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INTERNATIONAL. Iso STANDARD 3834-2 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements xiganoes do qualité on soudoge pr uson des mataur ‘mataigues Panto 2 Euponoes do qua compiti sso see 22000) e180 2005 180 3834-2:2008(6) POF diaimer te natin! ase ns n= ‘Tearmlatama eae rete ens neti fang orm ana are ‘peugeot rpomtsy ral gg Aes rary racy, THO Cam Ss mate arte otra pe nse oun hn POF can ud a te Cane! ea he: te PO tn a es cea has bibs sane onto yaw toe [Bey Seubert ters peo Corb Suen at am De ‘eprint tre eo San nee ee! ‘emma corona 180 2008-At apes mand 180 3894.2:2005(6) Foreword |s0 (te iterations Organization fo Standardzaton) s 2 words federation cf national standarés Boies (foo member voces}, Toe work of preparing Iterator! lancer nomaly carted out trovgh (SO (reel coreniecs Each meter body mteerad in a sujet fr whic s tecnica conntes hab ben ‘Suublance tax tn it fo So representa on tat commie, rtomatonal ogalzabons, govermenalsné omgovernmerial talon win 80. alo Take gat in te work, ISO colabortes csely wih the ‘Reatane! Eocbetecnea Conmssin (EC) on af mers bcroichnicalsancadizaten, Iriemations Standards ar rad sceordance wih he rues ven in he ISONEC Dect, Part 2 “The main ab of technical commits Ist prepare irtematonal Stands. Oat Ierational Stender Mop by the leckncel conics ere coud to to romber bodies for ving, Putseaion 98 an ‘chat Sanasrdrogures approval by atleast 7 eof Be momber bodes casing a ve Antone drawn to the goss tht some of he elements of ws document may be the subject of patent ‘gh 150 shal not be sd reeporble for enteg any oa such pale its 150 3884.2 wae propred by Tee! Commitee ISOITC 48, Wong ad aed processes, Subcommitoe S610, Uncabon of raqurements inthe els fetal wang “is second ection cancels and replaces the ft eatin (180 98842-1884), which has been tecneally 150 3894 consis of te folowing pars under the gover! tile Quality requirements for fusion wedng of rrovae ators — Par 1: itera forthe selection ofthe appropriate lve of ually requirements = Part 2: Comprehensive quay roqurements — Pat 3 Standard gusty equements = Par 6 Elementary quay requirements _— pac 8: Documents wlth which eeaesay to conn claim confamty tthe quay requirements of [80 38042 [80 389830180 3004-4 NOTE A Teoria! Repert IS0(TR 3804, aust regan son wating of ete mates — Pat 6 ‘Sen ot inpimontry 60 3834 sbeg preps. Requests orca nerpettions of any aspect this pro $0 2894 shou be rected fo the Secretariat Bee UGSc to cn your atonal standards boey, @ carpoto stag which can be found. at floiwaisooen. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 3834-2:2005(6) Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements 1 Scope “Thi pat of [$0 284 defines comprehensive qual requltements for fusion welding of metalic mateals bth Inwortchops ard at foe ntaaton ses, 2. Normative references “Th fotowng reternced documents ao indspensable forthe applaion of this document, Fr dled Terrences ony te ellen cted apples, For undaled florence, fw last ation of he reorenced Socument incutng ny amencment) apps. 180 38041, Qualiyrequtemonte fr fuslon welding of mealle materiis — Pat: Cea for he selecbon ofthe aprepriat lve of aualyreqatements 130 28946:2005, Quay egutoment fe fuen welding of metas matrials — Part S: Documents wih tach tg necessary to conta to clan confer ote quay requromos of ISO 38942, (SO 3096-3 OF oases 9. Terms and definitions For the puposes oft dctment he ers an sintons ave In SO 3834-t apy 4. Use of this part of 80 3834 For general infomation o he us fs prof SO 3634, ISO 9884-1 shal be wed In cxdar to ful he culty requrements ven inthis part of 1S0 3834, te conformity o relevant Gocumenis ‘Gven 80 38348 shal be vera In cota siustons, 2g, where manvfactring & mre suted to ISO 3834-3 o 150 2834-4, or whore pseu operations, such heat wear, sre no ead, the reguremets dolla Inti prt oF F50'3854 maybe salocival amended o obied ‘ners, he requremeniscotained within is part of I80 3894 shall be adopt in fl 10 3934-2:2005(€) 5 Review of requirements and technical review 5:4. General “amanactor shall review th concn requirements an any cher regukerens, ogeBar wah any {achmal ata pomges by the prohacr or ious daa when the constuction is designed by he Panufacurer tha manufacturer sal ean ht aeration nocseary fo cary ote manulaclurng ‘paratna Is conpst and avalble proto tw cormnencoment of the work The manuacre shat