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Annual Report

Let the show begin...
In 2006 the curtain went up on JCC
Association’s inaugural JCC Maccabi ArtsFest,®
an arts program modeled on the JCC Maccabi
Games® that will offer thousands of creative
teens access to the kind of positive Jewish
experience our young athletes have enjoyed
for 25 years through the Games. We’re proud 1
to help them on their Jewish journeys, as they

Annual Report 2006

inspire us with their talent and enthusiasm.
2006 The Je w is h C o m m u n it y C enter Move
cial and bu si n es s
ment is kno
en vi ro n m
ir ec
wn fo
en t,
tors has
r it s
in demograp


li en

hics, we resp
ti ve ly en
s occur in
ce. As change in thoughtful
d over the ye
ate JCC re sp o n
ars in a
ses. The
O ffi ce e fin an d of d ap p ro cing
Contine nt al
s, in th ion bo ar mmen d with enhan
520 Eighth
w ay s. O u r JCC Associat rrent situation and reco ra l re p o rt s. One dealt h Ch ap lains
e ss the cu ased seve B Jewis
For JCC Association, 2006 was a year filled with growth, New York,
NY 10018 and effectiv th at ad d re fo rc es re le o n of th e JW
sk forces d task pansi d that conce
tel: (212) 53
2-4949 variety of ta on. Our boar ended an ex
e on the boar
n no excepti d it recomm Cs can
change, and new initiatives. In addition to launching a fabulous new fax: (2 12 ) 48
.o rg
past ye ar h as b ee
s in th e U .S . Armed Fo rc es , an
m en t o f a standin g co m m it
ed a re p ort detai li n g h o w JC
in it iatives
www.jc ca w the establi sh is cial action
arts program for teens, JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®, we inaugurated services to Je f an d e o n go ve rnance o f so
fessional st af ur task fo rc import an ce rojects. All
Council pro m il it ar y p ersonnel. O re p o rt ad dressed the at in g in so cial justice p
wish oth er ticip Cs.
benchmarking and consultation services through the Mandel Center Chair
itself with Je
ge r,
e boards. An
more effectiv ger Jews are particularl
y open to par JCC Association and JC
b o th
w buil d st ro n youn f acti o n fo r
for Excellence and Leadership in Management, we established the Alan P. Solo ng out that al courses o
in JCCs, pointi ed sp ec ifi c and practic
Chair s mmen d nding mix
new Merrin Center for Teen Services to reach the next generation, Honorary
Edwar d H . Ka pl an reports reco
rces are co n si d er in g:
, in li gh t o f ch an ges in the fu
man Other task fo ing forward ment.
we expanded our offerings from our early childhood services Ann P. Kauf
Jerome B.
M ak ow sk y
ro p ri at e JC C b u si n ess model go
ea si n gl y co m p et itive environ
n in
Mandel • The ap p g with an in cr
an d customer lved.
department, we provided many more JCC professionals with career Morton L.
st er Po lla ck th at impact JC C s, al o n
an ag em en t, customer
se rv ic e,
ty -o n e JC C s are curr en tly invo
Le ancial m eir success.
development programs, we reinvigorated JWB Jewish Chaplains Daniel Ros
e king JCC fin y evaluate th ming year.
• Benchmar b je ct iv el ship
order to hel
p JCC s o
developed in
the co ing relation
Council with new leadership and a new set of priorities, we Vice-Chair
ks w il l b e n in li gh t of the grow e w o rl d.
ar ssociatio und th
Lisa Brill New benchm al ro le for JCC A se in Is rael and aro
n o
established more communication pathways for JCCs, we doubled Donald Br
l Fi
• T h e appropriate
intern at
Je w is h communit
ies and th
s, w h ic h represent th
e fastest
C he ry
rth Amer ic to ad u lt
the number of health and fitness consultations, and finally, after Gary Jaco
bs between No ity services
ibow an d Je w ish commun e to
unified imag
d L. Le C
Ron al hance JC
close to forty years on 26th Street, we moved our offices to a more Stephen R
. Reiner • How to en h ort . th e b en efi t of a strong,
growing age
co ring
Toby Rubin brand and b
functional space in midtown Manhattan. This move, which gives us Stephen Se
iden im p le m ent the JCC s. After year
an • The best
way to
a. es to its member te d
Ian Sherm r North A m er ic
hance it s se rv ic
abled a ta len
the security of a long-term lease at a very reasonable rent, enabled JCCs all ove
JCC M o ve m en t grow and en
M ac ca b i A rt sF est, which en
06, th e JC C o f
Secretary sky e to help the rogram, JCC is type. In 20
us to upgrade our technology so we can provide even more service Noreen Gor
don Sablot We continu ra te d an ex citing new p
a Je w is h ga thering of th forts of the participants
we inaugu the first tim
e in
d the creative
numbers in
to JCCs. Altogether, during 2006, we renewed and expanded our Secretaries of planning, p ar ticipate for b i ArtsFest, an look forward to greater
Associate te en s to C M ac ca es h er C it y
Michael Se
gal group of re hosted the fi
rst JC d we
enomenal, an w significant growth in
our G
o h it
commitment to the mission of supporting JCCs as they inspire Shirley So
lo m on Great er B al ti m
our expecta
tions. Th ey w ere p
in 2007. We
also sa
art of the Je
wish C o m m u n
y bridges,
Michael W
exceeded all k, New Jersey an important p n GesherCit
Jewish journeys. Raton, Flo ri d a an d D ea
P ar
s, which is ra p id ly b ec o m in
c o f services . T h er e ar e n o w
ex pand ou r se rvices and
su re r r you n g ad unit y’ s fa b n ti n u e
program fo s local comm we co
erg dicate how
Edwin Goldb
r’ s co n tr ibution to it es e tw o programs in f their
Cen te
the pipeline.
T h the needs o
w it h 22 more in an d ca m p s respond to th e U n ited
orsky . r network o
f JCCs ughout
Stephen D l to u ch more people o f h o w o u ro vi n g Je w ish life thro
Andrew Sh
ae ve proud tive work in
enormously r their collec
Doron Steg
er We remain it ie s, an d fo
local Jewish to strength.
el stei n St at es an d C anada.
ay w e go fr om strength
Allan Fink ther, m
growing toge
As we keep
Arthur Rot
ation receiv l
JCC Associ lstein
su pp or t from the Nationa
l Allan Finke
uncils, loca en t
Funding Co w Pre si d
and Jewish Alan P. Solo
Federations nters.
Community Ch ai r Israel Offi
Mary Litt Bu
ern Office Solomon &
Southeast #301 ess Stre et
tern Office am pson Street 12 Moshe H RAEL
Southwes 8200 H , 94185, IS
372 ea ns, LA 70118 Jerusalem 1265
P.O . Bo x 30 New Orl 2- 2- 625-
s 78755 66-5090 tel: 011-97
Austin, Texa tel: (504) 8 2-2-624-77
866-8164 fax: 011-97
tel: (512 ) 241-1 118 fax: (504)
fax: (212) 48
JCC Maccabi Experience
From camp to athletics to the arts to Israel—JCC Maccabi Experience has it all
Our JCC Maccabi brand expanded in 2006 to new program performance, exhibition, recognition of excellence,
areas, and thereby welcomed even more Jewish teens community service, social activities, and fun to develop
to participate in the JCC Maccabi experience. With the their individuality while strengthening their bonds to their
inauguration of JCC Maccabi ArtsFest, and the JCC of Jewish heritage, community, and Israel. We know that we
Greater Boston changing its resident camp’s name to JCC reached an unexpected number of older teens (56 percent of
Maccabi Camp Kingswood, we are now offering Jewish those attending were 15 or older) and also attracted a large
youth and teens an assortment of program possibilities contingent of teens who define themselves as Orthodox.
called JCC Maccabi Experience. With the JCC Maccabi Delegation heads raved about the experience: “Without
Games and JCC Maccabi Israel, JCC Maccabi Experience exception, each one of my participants had an amazing time.
presents Jewish teens with a programmatic kaleidoscope. They grew in personal ways as well as in their disciplines,”
From camp to athletics to the arts to Israel—JCC Maccabi said one.
Experience has it all. We worked with the JCC of Greater Baltimore to find the
“It was the highlight of my summer! It was probably one of professional artists who made ArtsFest such an exciting and
the best experiences of my life! I can’t wait for next summer!” creative event. Enormously talented, they were also gifted
Many participants of the first JCC Maccabi ArtsFest— teachers and generous mentors. Working with the teens
held in August at the JCC of Greater Baltimore—expressed inspired many of them deeply. “The event was a success on
such enthusiasm, and their excitement was shared by so many levels,” said musician Josh Nelson, “and it was very
parents and the professional artists-in-residence. Years much a personally rewarding experience as well.” Songwriter
in the planning, our arts extravaganza for Jewish teens, Stacy Beyer wrote, “We challenged them...we challenged
supported by the New Initiatives Fund, combined bonding ourselves. We all walked a pathway together, pushing our The JCC Maccabi Games bring together
thousands of teens, many of whom have never
with like-minded kids with workshops, individual coaching, limits, pushing their limits and raising the bar.”
been part of a large Jewish group before.
and collaborative practices and projects. The grand finale Plans for the second JCC Maccabi ArtsFest are well
on the theme Art of Creation included concerts by rock and under way. In 2007, ArtsFest will take place in two sites,
jazz bands, an original video, a group mural project, a large the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC in Boca Raton, Florida, and
choreographed musical production, and songwriters singing
their own creations in front of an adoring audience.
the JCC of Greater Monmouth in Deal Park, New Jersey,
and we expect the number of participants to more than
program, JMI. They are also bringing JCC Maccabi signature
programming, such as Days of Caring and Sharing and Professional Development
JCC Association designed ArtsFest to inspire Jewish double. Nineteen JCCs took part in 2006; we anticipate 60 Hang-Time, to their camp.
The fourth quadrant of the JCC Maccabi Experience is
Come to us for referrals, for training, for
teens through a dynamic combination of workshop, will participate in 2007. JCC Maccabi ArtsFest is sure to
become an integral component of our teen initiative, the JCC Maccabi Israel, our teen travel program. One hundred scholarships, for that next great job, for
JCC Maccabi Experience. and fifty teens went to Israel in 2006, making memories that everything to do with staff and career
The JCC Maccabi Games, held in Stamford, Connecticut, will last a lifetime. JMI also hosted two groups of young development
Vancouver, British Columbia, and Phoenix, Arizona once adults on Taglit-birthright Israel trips, introducing them
 more involved thousands of teens in a week-long Jewish to the Jewish state in a positive, dynamic way through this
free trip. Both for teens and young adults, a JCC Maccabi
Our JCCs are as strong and successful as the people who
work there. We learned from the 2001 survey of JCC

celebration of sports. Boys and girls played basketball,
Israel trip remains a life-altering event, building a sense of professionals, Centering on the Professional, and from

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

volleyball, flag football, and tennis; they swam, ran, and

bowled; most importantly, they shared their love of sports connection and identity, and presenting Jewish culture and interviews with people taking the next step in their careers
and fun with thousands of other Jewish teens from all over history in a way that inspires further investigation. that JCC professionals want and need quality supervision.
North America, Israel, and six foreign countries. Athletes in We resolved to help. After two years of planning, we hosted
Stamford worked on pieces of a Katrina quilt that is now the first of 15 Supervision Training Workshops in November
in our new New York headquarters. Over the next two
hanging in the JCC in New Orleans, adding a direct and Did you know... months, we trained more than three hundred and thirty
personal experience of fulfilling the mitzvah of tikkun olam
to the fun and games. JCCs that are open on Shabbat and Jewish holidays people from JCCs across the United States and Canada, a
When the JCC of Greater Boston changed the name of generally offer special educational and cultural dramatic increase over the 70 people who attended a similar
programming. workshop in 2004. Fifty-one different JCCs sent people to
its resident camp to JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood, they
endorsed the excitement and power of the JCC Maccabi —Florence G. Heller-JCC Association the trainings, which took place in Ohio, Virginia, California,
Shabbat and Holiday Opening Survey Illinois, and Florida. So many people registered for New
brand. They plan to send teens in 2007 to all the other JCC
Maccabi units: the Games, ArtsFest, and our teen travel York and California that we had to add more dates.

