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SCOPE AND SEQUENCE............................................................................................................................3
UNIT I: KNOWING MYSELF IN THE 21st CENTURY..................................................................................4
UNIT II: ESTABLISHING LONG AND LASTING BONDS...........................................................................14
UNIT III: RECOGNIZING OUR COMMUNITY HEROES.............................................................................22
UNIT IV: CONNECTING TO THE WORLD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY.........................................................33
TEACHER’S GUIDE AND ANSWER KEYS................................................................................................44
UNIT 1: KNOWING MYSELF IN THE 21ST CENTURY.....................................................................45
LESSON 1: THIS IS ME!...............................................................................................................46
LESSON 2: A GLIMPSE OF MY PAST..............................................................................................50
LESSON 3: MY LEGENDARY ANCESTORS......................................................................................55
LESSON 4: PROUD OF MYSELF.....................................................................................................59
LESSON 5: 21ST CENTURY AND ME.............................................................................................63
LESSON 6: THE PAST AND THE PRESENT......................................................................................67
UNIT 2: ESTABLISHING LONG AND LASTING BONDS..................................................................71
LESSON 1: MY FAMILY, MY HERO.................................................................................................72
LESSON 2: A STRONG FOUNDATION............................................................................................76
LESSON 3: ALWAYS THERE FOR ME.............................................................................................80
LESSON 4: FRIENDSHIP GOALS...................................................................................................84
LESSON 5: NO MAN IS AN ISLAND...............................................................................................88
LESSON 6: A SPECIAL FRIEND.....................................................................................................92
UNIT 3: RECOGNIZING OUR COMMUNITY HEROES.....................................................................96
LESSON 1: COMMUNITY BUILDERS..............................................................................................97
LESSON 2: HEROES WITHOUT SUPERPOWERS...........................................................................101
LESSON 3: A LESSON FROM THE PAST.......................................................................................105
LESSON 4: THE JOY OF HELPING OTHERS..................................................................................109
LESSON 5: LOVE AND EMBRACE NATURE...................................................................................113
LESSON 6: MY PART IN PROTECTING NATURE............................................................................117
UNIT 4: CONNECTING TO THE WORLD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY..............................................121
LESSON 1: AN EXPERT CONSUMER............................................................................................122
LESSON 2: IT PAYS TO BE CAREFUL...........................................................................................126
LESSON 3: TRAVELLING IN STYLE..............................................................................................130
LESSON 4: THE WORLD WIDE WEB...........................................................................................134
LESSON 5: SITES TO LIVE BY.....................................................................................................137
LESSON 6: RESPONSIBILITY AND TECHNOLOGY.........................................................................141

—— this is where the specific topic or part of the lesson is located.

—— this is the part of the lesson where the students will have the notion and concept about the certain

—— this pertains to the further discussion of specific topic with visual, audio, movie, demonstration,
symbolical and the likes, presentations.

—— this part is where the students will apply what they have learned and understood in the whole
discussion of the certain topic through group or individual - differentiated activities.
—— it refers to a different way of expanding the information acquired from the lesson. The students will
have more development by synthesizing deeply the knowledge they have learned.

—— it is a part where the teacher will evaluate the levels of learning that his/her students reached
through varied activities (quizzes, long/short exams, paper and pen exams, projects, recitations,

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express yourself by Determine your positive
knowing your traits and characteristics.
different characteristics.
Recognize your
uniqueness by knowing
your special skills and
Day 2 Use context clues
(synonyms) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar

Speak clearly using

appropriate rate and

Speak clearly using

appropriate speech.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area
Day 3-4 Analyze a narrative in
terms of its setting.

Identify the elements

of a fable.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Compose clear and co-
herent sentences using
count and mass nouns

Day 5-6 Write 5 sentences

describing yourself and
present it in a creative

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express appreciation Remember the impor-
to the important things tant things from the
that happened in the past.

Day 2 Use context clues

(synonyms) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area
Day 3-4 Recognize the impor-
tance of Capitalization
and Punctuation.

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using collective nouns

Analyze a narrative in
terms of its characters.

Identify the elements

of a myth.

Speak clearly with

appropriate stress.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Recognize the impor-
tance of Capitalization
and Punctuation.

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using collective nouns

Day 5-6 Revise the work of

other writers focusing
on capitalization and
punctuation marks.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Realize the value of Identify the origins of
legends. different objects.

Day 2 Use context clues

(antonyms) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar

Day 3-4 Analyze a narrative in

terms of its plot.

Identify the elements

of a legend.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area

Speak clearly with ap-

propriate intonation.

Recognize the different

ways of forming plural

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate pluraliza-
tion of regular nouns.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 5-6 Revise other authors’
work focusing on

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express in different Identify the important
means how to be proud characteristics of a
of yourself. champion.

Share your ideas about

what is a champion.
Day 2 Use context clues
(synonyms) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar

Day 3-4 Sequence a series of

events from stories.

Analyze a narrative in
terms of its theme.

Speak clearly with

appropriate tone and
correct pronunciation.

Recognize the purpose

of using signal words.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Compose clear and
coherent sentences
using appropriate noun

Day 5-6 Revise other authors’

work using signal
words to connect ideas.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Discover and appre- Share your ideas about
ciate the different computer viruses.
changes that occurred
in our world. List down the problems
that computer virus
may give us.
Day 2 Use context clues
(definition) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar
Day 3-4 Infer author’s purpose.

Analyze a poem in
terms of its elements.

Share inferences,
thoughts, and feelings
based on texts.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate present
tense of the verb.
Day 5-6 Write a poem about the
uses of computer.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Realize the value of Recall the most mem-
changes in our lives. orable moments you
Day 2 Use context clues
(definition) to find the
meaning of unfamiliar

Respond to questions
involving directions.
Day 3-4 Infer the theme of the
literary text.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area

Share inferences,
thoughts, and feelings
based on the text.

Identify the things to

remember in writing a

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate past tense
of the verb.
Day 5-6 Write a poem about

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the value of Describe your family
family. members.

Day 2 Clarify meaning of

words using dictionary.

Determine the family

member you look up to
the most.

Locate information
using dictionaries.
Day 3-4 Read with automaticity
grade level frequently
occurring content area

Appreciate the purpose

of supporting details.

Recognize the basic

parts of a paragraph.

Identify the main idea,

key sentences, and
supporting details of a
given paragraph.

Describe different
forms and conventions
used in print materials.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Learn the rules in Sub-
ject-verb Agreement.

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate reg-
ular subjects and verb

Day 5-6 Write a paragraph

about the advantages
of being in a family.
Follow the parts of the
paragraph in writing
your outline.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Reflect on how great Explain how you show
it is to have a strong love to your family.
Describe different
forms and conventions
used in print materials.
Day 2 Clarify meaning of
words using dictionary.
Day 3-4 Use appropriate graphic
organizers for pre-writ-
ing tasks.

Make an outline of a
selection read.

Identify the supporting

details from a text.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate com-
pound subject and verb
Day 5-6 Create a Venn Diagram
comparing your family
to gold.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Show thankfulness to Complete a chart to
the people who are shre your ideas about
always there for you. family.

Day 2 Clarify meaning of

words using thesaurus.

Day 3-4 Identify the main idea

and supporting details
from a text.

Identify text-types
according to purpose.

Read with automaticity

grade level frequently
occurring content area

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate com-
pound subject and verb

Describe colors and

lines used in print

Organize ideas to form

a coherent paragraph.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 5-6 Write a short paragraph
about the Venn Dia-
gram you created.

Revise it by adding
signal words. Observe
the correct use of sub-
ject-verb agreement.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the value of Identify figures of
friendship. speech (simile, meta-
phor, personification).
Day 2 Clarify meaning of
words using thesaurus.

Write a letter to a
potential friend from a
far place.
Day 3-4 Identify the different
figures of speech.

Use appropriate graphic

organizers (to show
sequence of events).

Read grade level

four level texts using

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate pronouns
(number and gender).

Describe layout used in

print materials.
Day 5-6 Write a paragraph
showing time-order.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Discover the reasons Organize thoughts and
why we need friends. ideas about having
Day 2 Clarify meaning of
words using online
Day 3-4 Identify rhymes and
sound devices in

Deliver familiar poems

with ease and confi-

Identify figure of
speech (onomatopoeia,
assonance, alliteration).

Read grade-four level

texts using expression.

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate
agreement (case and
Day 5-6 Write a paragraph
showing enumeration.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the pres- Complete statements
ence of a special friend. using your own ideas.

Day 2 Clarify meaning of

words using online

Express views of when

to give up on a friend.
Day 3-4 Use appropriate graphic
organizers to describe.

Read grade four-level

texts using punctuation

Analyze lead of a news


Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate
agreement (case and

Describe verbal used in

print materials.
Day 5-6 Write a brief news

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express your opinions Complete a building
about the purpose of chart by drawing
our community helpers. pictures.

Day 2 Use context clues (syn-

onyms and antonyms)
to find the meaning of
unfamiliar words.

Day 3-4 Note significant details.

Distinguish reality from


Use appropriate graphic

organizers for text

Read grade four level

texts using intonation.

Use card catalogue to

locate resources.

Describe various text

types of viewing ma-

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using coordinating
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 5-6 Write a ten-sentence
thank you speech for
the community builders
of your place.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the fact that Understand the differ-
not all superheroes ent traits of a hero.
come with a super-
Day 2 Identify shades of
meaning in words.

Day 3-4 Read grade-four level

texts using intonation.

Identify various text-

types according to
structure – time order.

Distinguish reality from


Understand what a
cline is.

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate subordinat-
ing conjunctions.
Day 5-6 Make a short introduc-
tion of the recipient of
the award “Hero of the
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Assess the lessons that Write observations
you learned from the about the given
past. pictures.
Day 2 Use information from
the story about EDSA
Day 3-4 Locate information
from glossaries and

Identify the meanings

of content specific
words – denotation and

Identify various text-

types according to
structure – time order.

Read grade four level

texts using expressions.

Identify the visual ele-

ments used in a print

Compose clear and

coherent sentences
using appropriate order
of adjectives.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 5-6 Make a PowerPoint
presentation of the
important features of
your town.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express satisfaction in Share observation
helping others. about a picture.

Set a list of require-

ments on being a
helpful person.
Day 2 Find the meaning of
the unfamiliar words.

Use the sentences as


Learn about the impor-

tance of sharing.
Day 3-4 Identify various text
types according to
structure – cause and

Interpret pictures.

Identify different mean-

ings of content specific
words – denotation and

Use verbal cues in oral

public announcements.

Read grade four level

texts using expression.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Compose clear and co-
herent sentences using
appropriate adverbs.

Day 5-6 Create a poster

advertisement about
the celebration of feast
in your town.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Determine the impor- Identify the signs in a
tance of loving our nature park.
List down two ways of
protecting nature.
Day 2 Find the synonyms of
the underlined words.

Understand the selec-

tion about how we can
stop the flood.
Day 3-4 Identify various text
types according to
structure – problem
and solution.

Interpret graphs.

Identify different mean-

ings of content specific
words – denotation and

Use verbal cues in oral

public announcements.

Compose clear and co-

herent sentences using
appropriate preposi-
tions, and prepositional

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Write a paragraph
showing solutions to a

Day 5-6 Make a speech about

the dangers of flood
and how we can pre-
vent them.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Identify ways of pro- Learn about recycling
tecting nature. materials.

Day 2 Use clues in sentences

to find the correct

Realize the advantage

of waste management.
Day 3-4 Identify various text
types according to
structure – comparison
and contrast.

Make generalizations.

Locate information
from available online

Identify the kinds of

sentences according to

Use a specific kind of

sentence for asking
permission, responding
to question, making
requests, and following

and giving directions.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Write a one-paragraph
essay about waste

Day 5-6 Using MS Word, write

an essay about waste
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the advan- Explain the importance
tages of knowing the of knowing the things
things you need to that are more impor-
spend money on. tant to buy.

Learn about the es-

sence of budgeting.
Day 2 Use context clues to
find the meaning of
unfamiliar words.

Day 3-4 Take down relevant


Interpret the messages

of the different au-
thentic texts – product

Distinguish fact from


Express facts and opin-

ions from an informa-
tional text.

Identify the visual

elements used in print

Use simple sentences

to enumerate ideas.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 5-6 Present a radio
commercial about
giving advice on wise
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Understand the good Identify the things
things about being to remember before
careful. taking medications.

Day 2 Become aware about

medications by reading
the selection.

Day 3-4 Take down relevant


Identify the meaning

of unfamiliar and multi-
ple-meaning words.

Interpret messages of
the different authentic
texts – medical pre-

Distinguish fact from


Use compound sen-

tences to enumerate
Day 5-6 Present an infomercial
about buying medicines

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the sat- Share your opinion and
isfaction of going to thoughts about several
different places. pictures of different

Think of a place you

would want to visit.
Day 2 Learn different places.

Appreciate the
information about each
Day 3-4 Read grade four level
texts with accuracy rate
of 95-100 percent.

Take down relevant


Interpret the messages

of the different authen-
tic texts - pamphlets.

Express facts and opin-

ions from an informa-
tional text.

Make connections
between information
viewed and personal
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Use simple sentences
to show sequence of

Day 5-6 Using MS Word or

Publisher, create a
pamphlet to spread
awareness about dif-
ferent potential tourist
spots in your place.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Express appreciation on Observe the poster and
the digital world now. write your thoughts
about it.

Identify the use of the

different computer-re-
lated objects.
Day 2 Use context clues to
find the meaning of
unfamiliar words.

Raise awareness about

how the World Wide
Web was created.
Day 3-4 Take down relevant

Interpret messages of
the different authentic
texts – symbols and

Read aloud grade

four level texts with
accuracy rate of 95-100

Make connections
between information
viewed and personal
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Use compound
sentences to show
sequence of events/

Day 5-6 Create an informational


TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the sites in Make a list of the sites
the internet that are that you visit.
not harmful to us.
Write 4 names of the
websites that Grade 4
students can visit and

Day 2 Use context clues to

find out the meaning of
unfamiliar words.

Become aware of the

less harmful sites that
you can visit.

Day 3-4 Take down relevant


Identify meaning
of unfamiliar words
according to structure
– prefixes.

Use simple sentenc-

es to compare and

Evaluate a variety of
informational texts.
TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Read aloud grade
four level texts with
accuracy rate of 95-100

Explain how specif-

ic aspects of text’s
illustrations contribute
to the what is conveyed
by the words in the

Day 5-6 Perform an oral pres-

entation about the sites
that would be helpful
to the pupils.

TIME: 60-min./day

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Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 1 Appreciate the impor- Form a statement and
tance of being respon- explain its meaning.
sible in using different
technologies. Write different ways
on using technology
Day 2 Use context clues to
unlock the meaning of
difficult words.

