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Fi F : A Fs FI & The Segovia-Ponce Letters Edited by Miguel Alcazar ‘Translated by Peter Segal Editions Orphée Columbus © 4062015 Lisi Us Copyright © 1989 by Eaisons Orphée, Inc [AI Rights Reserved. No part ofthis publication transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying, or by any information storage and remieval ‘atems, without perinision in writing from the Publishers, Eaiions Orphée, Inc, Table of ee f Contents Cohumbus, OF, 43221, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 8823764 Prologo pais). oe 5 a Prologue dngish) i Printed in the United States of America Nota del Traductor (pani) v 97 9695 9495 9291 908954321 ‘Translator's Note (Engi)... Mi ‘The Segovia-Ponce Letters 1 Published October 1", 1989 Index ‘Order N’ RIFTS. 283 Designed by Matanya Ophee Cover portrait of Segovia from the private collection of Ronald C. Purcell Used by permission a sea Litrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Segovin, Andrés, 1899 "The Segovin once Letters 1. Segovia, Andrés, 188-_- —Correspondence. 2. Ponce, Manuel M, (Manuel Maria)1882-1948 —Correspondence. 53 Cultist Spain-Correspondlence. 4 Musio—20th century—His- toryand criticism, Ponce, Manuel M, (Manuel Maria), 1882-1948. I Aleéar, Miguel, 1942 TIL, Segal Peter, 1949- IV. Tide. MLAL9.Siad 1989, ‘e787 098 8023764 ISBN 0-99618629-1 ER EEPRn Fa ofa ne PROLOGO ‘Lauran Anon econ Mant Ponce denen er fun documento histrico-cle la mayor importancia- para el exudio dela “ida y la personalidad de ambos, pero especialmente del primero, ya que ‘muewran facetas desconocidae-hasia ahora-dellegendario guitarisaespar fo, perilando un retrata més humano ydesmitficando la imagen publica aque de ha prevalecido, {Los dos se conocieron en México-cn 1928: con moti del primer rectal cofveido por Segona en dicha ciudad. Ponce aistiéa este evento y escribio tna crtien encomidetica del mismo. ‘Segoviaseinteresoen conoceralcritco que habiasabido captarlasslezas del Tenguaje de la guitarra y, al saber que se wataha de un destacadlo ‘compositor le pidio que compusiera algo para su instrumento. Ponce ‘espondid esta pedcidn con su primera sonata para guitarra, publicada 44 tts mis tarde bajo el utalo de Semata Mesieana Segovia hace mencion de Gta obra en Ia primera carta que le excrbié a Ponce cuando atin no se tteaban-y en la cial se teatimonia el inicio de su amistad. Dosaios mds trde, Ponce se traslada a Pai para perfeccionar sus estos Ade composicién con Paul Duka, loque permite que stamista con Segovia se desarolley culmine en la prodiceiGn de varias obras que vinieron a ‘ciquecer la ieratra guitarvatica de eta época, Es imuy interesante seguir-a través de tod exa correspondenciata géness de varias de las obras de Ponce, asf come los carnbios que Segovia suis en sigunas de elas y las razones aducidas para los mismo saber de las obras ‘traviadas en Barcelona durante la Guerra Cl Espatiola, como el Flom tnojea Bachy la Somala ee La Menor de las cuales Ponce no guard copia, ast Como la posicign asumida por Segovia en exte conflicio que sirwi6 de predmbuloa la Segunda Guerra Mondial su estancia en Sudamérieaduran- fe ta, sus divorcos, I muerte de su hijo Leonardo y sa desempetio en el pepelde padre esposo;susvigjesa a Unin Sovieicayal Bxtremo yCereano Oriente que han intrigado a varios historiadores la broma musical de la Shileon La atribulda a Weiss, su debut en Nueva York y su enfermedad en. ‘Escandinavia; sas relaciones con los editores, y sus impresiones de los ctiticos, artistas y compositores que conocié durante est época, amén de ‘otras personalidadesajenas al mindo musical [La correspondencia de Segorianiciada en 1923-erminé con la muerte ‘de Ponce, aaecida el 24 de abil de 1948. Aparentemente lata cara & Ponce fue eseria en Buenos Aires el 26 de julio de 1947, ocho meses antes de st muerte, He incluido como dikima la carta de pésame que Segovia ‘rita la viuda de Ponce; en ela, expresa de manera muy clara fo que Ponce sgnifcaba para ély srve de punto fina a esa proifica relacén cpistolar: Ninguna carta ha sido exchda, puesto que todo este rateial ‘eeu, de alguna w tra forma, tanto Ia personalidad de Segovia, como nice hacia Ponce: Asimismo, he inch slgunas otras cartasesrias a Fa esposa de Ponce. “Alden reconstity transribir las caras-parala presente publicacién= the sespetalo In ortgaia del original que es muy pintoresc: salvo en fas preposicones ayo, que Segovia acostimbraba acentuar cmp ling Bas Ma, mpm, Pcrsts Brana ESM RUSE eptcps pos eane ma 6. a Suite defuton Weise on dan. Bs sina, is ola en Noa Torkel 8. Pes nea or gigas. La que me hice demasiado noes para faz Pont vn curio de oa ala, y hme wa ada en apes, {om sas nits, dtc, de meld nas oees aria'y tas end. Quist Terabe ven pasar 15 dasen Brat com nto: Se rao wn ence are epurhaonpucay guitare baja l ras, may meat, ysnainesc, em qe ‘aera adel ty, El ta dl nant, rc in ear, [em el cra hay rage ingmions. Poet demasiado fol todo dy ado [rine tion gaprends?Demasiads ac, demasadsWorinontal Ara me SSpran Madrid poe prueba, pee prepao una nga roa ‘inet inci de ese. “Thrina me ha mandado una sacl muy pcan y acaba de amunciare sta pods de 8 ude imo emcee Poli, 2 tae {pnd Var deg me us rece uc es ole ign, nfm mi rinera rein‘ or musica poo conta. "emandaré programas de Tie dander. Sea apd richo ‘Sra Romani, yon Shangha el Toma con Vranas, Vhebech apr ‘stocar come bisa Sabana y a Gaeta dela te caics,que ha produc san entisiaon, fi cra so que mas al, paa my parades ls mason guelaoen, isa erat atari Yt, porate tambien, ee ods Us ee tmchan ocak coco. "Qiao, queme hagas unas oiacionesbilantes se tema dela Foliar de spat, en Re menor, y sya copia del manuscrlo de Bertin, e envio. Ens lq inde oe lls Uaiao de XVII to aor derma ‘loan Eso tbs id derail. St no a quis iar lav ajudicoremoe {Glande qui hay mucha eas or dvi y dequim eaban de darme tex manu onMoscou. Quen que base lamer ian dee qu pendant dela de Coli para kn sob eis toma, Vehacend varsconet 3 mandamdas, 9 frocra gu cto os reco cade gre, prjonpovoracoes en acres det naa, mores nr, ‘cone opdas qu acd hasta bacbreagudoy gue epren ov Re reeled sce nls movimiento, ols reas, 0 90)0r ‘Stabe qu ae lhl dl tong ene races del emda ingens de leuaradi, wluerad pars contr am grande acs, dues de dormochar ‘oda leno tua ms de qu oe, para dtr al gue, fa nid dfn dl ton dade clr acinar de oda tna part del programa, qu no shar arg, pol otras de cada varicon, a 5 aie 1 on ial Ha ut teu ee a sens ne cmos en ads eh maaan di aah ep ae ent, tetra del urs © tia or nt pen “Remonta alos primeos dias det at pte mi at, Ron on aoe oe Fut Hn ssc ayn Sain pi, des de Cia ron mia sea ular ots pores Not ies See dene rn ombsaisci peg ‘ta Ha sala ve mandadome bs fags unas compre! Sr rr Sa wloen Po oun re ei cM ar aes in le ‘asa And {December 1089) ; sing tael Sof Dear Mane Thavejuareve afer 18 das of eaningtl 4 ee eon ofthe wasn lepng compares ough he Bobheviks, I could ot sleep om the train. And my health which aa Sd sot al more than ie id, now needs absolute ret a as esmtance beter ndertaking, onthe of Jay, ee were Setine here Lam, with the whole moni of December “jing, mating and pling with he kis ny pe tur alos, China oat, Pein i the en ee yin the wor Aer having been there Japan i 20 eitutbsaimantyheutteraue of theanhenscaraicardmensmen, rata vnaablegesegenerandmother When weget og ‘ai Show more slowly apeesons, and il ake awe i eer ne pleura nding on ough aera of OUT eee a have rerrird to Barpe: He end ip de Mexan cet dat once twa hour sayin Meio more ar ning plas oy hend wo ake 3 aor Wt A ee searing to he United State Fora yOu ae Yo, ere Tne of en thse of the world, and Tauppose tt our ered mother il ot now be miner . ee passed? I heals notarine, and ou do nthe carer ake ear tee, cme spend or 2 Heer anaes harcore becuteou fle ome 6. 5s so diminutive tha there is not room for two. Although if both were to {decide to come, we could arrange for you to sleep near here and spend the day with us Ifa visit from one by himself gives us great happiness, from both doublesit. ‘Your success in Barcelona pleases me enormous, and what Iam sorry about is that they do not know your most recent works there. But you already have your foot in the door to get more things for orchestra Performed. Do not give up on yoorself over this, and try to keep the momentum of interest in your work going, you have been siccestl in “srving thingsup there, The Cataloniansare rade butsincere, more than in Madrid! ‘What havs you done since you lef? Have you written much? And my concave, how isi? The tareat you made to mein your leer in which you will shortly have to return to Mexico, goes against all my wishes. [had {ormoulated the idea of taking a couage in the outskirts of San Seba to spend the summer together, and while Clema and Adelaida enjoyed themselves with the car, we would be working on the concerto, soitwoule bbe ready by next fall! Your threat upsets everything. ‘The fadus Wes Suieisin my fingers. is beautiful, and Tam thinking of playingitin New Yorkon the 8®, But Inced another gigue. The one you ‘wrote for me is too inmazent for an ending. Spend fifteen mines st the piano, and write one for me alin arpeggios, with some notes sec aparcfor 2 melody, sometimes on top and other mes onthe bottom... kay? ‘Torroba came to spend 15 days in Britanny with us. Under hisarm, he Drought a concerto for small orchestra and guitar, very melodic, and snatinell, bas not worth the fir Fee chords of yours, The theme of the andante is beautiful however, and the development has strokes of genius. Bucall ofits too easy and the entire fist movement, 100 easy, Understand? too horizondal.. Now he is wating for me to take the work to ‘Macdid, bot Iam preparing to curn him down based realy on my need forrest ‘Taring has sent me a spy le piece and. has just announced his ws to me for after the 8th when he gives his last concert in Poland, hissonata ‘almost ready. And in spite ofthe fact that I rulylikeitand thatitisnoble ‘and worthy, [have confirmed my fst impression: itis old fashioned muse. {the cospany fein composer oat Rolinand rnin Ml, Ponceviied Hirctisn de ha Gopal for olen pled 2. iE poe ‘am sending yu some programs from Tokyo where your mame appeas “They gave the Sonata Romantica much applause, and in Shanghai the ‘Theme with Variations, And Ihave made a tes of playing the Sarabande res Cavotte from the site clasiea for encores, which produced a lot of ‘enthusiasm. “To sum up, your work what has he most val, for me ancl for all the municians yw hear i, ofallthe guitar Titerature. Andyou, personally, 00, [mong ll those wh have approached me and Ihave known. ‘Tost you to rite some bilan sariatms for me on the theme of the Folia de Expafa, in D minor, and which Tam sending you a copy of from ‘Berlin manuscript. In ate that borders between the Taian cscs Stee 18 century and the dawning of German romanticism. Task you thison my knees H'youdo notwant to sgn your name ot, we wil sign ‘tio Clullani, fom whom there are many things yet to discover, and from ihm they have just given se a manuscript in Mosara. ant this work to [Bethe grates piece ofthat period, the pendant. counterpart] of those eE Cerkil for olin onthe same theme. Start writing variations and send ‘hhem to me, and ty tosee that they contain all the technical resources of the gta for example vriatons wih simalkaneousthree-note chords in velabes in arpeggios, rapid ssecessions tat ascend to the high band then, {allt the low, suspensionsin noble poyphonic motion, repeated notes, ft grand cance that makes the beauty ofthe dheme stand out ee though the ingenious weave ofthe variation, and arecurn to the theme; to Rnh with lenge chords, after going through all the noble musical ‘Canning of which you are capable, to distract the listener from the ‘Gelnitve proximity tothe theme! Inall, owelve or fourteen variations & ‘fork fora whole section of the program, which wil nt be fong because Uf the contrast of each variation with what precedes and follows it. The {heme i charming, Have them play the ones by Corelli on the gramo- phone fyou do notremember them, and you wllsec how tsa great sn Fiat this theme, which oldest version isthe Berlin manuseripe for ft ‘Spon moreover to he core, exiled from the guitar, or Feely treated ‘by Sor, which is worse ‘You aleady know that this petiion of ine isan old one. Go back to shone frst aya of your stayin Paris, Remember? Three or four years ago, find actsally a vot performance of the Corel variations, profoundly ‘ered my desire to play some variations of equal or superior importance, ‘Miuen by you. Do not refuse me nov and ask in exchange for whatever hotfce: except that of renouncing the vaiasons.