBUG level
- Info messages will be reported with the INFO level.
- Modders may access the logger object in order to log some messages
- Please use logger.debug, logger.warning, logger.error and
as appropriate, and pass in the mod argument
to separate mod messages from the actual game messges.
- Improved save sharing. The game will reset the return stack to the current
location's label.
- That info is logged in summertime-saga.log
- Reworked SoundManager class to be used later on in replacement of out of date
"playSound" and "playMusic" functions.
- Rework of the mail system in game. Mail can now be forced to a specific mail
item (i.e. the orcette).
- All mailboxes have the same item list available, but all of them are in a
"locked state", meaning the RNG can't select those items
- Mail unlocking refers to allow the randomizer to select specific mail
- Some tests have been implemented to catch future easy to spot errors on
- Updated some screens to take advantage of newer Ren'Py syntax features.
- Improved readability of hints on the cellphone.
- Improved diverse background uses throughout the codebase.
- Backgrounds are now defined using the image function from RenPy.
- Blurred backgrounds are generated at init time, which should cut down on
art work as well as game size in the future.
- Backgrounds now follow a strict naming convention :
- location.formatted_name : formatted_name for the location, a no-
whitespace lowercased string.
- period : game period, like _halloween or _christmas
- tod : time of day, one of either '_day', '_evening' or '_night'
- attr : an attribute, one of '', '_blur', or '_closeup'
- the background_names dictionnary holds all of the defined backgrounds for
each location.
- Overhaul of notification, buying and warning popups.
- Now using screens and consistent styling.
- Removed need for dedicated art for each popup -- reuses existing item
- Improved ease of use in both dialogue and screens.
- Painstakingly replaced all existing popups through the game.
- Added a bunch of previously missing popups (mostly item acquistion).
- Improved inventory screen to use fewer images and improve description
- Simplified save game version compatibility checking.
- Old-style renpy themed styles have been namespaced away from the core game.
- This provides a more neutral starting point when designing new screens.
- Has benefitted the computer and popup rewrites directly.
- FSMs have a new attribute 'can_talk' which defines if a particular character
can be talked to or not
- Works in a similar way to the location system, but simplified to a 2x4
matrix instead of 7x4
- One 4-list for weekdays, one for weekends
- Each list is comprised of 4 booleans, determining if the player can talk
to the character for each time of day.
- New FSM actions :
- unlocklocation : unlocks a specific location
- forcemail : forces a mail item for a specific character
- setcantalk : sets the can_talk flags as described above
- cleanlocation : an action which resets the force_loc, force_locations,
and location_conditions lists for an FSM
- Rebuild TV to take better advantage of modern RenPy features.
- Added visual channel numbers.
- Allow input fields to be tabbed between, deactivated and to submit on

- {i}Modding support:{/i}
- Added mod hook to global_lock_check label, adding the possibility of
designing your own lock checks on any location in the game.
- Added feature to the ModManager to bee able to get the "Mod" object
associated with a specific modname.
- Mod developers may use this to check if a conflicting mod is installed
- raises a ModLoaderError if no mod with the specified mod name can be
- Mod object provide an API to interact with the data of that mod's
- Added feature to the ModManager to implement your own FSM actions

- {i}In-game Computers rewrite:{/i}

- Complete rewrite of in-game PCs, both Jenny and MCs.
- Techical reexport of all assets including minor modifications for depth.
- Asset composition is now done in engine for a better experience.
- All text is now in engine to facilitate future translation efforts.
- The sticky note may now be clicked in lieu of typing MCs password.
- App windows may now be respositioned. This will be remembered.
- Multiple windows may be opened at the same time and focus shifted between
- The incepted Summertime SAGA is now animated and interactive ...
- ... and the error screen now takes the inception to new heights!
- The correct physical background is now shown when using remote access.
- A disconnect button is used in place of the shutdown button when remoting.
- An auto-typing animation is used to transition into PCs once the password is
- Email navigation has been tweaked to have a working inbox button.
- Even more lewd puns and references!
- Restored clue about Pink TV channel when reading the email for the first