Learn to be more cau-

tious about giving your
personal information.
Day 3-4 Take down relevant

Use verbal cues in a

radio broadcast.

Identify the meaning

of unfamiliar words
according to structure
– suffixes.

Use compound sen-

tences to compare and
contrast ideas/objects.

Evaluate a variety of
informational texts.
TIME: 60-min./day

Division Over-all Surf Interface Scroll Save As

Objectives (What to know) (What to process) (What to deepen) (What to transfer)
Day 3-4 Read aloud grade
four level texts with
accuracy rate of 95-100

Explain how specific

aspects of a text’s
illustrations contribute
to what is conveyed by
the words in a text.

Day 5-6 Present a radio

broadcast that will
feature a commercial,
radio program, and
an infomercial which
focuses on using
technology responsibly.

1. Speak clearly using appropriate rate and projection.

2. Speak clearly using appropriate speech.

3. Use context clues (synonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.
4. Analyze a narrative in terms of its setting.
5. Identify the elements of a fable.
6. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using count and mass nouns appropriately.
8. Write 2-3 connected sentences.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 3-4)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 13)

A. Materials
2. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
3. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 3-4)

1. Direct the pupils’ attention to the mirror in the book. Instruct them to write their top five
characteristics (See TASK 1, page 3).
2. Give the pupils enough time to finish the task. Let the pupils share their answers with
the class.
3. Give your comments and feedback.
4. Proceed to the next activity.
5. Tell the students that they have to complete a chart.
6. Instruct the students to write down their skills and talents.
7. Give them ample time to finish the task.
8. Ask them to share their answers focusing on their top skills and talents.
9. Give your comments and feedback about the answers of the pupils.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 4)

1. Inform the class that they will unlock the meaning of the difficult words found in the story
that they will read. (See TASK 3, page 4)
2. Instruct them to find the word with the same meaning as the underlined words.
3. Inform the students that context clues are provided in the sentences.
1. trouble 2. signal 3. clapped 4. delicious 5. river

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 5-6)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Ask the pupils read the guide questions in “Think It Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “Belling the Cat”.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 6).
1. The cat was causing trouble among the mice. 3. He asked who will tie the bell.
2. They should tie a bell around the neck of the cat. 4. Answers may vary.
7. Ask the pupils to read the story “The Dog and the Shadow”.

D. DOWNLOAD (See page 6)

1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and have them prepare for it.
3. Instruct the pupils to present their output in class.
4. Give your comments on their performance.
1. He was running fast because he stole the bone from the market.
2. He saw his own shadow.
3. He barked at his own shadow and the bone fell out of his mouth.
4. Answers may vary.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 7-9)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about setting. (See TASK 4 READING POWER, page 7)
2. Have them accomplish the chart provided by reading the story once more.
3. Provide them with guide questions if necessary.
4. Ask some volunteers to show their answers in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback about their output.
6. Guide the pupils as they study the notes provided about the elements of a fable. (See TASK 5, page 8)
7. Instruct them to answer the activity provided.
8. Give them enough time to finish the work.
9. Call some volunteers to present their answers in front.
10. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
11. Let the pupils practice more on the elements of a fable. Have them read another fable and accomplish
the chart provided. (See TASK 6, page 9)
12. Ask them to present their answers in front of the class.

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Count and Mass Noun (See pages 10-13)
1. Guide the pupils as they learn about count and mass nouns.
2. Direct their attention to the notes on the book.
3. Have them give their own examples afterwards.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided.
6. Exercise A (See page 11)
1. M 2. C 3. M 4. M 5. M 6. C 7. M 8. M 9. C 10. C
7. Exercise B (See page 11)
1. mayonnaise 3. juice 5. shirts 7. salt 9. boxes
2. gravy 4. milk 6. table 8. beans 10. television
8. Exercise C (See page 12)
Answers may vary
9. Instruct the pupils to use what they have learned about count and mass nouns by accomplishing this
activity (See EXERCISE D, pages 12-13).
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to finish it.
11. Call some of the pupils to present their answers in front of the class.
12. Give your comments on the presentation.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 13)

1. Instruct the pupils to perform the provided performance task.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.
3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Your class is chosen by the Kids’ Hour Magazine to write sentences for their upcoming issue
describing kids these days. You have to write at least five sentences describing yourself, and
present it in a creative manner. Your readers are Grade 4 students from around the country.

In writing your sentences, bear in mind that the editors will grade your work based on the
following criteria:

• Clearly written sentences

• Correct use of mass and concrete nouns
• Proper organization of your sentences

You may use MS Word or Publisher in presenting your work. You may print your work or submit it
through e-mail to your teacher.

4. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Clarity of Sentences All sentences had clear Some of the sentences Most of the sentences did
meaning. did not have clear not have clear meaning.
Correct Use of Mass The sentences used Some of the sentences Most of the sentences did
and Count Nouns mass and count nouns did not use mass and not use mass and count
correctly. count nouns correctly. nouns correctly.
Organization of Ideas All ideas were properly Some of the ideas were Most of the ideas were
organized. not organized. not properly organized.

• Tell the pupils to present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Use context clues (synonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.


2. Analyze a narrative in terms of its characters.

3. Identify the elements of a myth.
4. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
5. Speak clearly with appropriate stress.
6. Compose clear and coherent sentences using collective nouns appropriately.
7. Revise writing for clarity: capitalization and appropriate punctuation marks.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 15-16)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 31)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 15-16)

1. Ask the pupils to look at the scrambled letters inside the treasure box. (See TASK 1, page 15)
2. Ask them to rearrange the letters to form a word.
1. culture 2. tradition 3. morals 4. attitude 5. lessons
3. Ask the students to give their ideas on the words formed.
4. Encourage the pupils to share their answers.
5. Give your comments on their answers.
6. Direct the attention of the pupils to the Time Machine Organizer in the book. (See TASK
2, page 16)
7. Instruct the pupils to think of an event in the past which they want to visit again.
8. Ask them to write their reasons for choosing the said event.
9. Instruct them to share their answers in front of the class.
10. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 16-17)
1. Tell the class that the underlined words in this activity are the difficult words from the story. (See TASK
3, pages 16-17)
2. Instruct them to color the box that has the same meaning with the underlined word.
1. dry spell 2. live 3. richness 4. children 5. group

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 17-19)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Instruct the pupils to read the guide questions in “Think it Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “The Origin of the World”.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think it Through”. (See page 19).
1. The first man and woman are Toglai and Toglibon.
2. They left their place to find a better place to live in.
3. Maguindanao got its name from the stones carried by the woman.
4. Baraan got their name from baskets carried by the woman.
5. They got their names based on the objects they carried.
6. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 20)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and let them prepare for it.
3. Instruct the pupils to present their answers.
4. Give your comments on their performance.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 20-23)

1. Direct the pupil’s attention to the note in this activity.
2. Ask them to study the notes provided about character. (See TASK 4 READING POWER, pages 20-21).
3. Ask the pupils to review the story “The Origin of the World”.
4. Tell the students that they have to accomplish the chart.
5. Provide them with guide questions if necessary.
6. Ask some volunteers to show their answers in front of the class.
7. Give your comments and feedback about their output.
8. Guide pupils as they study the notes provided about the elements of a myth. (See TASK 5, pages 21-22)
9. Instruct them to answer the activity provided.
10. Give them enough time to finish the work.
11. Call some volunteers to present their answers in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.

The Myth of Creation (Listening Text)
As retold from an Igorot version
• In the beginning, there were no people on earth.
• Lumawig, the Great Spirit, came down from the sky and cut down many reeds.
• The reeds were turned into people by Lumawig.
• Lumawig asked the people to marry.
• Lumawig saw the needs of the people and supplied them.
• He also taught the people to mold clays into pots.
• This way, Lumawig created the earth and the people who live in it.

13. Instruct the pupils to listen as the teacher reads the Myth of the Creation.
14. Direct the pupils to accomplish the Myth Chart. (See TASK 6, page 23)
15. Guide the pupils as they learn about stress in spoken language.
16. Direct the pupils on the notes provided in the book about it. Have them identify the use and importance
of stress in spoken language. (See TASK 7, pages 23-24)
17. Lead the pupils in answering the activity provided for them.
18. Instruct the students to pair up and read the statements provided.
19. Provide more statements if necessary.
20. Give your corrections if the pupils cannot say these statements with proper stress.
21. Tell the class to read and study the notes on capitalization and punctuation. (See TASK 8, page 25)
22. Tell them to answer the activity provided about the said topic.
23. TASK 8-A (See page 26)
1. The teacher will tell a story on Friday.
2. It is a myth about creation.
3. The story is taken from the Igorot version.
4. Manny and Alex are excited to hear the story.
5. Our teacher said that it originated somewhere in Luzon.
6. Mrs. Santos is also excited to tell the story.
7. I heard we will compare this story to the Bible.
8. Cristina was assigned to tell a story from Visayas.
9. Mandy will tell us the creation story from Mindanao.
10. Mr. Cruz will also be there to listen to the stories.
24. TASK 8-B (See page 27)
1. ? 2. . 3. . 4. !, ! 5. . 6. ? 7. ? 8. ? 9. ! 10. ?

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Collective Nouns (See pages 27-31)
1. Guide Guide the pupils as they learn about collective nouns. Direct their attention to the notes on
the book.
2. Tell the students to give their own examples.
3. Provide more examples if necessary.
4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided.
5. Exercise A (See page 29)
1. G 2. B 3. A 4. H 5. E 6. I 7. C 8. D 9. F 10. J
6. Exercise B (See pages 29-30)
1. pack 3. panel 5. board 7. gang 9. series
2. swarm 4. crowd 6. troupe 8. bunch 10. pile
7. Exercise C (See page 30)
1. troupe 3. board 5. band 7. faculty 9. panel
2. crowd 4. cast 6. army 8. gang 10. house
8. Instruct the pupils to use what they have learned about collective nouns by accomplishing this activity.
(See EXERCISE D, page 31)
9. Provide enough time for the pupils to finish it.
10. Call some of the pupils to present their work.
11. Give your comments on the presentation.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 31)

1. Instruct the pupils to perform the provided performance task.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.
3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

You are asked by the Kids’ Hour Magazine to revise the work done by the other writers in Lesson 1
SAVE AS. You need to focus on capitalization and punctuation marks used by the writers. You need
to find a partner who is willing to exchange works with you. The revised article will be reviewed
later by the editor of the magazine.

Your revised materials will be graded based on the following:

• Corrected capitalization in the sentences

• Corrected punctuation marks in the sentences

You may use MS Word in revising the work of the other writers.

4. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Corrected The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Capitalization capital letters. did not use correct capi- did not use correct capi-
in the Sentences tal letters. tal letters.
Corrected The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Punctuation Marks punctuation marks. did not use correct punc- did not use correct punc-
in the Sentences tuation marks. tuation marks.

Corrected The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Collective Nouns collective nouns. did not use correct col- did not use correct col-
in the Sentences lective nouns. lective nouns.

• Tell the pupils to present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues (antonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Analyze a narrative in terms of its plot.

3. Identify the elements of a legend.
4. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
5. Speak clearly with appropriate intonation.
6. Tell the use of colors, lines, and shapes in still images.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate pluralization of regular nouns.
8. Review writing for clarity focusing on spelling.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 33-34)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 49)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 33-34)

1. Ask the pupils to identify the pictures given in their book. Let them guess the origin of
these objects. Remind them to freely share their ideas in front of the class. (See TASK 1,
page 33).
2. Give your comments and feedback on their answers.
3. Instruct the pupils to think of a story that they read about the origin of an object. (See
TASK 2, page 34).
4. Ask them to write this story in the space provided in their book
5. Encourage the class to share the stories that they remembered.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 34)

1. Inform the pupils that they will find the opposite meaning of the words given in the task.
(See TASK 3, page 34)
2. Remind them to use the clues in the sentences to help them find the answer.
1. good 2. looks away 3. calm 4. happily 5. answered
» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 35-39)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Instruct the pupils to read the guide questions in “Think it Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “The Legend of Pineapple”.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 39)
1. Rufina is very lazy.
2. She does not want to do household chores.
3. She told her that she was still fixing her face.
4. Aling Sela wished that Rufina turn her into a plant with a hundred eyes.
5. Answers will vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 39)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and have them prepare for it.
3. Instruct the students to present their output.
4. Give your comments on their performance.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 39-43)

1. Direct the pupils’ attention to the notes about plot. (See TASK 4 READING POWER, pages 39-40)
2. Instruct the pupils to accomplish the chart provided by reading the story once more.
3. Provide them with guide questions if necessary.
4. Ask some volunteers to show their answers in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback about their output.
6. Guide the pupils as they study the notes provided about the elements of a legend. (See TASK 5, pages
7. Instruct them to answer the activity provided.
8. Give them an ample time to finish the work.
9. Call some volunteers to present their answers in front.
10. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
11. Guide the pupils as they learn about intonation in spoken language. (See TASK 6, pages 42-43)
12. Direct the pupils on the notes provided in the book.
13. Instruct the pupils to identify the use and importance of intonation in spoken language.
14. Tell the pupils to answer the activity provided.
1. R 2. RF 3. RF 4. R 5. RF 6. R 7. RF 8. R 9. RF 10. R
15. Provide more examples if necessary.

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Plural Nouns (See pages 43-48)
1. Guide the pupils as they learn about plural noun.
2. Direct their attention to the notes on the book.
3. Ask them to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Tell the pupils to answer the exercises provided.
6. Exercise A (See pages 45-46)
1. apples 3. stories 5. teeth 7. information 9. countries
2. poems 4. potatoes 6. eyeglasses 8. lives 10. sisters-in-law
7. Exercise B (See page 46)
1. cities 3. pants 5. sheep 7. knives 9. tomatoes
2. axes 4. mountains 6. scissors 8. matches 10. children
8. Exercise C (See page 47)
1. I read a lot of books about legends.
2. I even had the chance to read the legend of cats.
3. Different countries had different amazing legends.
4. I was surprised to read about the legend of the loaves of bread.
5. The lives of the people are seen in these stories.
6. The legends that I like the most are about wolves and mangoes.
7. Children enjoy reading these kinds of stories.
8. My classmates like the legends about fish/fishes and deer/deers.
9. My parents always read these legends to me even if they are wearing eyeglasses.
10. My parents told me that there are even legends for ordinary things like clothes and pants.
9. Instruct the pupils to use what they have learned about plural nouns by accomplishing this activity.
(See Exercise D, page 48)
10. Give the pupils ample time to finish the activity.
11. Call some pupils to present their answers.
12. Give your comments on the presentation.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 49)

1. Instruct the pupils to perform the provided performance task.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.

You are asked by the Kids’ Hour Magazine to revise the work done by the other writers in Lesson
1 SAVE AS. You need to focus on the spelling used by the writers. You need to find a partner who
is willing to exchange works with you. The revised article will be reviewed later by the editor of
the magazine.