-! . ttyou sar on the work, continue sending me the parts hat ou are “Calagink ot fg othe err mater you arin Pari alone, why not come here at once wh i Towle me ou il gor an Intense please Tembrace you » Andis 29. Wiciomine 1929) (Querido Manat: Las rs wariacones gue acaba de ges ania. Metions encima. ass primes ct my en Soe do la end ese run me gta ch, Peas twins, som may seri ss Compania Etmayr dco, dina musicadad dada honda, dena fasion sure que mania ov todas ls nts que van eadennde soncdemande i acres Lz oariasion quel recadesChaconesa, de lan acon cpio de nas dela Chacon de Bach Ye VI, (Pr) un ‘por le bls uso de uns, rola vedadcranane elena, cme ‘imo y mos” Br ran main, qurdo Maud me fr orm lagi, que gra al nica en roma co gana. Y ‘Sn adomay, ernie ora tales cone tun te ainen ‘me yo, gue es cs fea dino! Po en fn, J tora va area demeni paella er hina aa ay wane ae ame maria "Direc om entguamente Orcs {NO tree orhaer un final gue ro sea Senn pune hens ur oben (a, ho ul qu deans ara. {Novis Sees ag de Cena? Teva paar ls navi slt No! sta ino nn Sines dna pare ens dna, Meefadaraseriamente, 0) seriamente,masde logue cee siete pasando opus osnacitaer ‘hn nro ates a pdr, Vasa gue graces ai, cin porn encarta aaa ur eases Bion ast de fem, y de tomas algada cuanto erg at “Teabase Ane Pats come Vari Ada, end 992 1 Petts ems Vara X Pts Et [December 1989) Dear Mantel The three variations that have jos arrived are admirable, You have moved me.] The Gre three are very good, and most of all ke the second ofthe group. But these last three are quite superior to their Companions The major oneit delight, ofa delicate and deep musicality, Sd quie passion that is manifested in all the notes that create suspen fons and resolutions with the chords! The variation that precedes i ‘Cuaconnerju that is 8 bows as any of those ofthe Bach Chaconne ‘And VI, Presto) bit Russian in the beautiful cirele of fis, 2 truly {plendidreaty asrhythm and movement.*#Youarea great musician, dear MManuel, and that your great talent coincides in your persona with your great soul, makes me enormously happy. feel besides, 2 greatimpatience [Br everyone to know you, to love you and to admire you as do, which {Smes exasperates me, But in the end they will appreciate yous when this pack oes passes, he truth wil siumph better than iit had been known without effort. "Reurning to the variation: what do you think about eating them Difesiag kein carler ies? Another thing: Do you thinkit would be beater to have something other than a fogue fora finale, 30 that the uiienee does not aujf’ Unless you are already working on iin which ‘ase, [do not wantyou to get offtrack. ‘You are not coming? Have you heard from Clema? Are you going to spend Ghestnas alone? Not This ast ting, no! Ifyou need money soyou hcome, te me. It would make me soious, very serous angry moe than ‘ju sould bv i youwere ina predicament, or needed some money ad ‘iid not dare to ask me for it, You know, thank God, that iis very simple Tor me, to send you the sum that you need at once, I family matter, and concerning the closest relaive, when referring to you embrace you Andes 30. Wiontre 1929) [Mi queride Momus Alla sta carta ders de la que hace dos ots das mandi "Por dare que anace tse com Cua, agin le aij qu taba haindome sun cnet paraguay pura orguast,yensgida me pique leserars ‘Pushed a Vorindon Bf Andantino, Inthe 198 con {f Pubsed ar Vision X Presuine, Es 1 primera eudicion pora su opusia de Boralona, toque le promet, con sum puso, naturalmente. Le ae que extaria estado para el ato proximo,y qu ‘andar a partisa en cuanto tla aaiases, ‘Estab eserbendoto que acd, cuando el cart me ha raid cata Esay ay coment com ls vaviciones que me marias, mas ain cone roy det reludio,variaiones 9 fuga sabe las Fis, Sina tagrada eta, transforma {atu gust, siempre bar major Pa sigue trabajando ena y haz todas las formes que me marcas, que despues elininaremas, de comuen aero, as qu nd ‘ony bie. Afroceca la ocasion de hacer alo espaol: cada vee to os das ‘rs pretudios que ees de"aire” expo, me arabia us no quieras hacerme ‘une or large en ez ext, para dave lacabera a Turina, Torok, hasta el ‘mismo Fala dehy. Tn pucesimaginertelo que mealegraia deta en Madi yen Barons alg tayo on ese sentido, aderas de todas as demas casas. “Has a transeipeion psa piano de la Sonata, poo no dees de hacer costar que ‘a ido onginalmente era are guitarra. Hala cm toa la inte pista (que rage la tenis de hy. Ya fensaremos tambien en dian. ‘Me alge mucho dl que robes «gusts, 9 sto no ear en Pars para obigarte cesar a patear un poco ya tomar aliemios an mas rgulvidad dela gu debs ‘ac. ‘Bueno, ado. Un gran abracde tu sempre. Andes. Bo dees aliments, sree aque Andres eee qu me pasos das sin comer. Pero noes ast. Gracias Dias soy may ben de salud’ Tate [December 1929] My dear Manuel: Here comes this eter ater the one Tent you to or three days ago. In order to tell you that lastnight was with Casal, co whom T told you were writing a concerto for guitar and small orchestra for me, and Immediately he asked me to reserve the premiere for his orchestra in Barcelona, which Iso promised, with supreme pleasure, naturally. told him that it should be worked up for next fal, and that T would send him the sore as soon as you have finished it Twas writing you a eter about thi, when the mailman brought me your letter am very pleased with thevariationsyou havesentme,andatll more with the plan of the prelude, variations and fugue on the Foias Ifthe 1S Brannon Foon a pe ecard non fey, 55, theme snot agrecable toyou, change ito your tase, you ays do what ‘Spe Barcontine working onic doa the forms hat you have on for me wih il rent, by tal gremens hoe tint door go well Take adaniage of he opportuni to do something ‘Sunken tne T play thet or thre pees you wrote inthe Sranih omnes me ad tat you da on want to we longes senk for me lth Spe to blow the had of Tari, Trroba, and even Fahim You cannot agin how happy would make se Pay imthing yours with i ecting in Maida Breton, more so {hana ie oer ings. Make de tansepton fr plano ofthe Sonat bute warts consent wth tat war eiginaly wee for guitar. Doi wih al the planisic Thance tat the technique requires today. Soon we wil think about publishing oo. ane happy tbat you are eying your work and Yam sory not 0 be in Parte ike you ou to wala Lule ado getsome food with more regulary than you ae Wallan big gam fom our “ines ‘Teceterenc tod sca Andes thnk go das wihout ating But isnotse, Thank God lan in ery good eal "a 31 Diciembre 1929} (Mi queda Manuel: Esoibi @ Sich 9 acalo de recitr na carta sy anunciandome elena dela suma dnecamante ati. Se excuse no haber ecko ‘ner, por ls dijcalades que eeae gobierno alam fara giro canidaes at extranger. "Por si nests wrgentments diner te mando 500 fi. fancss. Nos teocra svoocrmabs. Considers cmon egal infimo de navidad. He reid 3 ds vamacones, que so preciosa. Exper ta cadena, Como va et concieo? ‘Sepresenteé ta econ cm, Ml, Blanchet longer cr gos he hablado deals alguna ve. Es uma vista de talents, dscipula de Busch, de Wanda Tandowska, de Enesco y mia. Aprende cxants bay que render y almacena ‘sabia cmo buena suse, Habla frames, alma, itaanoy un poco deeparol, Wimsewrtcacs Ponce wn epost iow wid aortnoteatached, a the peseat ate 5 muna, sie, y sips, a realmente my en, Dale ts Sonatina. To (ei 9 edo wor de a Sue de Wes 1 tal ve © buscor mitra para eur rane at 8, 010 dis qu se ut em Paris Entiat, ala dese cuando rege Gina Die & Grea que no haga mencin de ea vista en sus cartas «Adela. Yt Infrae iain nombre “Adie, Ta sop Andes {December 129) My dear Manuel: rote wo Swecke, and Ihave just recrved a leer of bis telling me of having sent the amount directly to you. He exces Hise for noc having done so eae, because of difclies erated by the German government in dreving foreign checks Justincase younced money urgemly Famsendingyou500 French francs Donoteven thinkaboutreturningit Conideritthe nies Chvismasgih. Thave recived your evo vsiatons, which are exquisite. Lam wang for the cadena. How isthe concerto coming? ‘MP. Blanchette Honseger might show up atyour hous, Ldhink spoke twyou about her once. She isa talented won, pupil of Busch, Wana {Landoweka, Enesco and mine. She learns ax ric as there io learn aii rest wisely tke good Swi. She speaks French, German, talan nda ie Spanish, Shei ut, serious, ane plesan and wuly plays wll Ge heryour Sonating She smiresyou, aiin on the seeet about the Weis Suite, she might goto get uitarto practice during the Sor 10 days she wil bein Paris Hand tonerto her She will gveitbackto ou when sherenirns to Gene Til Cla nto mah mein of is csi er tes Adlai ‘Andou etme know fshe fas come, without naming her. ‘Atos Thug you abrays Ans 32. Querido Manse ity etudiando las varaciones com un entusiasmo dalante He abarsdonado la vile musique dela Sata de Mane, ta pec bara de Trina, 9 otras cosas para consagrarme por ete a tw explana obra aver st ual terra prepara, al meas, paral segunda concerto de New Yer. De las cua utimas variaciones que son exlendidas, as ds primeras estan ya sia pnto dese Lo, siguendo el imar de orden, ls 9 (EX) penta tina diet ineupertia la rcacion: os acne supergene pda . dea aoa, No podvias incr Hnatmente au dsj melo Tas notas que inpriman canacter a od ocorde?O vale de un are que sige imo de a ceaviacion? Cima pong qu tins copia no te mando ta. "Ente evascinca que ms anna inlayeteso cuatro instrumentals, semgiancs dela que sua admirable en la guitar, (a Ue on oon mas dea de (pues meando» gona en intense: tclaasiy lo vera) La que tal vex dj de lanl tovea (a final ear un peguco indice para que a te enfendas). "No af que erase lo qu me drt del final Bn erin, Londres, Pais, ee tocar Ua Obra como te a has porsado, dcr Preludio Tema yVaracone, age. Per como yo quien que eta sea abra de exo franco ante pblico mews dasa, tl ve extarin demas, sno es abuo pedir ee elemento ds trabajo, {pur me biciasun final cri bint, Cam ste mismo fn tepid aneriormente ‘eas waviaionessnsramentaes (te las cules no dein obra. ben ‘mali para toca en armors, con xen acompeaamint ger de un bajo ‘er nota) Peo sole onion mia, et tu area “Tang wn deseo enorme deer Pritula fuga, Y espero com ipaciencia la Unga dal core de mariana, ‘Buono deen que Coma gue com oda ida. Si mintvas Neg nesta, piemel org. “Adio, Te abr, Andie Dee ta Y la que ibaa eserbire aqui la que pensaba no incl peo he cambiado de opinion pone tambien mi gusta.” Todas om aires, 1 Tota lagu retula admiralemente {5 eRe wo Vana Mada {Blears lc ela Vaacita XIV dela no spar or ‘hen daa 56, Dear Manuel: I am studying the variations with delirious enthusiasm. 1 hhave abandoned dhe old Eahioned music ofthe Manen Sonata, che cheap Tile piece of Turina, and other things to fully dedicate mself to your splendid work, to see if will aveit prepared, atleast, fr the second New Yorkeoncert ‘Of the last four variations which are splendid, the first rwo are almost at apointivhere theycan be heard. The or following the numerical order, the 9 (IX), presents an insurmountable difficulty of execution: the chords superimposed on a rapid melodic line. Couldn't you include Jinesriyin the melodicoutline the notes that give cach chord its character? (Or make use of an arpesg that follows the rhythm ofthe variation? As T suppose you have-a copy, Taam not sending you this. "Among these five that you mentioned to me, incide three of four instrumental ones, similar to IV, which comes out admirably on the guitar Lake ita Fie slower than what you have indicated and it gains in Inensiy play elke chat and you will see) What will peshaps be left out is the third (atthe end Iwill make you litle indexso you are not confused). Tdonot know wht tothinkaboutwhatyoutell me concerning the finale. In Berlin, London, Pars etc. [wil play the Work as you have conceived it, dhatis, Preludio, Theme and Variations, and Fugue. But as I wish this to bea work of grat success before a less sophisiated public, perhaps it ‘would not be too much, fics not an abuse to ask you for asupplemental ‘effort, to write a short snd brilliant finale for me. [asked you before for those instrumental variations withthe same ending (among which you should not forget a very melodic one to play in harmonics, witha ight accompaniment of a bass and another note) But above this opinion of mine your view. {have an enormous desire to read the Prelude and fugue. And [am veiting with impatience for the arial of womorrow's mail. ‘ell, T hope that Clema arrives happily. Ifyou need something in the meantime, ask me, Teg you. Adios. Aug foryou, Andes. sebeckI. wn. ‘And what Iwas going to write you here, whieh I did not think o include, bat have changed my mind, because [lke too. Iisall admirable. ti "Thisis what comes out admirably. ? f “Thisisthe variation thatcomes out wth difculy-because ofthe chords 83, ines de Diciembre de 1929) Mi quero Manual Esty enatade con la fuga, Toda la obra major gus kt puta tow, @ mucha distancia dela tas esas, desu dea ob, fas lions tu Sonata a Scher. posible dct por eso queentusiasmada ety! “Traaj diay noche La fge wa ntegamente la guitarra. No ay que modifica nada, ni cambiar una na, Yk cds toda, dia dos, ambien ls varaciones Yate van a que hoa agar. amos toda ta fami. ‘Aion. Te abrazatsempre Andes Tero ai porque tengo mucha psa. Esper el iy las ras variacones. {End of December, 1929] My dear Manuel: Tam delighted with the fague. The whole workis the best