101 Ma English 2017

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0.3, Write a note on Romantic postr. Underine the contribution of 36 .apercode:MaenOIOL DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 ‘Wordsworth to Ramantic poet pee MAA. IN ENGLISH oR PREVIOUS YEAR ‘Why and how Shelley is called the Poet of hope and optimism PAPER 1; BRITISH POETRY ae Time : 3.00 Hours Mam.60 4. Write etal note on Browning's contribution to Vetoran Poetry. Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. 7 1.1. Define and descrite the effect on the fourtsanth-cantuy Ife Evaluate the theme and subject matter of DG Ressert's poem and iterature of the following: "The Blessed Demezel {8} The Hundred Years Wor 5. Write a short note on the Georglans and War Poets {b) The Peasant's Revot oR {6} The Black Death ‘Write a detailed note on the poerty of Dylan Thomas. on ‘Write adatalld note onthe contribution of Metaphysical Poets to the development of English poetry. 0.2. Examine and evaluate the relationship between Miton'spoetc and prose oeuvre, on Explain the deserption ofthe age of Orvden ae {2} The Age of Reason {b) The Age of Balance and Compromise “ “ Pro. 0.3, Write a note on Romantic postr. Underine the contribution of 36 .apercode:MaenOIOL DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 ‘Wordsworth to Ramantic poet pee MAA. IN ENGLISH oR PREVIOUS YEAR ‘Why and how Shelley is called the Poet of hope and optimism PAPER 1; BRITISH POETRY ae Time : 3.00 Hours Mam.60 4. Write etal note on Browning's contribution to Vetoran Poetry. Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. 7 1.1. Define and descrite the effect on the fourtsanth-cantuy Ife Evaluate the theme and subject matter of DG Ressert's poem and iterature of the following: "The Blessed Demezel {8} The Hundred Years Wor 5. Write a short note on the Georglans and War Poets {b) The Peasant's Revot oR {6} The Black Death ‘Write a detailed note on the poerty of Dylan Thomas. on ‘Write adatalld note onthe contribution of Metaphysical Poets to the development of English poetry. 0.2. Examine and evaluate the relationship between Miton'spoetc and prose oeuvre, on Explain the deserption ofthe age of Orvden ae {2} The Age of Reason {b) The Age of Balance and Compromise “ “ Pro. as. on ‘Write a nate on the main theme af’ Partai of the Artist a= Young Man’ Discuss the there and techniques followed in the narration of "A Passage to India oR Discuss the cubject matter of "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ ‘by Muriel Spark. “ 3” ‘Paper Code: MAENOND DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A. IN ENGLISH PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER - Ill: BRITISH NOVEL ‘Time :3.00 Hours MuM.80 Note Attempt all questions, Each question carries equal marks a1 ielding’s morality sa practical morality Just oR Draw a character ketch of Tom Jones 0.2. Discuss the art of characterization in Pride and Prejudice oR \Wilte an explorative note on HeathelifCathy relationship. 0.3, ‘Great Expectations isa novel of social ete of Victorian society. Discuss. or Give a character sketch of date 0.4, How far ie Kurtz the central figure in the novel Darkness! “ Pro. a3 as, How many voiced consonants are there in R.P.2 Give thelr symbols and mention ther manner and place of atiulation. State and explain definition of words by Bloomfield? Why the definition has limited application? 16 oR ‘What de you mean by ‘Anaphora'? Which linguistic elements can be employed as anaphors? Give suitable examples. Reflect on diferent ways in which the dialects and thelr users, can suffer asa result of hegemony and the power of standard language, 16 oR Some people perform better than others in learning second language. What ae the explanations offered by second language researches? What is foregrounding? Deserlbe with ilustration some ofthe ‘major stretegies of foregrounding within a text 16 oR \What are the reasons which lead to spread of English overseas? Hows the American English afferent from Caribbean English? yy w 8 Paper Code: MaeNoI04 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A.IN ENGLISH PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER - IV : ASPECTS OF LANGUAGE Time : 00 Hours. M.80 ‘Note Attempt all questions Each question carries equal marks. 1. Write short notes on any four of the following axteis (i) Double Articulation (i) Inter Changeabilsy (i) Displacement (iv) The Devine Source Theory. (o) Patterning. (ui) structure Dependence on “Tace the developmentofstructuraliem in Linguistics and discuss the salient features of American Structural, 2. Discuss the nature of syllable and the structure ofthe sylable in English language. Support your answer with cuitable examples. 