Your revised materials will be graded based on the following:

• Corrected spelling
• Correct use of words
• Correct use of plural nouns

You may use MS Word in revising the work of the other writers.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Corrected Spelling The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
spelling of words. did not use correct spell- did not use correct spell-
ing of words. ing of words.
Correct Use of Words The output used appro- Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
priate words. did not use correct ap- did not use correct ap-
propriate words. propriate words.
Correct Use of The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Plural Nouns plural nouns. did not use correct plural did not use correct plural
nouns nouns.

• Tell the pupils to present their outputs.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues (antonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Speak clearly with appropriate tone and correct pronunciation.

3. Analyze a narrative in terms of its theme.
4. Sequence a series of events from stories.
5. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
6. Tell the uses of colors, lines, and shapes in still images.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate noun phrases.
8. Revise writing for clarity focusing on signal words.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 51-52)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 67)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 51-52)

1. Direct the pupil’s attention to word puzzle in their book. (See TASK 1, page 51)
2. Instruct them to find all the words that describes a champion.
3. Note that the answers are: hard work, attitude, skills, talent, and team work.
4. Ask the students to explain these words according to how they understood them.
5. Solicit as many answers as possible from the pupils.
6. Ask the pupils to create a Word Web about a champion. Let them describe how a champion
should be. (See page TASK 2, page 52)
7. Call some volunteers to share their answers in front of the class.
8. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 53)

1. Direct the pupils to discover the meaning of the difficult words found in the story. (See
TASK 3, page 53)
2. Tell them that they need to look for words with opposite meaning.
3. Remind them to use the clues in the sentences for them to get the answer.
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 53-58)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Ask the pupils read the guide questions in “Think It Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “The Contest”.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 58).
1. Mr. Boghetti asked Marian to continue singing even if the judge would stop her.
2. The judges appreciated the performance of Marian.
3. Marian had water in her ears from the pool.
4. Marian was chosen by the judges because of her skill in singing.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 59)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and have them prepare for it.
3. Instruct the pupils to present their output in class.
4. Give your comments on their performance.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 59-62)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about sequencing of events. (See TASK 4, page 59).
1. Marian had a problem with her ear.
2. Mr. Borghetti asked Maria to sing even if the judges say stop.
3. The other contestants were stopped at the middle of the song.
4. Marian performed her first song.
5. The contest organizer asked another song from Marian.
6. Marian and Mr. Borghetti went back to prepare for the finals.
7. There will be no more finals.
8. Marian was chosen to sing in the Lewison Stadium.
2. Let the class discover the theme and the proofs that supports the event of the story.
3. Discuss the notes provided about theme. (See TASK 5, page 60)
4. Give them enough time to accomplish the work.
5. Ask the pupils to share their answers.
6. Provide your comments and feedback about the answers.
7. Instruct the pupils to study the notes provided in the book about tone. Discuss the notes about tone
provided in the book. (See TASK 6, page 61).
8. Instruct the pupils to answer the activity.
9. Tell the students to review the story “The Contest”.
10. Instruct the students to answer the activity by completing the chart provided.
11. Call some volunteers to share their answers. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
12. Have the class study the notes on signal words provided in their book.
13. Ask the students to identify the most basic signal words that they can use to signify time. (See TASK
7, page 62)

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Noun Phrases (See pages 63-66)
1. Guide the pupils as they learn about noun phrases. Direct their attention to the notes on the book.
2. Ask the students to give their own examples.
3. Provide more examples if necessary.
4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided.
5. Exercise A (See pages 64-65)
1. the girl, a contest 6. the contestant, on the stage
2. the dancing boy, 7. the award, to the singing girl
3. a lively dance 8. the girl, receiving the award
4. the boy 9. a golden trophy
5. the boy, in the contest 10. the trophy, to her school
6. Exercise B (See page 65)
1. The awards 6. A judge in front
2. talking show 7. The contestant arguing
3. huge medal 8. noisy audience
4. The girl wanting to win 9. complaining contestants
5. The man in the audience 10. The contest
7. Exercise C (See page 66)
Answers may vary

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 67)

1. Instruct the pupils to perform the provided performance task.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.

You are tasked by the magazine to edit the work done by the other writers in Lesson 1 SAVE AS.
This time, you need to connect the ideas used by the writers using signal words. Your final output
will be checked by the editor.

Your output will be evaluated based on:

• Correct use of signal words

• Correct use of noun phrases
• Correct connection of ideas

You may use MS Word in writing the revised output.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Corrected Use of The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Signal Words signal words. did not use correct signal did not use correct signal
words words.
Corrected Use of The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
Noun Phrases noun phrases. did not use correct noun did not use correct noun
phrases. phrases.
Corrected Connection The output used correct Some parts of the output Most parts of the output
of Ideas connection of ideas. did not use correct con- did not use correct con-
nection of ideas. nection of ideas.

• Ask the pupils to present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues (definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Analyze a poem in terms of its elements.

3. Infer author’s purpose.
4. Share inferences, thoughts, and feelings based on texts.
5. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
6. Tell the uses of colors, lines, and shapes in moving images.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate present tense of the verb.
8. Write a 3-4 line poem in terms of its elements.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 69)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 79)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 69)

1. Guide the pupils as you find out their background knowledge on computer viruses.
2. Inform the students that they will answer the activity by completing the organizers
provided. (See TASK 1, page 69).
3. Solicit answers from the pupils based on what they wrote in the organizers.
4. Give comments and feedback regarding their answers.
5. Instruct the pupils to identify the problems caused by a computer virus. Ask them to list
these problems (See TASK 2, page 69).
6. Solicit answers from the pupils and give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 70)

1. Inform the class that the words in this activity are the difficult words taken from the poem.
(See TASK 3, page 70)
2. Instruct them to find out the meaning by asking them to use the clues provided in the

1. toolbars 2. software 3. spyware 4. virus 5. debug

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 70-71)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Instruct the pupils to read the guide questions in “Think it Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “”.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 71).
1. The speaker in the poem is a person who experienced a computer virus.
2. His/ Her computer got a virus.
3. The virus will delete some of the files, or it will stop some applications from working.
4. He/ She felt bad because of what happened.
5. Answers will vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 71)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and have them prepare for it.
3. Instruct the pupils to present their output.
4. Give your comments on their performance.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 72-75)

1. Direct the pupils to study the notes in their book about the elements of a poem. (See TASK 4, page 72)
2. Let them read the poem once more.
3. Tell the pupils to identify the elements of a poem.
4. Direct them as they answer the organizer about the elements of a poem.
5. Ask them to share their answers.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Guide the pupils as they learn the notes on inferring the author’s purpose of writing (See TASK 5,
page 73).
8. Discuss the important concepts about the topic.
9. Guide them as they answer the activities provided in the book.
10. Give the pupils ample time to finish the activity.
11. Ask the pupils to share their answers with their classmates.
12. Give your comments and feedback.
13. Instruct the pupils to read three other poems.
14. Tell them that they have to identify the purpose of those poems. (See Task 6, page 74)
15. Ask them to share their answers in class.
16. Direct the attention of the students to the picture presented.
17. Inform the students that they have to write a poem with four lines about the picture presented. (See
TASK 7, page 75)
18. Call some volunteers to share their answers in front of the class.
19. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Simple Present Tense (See pages 76-79)

1. Guide the pupils as they learn about simple present tense. Direct their attention to the notes on
the book.
2. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
3. Provide more examples if necessary.
4. Instruct the students to answer the exercises provided.
5. Exercise A (See page 77)
1. use 3. leads 5. gets 7. shows 9. copies
2. turn 4. allows 6. crash 8. try 10. ask
6. Exercise B (See page 78)
1. help 2. download 3. allow 4. gives 5. need
7. Exercise C (See page 78)
Being a computer wizard is easy. You just need to learn the basics of computers. Computers act like
human beings. They give up when they are tired. Computers also require rests sometimes. Let them
cool off when they are tired. We do not want our computers be destroyed so we need to take care
of them.
8. Instruct the pupils to use what they have learned about simple present tense by accomplishing this
activity (See EXERCISE D, page 79).
9. Provide enough time for the pupils to finish it.
10. Call some of the pupils to present their answers in class.
11. Give your comments on the presentation.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 79)

1. Instruct the pupils to perform the performance task provided.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.

You are tasked by Kid’s Hour Magazine to write a short poem about the uses of computers these
days. Your poem should have at least one stanza with two lines. Your poem will be published on
the next issue of the magazine and is expected to be read by Grade 4 pupils.

Your poem will be graded based on:

• Proper use of the elements of a poem

• Correct number of stanzas and lines
• Proper use of simple present tense

You can use MS Word or Publisher in writing your poem.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Proper Use of the The poem had all the The poem had some The poem had few
Elements of a Poem required elements of a required elements of a required elements of a
poem. poem. poem.
Correct Number The poem followed The poem was missing The poem was missing a
of Stanzas the correct number of with few lines compared lot of lines compared to
stanzas. to the required number the required
of stanzas.
Proper Use of Simple The poem used simple The poem used some The poem did not use
Present Tense present tense correctly. simple present tense simple present tense
correctly. correctly.

• Tell the pupils to present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues (definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Respond to questions involving directions.

3. Share inferences, thoughts, and feelings based on the text.
4. Infer the theme of the literary text.
5. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
6. Tell the uses of colors, lines, and shapes in moving objects.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate past tense of the verb.
8. Write a poem in terms of its elements.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 81)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 96)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 81)

1. Instruct the pupils to recall their most memorable moment with their parents or
grandparents. (See TASK 1, page 81).
2. Ask them to answer the questions provided.
3. Instruct them to write this in the box provided in the book.
4. Tell the pupils to share their answers in class.
5. Proceed to the next activity.
6. Ask the pupils to paste a picture of their grandfather on the space provided (See TASK 2,
page 81).
7. Instruct the pupils to describe their grandfather in the organizer provided beside the picture.
8. Solicit as many answers as possible.
9. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 82)

1. Tell the pupils to complete the sentences provided. (See TASK 3, page 82)
2. Inform the students that they will encounter these words in the story.
1. banister 2. dollop 3. cello 4. meadows 5. balcony

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 82-87)

1. Ask the pupils the motive questions provided before the story.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Tell the pupils to read the guide questions in “Think it Through” before they read the story.
4. Clarify if they did not understand the questions.
5. Ask the pupils to read the story “Through Grandpa’s Eyes”
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 87).
1. John lives with his grandfather.
2. John’s grandfather is kind and loving.
3. He wants to live with his grandfather because he loves him.
4. He showed his love to John by taking care of him.
5. Answers will vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 88)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Give the necessary guidelines, and have them prepare for it.
3. Tell the pupils to present their output.
4. Give your comments on their performance.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 89-92)

1. Direct the attention of the students to the notes provided in the task. (See TASK 4, pages 89-90).
2. Tell the students to read the poem provided in the task.
3. Inform the students that they have to discover the theme of the poem by completing the chart provided.
4. Ask the pupils to share their answers with the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback.
6. Instruct the pupils to observe and analyze the given pictures. (See TASK 5, page 91).
7. Tell the pupils that they have to write a two-line poem about the pictures.
8. Encourage the pupils to share their answers.
9. Give your comments and feedback about their poems.
10. Instruct the pupils to study the notes provided in the book about writing a poem. (See TASK 6,
page 92).
11. Direct the pupils by providing them guide questions in writing a poem.
12. Inform them that they may use the organizer provided.
13. Ask the pupils to share their answers in class.

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Simple Past Tense (See pages 93-96)
1. Guide the pupils as they learn about simple past tense. Direct their attention to the notes on the book.
2. Ask the students to give their own examples.
3. Give more examples if necessary.
68 4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided.
5. Exercise A (See page 94)
1. invited 3. brought 5. saw 7. fried 9. became
2. attended 4. welcomed 6. gave 8. danced 10. stopped
6. Exercise B (See pages 94-95)
1. set 3. provided 5. grew 7. listened 9. drew
2. spoke 4. wrote 6. talked 8. told 10. downloaded
7. Exercise C (See pages 95-96)
1. Lito and Mario appeared on television last Tuesday.
2. Lito presented different stories about the Philippines.
3. The viewers watched carefully as he spoke.
4. They learned a lot from the talk of Lito.
5. He also informed them of the lessons of these stories.
6. Mario showed the viewers how to cook Filipino food.
7. He explained the processes involved in cooking.
8. He also made some viewers try cooking on the show.
9. He told them that these recipes are available on-line.
10. The viewers studied the recipes of Mario thoroughly.
8. Instruct the pupils to use what they have learned about simple past tense by accomplishing this activity
(See EXERCISE D, page 96).
9. Provide enough time for the pupils to finish activity.
10. Call some pupils to present their answers.
11. Give your comments on the presentation.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 96)

1. Instruct the pupils to preform the provided performance task.
2. Explain their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for grading.

You are asked by the Kids’ Hour Magazine to write a poem about grandparents. This poem will be
presented during the Grandparents’ Day Special Celebration. Your poem should have at least four
lines. The editor will choose the best poem to be presented during the said event.

Your poem will be evaluated based on:

• Correct use of the elements of a poem.

• Proper use of words that bring out emotions.
• Correct use of simple past tense.

You may encode your work using MS Word.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Proper Use of the The poem had all the The poem had some The poem had few
Elements of a Poem required elements of a required elements of a required elements of a
poem. poem. poem.
Correct Number The poem followed The poem was missing The poem was missing a
of Stanzas the correct number of with a few lines com- lot of lines compared to
stanzas. pared to the required the required number of
number of stanzas. stanzas.
Proper Use of Simple The poem used simple The poem used some The poem did not use
Present Tense present tense correctly. simple present tense simple present tense
correctly. correctly.

• Ask the pupils to present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Clarify meaning of words using dictionary.

