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. Ongstes anp Execrea at THe Toma oF AGAMEMNON ee oT, Kaniqlides & Opernhans. Glefira, Tragodic im cinem Buiage ven Hugo vou Hefmennétha Mult von Riderd Straus 7 Ube. Reyfenerdfinung 4B or. Vvang 8 Ue, Ginve 3410 Lb. “The poster for the premitre of Elekira: Konigliches Opernhaus, Deesden, 25 January 1909) ELEKTRA' Opera in one act. Libretto by Hugo von Hofimannsihal, after Sophocles First performed in Dresden, on January 29, 1909 CHARACTERS Klytiimnestra (Clytzemnestra), widow of Agamemnon: mezzo-soprano Elektra, her daughter: soprano Chrysothemis, sister of Elektra: soprano Agisth (Acgisthus), Klytdimnestra's paramour: tenor rest (Orestes) brother of Elektra and Chrysothemis: bass-baritone Tutor of Orestes: bass Confidante of Kiytimnestra: soprano ‘Trainbearer of Klytimnestra: soprano A Young Servant: tenor An Old Servant: bass ‘The Overseer: soprano First Maidservant: contralto Second and Third Maidservants: mezzo-sopranos Fourth and Fifth Maidservants: sopranos ‘Time: antiquity, at the period of the Trojan Wars Place: Mycenae, Greece THE PLOT The action is set inside the inner court of the palace of Mycenae. At the back, the palace ean be seen. There is a well in the court, from which servants are drawing water. They discuss the unpredictable Biektra, who howls like the dogs, and with whom her mother and stepfather have condemned her to live and cat. Some hate her, others pity her, only the fifth maid loves and reveres her. For her defense of Elektra, she is set upon by the others, and when they have gone inside, the fifth maid can be heard erying out that she is being beaten. Elekira comes out from the house alone, She recalls the incidents of her father Agamemnon’ murder, calls out his name and looks forward to the time when his death will be avenged by herself and her brother Orestes. When this is accomplished, she says, she will dance in triumph around the corpses of the perpetrators. Her sister Chrysothemis joins her. She is weaker and more human than Elektra, and is little inclined to join her sister in the schemes for revenge being urged upon her. Instead, she issues a waming that further horrors are in store for Elektra. Poor Chrysothemis feels the fires of love frustrated within her and longs to escape from her hateful prison, to which she is doomed by the fear which her sister's hatred inspires in Klytimnestra. The ordeal to which both are subjected is leaving its mark on them, she says. " The names of the characters in this opera will be spelled the German way, as they are in the score, Their counterparts in English (according to Bullfinch's Mythology) are given for reference only. ee ee eee a ek. ae 198, Noises and the sound of running footstep are heard within as Klytimnestra and her servants approach. Chrysothemis leaves, not wishing to be present at the confrontation which will surely take place. Elektra, however, is determined to face her mother and have a conversation with her. Klytiimnestra enters. She is bloated and decayed, and sleepless nights and debauched day's have left her looking as though it were an effort to keep her eyes open. Her first words are to moum the evil workings of fate which have given her such a daughter, but presently she comes down to the courtyard, and dismissing her attendants, is let alone with Elektra, the daughter she hates and fears so much. She is tormented by dreams: does her daughter know no remedies for them? Elektra is wise, and alone can help her. Klytéimnestra describes her sleepless nights; is there not some sacrifice she can { make to the gods to alleviate the tortures she suffers? Elektra answers ber mother insinvatingly and in terms that admit to two meanings. Yes, there is a victim, who is unconsecrated and roams free; it isa woman, married, who can be Killed at any time of day or night, with an ax, by aman, a stranger, but of their kin. Klytimnestra becomes impatient, and Elektra asks her mother whether she intends to call her brother Orest back from exile. Klytimnestra is uneasy at the mention of her son's name and Elektra accuses her of sending money to those who are looking afier him to kill him; the ‘trembling of her body at the mention of him proves as much. But Klytimnestra says that she fears nobody. She will find means of dragging from Elektra the secret of whose blood must flow to cause her nightmares to abats. Elektra springs at her: It is her blood that is required. She is the victim the gods have chosen as atonement. Flektra, standing eye to eye with her mother, describes the chase Which will end with Klytamnestra’s death, as the later gasps in horrible spasms of fear. At this moment, the Confidante runs out and whispers in Klyttimnestra’s ear A look of triumph ccomes into the queen's face, and she goes into the palace, leaving Flektra alone in the courtyard. Chrysothemis comes out again, crying that Orest is dead. Elektra at first will not believe it, but Chrysothemis says that two strangers, one old, the other young, brought the news that Orest was dragged to death by his own horses. A servant comes out of the palace, demanding @ horse as ‘quickly as possible so that he may carry this news to Aegisth. Elektra now demands that Chysothemis help her in-her task. She cannot slay Klytimnestra and Aegisth alone, but with her sister's help she would be able to accomplish the deed. She flatters ‘Chrysothemis telling her that she is strong and promises that she will henceforth become her slave if her sister will help. She holds Chrysothemis fast, but when her sister eventually frees herself and rushes from the courtyard, she hurls a curse at her, Left alone, Elektra begins to dig on the side of the stage, like an animal. She looks up twice and then sees someone standing in the gate. Who is interrupting her? He asks her if she works in the palace. ‘She answers bitterly that she does. He tells her that he has business with the Queen. He and another have brought the news of Orests' death. Flektma's grief at the news is overwhelming and she pours ‘out a bitter lament at her brother's death. The stranger asks Elektra if she is of the royal house, that she takes Orests' death so personally. She says her name, and the stranger exclaims in astonishment. He reveals that Orest is not dead, and a moment later servants come in and kiss his hand. Who is he, demands Flektra? Everyone knows him, he answers, except his own sister. ‘The Recognition Scene is the emotional climax of the opera. Elektra's ferocity drops from her, to be replaced by tendemess. Elektra will not allow her brother to embrace her. She contrasts her former beauty with her present state. She has renounced everything in order to expiate the murder of her father. Together they exult in the prospect of their righteous revenge which they will exact from Agamemnon's murderers. They are recalled to the reality of the situation by Orest' tutor, 199, ‘The Confidante appears and leads Orest and his tutor inside, Elektra is alone, in horrible excitement, ‘waiting for the sounds which will tell her that the first part of the revenge is over. A shriek tells her that Orest has found Klytimnestra. By now the palace is aroused but Elektra bars the entrance with her body. Acgisth sauaters into the courtyard and Elektra offers 10 light him into the palace. Aegisth ‘wonders at the change that has come over her as she circles around him in a strange sort of dance. Aegisth enters the palace, but reappears a moment later, yelling for help, as Orest knifes him to death. Women rush out of the palace, among them Chrysothemis, who has discovered that Orestes is back. Their rejoicings are very different in character, and Elektra breaks away from her sister, throwing back her head and dancing about like a demented creature. Her thirst for vengeance is satisfied and her dance inereases to frenzy. Suddenly she collapses dead upon the ground. With a last cry of ‘Orest!', Chrysothemis rushes to the palace and bangs on the door. 200 Elektra (The inner courtyard, bounded by the rear of the palace and by low buildings in which the servants live. Maidservants are at the well, dresving water. There are overseers among them) FIRST MAID (lifting up her water jug) vo: blaept elektra Wo bleibt Elektra? Where is Elektra? SECOND MAID wt dbx ‘iro ‘ftunda Ist doch ihre Stunde, Itis, isu'tit, her hour, ‘ira ftunda vo: 7: um den Tatar helt die Stunde, wo sie. um den Vater“ heult, the hour when she for her father howls, das alla ‘vendo. ‘allan da alle Wandeschallen. so that allthe walls ring (Elektra comes running out of the house entrance. The women turn around to look ai her. Elektra retreats like an animal into its lair, one arm in front of her face.) FIRST MAID hapt ir govem vir aun Pana: Habt ihr gesehn, wie sie uns ansah? Did you see how she us _looked af? SECOND MAID ‘fg vi ‘ena “vilda ‘Kats Giftig, wie eine wilde Katze. Poisonously, like a wild cat. ‘THIRD MAID ‘noolig lak da: unt ‘ftginto Neulich lag da und stdhnt. Lately lay there and moane FIRST MAID ‘mmr ven dis ‘zanna tisf [tert liskt iz unt ftont Immer, wenn die Sonne tiefsteht, _liegt sie und stohnt, Always when the sun issetting, _— she lies (there) and moans. ‘THIRD MAID da ‘omen vir tsurtsvaet_ unt’ kamanir sur Da —gingen wir zu zweit und kamen ihr zu As we went, thetwoofus, and got toher too (As the two of us got a bit too close to her...) FIRST MAID zi: helts migt aos yen man Sie hilt's nicht aus, wenn man She cannot stand it when someone THIRD MAID ja vir ‘kamoni tsu: ne daz vi ‘geno ‘katso Ja, wir kamen ihr zunah: da_—_pfauehte sie wie eine Yes, we gottooclosetoher: then shehissed like. a cat, fort fliggan i fort “Fort, Fiiegen! sehrie sie, "fort!" "Go away, flies!" she sercamed, "go away!” FOURTH MAID ‘Jmaesflizgan fort ‘Schmeifiliegen, for "Blowllies, go away!" THIRD MAID aitst nigt cof | ‘maenan ‘vondon "Sitzt nicht auf meinen ‘Wunden!" "Dontsit on my sores! unt fluk nex uns mit ‘aenam ‘fowl und — schlug nach uns mit cinem Strohwiseh. and struckout at us.