thatthe guitar has, far ahead of the others, and after this work, the rest worthyisyour Sonsta to Schubert Itis impossible wo tell you by etter hhow delighted Tam! [work day and night. "The fugue fits perfectly on the guitar. There is no need to modify anything, nor change one note. You wll soon hear the whole thing, on the second, and also the variations 4 Felsen WM vce putiaonori * Tlppenat anagem encode ts 8 | wll nity you soon concerning what time we are arriving. The whole saraly is going ‘Adios. A hug for you always Andree 1am writing you like this because I amin such a Burry 1am vaitng for the prelude and the other variations 34. Ber de 1930 Nonddeutschar Lyd Bromen -Mi quero Marat: Dos dias, de omiteracmstante me han tendo, sn levantar cab, el cama, al cab de ls cuales me he acstuombrado al ovine lo, y he xo a mis ocupacones. No he eambiado palabra con ningun ‘ampaser de ge, exeps cm el genera de ti, que ha ido asaludarme ds wees, acompaviad de sunita, 9 a sentare un ratio ami ado Eo me ha pemilde pasar dia entero encerado en mi procsa cabina expt a las horas ‘dla comida y dl, y de rose mi trabajo. Alcomersatel preludio, he tendo orp derabia mas grande dea tompvada, Imaginaz, qu se me dele haber cdo la mitad del papel en qu taba esto, on ‘hoa o ent casa, yma me qua mas gu dos paginas de todo produit. Antes ‘deconsidararto perio y de wl acpist pasate poral Hotl Baka y pregunta sila eamarera noha encontrado, ado entre las dos camas, lo que me alla. Es posible que qu lo hayaguardado por slo eamo, Ven cas ontario wmate 1a molatiaderolvera esi ¥ perdona. ‘Paoa pes de notre todo tengo sufcint ara dare cuca gu me ser mucho mas fide port en dads queda asvar‘aciomesyquefafuga.Esos gre de tress, sm diflisimos en alenaspsiciones,y como hay qu tcorios ‘om gran galdad, no ord pol eners in etubid sr coar om largo Seo ‘detoabjp. Lo sionto machismo porque hubieequrido das esta ole primer en et ‘racial de Nuc Yok, 3 despues en Roma en donde toe 14 de abil. Poe esa osha ety segura de quel preudio no exalt. Bn cambio a fuga exon ya en dios. Por cosiquent st me osu, ste parce Ben, que me hagas algunos gape eit, amination ts Te La fuga ad cas tabyjaa, He pesado 2 vas y matia etudiandal, hay ‘solamente un siti imposile de tocar al como est sot, 9 cus arelo me pareet fal coins en. Yoo que no sea nada importante, pues ques trata solo ‘deun cambio de 8a, Por parade mando st compe 19, Espero la wariacion de aones de ts woes y fina. ¥ para que ya no ienss ‘as queen concis, us eras ess, mandame tambien la gig, 9 te do Arango una temporada. ‘Adios, Te bra Andis Com as ler de verte y de hablar y tocar lx ore me cid preuntrt i este on be poqur con correspondancia que te mandé de Ginebra, para que ime guardase No teobides de contestarme ato, que me ints mucho. “Adios, Tayo Andes. Noredeuscher Unnuary of 1950) Lloyd Bremen “My dear Mantel: Two days, of continuous vomiting have left me unable tof my head, in bed tthe end of which {kav become accustomed to the movement of the sip, and have reamed to my work. I have not ‘exchanged a word with any other passenger, except wih a general from your country, who hs come twice to say hello, accompanied by his grand-daughter and to sitfor a while by myside. This has enabled me to Spend the whole day enclored in my beautil Hale cabin, except for ‘mealtimes an to take ta, and to continue with my work [At the beginning ofthe prludi,I have had the biggest fc of rage of the season. imagine, I must have dropped half ofthe paper, on which it was ‘writen, inthe hotel or in your house, and [have no more than wo pages left of the whole prelude. Before considering it lost and copying it out agin, go by the Hotel Balzac al ask ifthe maid has not foun, fallen Tetasen th to Ba, what Tam missing. Its possible that it isso, and that it hasbeen keptasie in case claimit.Andin theother axe, take the trouble to write cout again. And forgive me, ‘But in spite of not ving i al, Ihave enough to realize that it wil be sich more difficult to pat itin my fingers than all she variations and the fugue. Those groups of triples are very difficile in some positions, and since they mut be played with great evenness, twill not be possible to shave it wel studied without counting on a long time of work. I regret it ‘ery mich because I had wanted to give this work is premiere on the 2 ‘New York recital, and thenin Rome where I play the 14 of Apri. For his date [am certain thatthe prelude wll not be ready. On the other hand, ‘he fague will then be in my fingers. Consequently it occurs to me, if you ©. | | thinkitisa good des, thatyou write esome measuresfor anintrodution tothe theme, or begin the work simply with the theme. You decide. The fugueis almost finished. Lhave spent 2 and a half hours studying it, there is only one spot that is imposible co play as is written, and which adjustment seems easy to me if You agree to it Tdo not think it wil be ‘njthing important, since itdeals only wth a change of 8 Tam sending ‘hese mesures separately. Tat waiting for the variation in three-note chords and the finale And soyouill not thinkany more about the concerto, and your other things, flko send me the gigue, and Il leave you befor awhile ‘Adios, Yours Andsés ‘With the joy of seeing you and of talking and playing the work I forgot to ask you if you received a small envelope with correspondence that 1 ‘led you from Geneva, for you to hold for me. Do not forget to answer ‘me abot this, Tam very interested in it Adios. Yours Andes 35. Comes Hat Armes Chicago (Querido Mama: Yo ae espera dela sayy gu ton epera de a mis ha ranscuridown messin sabruno del ote. ;Cama es? Ha vuao Clea: Sais ‘ta misma casa? Tengo que valerme de Pncure por alearcarte porque ue he ovido el rumen det casa 10 he perdido on la memoria. “chido on eta te manda wn chou de 100 datas, uma euivalente de 500 _franeos suo, Supomgn que bu aunts de Mesico nose haba resuc,y temo fue ext nacetando, en silencio, lo mas preciso. Si Cena comin en Mexico, jst plame alos is, rtrd mayo ¢Quiens? “Tops, yno rc exon much hey En ora tinformaré del exit deSivius Lecpold Wess. Exo excanado dl triunfo de ete vio macs. Los cits mas enterado cuts han hick mancin, en la ria, de muchos das fntrscos (ds vida, Y ido uy eprecinda su somejanza com Bach. El Pea, fa “Alemandey a Sarabande, sabe todo han gusta machismo Te guard toa la prs Bl prosimo concert dara primera audicion de las Difenias sore tema de las Foias, seguida de fa Saga. (Se enconns ef Prekudio en l Hot Brlac), Resuta wna obra explonida. Exriboe ewsepuid, ranquilzandome ebie ty diendome chs reid ea su contenido a. Yo vlnten el Bremen tambien, 15 de mara, Fstréen Pars hace 21. ‘Adios. Te abraza de cra Andes Pit la carta qu esi en el Bao? ‘Mi drecone Park Coral Ho. New Yor Cit Congress Hotel & Annex Chicago ' Dear Mariel: Tam in waiting for yours, and perhaps you ae in waiting for ine; month has pased without hearing from one another. How are you? Has Clema returned? Are you sill the same house? Ihave to aval myself of Pincherle t reach you because I have lst the adress of your ‘house—T have lostit in my memory. Tncluded here isa check Tam sending you for 100 dollars, the sum ‘equivalent to 500 Swiss anes. I suppose your Mexican afairs have not ‘been resolved, and Lam afraid you are quiet in need of che basics. ‘Clem says in Mexico, coordinate your plans with mine, from the begin- ning of May on. hay? Tam ina hurry, will nt be too werdy today Another time Iwill you sboutthe success of Sikius Leopold Weiss. Lam delighted with thetriumph ‘ofthisold master. Themest knowledgeable and cultured critesbave made mention, in their reviews, of many picturesque detail of his ife. And his Similaiy to Bach hasbeen very much appreciated. Aboce all the Prelude, Allemande and Sarabande, are Uke. Lam keeping all the pres clippings for you. On the next concert [vil give the fist performance of the ‘Variations on the theme of the Folia, followed by the fugue. (Was the Prelude ever found in the Hotel Balzae?).The result isa splendid work ‘White to meat once, eaming me down about yourself, and telling me if you have received this and its contents. Twill ao retmrn on the Bremen, the 15% of March, Iwill be in Paris towards the 21%. ‘Adios. heartfelt embrace, yours, Andes Dia you gee the letter T wrote you from the Ship? ‘Myatddress Park Central Hote. New York Gite. | | Hott Raya Poiana Pain Bea Fa. ‘Mi queido Man: Rect carta con lal prludiylaswaracomes. Apu yao tengo evubiad. No sin cra que tec en “Bremen” te inicaba (a sluron denesasrepatidas mo taunicapasibe Pao sise equa melintero, as ata, 9 no ea de esperar menos dean consuado maasto de la guitar ‘amo tu ees. Bn efi, ast resume afi dela mao iia ha decapareid,y ls que quan exten dentro de alga iatrumental® Ya lo tengo etudiad, J posible que unido ala fuga, lo toque, como bis, en el rosimo “llemosahors de as variaciones que me has mandado, La que mas me gusta sel camon'® La ata, en 6/8, de acordes de ts nots, que yo experaba con Inpacenia,yla medifcaion aa de octaves, son inferior, 1 juin «todas las que has hecho hasta ahora, Una imaginacion harm/ca tan pote t rica como a gue te ties, dele entrar modo de superar lo que has hc, tana en la ‘deacons ders nas, quesuenan maravleso tee giara (gusset, tollands ona note, y tomando obra, « poser or modulaionsfinisinas que pen plvo de modulaions como en a frase que has aiadida dla de octaves, ‘quese halla gran dono yen la cual se cae com extra, para lvantee de ‘nus algremente als Da Cops Ni sigui a dels armonias me gusta tanto amo as que precaien. Si tien, tempo y ganas, has, ss, ras des waracones eras para ssi tad lear de es tas, yl de harmonics, y mete ate cua mas fa (lade as occ. Quieres No te enfdas conmigo porque diga eto? “Tao prosde de ue ecny tute ca a Obra, 9 ion gue le des ima digna eu tlt, Fics tes waracone son eencalsinas pore mpresntan apctos wees distin dl instrament. ¥ no quero que sa slo ese asco lo qu ve ‘ness varices, sna, and do, que imaginacon es tan bey eile ea formula tecnica gue se rpone como en las que ella dig. Creme, ste tomas Yim, 9 las conc como yo dee, sr ea ra, wna chacna dela guitarra, sufint para vata a reputaion de wn instrament, por mus caida que haya ‘int pn chy, lc facade Ul e132 emo Variations sr Werte rege Pana mo arin X00, Stent. 5 Rakimen pata come Varta 1, Aaron pt. {© Plntmen abcata ons Vana XY, Algo a nan, ‘8 Paki pubiate ows Vora 0 Andee @. stad, ta alta de ls mas noble, 9 no or una epoca pasagea, sno por td alge tt eigen ny, Le ad eine sneer deiigeentcerertens pies, adn scnda ian, ues pase conc ee sommes o deal. Bo i ‘eran pi conta Poise ue roe Ce jen plmequehtarate "ashy Bh Ua maint ge sf iff tengo ka a eh rer eer era tia duo toe ds Cpe) foro nin, fre ea maa ee om Lt ie Din pas & Pat hace 0c 21 de aro. to ana oe inflata ute ome’Teifraro lar la ‘ik whan Y fer in tor mh naa ford idan apd Magia) al mes traces mar! Noses tl "on uch ras rat dei Di ue era i gs pl por meer ion 3 4 ped por tia a7 wee a mas vmey desma dels otprions haus! Adis, Aton Quads ita ontogeny on taspennas agains eer que nee densa rigs combs quem queen! Teaitza a ox 5 an dew pds pubis po Scone WT de asic dg rit See om Hotel Royal Poinciana, Palm Beach, Fi ‘My dear Manuel: received your eter and with it the prelude and the variations. The former, [have already studied. Tdo not know fin the letter ‘hac I wrote you from the “Bremen” indicated to you tha the solution of repeated notes wasthe only one possible. Burif efit in the ink el you hnave guessed right, and could have hoped for nolesfromaconsuinmate ‘master of the guitar as you are...In effet, it now comes out very well he difficulty of the Teh hand has disappeared, and those that remain are ‘within the logic of the insrument® I already have i studied, and itis possible that, together wth the fugue, Tan ply, a an encore, on the ‘Let us talk now about the variations you have sent me. The one Like ‘mosis th canon’ The other one, in 6/8, with three-note chords for which T waited impatiently, and the modification to the one with the ‘octaves are inferior, in my judgement, to all the ones you have done unt now. ‘A harmonic imagination #0 poetic and rch as you have, should ind a ‘way to overcome what you have written as welln the one with threenote ‘chords, which sound marvelously on the guitar (and which lends itself, ‘dropping a note here and picking up another there, to pas through very fine modulationsthat seem like a dusting of modulations) asin the phrase that you have added to the one with octaves, where i find itself in great ‘imbalance, and in which it curiously drops again to pick up happily pon, moving to the Da Capo. do not even like the one with the harmonics as such asthose which precede it Ifyou have che time and the inclination, writ, then, wwo other complete variations to sulagiute for the one with threenote chords and the one with harmonies! and put a finer chisel on the one with octaves, Okay? ‘Ave you not angry with me for telling you this? ‘This al comes from the fact that Iam Very enthusiastic about the work, and [vant you to bring ic off ina way worthy of your talent. These three ‘ariatlons ae essential because they represent diferent technical specs of the instrument. And I do not want it to be only this aspect that is seen > Tae ge erin che wok putin 8 in tr el deaf os Reh via Sn 5 Poaiypubahed a Varatiow XIV, Allegro om oppo. ‘ Pewty pula 2 Varn XV, Alege moda cerca, { Pautypubebed a Varaion 2S Ancane . inthese variations, but, sboveal, shat yourimaginationisasfreeand fertile ‘within this technical forma which i imposed on it sin those which it ‘hoowes Believe me, iyo take the time, and finish them as wish, this “Work wi bea chaconne fr the guia, sufficient toaise the reputation of [In inarument, as low a ithas been, the statue ofthe most noble ones, land not for a passing age, but from here on “And singe [am making some observations Ido not want co et this ome goby ‘What do you think ifwe leave dhe prelude that you have sent me to be played with the fugue, on those occasions in which it does not include Erceneen the two, the theme and variations, andl we incorporate, instead, for the unity of the work the other one which you wrote on the old Castilian theme? Lam referring 1 this Gobeenteese oS _Jost a itis, or if you want, adding a second idea to it that would be as Spanish asthe ist. You decide. 