2. Identify the main idea from the text.

3. Identify the main idea, key sentences, and supporting details of a given paragraph.
4. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
5. Locate information using dictionaries.
6. Describe different forms and conventions used in printed materials.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate regular subjects and verb agreement.
8. Recognize the basic parts of a paragraph.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 99-100)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 113)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 99-100)

1. Direct the pupils to look at the pictures provided in book. Let them unlock the mystery
word by choosing the letters from the boxes below. (See TASK 1, page 99 )
2. Ask them to analyze the pictures presented to come up with the answer: FAMILY.
3. Ask the pupils to share their thoughts about families.
4. Direct the attention of the students to the next activity about family tree. (See TASK 2,
page 100)
5. Instruct the pupils also to describe their family members.
6. Inform them that they have to share their answers in class.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 100-101)

1. Inform the pupils that they will see the words from the selection in this activity. (See TASK
3, pages 100-101)
2. Instruct them that they will use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. Guide them
in using the guide words of a dictionary.
3. Ask pupils to share their answers with the class.
» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 101-104)

1. Instruct the students to read and reflect on the questions given before the selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Tell the pupils to read the questions in “Think It Through” before reading the selection.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the story “Grandma Hattie”.
5. Let them answer the questions in “Think it Through” (See page 104).
1. Grandma Hattie sent him a card with 5 dollars in it.
2. She may forget someone, so she sent two.
3. She provides food and shelter for them.
4. The narrator was happy to what Grandma Hattie did.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 104)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Instruct the pupils to present their work.
6. Give your comments and feedbacks on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 105-109)

1. Direct the attention of the students to the notes provided about main idea. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 105).
2. Guide the pupils as they study the given paragraph.
3. Discuss the guidelines in finding out the main idea of a paragraph.
4. Inform the class that a paragraphs have supporting details.
5. Discuss the notes provided about supporting details. (See TASK 5, pages 106-107)
6. Ask the pupils to read the paragraph provided.
7. Focus the attention of the pupils on the supporting details of the said paragraph.
8. Tell the students to identify the main idea and the supporting details of the given paragraphs.
9. Instruct the pupils to share their answers in class.
10. Give your comments and feedback.
11. Inform the students that there are three parts in a paragraph. (See TASK 6, pages 108-109).
12. Discuss these parts with the pupils.
13. Ask the students to read the example paragraph.
14. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions provided.
15. Direct the attention of the students to the activity provided.
16. Instruct them to identify the parts of the paragraph and organize the details using the chart provided.

» DAY 4
F. LESSON – Subject-Verb Agreement (General Rules) (See pages 110-113)
1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes in the book about subject-verb agreement.
2. Tell the pupils to study the notes provided.
3. Discuss these notes to the pupils and have them provide their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
6. Exercise A (See page 111)
1. helps 3. continue 5. spread 7. uses 9. aid
2. wants 4. helps 6. donate 8. gives 10. love
7. Exercise B (See page 112)
1. take 3. sees 5. study 7. sings 9. ask
2. give 4. provides 6. works 8. talks 10. serves
8. Exercise C (See page 112)
Answers may vary
9. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions (See EXERCISE D, page 113).
10. Give the students ample time to finish the activity.
11. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 113)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

The Family Time Organization (FTO) is spreading the good news about having a family. They want
to spread the advantages of being in a family through short paragraphs. You are asked by FTO to
write an outline of the paragraph that you plan to write. You are advised to follow the parts of a
paragraph in writing your outline.

Your outline will be read and evaluated by the president of the organization through the following:

• Complete parts of a paragraph

• Correct use of Subject-Verb Agreement
• Content of the outline

You may use MS Word in writing your outline.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Complete Parts of The outline had all parts The outline had some The outline had a few
a Paragraph of a paragraph. parts of a paragraph. parts of a paragraph.
Correct Use of The outline used sub- Some parts of the outline Most parts of the outline
Subject-Verb ject-verb agreement did not use subject-verb did not use subject-verb
Agreement correctly. agreement correctly. agreement correctly.
Content of The outline had all the The outline had some The outline had a few
the Outline relevant information. relevant information. relevant information.

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Clarify meaning of words using dictionary.


2. Identify the supporting details from a text.

3. Make an outline of a selection read.
4. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words .
5. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate compound subject and verb agreement.
6. Describe different forms and conventions used in printed materials.
7. Use appropriate graphic organizers for pre-writing tasks.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 115)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 129)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 115)

1. Instruct the pupils to identify the picture that shows love for family. (See TASK 1, page 115).
2. Ask them to explain why they chose that picture.
3. Solicit as many answers as possible.
4. Ask the pupils about what they do to show their love to their
5. Instruct them to draw their way of showing love to family. (See TASK 2, page 115).
6. Give the students ample time to finish their task.
7. Call some students to share their answers.
8. Give your comments and feedbacks.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 116)

1. Inform the pupils that they will unlock some of the unfamiliar words from the selection that
they will read. (See TASK 3, page 116).
2. Instruct the pupils that they will use a dictionary
3. Tell the pupils to use these words in their own sentences.
4. Give the students ample time to finish the activity.
76 5. Give your comments regarding the sentences of the pupils.
» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 116-121)

1. Let the pupils reflect on the questions given before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Tell the pupils to read the questions in “Think It Through” before they read the selection.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the story “The King with a Golden Touch”.
5. Have them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 121).
1. King Midas always wanted to have gold.
2. He asked the stranger to give him the touch of gold.
3. He could not eat because everything that he touched turned into gold. He also accidentally turned
his daughter into gold.
4. He asked the help once more of the stranger to return everything to normal.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 121)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Instruct the pupils to present their work.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 122-124)

1. Ask the class to group the given supporting details according to their main idea (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 122).
2. Instruct the pupils to share their answers in class.
3. Give your comments and feedback about their work.
4. Direct the attention of the students to the notes about outlining (See TASK 5, pages 123-124).
5. Discuss these notes to the pupils.
6. Instruct the pupils to make an outline of the paragraph given in the activity.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Subject-Verb Agreement (Other Rules Part 1) (See pages 124-128)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes provided about subject-verb agreement.
2. Discuss these notes to the class.
3. Give examples that shows the rules on subject-verb agreement.
4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
5. Exercise A (See page 126)
1. needs 3. help 5. keeps 7. require 9. keep
2. support 4. communicate 6. work 8. help 10. stay

6. Exercise B (See page 127)
1. rule 3. serves 5. make 7. give 9. think
2. obey 4. prepare 6. hurts 8. work 10. love
7. Exercise C (See pages 127-128)
1. do 3. serve 5. work 7. love 9. thank
2. prepare 4. takes 6. cares 8. appreciate 10. show
8. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions. (See EXERCISE D, page128)
9. Have the pupils do the activity for a period of time.
10. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
11. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 129)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are asked by the Family Time Organization to write a paragraph about family comparing it
to gold. Before you do that, you have to create a Venn Diagram comparing the two. Your Venn
Diagram will be presented to the president of the organization.

The president will evaluate your output based on:

• Content – information provided in the Venn Diagram

• Correct use of Subject-Verb Agreement
• Organization of Ideas

You may use MS Word to encode your work. You can also create a chart of the Venn Diagram.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content All contents of the Venn Some contents of the A few of the contents of
Diagram were correct Venn Diagram were the Venn Diagram were
and relevant. correct and relevant. correct and relevant.
Correct Use of The diagram used Some parts of the dia- A few parts of the dia-
Subject-Verb subject-verb agreement gram used subject-verb gram used subject-verb
Agreement correctly. agreement correctly. agreement correctly.

Organization of Ideas All ideas were arranged Some ideas were ar- A few ideas were
properly. ranged properly. arranged properly.

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Clarify meaning of words using thesaurus.


2. Identify the main idea and supporting details from a text.

3. Identify text-types according to purpose.
4. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
5. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate compound subject-verb agreement.
6. Describe colors and lines used in printed materials.
7. Organize ideas to form a coherent paragraph.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 131)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 145)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 131)

1. Instruct the pupils to answer the question about what makes a family. (See TASK 1,
page 131)
2. Tell the pupils to read the words in the word pool.
3. Ask them to pick out the words that define a family.
4. Ask them to explain their answers.
5. Solicit as many answers as possible.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Ask the pupils to describe a perfect family. (See TASK 2, page 131)
8. Instruct the pupils to write their answers in the spaces provided.
9. Call some pupils to share their answers.
10. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 132)

1. Instruct the class that they will find the synonym of the words in the story that they will
read. (See TASK 3, page 132)
80 2. Instruct the pupils to use a thesaurus in finding the synonyms of the given words.
3. Use these words in a sentence.
4. Ask the pupils to share their answers.
5. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 132-134)

1. Let the pupils reflect on the questions given before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Tell the pupils to read the questions in “Think It Through” before they read the selection.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the story “The Parable of the Lost Son”.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the questions in “Think It Through”.
1. He decided to get his share of the estate.
2. He decided to return to his father.
3. He accepted his son whole-heartedly.
4. His brother was jealous.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 134)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Ask the pupils to present their work.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 135-139)

1. Instruct the class to identify the main idea and supporting details of the given paragraph (See TASK 4
READING POWER, page 135).
2. Guide the pupils as through directing them to the graphic organizer provided in the book.
3. Call some pupils to share their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback.
5. Direct the attention of the students to the notes provided. (See TASK 5, pages 136-137)
6. Discuss the different text types according to its purpose.
7. Ask the pupils to answer the given exercise.
1. DI 2. N 3. DI 4. DE 5. N 6. DE 7. N 8. DI 9. N/DE 10. DE
8. Discuss the notes about writing a coherent paragraph (See TASK 6, pages 137-139).
9. Focus the attention of the pupils to the signal words given.
10. Let the pupils use these signal words in their own sentence.
11. Ask the pupils to answer the given exercise.
1. They have developed a new project in the school. In fact, many people are already enjoying it.
2. The parents were asked to attend the meeting. In addition, they were asked to bring a notebook
during the meeting.
3. The pupils went home early. However, the teacher does not know about it.
4. The parents of the pupils as well as the teachers went to school that day.
5. The parents were asked to sign in the attendance. However, they went directly to the meeting area.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Subject-Verb Agreement (Other Rules Part 2) (See pages 139-144)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes in the book about subject-verb agreement.
2. Discuss these notes to the pupils and ask them to give their own examples.
3. Provide more examples if necessary.
4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
5. Exercise A (See page 141)
1. tells 3. love 5. has 7. makes 9. shows
2. needs 4. expect 6. care 8. cry 10. ignores
6. Exercise B (See pages 142-143)
1. Everyone starts to communicate with their families.
2. Many people learn many things from their families.
3. Each family has a lot of influences on us.
4. Both our parents and relatives develop our characteristics.
5. “A Chair for My Mother” presents the love of a mother towards her family.
6. “Big Fish” shows how a son became affected with the illness of his father.
7. The roles of a family in the society affect the whole community.
8. Everyone contributes to the well-being of the society.
9. Our parents together with other parents work together to help build a quality family.
10. Many families require their members to spend time together for them to work.
7. Exercise C (See page 143)
Answers may vary
8. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions. (See EXERCISE D, page 144)
9. Give the pupils an ample time to finish the activity.
10. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
11. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 145)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

Family Time Organization (FTO) asked you to write a short paragraph about the Venn Diagram
that you made in the previous lesson. After writing, the editor wants you to revise by adding
signal words in the paragraph. You are also expected to write while observing the correct use of
subject-verb agreement.

Your editor will grade you based on:

• Correct use of subject-verb agreement

• Content of the paragraph
• Proper use of signal devices for proper coherence

You can also use MS Word to do your task.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of All contents of the par- Some of the contents A few of the contents
the Paragraph agraph were relevant to of the paragraph were of the paragraph were
the topic. relevant to the topic. relevant to the topic.
Correct Use of The paragraph used The paragraph used The paragraph used a
Subject-Verb subject-verb agreement some sentences with few sentences with
Agreement correctly. correct subject-verb correct subject-verb
agreement. agreement.
Proper Use of Signal The paragraph used Some parts of the para- Most parts of the para-
Devices for Proper signal devices for proper graph need signal devic- graph need signal devic-
Coherence coherence. es for proper coherence. es for proper coherences.

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Clarify meaning of words using thesaurus.


2. Use appropriate graphic organizers (to show sequence of events).

3. Identify figures of speech (simile, metaphor, personification).
4. Read grade four level texts using intonation.
5. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate pronouns (number and gender).
6. Describe layout used in printed materials.
7. Write a paragraph showing time-order.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 147-148)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 165)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 147-148)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the acrostic poem that they need to accomplish (See
TASK 1, page 147).
2. Inform them that they need to think of sentences and phrases that they can relate to the
definition of friendship.
3. Ask the pupils to share their ideas in front of the class.
4. Give your comments afterwards.
5. Ask the pupils to tell who their best friends are. Guide the pupils to paste the picture of
their best friend (See TASK 2, page 148).
6. Ask the pupils to describe their best friend by writing these descriptions on the spaces
7. Call some volunteers to share their answers with the class.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 148-149)

1. Lead the pupils in finding the synonym and antonym of the words given. (See TASK 3,
pages 148-149)
84 2. Direct the class to use a thesaurus in looking for the synonyms and antonyms of the words.
3. Instruct the pupils to share their answers in class.
4. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 149-155)

1. Ask the students to read and reflect on the questions given before the selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Guide the pupils as they read the questions that they need to answer after the reading selection.
4. Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
5. Instruct the pupils to read the story “A Curve in the River”.
6. Let them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 155).
1. Julian sent a bottle with a message through the ocean.
2. He wanted to find a new friend.
3. Julian was not excited about it.
4. They sent the bottle with something that they value.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 156)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Ask the pupils to present their work.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 156-159)

1. Instruct the class to arrange the given events in order. (See TASK 4 READING POWER, page 156)
1. Julian wrote a letter and put it in a bottle.
2. He threw the bottle into the river hoping that it would go far.
3. Gloria got the bottle that Julian threw.
4. She called Julian to tell him about the bottle.
5. Julian went to Gloria’s house to get the bottle.
6. Julian’s father talked to him about the bottle.
7. Julian called Gloria and his brother to throw bottle at the ocean, too.
8. They drove until they reached the bridge.
9. Julian and his friends threw the bottle into the ocean.
10. They watched as the bottles go far and out of their sights.
2. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about figures of speech. (See TASK 5, pages 157-158)
3. Discuss the different figures of speech provided in the book.
4. * Read the examples to the pupils.
5. * Ask them to give their own examples.
6. * Instruct the students to answer the task provided.
1. simile 3. personification 5. simile 7. metaphor 9. simile
2. simile 4. metaphor 6. personification 8. personification 10. simile
7. Direct the attention of the class to the notes about time-order paragraphs. (See TASK 6. pages 158-159)
8. Guide the pupils as they discover the signal words that tell time-order.
9. Instruct the pupils to write an outline of a time order paragraph.
10. Call some pupils to share their answers in class.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Pronouns (See pages 160-164)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes in the book about pronouns.
2. Ask the pupils to study the notes provided.
3. Discuss these notes to the pupils.
4. Ask them to give their own examples.
5. Give more examples if necessary.
6. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
7. Exercise A (See pages 161-162)
1. they 3. he 5. he 7. he 9. she
2. they 4. she 6. they 8. he 10. they
8. Exercise B (See page 162)
1. The pupils in the other class had a party. They invited their parents.
2. Mrs. Alonzo prepared the food. She also hosted the party.
3. Mr. Bernardo led the games. He also gave prizes for the winners.
4. Many pupils and parents joined the games. They enjoyed them.
5. Anna won in the sack race. She got a pencil as her prize.
6. The pencil is pink all over. It has a feather at the end.
7. Mrs. Cruz asked the kids to dance. She gave a prize to the best dancer.
8. Manny was chosen as the best dancer. He danced to a fast song.
9. Mrs. Arada performed a song. She sang my favorite song.
10. All parents went home happy. They had smiles on their faces as they leave.
9. Exercise C (See page 163)
Jake is my best friend since kindergarten. Jake likes to hang out with me and play video
games. He also likes to eat pizza with me. My mother always brings us pepperoni pizza whenever Jake
is home. She also brings our favorite milk shake together with the pizza. Jake’s parents allow us to hang
out and have sleepovers during weekends. His parents also permit us to play in their playground. The
playground is full of interesting toys. It is also full of nice flowers around it. I really love hanging out
with Jake.
10. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions. (See EXERCISE D, page 164)
11. Give the pupils an ample time to finish the activity.
12. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 165)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

The Friendship Goals Institution (FGI) tasked you to write a time-order paragraph about the
outline that you made earlier in this lesson (TASK 6). Your paragraph will be read by people from
around the world. Before it will be published, it will be read by the head of the institution to see
if it can be published.