—with 8 strawvwisp. FOURTH MAID "Schmeififliegen, fort!" ‘THIRD MAID ir alt das ‘zyss0 ‘apvacdan = fon dex "hr sollt das SiiBe abweiden von der "You should the sweetness harvest from my ir zolt’— mgt “fmatson naxx ‘maenor ‘krempfa Thr sollt nicht schmatzen nach meiner Kriimpfe You should not smack your lipsover my convulsions’ (over the froth of my convulsions.) FOURTH MAID get ap _ferkri:gt o0¢ Seis uns nax Geht ab, verkriecht euch", —schriesie uns nach: "Be off, creep away", she screamed at us: est fettas unt est. “zyisos "EB Fettes und efit. SilBes, Eat fatty things and eat_—_sweet things, ont get tur bet_— mit a¢ren ‘mennam frit Zi ont und geht zu Bett mit euren Minnern", —schrie sie, und and goto «= bed_—with © your men’, she screamed, and THIRD MAID ie var =o mgt faol Teh war nicht faul.. 1 was not lazy. (1 didn’t hesitate...) uns 2an Katze uns an. atus. diz die. that one. Elektra 202 FOURTH MAID di: gap i ‘antyort dic gab ihr Antwort! she gave her answer! (she answered her back!) THIRD MAID ja: ven du: ‘hugrig bist gatbig tsut ‘antvort it dus ox wenn du bungrig bist”, gab ich zu Antwort, ist du aucht" when you archungry", retorted, "then eat you too!” (then you eat too!") da: fpray zis cof, unt fos. ‘greshiga ‘bhikke Da sprangsie auf, und schoB grifliche —_Blicke, ‘Then she sprang up and_— shot us dreadfil looks, rekio xe timer ‘krallen ‘gegen uns unt fis reekte ihre Finger wie Krallen gegen uns und —schrie: stretched out her fingers like claws at us and _shrieked: 1g fra mise ‘aenon ‘gacor cof am ley "Ich flittre mir einen Geier auf im Leib!" 1 amfeeding 2 ~—_vulfte (~)_insidemy —_—_body!" (Auf/fattern is a separable prefix verb meaning "io bring up by careful feeding”) SECOND MAID ont du Und du? ‘And you? ‘THIRD MAID rum hhokst du: ‘immerfort garb ag tsurvk "Drum hockstdu immerfort,"__ gab ich zuriiek, "Thats why yousquat all the time", I retorted, yo: “arsgarux dig helt “wo Aasgeruch dich halt, "where the smell of carrion holds you, ont farst sx ‘aenor ‘alten ‘lacge und —scharrst nach einer alten Leiche!"’ and growl after an old corpse!” SECOND MAID ont vas “zarkto zis daz Und was _sagte sie da? ‘And what did she say? THIRD MAID ri ‘hoglto muss unt —_varf zig m Sie heultenur, und warfsich in She onlyhowled, and —_threwherself into Elektra 203 FIRST MAID das di: komgin zag ‘aenon. demon free om haos Dab die Kénigin —solch einen. Dimon frei in Haus That the — Queen such a demon free about the house unt host zaen ewan tracbon lest und Hof sein Wesen treiben iB. and courtyard her _—_going around allows. ({It'sa wonder] that the Queen allows such a demon roam freely around her house and courtyard.) SECOND MAID das ‘aegna kint Das cigne Kind! Her own child! FIRST MAID vex 1 hitte c bee Wir' sie ich hielte, ich. bei Wereshe = my ~— child, Td hold her, 1 by — Godl... tit umtor fos unt sie unter Schlo® und her under lock and bolt! FOURTH MAID zt zi; diy migt_ hart gamurk mit ir Sind sie dir nicht. hart genug mit — ihr? Are they foryounot hard enough on her? zetst_ man den napf mit ‘esson_tsu: dem —‘hundon Setzt man den Napf mit Essen zu den Hunden? Sets one forher not the bowl with food with the dogs? (Don't they set her food bowl among the dogs?) hast dus den hem nk zen Hast du den Herrn nie sie schlagen | — sen? Have you the master never her beating seen? (Have you never seen the master beat her?) FIFTH MAID (quite young, with a trembling, agitated voice) owl for it mig ‘nidarverfan ont Ten will yor ihr — mich niederwerfen und die 1 want before her to throw myself’ and her feet kiss. wt zis mgt gen ‘kormigskint «= unt ‘duldot ‘role fmarx Ist sie nicht cin‘ K6nigskind und duldet. solehe Schmach? Is she not’ = a—royalchild = and_— endures. such disgrace? owl di fyson ir ‘zalbon Ich will die File ‘ihr —salben 1 want her feet to anoint 204 Elektra unt mrt ‘maenam_=— har zis ‘troknan. und = mit — meinem Haar sie trocknen. and with — my hair to dry them. (J-want to anoint her feet and dry them with my hair.) OVERSEER (pushing her) hinaen mn dsr: Hinein mit dir! Inside with you! FIFTH MAID es gitpt’ mgts oof der velt_ das. ‘kémmighigor «= st’ als, it Es gibt nichts auf der Welt, das kéniglicher ist als sie. There is nothingin the world that moreroyal © is’ than she. i: like, om Tumpon oof der ‘fvello Sie liegt in Lumpen auf’ der_—Schwelle, She lies in rags on the threshold, bor ‘nimant mst bir = am =—haos dew ‘iron hk = ‘ooshelt aber niemand ist’ hier im Haus, der ihren Blick aushalt. but noone is here inthe house that her gaze can withstand, OVERSEER Hinein! FIFTH MAID (wedged in the doorway) ir ‘allo act’ mgt vert dix Iuft tsur_‘aitmon di: zi: ‘artmat Thr alle seid nicht wert, die Luft mm —atmen die sie atmet! You all are not. worthy the air. to.——breathe that’ she breathes! 0: keent ag 00g ‘alla. ogg erhent am —‘halzo © kénnt ich euch alle, euch, erhingt am — Halse Oh, could 1 you all, you, hanged bythe neck m ‘fooor ‘dunkol ‘henpn zen um ‘desson “vllon in Scheuer Dunkel hhdngen sehn um — dessen willen in shed (in) darkness hanging see for her sake, vas ir an elektra geta:n was ihr an Elektra getan! for what you to — Elekwa have done! (Oh, could I but see you all hanged by the neck in a dreadful dark shed for her sake, for what you have done to Elektra!) OVERSEER (slamming the door shut) hom is das vir an clektra Hort ihr das? Wir, an Elektra, Hear you that? We, to Elektra, (Do you hear that? What we did to Elektra,) di 0 napf fon ‘unzarm ‘ufo tis dic ihren Napf von unsernm _Tische stieB, she who her bowl from our table pushed off, Blekara 205 als = mano mit_— uns tsu: lesson hits als man mit uns sie zu _—essen__ hie, when we with us her to eat_—_asked, (she who pushed her bow! off our table when we asked her to eat with us,) ‘ansfpiz fox uns unt thyndmnan uns manta die ausspie vor uns und Hiindinnen uns _—_nannte. who spat in front ofus and bitches us called. (and called us bitches.) FIRST MAID vas zi arkto ‘kaenon hunt kan man Was? Sie sagte: keinen Hund kann man What? She said that no dog canbe vortsu: man uns hat “‘apgorigtat woru man uns hat _—_abgerichtet todo what we have _ been trained to do: das vir mut "vassor unt mit immer frfom ‘vassor da6 wir mit’ Wasser und mit immer frischem Wasser that we with water, and with always fresh water das ‘ew1go blut des ‘mordas das ewige Blut des Mordes the everlasting blood of the murder fon dew ‘disk ‘apfpyilen von der —_Diele abspitlen... from the flooring wash away, (that we wash away with water, always with fresh water, the everlasting blood of murder from the flooring...) THIRD MAID ont di fmax ro: aki "Und die Schmach", so sagte sie, "And the disgrace", so she said, Jma:x di: ag bae tack © unt’ naxtefnogt ‘die Schmach, die sich bei ©=‘Tag und Nacht erneut, the — disgrace which itself by | day and night renews, (and the disgrace, which renews itself day and night,) mm -vinks! feigan in kel into. acomer (sweep into a comer. FIRST MAID ‘unzar zo: fraet rit fart fon dem ‘unratt "Unser so schreit sie, "'starrt von dem Unrat, "Our , she shricked, "is stiff with the filth 206 Elektra dem via ‘disnstbar. = zant dem wir dienstbar sind!" to which we slaves are!" ("And our bodies", she shrieked, "are stiff with the filth which we are slaves t (The maids carry the water into the house:) OVERSEER (who has opened the door for them) ont ven zis uns) mut—"unzarm ‘kinda zit Und wenn sie uns unsern Kindern _ sieht, And when she us with our children, sees, 0% fract gts kan zor feerflusxt zacnnigts so schreit sie: "Nichts Kann so verflucht sein, nichts, she shrieks! "Nothing can. so.—_cursed be, nothing, (And when she sees us with our children she shrieks: "Nothing can be so cursed, nothing,) als i: vir ‘hyndif cof der ‘treppo als die wir hiindisch_ auf’ der_—Treppe as children whom we — dog-like on the steps im ‘bhuta ‘ghtfornt bir 0m ——_‘dizzom ‘haoz> im Blute glitschernd, hier in diesem Hause in blood _stipping, here in this. house empfagon —unt_—_goborran empfangen und _—_geboren conceived and_—_givenbirthto_ have." (as children whom we have conceived and given birth to here in this house [all the while] slipping on the stops in blood, like dogs.") zak 1 das ‘odor nigt Sagi das oder _ nicht? Does she say that or not? FOUR MAIDS (as they make their exit) ja: jan Jat Jat Yes! Yes! OVERSEER (leaving) Sagt sic das oder nicht? FOUR MAIDS (fiom within) Jal Jat FIRTH MAID (from within) tix flaxgan mug Sie schlagen mich! They are beating me! (Elektra comes out of the house.) ELEKTRA alllaen ver gants Allel Weh, ganz Alone! Woe, completely hinapgafoact m —aena hinabgescheucht in frightened away down into his (against the ground) aga'memnon vo: bist dus Agamemnon! Wo bist du, Agamemnon! Where are you, daen angezigt he'vaof tsu: dein Angesicht —_herauf zu your face upto (to drag your face up before me?) es ist dis funda Es ist die Stunde, tis the hour, di: frond vor ri die Stunde, wo sie the hour when they (the hour when they slaughtered you,) daen vaep unt dex dein Weib und der your wife and the one who mm ‘daenem e:mkligan in deinem Kéniglichen in your royal ti flugan diy um Sie schlugen dich im They struck you inthe ‘dacno ‘uogon unt das bait deine Augen,und das Bad your eyes, and the bath mam ex dy dex nabm er dich, der took he you, the tserta diy —_binaos aos rerrte dich hinaus aus dragged you outof dest fattor fort Der Vater