- {i}Erik content moved to FSMs and touched up:{/i}

- Move Erik, Kevin, Mrs Johnson and June away from the old events system.
- Make Roz' two minor quests more flexible in how and when they trigger.
- Added many more bridging dialogues to Erik's story to aid progression and
make it feel a bit more natural.
- Added short circuits for when required items have already been acquired.
- Added small nods to other paths that have already been played. Micoe <3
- Reduced conflicts and non-sequitor location based dialogues.
- Most significant is that the Orcette must be handed over at his home.
- Removed ability to immediate re-enter Erik's room after handing over the
- Combined dialogues to smooth the progression (i.e. poker quest).
- Added an easter egg.
- Added Erik, Mrs Johnson, Roz and June to the cellphone's hints app.
- Move Erik's House and the Hospital to the newer nav systems.
- Resolved some of the weird behaviour present in the sleep cycle.
- Chopped out loads of unnecessary transitions.
- Nuked the out of date Event and Event_Queue systems, since they are no longer
being used.

- {i}Layered Image rework:{/i}

- Eve
- Continued the MC layeredimage
- Grace
- Odette
- Ross
- Bridget
- Roxxy
- Missy
- Becca
- Harold
- Yumi
- Thanks to a new feature of RenPy 7.3, layeredimages can now be tied in 'say'
statements. This
Encourages further reworks to simplify the posing of characters, as well as
the syntax.

- {i}Pregnancies:{/i}
- Eve, Odette and Grace pregnancies.
- Each character can now have distinct chances to get pregnant. Not all birth
control is 100% effective. Except Cumdoom
- Pregnancy chances :
- Odette : 50%
- Eve : 10%
- Grace : 5%
- Jenny : 20%
- Diane : 30%
- All pregnancy chances are doubled when the player is using Pregnax.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed conflict between Roxxy and Mia's storylines regarding the police
station. Mia's machine won't force earl to be MIA anymore, allowing you to complete
Roxxy's story, and then mia's.
- Corrected sizing of non-ascii characters in credits.
- PC login is now once again required on first access.
- Fixed an exception happening when diane is put in the kitchen when the
livingroom is in use for another home character (Debbie movie nights or Jenny porn
- Fixed conflicting routees between Roxxy and Mia's storylines with earl being
- Fixed Priya's hint app unlock.
- Fixed computer lab button when both Erik and June are present.
- Restored Game Over achievement.
- Fixed layering edge case in seasucc scene.
- Improved clarity around contraceptive items and their usage.
- Fixed item description text wrapping in the inventory.
- Fixed assorted posing issues when meeting and interacting with Pussywillow.
- Fixed lack of acknowledgement when trying to clean Diane's garden with wrong
- Fixed lack of dissolves when speaking to Ivy about Diane's package.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the money sound wouldn't play.
- Fixed time-reversion in Debbie's story on movie nights.
- Fixed helen going MIA during the "servant fun" quest, in the evenings.
- Fixed a chance of Jenny being in the shower when Deb sends you to invite her
to breakfast.
- Fixed an issue with locks and repeating dialogues during the covert glue
- Added missing items to Diane's route; milk deliveries and water glass.
- Fixed just_wokeup dialogue being called after all of the regular bedroom
dialogues, causing some flow issues.
- Addressed issue with some characters being in several places at once.
- Fixed standard wake up triggering after a story event wake up had already
- Fixed some wake up dialogues repeating when re-entering the bedroom.
- Fixed a bug where Debbie's laundry note could show up early causing part of
her route to be skipped.
- Fixed flow for the cheerleader deal in Bissette's story, MC now automatically
pays jenny if he has the money.
- Fixed Jenny's pregnancy being less important than other quests progress
(namely debbie outings and mobster coming at the house)
- Fixed Judith glasses quest not triggering the proper dialogue if the player
already has the school master key.
- Fixed a typo in the hint for the last quest for Jenny.
- Fixed unexpected dialogue when exiting the house after having entered through
the UI bed icon.
- Fixed home entrance to kitchen doorway art so it's dark outside at night.
- Fixed the TV channel shown playing the night you catch someone having fun
with themselves.
- Fixed the height of the dining room table which was getting wobbly in its old
- Fixed game timer not ticking when talking to mr. Bubbles for Jenny's stalker
- Fixed Roxxy dialogue option appearing before cletus reveal.
- Adjusted button placement for Tony&Maria in the pizza shop.
- Fixed Harold being at Raven Hill at night.
- Renamed android package to "com.kompasproductions.summertimesaga"

# v0.18.6

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Mia's and Erik's mailbox causing save files issues, and being overlayed
on top of every subsequent screen.
- Fixed Jenny watching you hack her computer. She's now also MIA for the
evening while you're in her hack computer quest.
- Restored getting caught scene when trying to hack during the morning.
- Fixed inconsistencies and minor posing issues during movie theatre intro.
- Fixed repeated and confusing dialogue when seeing a movie alone.
- Typos! Yay!