1 do not think che notion jsllgical. The other day, playing around with the prelude, I connected it tothe theme ff the Folias and was surprised at how wel they went together.! And Twas tempted tosend you a cablegrar, co consultwth yu about theides. Lid not doi 0 you would noc say that Thad gone cra: “Thave arrived today in Palm Beach. A millionaires, whom imagine 10 be old and ugly but just might be young and prety, paid my trip from New York to Palm Beach and back, besides a very stung honorarium (half of which goes to the purse of Mr. Coppicus) in order for me to give a performance in her house, for her and s haldozen friends. The royalty ‘another era are stingy people, nex to the Americans of tod. ‘will ariv, God willing in Pars arounel the 200 or 21% of March. Yam again taking that umpeaous floating palace called the “Bremen."Ivil et youtknowby telegraph the exact date and hour. And domeatavor, without Waiting too long, of dropping by the Hotel Balzac to reserve a room for Ine elling them I willbe ere for one night, and inthe event dey do not have anything, be so kind as to goto the Roblin, Rue Chovan--Garde (it ‘comes in atthe plaza de ls Magdaleine) and put me there. Teta Borin ed by Sepriass Vole roup ofthe hat Scho Tages tee iy Sepois rou 6, Diy eee he eter set oi Pncherie with check Tellme ifyouneed meee Do notte yt ‘ion Thankyou ery mc fo aking Ges protection or me May i velhn aya dog weer posible odesere yon popes ant Pi Help bese fam tng oo snyone, ana deca mpl othe mst hf and uel of man eecpaone! Adon dew Manel Tha {Ga shoul se take py ony ao hone people whom ne love And tht eno to an othe we done ore ‘Ag fom Andres 37. Mi quarido Manual: No te he exo anes pera acl tranpuilament Homos pass pr procupaones de salud: Lemar, apts, ton popes (quceselnumn, en sparta dela inflamacion dls partidas. A Anureslo hemos ‘nolo a ensiar a Conch y aq sama epindones a nosotres isms pra ver in cts te Laards as i dln ors rina Leven ls fretudis (me rfl os de cavacter exes natant) he lamentado que no te quieras consoga durante unos meses, a eseibir musica ‘perila para guitar, canto y amo, az at. Taniendo en cent, dee, ta extrac imiacon a que has odo ue somaet or fray struments lgidos Pdi y etary esas del ees tanbondamente espaol (queen Fala no 2 econtraa: mas eutinia, No sas tslorud, pasate unas Semanasetudiando a Alin Falla, impregndnae del evade de as canciones ‘aguas de Andalucia y de Castila, ame has echo cm Sober, yee wnt ‘alin de canciones para cana 9 piano veas como paidecm Nin, Pally te omoirtes n un gual de Fal, ante pubic. Te romat a aconinmatiata, onl caa Sa,» divulgacion ensign. Por cro que las prludios no som praca, ene sentido on que ha sido amet Reston la mayor pare dua difcaladincompaiecom lara deetatie demented a scala de gue va yas tte Smpsibies, Etonces he imaginado hacer a Scht la ropasicion de que los eiteen ‘evar cures desis ea uray sn raion ton. Yh cad, Ayr le ‘eo losis del frimerexadero. Que son estas: Fa sutnido menor a may, si ‘mayor © menor, fa sonido major yo desi brmol menor que he ti que Uonsportarn st natural pore en el ono original no oa pase He suprimido asec. Estas de acuerdo? Mellevaé los crs a Pais para enseiartles verde er. modifica, Senta dart odavia taj comet, pero no hay mas remaio. St mientras os has compass Bubisemos stad antes, to hie vsutad bien. "Fit estuiondo tu cuaret, El posimo sabado me darn na audio de aa gus insiteréa varios muss dea. Gracias por la suit en gue} eas tobojando ahora. Com va el cmcirto? He ist una acon a dene tipi articua de Raymond Patt La Compa de fue te ha hacho via te ls cbrarn en los Gs. Ente Alends Marto 9 ‘Braga Pana contrast eo lergo un ensamiento que comunicar de visa ‘oon Pris. "No cit insite, gues te cia dinero que me o ides. Ya sabes gue uy 8 bauuer hasta gue se gen en Mes tus asuntos. No tenga lx menor Cortada en pedir. Me dala que pases tntamente por difciades que 0 pedo rl “Adio. Un abrazo para vosats dos de ames. Andis “Has vs programa dl comciro dea Sala Phe? Te gusta? My doar Manuel: [have not written you ears, wating to do so more leisurely. We have been preoccupied with our health: Leonardo, the “yapatisa," has the momps (which isthe name in Spain fr inflammation ofthe glands). Asfor Andres, we have sent him away to Conche and here ‘ne are keeping an eye on ourselves to see who comes down with it afer Leonardo, Tam doubly afraid to get it due tothe closeness of the Pais ‘Reading the preludes (Iam referring to those wth Spanish character, natural) regret thatyou do not wish to dedicate yourself, over a period ‘some months, to writing Spanish muse for guitar, or wice and piano, ttc et. Keeping in mind, alter all, the narrow limitation to which you Ihave had to subjec yourselfby the chosen form andinstrument-—Prelude ‘and guitarand inspite of i he spirit sso deeply Spanish that even in Falla one could not find it more authentie. Do not be stubborn, spend 3 ew weeks studying Albéniz, Fala, impregnating yourself with the charac- ter ofthe old Andalusian and Castilian songs, like you Thave done with Schubert and write a collection of songs fr voice andl piano and you wil see how Nin and Pedrell wn pale and you wil convert yours nto the equal of Falla, before the public. [ promise you it will be published ‘immediately by the house of Schots, with consequent cssibution ‘By the way, the prelides do not work so well in the sprit in which they have been conceived, The majority of them have difficulty incompatible with the character of elementary studies which the seal that precedes @. ‘het ges and others are tty imposible, So Ihave mae Scot the prepoion of publishing them in four oles of sb cach ion any {onal relation, And he has accepted. Ysterday Tae him the six forthe frst ome, Which are thse: Feharp minor, A major, Bae, minor, Faharp major, andthe one in Béla minor which Ie raspous to Batra because fas not pose in the erga Key The oid thevcles Areyouinagreemend Telitxing theexio Pato them to you and wet about moi thems In sory to ge ou ail more ‘ork with eh Bt there so other nay we had been togeer wile You were wig them, veryhing woul have rnd ou wl They are working on your quar, Neat Saiday they wil ie mic & performance oto which [wl vite several cans from here. Thank you forthe mle on wbich you are now woking How & the concerto going? have sen a refercoce to in that pid are by Raymond Pee He wl pay in hewen fr hsng made you the tino sich Company Among Allende Macao and Bromin To coonerak that Ihave a thug which [tel oun ponon in Pasi To not need ona Thine, tha you ned money you ca ask ne fori Yhnoe amour banker nilihy range your arabs Mexico. Do not beth ea bah inking me Iwo pain eyo foo went through thw dieses wich ean reso Adio A hugfor te two oon ton bach fo, “andi {Pine po0 son he rogram fe th ly oy 38, Route de Ploriseant 15. GINEVE ‘Querido Marat ‘Tusa crea ened cam ta mia, en aca eporrsament te dabansicias dela buena imposin gue ou obita me habia psc, iy nucrmentenquit sn nota ues, sobre todo porque nosé coma ondan tus asus y sé que ae ncaa, augue sea cet, de conf que a al ero ras norman ni oman ea i 13 de juni de 1930 ‘Has reid noticias de Coma? Cuando lagan a Pris? Que prec ines 1 par el verano? Puedes caine alos mis, 0 mejor dicks gguieres? Nowtros fetinames 28 cn para Pankigon-surmar Vat no Ios de Sam Rafal. Nos @. _quedaremos todo ol mes deja, sn que actualmonte haya decide de wna manera “Fiala que soy a hacer ria donde i dante ef mes de agosto, No te dy ahora to “recon ext pone la eng 2 mens, yeomo espero aires dime ar tay, els qu te cotta indir “Como ae concierto? De dnt sitios en donde he hablado de ne esrb prcuntindome ti puaden incu en a programas dst ao que ven. Senin Iucho no odaro trabajar ate rama. Dimes tl res paste Da i primer Concert Paris haa fines de diciembre me gustaria etrenan, Ti dds. ‘Eso me mand la sonata de Pagan, ysiacao ester taspapelado indo esa pir to cemplar ms omigos de Bin, “He propedal tremolo Sot todavia no tngovespusta. Tal ex acptaria alga pects fle En todas ss itimas carts me haa siempre de eo Dies ue ofa on tu nombre algunas. "Nord on coestarms, 9 eabraza tu fratemal “Ando Route de Florissant 15 Geneva June 18, 1990 ‘Dear Manuel, ‘Your lat letter crossed mine in which spontaneously Tgave you news of the good impression your litle work gave me. Tam once again unsedled without news ftom you, above all since Lknow nothing about how your affies are going and I knov you are incapable of Confesing, evenTitietrue, that thingvare going poorly. Write tome then, Iettnge me know what is going on and do not be timid in communicating tome thatyou need my help. “ave you gotten news from Clem? When does she arrive in Pasi? What plans do you have fr the summer? Gan you coordinate them wich mine, 2 betier said, do you want to? We are leaving on the 28° of June for Pardigon-surmer Var, notfar from San Rafal Wevwllstay there thewhole month of Jul although T have not precisely decided what Iam going :0 ‘do nor where { will go for the month of August. Iam not giving you the ‘exact address now since I do not hae tat hand, and since 1 hope to get Aleter froin you before Teave, Iwill answer then and include it How isthe concerto coming? In different places where Ihave spoken of it they are asking me if they can include it on programs for the coming, year It wold bea shame not to work on it this summer, Tell me if yout Ukink itis possible. I ail give my frst concetin Pars towards che end of December and I would like to premiere it then, You decide. a 1 am waiting for you to send me the Paganini sonata, and if it has by chance heen mins, ell meso Tean ask for anather copy from my frends in Berlin, have proposed the tremolo to Schott and have not yet gotten an answer. Perhaps he would accept some small eay pices. In all his atest eters he shvays speaks to me about this. Tell me i can offer him some in your Do not delay in answering me, and a brotherly hug for you! ‘Andre. 39, Quer Mac: eri ts dos carts ade Ginyu gue acaba gore En ombarexgas la importance de lo que haga, y me clmas de egos secre. Suprise At na queens fremalment St Cancs de algo gu 0 tng, 0 vires hay nda as natal qu rows Inutumete Este onsite sama an antspaion, ruil de Ciba (ia sgiet, yora mas fal ara poratn al cn ple i x fin, hagamos nfl en ea aon, sme nas, cuando guia que sea assem V has al natalia an que hc a fami. Te mando el tremolo para uel vy rar indians te parce oprters. Alo lpr, lsh road dps to me parents. Pa ta reps de la Cancion om quredormchamgren oaassaia cnn contacn ean Y edema mica final para quer wn foro mas pcan. Sito gu haya eri la Sata de Pagani. Pr enfin 0 ior. Hey mismo rida Alanis, ptndle ‘Alo, tia qu no mga ;Porud not caps eto dis en tanto que gs Clana? Anat. Taine, Andes to 0 Dear Manuel: [have received your two letters the one fom Geneva and this last one which has just arrived. Tin both of them you exaggerate the importance of what Tam doing, snd you shower me with unnecessary praise. Omit it in the future. We love tach other lke brothers. Ifyou wantsomething which Ihave or vice vers, is there nothing more natural than proving foreach other? This ime I nm, sentyou the sum in advance, because Heft Geneva the follawing day, and its easier o take care ofthe transaction there than in mid tp, “To close, we will pu an end to this question, ifyou need me, whenever you wish, ell me, And doit with the same eate with which you would do $0 among family Lam sending you the tremolo o you ean revise it and incorporate my indications fyou think they are appropriate. [am annul- ing the ist one, [tried it Ister and it doce not seem necessary to me, Bu Think the reprise ofthe song wll be much beter an octave higher and with an interesting countermelody: And also modify the end, so it will come out afte more spicy. Tam sorry to have mishid dhe Paganini Sonata. Bur itis not important feral, Today [wrote to Germany, asking them for it ‘Adios. Ttisa pity ou are not coming, Why not escape for those days wat CGlema comes? Perk up. A hug for you, Ande p38 40. Mi quedo Manse: Te supongo de reso del Haare y lado de Clea, agen ym mcr Biro. ‘Enasrpidas letras, a Tas que compas la Sonata de Paganini, fra gu ex eanto pace le rmowada Cura de mi, a reies,y mela enves eeu para "Rest mi tina carta cm el mannscto dl remo} queso te dia? 