fort, My father gone, kalton ‘klvfta cold chasms. faitor hast du: mgt dit kraft Vater? Hast du nicht die ‘Kraft, father? Have you not the __strength isu: fleppen mir zu schleppen? me to drag? ‘unars ftunds ists unsre Stunde ist's, our hour it dig gaflaxtat——_fhasbon dich geschlachtet_ haben, you slaughter did, mt it =m aemam “betta mit ihr in einem Bette, with her in a bed, ‘beta flesft Bette schlaft. bed sleeps. ‘bade tox — daen blut ran yibor Bade tot, dein Blut rann ber bath dead, your blood running over ‘dampfto fon ‘daenam blux dampfte von deinem Blut. steamed from your blood. faege bae dem fultom Feige, bei den Schultern, coward, by the shoulders, dem — gomax dem kopf —_foraos dem Gemach, den Kopf —_yoraus, the chamber head first, das 'ftara ‘ofa das starre, —_offine, staring, ‘open, virdar wieder, again, vaet offan weit offen, wide open, om ‘daena Jum um — deine Stirn, about your brow, alllaen allein! alone! ‘daenom, deinem to your kant Kind! child! tsaet Zeit time heap herab, down, 208 Elektra di: ‘baeno 'flaefant hintorhe:r — daen_‘anga die Beine sebleifend _hinterher. ‘Dein Auge, your legs trailing along behind. Your cye, za: heraenms — aos 70: Komst du: sah herein ins Haus. So kommst du looking inside into the house. Like that you come ‘zesost 8 fosr fuss setzest Ful yor Fu, putting one foot after another, unt fiest aof‘aenmatl da: dit"baedan—_‘caogan. und stehst aufeinmal da, die beiden Augen and stand suddenly ——there, both eyes unt aen‘komghgar —raef_ fan ‘porpur st. und ein kéniglicher_ Reif von Purpurist and a royal coronet of purple is (with a royal purple eoronet about your brow,) dex fpaest ag aos des ‘haoptas far der speistsich aus. des“ Hauptes——offiner. which feeds on your head's open Agamemnon! Vater! % ov dig zen las mg ‘hota migt Ich will dichsehm, —Iah-—mich heute nicht, 1 want toseeyou, leave me — today not nur zo:vi: —‘gestam vii gen ‘fattan Nurso wie gestern, wie ein Schatten, Just yesterday, like, =a shadow, im ‘macarvinkal tsack dig im Mauerwinkel zeig dich inthe angle of the wall, show yourself Agamemnon! dacn tak vit ‘kommen dein Tag wird kommen, Your day shall__come. fon den 'fternan Serrtst ‘alls Von den Sternen stiirtzt alle (As) from the stars ‘tumbles all (Gust as time tumbles down from the stars.) zo: vit das blut_ 00s. hundart "keilon so wird das Blut aus hundert Kehlen so will the blood of | ahundred throats ‘fevrtson stiirzen fall So wie As if virts aos wird's aus it will out daen aof grap auf dein Grab! upon your grave! aos ‘umgovorfnan ‘kryrgon aus umgeworfnen Kriigen outof overtumed jugs dem — gatbundnon —‘moerdorn——i:son den gebundnen — Mardern ofthe bound murderers flow, Elektra flieBen, (And the blood of the bound murderers will low as if out of overtumed jugs,) ont mn enam fval m —‘aenam gofvalnan bax und in einem Schwall, in. einem geschwollnen Bach and ina surge, in a swollen stream virt ‘erbons te:tan os man ‘ftvrtsan wird Lebens Leben aus ihmen stirzen. will life's life from them fall (abandon them.) (with solemn pathos) ont vir ‘laxton dir di: sso dim Und wir schlachten dir die Rosse, die im And we willl slaughter for you the horses which in the vir traeban zit for = dem = grap tsWzamman wir weibensie vor dem Grab zusammen We will round them up before the grave together ont zi des ont m und sie den Tod und in and they death and in ont fterben und — sterben. and die. ont vir flaxton dir dit ‘hunds di didi: ‘tysso Und wir schlachten dir die Hundedie—_dirdie Fife And we _willslaughter for you the dogs, that your feet (And we will slaughter the dogs that licked your feet,) di mit dir gajaxkt die mit dir —_gejagt, they who with you hunted, “desman du dit “basson tunvarfst denen du die Bissen they whom you the morsels ({the dogs} whom you fed morsels to,) 209 ‘haozs Hause house aint sind, are, diz die the ‘todostott Todestuft deatheair lekton leckten, licked, 210 Elektra darom mus ir bltut darum muS ihr Blut that's why must. their blood _ be spilled, um dix tow zaen um dir zu sein, in onder foryouof service tobe (to be of service to you,) ont vir vin daen biut daen zon test und wir, wir, dein Blut, dein Sohn Orest and we, we —-your(own) blood, your son Orest, unt ‘daeno ‘toeytar drae und deine Tdchter, wir drei, and your daughters, the three of us, ven ‘alas diss folbraxt vont ‘porpurgaisello ‘aofgortgtat zint wenn alles dies _yollbracht, und Purpurgezelle aufgerichtet when all this is accomplished, and purple pavillions are raised for donst des ‘bluitas dem dis zona max iets yom, Dunst des Blutes,den die Sonne nach sich _zieht, formed from the haze of blood which the sun to _— itself draws, dan ‘tantson vir daen blut ms um. daen grap dann tanzen wir, — dein Blut, ringsum dein. Grab then we will dance, your blood-kin, around your grave. (in inspired pathos) ont ‘'ythor _aegan hm ved 1g das. knit ‘hoxherban und ber Leichen hin werd ich das Knie hochheben and over compses high will T my — knees raise (and I will raise my knees high over the corpses,) Jit for frre ont dis mig -verden zo; vantson zen Schritt fir Schritt, und die so tanzen sehn, step by step and those who = me_— willl so dance see, (will thus see me dancing.) di: ‘'macnon ‘fatton fon ‘vactam die meinen Schatten von_—_weitem yes, those who my shadow from afar nur zo: ‘veirden'tantsen zen diz ‘veurdon ‘zaigon nur so werden tanzensehn, die werden sagen: like that —_willsee dancing, they _will say, (ves, and those who will see my shadow dancing thus from afar, will say:) ‘aenam ‘grosson'kgmig vit hist aen_— ‘grosses ‘prunkfest. —_‘'angoftelt einem grofenKénig wird hier cin groBes Prunkfest —_angestellt fora great king is here a great splendid feast _ being prepared Elektra fon ‘zaenam flaef unt blut unt —_‘glvklig ist von seinem Fleisch und Blut, und gliicklich ist, by his flesh and blood, and lucky ishe, ver ‘kinderhat di: —.um_—zaen ‘hos grap wer Kinder hat, die um —sein_hohes Grab who has children who around his high grave 20: vitgastentsa —_tantson ags'memnon so Siegestiinze tamzen! Agamemnon! such royal victory dances dance! Agamemnon! (lucky is he who has children who dance victory dances around his high grave!) CHRYSOTHEMIS (the younger sisier stands in the doorway of the house) ellektra Elektra! (Elektra recoils at first, then looks at Chrysothemis as if awakened from a dream.) ELEKTRA a: das. ga'zict Ah, das Gesicht! Ah, that face! CHRYSOTHEMIS (standing pressed against the door) ist maen gozigt 20: ferhast Ist mein Gesicht dir so verhaBt? Is my face so hateful to you? ELEKTRA (fiercely) vas vilst du: ‘redo [png ergitsa dig dan ge:_sunt_— das Was willstdu? Rede, sprich, ergieBe dich, dann geh und la What do you want? Talk, speak, pouritout, then go and _— leave: (Chrysothemis raises her hands as if in defense.) vas herpst du; di ‘henda Was hebstdu die—-‘Hinde? Why doyoulift your _ hands? hop dex ‘zaeno ‘baedan ‘henda hob der seine beiden Hinde, ted our both his hands, da; fur das bael_hmap unt fpaltata zaen flaef da fahr das Beil hinab und spaitete sein Fleisch. then came the ax down and split his flesh. Was willst du, toxtor ‘maenar ‘mottor ‘toxtor Kytemnestras Tochter meiner Matter, Tochter Klytimnestras? Daughter of my mother, daughter of Klytimnestra? mug mich. 212 Elektra CHRYSOTHEMIS ti ‘hasban etvas ‘Fargtarkigas fore Sie haben etwas Firrchterliches vor. They have something dreadful planned. ELEKTRA ‘baedon 'vacbor Die beiden Weiber? The two females? CHRYSOTHEMIS Wer? Who? ELEKTRA ‘nu:n ‘maena ‘muttor unt jets andra vaep dis Nun, meine Mutterund jenes andre Weib, die Well, my — mother and that other woman, that egust dex tapfro ‘moovelmoerdar ex Agisth, der tapfre Meuchelmirder, er, Acgisth, that bold assassin he, dex ‘heldontarion nur im = bet fosrfyzt der Heldentaten nur im Bett vorfiihrt. who heroic deeds only in bed —_ performs. vas ‘haben zi: den for Was haben sie dean vor? What are they then _ planning? CHRYSOTHEMIS zi ‘verfon dig om ‘aenan orm Sie werfen dich in cinen Turm, They willthrow you into a tower vor: du: fon zon unt mort das Ingt wo du von Sonn’ und = Mond das where you of sun and moon the —_ light (Elekera laughs.) zi: tums 1g vaes. es tg —_hayps gahaxrt Sie tun's, ich wei es, ich_—_hab's gehdrt. They'll doit, I know that, I heard it ELEKTRA vi: hast den du es “howron ‘koennan Wie hastdenn = du boren kénnen? How have you it heard been able? (How were you able to hear it?) memma ac Memme, ci, coward, ah, nugt Zeron virst Licht nicht sehen wirst. will not see. Elektra 213 CHRYSOTHEMIS (softly) an dex = tyr ellektra An der Tiir, Elektra. At the door, Elektra ELEKTRA (bursting out) max ‘kaena yon cof m —_—_‘diszom haos Mach keine Tiiren auf in diesem Haus! Open no — doors (~) in this house! (auf/machen is a separable prefix verb meaning "to open".) geprester == artam pfuj unt reegaln fon ervyrkton GepreBter —Atem, pfui! Und —Rocheln von Erwiirgten, Stifled air, phew! And death-raitles of —_ strangled people migts andres gizpts m —dizzan maoarn nichts andres gibt’'s in diesen Mauern, nothing else isthere within these walls. ‘Mach keine Tiren auf! flacg nigt herum zits an dex tyr vik ig Schleich nicht herum,sitz an der ‘Tir wie ich Dont creep around,sit by the ~— door like me unt vynf dein tort unt das gotigt herbac_—aof zit unt in und —wiinsch den Tod und das Gericht herbeiaufsie und ihn. and wish death and judgment omher and him CHRYSOTHEMIS ¢ kan oct mitson unt ms dunkol ‘Jtarron vie dus Ich kann nicht sitzen und ins. Dunkel starren, wie du 1 cannot and into the darkness stare like you. ig harps vir fogor m= dex brust Ich hab's wie Feuer in der Brust, I have something like fire in = my breast, es traept mg immarfort he's mm aos es treibt' mich immerfort —herum im Haus, it drives me incessantly around the house, tm kaenor ‘kammor Taedots mig tg = mus. fon ‘aenor vel in keiner Kammer —_leidet’s mich, ich © mu8 von einer Schwelle in no room canIsndit, 1 must from one threshold cof di:'andro. = ax_—_trepaof trep?ap auf dieandre, ach! treppauf, —_treppab, to theother, —ah!