The head will evaluate your work based on:

• Content of your paragraph

• Organization of ideas in a time-order paragraph
• Correct use of pronouns

You can also use MS Word to do your task.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of All contents of the para- Most parts of the para- Some parts of the para-
the Paragraph graph were relevant. graph were relevant. graph were relevant.
Organization of Ideas The paragraph followed Some parts of the The paragraph did
a clear time-order paragraph did not follow not follow any clear
organization. a clear organization. organization of ideas.
Correct Use The paragraph used Some parts of the The paragrah did not use
of Pronouns pronouns corretly. paragraph did not use pronouns correctly.
pronouns correctly.

• Ask the pupils to present their work in front of the class.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Clarify meaning of words using online resources.
2. Identify rhymes and sound devices in poems.

3. Deliver familiar poems with ease and confidence.

4. Identify figure of speech (onomatopoeia, assonance, alliteration).
5. Read grade-four level texts using expression.
6. Describe images in printed materials.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate pronoun-reference agreement (case
and kind).
8. Write a paragraph showing enumeration.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 167-168)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 179)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 167-168)

1. Inform the pupils that they will identify the good ways and bad ways of treating a friend.
(See TASK 1, page 167)
2. Tell them to draw a happy face if it’s a good way and a sad face if it’s not.
3. Ask the pupils to justify their answers.
4. Solicit as many answers as possible.
5. Give your comments and feedback.
6. Ask the pupils about the importance of having friends. (See TASK 2, page 168)
7. Let them write their ideas on the given space provided in the book
8. Call some pupils to share their answers in front.
9. Give your comments and feedback on the answers of the pupils.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 168)

1. Instruct the class to use computers in finding out the meanings of the given words. (See
TASK 3, page 168)
2. Direct the class to access the sites mentioned in the book to find the meaning of these words.
88 3. Ask the pupils to share their answers.
4. Give your comments on the answers of the class.

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 169-170)

1. Let the pupils reflect on the questions given before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many responses as possible from the pupils.
3. Guide the pupils as they read the questions that they need to answer after the reading selection.
4. Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
5. Instruct the pupils to read the poem “Forever Friend”.
6. Ask them to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 170).
1. A special friend changes your life.
2. A special friend makes our life brighter and happier.
3. They lift our spirits.
4. A special friend stays forever.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 170)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Ask the pupils to share their answers
6. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 171-174)

1. Guide the class as they study the notes on rhyming words (See TASK 4 READING POWER, pages
2. Let the students study the examples given.
3. Ask them to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Direct the class to answer the activity in the book.
1. bind 2. inside 3. day 4. blame 5. glad 6. heart
6. Let the pupils discover more about the figures of speech by asking them to study the notes in their
book (See TASK 5, page 173).
7. Ask the class to give their own examples of figures of speech.
1. onomatopoeia 3. alliteration 5. onomatopoeia 7. onomatopoeia 9. assonance
2. assonance 4. alliteration 6. alliteration 8. assonance 10. onomatopoeia
8. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about enumeration paragraphs. (See TASK 6, page 174)
9. Guide the pupils as they discover the signal words that tells enumeration.
10. Instruct the class to write an outline that focuses on enumeration.
11. Call some volunteers to share their answers in front.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Pronoun (Antecedent Agreement Part 1) (See pages 175-179)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes in the book about pronoun-antecedent agreement.
2. Let them study the notes provided.
3. Discuss these notes to the pupils and ask them to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
6. Exercise A (See pages 176-177)
1. It 3. He 5. They 7. They 9. She
2. It 4. He 6. It 8. They 10. They
7. Exercise B (See pages 177-178)
1. Benson was awarded as Mr. Friendship in our class. He always likes to help.
2. Julio was awarded as second. He teaches my classmates.
3. Mrs. Medina said that we should be friendly. She said that having friends is good.
4. Carmela also wanted the award. She will work hard for it.
5. Gina told Carmela that they should work together. She said that she will be a good example.
8. Exercise C (See page 178)
Answers may vary
9. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions (See EXERCISE D, page 179).
10. Give the pupils an ample time to finish the activity.
11. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 179)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are asked again by the FGI to write an enumeration paragraph about the outline that you
made in TASK 6 of this lesson. Friends all over the world will read your letter. They would like to
learn more about keeping a friend forever. This time, the Vice-Chairperson of the institution will
read your work.

Your paragraph will be graded based on:

• Content of your paragraph

• Organization of ideas in an enumeration paragraph
• Correct use of pronoun-antecedent agreement

You may use MS Word to encode your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of All contents of the para- Most parts of the para- Some parts of the para-
the Paragraph graph were relevant. graph were relevant. graph were relevant.
Organization of Ideas The paragraph followed a Some parts of the par- The paragraph did not
clear enumerated organ- agraph did not follow a follow any clear organiza-
ization. clear organization. tion of ideas.
Correct Use of The paragraph used Some parts of the The paragraph did not
Pronoun-Antecedent pronoun-antecedent paragraph did not use use pronoun-antecedent
Agreement agreement correctly. pronoun-antecedent agreement correctly.
agreement correctly.

• Ask the pupils to present their work in front of the class.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Clarify meaning of words using online resources.

2. Use appropriate graphic organizers to describe.

3. Analyze lead of a news report.
4. Read grade four-level texts using punctuation marks.
5. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate pronoun-reference agreement (case
and kind).
6. Describe verbal used in printed materials.
7. Write a brief news report.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 181)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 194)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 181)

1. Ask the pupils to observe the picture presented in the book (See TASK 1, page 181).
2. Instruct them to analyze the content of the poster.
3. Tell the pupils to answer the given questions about the poster.
4. Solicit as many answers as possible.
5. Ask the class to define the meaning of friendship.
6. Allow them to write their definition in the space provided in the book (See TASK 2,
page 181).
7. Instruct the pupils to share their answers in class.
8. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 182)

1. Inform the students that they will use computers to find out the meaning of the unfamiliar
words. (See TASK 3, page 182)
2. Direct the class to access the sites mentioned in the book to find the meaning of these words.
3. Call some students to share their answers in class.
92 4. Give your comments on the answers of the class.
» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 182-186)

1. Instruct the pupils to read and reflect on the questions on the reading selection.
2. Ask as many responses as possible from the pupils.
3. Guide the pupils as they read the questions that they need to answer after the reading selection.
4. Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
5. Instruct the pupils to read the story “Coming Home: A Dog’s True Story”.
6. Instruct them to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 186).
1. Paddy treats Bodger like a friend.
2. Bodger remained loyal to Paddy.
3. Paddy died and Bodger needed to have a new owner.
4. One of the friends of Paddy adopted Bodger.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 186)
1. Provide the situation that the pupils need to present.
2. Guide them as they work on their task.
3. Present additional guidelines if necessary.
4. Provide the pupils with enough time to finish the task.
5. Ask the pupils to present their work.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 187-189)

1. Instruct the students to study the notes provided about graphic organizer (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 187).
2. Discuss these notes with the pupils.
3. Ask the class to accomplish the given organizer to describe the characters.
4. Ask them to share their answers.
5. Give your comments and feedback after the presentations.
6. Guide the class in identifying the important parts of a news story. Let them study the notes in the book.
(See TASK 5, pages 188-189).
7. Ask the class to write a news story about Bodger. Let them use the inverted pyramid as their guide.
8. Call some volunteers to show their answers in front of the class.
9. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Pronoun (Antecedent Agreement Part 2) (See pages 189-194)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes in the book about pronoun-antecedent agreement. Have
them study the notes provided.
2. Discuss these notes to the pupils and ask them to provide their own examples.
3. Give more drills if necessary.
4. Instruct the pupils to answer the exercises provided after the notes.
5. Exercise A (See page 191)
1. her 2. she 3. she 4. he 5. they 6. it 7. she 8. she 9. she 10. it 93
6. Exercise B (See pages 191-192)
1. Marla enjoyed her vacation with her friends.
2. She brought her friends to her private island.
3. Her friends enjoyed the beach. They swam there all day long.
4. Marla asked her friends if they enjoyed the vacation.
5. Her friends enjoyed their stay on the island.
7. Exercise C (See pages 192-193)
Good day everyone! This is Ariana Gomez reporting for Live with Pets!. Today, we will find out
the story of a man who was saved by his dog.

Jeremy Render owns a huge black dog. One day, Jeremy was walking in the street when a
car almost hit him. The car was travelling in an unbelievable speed that almost caused an accident.
Before the car hit Jeremy, Andy, the black dog, appeared and pushed him. Andy was not hurt during
the process. He is well and healthy with his owner. However, the car did not stop and passed them.

Once again, this is Ariana Gomez reporting for Live with Pets!
8. Lead the pupils as they read the directions provided for this activity. Ask them if they understood the
directions. (See EXERCISE D, page 194)
9. Give the pupils an ample time to finish the activity.
10. Ask them to present their work in front of the class.
11. Give your comments and feedback on their outputs.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 194)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are invited by the FGI to write a news story about the most memorable experience that you
had with your best friend. Your story will be published in the next issue of their newspaper. You
have to share to the world why you considered this as your most treasured moment with your best
friend. It will be read by FGI’s editor.

The editor will evaluate your output based on:

• Correct use of the parts of a news story

• Organization of ideas in the news story
• Correct use of pronoun-antecedent agreement

You may encode your work in MS Word, or post it on Social Media.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of All contents of the news Most parts of the news Some parts of the news
the Paragraph story were relevant. story were relevant. story were relevant.
Organization of Ideas The news story followed Some parts of the news The news story did not
a clear organization. story did not follow a follow any clear organiza-
clear organization. tion of ideas.
Correct Use of The news story used Some parts of the The news story did not
Pronoun-Antecedent pronoun-antecedent new story did not use use pronoun-antecedent
Agreement agreement correctly. pronoun-antecedent agreement correctly.
agreement correctly.

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues (synonyms and antonyms) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.

2. Note significant details.

3. Distinguish reality from fantasy.
4. Use appropriate graphic organizers for text read.
5. Read grade four level texts using intonation.
6. Use card catalogue to locate resources.
7. Describe various text types of viewing materials.
8. Compose clear and coherent sentences using coordinating conjunctions.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 197-198)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 211 )

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 197-198)

1. Ask the class to look and analyze the picture provided in the book. Instruct them to identify
the community helpers in the picture. (See TASK 1, page 197)
2. Ask the class to answer the questions provided.
3. Solicit as many answers as possible from the pupils.
4. Let the class pick six community helpers that they admire the most (See TASK 2, page 198).
5. Let them draw pictures and write a short explanation on the chosen pictures of the com-
munity helpers that they admire.
6. Ask them to share their answers.
7. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 198-199)

1. Guide the pupils as they unlock the meaning of the difficult words found in the selection.
(See TASK 3, pages 198-199)
2. Inform the class that clues are in the sentences provided.

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 199-201)

1. Ask the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them give their answers regarding the motive questions. Encourage as many pupils as possible to
answer these questions.
3. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “To Build a Community”.
5. Give them enough time to read the selection.
6. After reading, ask them to answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 201).
1. Some of the community helpers mentioned are policemen, firemen, doctor, nurse, priest, teachers,
and farmers.
2. They help the community in their own ways and skills.
3. The narrator was able to find out who builds the community.
4. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 201)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Let them read the situation. Ask them if they have questions.
3. Clarify any queries from the pupils.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, ask the class to present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 202-206)

1. Direct the class to focus on the notes provided about noting details (See TASK 4 READING POWER,
page 202).
2. Let them practice noting details using the provided paragraph.
3. Ask the pupils to share their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback.
5. Lead the pupils as they learn about reality and fantasy in a reading selection (See TASK 5, page 203).
6. Direct the pupils to the notes provided in their book.
7. Ask them to group the statements whether they are in reality or in fantasy.
Reality Fantasy
• A fireman puts out fire using the water from • He can also spit large amounts of water to
the firetruck. put off fire.
• A fireman also uses a long ladder to save • A fireman flies to the people on top of build-
people from buildings. ings to be saved.
• They work with other firemen to make things • A fireman can work alone because they have
easier. superhuman strength.
8. Ask the pupils to study the notes provided in their book about card catalogue (See TASK 6, pages
9. Discuss the different kinds of card catalogues among the pupils.
10. Instruct them to answer the activity provided in the book.
1. subject card 3. title card 5. author card 7. subject card 9. author card
2. author card 4. title card 6. subject card 8. title card 10. subject card

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Coordinating Conjunctions (See pages 206-210)

1. Allow the pupils to learn more about coordinating conjunctions by asking them to study the notes
provided in their book.
2. Discuss this grammar item by giving them examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See pages 207-208)
1. and 2. and 3. or 4. and 5. for 6. but 7. and 8. or 9. but 10. and
7. Exercise B (See page 208)
1. or 2. and 3. but 4. and 5. for 6. but 7. and 8. and 9. or 10. for
8. Exercise C (See page 209)
Answers may vary
9. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting (See EXERCISE D, page 210).
10. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
11. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
12. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 211)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are invited by your municipality to deliver a ten-sentence thank you speech for the community
builders of your place. You need to point out their contributions to the community in your speech.
Likewise, you also have to use coordinating conjunctions in your speech. Before you deliver the
speech, the mayor would like to hear your speech.