'No tars en canter, pong a primar: de agosto cambiarmos de hat. Nos vamos aot gu hay, pov mas cba, na tan ceca dl mar lo gue, com el cchs, {importa po: re mas mada. "7 Qs escbes ahora Has hcko ae por vikn? Sevan avait tus rus a piano? En mi lima car se me laid costar ct pret sobre ta fdedicatrin de eas peas, Teurbi. Lo que yo cr, como t, esque no des etiaras a nadie, El no marc ea distincon, porque noha cas las que le ‘ntegaste, ero tampon me pares eprtuno eden de ddicaras ao. “Sigur on ef cmcienta? {Cuando podriamos tabajario? En fin, t cas, sin sentir. Devustoome el iemolo yn ards en rosa la Sonata de Page ‘Adios Un abrazo de tu sempre fraternal Has hacho ag de to Andes 20 ta 00 bres de Adlai pra ty para lena. n, My dear Man sppose you ae back rom La Hae t Cems, tomtom ge my mou cord welcome “owe que oes accompany the Pani Sonata otha at soon a the second honeymoon pases you can reset and end ito merigh sway Sianwokonie ‘id you recsve my at ter with the manuscript ofthe em? Have youdone meting bout Tot you? ‘Do nor ely tn sonerng me, beemse we ae changing hot the ‘beginning of Angue Wesre going to another wichita ter up, nas clte to thes is wih ee of Be portance—Dut Tore contra "What re you rising now? Have you done something forthe oi? Are shay ging publshyur prelude for pans a my at eter Morgato over your quesion about the datotin a hee pecs ofr What iting ke you, tha you should not dedicate tem to gone. He docs bot deere the diincton, beat he has nt played thse which ou ge him, bur nther dow the sb of dedicating them owmncone he Sam appropriate tome fre you continuing wit the concerts? When wile be able to work om i Foy, am hareang you tout remore Return the emo to tne do no delay eng te Pagan Sonat Tio Agr ous ay your feral “ans Presccy Hugs from Adela for you and Clem 41 Querido Manuel Estoy emionda qu, contra entumdre, thay dsgustado mi does de qu hci algunos cambios ene marsuscrto del tremolo. Sie as, no tons naain en disgust, aunguesi en no haan. Yasabs el ari enorme con (qe tc y ido tu obras, la amiracin tan grande pu siento prt. Sigua ‘luereacon te hag, dde wr rrdo de wsta instrament, munca artis, y ‘arm la mejor buena fe dl snd, ‘Asif ido neste cas. Ya habia cpiade,diitado yaprenide eltvenol, cuando, dapues de hablo emhado Scho, ara imprimir, me pore que la pris de Tacancin popular acmmpaiada sol deLA, RE LA, RE, resutalaalo monaiona, ysemecocuris que ila modificassen el sentido on que edi, tale ‘eatase mas brilantemente Asie b dca en la cara que amar @ te ‘mamuscite.¥ ademas, itimamenteedaha conten, de acre rem con 7 ava vorante india 9 que andy se me acer et cambio, la aba estaba ya grandoceen cava deScht, como vera orlacadjunia iia detec fica, Ice justo 10 dias i fin, ero que et sed della de wrano, si ralmente hay mube ete ty yo. ¥ que no me guardaras mas seni. Nec que meer pra hablar de do ots esas “Adios. Un abrco de tu sempre fata, Andis 24 OK Ftd Cla abs? Un abr Dear Manuel: Iam afraid that my wish dhat you make some changes in the manuscript of the tremolo has displeased you, contrary to your ‘custom. If that s the case, you have no reason tobe displeased, byjust not making them. You already know the enormous affection with which [play ‘anv eae for your works, andthe great admiration I fee for you. IT make ‘some observation itis ffom an instrumental point of view, never artistic, and with the best intentions in the world "That is what it has been in this ase. The tremolo was already copied, ‘ingered and learned, when, after having sent it to Schott, to print it it seemed to me that the reprise ofthe folk song accompanied onl with A, DA, D, came out a bit monotonous, and it occurred to me dhat i you ‘modified itn the way in which T asked you, perhaps ie would come out ‘more biliantly. That is what Ttold you in the letter which accompanied {your manuscript. Moreoter, just benseen you and me, [ws very happy to play the tremolo with an tinpublished variani—since when the change ‘curred to me, the work was already engraved with the house of Schou, fs you will ce from the auached note from Strecker, dated jus ten days age. "To end, I hope that this will bea ite suzamer clout if there erly isa loud between you and me. And thar you do not keep silent from me any ‘Inced you to write to me to tellyou two or three dings ‘Adios. Aug for you as alway, your fraternal “Andres Jp 24,2000 Is Clema there? A hog. , 42, Mi qurido Mart Rac tu cra ero moa music que me anna ene Tamale la molt dedacrmes la hasenade para cso de gueas fuse, reclamarla ceed or hon ta drecian de cores. "Mea encantado sabre no ha sido digs, tu tana, i otras zones. Neto aches de iaalares hy mismo, en tea hate major, mas modo | mas agra quee anterior Ya cre gue te dab ta nueva diecion en mi ‘precsdante. Sin embarg la dark trav ahora: Hotel Kensington, La Croix, (. {Como eseesn tures domi? Lo inanguraris mana, da primero de gr, Ted yt ego wna tmp mas tua 93 el gona de Inquintude que has endo durante leno que has vido oa ra habitaion. “Asien Nada me auotas,y1n gui quel pases en silencio, de situacon ac, ei Clana teh trade lar rea dlerg difiivo de us ase et “Mess. Di a verdad Sin gran safc, yo puedo ayudar wn fen en ser: de que serarmatic tu habe Dima, sai y dime tambon a cuanto onda ti ‘fit mensual ilo tons, Yasabes quel habl 9 qu habla hermano, que (es, pus, hacer sin meno eo. ‘Da muchos y muy cries sates de toes @ Cloma, die que Adlida le srt on ante decane dab dlrasadoyquahaya ila yoda Aaeipaje. ‘Ais. No tarde en contetarme Schott me ha encod las prucas del imo. Nome panes opera cambiar nada ona econ, preiament porque Mane. nb khan ice ha pu el grit n ele ols ats supers que (20 leh easionada.Experaremos a que tego que rita. De odes maneras smandame a nce version, ara queyo ln tude "Arab dered cat, o mejor diol madifcacin del wmol, ls plabras ue afades aja Siento mucho que haar lado com uno dees alps de ‘tinagy, 9 clio que yale hayes rpuea. Caidae mucho, 0 date aida or ‘lena dd ster hac may ben. No seas ind Cuando te pongas a tabjar no odes derevisat la Sonata de Paganini, que tet hac unas dis, 9 que exe hagas re, “Adie, Te bras siompre Andres Aga Contes EXfnal et tremalo me gusta mas ahora que ane Yoda a ese dela cam. [Nolemandes copia St. Yabo hard yo mas ado 72 han pagado? ® My dear Manuel I received your letter but not the muse you indicated in ie Take the trouble to tell me ifyou have sent itso that if iis so, I wll claim itat the other hotel or the post oi. Tyas delighted to know that your tardiness was not from displeasure, but for other reasons, We have just settled ourselves in today, in this other hotel, beter, more comfortableand friendlier than the former one. T¢hink already give you the addrees in my net letter However Til give it toyou again: Hotel Kensington, La Gris, (Var). “low areyot felingin your new home? You wilinaugurateit tomorrow, the frst cay of August I hope and predict for you quieter stay without the pe of unpleasantness you have had during the time that you have lived inthe other phice. It should beso. You do not tell me anything, and 1 do not want you to suffer in silence, about your present situation, about ‘whether Clema has brought you good news regarding the definitive resolution of your afar in Mexico Tell me dhe eth. [can help you ltl, with no greatsacriic, hoping thatyour income becomes stable. Tell, te, if itis the case and also tell me how tach your monthly deficit {ou have on. You already know that you are talking to a brother, and so {Jou should do it openly. Give many affectionate regards from everyone to ‘Clem and tell her that Adlaida wil write to her as soon ashe rests from the uproar of the move and has unpacked. ‘Adios. Do not deay in answering me. Schott has sent me the proofs for the tremolo, It does not scem necessary to me to change anything in the ‘edition, precisely because Manen jus eid so and Strecker has shouted to the heavens beeause ofthe extra expense thatit has cos hm, We wil wait ‘until 2 second publication run is made, In any eveat, send me the new sersion so Tan study it. {just received your lester or better put, the modification ofthe tremolo, and the words you add below: am very sorry that you have had one of ‘hose stomach auacks,and celebrate thatyou have recovered, Take good care of yourself, o let Clema ake care of you, since she should know how to do ie ell. Do nor be disobedient with her. ‘When you se to work, do not forget to ruisethe Paganini Sonata, which I sent you several days ago, and T hope you have received. ‘Adlon. Aug alays Andes og 190. Answer. ike the end of the wemolo more now than before And the ‘whole reprise of the song. Do not send a copy to Schot. Iwill do ita ite late. Have they paid you? 76. 43. ‘Mi quero Manuel: Mil gracias por la Sonata de Paganini. La he Wit, y almante incl, Antes de qu hice sa recon la habia yo hecho, yl (que 0 esperatay que omit decrte pra culpa era sa transaipcion leon (done talents hi cubart iadssaments a banaliad de la obra ¥ aur eo ‘nome hubs rid a slr de mismo no ss rcondards to rede env ta obra, no me hubs dich: “sepia area se podria hacer {igo en lla” Porque ee tempo, ue te he bade mviamente, hubiras pod ‘amzagrro a otra casa mas digna. Eni, erdonameyeneremosesa sonata fara Sonpre dig entremos, porgueyano pio ocr, ube pido, almees, aan, afin de qu tu tab no Bir sido estil dl todo, Peo Ut een evra dt ‘specs malhadadas de Paganini wm una coletcion particu yr guetenen op right Nose pueden aia sin amsentimiento rl propitari, e cifi que (le sel comcnda or casa drial disina de la qu ha fica la veion ‘actual A pes de todo yo lo consltaré con Schall, shay un requicio de rolalildad me colaré por et. ‘Siempre que te ex soy entado de explicate pore no he pripuaso a Schott lpreludio, las Fone y la Fug, y hg se me obida 0 tengo risa. De hy no esa De tdo by que has hcko para guitar b que mis quiero -ifeencia Serimantal superior a me gusto ea obra. ¥ ast, completa. Desous vee la Sonata « Shubert, luego la Suite de Weiss.» tao lo demas, Ptr lo qu menos me gusta to, lo que fo de oto compost; hy todavia una gran distancia ‘m favor op Fecha etadeclaracion que mo necesita orqu ets entra dave hace tempo de to, paso a dace a axon de no hase eta dich ob. En primar bg, Schl dseaespaciar la publcaion de obras dfs, La Sata de ‘Mancn et propussa dee hace do arias 9 warden deus dias. Una br como la tana queen macho mas dil encaymasicalmente tiene gusperar ‘algun tion, y entrtania aparece t rémae, una suite de 7 mumerits Bros ‘yerciows de Trad, una sonata de Turina, (que no he ede) yalgy mas de aul y dal YY mientras ee em pasa, yo puado tocando la br, en primera audicin por ion maces, 41pm bien ‘Saludos Cloma, te abrasa de todo crazom Andres 23 Ag 10 tas yaintalado daftoamente?Bseriteme aos 15. 7. ‘My dear Manuel: Thankyou to much for the Paganini Sonata. Thave read ‘tanditistruly unplayable. Before you made that reduction Thad already done so and what 1 hoped for and had neglected to tll yon—mea ‘clpal—vas a free wanseription where your talent would have piowsly ‘coneredthe banality of the work. And I would not have even dared ask this ‘of you fyou yourself do not know fyouwillrememberthis—right afer ‘receiving the work, would not have told me: "it could be fixed, something ‘ould be done with it”, Becase that time, that I stpidly robbed from you, ‘yu would have been able to spend on something more worthwhile. To ‘ose, pardon me and le us bury that sonata forever, Tay bury because Iam now thinking of not playing it, were Table to, or atleast publishing i 0 that your work would not have been completely ‘wasted. But the whole collection of these misconceved pieces of Paganini {rea special collection, and I believe they are copyright. They cannot be published without the consent ofthe copyright owner, and itis ifcule {hat hewould giveitto another publishing house other than the one which has published the current edition. Inspte of everything Iwill consul wth Schott, and if there is any crevice of possibility Twill sip though i. ‘Everytime Isite o yo! intend to explain why [have not proposed the {he Folge avd the Fuge to Scot, and then I forget or Lam too ‘rushed. This time iwi ot happen. Of al that you have writin forthe fpitar, what mast ove—a higher Sentiment than Tite, —is that work, And that's that. Then comes te Sonata to Schubert, then the WelisSuite..and the rest Between the least of what like of yours and what I prefer from another composer, thee i ail much in fvor of your work. make this ‘ledarationwhich you do not need becuse you have known thisfora long, time, I go.on to tell you the reson for not hasing published this work. Th the fst place, Schott wants to space out the publication of dificult works, The Sonata of Manén has been proposed for two years and wil ‘ome out within afew days. A work like Yours which iseven more difficult technically and musitaly has to yait some time and meanwbile your tremolo, asuiteof 7 ight numbers of Torroba,asonatina of Turina (which TThave not received), and some more from here and there will appear ‘And while this time passes, Iean be playing the work, premiering it in wellknown places. How is tha? ‘Good. I am already packing to leave here. We are returning to Geneva and leaving atthe end of September for Spain. ‘Regards to Glema and a heartfec embrace Andres An 233K Are you finally moved? Write to me at Forisant 15. 