# v0.18.5

- {i}New content:{/i}
- The daycare location is now unlocked once any character is in labor.
- Jenny gets 3 new sex scenes :
- Selecting the option "Wanna fool around?" now triggers two of them (in
the morning in the dining room and in the pool)
- You can now climb into Jenny's bed at night (this was removed in 0.18.0,
and is coming back now)
- You can now ask Jenny for some late-night adult content watching. This will
force her to catch you in the act on the couch.
- Jenny has a little bit of extra content added to her, besides the new sex
scenes, her story has been expanded to fit one new quest.
- Xrays have been added to all of Roxxy's, Becca's, Missy's and Jenny's
content. Xrays are triggered only when you cum inside.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Creator Defined Displayables have been implemented to replace the following
existing art assets
- Sex actions buttons
- Box buttons
- Menu buttons
- Most informations popups (location unlocking, item acquiring/buying etc)
- Those can now be translated directly.
- Locations are now instanciated at init time instead of in a label called
after loading/starting a game.
- Any future change to the Location object will no longer break save
- Location state is now saved in the Player class
- Time played (displayed in quit message) now uses built in timer (which
ignores time spent in menus).
- The PregnancyManager API has changed.
- Added LocationSchedule objects to the pregnancy managers, dictating
where a character should be located at any point during their pregnancy.
- They are stored in a dictionnary, with keys corresponding to each
stage of the pregnancy
- Keys are as follows : "", "_pregnant_bump", "_pregnant_belly",
"_labor", "_baby_[girl/boy/twins]"
- Added a "state_actions" attribute to the pregnancy managers.
- This attribute allows you to trigger machine actions at various
stages of the pregnancy
- Use the "add_action" method of the PregnancyManager class to set up.
- takes 3 arguments
- key (either "first" or "repeat" depending if you only want to
execute the actions the first time or not)
- stage (integer that represents the stage of the pregnancy to
trigger the action on. Stages increment for every week passed)
- actionslist : a list of {i}even{/i} length for the actions.
Format is the same as for FSMs
- Actions are triggered right after the pregnancy manager switched
its stage (i.e. at the beginning of the week)
- Actions are processed for the machine that has the same name as
the pregnancy manager, a lookup is done on the store.machines hash table to get
that information.
- The State class has a new method 'int add_delay(int amount=1)' to add delay
to the state dynamically. Returns the current state's delay.

- {i}Debug Menu:{/i}
- Added pregnancy button to every FSM in the debug menu
- Shows a screen that display debug info about the pregnancy
- Allows incrementing manually the pregnancy, get a character pregnant and
re-init the pregnancy
- Reinitializing the pregnancy can cause weird behaviours, and should be
used with extreme care
- Persistent skip intro no longer forces cheat mode, enabling will skip first
day regardless of mode.