The mayor will evaluate your speech based on:

• Content of your speech

• Organization of your speech
• Correct use of coordinating conjunctions in the speech

You may use a voice recorder or a cellphone in recording your speech.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The introduction had all The introduction had The introduction had a
Introduction the relevant contents. some relevant contents. few relevant contents.
Organization of the The ideas in the Some ideas in the Most of the ideas were
Introduction introduction were all introduction were not not well organized.
well-organized. well organized
Correct Use The introduction Some parts of the Most parts of the
of Subordinating used subordinating introduction did not introduction did not
Conjunctions conjunctions correctly. use subordinating use subordinating
conjunctions correctly. conjunctions.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Identify various text-types according to structure – enumeration.

2. Identify shades of meaning in words.
3. Distinguish reality from fantasy.
4. Read grade-four level texts using intonation.
5. Describe various types of viewing materials.
6. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 213-214)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 229)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 213-214)

1. Let the class pick top five traits of a hero (See TASK 1, page 213).
2. Beside the characteristics, ask the pupils to write their explanation of their chosen
3. Instruct them to share their answers in class.
4. Give your comments and feedback.
5. Let the class watch a video about community helpers:
6. Ask them pick out the important information about the video by taking down notes (See
TASK 2, page 214).
7. Ask the pupils to organize the information that they have through the organizer provided
in the book.
8. Ask the class to share their answers.
9. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 214)
1. Guide the pupils in unlocking the meaning of the underlined words from the article. (See TASK 3,
page 214)
2. Instruct the class that they need to use the clues provided to answer the task.
1. yank 2. low voice 3. carry 4. smiled 5. good

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 215-221)

1. Ask the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them share their answers on the motive questions given. Encourage them to answer these questions.
3. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Have them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “Thank You Ma’am”.
5. Give them enough time to read the selection.
6. After reading, have them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 221).
1. The young boy tug the bag of Mrs. Jones.
2. He wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
3. She brought him home to be cleaned and fed.
4. She treated the boy kindly.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 221)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Let them read the situation. Ask them if they have questions.
3. Clarify any queries from the pupils.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, have the class present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 222-225)

1. Lead the class to know on how to enumerate the details on a paragraph (See TASK 4 READING POWER,
page 222).
2. Ask the class to read the paragraph provided in the book.
3. Have them pick out the details from the paragraph that are used to enumerate.
4. Allow them to make an outline about this.
5. Call some pupils to show their answers.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Have the class look at the picture provided in the book. (See TASK 5, pages 222-223).
8. Ask the class to list five sentences that show reality and 5 sentences that show fantasy about the picture.
9. Provide them with ample time to finish the task.
10. Ask some pupils to share their answers.
11. Give your comments and feedback.
12. Guide the pupils in identifying the meaning of words through lining (See TASK 6, pages 224-225).

13. Ask the class to read the notes provided in the book.
14. Direct their attention to the examples provided.
15. Ask them to work on the given activity.
1. smelly, offensive, stinky, reeky 4. sometimes, seldom, often, always
2. enough, plenty, more, many 5. working, busy, active, engaged
3. needed, required, important, essential

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Subordinating Conjunctions (See pages 225-229)

1. Allow the pupils to learn more about subordinating conjunctions by asking them to study the notes
provided in their book.
2. Discuss this grammar item by giving them examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 226)
1. because 3. until 5. before 7. if 9. since
2. when 4. although 6. unless 8. after 10. although
7. Exercise B (See page 227)
1. although 3. before 5. as 7. since 9. if
2. because 4. unless 6. while 8. when 10. since
8. Exercise C (See pages 227-228)
1. The soldier received his Medal of Honor award because he served during the war.
2. He threw himself into a live grenade because he wanted to protect the other soldiers.
3. He saved two other soldiers although his eyes and teeth were badly damaged.
4. He said that he could not remember the blast although the doctors confirmed the injuries.
5. He is still alive when he received the Medal of Honor.
9. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting (See EXERCISE D, pages 228-229).
10. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
11. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
12. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 229)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are once again invited by your municipality to prepare a short introduction of the recipient of
the award “Hero of the Year”. This person is the one whom you consider as your hero. You have to
include your reasons for choosing this person as your hero. The mayor also wanted you to include
subordinating conjunctions in your introduction.

Before the event, the organizer wanted to take a look at your introduction. It will be evaluated
based on:

• Content of the introduction

• Organization of the ideas
• Correct use of subordinating conjunctions

You may use MS Word to encode your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The introduction had all The introduction had The introduction had a
Introduction the relevant contents. some relevant contents. few relevant contents.
Organization of The ideas in the Some ideas in the Most of the ideas were
the Introduction introduction were all introduction were not not well organized.
well-organized. well organized
Correct Use of The introduction Some parts of the Most parts of the
Subordinating used subordinating introduction did not introduction did not
Conjunctions conjunctions correctly. use subordinating use subordinating
conjunctions correctly. conjunctions.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Identify various text-types according to structure – time order.

2. Read grade four level texts using expressions.
3. Identify the meanings of content specific words – denotation and connotation.
4. Locate information from glossaries and indices.
5. Identify the visual elements used in a printed material.
6. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate order of adjectives.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 231-232)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 245)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 231-232)

1. Direct the class to analyze the given pictures in the book (See TASK 1, page 231).
2. Instruct them to write their ideas about the pictures presented.
3. Ask the pupils to share their answers in class.
4. Lead the class to the idea of EDSA Revolution using the pictures.
5. Let them guess what happened during that time by looking at the provided pictures.
6. Instruct the class to think of an event from the past that tells you a very big lesson. (See
TASK 2, page 232)
7. Ask the class to organize their answers using the chart provided.
8. Call some volunteers to share their answers.
9. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 232-233)

1. Lead the pupils in unlocking the meaning of the underlined words from the article. (See
TASK 3, pages 232-233)
2. Tell them to find the word with the same meaning as the underlined word.
1. army 2. stop 3. brutal 4. common activities 5. stated

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 233-235)

1. Instruct the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them give their answers regarding the motive questions.
3. Solicit as many answers as possible.
4. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
5. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “EDSA Revolution”.
6. Give them enough time to read the selection.
7. After reading, let them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 235).
1. It started when some of the army wanted to experience change.
2. It happened at EDSA.
3. Many people from different sectors participated in the activity.
4. They achieved their goal through peaceful means such as prayer.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 235)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Instruct them to read the situation.
3. Ask them if they have questions.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, have the class present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 235-240)

1. Lead the class to know more about paragraphs that give time-order (See TASK 4 READING POWER,
pages 235-236).
2. Ask the pupils to study the notes provided.
3. Instruct them to pick out details that tells time-order.
4. * Ask the pupils to read the given paragraph in the task.
5. * Instruct them to rearrange the sentences in order.
6. Call some pupils to show their answers.
7. Give your comments and feedback.
8. Let the class study the notes about glossaries (See TASK 5, pages 237-238).
9. Instruct the class to analyze also the example provided.
10. Direct them to answer the given activity about glossaries.
11. Do the same procedure with indices. (See TASK 6, pages 238-239).
12. Provide more examples if necessary.
13. Guide the pupils as they study the notes about denotation and connotation (See TASK 7, pages
14. Tell them to focus on the examples provided in the book.
15. Ask the class to give their own examples.

16. Lead the class to answer the activities provided in the book.
1. information 2. nation 3. work 4. leader 5. mature

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Order of Adjectives (See pages 241-245)

1. Ask the pupils to study the notes provided in the book.
2. Discuss these notes to the pupils and provide examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Give more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See pages 242-243)
1. black Chinese shoes 6. two clean white clothes
2. a colorful handkerchief 7. four pretty grey American phones
3. noisy old woman 8. interesting new big blue books
4. seven round Italian pizzas 9. ten lovely new red French bags
5. the useful modern computers 10. nice tiny old pink German car
7. Exercise B (See page 243)
Answers may vary
8. Exercise C (See page 244)
Answers may vary – check the order of adjectives
9. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE D, page 245)
10. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
11. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
12. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 245)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

Your municipality has invited your school to hold the anniversary of your town. The Grade 4 pupils
are in-charge of preparing a PowerPoint presentation of the important features of your town. You
were asked to describe the important features of your town using more than one adjective.

The mayor of your town wanted to see the PowerPoint presentation before showing it to the
guests. Your presentation will be graded based on:

• Content of your presentation

• Appropriate pictures used in the presentation
• Correct use of the order of adjectives

Use MS PowerPoint in doing your work. You may also upload your presentation in Social Media
after showing it.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The introduction had all The introduction had The introduction had a
Presentation the relevant contents. some relevant contents. few relevant contents.
Appropriate Use The presentation used all Some of the pictures Most of the pictures used
of Pictures the relevant pictures. used were not relevant. were not relevant.
Correct Use of the The presentation used Some parts of the Most parts of the
Order of Adjectives the order of adjectives presentation did not use presentation did not use
correctly. the order of adjectives the order of adjectives
correctly. correctly.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Identify different meanings of content specific words – denotation and connotation.


2. Identify various text types according to structure – cause and effect.

3. Use verbal cues in oral public announcements.
4. Read grade four level texts using expression.
5. Interpret pictures.
6. Identify the visual elements used in printed materials.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate adverbs.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 247-248)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 259)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 247-248)

1. Instruct the pupils to analyze the poster presented. (See TASK 1, page 247).
2. Ask them to write down their observations on the space provided.
3. Ask some pupils to share their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
5. Tell the class to list down at least five qualities or traits of being helpful. (See TASK 2,
pages 247-248)
6. Instruct the pupils to explain why they chose those traits.
7. Call some volunteers to share their answers in front of the class.
8. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 248)

1. Guide the class in unlocking the meaning of the difficult words found in the selection. In-
struct them to look for clues in the sentences. (See TASK 3, page 248)
2. Tell the class to use these words in sentences.
3. Instruct the pupils to share their answers in class.
» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 233-235)

1. Ask the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them give their answers regarding the motive questions. Encourage as many pupils as possible to
answer the given questions.
3. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “The Selfish Giant”.
5. Give them enough time to read the selection.
6. After reading, have them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 251).
1. The children were forced to play in the streets because the giant forbid them from playing in
the garden.
2. The giant’s garden remained dry.
3. He took pity at the child who wanted to climb a tree.
4. The giant died at the end.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 251)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Let them read the situation. Ask them if they have questions.
3. Clarify any queries from the pupils.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, ask the class to present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 252-254)

1. Lead the class to know more about paragraphs that give cause and effects. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 252).
2. Ask the class to read the paragraph provided in the book.
3. Instruct them to identify the details which tells cause or effect.
4. Allow them to make an outline focusing on the cause and effects.
5. Call some pupils to share their answers in class.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Direct the class to analyze the given pictures in the book (See TASK 5 INTERPRETING PICTURES,
page 253).
8. Let them identify the meaning of the picture by looking closely at its elements.
9. Call some volunteers to share their findings.
10. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
11. Guide the pupils as they study the notes about positive and negative connotations (See TASK 6, pages
12. Instruct them to focus on the examples in the book.
13. Ask the class to give their own examples.
14. Tell the pupils to answer the activities provided in the book.
1. modern 2. comfortable 3. simple 4. new 5. enthusiastic

15. Let the class study the notes on verbal cues in their book (See TASK 7 VERBAL CUES, page 254).
16. Ask the class to use these tips in making an actual short announcement.
17. Instruct them to write the announcement first before asking them to present it in front of the class.
18. Call some volunteers to show their output.
19. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Adverbs (See pages 255-258)

1. Let the students learn more about adverbs by studying the notes provided in the book.
2. Discuss this grammar item by giving them examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Give more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 257)
1. loudly - manner 4. calmly – manner 7. so – degree 10. happily – manner
2. not - negation 5. easily – manner 8. not – negation
3. beside – place 6. up – place 9. very – degree
7. Exercise B (See pages 257-258)
1. not 3. shyly 5. so 7. around 9. soon
2. beside 4. angrily 6. all day 8. very 10. never
8. Exercise C (See page 258)
Answers may vary
9. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE D, page 258)
10. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
11. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
12. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 259)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

Your municipality invited your school once more to create a poster announcing the opening of the
celebration or feast of your town. You are tasked to create a poster advertisement of this feast.
You also have to include the activities that will be done during the celebration. You are reminded
to use adverbs correctly in describing the activities.

The mayor wanted to see the poster before it can be posted. Your poster will be graded based on:

• Content of the poster

• Creativity
• Correct use of adverbs in the poster

Put your poster on a white cartolina.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the Poster The poster had all the The poster had some The poster had a few
important contents. missing important missing important con-
contents. tents.
Creativity The finished product The finished product The finished product was
showed creativity or was copied a little from completely copied.
originality. others.
Correct Use The poster used adverbs Some parts of the poster A few parts of the poster
of Adverbs correctly. used adverbs correctly. used adverbs correctly.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Identify various text types according to structure – problem and solution.

2. Identify different meanings of content specific words – denotation and connotation.

3. Use verbal cues in oral public announcements.
4. Read grade four level texts using punctuation marks.
5. Interpret graphs.
6. Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.
7. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate prepositions, and prepositional phrases.
8. Write a paragraph showing solutions to a problem.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 261-262)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 275)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 261-262)

1. Let the class identify the given icons in the book (See TASK 1, page 261).
2. Ask as many responses as possible from the class.
3. Solicit as many answers as possible.
4. Give your comments and feedback.
5. Instruct the students to identify the parts of nature presented in the book (See TASK 2,
pages 261-262).
6. Ask the pupils to enumerate different ways of protecting these parts of nature.
7. Call some students to share their answers in class.
8. Give your comments and feedback.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 262)

1. Let the class find the meaning of the difficult words from the selection.
2. Ask them to pick the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word. (See TASK
3, page 262)

1. spread 3. putting into action 5. at the same time
2. compatibility 4. passage

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 263-265)

1. Ask the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them give their answers regarding the motive questions. Encourage as many pupils as possible to
answer these questions.
3. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “How to Really Solve our Flood Problem”.
5. Give the pupils ample time to finish reading the selection.
6. After reading, let them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 265).
1. Our information dissemination and emergency responses has improved over the years.
2. The two best ways are the smart flood control systems and the Paranaque spillway.
3. It will help distribute water lessening the flood.
4. It will help to divert flood water to other areas.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 265)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Let them read the situation. Ask them if they have questions.
3. Clarify any queries from the pupils.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, ask the class to present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 265-270)

1. Lead the class to know more about paragraphs that show problem-solution relationship. (See TASK 4
READING POWER, pages 265-267)
2. Ask the class to read the paragraph provided in the book.
3. Have them pick out the details from the paragraph that are used to show problem-solution relationship.
4. Ask them to make an outline focusing on the problem and solution.
5. Call some pupils to show their answers.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Instruct the class to read and study the notes provided for them about graphs. (See TASK 5, pages
8. Let them study the examples given.
9. Tell them to answer the questions provided.
10. Call some pupils to share their answers.
11. Give your comments and feedback about their answers.
12. Let the class use the given words both as denotation and connotation. (See TASK 6, pages 269-270)
13. Provide them with enough time to finish the task.
14. Ask them to share their answers with the class.
15. Provide them with your comments and feedback about their answers.
» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases (See pages 270-274)

1. Direct the attention of the students to the notes about prepositions and prepositional phrases.
2. Discuss these notes to the students.
3. Let the students understand the lesson by asking them to study the examples in the book.
4. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
5. Give more examples if necessary.
6. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
7. Exercise A (See page 272)
1. in our country 4. in danger 7. by a flood 10. to evacuation centers
2. by heavy rains 5. during other calamities 8. on plans
3. around the country 6. near the water 9. before a typhoon
8. Exercise B (See page 273)
1. during 3. around 5. in 7. with 9. from
2. from 4. to 6. beside 8. in 10. after
9. Exercise C (See pages 273-274)
1. from calamities 4. of an earthquake 7. by our carelessness 10. during calamities
2. from hazards 5. of a community 8. around the country
3. in different levels 6. by nature 9. in our country
10. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting (See EXERCISE D, page 274).
11. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
12. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
13. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
14. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 275)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are once again invited by your municipality to talk about the dangers of flood and how we
can avoid them. You will say these information in front of the citizens of your town. You need
to educate them about the bad effects of flood and the solution that we can do to avoid it. The
chairperson of your town’s DRRM wanted to read your speech before you can deliver it.