44, Mi quid Manual Eioyacabando de ans dig lsvaiacones, of deters jropaadas para cuando vel propongs:a Sic, not quem alta a fuga. No s dane haya oido excondans. Hoy he revuello toa mi tiiseca ‘musi, los maser, los impress, he mirado en liner deo cues, tn he dia enantara. De bien guardada, no aparece y wm un di, cuando ‘jana sea nace sri del en de a ite. Pod fot, sha gad. {No purist molstaren copiara de nuevo 3 mandarmela? Pore tae hacer ‘leona fa ce atria sical a esrb de memoria Mil prone, y mil ras “Examen Cinna. Heros Lego aya tras un viaiedlcisn. Seen athagar cam um gusto erarme, Los dos meses de heel, teniendo que fader a ciate france en comida yn el coin, hac dsear la casa foi. Latina qu ek ‘mar no ete por ag cea, sex nes, fair a scar, ur la iran de Tshostees, qu tenn de ido, manos deo ue deigna a eimai del nombre 2¥ ests, emo etait Ox entra agradablemente ahi? Paes titrabajar amodamentet No teeta, ni etrba aor cna aiflarmanics? “Tam que pearl ambit propio, no continues et Concer Eo que tabs actualment? Tong es de cualquier cosa que e ob Ua atencion, que dehias tonsagar al raj anteriaren ole tans experancas fend. En fir mejores (que no te ds pis, ite profi desta gta a gota esa ara, mi impaciencia no Ube tomareen uta. ‘Pero mienresl Concierto marca, mies ge alata vr, orque no ries wa Sonatina Sona de caster ntamente spat Si quieras ponte cel, 12 La ofa mania a Sct, para que la indayee en la sei de mation died. Penge nao hace ergo nes dss enarmes de uelaesribas...Esty Sago de uc hariar algo tan gracias como ade Tori, yd mucho mas enjundi ‘musica Decide Nh ees emas, ong reaidad, i sigur los nests "Buen, contstame. Abass, 2 Cloma de parte de Addai, que et tna de emordimientos de no habe sito, yy sabes que te aia yt qui, ‘Andris get 008 My dear Manuel Iam just fishing recopying and fingering the variae sions, so they wil be ready for when they ae proposed to Strecker, and notice that donot have the fugue, !donot know where it could be hiding. TThave turned up my entire musical library, manuscript, printed editions, m. {have looked inside folders of musi, and Teannot find it By being so well kepttdoes not appear and one ine day, when itil no longer be needed, i wll emerge from its hiding place in the library For the moment, the ‘age isa five. Will you take the trouble w copy itanew and send it tome? Because Tam afi! to make someerrarin the musical orthography iftrite tout from memory. A thousand pardonsand.a thousand thanks "We are in Genera. We arrived yesterday after a delightful trip. We come back home with great pleasure. After two months in hotel, having t0| siffer the French singines with meals and comfort, makes one Tong for his awn home. Too bad the seas not close by, and itis necessary to find itjto suffer the tyranny ofthe hess who have everything, les what makes “up the etymology of ther name. "Kad all of our How are you doing? Do you find itagreeable dhere? Gan you work comfortably? Are you hindered by or do you hinder your ntiphilharmonic neighbors? T am affai that inspite of the favorable surroundings, you are not working on the Concerto, Whatare you working on present? Lam jealous ‘of whatever itis that steals your attenGon, which you should dedicate to the former work on which Tam placing so many hopes. In the end, is better that you do notrush,ifyou prefer to distill the work drop by drop, ‘my impatience should not be taken into account. ‘But while the Concerto advances, while it achieves i virility, why not write 4 Sopatina—no Sonata of a distinctly Spanish character? Ifyou Imight lke to work on it would offrit immediately to Schot, soit would belinchuded in the series of medium difficulty. Why not do i Twant you towriteitvery much,,.Tam certain you would write something as graceful fa the one by Torroba, and of mach more musical substance. Make up your mind to dot You have the themes there, although in reality you do fot even need them. ‘Well, answerme, Give Clema a hug from Adelaida, who is fll of remorse ‘or not having written yet, and you already know that she admires and loves you, Andrés Aga 1.20% 45. pind 19301 ‘Mi quedo Manus: He eid ls rmeeada Sata de Paganini. Ate re ings Mora viper ro tcara. La ransormacion la ha emle ‘dase pad ego abi ded gurl, oases ss, 0 sigue dbo de ela. El primer tempo qua mary bien, gracias as ilies ‘ioalencas que has halad para los gins vulgare da original. La roman, precisa. Y hasta el toma: del I tempo ha ganado, yw artista pe ya tocando sin ribo Las vriaions, sobre todo el andontey ta ulin, tan maser. En enema, a Seatac gna de inclu en a programas por ilo superna de ‘mera crisidad Has actuado de Wino efcacsina y Pagani de mordare los labios conteplr que su obra ha nastado dear ae para dere vida "aoa na duds Como amunciaraen las programas? Vion Be. es deceit, subd qu has sto en tu marr? {No eeran enc los cts pares «Moser Salas ee. (cay definicion mas exact serial de proba queson capes de feria vesoneatntia.!! Protra pat, tocar Simexpomerls cambios ela tampoco escort, porgeestando aah eitada Aerts mds ln pe advert papal en mana, las maifcaiones {Come acer ttc Yo ce ue pods encnrar alan expoione mas hab. Pregunta Pinchere que tala da Krier a rokabibaciones da esa dase. Ysiguesu gempo, ep bien. “De todos madas yen sia instonca, la de “vason ir” me ares ls ica ‘xpliacon y exusa. Queda tan slo, camo difciimente expat impulo Ihumanitvi qu te haya ocrendo a lva para rescatra de su inoridad, ‘Peo pes que a guitarra cuenta com wn eet exgus, que frosts crrigusc cm wna labor constant, ben pusdeenrar exe, a ehabtacion (dena obra aena,qus por oa instrumental, y surfed aris, ta teclama. Exo me amuice acer quel mejor Seva gus bajo el sbttul de vrion Tre, escribir unas linen explcandnyraxoando se intreencion. Tanto mas ua qu todo ol mundo etd de acuerdo en que la mayor parte de las esas de Paganini son de usicalidad infcrog a pesar de ly cuales inteesant, amo doce iste, indir on le frogromar. Una nota a, no estvia mal. Ondenaa,zondesciay me la mars, {Hac recbi micaria antrir? ;Qudte parece aides de a Sonatina de avacer pail? ,No te gustaria walcarla Vol dio ardintomente @SPANISH » Es poste qu, deren, mefreenen Paris. Mec stun a lagen yn quiere ‘eomfarl la onganzaion de mi concierto prim en Paris. Voy us a bac un ‘emprsori,ypara que sea decent nick tera de Diogenes, lo ncn ‘Adio, Te abrece Andis Deming 2 Site 130) ind, Ril te corttay sorta de Addaida, que no ence orgue pear mucho a, er tela cnsers nmi carters. 1 Disinse ftr om lgu Foe imal ps 8, Gracias a Dias, Andris td content conta Somata, como ves coint. Hoy cumbi omgo. Amaneci vend y Noss dito. (Sie el "Lagunism” en zug.) ‘Dine ices neczorio que yo a anc tun chee ‘asta msi, chara Binda sty bien de todo da st, ‘Mi ests de To Era ists de pasar ve: M™* Cora MB Cott Sei aes ia dl sta? Coma no hab cm nae, no he fodido aveiguale. Tal we tenga porn de Bac aM [September 1930] My dear Manuck Ihave received the retouched Paganini Sora. Before it vas impossible 10 play it. Now itis impossible not to play i. The transformation ba made its beatiful othe poine that T have ton the ruse stand ince tarrived, and allthe other things follow beneath it The fist movement goes very wel, thanks tothe intligent substitutions you have fou forthe walger tiene ofthe orginal. The romanaa, exquisite ‘And even the third movement has improved, adn ats can now play jt without embarrasement. The variations, above all the andante and the lastone are very good. Tosummarie, the Sonataisworthy tobe inched in programs natfor just mere curiosity but for musical conten. You have acted like a perfect Woronolf and Paganini should be biting bis ips on Contemplating that his work needed another father to gve i if. “And now a reservation: Flow should it be listed on the programs? Free version. et, that & the ttle, or subside that you have put on he manuscript Won't eis lke Mooser, Salazar, et, (whose more exact {lefinition woul be to prove that they are apt to prefer the authentic ‘ersion..tIf) descend on i On the other hand, to play it without Inicating the changes and author is not right ether, since the work is published, the slowest wited crite could notice, score in hand, the Inouliiations. So what should be done? I believe you could find some ‘expedientsoluion. Ask Pincherle whattite Krier gave to hisrehabiit= tions ofthis ype. And fllow his esample fou think itis good Tany ease andin the ist instance, “ree version” seems tome tobe the ‘only explanation and reason. The ont thing remaining, dificult to explain isthe human impute that has draw you to this work torescue {om its infeiorgy Bu fone thinks chat the guitar relies on » meager repertoire, and that you are tying to enrich it with your constant efforts ©. “srumental chamsiness, and its atin inferior i eal ori. This leads me to believe that below the subtitle free version, the best hing would be for you to write some lines explaining the reasons for your intervention, Inasmuch as everyone agrees that the majority of Paganini's works are of inferior musical quality, inspite of this its interesting to include it on programs as historical document A note of this kind would not be bad. ‘Arrange i, condense itand send itto me. Did you receive uy previous leter? What do you think about the iea of Sonatina with aSpanish character? Wouldn'you like wo doit? Lardently I's possible that all ofa sudden, Iwill be in Paris, Meckel has a devil ‘may care atsiaade andl Ido not want to trust him with the organization of my next concert in Paris, So Tam going ta look for an impresario, and in ‘order for him to bea decent person Iwon'teven find him with the lantern, ‘of Diogenes. Adios. hug Andsis Sunday. (Septeer 1990) Pretty charrasquita I received your litle note and savored the part about Adela, which I don’t include here because it would make this Jeter to heavy but keep itin my wallet ‘Thank God, Andrés s happy with his Sonata ak you can see. Today the weather changed, It was taining at dawn and Nérs ie deserted. (The “Lolation” continues in fashion.) ‘Tell me ifyou thinkitis necessry that Tsend a check to the bank. Unuiltomorrow prestycharrasquita. Lam fine and..cherest. ‘Athousind Kises from your Trio (On the passenger lst sce: MP Cortot and Mi* Cortat Would they be the wife and daughter ofthe pianis? Since T do nor speak to anyone, T hhave not been abe 1o find out Perhaps Iwill have the opportunity to do M ‘© Dine eickname which Ponce called hia wie 46. qvintr 19301 Mi quride Mansals Ambas carta aan de Uae, Not apres or lode lx Fuga Yo me lf de memoria. Y cuando haya que esti pe eliterla, yx Int pared el orginal extrasiada, “Te mando al numars qu ania de bir de Torroba pore compltr la Suita sutina. Dimes no tea rai, fonaylstma de vere tema indica con tapi 1) tan bill, tan lode pes, ta dnt dl aiajeespasil, reid squid (4 garde ta rxrrs. Es un fragmenta de cancion serena, Lo demas, ‘quesgue esa cancion ede escaso val ar ese azo tn, a menos para mi, tin oer omocimal ewrme Yes nut pale a Toroba que ong mas euidado {yas gto el leron de harmonias,en elder, n lo gracia rita que ‘ha sido hasta hace oc, carats de talent. Se ha enrgado enter ‘alamusion lig detoatmsarae, yea period el pudor artista Paraacabar ‘dentomentesa Sui lhe devudto para qu os age empl te uner. ls envi porque ants 0 susituidos for tos cma ef que t mao Dato esto se dade ue(sin we coraria com ello le drecion des rfrencis) debras ponerte a trabajar sole tomas populares xparoes, no slo fe mi sno ‘para wc, pan, val, Ti tees ux fondo de poesia questo haces eincdir fm a deta cans alsinas de met sud, sugar obras mates, sn a ‘ubordinacion dels de Fla, aestticas de segunda mano, ¥ mas hondas, mas ‘elias mas obs en la expontanead y slide de a teica: No hay wn msg ‘spol actual que se te cmpare en dsipina intriag on rani idaligin, on “abondacay fsidad. Por no consagra tuna parted actividad a reir tamuas maa exparilas, no de os labios pupae, qual tan Bien, sina de a usiconalria des Nin, los Toros actuals, ls Vines ls Soran, ode la ‘stlidad fra del alla dehy co a corte de imtadores de ecto qu lsu, coms Conrado, Turina y Bila? Ta naturabea no tne qu forarse para fentar ene caracter intima dela musica espaol. Si alge fai, un ligoainmersin en el ambiene nacional, ye sorprnder efi vital dels temas qu vs deca ‘las elena orcas. Pr ase: aca de po mont. Tu ae espa, natin ear cai cm la carta d La experiencia. demas en sabe si xn expariacion de tu eft t aria de color demasiado loa, demasiado pinto, 9 aadira encanto ago delalontananca alaintprtaion dl alma ‘musical epoiola. 