- {i}Other improvements:{/i}
- Rebuilt GUI from scratch to be cleaner and more maintainable.
- Name entry screen:
- Uses the last name used as the default (Anon if first time playing).
- Does not save name until start is clicked (back or esc cancels the
- Will no longer allow an empty name.
- Save screen:
- Save game description can no longer be empty.
- When saving over an occupied slot, the OK button will become a red
Overwrite button.
- Added about screen containing licensing information.
- Right click (while in game) now opens the game menu (previously went direct
to save menu).
- Changelog is now browsable by version and has a visual scroll bar.
- Clear Persistent in settings now prompts for confirmation.
- Added hover effect to save game thumbnails.
- Now possible to exit cookie jar scene early using the game menu (right
click/esc), and "End Replay".
- Added hints to impactful choices in Jenny's quest.
- Allowed access to previously locked action when repeating cheerleader scene.
- Added new environmental effects to Jenny's shower scenes, and made them
- Shop item popups are now done in code, and used everywhere possible
- Item buying is now done exclusively with the BuyItem Action, which handles
all the item buying logic, and shows the relevant popups.
- Credits page now has visible scroll controls.
- Added a PSA notifying players of the serious consequences of pregnancy.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Debbie's posing when talking to her when she's leaning on the counter.
- Fixed pregnancy minigame happening even if a character is pregnant already.
- Fixed being able to ask Clyde about the statue piece before learning his last
- Fixed autosaving - saves will be made roughtly every 200 clicks, and on quit.
- Fixed art used when taking CumDoom pills.
- Fixed problems that could arise when inspecting items in the inventory.
- Fixed issue that prevented some characters being correctly rendered on the
credits screen.
- Fixed minor visual quirks with main menu animation.
- Fixed being able to access the save menu when replaying a scene from the
cookie jar.
- Fixed being able to access the save menu when on mode select screen (esc will
return to main menu).
- Prevented alpha warning at Rump's house from bleeding into subsequent scenes.
- Main menu music starts after (rather than during) the splash screen, as
originally intended.
- Use correct background when spying on Jenny in shower.
- Fixed diane being nowhere to be found when pregnant.
- Fixed floating pills chests in Dr. Priya Singh's laboratory.
- Fixed entering MC's bedroom triggering the bad guys event in Debbie's story.
- Fixed BuyItem action not showing item popups
- Fixed being able to buy the cyclone mask in advance, effectively wasting your
money. The item will become available when needed.
- Fixed dexter's library book's dialogue staying well after the associated
bissette quest.
- Fixed issue where Comsumr could grant random cash to player.
- Limited the fetch Diane a drink quest progression to day time.
- Removed dialogue repetition when speaking to Annie in her house.
- Fixed issue with treehouse controller acquisition dialogue.
- Added missing art and updated posing for Diane's "How's the baby?" dialogues.
- Miscellaneous posing errors with jenny and mc have been fixed.
- Fixed "Roxxy" dialogue option appearing when jenny is by the pool or in the
dining room, causing posing issues.
- Added a delay to 'S_diane_dinner' from M_diane if M_debbie is in state
'S_debbie_diane_visit' to avoid conflicts.
- Fixed a dialogue repeating indefinitely by opening and closing jenny's
nightstand when figuring out her PC's password
- As important as house work is, prevented Cupid portalling characters back
through time and space to do some vacuuming.
- Stopped Jenny fidgeting on her bed when moving between blurred and non-
blurred backgrounds.

# v0.18.2

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Assumed that patch updates will not break save file compatibility.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Jenny's panties going walkabout.
- Fixed game brick when exiting CAMslut window on PCs.

# v0.18.1

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Cheat option now maxes out your stats on startup.
- If you have taken birth control pills, the pregnancy minigame will be
- In the cookie jar, the player's pregnancy chance defaults to 0

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed jerk off menu options not in a bold font.
- Fixed pizza minigame not paying out.
- Fixed exception on entering the treehouse at night
- Fixed missing trigger for bissette's storyline (roxxy x jenny cheerleader
routine infinite loop)
- Fixed exception when talking to somrak about his panties obsession.
- Fixed laptop button appearing when jenny has her laptop in bed.
- Fixed Jenny dialogue option appearing too early.
- Fixed Jenny's photoshoot being in the wrong order.
- Fixed time ticking during diane's delivery to pizza place.
- Fixed Jenny being in the shower and asking you to go to her room at the same
- Fixed Dexter's book not appearing. Go to the basket ball court!
- Fixed mixup between Consumr and Cosmic Cumic backgrounds on event day.
- Fixed mall event finishing too early.
- Fixed mall event and rump event visual conflict.
- Fixed exception when seducing Miss Ross.
- Fixed rockin' up to Smith's house too early.
- Fixed third milk dellivery reminder.
- Fixed bank statement appearing in front of dialogue.
- Fixed RNG values for living room couch.
- Fixed issue preventing buying of the whip.
- Fixed Diane's cookie jar scenes erroring out.
- Fixed Diane's outfits.
- Adjusted hint for Jenny's talk by the pool during J20.
- Fixed not being able to leave Crystal's button dialogue.
- Fixed exception if anyone but Jenny tried to birth twins.

