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TUESDAY 9th November 2010


Present: Sharon Connolly (Chair), Penny Cox (Secretary), Emma Smith, Jackie Forbes
(Treasurer) Jane Sheldon (Head Teacher), Lisa Christmas, Islean Lyle, Helen Gibson,
Angie Johnston, Lynsey Paterson, Lorraine Tomb, Kim Simpson

Apologies: Lesley English, Jenny Green

1. Minutes of last meeting

Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

2. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.

3. School Update
Newsletter has been released and circulated. Parents are now aware we have another
Probationer (Miss Williamson) for P2/P3. The extra resource will enable the school to free up
Mrs Lyle to spend more time embedding the new curriculum of excellence. Mrs Lyle is
currently mentoring and overseeing the change over of the new probationer on a daily basis to
ensure continuity of standards.

New Bike Stand has been installed as part of a grant from Sustrans. It is located on the
opposite side of the school just inside the green gate. It is not covered nor is it policed and as
always if the pupils wish to bring their bikes to school they do so at their own risk. It is
therefore recommended that locks are used at all times.

The School have gained their second Eco Flag after rigorous assessment. This is now in
place. Mrs Sheldon commented that they had had a super day and the panel were very
complimentary and very impressed with what the school is doing. They particularly liked the
idea of using the Eco School Science Planners for part of the science curriculum.

There was a fantastic turn out at Perth 800 Curriculum Afternoon. 79 Adults attended which
was twice as much as anticipated. The new sound system made such a difference to the whole
performance. Mrs Sheldon mentioned that there needed to be a chase on the lights that were
on order. Mrs Connolly confirmed she would speak to D3. The school is also looking into
getting headset microphones.
4. Chair’s Report
a) Possible crèche for Christmas concert
Results from the Crèche survey – 4 people would be interested and willing to pay There was
therefore not enough interest for the Parent Council to take this forward.

b) Out of School Club Suggestion

Sharon Connolly had spoken to and been in email contact with Susan Johnson of the Out of
School Network. It is unlikely that that out of school care would be funded or organised by
the council. This is not helped with the likely cut backs.
Question raised by Lyndsey Paterson around whether we could utilise the after school club
currently in place at Errol. Mrs Sheldon said that all Out of School Clubs are open to Perth &
Kinross School Children. . The difficulty would be the question of ‘how’ the children are
transported. A couple of suggestions around a bus or obtaining taxis, dependant on the
number of pupils requiring the service. Mrs Connolly was to meet with Susan Johnston to
discuss going forward generally with this and the possibility of using access to Errol’s after
school club.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Jackie circulated the annual profit and loss accounts to those in attendance. The current
balance as per the account is £4,299.67. We have now received the grant from Awards for
All so we have a balance of approx £8,000. Jane Brown has checked the accounts in the past
and Jackie will ask her again. Mrs Connolly commended on receiving a congratulatory letter
from Rosanna Cunningham MSP, Mrs Connolly asked if she would like to attend the
Christmas concert to see the purchase in action – to date no response.
The money raised prior to gaining the grant can now be allocated for other things. Mrs
Sheldon and the teachers are to establish how best to allocated. School Trips usually incur a
£100 bus cost, therefore, some of the money will be utilised to fund these.

6. Fundraising Update
a) Halloween Disco. This will take took place on 1st November with 108 children in

b) School Calendar. If anyone is interested in being involved please be in touch with Sharon
(tel. 860522). To date no one has volunteer for this, therefore it is unlikely to happen this

c) Fundraising Group – Unfortunately no one has come forward to help co-ordinate

fundraising activities. Unless people come forward events such as the daffodil tea may not be
able to proceed.

7. Christmas Nativity/Show
This year’s show will be called “Witness to the Great Event” and will involve all classes
throughout the play, rather than separate classes doing different performances.

Volunteers were requested again to assist with the Christmas parties and raffle at the
Christmas Concert.
Agreement was reached on the following;
Presents: generic girl and boy appropriate to age ranges, Lyndsey Paterson and Lorraine Tomb
agreed to select the presents through Baker Ross and the like.
Angie Johnston and Helen Gibson agreed to wrapping the presents and will look for additional
Raffle Prizes – looking for donations
Agreed: Hamper and flowers will be supplied for each day if insufficient things handed in

Volunteers for Santa are being requested – cushions will be provided! Kim Simpson has
agreed to donate a Santa suit for the event.

P7 will not have a Christmas party this year they will be taken to the pictures instead. It was
established that 4 cars would be required, taking 3 children each. The exact logistics are to be
decided, however, the venue is the Perth cinema and the pupils will get to choose the film they
would like to see.

Christmas Concert dates are 13th, 14th and 15th December. On the 15th as parents may be in
attendance the raffle will be charged as in the other shows.

9. AOB
After a dutiful service, Penny Cox has rescinded her duties as Secretary and has handed over
the reigns to Kim Simpson. This was proposed and seconded by Mrs Connolly and Lorraine
Tomb respectively.

10. Date of Next Meetings

Next PC Meeting 1st February 2011 7pm in the GP Room

All welcome.

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