1 Fal a erin slo, En fin, meextondo demasiade,impusada por mi fen lo qu odrias hace ye xgusto de qu lo hagas. Hag unt final pare no cans y com on ao ‘que compartvas com Clema, se depide dei, tu emigo Ander Daneloons el manuscito de Toba, tdaprisa. Lowy a incur en la Suite ya mandar esta Soc que a ets esprando desde Diciembre psa, “EL13 tengo gua ira Paria pasa dso ts diasy sento mucha no encontrar {i Trabaja en la Smatin, 3 no abandons el concierto! {Sepeember 1080) My dear Manuck T have just received both leters, Do not worry about the Fugue. T know it from memory. And when it has to be wren out for publishing, che misplaced original wll have already reappeared, ‘Lam sending you the litle number that Ijust received from Termba to complete the last Suite. Tell me ifit does not make you mad, to see this theme (marked with red pend so beautiful, so full of poesy very much ‘within the Spanish landscape, preceded and followed by such base vale grtes eis a fragment ofa song from the mountains. The rest, what Follows this song sof scant value, Dut this ile part has atleast forme, an fenormois emotional power. And i i useless to ack Torroba to be more ‘caring and tasteful in choosing the harmonies, development, and rhyth= mic grace chat has been until recently characteristic of his talent He has given himeelfup completelyto the ight musi of thezarauela andi losing Iniaristc honor In order to finish this sate decently have reearned it ‘w himso he can fix tor redo three numbers And he sends them worse than before or substituted by others like the one send you. Fromallthisitis deduced that (your preferences do not go agains this ection) you should put yourself to work using Spanish folk themes, not ‘onl for me, but for vice, piano, violin, etc. You have a depth of poetry that ifyou were to combine them with the many very beautiful melodies ‘of our soil, masterworks would appear, not subordinate to those of Falla, to secont-hand aesthetics, and deeper, more beautiful, more noble in ‘heirspontavelty and technical compactness. There isnot living Spanish :musilan who compares you in sel-dscipline,inideological complexity, infer ancl fait, Why not dedicate a part of your ait in stig See such Spanish melodies, not diretly from the people, since they are fine there, but from the musicovulgarism of the Nin‘, the present Torroba's the Vive's and Serrano's, oF from the cold sterility of today's Falla wih the legion of sucessful imitators who follow im, lke Conrado, ‘Turina and Espia? Your natural ease docs not have to force ise ro penetrate the intimate character of Spanish music. fyou need something, [isa simple immersion into the national environment, to revive the Vil fluids ofthe thenmes you will see lying desiccated in folk collections. But thisis something offitlevalue. You are Spanish and yourinstintwillguide ‘you pracically with the certainty of experience Besides; who knowsifthat xpatiation of your spirit would not liberate you from too much local Color, oo pietiresquc, anda the vague enchantment ofthe background to the interpretation ofthe Spanish musical soul In losing, Ihave gone too far, impelled by my faith in what you are able todo,and the displeasure that you arenot doing it Iwillstop here, so you will ot get worn out, and with a hug dha you wil share with Clem, so Tong, your friend Andes Return Torroba's manuscript to me as soon as you ean, Lam going to include it in the Suite Tam sending to Strecker that he has been waiting for since lst December. have to go o Parison the 134 to spend two or three daysand!Tam very sorry not to see you. Work on the Sonatina and do not abandon the concerto, 47. Mi qumido Manual: Supomgo que Rabas ya ragresado a Paris. Y que la cura de Neri sha sont may Bien sds. Clase encontrar mas sada ‘haba cobrado bis para attacear sin achague el prasimo inv, Asi To dso. “Hest macho que no euerait en Pars, Pash cea de una semana, mide a mayor parte dal tomproen casa, on algunas eScapaas lode tr, olenas horas compa dl Pinch yu mujer: No guise asa a nad, La sledad en (quskepasae a verano, mea wuto mas rao. "Te dir alg que wa eater ub na ha tendo bu obra porque siempre que se ha sto a etudiarn, ha sido prea dela dda desi a btonalidad em nse else o ara un aide uo indica mismo mmo debemoles aaron queen Ua ta. Lo tocaba de wna manera spar, la cabo de rays paraba tambien. No se aria a pragma, yhaeserado aque 0 {o saque de das. Ys lo he raifcad ona Bitonaidad, y cuando sade Pars, lo dgeencariiandase con la obra. [No temas qu ix a aba sin dint, e ena Yo he pad gle. He abla larg tend soll daiadana de carat ylehe dicho, que omo ts ‘qnoraas que huis ocado su ona 0 més afrmativamente, como ti saias que ‘no Ut habia incuito en sus programas, no habias quero inssiv en daca ‘publicamente, para no pone ol trance de tener gue tort, conta su gusto, [pora eorsjonder a aencon...gue oil djabas en lied de tala 0 m0 toca. Y ety saga que chor la oan. {Como Sonatina’ La has comensado? sty dseando vera... Yo teobides de quela eopera Set. ale conalpieeneletrbe, Voy ara Londve antes defn demas, para iprsionar 12 obras en 6 dsc. Voy propor Las Fos x um dis completo decir enrsambos lads. iy tambien aimprsionay in tens repr eel el edi ‘arabe to designo con ee califiativ ako, para quesepas cual, os ek que has ‘sete poral Foes sido dela cancion quero on la Sonat I como ‘andante demas de que tdo ets muy balla que me encanta teat, ky had tayien con al dese de ue pecbas algunas fangs, de deco. ‘Taloeca mi nr de Lads, ase es horas pr Paris, Yo te ava ‘Teabras, Andres speak Sabor Clem. My dear Manuel: [suppose you have already renurned to Paris And the \Neris cure has been very good for both of you. Clema will ind herself healthier and you have probably gained energy to pass the winter without illness. would hope t0 Tas very sorry you were notin Paris Iwas there close a week forthe mos part at home, with some outingsto se Iurbi, and afew hoursin the ‘company of Pincherie and his wife. I did not want anyone to know I was there, The slide in which [spent the summer has made meallthe more. uunsociable. T il ell you something thats going to make you Iugh:Ituebi has not played your work because every time he sits down to sudy it, he isseized bby doubts about whether the kitomaliy was intended or perhaps an omis- son of yours not to have indicated the same nimber of flats inthe left hhand asi the right. He would play icone way and stop, then ply it the ‘other wayand sop again. He did not dare w askyou about itand hasbeen twalting for me to resoke his doubts. confirmed the work's bitonality land wite I left Pars he had become very fond ofthe work. #. Do not worry theses the work without dodicion and gets angry hmesoftened the bow lspentatongtime describing hime senstaty tf your character and I tod him that since you di not know he payed Jour works ormoreafriatveysince you kine hate had notinchaed “nm on his programs, yo had not wanted init on dein to him publ wo you would not be puting him inthe potion of having {play tain ish, to repay the fave ciawap you leave him the eption of paying tor not playing i ‘And Tam cere hat now he wl pay it Hone Sonatina coming? Have you bogun? Tam eager once. And do noc ongetthat Shows wating fort. have got my boot the srrup: am going to London before the end cof te month to record 12 works on Grecord Lam going to propone The Folsom one complete recor, that om both ses, Lm ako going recordifyos awe no objections to the pret arabo—Lqvaly th this designation now, ou wll ow which ane ty hat se one ou ‘rote fo the Folie followed by the encon that you introduced ino the Sonata aandant, Besides the fa that this ery beaut nd ‘hat happy to play Ta ao ding wih he desire ta you get fee francs, forthe ryan Perhaps on my ren rom London I can come through Pris for few hour wile you know. Abo, Andres sept ‘Greetings to Clema 48. treo 19311 _Mi quedo Manolo: Esper te para Florencia yen tanto apscho tempo para mandate sas eas. Como ests; Trabajas mucho Estas content det abajo? g¥ Clema? Sha ran de clara? Ge qu hacia primers de Abita Pais ava tocar yom exe motivo me dendre mas tempo, Yat avo ‘Maina tcaren Siena, por a noche Estan tus variaiones ene frgrama. Y cc qu as por ene de Pars, com poferenciaa ta Sonatina. "No djs de pensar en la Suite Clasico on Re, Me hace mucha fala, Hala muy mlidiza, meldica on sus distnias wen. ¥ mandamda a Gene en cuane la tenga, 1a tenes, por casualidad para fines de Mara, Pasar on easa tad ext 8, iompa, pues concliye en Ital, 27 de marzo, y no itéprobabomente a Pris, hasta psd ol 8 de Abi Dine quise ur temande algo de tists. No hagas (a Ste muy Bach para que no inspire sspoas ef dscabimiento de osm Weis. ‘Bueno, Adios. Na send tiompo de prepara. ‘Saluda corstvemonte a Clana ye arasa te Andres (Febeuary 1981) My dear Manolo: lam waiting for the tain for Forenceand so Twill ake advantage ofthe time to send you these Fines. How are all of you? Are you working very much? Are you plessed with your work? And Clema? Has ehe gotten over her cold? TThelieve Tam gong to Pars towards the beginning of April to ply and {or that reason [ will say longer. wil let you know, ‘Tomorrow night I am playing in Siena. Your variations are on the ‘programm. And Think Iwill purdem on dhe concertin Pazisin preference {othe Sonatina ‘Do not stop thinking about the Suite Cisicain D. I need i¢very much, Makeitvery melodic, melodic in eachoiee. Andsenditiomein Geneva assoon asyou have it iby chance you have it by the end of March. Twill bbe at home the whole time, then I finish in Teay March 27 and I will, probably notreurn wo Pars until after April 8 Tell me ifyou want me to end you something by the hitenists Dernot make the suite very Bache ‘itil not raise mupicions ofthe discovery of another Weiss. ‘Wel, Adios Iris ime to ge ready. Am affectionate greeting for Clama and a hg for you, yours ‘Andre 49. _Miqumide Manual He apt a propescion de care a Opera, Sere 19 dle Mao, porta noche, Me he ssid basta, or han sido tanta y tan fui (as pfs de empresa y de otras personas que he cad. Esty cast seu om tus tes ycon In qu yo rcuerda,d quel concierto sec im. Lowa que me prennipa of prigrama. Pious incur Lx wariacions sabe las fla, sn al ‘reludi, pero com la fuga. Quire toar ls Gigue 9 quid oto mumero del Suite (Weiss. Toaré cut o cinco cosas de Bac, 9 abrir la segunda parte on et ppreambilo que me has hacho ahora, que suena sigue, my bien ‘Tambien tendréqus pons la fede Roussel tal vena rime part. Lo demas, _yestoes Toque siento de vrs tea qu se Terabe, Turina, y Ale, yl siento @ Por que noha habidocomcito en Pars quo has tao esas obras. Poo me ‘omsuca, por era parte, ques pianist impel mismo, gues, oma ‘mssica may superir als mismascsas quo serge oo. "En fin, que diablo, HaréTo que aay del major modo ‘Te suplon que me crveg el pedazo gue ere y que melo mandes Atenas at Acropole Palace, sin periga de tempo, Dime tambien a quion quiets que ‘tiiyanes ol Preamble. Le toma macho a ot minions eontaros det massa Sicres quepasarn, dials, yhan de suscaralguna sospechaairada, smodifabs. Pro por Dios xiboneenseguida porque tengo que dare programa Com omgencia in todo cto tlegraame el nombre del uur para que yo pueda ceoir la isa de ees, poral aches. (Cima ston tus esos? zNoostas ao? Bidmnelot ‘Adelidn me aconpesta a Gracia. Eat sluda y saludo a Clem, 0 tambien. V teabrana tu amigo Andres a ‘My dear Manuel: Ihave accepted the offer to playin la Opera, Iti be ‘May 19, at night. Ihave been resisting it but the impresario and others insisted so much that T have given in. 1 am almost positive with your information and with what remember thatthe concertwillbewelHheard. ‘The only thing that worries me is the program. Iam thinking to include ‘he variations on the ola, without the prelude, butwith the fugue. Iwant toplay the Gigueand perhaps another movement from the Weis Suite... vill ply four or five things by Bach, and will open the second half with the >preambud that so have just writen for me, that sounds vigorous and very good. Also will have o putthe piece by Roussel on the ist hal, perhaps. ‘The rest and this [am truly sorry about, wil have to be Torroba, Turi snd Alsnir, and Lam sorry because there has not been a concertin Par Inhich I have not played these works. On the other hand, Lam consoled by the fact that pianists always play the same chings, albeit music far ssiperior to the same things Fam always paying. In closing, to hell wth it wil do-what [can and in the best ay. Teg you to make an arrangement for me ofthis Tile fragment I am sending you and send itto me atthe Athens’ AcopolePalac do not waste any time, Also, tell me to whom we are ausibuting the Praambul. 