- {i}Visual improvements:{/i}
- Laptop duplicate on Jenny's desk fixed.
- Added more Jenny art in the shower scenes to match dialogue and improve
- Fixed shower spying scenes so Jenny moves more.

- {i}Other improvements:{/i}
- Basic support for self-voicing mode in some menus.

# v0.18.0

- {i}New Features:{/i}
- Once a week, you get a bank report in the mail. It will sum up the money you
have saved and interest gained over the week.
- Birth Control pills added to the game.
- Available at the end of the priya side quest
- Will set your pregnancy chance to 0
- Take a pregnax to increase your percentage back up (take 2 to get to 40%
chance, which is the maximum)
- Effect is permanent until pregnax is taken.
- Added a ModManager static class to handle future mods of the game, with the
possibility to enable/disable mods on the go.
- Side note : once you start a game with a certain sets of mods enabled,
you should not disable them if you want to keep using that save.
- SayTextFilter class to handle multiple text filtering functions.
- Remapping of the weightlifting minigame key (for now).
- Remapping is done with the "set_key" function. It takes the following
- key_name (only the string "key_str" is valid at the moment)
- key_id (use the pygame variable for the key you want)
- Remapping is only viable for the weightlifting minigame
- Remapping can only be done via the console
- Example : set_key("key_str", pygame.K_p)
- refer to for key codes.

- {i}Debug Menu:{/i}
- Added Items tab to the Debug Menu. It has a search field for items in the
game and you can add/remove any item from a click.
- Added skipping forward day/week/month/year to debug menu
- Changed Locations screen to a draggable/scrollable area with all available
- Added button to lock/unlock locations
- Added button to move the player to said location
- Added button to set the location's visited status
- Added button to set the locations's "can leave" status
- Changed Machines screen to a draggable/scrollable area with all available
- Added button to advance the machine
- Added button to show the screen's variable
- Added screen for displaying said variables
- Added keyboard shortcut (Shift + W) to show the debug menu. Only works when
the UI screen is showing, and the game is in dev mode.
- Added the option to skip the intro and the first day of the game

- {i}New Locations:{/i}
- Mayor Rump's House
- Yacht

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Triggers are now in an init block as to not be saved in the save files.
- Added pickling methods to our custom objects.
- Moved achievements and cellphone assets to their own folders.
- New screen actions implemented in:
- Annie's House
- Beach
- Rework of the music minigame. The notes highlight in red if you've missed
them, and green if not.
- There is also sound effects and a counter of fails displayed.
- At 5 fails or more, the minigame will "fail", and you'll have to retry.
- Sound effects are me, recording my guitar playing broken chords if you're
interested. You can use them however you want.

- {i}Layered Image rework:{/i}

- Jenny
- MC (only for jenny's storyline for now)
- Ivy
- Jane
- Martinez
- Cedric
- Kevin
- Somrak
- Lopez

- {i}New Characters:{/i}
- Karl
- Justin

- {i}New sex scenes:{/i}

- 3 videos of jenny for her subscribers.
- Shower sex reworked
- Night time sex is no longer in jenny's room
- Multiple camshows options with footjob, blowjob, cunnilingus and sex.
- Couch sex

- {i}Bug Fixes:{/i}
- The map screen now shows the location you're going to on hovering that
location. This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update.
- Fixed save resetting bug (with the mysterious statue - piece 1)
- Fixed time spent playing namespace issue that caused it to be counted
multiple times
- Fixed exception that could happen when winning the spin the bottle with MC.
- Fixed "Skip First Day" option in the debug menu to work with jenny's FSM and
skip the hallway dialogue.
- Fixed daylight scene happening in the evening when diane's barn has been
- Fixed day/night backgrounds issues in diane's barn.
- Fixed overlap of milk item acquirement and pizzeria unlock popups.
- Fixed Machine variables not reloading properly (clyde and the dog quest)

# v0.17.5

- {i}New Features:{/i}
- Earn interests weekly on your savings at the Bank! Interest rate is 3%
- Beach House price has been reduced to $5000
- Santa riding the streets of Summerville
- Updated the Cookie Jar
- New quests and cutscenes
- New holliday decorations
- Cupid store interface improved with new items
- Added time skipping functionnality to all frontyards (direct children of the
map, including MC's bedroom)
- 2 brand new achievements to unlock (they are secret achievements)
- Added a toggle for save locking (if you really want to load an earlier save
- This is on by default, which means it will prevent you from loading an
earlier save
- This has no menu option (that is intentionnal)
- To disable savegame locking, set persistent.enable_save_locking to False

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- New Martinez character art and rig
- New Consuela character art and rig
- Added label notification (enable from the debug menu - General) for debugging
- Added night version of the treehouse wood pile, the scroll at the hill and
the stick at the hill.