Before I went to Israel, I was never an intensely religious person. I stopped going to temple as soon as my parents stopped didn’t really feel a personal connection to Judaism. I don’t think that going to Israel made me suddenly very religious, as
making me, and for a long time, my only involvement with the Jewish community at home was working at camp. I guess I just much as it gave me a deep appreciation and personal connection to the history and culture. I could even tell you the moment
Funded by the New Initiatives Fund, each seminar
focused on goal-setting, open communication, and GesherCity Jewish young adults are one of the hardest age cohorts to
engage. Supported by the New Initiatives Fund, Benjamin Twenty-one JCCs took part in the benchmarking
performance evaluation, all critical skills for effective Gordon, the Grandchildren of Harvey & Lynn Meyerhoff project, eager to learn how they measure up and
supervisors. We’re already drawing up plans to present
Our Young Adult Initiative is off and running Foundation, and the Estate of Emmy Ambes, GesherCity is how they can improve their operations.
more supervision seminars in 2007 in order to give JCC JCC Association has long wanted to help JCCs engage proving to be a successful bridge between young adults and
professionals more of what they need. young Jewish adults, people who are mobile and looking Jewish community throughout North America.
Our executive training offerings included our well- for jobs, homes, and friends. We developed an alliance Levite JCC, Birmingham, AL
known Executive Seminars in the early part of the year, and
a brand-new initiative, the Executive Roundtable, at the
with GesherCity, an online community that successfully
reaches young Jewish adults. The GesherCity website, www.
Mandel Center for Excellence Valley of the Sun JCC, Scottsdale, AZ
Tucson JCC, AZ
end. Following the pattern in many industries, we brought
together seasoned and successful executives and newer, helps young Jewish adults new to an area find
apartments, meet people with similar interests, or locate
in Leadership & Management Peninsula JCC, Foster City, CA
JCC of San Francisco, CA
directors in the Roundtable to share information, model Jewish social and cultural events. We hired a professional
solutions to problems, and talk over current and potential
The go-to place for the help JCCs need to Miles Nadal JCC, Toronto, ON
to work specifically with GesherCity and young adult staff
issues. MMTP, our training program for middle managers be the best they can be JCC of Louisville, KY
in JCCs, and 2006 saw a great increase in the success of the JCC of Greater Baltimore, MD
ran through June, graduating a group of 19 middle-level program. The Mandel Center for Excellence in Leadership and JCC of Greater Washington, Rockville, MD
JCC professionals. Almost half of the group have won Our initial goal was to have GesherCity websites and Management, which we formed to ensure that the JCC Worcester JCC, MA
promotions within their JCCs since they completed the programs in 20 communities, with 20,000 active user Movement develops the highly qualified lay and professional JCC of Metropolitan Detroit, MI
program. members, and that goal is just within our reach. leaders it needs to guide a complex institution such as the
Six JCC Association graduate scholarship recipients Sabes JCC, St. Louis Park, MN
JCC, developed a system in 2006 to help JCCs quantify where
completed their studies in 2006, and all of them found work JCC of Greater St. Paul, MN
The following communities currently have they are succeeding and where they need to work harder.
at JCCs in the U.S. and Canada, putting their degrees in Betty & Milton Katz JCC, Cherry Hill, NJ
GesherCity websites and programs: Business leaders have known for a long time that tracking
Jewish communal service, marketing, public administration, Sid Jacobson JCC, East Hills, NY
helps managers do better, because managers pay attention to
and communications to good use and strengthening their The Educational Alliance, New York, NY
Baltimore, MD Palm Beach County, FL what they can measure. We’ve brought this insight to the JCC
JCCs. We selected five new scholars in April, and began Boston, MA Philadelphia, PA Shaw JCC of Akron, OH
world with JCC Excellence-The Benchmarking Project. This
receiving applications for 2007-2008 before the year ended. Broward County, FL Washington, DC system provides tools to JCC executive directors to measure Leo Yassenoff JCC, Columbus, OH
The full-time recipients will receive up to $10,000 a year Hartford, CT Montreal, QC their performance against that of their peers. JCC Association JCC of Houston, TX
and commit themselves to work in the JCC field for three Long Beach, CA St. Louis, MD
consultants can use these tools as well to help JCCs close the JCC of Northern Virginia, Fairfax, VA
years after graduation. Part-time students already working
gaps between their current performance and excellence. Stroum JCC, Seattle, WA
at JCCs can also apply for tuition aid.
The following communities have GesherCity The first three areas for which we’ve developed
For the first time, our scholarship coordinator reached programs in development: benchmarking criteria are customer satisfaction, financial
out to over two hundred scholarship alumni, and received
accounting, and people participation. insure that executive’s success. In 2006, we assisted 12 new
an encouraging response from 50 percent of them. The Atlanta, GA Nashville, TN We’re setting up benchmarks in personnel satisfaction, executives to be the leaders their JCCs needed.
group held an inaugural breakfast at the JCCs of North Austin, TX New York, NY governance, and donor relations next so that JCCs will be For a long time, we’ve wanted to help those young
America Professional Conference to explore how they can Boulder, CO Orlando, FL
able to improve their performance in those areas as well. communities that are beginning to think about how much
build camaraderie among JCC professionals and support Central New Jersey Ottawa, ON
Our information resources manager responded to a JCC would add to their vitality and cohesion. In 2006, we
the field. We’re grateful to the generous donors that make Charlotte, NC Providence, RI
Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA many unique information requests in 2006 for data and published an invaluable guide for emerging communities,
 our scholarship program possible.
To keep JCCs vibrant and staffed with energetic Dayton, OH San Antonio, TX research on issues critical to JCCs, and provided updates, which takes them step-by-step through the process of
planning, fundraising, and building a new JCC.

Harrisburg, PA Silicon Valley, CA follow-ups, or links to existing resources to even more JCCs.
young people, professional development services visited 20

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

Houston, TX Toledo, OH She answered five times as many listserv queries as in 2005, To give JCCs the targeted consultations they’ve been
campuses during the 2005-’06 school year, introducing JCC Indianapolis, IN Virginia Beach, VA and created four times as many small surveys. We have also asking for, we added financial resource development and
work to college students. We also organized a recruitment Los Angeles, CA Vancouver, BC begun to explore trends in general society and the JCC field business management consulting services in 2006 to the
corps in each of 18 communities—volunteer recruiters
in order to help our JCCs anticipate change, something marketing help we already provide. We also published a
who go to campuses in their areas to tell students about
all successful institutions must do. We know current and financial management guidebook that provides a blueprint
the benefits of working in the JCC Movement. To fill other In 2007 we will launch a rede- correct information is critical, and we’re supplying it. for JCCs to establish high-quality systems for accounting,
vacancies at JCCs, we posted jobs at signed GesherCity website, and seek We’re very proud of our First-Time Executive support payroll, personnel, insurance, and oversight. This step-
in 2006, and opened hundreds of new applicant files. To corporate sponsorships, advertis- and mentoring program, which includes community visits, by-step guide can help JCCs run more efficiently and
fill those open positions, we sent out over seven hundred ing, and foundation grants. the assignment of an experienced colleague to work closely transparently. In addition, the guidebook includes a chart
resumes. Our professional development services worked Given their mobility, and personally with the new exec, and training on how to of key conversations between management and leadership
ceaselessly in 2006, as always, to provide highly skilled busy lives, diverse interests, collaborate with key leaders. Now, when we help a JCC that acts as a communications map. In all, this invaluable
employees to JCCs, and help JCC professionals advance and changing lifestyles, find a new executive director or an assistant executive is guide will enable JCCs to serve their communities even more
their careers.
promoted, we are able to provide the support needed to effectively.

that birthright went from being a fun trip to something that I knew would change me, in Tel Aviv. We sat in the hall and they played a recording of the signing of Israel’s declaration of independence, and it was
and it happened very early on. On the second day, we went to the hall of independence just incredible. So since I’ve been home, I’ve been taking steps towards becoming more involved in the Jewish community
Sports & Wellness Football Partnership also piloted a coach’s training program
developed by the Youth Sports Research Council of Rutgers The championship flag football team from the
University with seven JCCs, the goal of which was to Michael-Ann Russell JCC in North Miami, Florida,
Our sports & wellness department sensitize coaches to the importance of enjoyment and good spent Hanukkah in Israel, playing against Israelis
visited fitness centers, organized sportsmanship on the playing field. and spending time at the Israel Sport Center for
conferences, handed out grants, the Disabled.
forged new alliances, and designed staff
development programs—all to benefit JCCs
The Mandel Center
With an addition to our sports & wellness staff, we
for Jewish Education
more than doubled our site visits to JCC fitness centers, Inspiring Jewish Journeys is MCJE’s mission,
meeting the growing demand for consultations. We were and they’re hard at work all day long
also able to organize the 2006 Sports & Wellness Summit,
where 20 professionals from 16 JCCs told us what they need The Mandel Center’s vision is to infuse Jewish life and
to be successful. Thanks to this information, we were able to learning, Jewish experience and ambiance, into the core of
put together a priority list to help the field. First on that list JCCs and camps. In 2006, over 100 day and resident camps
is professional sales training for JCC workers who are not used our Jewish-themed camp curriculum TAG: Jewish
sales professionals. Both fitness and other JCC staff need Values Through Jewish Camping®, allowing thousands of
to develop the abilities to cross-market fitness services. children to absorb Jewish values as part of their camp day. As
Weight-management is a fitness service that the year closed, we began to plan an adult education initiative,
we piloted in 2006 with three JCCs and a company which will allow adults to enjoy a similar experience.
called Healthy Inspirations. The company created kosher Lekhu Lakhem: Jewish & Educational Journeys for JCC
menus for nutritious and balanced limited-calorie meals, Resident Camp Directors came to a successful conclusion in
and the JCCs provide weekly meetings, peer support, and 2006 with three seminars, one in Israel, one in California, and
encouragement. We know that this model of restricted one in Arizona. In addition to these seminars, each of our
calories and mutual support is the most successful at long- 12 Fellows learned Jewish texts and education in bi-monthly
term weight management, and the JCC is a natural venue. phone meetings with their mentors. At the concluding session,
The percentage of women coaches is declining, just each Lekhu Lakhem Fellow presented both a project carried
when many girls are more interested in sports and need female out at camp based on the Lekhu Lakhem experience, and a
role models. Through a program with the Women’s Sports vision statement articulating the Fellow’s notion of what
Foundation, the WinStar Foundation, and the Hadassah Jewish camping can become. We hope to create a vibrant
Foundation, we created the Women Coaches Curriculum. alumni program from this first cohort, and to create a second
We hosted our second annual Women Coaches Clinic at cohort at the end of the coming year. This highly successful
the Lautenberg Family JCC of Greater Morris County, in program was underwritten by The AVI CHAI Foundation.
Whippany, New Jersey in the spring, where the goal was Based on our experiences with the resident camp
to provide strategies and skills for JCC professionals to directors seminar, our Lekhu Lakhem seminar for day camp
 recruit and train volunteer women coaches. Another of our
programs, GoGirlGo, also sponsored by the Women’s Sports
directors began at the end of 2005. This group of 18 of the
top JCC day camp professionals attended two seminars in 
Foundation and Hadassah Foundation, awarded grants to 23 California, and learned with the faculty every other week in