16 oR “ Pro. aa, as. CGitanjall depicts the spiritual voyage ofthe post towards the supreme being. Disuss the statement. on Discuss Gitanall as the poetry that fosters peace and harmony Inthe Nation at are. (Do you agree withthe view that The Ramayan is more than a story book. Ge a reasoned answer oR How can we say that Seetais the symbol of womanhood? rey “ Time: Note: a2 as .Papercode: aeons DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A. IN ENGLISH PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER - V : LITERATURE FOR HUMAN VALUES 3.00 Hours MaM.80 ‘Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks ‘Acharya Tus was not only “a writer of philosophies! subjects but aso a social reformer”, Discuss on What is Jeevan Vigyan? Hew does it help man to remake bimset? \What according to Acharya Mahapragya, is the utility of Nonajolence or everyone? oR "The prncise of 'Anekant’ helps in buldinga world free from ‘roubles nd turmoil”, Elucidata the statement. Whats the theme of The Prophet? oR Describe the symbolism in The Prophet “ Pro. on What is Deconstruction? Elaborate. ‘What are the basie tenets of 'Post- Modernism’ ae a literary theory? on, ‘Comment upon Sigmund Freud's theory ofthe "Unconeciou” «a a3, aa .Papercode:twaeno201 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A.IN ENGLISH FINALYEAR PAPER - VI LITERARY CRITICISM AND THEORY 3.00 Hours Mm.80 ‘Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks What is Patoné ida of social well being as enunciated inthe Republic? oR Discuss Wordsworths theory and conception of poerty. Summarize IA. Richard's concept ofthe two use of language oR Crtcaly analyze VS. Elot's "radtion and Individual Talent Elaborate the ea. ‘Superstructure'as propoundedinMarxism, on \What ae the central points of Arguments in" A Room of One's (wa! by Virginia Wool? Discuss Ferdinand De Saussure's rol in thers of Sturcturalism, “ Pro, a as, Critically discuss that despite differences In themes and preoccupations of Hemingway and Faulkner, their perception about human values bring ther together oR Evaluate "The Gea’ by Fauliner as 2 symbolic exploration of the ‘elationship between man and nature. ‘isc Willy Leman, the common man, athe protagonist of Death ofa Salzman’ oR What do you mean by Harlem Renassnce? rey «a a (Paper Code: Masno202 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A. IN ENGLISH FINAL YEAR Paper - Vil : American Literature ‘Time : 3.00 Hours a. 80 Note: Attempt all questions. Each question cries equalmarks. G1. Who were fst settlers from Europe inthe American continent? What were their motives to sete in America? iss the Indian and Black contents of American Uteature 1:2, How does Hester support herself and her daughter aftr she was shunned by Community? on Discus the narrative structre inthe Adventure of HueMebery 3. Write a note on the context of Amer wat? on How are past, present and future linked in Whit’ "Crossing Brooklyn Fetey"? “ Pro, ‘Comment uponthe basic elementsofthe short story, supporting Yyouranswer through the prescribed texts, on rite «note on the beckground of Inlan English poetry. Write a note on the strength of Tara that helps her to steer ‘through an unsuoportive environment. on, ‘What i the rola of Chandan inthe play Tara? os «a o (Paper Code: aenozas DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A. IN ENGLISH FINAL YEAR, Paper - VII: Indian English Literature ‘Time : 3.00 Hours mam.80 Note: Attempt all questions Each question caries equal marks 1.1. Comment upon the contribution of Swami Vivekananda's ‘writings in the dissemination of indy Philosophies of Vedanta oR Ccticaty examine Nited C, Chauehr's The Autobiography of An Unknown indian’ 1.2. Do you consider untouchablty social stigma upon Indian Hind society? Discuss and elaborate. on Comment upon the nai “kanchapar! ve techniaue in Raja Ra0's 1.3, Writes note onthe four-partstructure ofthe novel ‘Clear light ‘of Day, highlighting its relevance withthe central theme. on Discuss "Midnight: children’ as a post-modern novel “ Pro, Bring out relationship between Creole and Colonialisrm in referance to Caribbean poetry oR, Evaluate use of journey as 2 dominant metaphor in Derek Waleott’s poetry. Discuss characterization in The Solid Mandala’ by Patrick white. oR Comment upon the relevance ofthe tite of Margaret Laurence's ‘vel The Stone Ange! os «a “ ‘xPaper code: MAENODOG DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A. IN ENGLISH FINAL YEAR. Paper - IX : New Literature in English Tim 00 Hours wm.60 ‘Note Attempt allquestions. ach question caries equal marks. 1. ‘Afrcanlitarsture redefines tselfna racially segregated word” Give an overview of African literature in the light of this oR Examine ‘A Grain of Wheat! at 2 historical novel depicting Kenya's turbulent past. 2. Describe some recurring themes inthe dramatic works of Wole Soyinka on Evaluate A Dance ofthe Forests! as play depleting relation between traitionand history. 3. Give an assessment of Naipaul asa dlasporic writer oR ‘Comment upon use of coy and humour in ‘A House for Mi “ Pro, on Discuss the various aspacts pertaining to debate over the English Language in india after Independence. \What do you think is the relationship Between iterature and socal forces. oR ‘What i the relation between enti and bterature ‘Comment onthe direction awaharla Nehrugave tothe idea of change in India's freedom strugle on \What ae the salient features of Dalit writings? De you saree ‘that only a Dali-born ean wrt the Dalit iterature? uo «a ime: 3.00 Hours ‘Paper Code: aEnO205 DISTANCE EDUCATION EXAMINATION - 2017 M.A.IN ENGLISH FINAL YEAR Paper - X : English Studies in india MM. 80 "Note: Attemptallquestions. Each question carries equal marks. at "English played a highly significant role in the definsion of Indian Culture.” Examine the statement In the light of various debates onthe relationshipbetween Englshand indian Culture. on Give a brief account of Michoel Maghusuchan DuttsIterary output in English What de you understand by Melodrama? Do you agree that Rajmahan’s wife haz melodramatic features? GWe reatone for ‘yur answer on How does bingustsm influence the use of English in India? strate with examples. Wirt short notes on (9. Theinfuence ofthe global market on English studies in ld (0. The impact of ertical theory on TELL. “ Pro,

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