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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

I. Objectives
At the end of a 50-minute discussion, the learners are expected to do the following:
a. Define asexual reproduction.
b. State the parts of the plants that can reproduce through vegetative reproduction.
c. Differentiate the different kind of plants that undergoes vegetative reproduction.

II. Subject Matter

Asexual Reproduction: Natural Vegetative Reproduction
Reference/s: Grade 6 book
Materials: Pictures, Cards, PowerPoint Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity
Good afternoon class Good afternoon Ma’am

What was our lesson last meeting? Our lesson last meeting was about sexual
And what is sexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction is a way where plants
reproduce using an egg and sperm cell.
B. Motivation
I have here a garden, but it is almost empty. I
want you fill the garden.
The first garden is for plants that reproduce
through sexual reproduction while the second
garden is for plants that does NOT reproduce
through sexual reproduction. .

C. Lesson Proper
After doing the activity, what do you think is our
topic for today?

Baby Jane S. Espejon

Sheena E. Vista
Our topic for today is about asexual reproduction
of plants.
And what is asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is when plants reproduce

without fertilization. They reproduce using their
body parts.

What parts of the plants are used in asexual

reproduction? The parts of the plants that are used in asexual
reproduction are leaves, stem and roots.

Exactly! And the process by which a plant is

reproduced from the parts of the parent plant is
called “Natural Vegetative Reproduction”
There are different ways of natural vegetative
reproduction. Those are bulb, tuber, rhizome,
shoots/suckers and runner.
We are going to have a group activity where you
are going to identify the different plants that
undergo natural vegetative reproduction based on
the description of each classification. I will give
you 5 minutes to do this activity. Choose a Bulb- a round, fleshy stem found underneath the
representative to discuss your answer on the ground surrounded by fleshy leaves that serves
board after the given time. as a food storage.

Tuber- it is an enlarged portion of an

underground stem that contains stored food.
Tubers can be easily recognized by the eyes from
which the stems grow. These types of plants can
be cut into pieces and re-grown as long as each
piece contains an eye.

Baby Jane S. Espejon

Sheena E. Vista
Rhizome- a rhizome is a horizontal, usually
underground stem of a plant that often sends out
roots and shoots from its nodes. Also called
rootstalk or rootstock.

Shoots or Suckers- These are small plants that

grow around the main plant. These shoots grow
their own roots and can be separated from the
main plant.

Runners- A runner, or stolon is describe as a

horizontal stem running across or just under the

D. Application
Why do plants such as onion, garlic and banana They reproduce through asexual reproduction
reproduce through asexual reproduction? because they don’t have sperm and egg cell.
They use their body parts to produce their
offsprings. They will cease to exist if they do not

Baby Jane S. Espejon

Sheena E. Vista
E. Generalization
What are the methods of natural vegetative
The methods of natural vegetative reproduction
are bulbs, runners, rhizomes, shoots or suckers
and tubers.

F. Evaluation
Matching Type
Directions: Match column A to column B as to
what type of natural vegetative reproduction it is
A. B.

Bermuda grass
a. Rhizome


Banana plant

b. Runners


c. Bulbs


d. Shoots/
5. Suckers


e. Tuber

G. Assignment
In a ¼ sheet of paper, list down at least 5 plants
you can see in the surroundings that reproduce
through natural vegetative propagation. Identify
if it is rhizome, bulbs, runners, shooters/suckers
or tubers.
Baby Jane S. Espejon
Sheena E. Vista
Baby Jane S. Espejon
Sheena E. Vista

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