Disney Princess vs. Antagonists Script Play

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Narrator: Ladies, Gents, Children of any gender, make sure to have your popcorn beside you and drinks

of any kind because

you're about to enter the magical place filled with love and imagination where everything is possible, Disney (shimmering

Narrator: In a far away land of different kinds of kingdoms, prince and princesses are having a happy life with their happy
every after. Despite of far distances, prince and princesses are still friends because of victory. Distance does not matter in
friendship. But we should think of second thoughts, we don't know what the villains will do next. Will they seek revenge?
Will they accept their defeat? Let's find out.

Prince Eric: Your Majesty? At last, I’ve found someone who makes me eager to seize the future and claim my birthright as
(looks to ARIEL) But if I slip out to sea sometimes, I hope she’ll be right there beside me.
(to KING TRITON) May I have her hand?
King Triton: Ariel can speak for herself.
Prince Eric: She can?
(Part of Your World starts)
(Prince Eric and Ariel dance)
Narrator: A week passed since Prince Eric’s proposal to Ariel...

[URSULA’S SCENE: deep in the Bermuda Triangle]

(Ursula wakes up)
Ursula: ugghh... where am I? (tanaw sa paligid pati sa iyang mga samad) I’m terribly hurt... who did this to me? (went crazy,
trying to remember something)
Ursula: A.. Ari.. Arieeel!!!! (went rampage) I WILL FIND YOU!!!
(swims very hard towards her lair)
Ursula: psh
Narration: Ursula tried and tried to come back to her ruined lair to complete her revenge, from eight tentacles to seven. She
couldn't accept it! She must have revenge!
Ursula: This is a wreck! Oh well, I'll fix you later honey, right now, I have to heal my wounds and go to shore and find that
pesk Ariel who ruined my life and killed my babies.

[EVIL QUEEN’S SCENE: in the woods]

Narrator: A few days later, the Queen found out that Snow White was still alive. This time, she came dressed as an old lady.
Queen: Good morning, beautiful girl. Would you like to share my apple?
Snow White: It looks delicious! Thank you, kind lady.
Narrator: Snow White took a bite and fell down as if dead.
Queen: Finally, she’s dead! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Dwarf 1, 2, & 3: Oh no! The Queen has finally killed Snow White!
Narrator: The dwarfs were sobbing in front of snow white's dead-like body, but they didn't know she's just in a deep
slumber. They dressed her up, put her on a bed of roses, traveled in the forest and mourned. One day a prince rode by.
Prince: What a beautiful girl! I think I have fallen in love for her.
Narrator: As the prince went to kiss her, the apple fell out of Snow White’s mouth. The prince and dwarfs' reaction was so
bright, seeing that Snow White's eyes are slowly opening and her pinkish cheeks are slowly coming back on her beautiful
pale face.
Prince: Are you okay? What is your name, beautiful girl?
Snow White: (blushing) My name is Snow White. Thank you for saving me.
Prince: Will you marry me, Snow White?
Snow White: Yes, I will.
Narrator: The Prince and Snow White got married and lived happily ever after.

[JAFAR’S SCENE: middle of a desert far from Agrabah]

(a boy looking for water appears)
Boy: water... water... water! I need some water!
(boy founds a shiny thing in the distance)
Boy: what’s that? It must be gold! Well I could use that to buy some water, I guess?
(boy comes near to the shiny thing and picks it up)
Boy: a lamp in a desert? Cool! This must be the famous lamp!
(boy rubs the lamp and the genie appears)
Jafar: FINALLY! I am now free from the stupid lamp! Ha, ha, ha, ha! The universe is mine to command, to control!
Boy: uhm excuse me? Can I have my 3 wishes now?
Jafar: Shut up.
(Jafar kills the boy)
Jafar: Yes! Yes! The power! The absolute power! Ha, ha, ha, ha! I WILL FIND YOU ALADDIN!!
Narrator: Jafar went rampage and got more powerful. He then teleported the other villains to where he is to help him take
over the world..