ai IS capaty to aot al equremanis and shall nce adgoate planing altel actives. “The roview of reguremens is care out by tho marufacter to very thal he work cont is within ts fapabiny fo pocorn. tal sulle! ‘esouces are avaiable fo achave dolvary schedules ond that Sceumeraion fe Goat and unambiguous. The mantecturer shal ensure that any Yan between he nial and any previous qolaon ste iene ard bw purchaser nailed ot any propane. cos fengeaorng changes at ay ree ams 6.2 se ypicaly consgerd ator bofore the tne of he review of requements revi: tems In 53 {eval cm port fe techiel ew and are conired cng the inal ain Sage When a contact does not er 2. lams made for stock, the manvtactirer i required to take ito "onecoraion tne roguitments 52 whe carying outta tec vow 86 53). 52. Review of requirements Aspect tobe cansidare shal nce the fone 8) he produc standard tobe used, together wih any supplrvertar requirements >) story and regulon equerents ©) any abdtional quirement deloinas by the manutactrt 4) te capaity ofthe manufacturer to mct he prescied requiemens Tectia requrements tobe canldeed shall nce the following 2) pent materia) speioaten and weet oi provers 2) quetty and acoptance requirements for wots, 2) locaton, accssbity an sequence of weld, nding scossily fr spacton and for non-osttve tesing 6) the spactaten of walang prosedires, nondestuctve lasing procedes end hestreamnant rcoaures! ©) the aprosch to be ued fhe qustcaton of woking procaures 1) the quatiicatin of parson 4) selon, idertieston andor acest (2.9 or materi, weiss) 1) qaliy-contol arrangement, ncuding ny element an néepandent inspection body: 1) nspection nd testing i905 an ee nnenes 180 3894-2:2008(6) 1) subcontracting 1) postwold hat tostment ther welding requtemens, e.g, alc testing of consumables, frie content of wold mela, aging, fyorogon conto, perranert back, uso of pong, eurace rsh weld poe, ‘nse of spec mathds (eschew fll entation wthout hacking when Welded rom one side oy): 1) ension an tas tint propration an comp 1 el ©} weds wich are to be made nthe workshop, or slsouher 9) soveonmentaconon relevant lo the appcton of he process (very lowtemperture amon. ‘anatons or any neces to provide protection agaist averve weather conions) 4) ancleg ctnovcantomancs. 6 Sub-contracting nan a manutcurer itn toute sb-contaced sence oracles (2.9. wena Inepacton, nan: ‘asretve teatng, hel Yeamant Infomation nacassary to moet pplzabe Fequromets shat be suppied bythe manuacturr oto ab-conacor Tha subcontractor she! provide si ecards end documentation li wart as maybe spoced by te manufacturer ‘A subcortractor shall work under te oer ang esponsily of he manufacturer and shal uy orp wth {he reievnt reqarements of tsp of SO 3634 The mansetirer sale that he sub-conatrcan mp with re quay roqurements a peo, Tho ifamaton to be provides by tha maruactura: othe sub-canvaco shal nude al leant data fom the review of requrerons e282) andthe tetrcal review see 8). Adana equements my Be ‘Speafled as nocossry io astro sub-cnvactrcomplance wa tcl requremans 1 Welding personne! 7A. General Tho manufacturer shall havo a is spor suet and competent personnal forthe planing, perfoing 35 suporing of he woling producto according to spctied roqureris, 7.2. Welders and welding operators Welders and welding operators be quae by an eperoprat st. “The 180 documents to which I reed fo conform fo ful te gusty equrements se specied in 1580 894.8:2000, Tale I for ac welding, election bean weing ase! beam weld ana gas wong, and [n180 3834-6:2005, Table 10, for other asen wading proceso 7.3. Welding coordination personnel ‘Tho manufacturer shal hve tis depose appropri woking coordination prsonnel Such parsons having ‘esponstly Yor guaty acts sl have set euhory fo enable any necareary acon fo be taken, ‘ho aks and responses of such parsons shal b lat good sexes egos 3 150 3834-2:2005(6) “The ISO documents to which i recuod to conform to fl te quay requirements sre species in 150 389452005 Table 2, tor ae welsing.locvon tam wong, ae beam welding ara gas welng, and |r 190 2834-8:2068, Tal 10, for oar son welng processes. {8 Inspection and testing personnel 1. Goneral The manufacturer sheave at is dsposa sunt and competnt personnal or planing, perorming. and supeving the inspection an testing ofthe welding producion according io specedrequrement. 