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

JCCs to educate girls to avoid high-risk behaviors through phone mentoring and learning sessions.
the arena of sports and healthy competition. At the end of 2006, MCJE took its first steps to launch
In addition to our relationships with Major League Kanyon: Adult Jews Learning and Living, to fill the next major
Baseball, the NBA/WNBA, and the NHL, all of which Jewish educational need on the JCC Movement agenda.
provided more grants to JCCs than the previous year, we We want to engage thousands of Jewish adults and families
further developed our programming with the NFL. In 2006, in North American JCCs in flexible and meaningful Jewish
we provided grants to 131 JCC youth football programs, learning and living experiences. We intend to do this by
which totaled more than $220,000. The JCC Association- producing an articulated program of adult education, along
NFL Youth Football Partnership launched a full-service with the materials and training modules which will secure
website, where visitors could find information on basic rules its success in JCCs around the country. With the addition
for youth football, tips on how to start a program, steps of Kanyon and the generosity of the Mandel Supporting
to register for a sports administration certificate program Foundations, we will give both children and adults at JCCs a
with George Washington University, and more. The Youth pathway to developing their Jewish souls.

at home. I’m still really up in the air as far as what I want to do with my life, but I spoke with someone from JCC Association
this week, and I am going to fill out a profile with them later in the week, as soon as I have some time to work on it. But I
Anne Heyman and Seth Merrin (far right) join
the Merrin Teen Professional Fellows along with
JCC Association staff to celebrate the completion
of an 18-month professional development
experience. The Merrin Center for Teen Services,
established in 2006, will train more young
professionals to inspire Jewish teens.

Merrin Center Adult Services

for Teen Services The JCC Movement is there for for a blood drive to take place at all JCCs next Cheshvan, service activities benefiting their communities. The camps
20-somethings to centenarians, supporting the month designated for social action projects. We remain used the special Days of Caring and Sharing curriculum unit
Inspiring JCC professionals to connect with focused on helping JCCs serve their large adult populations prepared by the Mandel Center for Jewish Education to give
their interests and responding to their
teens when they are most impressionable in creative and effective ways. their projects even deeper Jewish significance. Our camping
concerns department organized two training sessions for JCC camp
10 The fourth class of Merrin Teen Professional Fellows
Once teens become adults, JCCs still work hard to give Camping
staff in the spring—one in our offices and the other at the 11
graduated in May of 2006, completing an 18-month Jewish JCCs of Chicago—to enable camp directors to get the most
them the programs they’re looking for. Our adult services

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

learning and professional development experience. With out of the program.

this background, the Merrin Fellows are able to have a more department continued its very popular monthly conference JCC Camping is a defining experience We also led a resident-camp conference, where camp
calls for adult directors and for arts & culture directors.
powerful impact on thousands of Jewish teens at a critical for hundreds of thousands of kids, directors learned about trends and how to market their
time in their lives, a time when they are developing a sense Participants rave that the calls feel like mini-conventions,
giving them the chance to network with their peers and and we help JCC camps make that camps and recruit top-notch staff, and shared information
of themselves as people and as Jews. In 2006, we expanded about safety concerns brought up by social networking
share information about both successful and not-so-great experience even more inspirational
our efforts to serve this population by creating the Merrin websites such as mySpace and Facebook. To deal with these
Center for Teen Services. In addition to the Teen Professional programs. The baby-boom generation, which will begin
Through the generous corporate sponsorship of The and other issues, we initiated a camp leadership group, the
Fellows program, the Merrin Center will work to strengthen retiring in the next five years, is the fastest growing and
Coca-Cola Company®, we once more were able to offer JCC goal of which is to advance JCC camping as an enriching
the skills and talents of everyone in the JCC who interacts most underserved age group in JCCs. Accordingly, we
camps the opportunity to participate in the JCC Association/ and secure experience.
with teens. Made possible by a generous endowment by the gathered together education experts and adult program
Coca-Cola Company Days of Caring and Sharing program Our camping department made it possible for 463
Merrin Family Foundation, the Merrin Center is moving directors to plan new program initiatives for recent retirees.
in 2006. The 36 participating day and resident camps—triple Israeli summer shlichim to bring an invaluable dimension
ahead as we complete raising all the funds it needs. We partnered with to provide resources for
the number from the time the program started—worked on to 118 JCC camps and other nonprofit Jewish camps.
JCCs for Jewish social action month, and began to plan

just wanted to let you know how wonderful I thought the trip was and thank you for telling me about it. I would definitely The program with Rabbi Alvin Mars has been a deeply thoughtful and educational experience. The chance to assess
recommend it - and I have been - to every young Jewish person I know. — Jessica Eisenstein, JCC Camps at Medford where I am as a Jewish educator and to challenge myself to make my camp a more effective Jewish institution has
Early Childhood Education JCCs of North America Deborah E. Lipstadt, Emory University’s Dorot
Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies­­—and
Our youngest members inspire some of Biennial JCC Association scholar-in-residence—told a packed
ballroom of major turning points in her life. Lipstadt’s
our best work, and our department of early long legal battle with David Irving, a Holocaust denier,
The Biennial brings leaders together to
childhood services inspired teachers to in the British courts was a central crisis. “There was no
keep the Movement on track
inspire students way I could have fought that battle on my own,” she said,
Leh-Atid: Inspiring Jewish Journeys, Securing describing how her friends and colleagues in the Jewish
Slingshot 06, a booklet that highlights 50 innovative Jewish Futures communal world raised two million dollars for her defense.
and creative Jewish programs and organizations, selected An Quoting the parsha read at Purim, she said, “I felt the wrath
Ethical Start® to be part of that elite group. Our preschool How can we ensure the future of the JCC Movement? JCC of a modern-day Amalek,” another implacable enemy who
character-building curriculum is based on the classic Jewish leaders attending the 2006 JCCs of North America Biennial wanted to erase the memory of the Jews. Throughout her
text, Pirkei Avot, and is currently in almost fifty JCCs. faced that challenge and left Philadelphia with a passel of life, institutions of the Jewish communal world nurtured
Published by 21/64, a consulting division of the Andrea and new ideas. After warm welcoming remarks from the Biennial and supported her, she said. “There is no need to put the
Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, Slingshot 06 looks for Committee Chair Cheryl Fishbein, Host Committee Chair Jewish back into JCC. It’s already there.”
groups that are thinking creatively about the Jewish future. Ann E. Lazarus, and JCCs of Greater Philadelphia Chair Incoming JCC Association Chair Alan P. Solow
We’re very proud to be included in that chevrah. Arlene Fickler, former Philadelphia JCCs CEO and JCC encouraged the Biennial attendees by emphasizing that the
In another vote of confidence in this singular program, Association board member Phillip M. Shiekman reminded JCC Movement has much to offer. “We have our own primary
The Righteous Persons Foundation, chaired by film director the delegates of Maimonides’ injunctions to donate to the responsibility to provide meaningful Jewish experiences,”
Steven Spielberg, awarded An Ethical Start a third grant Jewish community and to encourage others to donate. “Let Solow said, stressing that the JCC is the perfect institution
for $100,000. This latest grant will fund specially trained each of us make true capacity gifts,” Shiekman said, and to show Jews how to lead normal lives infused with Jewish
text teachers who will consult with participating JCCs and make the dream of the JCC Movement a reality. meaning. “The Jewish people have overcome obstacles and
initiate them into the particular Jewish mode of learning JCC Association President Allan Finkelstein continued challenges for thousands of years. Change is not our enemy.”
that is text study. We have already trained more than one that theme in his keynote address. “We must declare that Adaptation and innovation have allowed the Jews to flourish
Above: A JCC early childhood educator
hundred and eighty teachers, and hope to reach many more. studies with colleagues from throughout the financial resource development is our fourth core business,” because Jewish tradition has given them the tools to do so,
Seven training conferences in 2006 grounded ECE teachers JCC Movement at one of seven ECE training he told the crowd. Gary Jacobs, chair of our Financial Solow said, and the perfect place to transmit those Jewish
and directors in the traditions of Jewish text study and the conferences JCC Association held in 2006. Resource Development Committee, introduced the 12 values is the JCC. “We live much better now,” Solow said,
latest theories of childhood development. Opposite: Delegates confer at the 2006 JCCs million dollar campaign to secure Jewish futures, and then and “that’s a good thing. I pledge that as a movement we
We started with 23 JCCs, and now we have trained of North America Biennial in Philadelphia. presented miniatures of the engraved windows in our lobby will closely work with any other organization” that wants to
teachers at almost triple that number. Thousands of children to five million-dollar-plus donors: Lester and Geri Pollack, work collaboratively.
have learned the fundamental Jewish principles of treating Seth Merrin and Anne Heyman, the Marcus Foundation, The Biennial ended with a rousing invitation to the
people fairly, of self-control, and of the value of friendship Because of another supporter, the Marcus Foundation, Irene and Ed Kaplan, and the family of Esther Leah Ritz k”z, 2008 Biennial in Miami, chaired by board member Noreen
and learning, thanks in part to generous support from the our early childhood services department was able to start who accepted on her behalf. Then Ed Kaplan presented a Gordon Sablotsky, where JCC leaders can once more plan
Brill Family Foundation. work on a family-friendly Ethical Start website, someplace window to the last donor, Gary Jacobs. new and creative ways to inspire Jewish journeys.
parents could find more information about the values their The Frank L. Weil Award for Distinguished Con-
children were learning, and where they could advance their tribution to the JCC Movement went to Ronald L. Leibow
own learning as well. We will be ready to launch the website
12 Did you know...
in 2007.
for his selfless service to the Jewish community of Los
Angeles and JCC Association, and the Florence G. Heller 13
As a way to deal with the emerging shortage of preschool Professional Award was presented to Lew Stolzenberg,