[MALEFICENT’S SCENE: in magical forest]

Prince Philip: Five years ago I thought I lost you forever. There is no curse that could ever take me away from you. Will you
marry me?
Aurora: (smiling) yes!
(Aurora & Philip hugs)
Philip: Let’s have a dinner at the kingdom, bring Maleficent as well. I love you
Aurora: Alright, see you. Love you too
(Philip leaves)
(Aurora went to find Maleficent)
Aurora: (shouts) Godmother?... Godmother!... where are you?
(Maleficent answers from the distance)
Maleficent: (shouts) what is it? I’m near the bridge!
Aurora: coming!

Narrator: Aurora went to the bridge to tell Maleficent about Prince Philip’s proposal. However, Maleficent wasn’t in there.
She’s gone and nowhere to be found as if she’s missing.

[SCENE: at the desert)

Ursula: How did you.. who are you?
Evil Queen: where am I?!
Ursula/Queen/Maleficent: WHO SENT ME HERE?
Jafar: I am Jafar, and I need your help on taking over the world to seek revenge. Muah ha ha ha ha!
Narration: Jafar further explains his plans on seeking revenge by taking over the world. Ursula and the Evil Queen both
agrees since they too wants to seek revenge on Ariel and Snow White
Maleficent: Fools. Did you really think that you could use me to help you achieve your foolish plans?
(Maleficent tries to escape but—)
Jafar: then I guess you want your little beasty together with its prince to get crushed on my evil hands
Maleficent: being a fool doesn’t make you more powerful
(Jafar signals Evil Queen)
(Evil Queen shows Aurora and Philip in danger throughthe mirror)
Maleficent: Fine, just promise me not to hurt them
Narrator: And that is how the villains where united and planned to take over the world in order to get revenge. Although
Maleficent wasn’t really willing to join, she was forced to do so because of the false future Evil Queen showed her.

[SCENE: Agrabah]
Snow White: How about you, Aurora? How’s the search of your godmother?
Aurora: It’s been a month now since she went missing, but the magical forest helped a lot.
Ariel: Yeah for sure, good thing the plants saw how Maleficent got teleported somewhere.
Jasmine: I see we still don’t have any clues where she might be, huh?
Aurora: Yes but one thing’s for sure, she’s safe, and I can feel it.
Snow: Let’s just keep our hopes up ladies, we know Maleficent. She’s the bravest.
Ariel: Yeah, you’re right.

[SCENE: road]
(Aladdin whistling while on his journey with a big bag)
Aladdin: 3 more towns and I’ll be seeing my Princess Jasmine!
(continues to whistle)
(Aladdin sees an old man walking towards him)
Old man: (mumbling) hungry... so hungry... food...
Aladdin: good day sir, would you like to have a piece of my bread?
Old man: I’d really appreciate it, young man.
(Aladdin gives the bread)
Aladdin: Here you go sir
Old man: (smiles) may I ask your name, handsome boy?
Aladdin: the name’s Aladdin, nice to meet you uhh?
Old man: Frank.
Aladdin: nice to meet you Frank
Old man: my pleasure. Thank you very much,
Aladdin. In exchange, would you like me to give you an advice? I’m a fortune teller, boy
Aladdin: sure, I’d be happy to
(old man gets his crystal sphere)
(old man looks at Aladdin’s dark future)
Old man: (frightens) oh boy.. I recommend you to spend the night here and not go on a journey alone. Your life is in
Aladdin: (confused) w-what? no, I really have to go home before midnight. I’m going to propose to my lovely Jasmine. I’ve
already planned everything. I’ll be careful on my way, thank you.
(Aladdin rushes home, running)
Old man: be careful on your way home, young man!
Aladdin: thanks!! you too!!
Narrator: Aladdin was so confused and anxious with what the old man has said to him, but because of the word he gave to
her dear Jasmine, he must go home, he has too.
After running for miles and miles to see his love, Aladdin felt tired, and thought of resting on a near by forest.
Aladdin: Tomorrow has to be perfect! A few minutes of rest wouldn't hurt right? Ugh! This would've been easier with my
magic car—
(Aladdin gets kidnapped by Maleficent)
(Aladdin tried to shout but can’t)
(Florian katamak ug branch while hiding)
Queen: show yourself, Florian
(Florian runs to not get caught)
Maleficent: (uses her magic to freeze Florian) stop right there little boy
(Aladdin mumbles but can’t speak)
Florian: why are you doing this? we were so worried about you, especially Aurora.
Maleficent: just shut up, I don’t want to hurt anyone

