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We should study Tardiness to know what causes and how to avoid this problem especially

to students, this kind of problem affects their concentration to their academic performance in

school and it makes students in getting lazy in school


Tardiness has already become a habit of some students nowadays, being tardy means

coming late on school even their house is just beside their school and it can lead to more

serious problems affecting their academic learning as well as in their performances, if a

student is not on time every day the student cannot perform well in class discussions, when

passing their output after deadline is also an example of being tardy

But up to now students are still unaware of what will be the consequences to their

academic performance , in this study the researchers will aim on finding an answer to the

different causes and how to avoid being tardy


Generally, the main focus of the study is to know all about the relationship between

tardiness and the academic performance of the senior high school students of La Verdad

Christian School AY: 2016-2017

Specifically this would attempt to find answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of?

A. age

B. gender

C .track/course

2. What are the factors for student’s tardiness?

3 .How can tardiness affect the students’ academic performance?


The result and findings of this study about the tardiness in relation to academic performance

of the senior high school students of La Verdad Christian school ay:2016-2017 will both

benefit to the students, teacher and also to the other researchers.

For students to be aware of the effect of being tardy especially in school so that the next

time that they will do it, they will think twice because they have an idea now on what will

happen to them if they continue being tardy in school.

And for teachers to be aware on those students who are always coming late or not on time

in school and they can advise their students on what are they going to do to avoid being tardy

in school
Researcher, so that they will have some references or ideas in the near future if they will

going to take a research with the same topic


The study will be conducted in La Verdad College, specifically the Apalit branch in the

province of Pampanga. The respondents will be the selected senior high school students from

the said school. The study will aim to determine the student’s profile that includes age,

gender, and track/course distance of their home from the school and how long they are

traveling from their house to school.

The researcher will conduct survey used by means of answering questions; the respondent

is composed of 40 students that come from different strands of Senior High School of La

Verdad Christian School.



When students are tardy or absent, or when they drop out of school, sequential

learning cannot occur, subject matter and skills cannot be developed, and much student talent

is wasted .at –risk students identify in the school setting include goes exhibiting signs of

alcohol consumption, drug abuse, or anti-social behaviour .this student need assistant to

overcome their problems and to achieve in school. When counselling in the school setting is

not sufficient, this students need to be referred to appropriate services in the community. For

some high school students the immediate earnings from employment seems more significant

than staying in school. This student need courses in vocational education and assistance to

help them developed positive attitudes toward education, perceive alternative to dropping out,

and realize the worth of long term goals. Family situations, such as cultural differences

between values taught, at home and school, separation, divorce, or out. School personal need

to be determine causes of tardiness, absenteeism and dropping out and to provide necessary

remediation ( Ediger ,Marlow 1987)

In evaluating the deleterious effects of missing in school time, research has almost

exclusively focused on absences, and almost no attention has been paid to tardiness. Hence,

this study contributes a new dimension to the field by examining the effect of student

tardiness on academic achievement. Employing an empirical model on a large-scale,

longitudinal, multilevel data set of urban elementary school children over 6 years of

observation there are 2 significant findings. First, students with greater tardiness perform

worse on both standardized reading and math test. Second, holding constant an individual’s

own record of tardiness, students whose classmates are tardy more frequently also have lower

test score. Hence, the achievement gap widens even further for students who also have
greater individual level of tardiness. Policy implications are discussed. (Michael Gottfried


Personality as a ‘’pattern of habits, attitudes and traits that determine an individual’s

characteristics, behaviour and traits he further describes personality as ‘’the dynamic

organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his

characteristics behaviour and thoughts’’ (Gordon Allport 1990)

Personality as the end result of the typical ways in which and person reacts, the

product of his motivation, emotions feeling tones, style of thinking and attitudes,’’

personality is partly in born and nervous system are largely responsible for the inborn aspects

the associate either through imitation or through hostile reactions when we are thwarted

Habits are reaction so often repeated as to become fixed characteristics or tendencies good

habits results from choice and are required through effort (the encyclopaedia


Anxiety may appear any time think of anxiety as a feeling of uneasiness,

comprehension or fear that has a vague or unknown source. Anxiety affect students’

performance anxiety at relatively low to moderate levels can be destructive and non-adaptive

within the classroom setting there are numerous sources of anxiety for students teachers

examinations peer relations achievements settings like or dislike of subjects however there

are certain situations in which the students feel particularly anxious last not in other situations

this describe the condition called situational anxiety there are other individuals however who

are almost always in a state of anxiety called neurotic or trait anxiety (educational psychology

Pseudo-Feebleminded is more of an emotional disorder rather than of mental

retardation the term ‘’pseudo-feebleminded has been used because individuals in this

category react with stupid behaviour manifest lack of interest in work or in ambition and

reacts with extreme withdrawal from fear failure or criticism.