—Up the stairs, down the stairs, mize st als rif es mig unt kom rg hin als riefes mich, und kommich hin, asif something were calling me, and when I get there, 214 Elekira zo flirt, «gen evostsimmor mig ?an so stiert cin leeres. Zimmer mich an. there gapes an empty ‘room at me. xe ‘hacbo. “zoe anst mise tsittom. kni: —bae taik omt — naxt Ich habe solche Angst, mirzittern die -Knie bei Tag und Nacht, 1 have such fear, metremble the ‘knees day and night mir st dix Keil vit tsusgefnystt mir ist die Kehle wi augeschniirt, 1 feel my throat _asif (ithad been) tied shut, kan mict ‘aenmatl ‘vaenan vi ftaen ast ‘alles ich kann nicht einmal weinen, wie Stein ist alles! 1 cannot even weep, like stone is _everything! (feel as if 'm made of stone!) fvestor hap ?erbarmon Schwester, hab Erbarment Sister, have _ pity! ELEKTRA mit vem Mit wem? On whom? CHRYSOTHEMIS bist es di: mit ‘aezanklammam_ bist es, die mit —_Eisenklammern arethe one — who with —_iron brackets mig an dem ‘bodan ‘fmizdat mich an den Boden schmiedet. me to the —_ground clamps. (You are the one who clamps me to the ground with iron brackets.) verst gt du; zx Tisom uns ——_—hynaos Wirst nicht du, sie tieBenuns —_hinaus. Were it not (for) you, they wouldletus out ver migt daen has daen ‘flailoizas vunbendiges _ge'myit War nicht dein Haf, dein schlafloses, _-unbindiges. Gemiit, Were it not for your hatred, your sleepless, unrestrainable disposition, for dem zi ‘tsittom a: 20% tons ja: he'raos aos vor dem sie zittern, ah, so ‘uns ja heraus aus before which they tremble, ‘ah, thentheydlet us out of ‘dizam ‘kerkor “fvestar iy vl_heraos diesem Kerker, Schwester! Ich will __heraus! this dungeon, _sister! T want out! Elektra 215 vil mgt jjedonaxt bis an dem tox Ich will nicht jede Nacht isan den Tod schlafen! 1 dont wantto every night unto death sleep! (sleep here every night until I die!) % —terbo vil ag cox ‘Tetbon ich sterbe, will ich auch leben! Before 1 die wamt I also tolive! ‘indor wl ‘hatbon bofoxr maen laep — fervelkt Kinder will ich haben, bevor mein Leib verwelkt, Children Twant tohave before my body withers, unt yews aen —_"booor dem zi: miy'geibon und war's cin Bauer, mich geben, even if itwere a peasant whom they — give me, ‘tandor wig im geberon = unt_—smit_—'maensm_——laep Kinder will ich ihm gebiren, und mit meinem Leib children, Twant for him to bear and with my body vic'vermon —m_~—_“Kalltan ‘negton. siewirmen in —_kalten Nachten, warm them on cold nights, (1 want to bear him children and keep them warm on cold nights with my body,) ven der form dis ‘hytta_tst'zamman{yitat wenn der Sturm Hiitte zusammenschittelt! when the storm the ut shakes apart! hysrst du: mig Zan Jpn ts: mir 'fvestar | Horst du mich an? Sprich zu mir, —Schwester! | Are you listening to me? Speak to me, sister! | ELEKTRA. ‘armas. gofoepi Armes Geschépf! Poor creature! CHRYSOTHEMIS (in extreme agitation) hap ‘mitlaet mit dir zelbor unt mit’ mir Hab Mitleid mit dirselber = und mit mir! Have pity on yourself and on me! vem fromt den ‘zalgo kval Wem frommt denn solche Qual? Who benefits then from (such) pain? | dexfator der st tot der ‘brusdor komt mgt haem Der Vater, der ist tot. Der Bruder kommt nicht heim. Father, he is dead. Our brother ist'tcoming home. ‘mor ‘ztson vir ander ‘ftamp viz ‘angahento—foigal Immer sitzenwir an der Stange wie angehiingte Vagel, Always wwe sit on the perch like clinging birds, 216 vendon lagks ont wenden: links und we turn left and kaen ‘brusdar kaen kein Bruder, kein no brother, no fon ‘aenem ‘boitan you cinem Boten, from a messenger, mt meson g Mit — Messern grabt With knives carves: mm dacn unt macn in dein und = mein in yours and my Elektra regis den kop rechts den Kopf right our heads ‘bots fon Bote vou messenger from igts nichts! nothing! tak om tak Tag um Tag day after day get zaen Gesicht sein face its unt ‘himant komt ! und njemand kommt, and nobody comes, dem ‘bruder augt desr ‘bots dem Bruder, _nicht der Bote our brother, not a messenger mail Mal, mark, (The days, one after another, carve their mark on both our faces as with knives,) ont ‘draoson get und drauBen geht and outside ‘208s (and outside, the sun rises and sets,) unt ‘frooan diz und Frauen, die and women, whom dis ‘zona oof die Sonne auf the © sun up flank ich schlank 1 slender (and women, whom I had known as being slender.) unt 2p und ab, and down, gekant hap gekanmt = hab’, known have, ant vex fon "zeigan myn cay tsum_—‘bronnon sind schwer von Segen, mihn sich zum Brunnen, are heavy with blessing, struggle tothe well, ‘hesbon koom di: ‘wemor ‘ont of ‘aenmail heben kaum die Eimer, und auf cinmal (can) lift barely the buckets, and allat once int Zi: entbundon ier last ‘kommen = tsum_—“brunnan ‘Vidor sind sie entbunden ihrer Last, kommen zum = Brunnen wieder they are delivered _of their burden, come tothe well again unt 00s. ‘ian “zelbor vtle ‘zysor_trank und aus ihnen_ selber quilt siiBer Trank, and cut _—_of their own (bodies) pours (a) sweet drink, unt "zoagont hent aen ‘lebon an Pinan und — stugend hangt ein Leben an ihnen, and suckling hangs a life. on them, (and a living being hangs on them, suckling,) ont dis ‘Kandor ‘vernon gross und die Kinder werden grof. and the children gettobe big. nacn 1 = bm acn_—_vaep om vil aen Nein, ich bin cin Weib, und will ein No, Tam a woman, and want a Tibor tot als ‘ecbon unt nigt lieber tot, als leben und nicht leben. 217 ‘vaebor ikzail Weiberschicksal, ‘woman's destiny. better dead, than living and not _ being alive. (She bursts into violent tears.) ELEKTRA vas hoolst du: fort ninaen dot 1st Was heulst du? Fort! Hinein! Dort ist What are you bawling (abou')? Be offt Inside! There is (nausing) es gett aen lerm lo Es geht einl firm los. A noise is starting (somewhere). (scornfully) ffellon zit fillaegt fyr die dit hoxtsaet_=— an Stellen sie ielleicht fr dich die Hochzeit © an? ‘Are they putting, maybe for you a wedding on? (Could it be they are putting on 2 wedding for you?) 6 zx —‘loofon das ‘gantsa haos 1st 2aof Ich sie laufen. Das ganze Haus ist auf. I hear them running, The whole house is up. ‘kraesen, oder zi: mordan Sie kreiffen, oder sie morden, They arein labor or they _—_are committing murder. ven es an ‘aegan ‘malt draof ‘su: flarfon Wenn es an —_Leichen ‘mangelt drauf zu schlafen, When it in —_ corpses. islacking on top of which to sleep, (When there aren't enough corpses to sleep on,) ‘mysson zit dox —‘mordon miissen sie doch _morden! they must then commit murder! CHRYSOTHEMIS ge: fort ferkrixe dig dos ori dig omagt Geh fort, _verkriech dich! da sie dich nicht sieht. Go away, hide yourself sothat she you not see. : (So that she can't see you.) 218 Elekira feel dig hoot mgt om = den vek Stell dich heut nicht in den Weg: Place yourself today mot in her way. (Dont get in her way today) zis fikt tot aos jexom bhk — zit hat gotroomt Sie sehiekt Tod aus jedem Blick. Sie hat getrdtumt. She spews death with every look, She had dreams. (The noite of people inside gradually becomes louder.) ge: fort fon hie ‘kommen dung dix ‘geno Geh fort von _ hier. kommen durch die Gange. Get away from here. are coming through the hallways. zit ‘kommen hirr forrbae hat gatrogmt = tp=vaes mit vas Sie kommen hier vorbei hat getriumt, ich wei nicht was, They are passing by here. has dreamed, = T_—know_ not what, ig harbes fon dem = ‘mergdon goat Ich habesvon den Maigden geht: | diditfrom the maids hear: (Cheard it from the maids:) zit vagon das zt fon_—orest_ geftrogmt Sie sagen, daB sie von Orest_getrdumt They say that she of -~—-Orest_ dreamed (dreamed about Orest,) das zi gafrian hat gos ism flat dad sie geschrien hat aus ihrem Schlaf, that she screamed = inher _—_ sleep, vi ‘aenar fraet den man ervyrkt wie einer sebreit den man erwiirgt. as someone —sereams whom one strangles. (the way someone screams when he is being strangled.) (Torches and figures fill the hallway by the door.) zi ‘kommen fon Zit traept Sie kommen _sehon. Sie trelbt They arecoming already. She — is driving di'me:gds ‘allo mit fakkoin fosr z1g hest die Migde alle mit Fackeln vor sich her. all the maids with torches before her. zi: ‘fleppon ‘tiva unt ‘opfarmessar Sie schleppen und Opfermesser ‘They are dragging animalsand _ sacrificial knives Elektra ‘Jvestor ven zit ‘sittort ist zis am ‘frekligstan Schwester, wenn sie zittert, istsie am sehreckdichsten. Sister, when she trembles she is ather worst. (isafraid) (urgently) ge ihe nur host mur ‘disza_‘frunda ge: aos trom Geb ihr nur heut, nur diese Stunde, geh aus ihrem Weg! Get from herjust today, just for this hour, get out of erway! ELEKTRA ‘geno lust mit ‘maenor ‘motor tsu;rexdon vir nox nit eine Lust mit meiner Mutterzu —reden, wie noch nie! adesire with my mother to speak as. never before! (Chave a desire to speak to my mother as never before!) CHRYSOTHEMIS evils migt ‘boron Ich will!s nicht ren! 1 don't want to hear itt (She rushes out the courtyard gate, A hurried procession clatiers and shuffles by the harshly-lighted windows. There is a pulling and dragging of animals, a subdued scolding, a quickly stifled outery, the whistling of a whip, a regrouping, a staggering onwards, Klytaémnestra appears in the large window. In the harsh light of her torches, her ghastly, bloated face appears even paler against her searlet robe. She supports herself upon a confidante, who is dressed in deep violet, and upon an ivory staff ornamented with precious stones. A yellow figure like a rearing snake, with combed- back, black hair like an Egyptian's, and an expressionless face, carries her train. The queen is completely covered in precious stones and talismans. Her arms are thick with bracelets, her fingors stiff with rings. Her eyelids seem exceptionally large, and it appears to cost her a terrible effort to hold them up. Elektra raives herself to her full height. Klytémnestra suddenly opens her eyes; trembling with rage she steps to the window and indicates Elektra with her stick.) KLYTAMNESTRA vas vilst du: zeit dox dort zo zest dox das Was willst du? Sehtdoch dort! So seht doch _— das! What do you want? Look, there! Just look at that! i: es 1g ‘aofboomt mit gsbletem hals ont naxx mir tsymplt Wie essich aufbiumt mit geblihtem Hals und nach mir —_ziingelt! How —itrears up withaflared neck and atme darts its tongue! unt das las ig frae. m= ‘macnam =—hooza.