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Ever heard of the name ironwood? If yes, know that ironwood is a rare plant species in Borneo.
Trees that can reach 50 meters in height are native to wet tropical forests. Therefore, ulin trees are
often found in Borneo. Ulin is a type of wood that is often used to make furniture, roofs, frames, and
doors. This type of ironwood is classified as strong and resistant to termite attacks. Considering that
ulin is a rare plant, the logging of ulin trees is beginning to be limited. In fact, this plant is also
included in the list of flora cultivated through conservation.


Ihau fruit trees are also rare plants in Borneo. It can be ascertained that this tree does not grow in
areas other than Kalimantan. The tree produces fruit of the same size and texture as kelengkeng.
The local community dubbed the Iihau fruit as "Kalimantan kelengkeng."


As the name implies, limestone (Dryobalanops aromatica) is a tree that produces raw materials for
camphor or camphor. Trees that grow in Kalimantan are rare species that are endangered. The
diameter of tree trunks ranges from 70 cm - 1 meter, while the height can reach 60 meters. The
outer skin of the tree is brown and the inside looks reddish brown. If it is scratched with a knife, this
tree will emit a lime aroma. The causes of the scarcity of limestone trees include uncontrolled

deforestation to open land for human habitation.


Besides ulin, the type of wood that is quite popular in the Indonesian furniture market is meranti
merah. This red meranti wood is obtained from tengkawang tungkul tree, one of the rare plants in
Borneo. Besides being used to make furniture or building construction, this tree also contains quite a
lot of vegetable oil


Not only Papua has black orchids, Kalimantan also has black orchids as a rare plant. The difference
between black orchids from Papua and Kalimantan lies in the color of the flower petals. If Papua's
black orchids are dominated by black, Kalimantan's black orchids are green petals. Only the pistil
part of the flower looks black. Black orchids live in epiphytes or hitchhike on other plants. You can
find this rare orchid in the lowlands near old trees or swamp areas close to the river. In general, this
rare black orchid flowers in October - December. In addition, this Kalimantan black orchid is one of
the native plants of Indonesia!


Borneo has a number of rare plants that you may have never seen before. Kapul fruit is an example
of a rare plant in Borneo. This fruit with mangosteen-like flesh does not grow in other parts of
Indonesia besides Kalimantan.

Speaking of rare plants in Borneo, the root of the karak is one that should not be missed. This plant
may not have any features compared to other plants discussed here. However, the status of the
karak root tree has been declared rare.

Karak root itself is a tree with a diameter of approximately 159 cm and a height of 14 meters.
Another distinctive feature of this tree is that there are many sap around the stem which is white.
This plant usually lives on a plateau about 1,700 meters above sea level.


Youtan Poluo is a rare plant that is quite famous in the world. This plant only blooms every 3,000
years. Interestingly, Youtan Poluo was found in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. This mysterious plant
was found at the door of Rizki Amelia's printing room in 2016. Youtan Polo's uniqueness is not only
limited to its bloom every 3,000 years. However, this plant can grow in glass and steel. In plain view,
this plant looks like a worm egg. After being seen on the camera lens or microscope, this unique
plant has a fungus-like appearance.


This rare mango variety is famous in South Kalimantan. Not just a rare plant in Borneo, this Kasturi
mango has actually been declared extinct in its original habitat. There are only a few kasturi mango
trees left in the conservation or private property of the local community. So, if you are interested in
tasting the kasturi mango, you should undo your intention, because there is no trader who can sell
this mango variety considering that the Kasturi mango only lives in the cultivation area.


If you are in Kalimantan, take the time to look for this rare fruit. It is a donkey that is a relative of
mentawa, kluwih, cempedak, breadfruit, and jackfruit. The fruit flesh is similar to jackfruit with a
distinctive fruit flesh separated from the seeds and the taste is sweet. If eaten, you will feel the
sensation of jackfruit and mangosteen simultaneously. Keledang is a fruit that only grows in
Kalimantan. If you visit Kalimantan, especially in Samarinda, in December, you will find donkey fruit
in the stalls of fruit traders at street vendors and traditional markets.

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