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Good afternoon ladies and gentleman.

I am here standing in front of you to deliver m

speech about divorce. First and foremost, divorce is a formal ending of a marriage. It's more
permanent than a separation and involves a legal process. If you get a divorce, that means the
marriage is officially over.
In a 2003 study, Paul Amato and Denise Previti used data from the “Marital Instability
Over the Life Course” project, which is based on a national survey of men and women in 1980 and
1997, the cause of divorce were infidelity, incompatibility, drinking or drug use and growing apart.
In 2001, a group of family scholars conducted a large, random, statewide phone survey in
Oklahoma. They interviewed over 2000 people and asked those who had been divorced to choose
among nine “major” reasons for divorcing. The top three reasons people gave were: Lack of
commitment, too much conflict or arguing and infidelity or extramarital affairs. These reasons
were followed by “getting married too young,” “little or no helpful premarital preparation,” and
“financial problems or economic hardship.” The reports of marrying too young likely overlap with
the general category of incompatibility, since this is one of the risks of marrying very young:
people often do not know themselves or what they expect and desire in a mate at age 18. Amato
and Previti presenting findings in support of this point, finding that incompatibility was more
commonly reported as a reason for divorce among those who had married young than those who
had married when a little older.
These causes leads to negative effects and impact to their children. Their minds are tender
and can slip into a state of shock on seeing parents split forever. Children who witness a divorce
could be disturbed by the thought of not seeing their parents together again. Following are some
of the immediate short-term effects of divorce on children as stated by Rohit Garoo 2019: Anxiety,
constant stress, mood swings and irritability, intense sadness, disillusion and distress. And the
long-term effect of divorce were trouble with relationships, prone to substance abuse, depression
and poor education.
The only positive phase of divorce is children may not repeat their parents’ mistakes. What
happens when you see your parents’ marriage fail? You get the best life lesson on managing
relationships. Studies about positive effects of divorce have shown that children who witness the
split of their parents can show maturity and patience while managing conflicts in their
relationships. They communicate better and always strive to be good by not repeating the mistakes
of their parents.
Yet, divorce shouldn’t tolerate and it is not a solution at all. I strongly disagree with the
divorce phase. It remains a negative and traumatic experience. Not only does the divorcing couple
suffer, but the children are affected as well. Children with divorced parents continued to score
significantly lower on measures of academic achievement, psychological adjustment, self-concept,
and social relations. Divorce is definitely NOT a TRUE medicine nor a solution to the growing
domestic problems. I see it just like illegal drugs which may have a little benefit of easing the pain
of the patient. But in most cases, it is an addictive medicine that can kill and destroy life and
relationships. Marriage is covenant. A deeply binding commitment designed to help us weather
our most difficult circumstances. It's a vow requiring us to "tie ourselves to the mast." You have
to dismiss the voices seeking to lure you away from your marriage or convince you that divorce is
an easy answer to your troubles. If your marriage is unhappy, it's not too late. Go to the counselling
sessions and commit your relationship to a course of growth and healing. Again, divorce is not a
solution for any problems between husband and wives. When you truly care about each other, find
a way to make it work no matter how hard it is. With this, I end my speech. Thank you.
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