‘laofon Und das Ia ich_— frei in meinem Hause laufon! And thar allow I free in my house to run! (And I leave hat free to run about in my own house!) (breathing heavily) yen zis mig mit. sro "blikkon ‘wien ‘koenta Wenn sie mich mit ihren Blicken ‘ten kénnte! If she me with her glares Kill could! (Uf she could kill me with her glares!) 220 Elektra fo: ‘geettar varum liskt ir zo: oof mitt © Gorter, warum liegt ihr so auf mir? Oh gods, why doyoulie so on me? (do you oppress me s0?) varom fervystat ir mig 20% Warum vyerwiistet ihr mich so? Why do youravage me $0? varom mus ‘maeno kraft in mise gole:mt zaen Warum mu meine Kraft in mir gelahmt = ——sein? Why must my strength in me _ paralyzed be? (be paralyzed in me?) varum bm ig —lebendiganlaebes vis = aen_vyistas gaflt Warum bin ich —lebendigen —Leibes wie ein_—_wiistes Gefild why am, aliving body, like a wasteland (why is my living body like a wasteland) unt dirza._‘nessal__vekst os xr heraos und diese Nessel wiichst aus mir heraus, and this nettle. grows out of me, vat 1g hap mit dit kraft tsu: und ich hab nicht die Kraft m and oT have not the strength to varum epfit mir das ‘ervgon ‘goettor Warum geschieht- mir das, ihr ew'gen Garter? Why doeshappen tome this, ye etemal gods? (does this happen to me, ye eternal gods?) ELEKTRA (calmly) di: ‘gcettor bast dox zelbor vena goetun Die Gatter! Bist doch selber eine Gattin, The gods! ‘Youare after all yourself, a goddess, bist vas zit zmnt bist, was sie sind! youare what they are! KLYTAMNESTRA (to her attendants) hapt ir gohort hapt ix ferfianden vas zit rexdot Habt ihr — gehért? Habt ihr verstanden, was sie _redet? Did you hear? Did you understand what she said? ‘THE CONFIDANTE das aox du: fom fom dew — ‘goettor bist Dab auch du vom Stamm der — Gatter bist. That also you from the family ofthe gods are, (are descended from gods.) Elektra 221 TRAINBEARER (hissing) macnt es ‘twkkif meint ¢s _tiiekisch. means it maliciously. KLYTAMNESTRA (gently, her eyelids falling shut) das Kligt mir zo: bokant Das klingt mir so —_bekannt. That sounds tome so familiar. vat nur als het 1gs_—fer'gesson—_lanuunt lan Und nur als htt ich’s vergessen, —_ lang und lang. and only asif had Tit forgotten, —_longaago. (And as if Thad only forgotten it long ago.) zi kent mig gut dox_—_vaest man nit vas im ffilda fysrt Sie kent mich gut. Doch weif man nie, was im Schilde fubrt. She knows me well. Yet one never knows: what she — isupto. (The Confidante and the Trainbearer whisper together.) ELEKTRA (slowly approaching Klytamnestra) du: bist nigt' mex dus elhor Du bist nicht mehr _duselber. You are no —_ longer yourself. das gpvym hent ‘mmorfot = um dig Das Gewiirm ——hingt immerfort um — dich! Those reptiles hang always about you! vas zit ms Zor — disr'tsifon Was sie ins ‘Obr dir zischen What they into the ear whisperto you (Whatever they whisper in your ear) trent dacn ‘denkon fort unt fort entsvae trennt dein Denken fort und fort entzw divides your thinking in two, (divides your thinking.) zo: gesst du: hin 1m'taomal so gehstdu hin im Taumel, so that you go on staggering, ‘immer bist du: als vi = m_—traom immer bist du, als wie im Traum. always you are, as if ina dream. KLYTAMNESTRA vil btnuntor vil ‘rerdon Teh will hinunter. will ihr reden. 1 want to go down. want with her to speak. (She goes away from the window and appears with her attendants in the doorway. She now ‘addresses Elektra from the doorway, in a somewhat gentler tone.) 222 Elekira zi: ist ‘howto ict vidorlig zi: ‘rexdot vi aen—artst Sie ist heute nicht widerlich. Sie redet wie ein Arzt. She is today notso offensive. © She istakking like a doctor. ‘THE CONFIDANTE (whispering) zi: ‘tedat mgt vit 7iss—maent Sie redetnicht, wie sie's-_-meint. She isn't saying» what she means. ‘THE TRAINBEARER aen'jedas —vort.ist_—‘alfhaet Kin jedes Wort ist Falschheit. Every word is a falsehood. KLYTAMNESTRA (fying into a rage) vl omgts“hgsron vas 00s 99g —_-heraoskomt Ich will nichts hdren! ‘Was aus euch herauskommt Twill not listen! Whatever out of you comes out (Whatever comes out of you) wt mur der ‘atom des etgist ist nur der Atem des Agisth. is only the breath of —_Aegisth, unt ven p—naxts 206 ‘vekko Und wenn ich — nachts euch wecke, ‘And when I atnight ‘waken you, redot ir nigt_ edo ‘etvas, ‘anciras redet ihr nicht jede etwas andres? say you not each something —_—different? (When I waken you at night, dontt you each say something different?) Jraest nigt dur das ‘maena ‘uogonlistor _‘angafvotlon Schreist nichtdu, da meine Augentider _angeschwollen Do younot scream that my —_ eyelids. are swollen ont ‘maeno ‘etbor Krag 1st und meine Leber Krank ist? and(ihat) my —_liver_is diseased? ont vinzalst nigt du: mms andro or Und winselst nichtdu ins’ andre Obr, ‘And do younot whine _into my other ear das du: demoman —gazeran hast. mit Yaa ‘[putsan ‘Jesboln dah du Dimonen —gesehen hast mit —_langen spitzen Schniibeln, that you demons sew, with long pointed beaks, das mist das blut ‘aoszaogan dap mir das Blut aussaugen? that from me the blood suck out? (that you saw demons with long pointed beaks that are sucking the blood out of me?) tsackst dus nigt di: Jpuren mix an 'maenom —_—_flaef Zeigst du nicht die Spuren mir an meinem Flei Do younot show the trackstome in my flesh, (Don't you show me the tracks in my flesh, ) ent folky dis migt unt ‘flaxta ‘opfor om ‘opfor und folg'ich dir nicht und = Schlachte ~—-Opfer um — Opfer? and doTnot follow you and_— slaughter —offering after offering?! tsert ir mig mit ‘99ron_‘reidon Zerrt ihr mich mit euren Reden Are you dragging me with your arguments, unt ‘ge:gonreidon migt teu: tox und Gegenreden nicht m= — Tod? and —counter-arguments not __to (my) death? (Aren't you dragging me to my death with your arguments and counter-arguments?) vil omit’ mex ‘hosran Teh will nicht mehr horen: T want not anyllonger to hear: das ist var unt das ast, ‘lysgo das ist wah und das ist —_Lilge. this is true and that’ is alc. (duly) vas dis ‘varhaet_ ast’ «das. brigtkaen menf heros Was die Wabrheit ist, das _—_bringt kein Mensch heraus. What the — truth is, that finds’ no human being out. (no human being will find out.) ven tsu mir ‘redot vas mig tsu:‘he:ron froat Wenn sie zu mir_—_redet, was mich zu héren freut, If she to _—me_— tells. what Tenjoy hearing, (ifshe tells me what I enjoy hearing,) (always breathing heavily) zo: vilig horgon cof vas zi: rerdat so will ich horchen auf was sie redet. then Twantto listen to what she says. ven ‘aenor ‘etvas ‘angonemmos —zaskt Wenn einer etwas Angenehmes sagt, If someone something pleasant says, unt verr es ‘maeno ‘toxtor und wilr es meine Tochter, even if it were my — daughter, ' Offering in the sense of a sacrificial offering 224 Elektra ver es dit daz wir es die da, were it this one, here, vilig fon ‘maenor veto allo tivlien ‘apfiracfon will ich von meiner Sele alle Hilillen abstreifen Lwant from my soul all wrappings to strip off (want to strip off the wrappings from my soul) ont das fegaln. —zanftor loft fon vo: es ‘kommen maik und das Ficheln safer Luft, von wo es kommen mag, and the wafting of a gentle breeze, wherever it_—==—smay come from, ‘acnlasson vis ‘krankon tn cinlassen, wie Kranken tun, let in, as the sick people —_ do, (and let in the wafting of gentle breezes, wherever they may come from, as sick people do,) ven zit dex kyon loft am taeca ‘itsant wenn sie der kiiblen Luft, am Teiche sitzend, when they inthe cool air, as they by the pond sit, ‘axbonts ‘iro ‘boglon ont all ist ‘aetamdas abends ihre Beulen und all ihr ~—_Elterndes inthe evening their boils and all their festering sores dex ‘kyon loft ‘praesge:ban —arbants der kiihlen Luft preisgeben bends... tothe cool air expose in the evening... {as [sick people] do, when they sit in the cool evening air by a pond and expose their boils and festering sores to the cool breeze...) ont —nigts ‘andres “degken als ‘ndroy tsu: und nichts andres denken, als Lindrung zu and nothingelse think of but relief to (and think of nothing else but obtaining relief.) last omg alllaen mt it Lalit mich allein mit ihr! Leave me alone with her! (impatiently, she orders the Confidante and the Trainbearer into the house with her stick. They disappear after hesitating in the doorway. The torches disappear as well, and shortly a weak light ‘falls through the hallway into the courtyard, and here and there strikes the figures of the vo women. Klyttimnestra comes down and speaks sofily:) ie ‘haba. ‘kaena ‘gustan "negta Teh habe keine guten Nichte. 