1m {Primer movinicaso de Ste co Re, publica cn 1967 (Pint movement of te Site nD, pated 108 . | very worsied about the contrary movements ofthe maestoso. Ifyou think ‘hey will work, leave them alone, and if they are going toraise some angry suspicions, mol hem. But fr the love of God, write to meimmediately ‘because Ihave wo turn the program in urgently In any case, telegraph me the name of dhe author so [can send the list of names forthe postr. ‘ow are your matters going? Do you need anything? Ask mel Adelaida is coming to Greece with me. She sends her best to you ancl Clema, and Ido t00. Anda hug for you, your fiend ‘Ares Sure Xxx 50, [Abi 1931 ‘Mique Mana: He suds oer de Barn. a darn concerto bi para lor a ponerme on contacto co la eta, cam los maiz. yc la racer dete. ‘a sai rapa y tab la, el eito ha sido debra mason umes violinists clits yes instramentisas gue aplaudinon wich ta ‘obra, la de Bach ta de Wiss. Ahora exper as rica. “El emprserio me iz las cucnas da gran eaten “Enure picos,palasy azadones fen doblones.-" Peo como solo presenta of a Bevin sin asegurarme 400 mavens (uation us) por una seance en el Radia. Que me han servido para tar ls bogus det tafe “ahora cml, uri Mane Tor prs gun del abandono ow det pu on cua rata dc a noes os de certo i. Ta mal, yc dean cantar depo ay tds are Comoe ts? Tera ences Mare pu ns afro melodies uta de corms pao deen uth bo pares alone dam vss Yat abs sais coment malemente@ mus ae, cane nid ‘Reiter ma de Shot? ect tain 500 fans ue ot mande? ntact de cr ‘Adi. Oars de usr hermane Andi Semecbiala dea le encod atin Fei Goria Sanh Elan fad, cand stse on Maid lac ain om AC. de tu debris tr cts pubis ya sabes us ds nas chal a nen ron x para ena wn momento om Mahi, Treg Yo cant ton mimi mas co yma enced decors hari ara rests usd eect os gues ime paradalecurpo, ‘lo mandado noi cris ol ARC lata que ann de Tana ha wr que ce buen igo madagascar econo Cons his neo at mmo de Try gue eed [pul quehas ec cradles quelaguilana ea ms dante Homenge Scat Poe on ents, j manda logue. me ris ra tion, on ue doe oem na fates, 0x Caria ale snag IK Te wrt “Bueno ain, Tera, Andres Dayne mi banc para gue mane ts 500 fan fn de que compres alga chuchia coma component de pasos. [sprit 1981) ‘My dear Manuel: I got back from Berlin yesterday. Lwent thereto give public concer in order to getin contact with the eres, the musicians. ‘and with the swindling impresaios, “The lite all was small an ful, the success was with a capital S, there ‘were many violinists, cellists and other instrumentals who applauded your work a great deal, the one on Bach and on Weis... Now Lam waiting foe the reviews “The impresario gave me a fee worthy ofthe ‘gran capitan’ “Among pick, shovels and spades a hundred dubloons. But ar [vss afraid, I did not go to Berlin without assuring myself 400 marks (four hundred) fora sezzzon the ratio. Which has been useful for covering the gapsin the deficit. "These are bad ies, dear Manuel. Allthe impresarios are complaining bout the dreadful neglect of the public, even when dealing with the names of favorite divas It all going very badly and we should even ‘content ourselves that iis not going worse How are all of you? Learnesty beg you, Manvel ifyou havesome needs, syoitaskmeby return mail. Whatever piece of bread thereiswe will happily shareitwithyou. Youalreadyknowthat ltwould notbeafaireciprocation ‘of our affections were you to hide some necessiy from us. Have you received the sum from Schott? Did you also receive 500 francs that sent you? Answer me by recurn mail ‘Adios. Aug fom your brother “Andrs, 2 | forgottotell you something: In Berlin I met Feerico Garcia Sanchis. Last year, when Iwas in Madrid, he proposed the ide in ABC that we should unite our audiencee—you already know that he gave some ‘alks that were very sccessful—to ree a mortument in Madd to Tarregs I answered with my most cordial agreementand our encounter now served to determine the scope of the project, and to choose the month of February to enactit He his sent concrete information to.ABC. and the leuer from Turina tht T enclose will make you see this good friend gets up preay early. I woul like you to write something to the memory of "Tarrega for this concertconference, since you are the hera ofthe guitar and since you have writen other works for those for whom the guitar was more disant—Homenaje a Schubert. Begin ic with enthusiasm... and send me whatyouvric. you willpermitmea suggestion Ithink itshould De something lke a fantasia or a Capricho, or something very XIX" century. Okay? Well adios. hug for you, Andres Tam having my bank send you another 500 francs x0 you will buy some senall hing for Baste. 51 Hotel Majestic. Proce de Bie Posis Lanes noch. ‘Querido Manual: Me he quadada n mi haitacon trabajando, Ente las as (pie he rips mds cudadxamente tar las varias sore las Folia. ¥ 0 Aecesario, absolutamente necesario, que consages tu la masiana ete en ‘amponer tna waiacon mas en trimala, ev modo mena, my melodica, 65 iempos, mas ben lange que cata, y no mes complica, ava que yo ucla stdin de au al cociet.Algy pec ae dijo: CP re pean ue movimiets d jes intrerie!” Fs asoutamente recs. He aba ited sa formula ecnienentve dos vriacinas, 93 den efecto admiabl. (> Pst tcc Varian XV Moda, os rae, pus, ayudar al exit dela obra Trabajla yt sale, wena traermel, ‘mas pronto que usd. ‘Adis. hasta luego, Un abrazo, Anas 1d 2000 Hovel Majestic ‘Avene Kleber Place de Etoile Pais ‘Monday night. ‘Dear Manic: have been in my room working. Among the things been going over most carefilly ae the variations on the Folias. Ac etary, ables nexasary that you dedicate al of tomorrow in compos ing one morevaristion in tremolo, in minar, very melodic, in triple meter, beter long than short, and not very complicated, so T ean sudy it from ow nil the concert. Something similar to this sketch: i i le ‘and with an interesting bass ine. Tt is absolutely necessary. I have tried inserting this technical device between two ariations and ithas an admirable effect. Iecan thus help the sucoess of the work, Work on itand ifitcomes out, bring itto me, as fst sayou can ‘Adios. Uni ater, Atmos, Andre ag 38 52. Hd Nacional Pasa dl Prado ‘Madd ‘Querido Mand: Aqui me tenes on Madrid, vicina deen goede mala suerte. Faia Malaga a buscar mi a. Yyaen Madrid com la, sla encomendé wna porita de Adlaida por que ura a probose op despa. A a una sera ele ocure la peregrina ide de tera sos apy asustada como i 15 Pomiy poised as Variation XVI Moder, o ia (43 arose clause; toe 58; sald, pune dein del lato mateo para entrar en foe) en el Mato. En efoto, rod por las escaleas abajo ys frat el raze por et cada. Y aga tenet el reulads: operaciones, gustos eres, ‘placamiont de jee ‘Mi tae una santa, na wear santa, Nada de eae, Igual que, parece (pu tone a seguridad de comar a Dios ene ss inimos args, justine @ Te rela de ta mds fina decade, no lo anda importananda con rues i “edo atten, todo acta sm naturalidad y su comportamiens en ‘ tromende dolor desu brazo hecho ics, ha sido somos, Nun grit ni una (pia Silas ansguon cremate educion a en al mati, compen al rvhato de las gens a facil coucha deposits. Bl doctor gue la ha eprado ‘labo verdaderamens pasmade 43 aguante, bias. ‘Porlo demas, yo ampora me hessstaidoal colts de la malaracha. Yatecontaré ‘snando nos voamos. {Que hace? {Tabgjas mucho? Esereme aqui. Yo perma ‘rk en Madd una semana ain. “Mi dimecon noel dal papel Hetenido qu ijarme bajo who mas modesto. Estey en wna pension ques lama Pats Resa. De petit ote todo, y nada de sil Las eas son Monte, 54. Adios Abaca @ Cloma, 9 sabes mandas a tu hermano “Andres 10, no. 000 Hotel Nacional Paseo del Prado Mack Dear Manet: Here Lam in Madi, victim ofa stroke of bad luck Iwent to Malag to look after my aunt. And once we got to Madrid, I entrusted her in the hands of relative of Adelaide, This good woman came up with the Byzantineidea of putting aperion ax dumb and frightened as my aunt (Gloistered 48 years; she is 58; one could say she came out from the maternal loiter to go into the other) on the Metro. So she fell down the eps and fractured her arm at the elbow. And these are the results ‘operations enormous expenses, and postponed tips ‘My auntisasaing rue saint, Not sanctimonious. Likeyou,itisasthough she has the security of counting God among her intimate friends, and adjuding herself tothe finest rls of etiquette, she does not go nagging ‘about with requests, Everything is fine, she accepts everything as natal land her behavior in the Fae ofthe tremendous pain thatherarm broken, ‘nto bits has caused her ie surprising, Nether #teream nor 2 complaint I the ancient Christians conducted themscives like chain ther martyr~ 5 dom, can understand the esas fhe people ane the cas harvest of a ce Te dor wh operated os her ane stounded and tides operons NS nae Pier hee Lauded he end of hi teak ck 1 Oita where together What ae you pt? Ae yu working reuse wme here Lansing Jn Madd one more Wek sivedessnucncone on pe sede ml ner aed scnrot laminatmanghs cle de Pets Roya Fron Spy ge crying, and nang tom mt Te aris Montes, a Jo. fg fo lem, yo ko Tam at your serve “ * me ‘Andres: 53. arte (Querido mare No tee quid scribr en espera deraticiasemartas qu Yo oy bastante mej er temo aber eid en manos demaviato intra, Maina opasadeié a consular oi medio para wer meda data yaljarme ‘de ate, queasy deseromocio,oguzd for eso mismo, esta exagerando mucho “ pasa e en para ft i "Adalaida i a pasase 15 dasa wna clinica mas en pre afar nus narcos era lender as esto. Comencar la cara dei de nes och dias. Ya (rasisané para ori nos runomos nto. Ears aun ahi? Contest, “He evo a Scott) le be halads de tus varacones.Adjunta to conetaion. Si 6 asmodan eas condiciones exible ty ponte de acuerdo can dk. ¥ ex cso tfrmativo avsame para exci Ux ola. Hay que sca a fga. Mira en boda pts avert quota algunos Boradors ¥en dado cao yo la trazaréen lapis, la comgir * Canustame ese, Sala Clema de part de deli de mi ti. de mis odes nae nis tambien para abr oe Andres ‘Dear Manuel: have not wanted to write in wait for firm news to gi you. Tam much beter, bat Tam asd T have fallen into greedy hand ‘Tomorrow or the day after Ta going to consult with another doctor to sceit he gives ea clesn bill of health, andJeavethisonewho even though the is so well Known, or perhaps for that reason, is exaggerating his care too much. % Adela is going to spend 15 days in a clinic more to calm her nerves than to take care of her stomach. She ill begin the treatment within some ight days ill keep you aehised see if we can get together then. Will ‘you sil be there? Answer me. have written to Schott and spoke o him about the variations. tached isthe response. Ifyou are comfortable wth these conditions write to him yourself and enter into an agreement with him, And in the affirmative cas, let me Know to write our the work. The fugue must be looked for Look everywhere to sce you have any rough drafs. And in sucha case T ssilltrace it in pencil and you wil correct it. Ansyer me at once. Best vo Clena from Adelsida, my aunt and myself, and we ll join into give a hug to you ao ‘Yours. Andres, 54, 21. fio AT {Alivicias, quarido Manuel Ya ety sano. Dé der al min cuatro os das, _y despareiron lo sintomast El sincera me aba cand cm ex. ¥ “x0 queer casi un amigo! Y eo que ea cas wr msc. Bn fr.! Busgud el ‘erifcato de oto, que confirma mi curacion, yya rsp “Ahi a l fuga. Poona lo laps. Conia y mandamela, par incorponaria ensqia cas vriacioesyemitnelas Strecker Siu no leas exert, fidale 2.000 fiancas ominimo... Yo nforaare tu aticon aon algunas consideracones “Adelaidasgue igual. Uno de stds ia cea cli. "No quer vetararla sada de esa fore corto aqui. Nbraxs ara ty Clea de cuatro Andres 21 July 1981 Good news, dear Manuel! Now Lam well. I topped going tothe doctor four ar sx days ago, and uhe symptoms disappeared! The scoundtel was ‘caring me with excess. And this when he was almost friend! And thi ‘when he was almosta musician! At st. looked for the corroboration ‘of another that confirmed my cure, and now Lean breath freely— ere isthe fugue. Excuse the Inpses, Correct it and send it t me to Incorporate tat once withthe variations and send them on to Strecker. IF you sil have not writen him, ask him for 2,000 francs minimurn..T will back up your request with a recommendation. ‘Adelaida i the same. One of these days she i going oa clnic. 7. 1 do not want to delay geting this out and so Iwill short here, Hugs feryouand Clea fom m Andres 55. Mique Mon Fy eterna dgtcon deans ype eras mon Sh Den de ot is edge ‘teste mahadoe Pens Hectares achemang Aida ym nin Bp eon tata dis rd il roc “esp ut nears, h saad lon de ue Fl foe i tly bonded crema Noha xa of dea bb ‘ignrto near de Sle in mpc crt, gute ‘eee gs rt Eerie sh aad eid tn. Sxemlrg nna mh ncn sel od de, cs r2 ‘Gatseeon ue ler ta propane oom ee “evo hdc ur oi ha stn fore um mee dati i ama eg pe si mae al ert de i eas telnet ce Yo ug uo n= Frente yasteb he dee aa, ma tabi proabigue me hye eo Cote marde fast nla tino qu Sata nti por lf mate crn con on ‘ra le mer ino cnc y complacent. Ta “Sta queen ations pon met cpus i ugrmrti Grr ans laste. Ef hatred Pape deme Sj ators ue dpogni deo con mim Til oon tamer Demat opr meh pia om nines que ee vedas nas or auc elas pals sta des

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