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

• Average annual pay increases in the past three directors, we hosted our second annual two-day conference executive director of the Staten Island JCC. Videos
years for professionals working at JCCs throughout for new-to-JCC ECE directors. The conference focused on introducing each man made clear why they so richly
the United States exceeded the rate of inflation. issues specific to JCCs, such as working with lay leaders, setting deserved the high honors. Long-time Jewish educator
up a committee structure, and viewing the JCC preschool as a Barry Chazan, currently the director of education of Taglit-
• The gaps between higher paid and lower paid
first step in inspiring Jewish journeys. birthright Israel, received the Morton L. Mandel Jewish
professionals narrowed between 2003 and 2006.
Executives saw their compensation increase by As always, we responded to requests from JCCs for Educational Leadership Award from the man who made
11 percent, while entry-level workers saw their assessments on their ECE administrative structure, learning the award possible. “Barry Chazan’s name is synonymous
salaries rise by 14 percent. environments, and marketing plans, and we continued to with Jewish education,” Mandel said, adding that he didn’t
help JCCs maintain their traditional edge in high-quality know how many more such awards he would be presenting,
—2006 Florence G. Heller-JCC Association early childhood programming. With our support, training,
Salary Survey but the experience meant even more to him when he could
and renowned values-education program, JCC preschools present it to a friend. “His work has profoundly affected the
are the best in the business. way JCCs view their Jewish mission,” he said of Chazan.

been invaluable. The program and Lekhu Lakhem faculty managed to do what years of formal Jewish education could not and motivation for the pursuit of Jewish identity. My camp has surely benefited already, as has my own family. — Aaron
for me — to personalize the experience of Jewish learning in a way that could lead me to deeper appreciation, understanding Selkow, Executive Director, Pinemere Camp I’m a Jewish naval officer stationed in Baghdad. Whether by coincidence or
JWB Jewish Florence G. Heller–JCC FGH worked with our department of professional
development services to produce tri-annual professional
Chaplains Council Association Research Center salary surveys for the U.S. and Canada. This survey showed
that JCC compensation had slightly exceeded the rate of
As always, our JWB Jewish Chaplains Our investigation and study arm helps inflation, and done better than that for workers at the lowest
tiers, an important indicator that JCCs are closing the gap
Council was there for our troops JCCs see where they’re going between their highest and lowest paid employees.
Change came to the JWB Jewish Chaplains Council in Without accurate information, JCCs cannot use their FGH released Shabbat & Holiday Practices at JCCs:
2006. After 25 years as director, Rabbi David Lapp retired resources wisely or plan effectively for future growth. Our The 2006 Survey, which indicated that in response to their
amid testimonials from his colleagues and celebration Florence G. Heller-JCC Association Research Center is communities’ needs, two-thirds of JCCs are open all or
of his many years of dedicated service. Rabbi Harold the investigation and study arm of the JCC Movement. part of the day and offer some kind of programming on
Robinson, a rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, took over as It gathers and interprets that critical information for the Saturdays.
director in September, in time to begin to implement many benefit of all JCCs. During 2006, FGH studied several FGH conducted the Annual JCC Budgetary Survey,
of the recommendations of the JCC Association task force important issues. which includes a survey of executive and assistant executive
report, Effective Service to the Jewish Military. Headed FGH completed the 2006 Survey of JCC Leadership directors’ salaries and benefits; and operating income and
by Sol Greenfield, former associate executive director of and the Jewish Mission of JCCs. The Mandel Center for expenditures. This survey is conducted annually and the
JCC Association, the study recommended an expanded Jewish Education sponsored this project, which included findings are distributed at the Executive Seminars.
professional staff for JWB, and a standing board committee interviewing JCC professionals, presidents, and members. FGH also began several new studies, including one of
to focus on Jewish military personnel. The task force also Its goal was to assess the Jewish programming and ambiance effective lay leadership in JCCs, as well as another of Jewish
recommended building a database of all Jews serving in the in JCCs and the impact upon JCC members, as well as how teens at JCCs, both of which are to be completed in 2007.
U.S. Armed Forces and facilitating communication between strongly JCC leaders and professionals felt about the Both studies will help JCCs devise ways to engage these
chaplains. We have already established a chaplains listserv, importance of the JCC’s Jewish mission. groups with Jewish Community Centers and the larger
and are setting up a blog where chaplains and the public at Jewish community.
large can read chaplains direct-from-the-field reports.
JTS rabbinical student Josh Sherwin earned our first
military chaplaincy scholarship, which is underwritten by
We Moved to resources, and other organizations can rent our meeting
Rabbi Philip Silverstein, chair of the JWB Jewish Chaplains
Council, in honor of his late wife, Adina. Sherwin has agreed to
520 Eighth Avenue space, providing additional income. We feel fortunate that
in New York City’s competitive real-estate market, we were
become a full-time active-duty chaplain when he completes his We moved to 520 Eighth Avenue so we able to find conveniently located office space at 1999 prices
rabbinical training. This scholarship, designated for a student with a very reasonable rate of increase that gives us the space
could deliver even better services to JCCs
at a Conservative seminary, offers $15,000 a year for up to we need to represent and serve the JCC Movement, and we
four years. We are hopeful that other generous benefactors In a change that secures our future for the next 20 are grateful to the donors to the Securing Jewish Futures
will enable us to expand this worthwhile program. years, we moved our main, New York City office from campaign who made it possible.
Jewish chaplains continued to serve the spiritual and 26th Street to 520 Eighth Avenue. Our old offices were in The Torah commands “You shall write them upon the
social needs of Jewish servicemen and women all over a neighborhood that was turning increasingly residential doorposts of your house and upon your gates.” To consecrate
the world, with the help and support of JWB Jewish and becoming much more expensive. After a long search, our new home, board members took a break from the
14 Chaplains Council. We sent kosher-for-Passover food
and Solo Seder kits at Passover, Jewish Publication
we found space in midtown Manhattan in a building that October board meeting and attended the dedication of
the Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Family Conference Center
houses many nonprofit organizations. In our new home,
Society paperback versions of the Torah at Shavuoth, and the Edward H. and Irene Kaplan Lobby, along with

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

we are paying less per square foot and are able to provide
and menorahs, dreidels, and candy for Hanukkah. the space and the sophisticated technology that our new the Morton L. Mandel Executive Suite. Barbara and Ed
We sent soldiers thousands of phone cards, programming initiatives require. We can now use our Goldberg affixed a mezuza to the entrance to the reception
so they could call their families at any time. Rabbi extensive conference space for the many training seminars area, and Anne and Stephen M. Kaufman and Jerome
Robinson visited troops stationed around the we provide to the field and to convene meetings with JCC and Evelyn Makowsky attached mezuzot on the lintels of
world, including Djibouti in the Horn of Africa staff and leadership on existing programs such as JCC the Kaufman & Makowsky Board Room. To symbolize
and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Since 1917, during Maccabi ArtsFest, the JCC Maccabi Games, An Ethical Start, our ongoing tradition of service, former chair Ed Kaplan
peace and war, JWB has been there for our people and our new adult education initiative from the Mandel fastened the mezuza from our old office to the entry that
in the armed forces. Center for Jewish Education. We installed up-to-the-minute leads to the conference center. Geri and Lester Pollock and
audio-visual hardware and software so we can meet with Noreen Gordon Sablotsky dedicated the conference rooms
Rabbi Harold Robinson (right), the new director of people who may be across the continent. Affiliated JCCs in bearing their respective names. Entwining tradition and
JWB Jewish Chaplains Council, traveled to Djibouti the New York metropolitan area can take advantage of these change, we celebrated our new home.
in the Horn of Africa during the High Holy Days.

design, I received a care package from the Washington contained one of the pillows that your athletes made! What were the chances that a pillow made by Jewish children in
state-based “US Troop Care Package” project that Connecticut would find its way (via the Pacific Northwest) to a Jewish service member in Baghdad? I don’t know if you have