The DRRM chairperson will evaluate your work based on:

• Content of your speech

• Organization of ideas (problem-solution paragraph)
• Correct use of prepositions and prepositional phrases
You may use MS Word in encoding your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the Speech The speech had all the The speech had some of The speech had a few of
essential information. the essential information. the essential information.
Organization of Ideas The speech followed the Some parts of the speech Most parts of the speech
problem-solution organ- were not aligned with were not aligned with
ization. the problem-solution the problem-solution
organization. organization.
Correct Use of The speech used Some parts of the speech Most parts of the speech
Prepositional Phrases prepositional phrases did not use prepositional did not use prepositional
correctly. phrases correctly. phrases.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Identify various text types according to structure – comparison and contrast.

2. Use verbal cues in oral public announcements.

3. Identify different meanings of content area words – denotation and connotation.
4. Make generalizations.
5. Read grade four level texts using punctuation marks.
6. Locate information from available online resources.
7. Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.
8. Use a specific kind of sentence for asking permission, responding to question, making requests,
and following and giving directions.
9. Write a one-paragraph essay about waste segregation.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 277-278)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 288)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 277-278)

1. Ask the students about what they know about recycling (See TASK 1, page 277).
2. Guide the class as they accomplish the chart provided in their book.
3. Instruct them to share their answers in class.
4. Give comments and feedback.
5. Inform the student that they will unlock the mystery word (See TASK 2, page 278).
6. Note that they should answer: Waste Management.
7. Let the class share what they know about waste management.
8. Solicit as many answers as possible.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 262)

1. Guide the class to complete the sentences and find out the meaning of some of the difficult
words found in the selection. (See TASK 3, page 278)
2. Instruct them to choose the answers from the word box provided.
1. dispose 2. segregate 3. organic 4. hazard 5. biodegradable

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 278-280)

1. Ask the pupils to read the given motive questions at the beginning of the reading selection.
2. Let them give their answers regarding the motive questions. Encourage as many pupils as possible to
answer these questions.
3. Direct the pupils’ attention to the questions that they need to remember while reading the selection.
Let them read the questions in “Think It Through”.
4. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “What is Waste Management?”
5. Give them enough time to read the selection.
6. After reading, have them answer the questions in “Think It Through” (See page 280).
1. Segregation is the first step.
2. Proper waste management should start at our homes.
3. It can cause physical hazards.
4. It can also cause environmental dangers and harms.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 281)
1. Present the situation that the pupils need to perform.
2. Instruct them to read the situation. Ask them if they have questions.
3. Clarify any queries from the pupils.
4. Give them enough time to finish the task.
5. After the preparation, ask the pupils to present their output.
6. Give your comments and feedback on their output.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 281-284)

1. Lead the class to know more about paragraphs that show comparison and contrast relationship. (See
TASK 4 READING POWER, pages 281-282)
2. Ask the class to read the paragraph provided in the book.
3. Instruct the pupils to identify the details that show comparison and contrast relationship.
4. Ask them to make an outline that focuses on comparison and contrast.
5. Call some pupils to share their answers.
6. Give your comments and feedback.
7. Guide the pupils in making generalizations by allowing them to read the provided notes about it. (See
TASK 5, page 283)
8. Lead the class in making generalizations by allowing them to answer the provided activity.
9. Call some volunteers to share their answers.
10. Give your comments and feedback.
11. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about making generalizations.
12. Lead the class in making generalizations by allowing them to answer the provided activity.
13. Call some pupils to share their answers.
14. Give your comments and feedback.
15. Instruct the class to identify the possible websites that they can use for studying. (See TASK 6, page 284)
16. Guide the pupils in answering the activity provided.
17. Note that the pupils need computer in answering this activity.
18. Ask some pupils to show their answers.
19. Provide your comments and seatwork about their presentation.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Kinds of Sentences (According to Purpose) (See pages 285-288)

1. Tell the pupils to focus on the notes about the kinds of sentences.
2. Elaborate on these notes by giving examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 286)
1. DE 2. IN 3. IM 4. EX 5. DE 6. IN 7. IM 8. DE 9. IN 10. EX
7. Exercise B (See page 287)
1. . 2. ? 3. . 4. . 5. ? 6. . 7. ! 8. . 9. . 10. ?
8. Exercise C (See page 287)
Answers may vary
9. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE D, page 288)
10. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
11. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
12. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
13. Give your comments and feedbacks about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 288)

1. Guide the class as they do the performance task.
2. Discuss with them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used
for grading.

You are invited by the mayor of your municipality to write an essay about waste segregation. This
essay will be published in the newspaper of your town. Your mayor has chosen you to write the
article. He wanted to see the importance of waste segregation in your essay. He also wanted you
to use the four kinds of sentences properly.

The mayor will evaluated your work based on:

• Content of the essay

• Organization of the essay
• Correct use of the four kinds of sentences

You may use MS Word to encode your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the Essay The essay had all the The essay had some of The essay had a few of
essential information. the essential information. the essential information.
Organization of Ideas The essay was explained Some parts of the Most parts of the
logically. essay were difficult to essay were difficult to
understand. understand.
Correct Use of The essay used the The essay used some of The essay used a few of
the Four Kinds sentences correctly. the sentences correctly. the sentences correctly.
of Sentences

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.
2. Interpret the messages of the different authentic texts – product labels.

3. Distinguish fact from opinion.

4. Express facts and opinions from an informational text.
5. Read aloud grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
6. Take down relevant information.
7. Identify the visual elements used in printed materials.
8. Use simple sentences to enumerate ideas.
9. Present a radio commercial.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 291-292)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 301)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 291-292)

1. Direct the attention of the students to the picture presented in book. (See TASK 1,
page 291)
2. Ask the pupils to choose the top 5 products that they will buy.
3. Ask them to explain why they chose these products.
4. Call some volunteers to share their answers with the class.
5. Direct the class to the situation provided in the book. (See TASK 2, page 292)
6. Instruct them to pick the products that they will buy in a given budget of 500 pesos.
7. Give them enough time to finish the activity.
8. Call some pupils to share their answers in front of the class.
9. Give your comments on the answers of the pupils.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 292-293)

1. Tell the class that they will complete these sentences using some of the difficult words that
they will see in the selection. (See TASK 3, pages 292-293)

2. Ask them to use the clues provided in the sentences for them to answer it easily.
1. excessive 2. consumers 3. budget 4. purchase 5. bargain

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 293-295)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Let as many pupils as possible to answer the given questions.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “Are You an Expert Consumer?”
7. Have the pupils answer the questions provided in “Think It Through” (See page 295).
1. The consumers are the people who buy products from the stores.
2. There are six kinds of consumers they are the ones who: 1) check the product thoroughly, 2) buy
famous brands, 3) buy in bargain sales, 4) buy tested brands, 5) ask for discounts, and 6) do not
get the actual promise of the product.
3. A consumer can be wise by checking the product thoroughly before buying them.
4. Direct consumption and productive consumption are the two kinds of consumption.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 295)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Clarify some queries if there are.
3. Let the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 295-298)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, pages 295-296)
2. Ask them to accomplish the organizer provided.
3. Call some pupils to give their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Ask the class to look at the product label in their book. (See TASK 5, pages 296-297)
6. Ask them to enumerate the interesting things that they see in the product label.
7. Let them answer the questions provided after the product label.
8. Ask the class to share their answers.
9. Give corrections if necessary.
10. Let the students study the notes provided about facts or opinion. (See TASK 6, pages 297-298)
11. Direct the class to answer the activity provided in their book.
1. F 2. O 3. O 4. O 5. F 6. O 7. O 8. F 9. O 10. O

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Simple Sentences (Enumeration) (See pages 298-300)

1. Allow the pupils to learn more about simple sentences (enumeration) by asking them to study the notes
provided in their book.
2. Discuss this grammar item by giving them examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 299)
Answers may vary
7. Exercise B (See pages 299-300)
Answers may vary
8. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE C, page 300)
9. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
11. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 301)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

You are invited by the Kids’ Daily Radio Show (KDRS) to create a radio commercial that gives an
advice on wise shopping. You have to create a short radio commercial that talks about the said
topic. Your listeners are Grade 4 pupils who are waiting for your commercial.

Your radio commercial will be graded based on:

• Content of the radio commercial

• Creativity of the radio commercial
• Proper use of simple sentences

You may use a voice recorder or a cellphone to record your radio commercial.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The content of the radio Some contents of the Only a few contents were
Radio Commercial commercial was relevant radio commercial were relevant to the task.
to the task. relevant to the task.
Creativity The radio commercial Some parts of the radio The radio commercial
showed creativity and commercial were copied. was just copied.
Proper Use of Simple sentences were Only a few simple There was only one
Simple Sentences used to enumerate. sentences were used to simple sentence used to
enumerate. enumerate.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Interpret messages of the different authentic texts – medical prescriptions.
2. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words.

3. Distinguish fact from opinion.

4. Express facts and opinions from an informational text.
5. Read aloud grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
6. Take down relevant information.
7. Identify the visual elements used in printed materials.
8. Use compound sentences to enumerate ideas.
9. Present an infomercial.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 303)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 317)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 303)

1. Direct the class to the pictures in their book. Let them choose the best medicine from the
pictures. (See TASK 1, page 303)
2. Ask them to write a short explanation about their choices.
3. Call some volunteers to share their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback.
5. Instruct the class to enumerate the things that they need to do before taking a medicine.
(See TASK 2, page 303)
6. Ask the pupils to list 3 reminders before taking medicine.
7. Call some pupils to share their answers in front of the class.
8. Give your comments on the answers of the pupils.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 304)

1. Inform the class that the underlined words are the difficult words in the selection. (See
TASK 3, page 304)
2. Tell them that they have to find the meaning of these words through the clues in the
126 sentences.
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 304-306)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “A Drugstore Trip”.
7. Let the pupils’ answer the questions provided in “Think It Through”. (See page 306)
1. Prescription and proprietary drugs are the two kinds of drugs.
2. Prescription drugs should be bought with instructions from the doctor while proprietary drugs can
be bought even without prescriptions.
3. This serves as our instructions in buying what we need.
4. Vinegar contains a chemical called acetic acid.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 307)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Have them clarify some queries if there are.
3. Have the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 308-312)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 308).
2. Instruct the pupils to accomplish the organizer provided.
3. Call some pupils to share their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Let the class read the notes provided in the book (See TASK 5, pages 309-310)
6. Elaborate on these notes emphasizing on the examples given.
7. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
8. Direct the class to answer the activity provided in their book.
9. Ask them to share their answers.
10. Give corrections if necessary.
11. Direct the attention of the students to the notes about medical prescription. (See TASK 6, pages
12. Ask them to enumerate the important things that they see in the medical prescription.
13. Tell them to answer the questions provided after the notes.
14. Call some pupils to share their answers in class.x
15. Give corrections if necessary.
16. Tell the students to study the notes provided about facts and opinions.
17. Elaborate on these notes by providing examples. (See TASK 7, page 312)
18. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
19. Guide the class as they answer the activity provided.
1. Opinion 3. Opinion 5. Fact 7. Fact 9. Opinion
2. Fact 4. Fact 6. Fact 8. Opinion 10. Opinion

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Compound Sentences (See pages 313-316)

1. Let the pupils to learn more about compound sentences (enumeration) by asking them to study the
notes provided in their book.
2. Discuss this grammar item by giving them examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 314)
1. They talked to the doctors, nurses, and experts, but they cannot answer their concern.
2. The patients were advised to travel to India, Singapore, and Japan, for these countries can heal
the patient.
3. He needed to buy tablets, syrups, and capsules, for they needed to supply the medicines of
the hospital.
4. The hospital needed new doctors, equipment, and facilities, for they wanted to improve their service.
5. I went here to buy food, medicines, and toiletries, but the drugstore was already closed.
7. Exercise B (See page 315)
Answers may vary
8. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting (See EXERCISE C, page 316).
9. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
11. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (see page 317)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

Kids’ Daily Radio Show (KDRS) has invited you once more to create an infomercial about buying
medicines properly. You have to create this infomercial by providing information through a com-
mercial about the topic given. Your listeners are kids who wanted to learn about buying medicines.
You also have to use compound sentences in your infomercial.

Your infomercial will be graded based on:

• Content of your infomercial

• Creativity of the infomercial
• Correct use of compound sentences

You may use a voice recorder or a cellphone to record your radio commercial.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The content of the info- Some contents of the Only a few contents were
Radio Infomercial mercial was relevant to infomercial were relevant relevant to the task.
the task. to the task.
Creativity of The infomercial showed Some parts of the info- The infomercial was just
the Infomercial creativity and originality. mercial were copied. copied.
Correct Use of Compound sentences Only a few compound There was only one
Compound Sentences were used to enumerate. sentences were used to compound sentence used
enumerate. to enumerate.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Interpret the messages of the different authentic texts - pamphlets.