182 Non-ostructive testing personnel ‘The nondestnctve tesing personnel shal be quale. For vu testing, a quliteaten ast may nat be ‘equa. Won a qualiaton tess nt rqured, competence sal be vere by the manufac. Tho 1S0 documents to which its required to conform to full te quality requirments ar speed in 150 380162005 Tele 3, fora welding. elacron beam woldng Iso beam welcng ana gas wslng, and {n190 3894-8208, Table 10, fo oor hon wading proceeree 9 Equipment ‘1 Production and testing equipment ‘The fotowingequpment shall be aval, when necossary: — power sources and ther machines; = ecient olan surtace preparation ad tor ctng, eluding thermal cating = ecuipman for peehesting nd pst-hetreatmentindusng temperate ndcater: = igs and ares: — ranos an handing euipment ued forthe production — personal srotecive equipment and ober safety equipment, drecty assacsted with the spphesble manutactung proses — ovens, quivers, ez eed forteatment of wesing consumable: — fects fr sutace dean: -— destrave and non-éeseuciv testing fii. 9.2. Description of equipment “Tne manuactier shal aan at of eesti! equeant, used forthe preducon, Ths teal deny Tens of major erst esse! for an evauaon of worenapcapecty and capa Tis nodes fot rarmce — main eapacy of erane() — sire ofcomponenis hat the workshop i able thane: sete : iso zn ee memes 10 3034-2:2008(6) = eapaity of mechanised or sutra welding equipment, — dimensions and masinum toperture of tmaces fer pst wel hes! west = capacts of ing, bending acting equipment ‘omer caupmort only noods oe speci by approximate ttl numbers which cover each general ype (9 tla numba of power sures forts dterent rocesos). 93 Suitability of equipment ‘Tho equipment sal be adequate forthe aplton concerned NOTE Quniteaton tne weng aha aqupmnt il nay egies tase spec 9.4 New equipment ‘Mor isialnion fnew (or reuishad) equomant, appopiate ets of he equipment shall be pefomes. ‘Tha ets sal verity he wovect ureton of the equipment. Te ets shal be eared ot and documented tsorance wih sppropite sands whenever tran 9.5, Equipment maintenance ‘Tha manufacture shal have documented plans for he maintenance of equipment. The olan shal ensre ‘mantonsnce checks of hore lms = the egupment which conta wares tos nthe evr! prosesire “pactcabons. The pars may be mies to hese ters whch ae even or auuning the quay 3 ne prow ‘Samples of het tems ae 38 flows: — condition of guide in equipment for hamalctig, mechanisos atures oto: — condition of armas nd vote, ow meee, used forthe operation ofthe woking equipment — contin of conto system in mechanised andlor aula welding unt = conétin of tempeatre-measurment insets — conto of wir feeders and cond. Detective equipment sal nt be uses 10 Welding and related activities. 40.4 Production planning “Tho manufacturer hal cary out agequate production panning. hems tbe conser shalineide at nas — epactication ofthe sequence by which the constuction shal be manutecued (eg, 8 ingle pats oF ‘Stb-assombles, andthe oro ubsaquent fal assent), _— erica of te nd! processs required fo mansfactre the const 150 3934-2:2005(6) — roeronce tothe appropri procedure specications fr welding and alos processes — sequence in which he wads are tobe made: — order an tning in which then process are to be performed “= seecteation fr inspection anc testing, ncudng te volvement any independentnspecton body, = snvtonmertal condone 9. protection fom wind an ran: — \ettaton by batches, components or pais, appropri — slain of quate parson — arrangement or any producto est 10.2 Wolding procedure specifications ‘The manutactrs shal repare the wolsng-pocedure specications) and shal ensure thal these are utes Brecty in groducton The ISO documents fo which te regured fo confer to ffl te qualty requirement ee epeced in 186 385452008, Tale 4 or ae welding, secon beam wong, laser beam wecng and gas wslng, 2nd [180 a¢34 612005, Table 10, cher fason wong processes. 10.3 Qualification of the welding procedures Wielang procedures shal be quae soo production. The mood of qualicatonshallb In accotence ith etovart product slandards or latd inthe spoctcaton, “The 180 documents to which it reued to carom to fl te quay requirements ate pected in 150 305452000, Tale 3 for ae welding, sacbon beam weldng, ae bear welding and gas wel, 2d ‘80 a60t6.205, Table 10, fr cher son waking provers. NOTE Quatteston fate prosdues ab egtednihe eevee sundae specter) 10.4 Work instructions The manufacturer may us the welding procedure specication csc fr insrucion purposes. Ateratvay.

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