- {i}New Characters:{/i}
- Meet Consuela Martinez, on Thursdays at the Beach House
- Remember that odd item from {b}Diane{/b}'s barn? You should start

- {i}New sex scenes:{/i}

- One new sex scene.

- {i}Bug Fixes:{/i}
- Fixed save resetting when taking the Pregnax pills.
- Fixed Diane being in the shed when entering for paint.
- Fixed being able to check the school's lockers at night.
- Pregnancies are now in sequence (and not in parallel). This is to still be
able to see each character at the hospital, even if they get pregnant on the same
- Added missing lewd Diane closeup (drunk on her bed)
- Fixed being able to start the school delivery (Diane quest) on the weekend.
- Fixed Tony meeting you for the first time twice.
- Fixed "Debbie's sleeping" dialogue triggering when Debbie isn't in her room
for one reason or another.
- Fixed incorrect button usage during diane's evening visit (in diane's story,
not debbie's)
- Fixed hill tree screen not hiding
- Fixed Diane's outfit being the wrong one during the pie quest.
- Fixed Day 0 Sleep issue.
- Fixed being able to exit the stolen goods screen without taking the key
- Fixed daytime scene on using the workshop in the garage when it's night time.
- Fixed time going back one tick if saving right after manually ticking time on
the map/bedroom/etc
- Fixed a bug that would trigger a night scene during daytime when entering the
bedroom after watching a movie with debbie for the second time.
- Fixed a bug which caused mia to lock you out of your sleep
- Fixed a bug that caused diane to never see you jack it.
- Fixed an issue that caused debbie to be forever naked by the pool, if you
slept before bringing her a towel.
- Fixed being able to craft the glue for dewitt at night time
- Fixed the game.timer.image() function. It now displays images correctly
regardless of period (christmas, halloween, ...), time of day and extra

# v0.17.1

- {i}New Features:{/i}
- Added the choice of vehicle to use in the pizza minigame. A more extensive
rework of that minigame is planned for the 0.20 update.
- Added a button to clear persistent data on the main menu.
- Added a text for android users that entice to use the SwiftKey keyboard for
an optimal experience. Click it to dismiss it.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Added Vector2 class for future usage in minigames and other purposes.

- {i}Bug Fixes:{/i}
- Fixed the pregnancy minigame crash, and adjusted the chance of getting a
character pregnant
- Added win/fail backgrounds to pregnancy minigame
- Fixed Exception due to invalid pose on diane's cookie jar scene 5
- Fixed Exception on launch related to player not being defined
- Fixed erik resetting on load/save
- Fixed time not ticking after breed sex if not milking Diane
- Fixed wrapping of words on the Cellphone Goal App
- Removed keybinds for renpy voice narrator
- Fixed diane ghost trigger on pie scene
- Fixed bug "location_training" being undefined.
- Removed ability to save in autosave slots
- If default formatting was used in the save description, update when
overwriting the save
- Fixed overwriting saves losing data bug
- Fixed missing arm in breakfast scene
- Fixed AnimatedImages sometimes not being animated properly
- Fixed player not being bumped to map when talking to aqua
- Fixed incorrect call_screen at night when in Aqua's Lair
- Fixed Report Card not updating
- Dating list was not bugged. Its behavior is intended although inconsistent
for characters without a story.
- Fixed Diane's shirt dissappearing when talking to Richard
- Fixed Diane switching clothes for a kiss in the barn
- Fixed Veronica dissappearing when talking about Chicken Stock
- Fixed Diane's arm misalignment when in her bra and panties
- Fixed AR Device overlay misaligned on player's face
- Fixed Debbie disappearing from Cupid
- Removed Carpenter option from Diane's button dialogues pointing to missing