[SCENE: Agrabah (early in the morning)]

Jasmine: (stretch)(whispers in the air) Good morning my dear Aladdin, I’m so excited to finally see you later——Wait. I gotta
practice! “How was the trip?” (balik-balik murag nag prac)

[SCENE: Prince Eric’s Castle]

(Ursula dresses up as a maiden)
Ursula: help! help! somebody’s help me! please!
Narrator: Eric was so confused where that call came from, so he search for it. Looking near the garden, he found the maiden
hanging from a tree.
Eric: Hang on miss! I'm gonna get a ladder.
(Pahulog hulog kuno)
Ursula: AHHHH!
Eric: jump! I’m gonna catch you!
(Nahulog na salo)
Ursula: thank you kind sir!(evil smile)
Ursula: JAFAR!!
NARRATE (Na wala silang duha in thin air kay gi balik sila ni Ursula sa evil lair) ibutang ngano gitawag si jafar

[SCENE: Moors]
Narrator: Aurora is worried again about her Godmother being vanished somewhere else by someone whom she does not
Aurora: Philip, it’s been a month now since godmother was caught. I'm worried (sobs)
Philip: We’re gonna find her darling, I know we could. She's safe wherever she is, she's the most powerful woman I know.
Aurora: Who ever captured her will suffer of what it has done to my godmo—
Jafar:(comes out from the dark) Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm a He, Jafar to be exact. We'll see about what you and your little pesky
friends will do! Catch us if you can beasty!
(Pagka mention na beasty kabalo na sya na iyang Godmother naa sa kamot ni Jafar)
(Jafar nag snap ug finger nya na wala kauban si Philip)
Narration: Ursula's evil plan worked! He caught eric successfully with the help of Jafar's magic. They both are in the evil lair
where they put all the captured princes.

[SCENE: Agrabah]
(crow tries to speak but Aurora isn’t minding him)
Snow White: uhh.. I think he’s trying to say something?
Aurora: Diaval?
(crow speaks)
Aurora: what? you know where godmother and the other princes are?
(crow speaks)
Aurora: he says they’re at the temple where Aladdin found the lamp before
(crow speaks)
Aurora: Thank you
Jasmine: wow you guys must be crazy
Ariel: you think that’s crazy? I talk to fishes
Snow White: So what’s the plan?
Jasmine: I’ll ask Aladdin first by the time he gets here where the temple is
(crow speaks)
Aurora & Snow White: what?!
Aurora: oh dear
Jasmine: what did he say?!
Ariel: what happened?!
Snow White: he says that our princes are all captured by the bad guys
Jasmine: oh no, must be the reason why Aladdin isn’t home yet from his journey
(all princesses look depressed)
(all princesses talk)
Narrator: The princesses planned about what they are going to do to save their knights. They were unsure if they will
succeed or not but they gave it a
okay try anyway.
Aurora: (to crow) tell godmother we’re coming
Narrator: The princesses were planning to go to the temple where the villains are to rescue their princes and Maleficent
from them. Their plan was to ask the famous old man, known as the “most powerful magi” to help them rescue the princes.
They also asked Ariel’s father, King Triton, to help them. After planning, they went straight to the temple to fight the
villains. Once they reached near the temple, they start doing their plan.
(niadtong mga princess duol sa temple)
(the princesses start their ritual)