1 have no good nights. (Lam not having good nights.) (Lam having a bad time sleeping through the night.) yaest du; kaen —‘mittol ‘geigon ‘troomo Weiftdu kein Mittel gegen Triiume? Know you no remedy for dreams? ELEKTRA (moving nearer) Elektra 25 troomst du: "muttar ‘Traumstdu, Mutter? Do you dream, mother? KLYTAMNESTRA ver ‘eliar vit == dex trogmt —allaen es lest 21g fertracbon Wer filter wird, der triumt, Allein, es_——“LaBt sich ——_vertreiben. Whoever growsolder dreams. But they canbe chased away. es giipt ‘broego es mus fyt alls Es gibt’ Briuche. © Es muf fir alles ‘There are rituals There must for everything rigiga "broege ‘geibon richt'ge Briuehe geben. the proper rituals be, (There must be the proper ritual for everything.) darom bing zo: bohent tt ‘fiaenon Darum bin ichso —_behaingt mit Steinen, Thatis way Tam so hung about -—_with (precious) stones, den es vont m —jexdam gants ‘zigor ‘aeno kraft denn es wohnt in jedem ganz sicher eine Kraft. because there resides in each one quite surely a power. man mus nur ‘vissan viz = mani 'nytson_ kan Man muf nur wissen,wie man sie _niitzen kann, One must only know how one it use can. (how to make use of them.) ven du; nur voltast du; ‘keentast‘etvas vzaigon Wenn du nur —wolltest, — dukéuntest__ etwas sagen, If you only wantedto, --youcould something _tell (me) vas nyist was mir niltzt, that is of use tome. (if you only wanted to, you could tell me something that would help me.) ELEKTRA ie ‘muttor ¢ Ich, Mutter, Teh? 1, mother, r KLYTAMNESTRA, ja dus den du: bist lurk Ja, du! Denn du bist’ Klug. Yes, you! Because you are clever, m —‘daenom kopf ist ‘alls fark In deinem Kopf ist alles stark, In your head is everything firm. 226 Elektra du: Koentast ‘files ‘zasgen vas mis nvtst Du —kénntest_ —_vieles sagen, was mir niltzt, You could agreatdeal tell me that would help me. ven GX den Vor amigts “Vaetar ist Wenn auch cin Wort nichts weiter ist! Even if a word _hasmossignificance! vas ist den aen_—_haox Was ist denn cin Hauch? What is then a breath? ont ox krisgt ‘svifan tak ont —naxt Und doch krieeht zwischen Tag und_—-Nacht, ‘And yet there crawls between dey and night, ven 1g mit. ‘ofan Zaogon lik aen—_‘etvas, hm ‘yibor mig wenn ich mit offen Augen lieg, ein. Etwas hin fiber mich. when I with open eyes lie, a something over me. (And yet, beween night and day, as I lie with my eyes open, something crawls over me.) es kaen vort es Ks kein Wort, es kis not aword,it es drvkt mig nigt, es es driickt mich nicht, es it, doesn't weigh on me, it nigis Ist es mgt Nichts ist es, nicht Nothing is it, not (itis nothing.) es ist zo: fergtarhig ist so flirehterlich, it is so._—_—‘frightful erhent tsu:zaen unt jeidos erhdingt zu sein, und jedes to be hanged, and every unt dabae lesb ay unt und — dabei eb ich und and withallof that Tlive and du; zit mig ox. Du doch: You don't you? kan man den — fergen Kann man denn vergehn Can one then passaway, ist Kaen Jmerts ist kein Sehmerz, is not apain, verkt mig nigt wiirgt mich nicht. doesn't choke me. ‘aenma:l = aen_alp unt ‘dennox einmal cin Alp, und — dennoch, even a nightmare, and_—_yet, das ag vraft a8 meine Seele sich wiinscht, that my — soul wishes glit im mix fract marx deam toxt Glied in mir schreit nach dem Tod, limb in me screams for death, bn nigt’—‘acnmaid kragk bin nicht cinmal rank: am not even sick: rei vir ‘geno ‘kranko seh'ich wie cine. Kranke? DoTlock ikea —_sick woman? ‘letbont vi: aen—‘facles ?a:s Iebend,wie cin faules Aas? living, rotten carcass? Elektra 227 kan man tserfallon = ven manga nigt krank 1st Kann man zerfallen, © wenn man garnicht Krank ist? Can one decay When one not even sick is? tserfallon —‘vaxon "zannos zerfallen _ wachen Sinnes, Decay with an alert mind, vii aenklaet_ —tserfresson fon. dem ‘motton wie ein Kleid —zerfressen von. den_—-Motten? like adress catenaway by (the) moths? unt dan ‘flarf 1g vat ‘tropma ‘tropma Und dann sehlafich, und triume, triume, And then Tsleep, and dream. dream, das 21g mir das mark =m dem —‘knoxon lost aS sichmir — das_-—s Mark in den Knochen _ lst, that inme the marrowin my —_ bones dissolves, (that the marrow in my bones is dissolving.) ont ‘taomls und taumle and stagger ont nigt_ dew semta tael_ der vassar?uxr ist ‘apgalaofon und der zehnte Teil der © Wasseruhr, ist —_abgelaufen, and not the tenth part ofthe water-clock” has —_run through, (a tenth) unt vas ‘untorm ‘fourhay heraen gunst und was unterm Vorhang _ herein grinst, and what under the curtain grins in Ist nox mgt ffarlo morgan ist moch nicht der fable Morgen, is mot yet the -— pale.» moming, immer nox dis fakkol foxr dex tyr immer noch die Fackel vor der Tir, always still the torch infrontof the ~— door, di, greshe tsukt vir an —_lebendigas die graBlich ——zuckt wie cin Lebendiges which horribly twitches like a living thing unt maenon flat — bollaoort und — meinen Schlaf belauert. and my sleep spies. (and spies on my sleep.) \was allowed to escape. The system is sit instead of water. ‘An ancient time-recording device shaped like a bucket with a tiny hole at the bottom, through Which water ilar to an hourglass, where the same principle applies, only with sand Blekira za ‘tropma ‘myssan en ‘endo ‘ha:hon Diese Triume miissen ein Ende haben. These dreams must come to an end ver vis ‘ammar ft aen jedar ‘demon lest fon uns Wer sie immer schickt, ein jeder Dimon 1n6t von uns, Whoever them always sends, any demon leaves us alone, (Whoever sends these dreams to us, whatever demon it may be will leave us alone,) zobalt das teptoblutgoflosson ist sobald das rechte Blut geflossen ist. aslongas the right blood _is spilled. ELEKTRA en ‘jeidar in jeder! Any one! (Any one [of those demons}!) KLYTAMNESTRA (savagely) unt omyst yeas tin, das krigt unt Und maBt ich jedes Tier, das kriechtund And — should I every animal that crawls and tsuxr ardor lasson = unt’ «sms dampf desl zur Ader lassen und im Dampfdes Blues cout the veins? and a steam of blood ‘oofftemn unt flafongen vis dis foelkar aufstehn und schlafen gehn, wie Volker get up and gotosleep, like people des ‘Tetston ‘tla um blstrostan des letzten Thule im —_lutroten of Ultima Thule,’ ina blood-red wl aigt ‘tenor tragman Teh willnicht —_‘Hinger tritumen 1 dont want to dream anymore. ELEKTRA yen das Tectia ‘bhutopfer ‘vntarm acl felt Wenn das rechte Blutopfer unterm Beile fall When the proper blood-offering underthe ax_—fell, dan oemst du amigt Tener dann triumst du nicht Linger? then you will dream no longer! Zur Ader lassen, literally meaning "bloodletting". Ader mcans "vein", and by extension " let the blood ‘out (of the veins) of every animal that crawis or flies. * Ultima Thule, a northem island six days’ sail north of Britain, said by the ancients to be the end of the world, the last (ultima) outpost of civilization, where the midnight sun covered the foggy shores with "blood-red! mists. This is the same land that appears in Gounod's Faust, in Marguerite's aria Jf ait un roi de Thule Elekira KLYTAMNESTRA (ver) quickly) alzo: ‘vvstost du: mit ‘velsom = govacton. «ir, Also, wiBtest du, mit welche geweihten Tier? Then, doyouknow, with what consecrated = animal...? ELEKTRA (laughing mysteriously) mit ‘aenom ‘ungovaeton Mit einem ungeweihten. With an —_unconsecrated one. KLYTAMNESTRA das drm = gabundon ithe Das drin gebunden _liegt? That inside bound lies? ({an animal] lying inside, bound?) ELEKTRA naen es looft frae Nein! es iuft frei No! It mans free, KLYTAMNESTRA unt vas fy: ‘broego Und — was fiir Briuche? And what kind of rituals? ELEKTRA vundarbarra“bro9ca ont gango su: y:bon Wunderbare Briuche, und genau zu ben. Wonderful rituals, and exactly, tobe carried out, KLYTAMNESTRA (ftercely) redo dox Rede doch! Tell me, then! ELEKTRA Kanst du: mug migt erraston Kannst du mich nieht erraten? Can you not guess what I'm saying? KLYTAMNESTRA naen dairum frask tig Nein, darum frag’ ich. No, thatswhy Tam asking. (as if solemnly involving Elektra in an oath) den ‘naimen wk des —_‘opfortisrs Den Namen, sag’ des Opfertierst The name, tell me, of the sacrificial animal! 230 Elektra ELEKTRA aen veep Ein Weibt A woman! KLYTAMNESTRA (quickly) fon ‘maenan idimarinnan“aeno atk Von meinen Dienerinnen eine, sag’ From (among) my serving Women one, ‘ell me! (One of my serving women, tell me!) acn kint —acn_—junfroghigas_-vaep Ein Kind? Ein jungfrituliches We A child? A Virgina maiden, (virgin,) aen vaep das fon —erkant fom ‘manna ein Weib, das schon erkannt vom Manne? a woman who already has been known* by = aman? ELEKTRA (quietly) jai erkant das sts Ja, erkamnt, das ist'st Yes, known, that’s it! KLYTAMNESTRA (urgently) ont yi das ‘opfor ont ‘velgo.‘Jtonda om yo: Und wie das Opfer? Und welche Stunde? Und wo? And how the sacrifice? And _—_at what time? ‘And where? ELEKTRA (cally) an fjerdom ort su: jeder ‘ftundo des tks unt © der naxt An jedem Ort, zu jeder Stundedes Tags und der Nacht. At any place, at anytime «of, = day and.-oof,_—onight. KLYTAMNESTRA dis ‘bree zak vir breet igs dar 1 ‘zelbor mus Die Brituche, sag’! Wie brichtich'sdar? Teh selber mub. The rituals, ‘ell me! How must I celebrate them? 1 myself must. ELEKTRA naen ‘dismal dgesst du: migt ‘oof di jackt Nein. Diesmal gehst du nicht auf die Jagd No. Thistime _-youwon't go hunting mit nets unt = mit_bael mit Net. und Beil. with anct and an ax. KLYTAMNESTRA ver den yer — bregt es dar Wer denn? Wer briicht es dar? Who then? Who would celebrate them? * We are talking here about "earnal knowledge”. Elektra ELEKTRA agen man Ein Ma A man, KLYTAMNESTRA efgist Agisth? Acgisth? ELEKTRA (laughing) ie zakto dox gen man Tch sagte doch: ein Mann! I said really, a man! (really said a mam\) KLYTAMNESTRA ver gip mir ‘antvort fom ‘haoze ‘jemant Wer? Gib mir Antwort. Vom Hause jemand? Who? Give me ananswer. Of the house someone? ‘odor mus aen —_fremdar her'bat Oder muB cin Fremder —_herbei Or must a stranger come here? ELEKTRA (staring at the ground, absentmindedly) ja: jar aen—fremdor ‘aibor ‘fraelig ister fom — haos ja, cin‘ Fremder, aber _freilich ister vom Haus. yes, a stranger, but really heis ofthe house KLYTAMNESTRA gip mir nigt sal Toof —_elektra hor mg fan Gib mir nicht Ritselauf, Elektra, hor — mich an, Give me no riddles. Elektra, listen to me, iy frome = dase dig). shoot ‘aenmail ict ‘ftcerf finda Ich freue mich, daB_ ich h heut —elnmal nicht stdrrisch finde. 