Dreaming state is the part of the sleep continuum called the’ ’paradoxical sleep’’

between waking and sleeping, so called because the subject is near to being awake (by EEG

criterion i.e., use of the encephalogram-a low voltage and relatively fast pattern of changes)

and hard to arouse by another increase arousal threshold it is at this stage when R.E.M (Rapid

Eye Movement) occur and when REM is occurring it is difficult to arouse a sleeping subject.

Elementary and secondary schools throughout the nation are adopting various

techniques to get children to school on time. Many of these programs are producing positive

results but the evidence still shows disturbing signs of a continuing upsurge in late arrivals in

school. The US department of education, in the latest available report, shows that tardiness is

a moderate to a serious problem, rising to 32.4 per cent by the year 2000,up 7.5 per cent over

a six year period. The increase in elementary school tardiness was most disturbing with 27.1

per cent of principals in those schools saying it was a significant problem. Increasing 8.6 per

cent over the same period School principals have been concerned about tardiness for many

years but didn’t take serious steps to counter the problem. Its different story now because of

the no child left behind law that result in federal monitoring of school attendance and late

arrivals to school. Under the law, schools face a whole range of negative consequences if

students don’t meet certain levels on state tests. Student who arrive late to school miss

important lessons, because elementary school teachers for the most part begin their day with

core subjects such as math Attendance is a major factor that states look at figuring how much

funding the school districts gets and since attendance is taken at the beginning of the school

day, late arrivals may be counted as absentees, thereby depriving the district of funding A

significant number of school –age children have television sets in their bedrooms and a great

many probably are watching late movie or one of the late night talk shows when they should

be sleeping when and if they have an alarm clock ,they just continue sleep after it goes off.

Among the devices principals are utilizing to cut back on tardiness include prizes for students

who regularly show up on time and after school movies for those who are always punctual

(Murray, Light 2000)



1. Tardiness – moving slowly; sluggish ,beyond the expected or proper time

2. Academic- a member of an institution of learning, a person who is academic in

background, outlook or methods

3. Absenteeism –a tendency to be away from work or school without a good reason;

the practice or habit of being absent from work or school

4. References-the act of mentioning something in speech in writing, the act of

referring to something or someone

5. Sequential –of, relating to or arranged in a particular order or sequence, happening

in a series

6. Remediation-the act or process of remedying

7. Deleterious –harmful often In a subtle or unexpected way

8. Empirical –originating in or based on observation or experience

9. Standardized-to change (things) so that they are similar and consistent and agree

with rules about what is proper and acceptable

10. Frequently – at frequent or short intervals

11. Perceive-to attain awareness or understanding of to regard as being such, to

become aware of through the senses especially

12. Alternative-offering or expressing a choice

13. Federal-of or relating to a form of government in which power is shared between a

central government and individual states provinces.

14. Attendance –the persons or number of persons attending

15. Attitudes- the way you think and feel about someone or something

16. Habits-the usual way of behaving, something that a person does often in a regular

and repeated way

17. Behaviour-the way a person or animal acts or behaves

18. Traits- a quality that makes one person or thing different from another

19. Personality-the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving etc., that makes a

person different from other people

20. Thwarted –to prevent from doing something or to stop from happening

21. Anxiety-fear or nervousness about what might happen

22. Paradoxical sleep-rem sleep

23. E.E.G-(Electroencephalogram) the tracing of brain waves made by an


24. R.E.M-(Rapid Eye Movement) a stage of sleep during which you dream and your

eyes make a quick movements

25. Anxious –afraid or nervous especially about what may happen; feeling anxiety


This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the study. The

subjects, sampling technique, research instruments, procedure of the data gathering that will

be used for accurate data analysis and interpretation

Research Methodology

The researcher used correlation method to determine the tardiness in relation to

academic performance of the senior high school students of La Verdad Christian School

The primary sources of data are Senior High school in La Verdad Christian School.

Subject / Respondent of the study

The researchers selected 40 respondents. The respondents from Senior High School

students from different strands namely, Humanities and Social Sciences A and B, Accounting

Business Management A and B, General Academic Strand, Science Technology Engineering

and Mathematics A and B and Tech Voc strand; Cookery and ICT were sampled evenly

according to strand. Each strand has five respondents.

Sampling Technique

The researcher will used random sampling technique. Random sampling technique is

conveniently selecting the sample fitted to the description of the desired respondents. The

researchers selected the students from Senior high school that belong to the desired strand.

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