Narrator: King Triton and the old man enter the temple and met Ursula guarding the entrance. The other princesses stayed
outside to do their ritual while Ariel and Jasmine helped King Triton and the old man.
(King Triton, the old man, and the other princesses enter the temple)
Jafar: What?! How?! How did you locate our lair?!
Jasmine: Not that smart after all you evil hag!
Aurora: Where’s our princes Jafar?!
Jasmine: Return them to us!
Jafar: Blah! Blah! Blah! You think you can get them with just your words? Come on little princesses you know you can’t
handle us villains. You are all too weak for us!
Aurora: Oh really? Don’t be so confident with that Jafar! You don’t know us yet, we’re not only princesses, we also fight for
our kingdoms from evil duers like you. We out smarted you with finding your evil lair what more can you do.
(Nag init na ang ulo ni Jafar napikon na kay Aurora)
Jafar: Let’s see about that!
(Jafar throws Aurora in the air)
Aladdin: HMMMMM!(mumbling somewhere else)
Jasmine: We’re coming!
(Dagan pa likod sa stage pero wa ka abot kay..)
Ursula: Hello there ugly fish! Where do you think you’re going?
Triton: Don’t you dare touch my princess you squid!
Triton: Just go ahead without me pal, I’ll deal with her.
Old man: You really sure, Your Majesty?
Triton: Yes, don’t worry about me.
Old man: Let’s go, Princess Jasmine.
Narrator: The heat is on! Ursula tried to kill King Triton but she didn’t even scratch or hit him. It ended up that King
Triton cut Ursula’s tentacles
King Triton finishes Ursula and she died)
King Triton: Love Ursula, love is the reason why I became so powerful, I couldn’t let you touch my little Ariel.
Narrator: King Triton hugs her little Ariel and went to help the other princesses stop the evil ritual.


Evil Queen: well, look who’s here to pinch me?
Jasmine: pinch, huh?
Narrator: The old man does his magic that made Evil Queen vomit. Little did she know it was a very dangerous poison.
Evil Queen: What happened?!
Old man: It’s poison that could kill you in less than an hour, only this apple can save you. But of course, everything has
Jasmine: gotta choose wisely, Queen
Evil Queen ha! as if you pigs could kill me with that poiso—
*Evil Queen vomits again*
Jasmine: ew!
Old man: time is running, Queen
Narrator: The Evil Queen attacks but missed it due to her condition
Jasmine: that really sucks, dear
Evil Queen: my powers are now useless so fine! How do I get that antidote?
Old man: since it’s too sad to see you suffer, it’s free
Narrator: Evil Queen quickly went to get the apple and ate it. She did not know that the apple lets you sleep eternally
without any solution which means, EVIL QUEEN IS DEAD!
Jasmine: I’ll go rescue the princes
(girescue ni Jasmin ang mga nakatali na prince)
Old man: Alright, I’ll wait for you hear to recover my mana
Narrator: narescue na nila ol kulang nalang kay mabuo ilang sariling ritual arun ma stop na tu