Endowment and Capital Funds

Left to right,
Leonard Rubin, Rabbi Launched in the fall of 2005, the Meeting the Challenge: SECURING JEWISH FUTURES
David Lapp, Rabbi campaign is making it possible for JCC Association to achieve a tripartite goal:
Nathan Landman. • Creating and endowing the new Merrin Center for Teen Services to benefit both Jewish
teens throughout North America and the teen professionals in JCCs who work with them.
• Enhancing the JCC Association general endowment to enable us to meet the rising costs of
our current initiatives, maintain the quality of our signature programs, and respond flexibly
To Everything Charity Navigator to new JCC needs as they arise.
• Meeting the capital expenses of our relocation to new offices, necessitated by the changing
There Is a Season In 2006, Charity Navigator, America’s largest indepen- real estate market in New York. Our new headquarters are providing a fiscally responsible,
cost efficient, technologically sophisticated home with room for growth in the years ahead.
dent evaluator of nonprofit organizations, gave us their high-
Three long-standing members of our staff left in 2006, est rating. That means that we do a great job of allocating our We thank the donors whose commitment and generosity have helped us pass the half-way
after decades of outstanding contributions. Executive Vice- point in this five-year, $12,000,000 campaign*:
resources in the most fiscally responsible way. According to
President of Program Services Leonard Rubin joined JCC Charity Navigator’s website,, this The Merrin Center for Teen Services Management Team Offices President’s Office and Senior Staff Office
Association in 1978 as the camping consultant, and as his rating indicates that our fundraising practices are exception- Anne Heyman and Seth Merrin Irene and Phil Shiekman Mezuzot
responsibilities increased, he helped the agency grow into al–exceeding industry standards for percent of dollars going David Sterling Shirley and Allen Solomon
The Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Family
the multidimensional organization it is today, developing to programs, low fundraising overhead, and financial trans- Conference Center Staff Lounge
Roberta and Allan Weissglass
and supervising programs in health and wellness, camping, parency. This rating should inspire even more confidence in Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs D’vora Tager and Robert Dietz Mezuzot
adult and teen services, and early childhood education. our donors that their contributions are being used efficiently The Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Lobby Professional Team and Consulting Staff
Judith and Lester Lieberman
Lenny was responsible for conceiving programs as varied as Fani Magnus Monson and Michael A. Monson
and effectively. Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Offices
Alan and Janet Mann
“the great Succahrama” to JCC Maccabi Artsfest. Michael Ostroff, The Ostroff Group
The Barbara and Morton Mandel Executive Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
Carol and Lawrence Zicklin
Through the years, Lenny mentored numerous JCC
professionals, encouraging them through guidance and
2006 Revenues and Expenses Suite
Barbara and Morton Mandel Guest and Visiting Personnel Suite
Toby and Robert Rubin
Ronna and Michael Segal
(in thousands) Virginia A. and Frank Maas Amy and Andrew J. Shaevel
example. As Saul Levenshus, president/CEO of the Barshop Conference Rooms and Department Suites
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Entryway Mezuzah Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer
JCC of San Antonio, said, “Lenny, you are a class act, a Revenue
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Barbara & Edwin Goldberg *As of December 31, 2006
true gem. You have helped to train and teach a generation Unrestricted Revenue $ % Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky
of professionals through the programs and initiatives you Work Stations For information about contributing to the Meeting
NFC and Federation Support 1,900 17.3 Geri and Lester Pollack
Mandell L. Berman the Challenge: SECURING JEWISH FUTURES
conceived of, nurtured, and brought to life throughout your JCC Dues 3,550 32.4 Andrea and Alan P. Solow
Deena and Jerome A. Kaplan Campaign, or to learn about naming opportunities
career. Those of us who have had the opportunity to cross Annual Giving & Foundation Grants* 2,305 21.0 Senior Staff Offices I. E. Millstone in the new JCC Association continental
your path have been eternally changed for the better.” Corporate Sponsorship 410 3.7 Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein Barbara and J. Victor Samuels headquarters, please contact Fani Magnus Monson,
Program Revenue 2,430 22.2 Sharon and Stephen Seiden Irene and Philip M. Shiekman
Lenny’s thoughtfulness, creativity, and integrity were vice-president of development, by e-mail at
Earnings From Investments 370 3.3 Sharon and David Wax or by telephone (212) 786-5135.
legendary in the JCC Movement, from his early days at the
Cleveland and Tulsa JCCs. “You have exemplified the best in Total Unresricted Revenue 10,965 99.9
On hand for the ribbon-cutting, affixing of mezuzot,
the Movement,” wrote Mitchell Jaffe, another long-time JCC
16 Association staff member. “Those who have been privileged to
Unrestricted $ %
and celebration as JCC Association opened its
new offices in October were many of the visionary
work with you have been enriched by who you are, what you leaders who helped establish the new home of

Annual Report 2006

Jewish Community Centers Association

have inspired in others, and what you have accomplished.” Program Enrichment Services 3,702 33.8 the JCC Movement. Above, JCC Association Chair,
Community Consultation Services 2,762 25.2 Alan P. Solow toasts the historic occasion. At left,
Lenny retired at the end of 2006, and passed away on April 18, Professional Development 668 6.1 Irene and Edward H. Kaplan, and Jerome B. and
2007, after a long illness. Marketing & Communications 856 7.8 Evelyn Makowsky with Ann and Stephen Kaufman.
Services to the Military 339 3.2 Below, left to right: Noreen Gordon Sablotsky, Gary
The director and deputy director of JWB Jewish Chaplains
Jewish Education (Including Israel Operations) 1,238 11.3 Jacobs, and Geri and Lester Pollack. We are deeply
Council, Rabbis David Lapp and Nathan Landman, stepped grateful to these, and all the generous donors who
Support and Development 439 4.0
down from their posts in 2006 as well, after a cumulative more Management & Finance 961 8.8
are helping us Secure Jewish Futures.
than forty years of dedication to Jewish military chaplains
and personnel. They worked devotedly to provide materials, Total Unrestricted Expense 10965 100.2

support, and training to Jewish chaplains and lay leaders all
*In addition to these grants the agency has received additional
over the world, bringing a bit of yiddishkeit to Jewish men and restricted grants of $1,145,766 to support programs that do not
women very far from home and everything familiar. We wish appear in the above operating budget. They are listed on the
them well, and thank them most sincerely for everything following pages.
they did for us.

gotten any feedback from the field yet – but please let your kids know that I was really touched! You made my Hanukkah!
— LT Risa Simon, Camp Victory, Iraq
Donors Donors