# v0.17.0

- {i}New Locations:{/i}
- Diane's Home has an expansion
- Hospital Third Floor
- Annie's Home (Daycare)

- {i}New Character Events:{/i}

- Smith/Titty event reworked
- Diane's story

- {i}Minigames:{/i}
- Milking minigame
- Mixology minigame
- Pregnancy Minigame

- {i}New sex scenes:{/i}

- Threesome with Debbie and Diane
- Cucumber scene reworked
- Breeding scene reworked

- {i}New Features:{/i}
- Pregnancy! (only for Diane at this point)
- Missed note auditive cue for the music minigame

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- Removed Diane's old code

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Mia not appearing at the library
- Fixed crash on achievements list
- Fixed long load time issues caused by Ren'Py 7
- Fixed a bug which would prevent getting the glasses for okita from judith if
you asked her to be somewhere else (same bug occured on Mia with Bissette)

# v0.16.1

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Multiple dialogue and posing improvements for a more consistent experience.
- Fixed car dealership crash.
- Fixed cat in graveyard crash.
- Fixed Okita's fsm resetting.
- Fixed labels not being called properly.
- Fixed debug menu not being available on android by default, added renpy
console shortcut.
- Fixed Debbie's scenes, and not being able to sleep with her.
- Sara's a bit more expressive.
- Masturbate button when sleeping instead of a menu.
- Fixed machine's unforce method (no more crashes due to missing keys).
- Fixed MC's hand holding photo closeup.
- Fixed popup for Mrs. Smith's house.
- Fixed infinite buyer stuff for Clyde's drug deal.
- Adjusted animation speed of Roxxy's sex scenes.
- Changed Roxxy sex variables from bool to int.
- Fixed pizza minigame double click.
- Fixed bad guys driveby triggering on wrong place.
- Fixed Bissette's scene out of order.
- Pompom lollipop softlocks removed.
- Fixed rain vfx not being applied properly during rox16 (romance in the rain).
- Fixed location forcing taking on previous force in unwanted day times.
- Roxxy's trophy now appears in her bedroom after the contest.
- Fixed Roxxy scenes playing repeatable dialogues instead of initial.
- Fixed basketball minigame conditionals for after scenes.
- Fixed faceplant art not showing at end of pushup minigame.
- Added hard pause at end of pushup minigame to prevent skipping.

# v0.16.00

- {i}New Locations:{/i}
- {b}Trailer park:{/b} Frontyard, Tractor, Clyde's Shack's Frontyard, Clyde's
Shack Interior.
- {b}Mrs Smith's House:{/b} Frontyard, Entrance, Basement, Upper floor,
- {b}Pizzeria:{/b} Added the kitchen and Storage room.
- {b}Beach:{/b} Added the guard tower, Cabins, Side beach.

- {i}New Character Events:{/i}

- Roxxy's Story.
- Crystal.
- Clyde.
- Becca & Missy.

- {i}Minigames:{/i}
- Shooting range.
- Dexter fight.
- Basketball.
- Spin the bottle.
- Pizza minigame has been reworked to allow you to upgrade your vehicle.
- All the minigames (but the rap battle and poker) have been reworked and
improved for consistency with the new coding style.
- Cellphone minigame.

- {i}New sex scenes:{/i}

- Foursome.
- Crystal.
- Roxxy.
- Roxxy locker.
- Becca.
- Missy.

- {i}New Dialogues:{/i}
- Roxxy's intro has been reworked.
- A character has made his appearance at the pier!
- Roxxy, Becca, Missy and Dexter new dialogues.
- Kim is plotting his dominion at the Car Dealership.
- {i}New Features:{/i}
- The game now saves automatically on location changes. It needs more
polishing, but you can enable/disable it in settings.
- Achievements! You can now track your progress with meaningless achievements
that will be logged in your phone.
- Goal Tracker: You can check the progress with major characters with the
cellphone goal tracker.
- Battery icon on cellphone updates with the time of the day.
- Android users get mod support.
- New setting for people who'd like the latest dialogues for Admiral Sploosh.
- You can now sleep in the beach house once purchased.
- New bed jerk scene with Roxxy.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- New Location system has been implemented.
- FSMs are now used to get the location of a character.
- New Game class to remove even more global variables, has been partially
- Separated dialog from the logic.
- Reworked the cellphone with a comeback for the quest log that is not quite
functionnal yet.
- Cassie has been moved to an FSM.
- Anna has been moved to an FSM.
- Tony has been moved to an FSM.
- Latinas have been moved to an FSM as well.
- A debug menu has been integrated to the game to serve as console replacement
for android.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Teddy bear in Mia's room's background to be daytime when it was night.
- All softlocks should be resolved.
- School chatter sound at night fixed.
- Save resetting fixed.
- Art asset touchups.
- Typos.

