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Setting of DAC – a working example

In project scenario IFC elements needs to be locked for any known or unknown modifications

▲ Typically LOCK attribute at any element level can help you to restrict modification of such IFC elements
until LOCK value is set TRUE, which otherwise, can be set to FALSE very easily by user who has
access into that DB.

▲ To ensure IFC elements should be modified using selective methodology, one can use DAC (Data
Access Control) setup in ADMIN module of project

▲ This document is an attempt to showcase a small example of DAC setup. Refer help maunal for more
details, which supplied with software.

(We are also supplying the Dblist files for all the necessary elements to test DAC)

Admin Module

 Create Scopes, Roles, ACRs

▲ Scope: Scope can be applied to whole project (typically done) OR else it can be applied to selected
elements (for e.g. SITE/DEPT etc.)

▲ Roles: Roles needs to be defined in-line with the requirement of allowing/dis-allowing access. Further to
role, there are permissible operations (PEROPs) which hold the information like:

 Name of PEROP: Set unique and significant name for each PEROP

 Element Type: Set element and their hierarchy which you want to control. For e.g. PIPE PIPE HIER,
includes both PIPE and all the child elements of that PIPE

 Qualification Condition: Appropriate conditions needs to be defined to qualify of applying restriction.

Typically, a PML 1 syntax should be used to set qualification condition. For e.g. PURP of PIPE eq ‘IFC’

 Operations: There are operations like Create, Modify, Delete, Claim, Issue, Drop, Output & Export
which can be set with permissions like Ignore OR Allow OR Disallow.

 Attributes: You can select which all attributes of selected elements needs to be restricted. Typically,
ALL attributes should be locked for such IFC elements

 Error Message: Key in appropriate error message that should be reflected when user tries to modify
restricted elements. For e.g. “You are trying to modify IFC elements, access denied”

▲ ACRs: Access Control Rights (ACR) is a combination of Roles and Scopes. Typically, ACRs are applied to
USERs defined in Admin module.

 Allocate ACRs to USERs

ACR needs to be applied to USERs defined in Admin module. Refer below image for steps.

 Activating DAC across the project:

DAC can be activated by checking Project > Data Access Control...


 Other Key Information:

▲ Once DAC is enabled all USER needs to have at least one ACR applied to

▲ One or more ACR can be applied to USER based on the ROLEs defined

▲ There must be at least one ACR defined for all users which has access to
all elements. Such ACR will allow creation and modification of elements when
condition is not applied

▲ Sequence of ACR applied to USER are very much critical and has an impact
on actions like creation/modification/deletion etc.

▲ In above example we have setup Negative DAC, which means after

qualification condition fails, then application acts upon actions. Negative DAC is
more effective in many cases.

▲ For each changes made in DAC related settings, don’t miss to savework and start new session of DESIGN
or any other module where DAC needs to be tested.

Design Module (for this DAC example only):

In Design module, set value of IFC to PURP attribute of PIPE or EQUI and perform a savework action. This should
now restrict further modification of such PIPE or EQUI by User Designer.

In case there are mandatory changes in Design for e.g. revision in layout which will require re-routing of PIPE or
re-positioning of EQUI, Lead User can unset such attribute (PURP in our case) and after savework and unclaim,
Designer should get access to modify such elements.

In the first image above when PIPE has PURP as RFC all the fields are greyed out (non-editable), where as second
image is having PURP unset and hence all the editable elements are open for any modification.

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