Endowment Funds Beyond2000

Patrons, cont’d.
Endowing Today for Tomorrow
Benefactors, cont’d.
Endowing Today for Tomorrow
Sponsors, cont’d.
Annual Support
Beyond2000 Barbara and Daniel Drench Benefactors Annette and Lionel Goldman New Initiatives Fund
JCC Association is grateful to the Harry and Annette and Lionel Goldman Beatrice and Irving Edison Alvin Gray JCC Association expresses its gratitude
Jeanette Weinberg Foundation of Baltimore, Tillie Mazor Foundation/Judith Lieberman Henry Kaufmann Foundation Dolores and Solomon Greenfield to the visionary supporters of the New
and proud to have partnered with it in this Judith and Mark Litt Evelyn Goodstein and Anise and David A. Kaplan Initiatives Fund, spearheaded by Past
successful campaign, which enhanced our Estate of Mary Litt Jacob Goodstein k”z Janet Kaplan and Leonard Kaplan k”z Chair Edward H. Kaplan. Through their
endowment by a total of $5,100,000. We Children and Grandchildren of Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Clara and Martin L. Larner generosity, the New Initiatives Fund is
thank the following donors whose generosity Jerome B. Makowsky, 1998-2002 Chair, Frances and Joseph Kruger k”z Lynn and Gerald Ostrow enabling JCC Association to serve local
in contributing $3,600,000 made it JCC Association, in his honor Judith and Lester Lieberman Marvin J. Pertzik JCCs with innovative new programs,
possible to meet the Weinberg Foundation’s Lynn and Gerald Ostrow Minnie Nathanson k”z Harriet L. and William Rosenthal provide new and necessary professional
$1,500,000 challenge grant. Patricia and Stephen R. Reiner Janet and Irwin Jay Robinson Anita and Arthur Rotman development opportunities, and develop
Shirley and Allan Solomon Arlene and Leonard Rochwarger k”z Eugenia and Irving Ruderman creative programs to directly benefit JCCs
Visionary Andrea and Alan P. Solow Joanna and Daniel Rose Milton A. Shorr in such areas as technology, fundraising and
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Estate of Henrietta Weil Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer David Sterling strategic planning. This multi-million dollar
Foundation, Inc. Judith Shiekman k”z and Muriel and Myron Strober fund is allowing JCC Association to provide
Friends Endowed Scholarships
Philip M. Shiekman Sharon and Edwin Toporek for the ever-changing and growing needs
Founders Wendy and Warren Blumenthal
Jeanne and Milton Zorensky Peggy and Philip Wasserstrom JCC Association scholarships enable of Jewish Community Centers with creative
Edgar M. Bronfman Eleanor and Edward Epstein
H. S. Weil Estate students who plan to make careers in the new models and cutting-edge technologies.
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Builders
Linda Cornell Weinstein and JCC Movement to pursue their education
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer Jean Adler and Robert L. Adler k”z Gary Berman
Sherwin Weinstein at the master’s level. We are grateful to the
Randi and Ian Sherman Hyman J. Cohen Mandell Berman
Benefactors Roberta and Allan Weissglass donors of these scholarship funds:
Peggy and Philip Wasserstrom Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein Joshua Bernstein
Jane Gellman Leo and George P. Frenkel Robert L. Adler Memorial Scholarship Fund The Diane and Norman Bernstein Foundation
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Yetra Goldberg and Israel Goldberg k”z
Arlene and Robert Kogod Endowing Today for Tomorrow Endowment-Funded Alumni Scholarship Fund Charles E. Smith Family Foundation
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Ella and Gerrard Berman Scholarship Fund Paul Silberberg and Mark Solomon
Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald L. Leibow Judith and Mark D. Litt
Program Support
The following individuals made a leadership Elayne and Julian Bernat Scholarship Fund CMS Endowment Foundation
Merle and L. Michael Orlove Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky JCC Association gratefully acknowledges the
commitment to JCC Association’s Harold Dinerman Memorial Scholarship Fund Marcella and Neil Cohen and
Geri and Lester Pollack Joan and Martin E. Messinger following generous supporters, who through
Endowment Fund to assure that the work of Shirley and Royal H. Durst Scholarship Fund Ryna and Melvin Cohen
Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z their endowments make these programs
the JCC Movement continues in perpetuity. Joan and Jesse Feldman Scholarship Fund Samuel R. Dweck Foundation, Inc.
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Muriel Russell possible on an ongoing basis:
We give them our special thanks. These gifts Frances and Samuel Finkelstein Lois and Richard England
Paula L. Sidman and Edwin N. Sidman k”z Helen Zimman and Harold O.Zimman k”z
were received prior to the inception of the Memorial Scholarship Fund Diana and Michael David Epstein
Carol Brennglass Spinner Support of JCC Association Israel Office
Beyond 2000 Endowment Campaign. Patrons Frenkel Memorial Scholarship Fund Sylvia S. Ely Foundation, Inc.
and Arthur C. Spinner Judith and Mark D. Litt
Ella Berman and Gerrard Berman k”z Israel Goldberg Memorial Scholarship Fund Joan Lee Gindes
Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr. Founders
Elayne and Julian Bernat Jewish Education Programming Goodstein-Kleitman Memorial Robert Goldberg
Joan and Jesse Feldman k”z
Builders Shirley and Roy Durst Geri and Lester Pollack Scholarship Fund Charles H. Goodman
Florence G. Heller Memorial Fund
Estate of Matilda Blendes Edwin A. Hochstadter Edwin Hochstader Scholarship Fund Arie and Ida Crown Memorial
Florence G. Heller Trust JCC Association Scholars Fund
Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein Bea D. Katcher Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Scholarship Fund Brenda and Sandy Guritzky
Mary and Solomon Litt k”z Syril Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
Betty S. and Norton Melaver Charles R. Katz Philip R. Kaplan Memorial Scholarship Fund Barbara and Allan Hurwitz
Barbara and Morton L. Mandel
Anne S. Reich and Henry and Anne Reich Lynne and Charles Klatskin Bea D. Katcher Scholarship Fund Irene and Edward H. Kaplan
Samuel Morganroth Esther Leah Ritz Next Generation
Family Foundation, Inc. Arthur Kokot Charles R. Katz Memorial Scholarship Fund Jack Kay
Geri and Lester Pollack Memorial Fund
Cheryl Fishbein and Philip Schatten Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald L. Leibow Mary and Solomon Litt Scholarship Fund Lawrence Kirstein k”z
Esther Leah Ritz k”z
Linda and Jerome Spitzer Norma and Alfred W. Levy To honor the memory of Esther Leah Ritz, Minnie and Louis Nathanson Thelma and Melvin Lenkin and Edward Lenkin
Roberta and Allan Weissglass Guardians Betty S. and Norton Melaver former continental chair and founder of Memorial Scholarship Fund The Levitt Foundation
Lili and Max M. Hahn Susan Mintz and Donald R. Mintz k”z the JCC Association Endowment Fund, Pesses-Sachs Scholarship Fund Bernard L. Madoff
Syde Hurdus Merle and L. Michael Orlove we established the Esther Leah Ritz Next Evelyn S. and Shaol L. Pozez Marshall B. Coyne Foundation, Inc.
Anise and Ronald Belz
Sam Sulsten Pesses-Sachs Family Generation Memorial Fund. Proceeds of this Scholarship Fund Melrod Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ruth White Brodsky and
Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr. Evelyn S. and Shaol L. Pozez endowment underwrites the cost of the Next Henry S. and Anne S. Reich Scholarship Fund Alan and Amy Meltzer Family Fund
Joanne and Donald Brodsky
Anne S. Reich and Henry S. Reich k”z Generation program, which supports the Joanna S. and Daniel Rose Scholarship Fund Howard and Geraldine Polinger Family
Marvin Gelfand
Barbara and Norman Seiden development of lay leadership for Jewish Syril and Leonard Rubin Scholarship Fund Foundation
Barbara and Edwin Goldberg
Geraldyn and Henry Sicular Community Centers. Michael-Ann Russell Memorial Abe Pollin
Virginia A. and Francis Maas
Roseann and Alan Simberloff Scholarship Fund Anne S. Reich
Phyllis and Philip Margolius We are grateful to the donors to this
Linda and Jerome Spitzer Fedgie and Hy Schultz Memorial Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family
Marvin J. Pertzik endowment fund: Scholarship Fund Foundation
Aliki and Peter Rzepka Sponsors Judith and Joseph D. Hurwitz Geraldyn and Henry Sicular Scholarship Fund Rhoda and Charles Steiner
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels Gerry and Charles Aaron k”z Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Diana S. Simberloff Memorial Daniel Solomon Woodbury Fund
Barbara and Norman Seiden Dinerman Family Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Scholarship Fund Andrew Tisch
Judith Shiekman k”z and Philip M. Shiekman Barbara and Daniel Drench Carol and Leonard Lewensohn Avraham Soltes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sharon and Edwin Toporek Andrew L. Eisenberg Philanthropic Fund Sam Sulstan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Linda Cornell Weinstein and Linda and Robert Fischer Barbara and Morton L. Mandel Olga F. and Oliver B. Winkler Scholarship Fund
Sherwin Weinstein
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky Helen and Harold O. Zimman
Barbara and Douglas Bloom
Melanie Katzman and Russell Makowsky Scholarship Fund
Geri and Lester Pollack
Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z
18 Jewish Community Centers Association Annual Report 2006 19
Donors Donors
Mandel Center for Excellence in Mandel Center for Jewish Annual Fund 2006 Annual Fund 2006 Annual Fund 2006 Program and Project Support
Silver Plus Club, cont’d. Super VIP Associate, cont’d. Executive Associate, cont’d. Youth Programming, cont’d.
Leadership and Management Education
Virginia A. and Francis Maas Barbara and Norman Seiden Gretchen and Gordon Gross Support of JCC Maccabi Arts Fest
JCC Association is grateful to the Mandel JCC Association is grateful to the Mandel
Evelyn and Jerome B. Makowsky Amy and Andrew Shaevel Joseph Harris Doron Steger
Foundation for its annual renewable grant, Foundation for its annual renewable grant,
Betty S. and Norton Melaver Randi and Ian Sherman Deborah and Michael Hopkins
which created and sustains the Mandel which created and sustains the Mandel Support of JCC Maccabi Games
Patricia and Stephen R. Reiner Carol Brennglass Spinner and Richard Juran
Center for Jewish Education. Center for Jewish Education. William D. Abramson
Irene and Phil M. Shiekman Arthur C. Spinner Richard David Levin
JCC Association also thanks the following for Roberta and Allan Weissglass Foundation David Sterling Jeanmarie and Gary S. Lipman Support of JCC Association/NFL
JCC Association thanks Irene and Edward H.
their support of programs within the Mandel Kelly and Michael Wolfe Muriel and Myron Strober Saul H. Magram Youth Partnership
Kaplan for their support of a program with
Center for Jewish Education: Marilyn and Henry Taub Foundation Nancy and Douglas “Woody” Ostrow National Football League Youth Football Fund
the Mandel Center for Excellence Bronze Plus
Ellen and Robert H. Temkin Phillip C. Pepper National Football League Players Association
in Leadership and Management The Avi Chai Foundation: Susan and Arnold Beiles
dedicated to helping new and emerging Lekhu Lakhem: Jewish and Educational Mary Rita and Norman Weissman Maurice D. Plough Jr.
Anise and Ronald Belz Support of GoGirlGo! Project
Jewish communities to create Jewish Journeys for JCC Camp Directors Fred F. Richman The Hadassah Foundation
Tanya and Stephen Bodzin VIP Associate
Community Centers. Sidney and Lois Robbins Women’s Sports Foundation
George S. Blumenthal: Joanne F. and Donald W. Brodsky Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer
Louis M. “Buddy” Sapolsky
TAG: Jewish Values Through Camping®: Nancy I. and Peter Brown Julian Bernat Support of JCC Association
Johanna and Arnie Sohinki
Touching Torah Marcella E. and Neil Cohen Joshua Bernstein Youth Sports Programs
Kyle E. Solomon,
D’vora Tager and Robert Dietz Harriet and George Blank Major League Baseball Rookie League
In honor of Lenny Silberman
Merrin Center for Teen Services Lori and Stephen Dorsky Barbara and Douglas Bloom
Sharon and Edwin Toporek National Hockey League – NHL Street
Dale T. and Edward Filhaber Ruth Brodsky
JCC Association is grateful to Anne Heyman Peggy and Philip Wasserstrom
Ruth and Michael Fletcher Jane and John C. Colman Scholarship Programs
and Seth Merrin for their annual grant which Enid and Barrie M. Weiser
Freddi and Marvin Gelfand Ann F. and Robert Eisen We gratefully acknowledge the generous
created and sustains the Merrin Center for Charlene and Steven Wendell
Jane Gellman Janet S. and Doron Elam supporters of the JCC Association
Teen Services, which is dedicated to enhancing Gwynne Wicks
Barbara and Edwin Goldberg Eleanor and Edward Epstein Scholarship Program, which enables
the work of teen professionals and providing Anita and Earl Winestock
Mary Anna and Michael D. Kaplan Marlyn R. and Alyn Essman students who plan to make careers in the
programming for the youth they serve. Jerry Wische
Elizabeth J. Rosenkrantz and Arlene Fickler JCC Movement to pursue their education on
Steven Lancman Robin Frederick and Michael Gold Leadership Circle: $25,000 and above
Annual Fund 2006 Platinum Plus: $18,000 - $24,999 the master’s degree level.
Janet and Alan Mann Maxine and Jay Freilich
JCC Association gratefully acknowledges Gold Plus: $10,000 - $17,999 Elizabeth Schiro and Stephen L. Bayer
Barbara and Sidney Miller Ellen B. Gaber
the following donors who have made Silver Plus: $5,000 - $9,999
Fani Magnus Monson and Michael Monson Alan Goldberg Ed Lee and Jean Campe Foundation
generous contributions to the 2006 Bronze Plus: $2,500 - $4,999
Marvin J. Pertzik Eugene Grant Super VIP Associate - $1,800 - $2,499
Sam and Louise Campe Foundation
annual support program: Avalee and Ronald Prehogan Barbara and Louis Gross VIP Associate - $1,000 - $1,799 Crown Family Foundation
Leadership Circle Rose and James Robinson Sharon and Barry S. Kantrowitz Executive Associate - $500 - $999 Shirley and William L. Grossman
Jerri-Ann and Gary Jacobs Barbara and Martin Rosen Deena and Jerome A. Kaplan Louis and Anita Perlman Family Foundation
Irene and Edward H. Kaplan Laura Rubin and Leonard Rubin k”z Lori and Ron Kasner Program and Project Support Barbara and J. Victor Samuels
Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Lois Lautenberg
Platinum Plus Club Marcia and Martin J. Satinsky Laurie F. and Paul Lieberman JCC Association gratefully acknowledges JWB Jewish Chaplains Council
Edith Everett Debra and Gerald K. Schwartz David M. Max the following foundations and individuals JCC Association gratefully acknowledges the
Joan and Martin E. Messinger Ronna and Michael Segal I. E. Millstone who have made generous contributions in individuals and organizations supporting the
Geri and Lester Pollack Susan Stearns Lynn and Gerald Ostrow 2006, making these programs and projects work of JWB Jewish Chaplains Council with
Sherry and Doron Steger Laurie and Haran C. Rashes possible: contributions of $500 or more:
Gold Plus Club
Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation David and Sharon Wax Francine and Steven Rod Air Force Chaplain Fund, HQ, USAF/HC, DC
Linda Cornell Weinstein and Joanna and Daniel Rose Early Childhood Initiative/An Ethical
Lois Rosenthal Anonymous
Sherwin Weinstein Enid and David Rosenberg Start
Barbara and J. Victor Samuels Anonymous
Lee and John M. Wolf, Sr. Lawrence I. and Nancy Rosenberg The Lisa and Ron Brill Charitable Trust
Cheryl Fishbein and Philip Schatten Joseph Bettman
Harriet L. and William Rosenthal The Marcus Foundation
Sharon and Stephen Seiden Super VIP Associate B’nai Brith Southeast Region, NC
Arthur and Anita Rotman San Francisco Jewish Community
Paula L. Sidman Anonymous B’nai B’rith International, PA
Daniel Rubin Endowment Fund
Shirley and Allen Solomon Marjorie and Morley Blankstein B’nai Israel Congregation, MD
Jane and Ken Rubin Righteous Persons Foundation
Jeffrey and Lynda Solomon Foundation, Barbara and Daniel Drench Alan Broder
In honor of Lenny Silberman Wendy and Steven Rubin Buffalo Grove Illinois, No. 89 JWV
Dana Egert Young Adult Initiative/GesherCity
Andrea and Alan P. Solow Charlene and Jack G. Shaffer Congregation Beth David, CA
Marilyn and Sam Fox Benjamin H. Gordon Charitable Foundation
Linda and Jerome Spitzer Cheryl and Mark Sherman Congregation Beth Israel, MA
Raymond Fink Grandchildren of Harvey M. & Lyn P.
Leonard Silberman Congregation Knesset Israel, MA
Silver Plus Club Rita and Lawrence Gotfried Meyerhoff Philanthropic Fund
Jeanne and Jordan Tobin Covenant B’nai B’rith, Unit 2215
Fern and James Badzin Dr. Arnold P. and Sandra Gold Cynthia S. Marcus
Michael and Nannette Wien Federation of Jewish WOS of MD
Lisa F. and Ron Brill Roslyn and Ricky Haikin JCC of Greater Boston
Andrew L. Eisenberg Carole and Morton H. Katz Executive Associate Garden City Jewish Center Sisterhood, NY
Bonnie and Allan Finkelstein Leslie and Ronald Katz Anonymous Youth Programming: Jewish Fed of Macon & Middle Georgia
Ann P. and Stephen M. Kaufman Alvin and Marilyn Mars Robin and Bob Ballin Jewish War Veterans, Kirschenbaum
Tammy and Scott Menaker Renee and Gary Bomzer Support of Jr. NBA/Jr. WNBA Program Silver Post 282, IL
Ronald A. Krancer
Michael Ostroff Hal Bordy Initiative Jewish War Veterans of the USA,
Jacqueline Blatt and Ronald L. Leibow
Toby and Robert Rubin Steven M. Cohen National Basketball Association Post 669, NJ
Judith and Lester Lieberman
Linda and Barry Russin Elena and Joel Dinkin Women’s Basketball Association Edith Lange
Judith and Mark D. Litt
Judith Corn and David Fried