# v0.15.30

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed the Diane garden shovel check being inverted.
- Fixed mia reffering to the old homework instead of the new dictionary quest.
- Fixed Jenny stealing more money from you than you have when you buy her
- Fixed Okita goggles giving an error due to her period.
- Fixed the attic key not being taken when you try to take it.
- Fixed paying Jenny to help convince Roxxy not actually taking money.
- Fixed Okita keycode item giving an error when looking at it from the

# v0.15.20

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Erik sneak into school block when there are no ticks left.
- Fixed not being able to ask Debbie where to get paint if you have paint
- Fixed the magazine items to show how many you have completed already.
- Fixed the robed dialogue appearing during the day instead of during the sneak
- Added a dialogue for Ross at the end of her story while in the classroom.
- Added a hint to the librarian for the poem book quest.
- Fixed Invisa-Woman.
- Added a reminder to get the shovel before you can work in the garden.
- Added a skip option to the music minigame if you fail 3 times.
- Fixed an error in the science minigame if you clicked a 4th ingridient before
it could finish.
- Added dialogue for Coach Bridget when she is in her office.
- Fixed Jenny's panties not being added to the inventory even when paid for.
(Rip off Jenny)

# v0.15.10

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed a retarded MAC save crash.
- Fixed the stupid beachhouse popup not going away.
- Fixed day images showing at night in the school.

# v0.15.00

- {i}New Locations:{/i}
- {b}School:{/b} Right Hallway, Assembly Hall, Bridget's Office, Student's
- {b}Map:{/b} Beach House.
- {b}Forest:{/b} Waterfall, Cave.
- {b}Frontyards:{/b} Church, Library, Gym.

- {i}Main Menu & UI:{/i}

- {b}Cookie Jar feature :{/b} allows players to unlock, collect and replay all
- Quit confirmation showing time spent in-game playing.
- Menu and in-game cloud animations appear earlier.
- Removed Goal Tracker temporarily.

- {i}New Character Events:{/i}

- French teacher.
- Music teacher.
- Science teacher.
- Art teacher.
- Students (Eve, Erik, Kevin, Roxxy, Judith, Annie, Dexter, Chad, Mia) buttons
accross the school.

- {i}New Minigames:{/i}
- A Guitar Hero-isque style minigame
- A stupid excuse for a Paint minigame.
- A quiz minigame to help you learn french with added picture's for those that
find it too hard.
- A DIY science concoction maker minigame.

- {i}New sex scenes:{/i}

- 3 Animated scenes for Dewitt.
- 1 Animated and 4 lewd scenes for Okita.
- 1 Animated and 1 lewd scenes for Bissette.
- 1 Animated and 2 lewd scenes for Ross.
- Annie, Roxxy, Eve, and Judith have gotten some scenes of love.
- {i}New Dialogues:{/i}
- School intro rework.
- Randomized PA announcements.
- Some characters have had their dialogues modified due to Patreon guidelines.

- {i}Rework of the codebase:{/i}

- New Location system, that will be implemented in the near future.
- New method for doing minigames, and old minigames being redone with this
method. (it will fix the timer bars being faster/slower depending on device specs)
- New Item management solution, in order to fix save file compatibility issues.
- Some old characters have been moved to the new FSM (Finite State Machine)
flow. Begone, deprecated Events system!
- General cleanup of the codebase. Removing old unused variables, and working
towards a more object-oriented codebase.
- Reworking the overall structure of the codebase, to allow more efficient
work, and less merge conflicts.
- Ability to add descriptions to your saved games.

- {i}Bug fixes:{/i}
- Fixed Judith texting you constantly.
- Fixed minigame timer bars behaving inconsistently across different devices
due to specs.

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