1 amglad that I you today for once not _ obstinate find. (@onit for once find you so obstinate today.) ELEKTRA (softly) lest duz dem — ‘brusdar nigt. naix ‘haoza—‘muttor LaBt du den Bruder nicht nach Hause, Mutter? Would you allow my brother not into the house, mother’? KLYTAMNESTRA fon itm tsur texan hath rg dig)_—_ferboxtan Von ihm zu reden hab ich diich_verboten. Of him to talk have “I you forbidden. (Lforbade you to talk sbout him.) 232 Elekira ELEKTRA zo: hast du; fort vor ism So hast du Furcht vor ihm? Then have you fear of him? (Then are you afraid of him?) KLYTAMNESTRA ver zaikt das Wer sagt das? Who says that? ELEKTRA muttar du: “tsittarst Mutter, du aitterst Mather, you are trembling, (But mother, you are trembling!) KLYTAMNESTRA ver fvrgtet zg for ‘aenom ‘fvaxzinnigan Wer firchtet sich vor einem Schwachsinnigon? Who is afraid of a simpleton? ELEKTRA vi: Wie? What? KLYTAMNESTRA es haest er == ftammalt = Likt_ sim == “horf bae dem ‘hundan heiBt, er stammelt, liegt im =~ Hofe. bei den Hunden said he —stammers, lies imthe ‘courtyard == among the dogs, ont vaes ict menf unt tir ts Unterfaedan und wei nicht — Mensch und Tier zu —_unterscheiden. and doesn't know aman from abeast to distinguish. (how to distinguish man from beast.) ELEKTRA das kint var gants gent Das Kind war ganz ‘gesund. ‘The child was completely _ healthy. KLYTAMNESTRA es haest zit ‘gabon itm —'flegta ‘vornisy Es heift, sie gaben ihm seblechte — Wohnung It issaid they gave him poor quarters unt des “hoxfas tsur — govzelfaft und Tiere des Hofes zur — Gesellschaft. and animals from the bamyard for. company. ELEKTRA Abt Elektra 233 KLYTAMNESTRA 1 fikto fill galt unt -Visdor golt zs zaltan Ich schickte viel Gold und wieder Gold, sie sollten 1 sent alotof gold and still more gold (so that) they should in gut ‘haltan vii gen ‘kormigskint ihn gut —_halten cin Kénigskind. him well treat a _ king's child. ELEKTRA du; Iyskst du; fktast gelt. damit zi: im ervergon Du —_Tagst! Du schicktest. Gold, damit sie ihn erwiirgen. You arelying! You sent gold sothat they would strangle him. KLYTAMNESTRA ver zakt dir das Wer sagt dir das? Who told you — that? ELEKTRA 1% 728 an_—_‘daenan‘cogan Ich seh's an deinen Augen. 1 seeit in your eyes. allaen an ‘daenom ‘sittam ze: aox das nox Iespt Allein an deinem Zittern seh'ich auch, daB er noch _lebt. Just by your trembling Teansee that’ «she ~_—still’-_—isalive. das du; bac tak «unto naxt’ an —omgts-denkst als © anim Dad du bei Tag und Nacht an nichts denkst als amin, That you by day and night of —nothingthink but of -—_him. das dir das_—herts_ferdort for ‘graoan Dab dir das_-Herz verdorrt. vor Grauen, That inyou your heart withers with horror, vael du vaest_ ex komt weil du weit er = kommt, because you know he is coming. KLYTAMNESTRA vas ‘kymmert mig Yer — ‘aosar haos ist Was kiimmert mich wer — auBer Haus ist. What dol care who is outside the house. ag etbo his ont bm diy “herrin Ich Iebe hier und bin die Herrin, I live here and am —the_—mistress. ‘dimar hab 1% © gomuk dis tore bur tbevaxen Diener hab! ich genug die Tore za —_bewachen, Servants have 1 enough the gates to guard, (Chave enough servants to guard the gates,) : 234 Elektra unt ven gvil las ig bac tak unt —naxt und wenn ich will, laBich bei Tag und Nacht and if —_Twantto, Teave by day and night for ‘m kammer draebevainate yor iner Kammer drei Bewaffnete before my chamber three armed men mit ‘ofan ‘aogan “zitson offmen Augen with open eyes sitting. (and if T want, I can have three armed men with eyes always open sitting before my chamber day and night.) i ont aos dir = brig ig 203 ‘ordar 70: i Und aus dir —bringich —so oder so And out of you I'll get, one way or the other, das regta. vort fon an d ack das rechte Wort sehon an den ‘Tag. the right word (already) into the —_open® du: hast dig Jom fe'raton das dur das recta ‘opfar vaest Du hastdich — schon _verraten, da dudas —_rechte Opfer weit You didyourself already betray, that youthe proper sacrifice know unt aox di ‘beaeco di: mi nvtson und die Briuche die mir niitzen. and rituals that will help me. (You already betrayed your will help me.) elf [by telling me] you know the proper sacrifice and also the rituals tha zaxkst dus nigt um'fracon —-vustduss aan dex ‘keto ‘za:gon Sagst du's nicht im Freien, tdu's ander Kette sagen. Ifyouwonttellme freed’ (then) you will it in chains tell (me), zakst dus nigt zat mw: ssakst dus ‘hunemt Sagst du's nicht satt, so sagstdu's —hungernd. Ifyou won'ttell me fed, then you'll tell me hungry trom ant “etvas das man los virt Triume sind etwas, daB-—man__ los wird. Dreams are something that © one _—_can get free from. ver dran acdat unt —nigt das ‘mitfol_ ‘findot 21g tsu:‘haelon Wer dran Ieidet und nicht das Mitel findet, sich zu heilen, Whoever from them suffers and not the means finds to cure himself, st aennar ist’ ein Narr, is fool. (Whoever suffers from them and doesn't find the means to cure himself is a fool.) * An den Tag, literally "into daylight", and by extension, “into the open! he sense here is “if you wont tell me while you run about freely, then you'l tell me when you are in chains" Elektra ie finda mi hevoos ver ‘bluston mus. Ich finde mir heraus, wer —_bluten muB, I will find out for myself who must bleed, 235 damit 1 ‘vitor 'flasfa damit ich wieder schlafe. so that I again can sleep, (Elektra leaps out of the darkness towards Kiytdmnestra, nearer and nearer to her, growing more and more terrifying.) ELEKTRA vas ‘bluston mus daca gontk Was bluten muB? Dein Geniek, What must bleed? Your own neck, ven diy dex —_jesgor_‘apgofanpn hat wenn dich der Jager _abgefangen hat! when you the hunter has caught! (when the hunter has caught you!) how im durg di tsimmor gen Ich hdr ihn durch die Zimmer gehn, I hear him — through the rooms going, shew dem — fothan fon dem ‘betta _‘hetban Ich hdr ibn den Vorhang = von’ dem Bette heben: I hear him the curtain of the bed __iifting, ver —flaxtet en ‘opfortir im fiat Wer schlachtet ein Opfertier im Schlaf? Who slaughters a — sacrificial animal —inits sleep? cr —_jaikt dig 2aof ‘fraeant entflsst dur Fr jagtdich auf. schreiend _enttliehst du. He hunts you out, Screaming, _you flee. bor ex er 1st ‘hintordraen er = traeptdig = dure das haos ‘Aber er, er ist. hhimterdrein, er —_—treibtdich_ durch das Haus! But he, he is behindyou, he ~— drives you —throughthe house! vailst du: nax regts da: fiet das bet Willst du nach rechts,da steht das Bett! Ifyou want ogo tothe right, there stands the bed! nax links da: foomt das bat vis but nach links, da schiumt = das-_—sBad_» wie Blut, tothe left, there foams the bath, like blood, das ‘dunkol unt di: Takkaln das Dunkel und die Fackeln the darkness and the torches ‘verfon vartsrote toxdosnetso —'y:bar dig werfen schwarzrote Todesnetze fiber dich. throw blackish-red death-nets over. you. (Kiytaimnestra is shaking, speechless with terror.) 236 Elekara hinap di: ‘treppon dong gpveelbo hin go'veelbo unt gotvorlbo Hinab die Treppen, durch Gewilbe hin, Gewdlbe und Gewdlbe Down the steps, through vaults, vaults and more vaults get di: ut ogg dis gofike geht die Jagd... und ich, ich di n dir geschickt, goes the and 1 1 who senthim to you, bm en bunt of ‘daenar ‘ferz> ich bin Hund auf deiner Ferse, Tam tke =a dog at’ your heels, wilst du: im ‘aena ‘hala fpr dig fn "zaetverts 2an willst du in eine Hdble, spring ich dich von _seitwiirts an. ifyouwanttogo into. a ~— cave, I'll jumpatyou from the side. zo; “traebanvisr dig fort bis ‘aena_'maoor ‘alos Ipert So treibenwirdich fort, bis eine | Mauer alles. sperrt, ‘Thus wedrive you on, till, a wall everything —_ blocks, unt dort om “tefstan ‘dugkal dox get im vol und dort, im tiefsten Dunkel, doch ich seh’ ihn — wohl, and there, in deepest darkness, yet. «T= see him wee, aen ‘fatten unt dox ‘glitdor ein Schatten, und doch Glieder, a shadow, and also__limbs, unt das vaesa fon ‘aenam 7aoga dox und das Weie von einem Auge doch, and the white of one eye, ¢zitst dew'fattor © exr_=—axtats muct da sitzt' der Vater, er ~—_achtet’s nicht, there sits father; he takes no notice, unt dox mus es gafemn und doch muf es geschehn, and yet it must happen, tsu:‘zaenan‘fyson ‘drvkkan vir dig hm zu seinen Fiifen driicken wir dich hin. to his feet weforee you, (Wwe force you as far as his feet...) du; ‘mecgtast ‘fracon dox diz Du michtest_ —schreien, doch die You wouldlike to scream, but _the ervyrkt dem ‘ungabornen frac erwiirgt den ungebornen Schrei, strangles the unborn seream, aotloss lautlos noiselessly ‘Fert Scharfe Elektra su ‘boxdan ‘fallan zm Boden fallen, tothe ground fall, heltst du: hiiltst du you hold out ‘nakkon hin Nacken hin, neck den den your tsukkon zueken bis up to already the its Sitz seat den den the sharpness quiver des des of ‘esbons Lebens, life, (you already feel the sharpness [of the ax] quivering to the quick.) dox doch er helt dem halt den flak — tsurrk Schlag zuriick, yet he holds the blow back, (et [the hunter] holds back the blow.) diz die the zint sind are brace Briuche rituals, nox noch not nigt nicht yet ‘alas fvaekt du: host daen erfvit erfullt, complete, ‘aegnas herts Alles du horst dein schweigt, All is quiet; you an ‘daenan ‘rippon deinen Rippen against your ribs eignes Herz hear your own heart ‘lagen schlagen, beating. tsaet Zeit, time, aen a tsaet Zeit time es es how the (the mood