Annual Report 2006 21

Donors Officers and Board
Program and Project Support Program and Project Support Program and Project Support, cont’d. Chair Associate Treasurers Stephen Bodzin Lawrence Gotfried Dr. Sidney Miller Jerome Spitzer
JWB Jewish Chaplains Council, cont’d. cont’d. Alan P. Solow Stephen Dorsky Alexandria, VA West Orange, NJ Columbus, OH New York, NY
Preferred Vendors
Chicago, IL Birmingham, AL Gary Bomzer Roslyn Haikin Marvin J. Pertzik Robert Temkin
Lewis A. Knopfmacher Corporate Sponsors The following companies provide preferential
Vice-Chairs Andrew Shaevel No. Miami Beach, FL Houston, TX St. Paul, MN Boston, MA
Martin S. Lasky We gratefully acknowledge the following continental account status to affiliated JCCs
Lisa Brill Buffalo, NY Nancy I. Brown Michael Hopkins Geri Pollack Jeanne Tobin
Max & Rebecca Rochkind Family Foundation companies who provided support to JCC and/or financial support of services to JCC
Mitzvah Makers, MD Association continental programs: Association programs: Atlanta, GA Doron Steger Alpine, NJ West Orange, NJ New York, NY Cleveland, OH
New Kalman Sunshine Fund, Inc Donald Brodsky Bridgewater, NJ Marcella E. Cohen David Jacobs Ronald Prehogan Howard Wasserman
Days of Caring and Sharing in Accrisoft Washington, D.C. W. Hartford, CT Ottawa, ON Brooklyn, NY
NY Metropolitan Region United Synagogue Houston, TX President
day and resident camps Aramark
of Conservative Judaism Cheryl Fishbein Allan Finkelstein Jeffrey A. Coopersmith Barry Kantrowitz Haran C. Rashes David Wax
The Coca-Cola Company® Balanced Body, Inc.
Pittsburgh Conference of Jewish New York, NY Columbus, OH Rockland Cty, NY Ann Arbor, MI San Diego, CA
BSN Sports Honorary Chairs
Women’s Org. JCC Maccabi Games® Gary Jacobs Dana Egert Michael D. Kaplan Leonard M. Robinson Linda Cornell Weinstein
Chase Paymentech Solutions LLC Edward H. Kaplan
Sisterhood of Temple Israel The Coca-Cola Company® San Diego, CA Bergen Cty, NJ Memphis, TN Fairfield, NJ Rochester, NY
cMarket Washington, DC
Stanley J. Scher CIBC World Markets Miracle Day Julius Eisen Ron Kasner Rose Robinson Allan Weissglass
Crown Trophy Ronald L. Leibow Anne P. Kaufman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Cybex Bergen Cty, NJ North Brunswick, NJ Boca Raton, FL Staten Island, NY
CSI Software Los Angeles, CA Houston, TX
Temple Emanuel of Pascack, NJ
Cybex Stephen R. Reiner Andrew L. Eisenberg Morton H. Katz Barbara Rosen Mary Rita Weissman
Temple Beth Hillel Social Action Fund, CT JCCs of North America Biennial Jerome B. Makowsky
Iron Grip Barbell Company, Inc. New York, NY Boston, MA New Orleans, LA Wayne, NJ Dayton, OH
Temple Israel of New York Sisterhood Memphis, TN
Gold Sponsor Les Mills North America, Inc. Toby Rubin Arlene Fickler Ronald M. Katz Enid Rosenberg Michael S. Wien
United Way of New York City Sterling and Sterling, Inc. Morton L. Mandel
Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA Indianapolis, IN Cleveland, OH Marietta, GA
Life Fitness Cleveland, OH
Military Chaplaincy Rabbinical School Silver Sponsor Stephen Seiden Dale T. Filhaber Stephen M. Kaufman Lawrence I. Rosenberg Anita Winestock
Mondo Lester Pollack
Scholarship Staples Livingston, NJ Boca Raton, FL Houston, TX Baltimore, MD Vancouver, BC
The Nautilus Group New York, NY
JCC Association thanks Rabbi Philip Ian Sherman Raymond Fink Sherry Kulman Howard Rosenbloom Honorary Board
Bronze Sponsors Network Services Company Daniel Rose
Silverstein for establishing the first Military Ottawa, ON Buffalo, NY Toronto, ON Lutherville, MD Julian Bernat
Accrisoft Corporation PBCS Technology New York, NY
Chaplaincy Rabbinical School Scholarship, The Coca-Cola Company Ruth Fletcher Judith Lieberman Lois Rosenthal, El Paso, TX
Plus One Health Management, Inc. Secretary President Emeritus
in memory of his beloved wife, Adina San Jose, CA West Orange, NJ Scarborough, NY Daniel Drench
Supporting Sponsors Precor Noreen Gordon Sablotsky Arthur Rotman k”z
Silverstein. Robin Frederick Laurie F. Lieberman Daniel Rubin MetroWest, NJ
AAA Flag and Banner Manufacturing Co. PTP, Promise Technology Partners Miami, FL
SciFit Systems, Inc. Board of Directors Stamford, CT Chicago, IL Tenafly, NJ Irwin L. Elson
Florence G. Heller-JCC Association Commerce Bank Associate Secretaries
Sheletron, Ltd. James Badzin Maxine Freilich Gary Lipman Jane Tzinberg Rubin Detroit, MI
Research Center Sheletron, Ltd. Michael Segal
Sportwall International Leawood, KS Stamford, CT Stamford, CT St. Louis, MO Gilbert S. Fox
We thank the following donors whose North Miami Beach, FL
JCC Circle Staples Stephen L. Bayer Marvin Gelfand Virginia A. Maas Steven Rubin Nashville, TN
generous contributions support he Florence Shirley Solomon
We thank the following donors, whose Star Trac W. Hartford, CT Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA St. Paul, MN Hugh W. Greenberg
G. Heller – JCC Association Research Boca Raton, FL
contributions support the publication of JCC Sterling and Sterling, Inc. Arnold Beiles Jane Gellman David M. Max Linda Russin Detroit, MI
Center’s practice-oriented research for Michael Wolfe
Circle Magazine: Tandus Staten Island, NY Milwaukee, WI Baltimore, MD Rockland Cty, NY
Jewish Community Centers and YM-YWHAs: Salt Lake City, UT Gordon R. Gross
Technogym USA Corp. Ronald A. Belz Sandra Gold Betty S. Melaver
Accrisoft Corporation J. Victor Samuels Buffalo, NY
Shifra Bronznick True Fitness Treasurer Memphis, TN Englewood, NJ Savannah, GA
Association of Jewish Chaplains of the US Houston, TX Henry Kohn
Avrum I. Cohen Edwin Goldberg
cMarket Harriet Blank Joyce Goldstein Dr. Scott Menaker Louis M. Sapolsky New York, NY
Steven M. Cohen Louisville, KY
The Coca-Cola Company Bridgewater, NJ Essex Fells, NJ Charlotte, NC Baltimore, MD Mark D. Litt
Edward Gabovitch
Jane Gellman Cybex Martin J. Satinsky Larchmont, NY
Sandra Gold FreeMotion Fitness Nashville, TN I.E. Millstone
In honor of Leonard Rubin k”z Kades Financial Inc. Philip Schatten St. Louis, MO
Sally Gottesman Iron Grip Barbell Company Leonard Rubin New York, NY Gerald S. Ostrow
Marvin Israelow Les Mills North America, Inc. Brian Schreiber Pittsburgh, PA
Leslie’s Swimming Pool Supplies Earlier this year, we lost our long-time board member,
Ruth H. Kahn Stovroff Pittsburgh, PA Rabbi Emanuel Rackman
Life Fitness Leonard Rubin. Rubin was a mainstay of his northern New
Judith Kaplan Gerald K. Schwartz Israel
Michael D. Kaplan Milton A. Shorr, Development Consultant, Inc. Jersey community, deeply involved in many communal
Mondo institutions, but he had a special relationship with the JCC Miami, FL Irwin Jay Robinson
Ferne Katleman
Network Services Company Movement. He was a founder and supporter of the JCC Jack G. Shaffer New York, NY
Judith Lieberman
Precor on the Palisades, from its original home in Englewood to Denver, CO Harriet L. Rosenthal
Mark D. Litt
Schlesinger Newman & Goldman the large, beautiful facility in Tenafly. The whole Rubin Cheryl Sherman MetroWest, NJ
Virginia A. Maas
Bernard Marcus SciFit family—his wife Syril, and their children, Daniel, Robert, Toby, Leslie, and Staten Island, NY Marvin D. Rubenstein
Norton Melaver Sheletron, Ltd. Mark, and their families—loved the JCC, and their dedication is evident from Philip M. Shiekman Dallas, TX
Barbara Rosen Sportwall International the nursery school to the basketball court. Rubin joined the JCC Association Philadelphia, PA Irving Ruderman
Toby Rubin Staples Business Advantage board in 1978 and chaired the 1986 Biennial in Toronto as well as the Paula L. Sidman Rochester, NY
Stephen Seiden Star Trac Leadership Development Task Force. Always concerned about the future Boston, MA Norman Seiden
Andrew J. Shaevel Sterling & Sterling, Inc. of the JCC Movement, he received the Frank L. Weil Award and the JCC Philip Silverstein Ft. Lee, NJ
Shirley Solomon Technogym Columbia, SC Myron Strober
Association Community Builders Award in recognition of his extraordinary
Judith Veinstein accomplishments. His generosity made possible the JCC Association scholar- Jeffrey Solomon Palm Beach, FL
in-residence program, which has deepened the Jewish education of both staff New York, NY Henry Taub
and board. “He was the guy who articulated and inspired and motivated the David H. Sorkin Tenafly, NJ
others,” said Sandra Gold, another JCC Association board member and friend Staten Island, NY John M. Wolf, Sr.
and neighbor of Rubin’s. We mourn his loss; he will be deeply missed. Carol Brennglass Spinner Pittsburgh, PA
New York, NY
22 Jewish Community Centers Association
Staff and Alan Goldberg
Vice President, Mandel Center for
Donald Credle
Production Assistant
patients in VA hospitals. Its Council Advisory
Group consists of Conservative, Orthodox,
Jeremy Rosenstein Kortes
Graphic Designer
Arnie Sohinki
Sr. Vice-President, Program Services
Jessie Boda
Administrative Assistant,
Excellence in Leadership and Management 212.786.5113 | E-mail: and Reform rabbis and active-duty Jewish 212.786.5143 | E-mail: 212.786.5097 | E-mail: Sports & Wellness and Camping
Services and Community Services
212.786.5122 | E-mail: Jamella Hall
chaplains, a cooperative and successful
venture in Jewish pluralism. Jarah Moesch Rachel Kaplan
212.786.5095 | E-mail:
Receptionist Web Designer Administrative Assistant, Program Services Arlene Sorkin
Administration Melissa Shipenberg 212.532.4949 | E-mail: Rabbi Harold Robinson 212.786.5148 | E-mail: 212.786.5125 | E-mail: Director, JCC Maccabi ArtsFest