2. Express facts and opinions from an informational text.
3. Read grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
4. Take down relevant information.
5. Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.
6. Use simple sentences to show sequence of events/information.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See pages 319-320)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 331)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See pages 319-320)

1. Instruct the pupils to observe the pictures presented. (See TASK 1, page 319)
2. Ask the pupils to guess what these places have.
3. Ask as many responses as possible from the pupils.
4. Solicit as many answers as possible.
5. Tell them that the first picture is the Pyramids in Egypt while the other picture is the Temple
of Zeus.
6. Instruct the class to accomplish the next organizer by allowing them to draw the place they
would like to travel. (See TASK 2, page 320)
7. Let them write their reason in the other space provided for wanting to go to that place.
8. Call some volunteers to share their answers.
9. Give your reactions to their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See pages 320-321)

1. Inform the class that the underlined words are the difficult words in the selection. (See
TASK 3, pages 320-321)
2. Tell them that they have to find the meaning of these words through the clues in the sentences.
1. shrine 2. graves 3. legends 4. holy place 5. written

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 321-324)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “A Tour of the Ancient World”.
7. Let the pupils’ answer the questions provided in “Think It Through”. (See page 324)
1. The seven wonders of the ancient world are the Pyramids of Egypt, Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
Statue of Zeus, Temple at Ephesus, Tomb of Mausulus, Colossus of Rhodes, and Pharos at Alexandria.
2. They built the pyramids to serve as graves of the pharaohs.
3. Both statues are huge.
4. Earthquake is the common reason why most of them are easily destroyed.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 325)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Have them clarify some queries if there are.
3. Let the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 325-327)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 325)
2. Instruct the pupils to accomplish the organizer provided.
3. Call some pupils to give their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Ask the class to look at the pamphlet in their book. (See TASK 5, pages 326-327)
6. Ask them to enumerate the interesting things that they see in the pamphlet.
7. Instruct the pupils to answer the questions provided.
8. Ask the class to share their answers.
9. Give corrections if necessary.
10. Let the class read a paragraph and identify the facts and opinions mentioned. (See TASK 6, page 327)
11. Instruct them to group their answers using the organizer provided.
• Last week, I went to Paris, France to see the Eiffel Tower.
• It is a huge tower that houses many stores and restaurants.

• The place offers tours for tourists up to the highest part of the tower.
• You can see the whole city from the top.
• I think it is the most beautiful tower in the whole world.
• It has the most romantic restaurants and the loveliest scene of the city.
• The view on top is perfect and magnificent.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Simple Sentences (Sequencing) (See pages 328-330)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes provided about simple sentences (sequencing).
2. Elaborate on these notes by discussing the examples.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Give more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See pages 329-330)
Answers may vary
7. Exercise B (See page 330)
Answers may vary

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 331)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

You are asked by the Kids’ Daly Radio Show (KDRS) to spread awareness about the different po-
tential tourist spots in your place. You choose one place and create a pamphlet about it. Include
the special features of the place in your pamphlet. You are also asked to use simple sentences in
your work.

The pamphlet will be graded based on:

• Content of the pamphlet

• Organization of the ideas in the pamphlet
• Correct use of simple sentences in the pamphlet

You may use a MS Word or Publisher in doing your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The content of the Some contents of the Only a few contents were
Pamphlet pamphlet was relevant to pamphlet were relevant relevant to the task.
the task. to the task.
Organization of Ideas The pamphlet showed Some ideas in the pam- Most ideas in the pam-
in the Pamphlet organized ideas. phlet were not organized. phlet were not organized.
Correct Use of Simple sentences were Only a few simple There was only one
Simple Sentences used to show sequence sentences were used simple sentence used
of events. to show sequence of to show sequence of
events. events.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


1. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.


2. Interpret messages of the different authentic texts – symbols and illustrations.

3. Read aloud grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
4. Take down relevant information.
5. Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences.
6. Use compound sentences to show sequence of events/information.
7. Create an informational poster.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 333)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 341)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 333)

1. Ask the class to read the given quotation in the book. (See TASK 1, page 333)
2. Direct them to write their own understanding of the quotation.
3. Let them share their ideas with the rest of the class.
4. Give your reactions to their answers.
5. Ask the pupils to observe the pictures presented. (See TASK 2, page 333)
6. Tell the pupils to identify the use of the given pictures.
7. Call some pupils to share their answers.
8. Give your reactions to their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 334)

1. Tell the class that they need to complete the given sentences by choosing the most appro-
priate word. (See TASK 3, page 334)
2. Inform the pupils to use the context clues in finding the correct answers.

134 1. proposal 2. codes 3. innovate 4. breakthrough 5. foundation

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 334-336)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “How the World Wide Web Came to Be”.
7. Let the pupils’ answer the questions provided in “Think It Through” (See page 336).
1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
2. He thought off a way to share information easily.
3. He invented this to help the scientists share their results easily.
4. The codes used for the Web became royalty free.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 336)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Have them clarify some queries if there are.
3. Let the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 337-338)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 337)
2. Instruct the pupils to complete the organizer provided.
3. Call some pupils to give their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Tell the class to identify the symbols mainly used for computers. (See TASK 5, page 338)
6. Provide them enough time to finish the activity.
7. Ask the students to share their answers.
8. Give your comments and feedback.

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Compound Sentences (Sequencing of Events) (See pages 338-341)

1. Direct the attention of the pupils to the notes about compound sentences.
2. Elaborate on these notes by discussing the examples provided.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 339)
Answers may vary
7. Exercise B (See page 340)
Answers may vary 135
8. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE C, page 341)
9. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
11. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 341)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

You are tasked to discuss the history of computer using a diagram. You have to create a poster di-
agram on the given topic. Your poster should contain the important information about the history
of computers. You can use a flow chart in making your poster.

Your work will be graded based on:

• Content of the diagram

• Organization of the diagram
• Correct use of compound sentences in the diagram

You may use MS Word or MS Publisher in doing your work.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of The content of the Some contents of the Only a few contents were
the Diagram diagram was relevant to diagram were relevant to relevant to the task.
the task. the task.
Organization of Ideas The diagram showed Some ideas in the Most ideas in the diagram
organized ideas. diagram were not organ- were not organized.
Proper Use of Compound sentences Only a few compound There was only one
Compound Sentences were used to show sentences were used compound sentence used
sequence of events. to show sequence of to show sequence of
events. events.

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
2. Identify meaning of unfamiliar words according to structure – prefixes.

3. Evaluate a variety of informational texts.

4. Read aloud grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
5. Take down relevant information.
6. Explain how specific aspects of text’s illustrations contribute to the what is conveyed by the
words in the text.
7. Use simple sentences to compare and contrast.
8. Perform an oral presentation.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 343)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 353)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 343)

1. Tell the class to list down all the sites that they visit frequently. Let them explain why they
visit these sites (See TASK 1, page 343).
2. Ask them also to explain if these sites can be helpful for them.
3. Ask them to share their answers in class.
4. Give your reactions to their answers.
5. Tell the class that they will recommend some sites that can be helpful to others.
6. Ask the pupils to list three sites and give reasons for choosing them.
7. Call some volunteers to share their answers.
8. Give your reactions to their answers.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 344)

1. Inform the class that they need to find the word that has the same meaning as the under-
lined word. (See TASK 3, page 344)
2. Tell them that they can use the clues in the sentences to find these meanings.

1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. A

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 344-346)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “The Sites that Save”.
7. Let the pupils’ answer the questions provided in “Think It Through”. (See page 346)
1. The sites that can help the pupils are,,, Poetry.RapGeni-,, and
2. can help us a lot if we are doing our homework.
3. It keeps the users from using unwanted sites to avoid distractions.
4. It gives a lot of survival tips.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 347)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Have them clarify some queries if there are.
3. Let the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 347-349)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read. (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 347)
2. Ask the pupils to accomplish the organizers provided.
3. Call some pupils to give their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Guide the pupils as they learn more about prefixes. Ask them to study the notes provided. (See TASK
5, pages 348-349)
6. Tell the class that they also need to give their own examples.
7. Let them answer the provided activity:
1. dishonest 3. biofuel 5. disappear 7. overqualified 9. dissatisfied
2. disagree 4. overconfident 6. disapproved 8. biogas 10. overcrowded

» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Simple Sentences (Compare and Contrast) (See pages 349-352)

1. Direct thhe attention of the pupils to the notes provided about simple sentences (compare and contrast).
2. Elaborate on these notes by discussing the examples provided,
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See page 351)
Answers may vary
7. Exercise B (See page 352)
Answers may vary
8. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting (See EXERCISE C, page 352).
9. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
11. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedback about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 353)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

You are asked by the KDRS to make an oral presentation of the top sites that could be helpful
for pupils. You have to convince your audience, who are the parents, to try these sites. You are
expected to use simple sentences in your presentation and include all the necessary information
about the topic.

Your oral presentation will be graded based on:

• Content of your presentation

• Clarity of the voice during presentation
• Correct use of simple sentences

You can use MS PowerPoint to aid you in your presentation.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The content of the pres- Some contents of the Only a few contents were
Presentation entation was relevant to presentation were relevant to the task.
the task. relevant to the task.
Clarity of the Voice The whole presentation Some parts of the Only a few parts of the
was clearly heard. presentation were clearly presentation were clearly
heard. heard.

Correct Use of Simple Simple sentences were Only a few compound There was only one
Sentences used to compare and/or sentences were used to compound sentence
contrast. compare and/or contrast. used to compare and/or

• Have the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.

1. Use context clues to unlock the meaning of difficult words.

2. Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words according to structure – suffixes.

3. Use verbal cues in a radio broadcast.
4. Evaluate a variety of informational texts.
5. Read aloud grade four level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent.
6. Take down relevant information.
7. Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words
in a text.
8. Use compound sentences to compare and contrast ideas/objects.
9. Present a complete radio broadcast.

A. Pre- Assessment

—— SURF (See page 355)

B. Post- Assessment
—— SAVE AS (See page 365)

A. Materials
1. Printed or digital materials related to the topic
2. Writing and reading gears
B. Equipment
—— Projector (if needed)

» DAY 1

A. SURF (See page 355)

1. Ask the class to rearrange the words to form a quotation (See TASK 1, page 355).
2. Note that the pupils should have, “Treat myself and others with respect.”
3. Ask the pupils to share their ideas on what this quotation mean.
4. Direct the class to relate this quote to the sub theme of the lesson.
5. Solicit as many responses as possible.
6. Give your reactions to their answers.
7. Tell the class to write five ways of using technology responsibly (See TASK 2, page 355).
8. Give them enough time to finish the task.
9. Ask some pupils to present their work.
10. Give comments and feedbacks if necessary.

B. WORD ADVENTURE (See page 356)

1. Let the class guess the meaning of the words using the clues provided in the sentences.
(See TASK 3, page 356)
2. Ask the class to use these words in their own sentences.
3. Ask some pupils to present their answers.
4. Check their answers.

» DAY 2

C. INTERFACE (See pages 356-358)

1. Guide the pupils as they answer the motive questions provided before the reading selection.
2. Solicit as many answers as possible.
3. Lead the class to the title of the selection.
4. Ask the class to guess the main topic of the article.
5. Direct the pupils to the questions that they need to answer after reading the selection.
6. Instruct the pupils to read the selection, “Responsibility and Technology: A Radio Report”.
7. Let the pupils’ answer the questions provided in “Think It Through”. (See page 358)
1. We need to protect our privacy.
2. They install applications that are harmful.
3. A virus can delete data or permanently destroy the computer.
4. We need it so that we can be guided on what we do in the Internet.
5. Answers may vary.
D. DOWNLOAD (See page 358)
1. Guide the class to the situation found in this part of the book.
2. Ask them to read the situation. Have them clarify some queries if there are.
3. Let the pupils prepare for a period of time.
4. Ask the pupils to present their output in front of the class.
5. Give your comments and feedback regarding the output of the class.

» DAY 3

E. SCROLL (See pages 359-362)

1. Direct the class to get the important information from the article that they read (See TASK 4 READING
POWER, page 359).
2. Ask the pupils to complete the organizer provided.
3. Call some pupils to give their answers.
4. Give your comments and feedback on the given answers.
5. Direct the class to study the notes provided about verbal cues used in a radio broadcast (See TASK 5,
pages 360-361).
6. Let them try these verbal cues by getting a partner.
7. Direct the class to work on the activity provided after the notes.
8. Call some volunteers present their scripts in front of the class.
9. Give your comments and feedbacks regarding these presentations.
10. Guide the pupils as they learn more about suffixes. Ask them to study the notes provided (See TASK 6,
pages 361-362).
11. Tell the class that they also need to give their own examples.
12. Let them answer the provided activity:
1. magician 3. musician 5. weaken 7. angelic 9. strengthen
2. artistic 4. poisonous 6. idealistic 8. joyous 10. mountainous
» DAY 4

F. LESSON – Compound Sentences (Compare and Contrast) (See pages 362-365)

1. Allow the pupils to learn more about compound sentences (comparison and contrast) by asking them
to study the notes provided in their book.
2. Elaborate on these notes by discussing the examples provided.
3. Ask the pupils to give their own examples.
4. Provide more examples if necessary.
5. Ask the pupils to answer the exercises about the grammar item on their book.
6. Exercise A (See pages 363-364)
Answers may vary
7. Exercise B (See page 364)
Answers may vary
8. Let the pupils explore the uses of the grammar item that they learned through putting it in a commu-
nicative setting. (See EXERCISE C, page 365)
9. Give the necessary instructions about this activity as found in their book.
10. Provide enough time for the pupils to accomplish the task.
11. Let the pupils present their work in front of the class.
12. Give your comments and feedbacks about their output.

» DAY 5-6

G. SAVE AS (See page 365)

1. Direct the class in doing the performance task.
2. Explain to them their goal, role, audience, situation, their product, and the standards to be used for

You are invited by the KDRS to make present a complete radio broadcast that will feature a com-
mercial, a radio program, and an infomercial. Your program should focus on using technology
responsibly. You have to present your radio program in a form of audition. You will face the owners
of KDRS, and they will judge if your program should be aired or not.

Your radio program will be graded based on:

• Content of your radio show

• Language used in the radio show
• Creativity of the radio show
• Correct use simple and compound sentences

You may use a voice recorder or a cellphone to record your radio commercial.

3. Provide the pupils with the following rubrics to use as their guide.

Indicators 3 2 1
Content of the The content of the radio Some of the contents Only a few contents of
Radio Show show was relevant to the of the radio show were the radio show were rele-
given task. not relevant to the given vant to the given task.
Language Used in The language used was Some of the words used Only a few words were
the Radio Show appropriate. were appropriate for the appropriate for the radio
radio show. show.
Creativity of the The radio show was Some parts of the radio The radio show was just
radio show original. show were copied. copied from an existing
Correct Use of The radio show used Some parts of the radio Only a few parts of the
Simple and Compound simple and compound showed use simple and radio show used simple
Sentences sentences correctly. compound sentences and compound sentences
correctly. correctly.

• Ask the pupils present their output.

• Give your feedback and comments on their outputs based on the rubrics.
• Provide a pen and paper summative assessment (teacher-made quiz) based on the skills of your pupils.
• Note: Remind the pupils to put all of their activities for this lesson in their portfolio.
• Check the portfolio of the pupils regularly to keep track of their progress.


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