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Simplifying Agreements and Contracts


No……………………… Dated………………………….


Subject: Terms and conditions of appointment

Dear Sir,

Please refer to your application dated…………….. and the subsequent interview which you had
with us on…………… in connection with your appointment as a teacher in this school, we have
the pleasure to offer you the post of a teacher on the following terms and conditions:-

1) To start with, you shall be paid a salary of Rs…………… per month in the scale of
Rs…………….. besides usual allowances, currently in force.
2) The annual increments as shown in the scale of pay in clause…………. shall not be
granted to you as a matter of right but shall be purely at the discretion of the Managing
Committee of the School.
3) The payment of your salary shall also be subject to the deduction of income-tax, if any,
payable on the income from your salary as also the provident fund deductable on the said
salary according to the provident fund rules in force from time-to-time.
4) Initially you shall be on probation for a period of ……………. months from the date of
your joining. The said period of probation is further liable to be extended by
another…………months or more purely at the discretion of the Managing Committee.
5) During or at the expiry of the said period of probation or the extended period of
probation, the Managing Committee/Principal shall have the right to terminate your
service without any notice or without assigning any reason thereof.
Evaluer. Simplifying Agreements and Contracts


“You can contact us at for a customized agreement and legal advice on the
said document”
Evaluer. Simplifying Agreements and Contracts

Any Competent Person of the Governing Body

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