Allan Finkelstein Consultant on Marketing and Membership, Director, JWB Jewish Chaplains Council; 212.786.5089 | E-mail:
Mandel Center for Excellence in D’wayne Haywood Director, Armed Forces and Alina Cherny Patricia Cipora Harte
President Shipping and Receiving Marketing Administrator Vice-President, Program Services Adam Courtney
212.786.5082 | E-mail: Leadership and Management Veterans Services
212.786.5153 or 212-537-6316 212.786.5107 212.786.5119 | E-mail: 212.786.5096 | E-mail: 212.786.5130 | E-mail: Director, Young Adult Initiative
Yael Lubofsky E-mail: E-mail: D’ 212.786.6108 | E-mail:
Barry Baron Adrienne Krone
Coordinator of the Executive Office Irina Abromov Merrin Center for Teen Services Administrative Assistant, Adult Services Dr. Ruth Pinkenson Feldman
212.786.5084 | E-mail: Kay Mitchell Deputy Director, creates programs and resources for teens
Manager of Information Resources Accounting Assistant JWB Jewish Chaplains Council and JCC Maccabi ArtsFest Director, Early Childhood Education
Tel: 212.786.5133 and the professionals working with them 212.786. 5140 | E-mail: 212.786.5098 | E-mail:
Community Services 212-786-5109 | E-mail: 212.786.5137 | E-mail: to help JCCs inspire the next generation to
consults with all communities to enhance embark on its Jewish journey. Lenny Silberman Miriam Healy
Danielle Karoly Financial Resource Brad Hoffman
the functioning of JCC boards, executives, Vice-President, Program Services, Projects Coordinator,
Program Associate Deputy Director, Arnie Sohinki
and staff. Provides JCCs with ongoing
212-786-5129 | E-mail:
Development JWB Jewish Chaplains Council Continental Director, JCC Maccabi Games Early Childhood Education
training in areas such as lay leadership is responsible for the agency’s fundraising Sr. Vice-President, Program Services 212.786.5144 | E-mail: 212.786.5106 | E-mail:
212.786.5137 | E-mail: 212.786.5097 | E-mail:
development, staff development, Prof. Steven M. Cohen efforts, including annual support and
programming, finances, etc. Helps JCCs Director, Florence G. Heller-JCC designated giving, JCC Associates, Gail Mamatos Jason Kromirs Lisa Litman
Adinah East Host Community Coordinator, An Ethical Start® Coordinator
improve their services by conducting Association Research Center foundation grants, corporate sponsorship Sr. Executive Secretary, JCC Maccabi Israel & JCC Maccabi ArtsFest
research, gathering statistical data, and E-mail: and preferred vendor programs, special JWB Jewish Chaplains Council JCC Maccabi Games 610-668-1656 | E-mail:
Continental Coordinator 212.786.5102 | E-mail:
strategic planning studies, developing events and endowment funding. 212.786.5120 | E-mail: 212.786.5091 | E-mail Rachel Klechevsky
annual work plans, and providing Lauren Hradecky
Assistant Director, Florence G. Heller-JCC Fani Magnus Monson Michele Korntreger Early Childhood Program Associate
seminars for management and lay Mandel Center for Alon Lavi Continental Coordinator, JCC Maccabi Games 212.786.5127 | E-mail:
Association Research Center Vice-President of Development Shaliach, JCC Maccabi Israel
leaders. Community Services sends a bi- 212.786.5116 | E-mail:
weekly electronic communication packet 212.786.5121 | E-mail: 212.786.5135 | E-mail: Jewish Education 212.786.5152 | E-mail:
has as its mission to infuse the people, Jennifer Szwajder
to executive directors and presidents to Lea Graham Reener** Elaine Vasquez experiences and programs of the JCCs Professional Development Continental Associate, JCC Maccabi Games
share resources, information, and trends. Southern Office Staff Administrative Assistant of North America with Jewish content, recruits, refers for placement, counsels, and 212.786.5093 | E-mail: jszwajder
Research & statistical data provided
by Florence G. Heller-JCC Association
E-mail: 212.786.5136 | E-mail: learning, and values, and thereby to trains professionals across the continent. JCC Association
enhance and elevate every Jewish person Yotam Aronovitz
Research Center.
Finance and Administration JCC Association’s Israel Office who is part of a JCC community.
Extends scholarships to qualified college
graduates interested in JCC careers and
JCC Maccabi Educational Shaliach Regional
represents the interests of North 212.786.5139 | E-mail:
Mandel Center for Excellence Services
oversees management of financial American JCCs and provides services Rabbi Alvin Mars offers training seminars as well as study Offices:
Director, Mandel Center for Jewish Education seminars in Israel. Adinah East
in Leadership and and human resources record keeping, for them in Israel. It also implements
Israel-based Jewish educational programs 212.786.5110 | E-mail: JCC Maccabi Israel & JCC Maccabi ArtsFest *
Management in JCCs financial reports, and information Steven Rod Continental Coordinator Southwestern
is transforming the field by allowing JCCs technology. Assists JCCs in developing including training seminars for JCC Rabbi Jennifer Tobenstein Vice-President, Professional Development 212.786.5091 | E-mail
to assess their management effectiveness data-processing plans and in conducting professional staff and lay leaders, JCC Assistant Director, 212.786.5085 | E-mail:
Services Office
and leadership needs, be more responsive financial reviews. Maintains JCCs Online, Maccabi Israel® experience programs for Mandel Center for Jewish Education Alon Lavi P.O. Box 30372
to difficulties as they arise, and develop the computer network linking the JCC teens, Taglit-birthright israel for young 212.786.5123 | E-mail: JoyAnn Brand Shaliach, JCC Maccabi Israel Austin, Texas 78755
a practical approach towards continuous Movement. adults, partnership initiatives between Associate Director of 212.786.5152 | E-mail: Tel: 512.241.1118
self-improvement over time. MCELM will JCCs and community centers in Israel, and Naomi Schanfield Professional Development Services E-mail:
Bob Dietz creates specialized Israel trips for JCC Program Associate 212.786.5114 | E-mail: Janine Acevedo
help JCCs meet the challenges of the
Sr. Vice-President, members. Mandel Center for Jewish Education Sr. Secretary, JCC Maccabi Israel **
future with confidence and proficiency. Sara Levithan
Finance and Administration 212.786.5145 | E-mail: 212.786.5090 Southeastern
Alan Mann Tel: 212.786.5134 | E-mail: Richard Juran*** Coordinator of Recruitment E-mail:
Vice-President, and Director, Israel Office and Scholarship Programs
Services Office
Executive Vice-President, Marketing and Communications 8200 Hampson Street, Suite 301
Irina Khomina 011-972-2-625-1265 212.786.5111 | E-mail: Charlene Wendell
JCC and Community Services; maintains consistent brand image for the New Orleans, LA 70118
Director, Human Resources E-mail: Consultant on Camping & Youth Services
Director, Mandel Center for Excellence JCC Movement and provides consultation Tory Holland Tel: 504.866.5090
212.786.5131 212.786.5126 | E-mail:
in Leadership and Management Sara Sless*** and training to JCCs to increase their Administrative Assistant Fax: 504.866.8164
212.786.5138 | E-mail: E-mail:
Program Director, Israel Office effectiveness in image building, advertising, and Conference Registrar Steve Becker E-mail:
Rita Niyazova 011-972-2-625-1265 communications , public relations, and 212.786.5086 | E-mail: Continental Consultant
Gladys Goldman
Accounting Manager E-mail: branding, as well as accommodating the for Sports and Wellness
Executive Assistant ***
212.786.5088 | E-mail: 212.786.5132
Tsvi Vinokur***
in-house needs of JCC Association. Program Services 212.786.5105 | E-mail: Israel Office
E-mail: provides JCCs and camps with program Solomon and Mary Litt Building
Israel Director, JCC Maccabi Israel Robin Ballin Jason Silberfein
Ann Eisen** 12 Moshe Hess Street
Franklin James 011-972-2-625-1265 Sr. Vice-President, assessment and resources to help them JCC Association-NFL Youth Football
Vice-President, Community Services; Jerusalem, 94185, Israel
Production Supervisor E-mail: Marketing and Communications maintain creative, innovative programming Partnership Program Director
Consultant on Leadership Development Tel: 011-972-2-625-1265
Tel: 212.786.5118 | E-mail: 212.786.5112 | E-mail: in arts and culture, early childhood 212.786.5081 | E-mail:
504. 866.5090 | E-mail: Avigail Barkai*** Fax: 011-972-2-624-7767
education, adults, teens, individuals with
Andy Zhang Secretary, Israel Office Peter Shevenell special needs, fitness, recreation, and Anthony Slayen E-mail:
Janet S. Elam*
Manager of Information Technology 011-972-2-625-1265 Creative Director camping. It also coordinates the JCC Health and Fitness Consultant
Vice-President, Community Services;
Tel: 212.786.5103 | E-mail: 212.786.5101 | E-mail: Maccabi Experience, which includes JCC 212-786-5128 | E-mail:
Consultant on Emerging Communities
512-241-1118 | E-mail: Paul Niedbala JWB Jewish Chaplains Council Miriam Rinn
Maccabi Games®, JCC Maccabi Israel®, and
Information Technology Associate is a US Government-accredited agency JCC Maccabi ArtsFest®.
David E. Posner Communications Manager
212.786.5094 to serve the religious, educational, and 212.786.5092 | E-mail:
Vice-President, Community Services morale needs of Jewish personnel in
Tel: 212.786.5125 | E-mail: E-mail:
the armed forces, their families, and
the jcc movement

from coast to coast

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