Narrator: Maleficent heard Aurora’s voice in sorrow and couldn’t bare hearing it.
(Aurora nakatali)
Jafar: You are no match with how powerful I am Aurora! Give up and tell me who sent you the information that we did the
kidnapping and make you find out that this is our evil lair!
Aurora: Never!
Jafar: Then you have chosen death!
Narrator: When Jafar did the action of killing Aurora, someone came in surprise.
Maleficent: Don’t you even dare Jafar!
Jafar: Maleficent! It’s you! You’re the traitor!
Maleficent: I told you not to touch my little beasty and that prince of hers! But you did! The deal was so clear Jafar!
Jafar: I should’ve just killed you in the first place, you traitor! I’m gonna kill you! I’m gonna kill Aurora! I’m gonna kill you
Narrator: Jafar pointed his knife to Aurora and use her as a hostage however…
*Jasmine and Old man enters the room*
Old man: STOP!
Narrator: Everyone in the room except Jasmine and the Old man himself freezes and cannot move.
Old man: kill the bad guy, Jasmine
Narrator: Jasmine slays the lamp that Jafar was hiding, which killed Jafar
Old man: may the frozen be watered with my magic *swishes his hand*
Narrator: Thanks to the spell the Old man said, Maleficent and Aurora can now move.
Maleficent: what just happened? who are you guys? Beasty! *Maleficent hugs Aurora*
Jasmine: Why are you here Aurora? You’re supposed to be with the others helping with the ritual.
Aurora: I heard screams that made me worry that’s why.. I’m sorry
Old man: that’s all right, go ahead and tell your godmother what you wanted to say
Aurora: Godmother… I really missed you
Maleficent: that’s so cute of you beasty… I missed you as well!
Aurora: I have something to tell you, it’s about Philip and I
Maleficent: It’s a yes beasty, I already know that.
Aurora: yes? I didn’t even asked for your approval godmother
Maleficent: should I say no then?
Aurora: UGGHH!!
Jasmine: Wow, it’s like you guys are siblings.
Old man: Haha, I agree with that.
Narrator: akjsdhkahsd They all went to the others to help them complete the ritual that would stop the evil ritual. Yes, all
the bad guys were killed but their evil plan is still going on because of their evil ritual.
(enter si Ariel, King Triton, Jaasmin, Old man, Aurora, Maleficent pati mga prince unya nag hug sa ilang mga princess)
Snow White: guys! you’re all safe!! that’s good news, but I really need your help!
Aurora: Snow, I am really sorry that I left you here…

Snow White: That’s alright, the Old man gave me his magic sphere anyway to keep in touch with you guys, I was like
watching the whole time!
Jasmine: It’s good to know you’re okay, Snow
Ariel: How can we help?
Snow White: Okay so, I’ve just found out that our mana isn’t enough. If we’re going to do it by force, we are all going to
sleep eternally due to the overusage of mana.
Aurora: That means 1 heart must be sacrificed in order to complete our ritual that will stop their evil ritual.
Jasmine: That’s a really awful thing to hear…
Old man: So, what are we going to do?
Maleficent: is there no other way?
King Triton: Unfortunately, there isn’t.
Aurora: Oh no… their evil ritual will soon be completed, we must think fast
Prince Philip: I’ll do it. I’ll offer my heart to stop this evilness
Aurora: But Philip…
Prince Florian: No, I should do it. You still have a wedding, Philip.
(Snow White gihug si Florian)
Aladdin: I want to do it. I want to give you guys a safe place to live.
Prince Eric: I don’t know if I should be saying this but… I also want the best for you guys. So please, let me do it.
Narrator: niadto rag kalit si old man duol sa ritual tas nay plano ioffer iyang heart)
Old man: Thank you for letting me join your magical adventure. Always remember that you will face many defeats in life,
but never let yourself be defeated. To be honest, I’ve waited years for my death because I already miss my wife in heaven. I
never wanted to do suicide since I am afraid I will not be with her soon. That is why I think this is the best opportunity to
die. I will sacrifice my heart, my life for peace. I hope you will treasure the moments with your loved ones. Thank you once
Aladdin: No way Old man… we just met and all, and now you’re leaving us?
Jasmine: You’re a really great person, you never boasted for being too powerful
(nag hug sila tanan kay old man)
Maleficent: Thank you for giving us a better world. Your magic will forever be remembered.
Aurora: thank you
(nagcircle sila then naa sa tunga si old man)
Snow White: za fre su zue
Narrator: paglitok ato ni Snow White kay nabuo na ang ritual nya nahimatay si old man sa tunga nila, gikan nagtindog
nahigda siyag pinakalit)
Narrator: Good thing is, they managed to cancel the evil ritual which saved the world. However, their good old pal sacrificed
his own life to do so. Then months passed, this happened…


(rampa tanan prince kauban ilang princess)

Narrator: They have different kinds of kingdoms, prince and princesses but they are all having a happy life with their happy
ever after. Despite far distances, the prince and princesses are friends because in friendship, distance does not matter. That
is how they managed to solve their problem, they kept on trying even though they aren’t sure if it will succeed or not. But
remember what the Old man said, Always remember that you will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be
defeated. That’s it for today folks, see you next time.

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