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Earthquake induced landslides

There are many possible conditions or factors that can influence or cause a
landslide in different ways at any one time. They can be either natural processes or
from human activities.

Seismic activities have always been a main cause of landslides throughout the
First factor is Earthquake -When earthquakes occur on areas with steep slopes,
many times the soil slips causing landslides.
When we say earthquake it is the ground shaking of the earth and it forms a ground
vibrations that causes landslide… a landslide happens more often when there is a
deformation on the ground materials like the soil, rocks or debris..
Another factor is the…
Heavy Rainfall: When sloped areas become completely saturated by heavy
rainfall many times landslides can occur. ( because Without the aid of mechanical
root support the soil simply runs off when it contains too much water. Because too
much pressure in the slope landslides are triggered due to the weakening of the
slope material.
Next is
Human activities like mining or quarrying cutting of trees and human construction
on a slope like roads,houses and building can cause the instability of slope which
lead to the loss of deeply roting trees and soil. Those method is hazardous because
it destroys the existing mechanical root structure or the support on the ground.
Without the mechanical root support in that particular area it is more prone to
landslide because of the continual destruction of the slope material

And now lets proceed to the types of landslides:

First is rockfall- rockfall happens when there are gravity or mechanical weathering
which influenced by an earthquake that causes a detached rock that fall freely for
some distance next is
Topples- eto is nangyayari kadalasan sa bridges under the actions of gravity and
forces exerted by adjacent units or by fluids in cracks.

Flows this is common during the rainy season because of the excessive rainfall in
the hill or slope that result to weakening of soil materials that can cause landslides
Lastly is the lateral spreads
Lateral spreads are distinctive because they usually occur on very gentle slopes
or flat terrain. (the failure is caused by liquefaction) ILLUSTRATE!!!

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