of the ihr their wenn when zis it demt z1¢ dehat sich is drawn out instar finstrer dark float abyss dsr gatge:bon dir gegeben 1st ist has ‘faetamden Scheiternden shipwrecked people's ppwrecked,) fergeppligas vergebliches futile gpfrae Gesehr: Schlund been given to you screaming fox vor before jaron Jahren... years... ‘amon ahnen, guess zu to {sur MUD 1st zu Mute ist, mood is, dis die the dex der of the ‘volkon Wolken clouds ‘Jverso Schwarze blackness 238 Elektra unt des ‘todas. tserfrst und des Todes zerfriBt, and of death eats away, (when their futile screaming penetrates the blackness of clouds and death,) diese Zeit ist dir gegeben, ‘allo tsuz —‘benaedon ‘angofmi:dat zint an ‘kerkormaoarn alle zw —-beneiden die angeschmiedet sind. an Kerkermauern, all to envy those whoareclamped to _prison walls, (this time has been given to you to envy all those who are clamped to prison walls.) di: cof dem grunt fon ‘brunnan. nazx dei to:t die auf dem Grund von Brunnen nach dem Tod who from the bottom of wells for death als vi max eflozun Jraen als wie mach Erldsung ——_sehrein.. as asif for redemption —_scream... (or those who scream for death as if for redemption from the bottom of wells...) den du: du: fikkst’ m= ‘daenom_ relpst 20: ‘aengakerkort denn du, du —_liegst in deinem Selbst so engekerkert, becauseyou, you lic in your self thus imprisoned, als vers der — ‘gly:ndo baox fon ‘aenam tir fon exts als wiir's der glh'nde == Bauch von einem Tier von EI asif itwere the glowing belly of a beast of bronze. unt 70: vit jetst_—_kanst du: nigt Jraen und so wie jetzt’ kannst du nicht sehrein! and just as now, you cannot scream! i fie 1g fo dir vat nun list du: st ‘ftarram 200k Da steh ich vor dir, und nun — liest du mit starrem Aug" Here stand I before you, and now —_youread with a staring eye das ungohoora. «vot dass mitrmmaen ga'zict gefribon ist das ungebeure Wort, das mirinmein Gesicht geschrieben ist: the monstrous word which on my face is written: erhent istdir di: zee m= — de _—_zelipstgadre:ton ‘fine Erhingt —istdir die Secle in der _selbstgedrehten Sehllinge, Hanged is your soul in its _self-twisted noose. (Your soul is hanged in a noose that it has twisted itself.) ‘zopralnt fe das bacl ont gp fe: das siuseind fill das Beil, und ich —steh_ da Whistling falls the ax, ands T~— stand there ont ze; dig “entig ‘frerbon und sch" dich endlich sterben, and see you finally die. Elektra 239 dan tropmst du: migt' mex Dann triumst du nicht mehr, Then dream you no — more, dan ‘braoxo ie nigh, mer teu ‘trogmon Dann branche ich nicht mehr zu triumen, Then need T no onger to dream, unt ver dan nox expt dex —_jaoxist und wer dann noch lebt, der jauchzt and whoever then (is) still living, he will exult ont kan 21g "zaenss ‘lecbons, fron und kannsich ——seines_ Lebens freun! and can his life enjoy! (They stand facing one another, eye to eye. Elektra, in wild intoxication, Kistamnestra in terror, gasping horribly. At this moment, the entrance hall is ilhuninated. The Confidante comes running ‘out, and whispers something in Klytamnestra's ear. She doesn't seem to understand at first. Gradually she comes to herself) KLYTAMNESTRA ligtor Lichter! Lights! (Serving maids run out with torches and stand behind Kiyidrmnestra) mex ‘igtor Mehr Lichter! More lights! (Still more serving maids come out and stand behind Kiytimnestra, so that the courtyard is filled with light, and a reddish yellow glow flows over the walls. Now gradually, Kiyidmmestra's features change, and the tension gives way to an evil triumph. She has the message whispered once again, during which she never lets Elekira out of her sight. Filled up to the neck with savage joy, Klytémnestra streiches out both hands threateningly towards Elektra. Then the Confidante raises the stick up for her, and supporting herself on both, hurrying, greedy, yanking her dress up the stairs, she runs into the house. The serving maids with the lights go in behind her, as if they are being chased) ELEKTRA vas ‘zaigan zi: ir den zit frot zig ja: Was sagen sie ihr denn? Sic freut sich ja! What are they telling her? She is really happy! man kopf mir felt mgts 2acn yorry:bor frogt zig das vaep Mein Kopf Mir fillt nichts ein. Woriber freutsich das. Weib? My — head! I canttthink of anything, Overwhat isso happy that_—- woman? (Chrysothemis comes out rurming in through the courtyard gate, howling like a wounded animal.) 240 Elektra CHRYSOTHEMIS o'rest Ist tort Orest ist tot! Orest is dead! ELEKTRA (saving her aay, as if out of her mind) me til Sei still! Be quiet! CHRYSOTHEMIS 1¢ kam hrnaos i vustans 7: Jon Ich kam hinaus, da wabten sie's schon! 1 came outhere, already! ‘alla ‘Jtandan he'rum unt ‘alls ‘vusion es fom Alle standen herum und alle wubten es schon, All were standing around and all_—_knewitalready, ELEKTRA (dully) ‘nimmant vaes es Niemand weil es. Nobody knows it. CHRYSOTHEMIS ‘alls 'vissons, Alle wissen's! They all know it! ELEKTRA ‘nizmant ans ‘visson den es ast omugt. var Niemand —_kann's wissen, denn es ist. nicht wahr. Nobody can know it because it isnot true. (Clwysothemis throws herself on the ground in desperation. Elektra jerks her up,) Es ist nicht war! 5 ak ich sag’ 1 amtelling es ist nicht wahr! CHRYSOTHEMIS di: fremden——‘Jtandan an dex vant Die Fremden _standen an der Wand, ‘The strangers were standing at the -— wall, Yremdon = dis “heargoftkt zant es (su: ‘melden Fremden, die __hergeschickt sind, es zu melden; strangers who were sent here 10 report it; Elekara 241 tsvae en ‘altor ont aen june Zwei, ein Alter und ein Junger. Two (ofthem), an old one and a —_-youngone. ‘allan fon ertse:it Allen schon erzihit, Toeverybody had they it already told, (They had already told everybody about it.) m —‘kraezo Jrandan alla um zi herum im Kreise standen alle um sie herum ina circle were standing all around them (they were all standing around them in a circle) (with an effort) und alle wuBten es schon. ELEKTRA (with all her strength) Es ist nicht wabr! CHRYSOTHEMIS an uns dent ‘nimant tot elektra tot ‘An uns denkt niemand. Tot, Elektra, —_—tot! Of us thinks nobody. Dead, Elektra dead! (Nobody thinks of us!) gaftorbon = m= desr redo tox Gestorben in der Fremde, tot. Dead in a foreign land, dead. gefforbon dort, sm remdon dant Gestorben dort in fremden. Land. Died there in aforeign land. fon ‘zaenon ‘pfesrdon erflaxgon unt gpflaeft Von seinen Pferden erschlagen und geschleift. By his horses trampled to death and dragged." (She sinks down in despair at Elekira's side. A Young Servant hurries out of the house and stumbles over them lying in the way in front of the threshold.) YOUNG SERVANT plats da: vest —lunprt 208 for ‘aenst tyr Platzda! © Wer Iungert so vor einer Tur? Make way! Who would loiter like that infrontofa door? a kent miss ‘denkon —‘herdar "frallon he: ‘Ah! —konnt mir's denken! Heda, Stallung! He! Ah! I should have known! Hothere! ‘Stable, hey! * In Sophocles the description of Orest' supposed death reads: "At the Pythian games, Orest rolled out of hi chariot after it struck the edge of the pillar and broke its axte. He then got tangled in the reins and died when dragged by the horses to the middle of the course." (This footnote used, with kind permission, from Susan ‘Webb, who herself did a brilliant translation published by the Metropolitan Opera Guild.) sh 5 dake Mi ied ES eh end eS nl hi la A Terns lak Bae a WN ahi light, 242 Elekira OLD SERVANT (showing himselfat the gate, scowling) vas zals, m fal ‘Was soll's im Stall? What do you want inthe stable? YOUNG SERVANT gezatiakt zal'verdon unt 20: raf als. mpglig hurst du: Gesattelt soll werden, und so rasch als méglich! Hirst du? Tobe saddled, and as swiftly as possible! © Do you hear? en gaol aen—‘mooltisr ‘oder ‘maenatve;gan ‘ena kuz mur raf Fin Gaul, cin Maultier, oder meinetwegen eine Kuh, nur —_rasch! A nag, a mule, or, forallTeare, a cow, but quick! OLD SERVANT fy Fiir wen? Who for? YOUNG SERVANT fy den der — dims botfiit da:‘ghtster raf fyr mg Fir den der —_ir’s befiehit. Daglotzter! Rasch, fiir mich! For the one who is ordering it from you. He's gaping!’ Quick, for me! zofart fyr omg traptrap —vael « Sofort, fir mich! Trab,trab! Weil ieh Rightaway, for me! Huryup! Because 1 have to go out anfs felt’ den “herran ‘hoxlon aufs Feld, den Herren holen, tothe field the — master to get, vael itm bostfaft ‘su: ‘brmgpn ‘harbo ‘grovso ‘boxtfaft weil ich ihm —Botschaft_ © zu—bringen habe, groBe Botschaft, because I tohim amessage 10 bring have, important message, (because I have to bring him a message, an important message,) victiy genuk um gene 99rer estan sur fot tsu: Taeton wichtig genug, um eine eurer Mithren mu important enough to. one _—_of your mares to (to ride one of your mares to death.) (He leaves. The old servant also disappears.) ELEKTRA (to herself, sofily and very firmly) nun mus es his fon uns gaen ‘Nun mu® es hier von ums _—_geschehn, Now must it here by us be done. (it must be done now, here, by us.) (CHRYSOTHEMIS (astonished, questioning) Elektra? ELEKTRA (all in extreme haste) vir vir ‘baeda ‘myssans tun Wir, wir beide miissen's tun. We, we both must doit (CHRYSOTHEMIS vas elektra Was, Elektra? ‘What, Elektra? ELEKTRA (sojily) am'beston —hogt_—am besten ‘divza naxt Am besten heut', am besten diese Nacht. Best today, best tonight, CHRYSOTHEMIS vas 'fvestar ‘Was, Schwester What, sister? ELEKTRA vas das verk das nun cof uns gafallan ist. Was? Das Werk, das nun auf uns_gefallen ist, What? The deed that now upon us _has fallen, (painfully) vael ex nigtkommon kan weil er nicht kommen kann. because he cannot come, (What? The deed that now has fallen on us because Orest cannot come.) CHRYSOTHEMIS (increasingly fearful) vas fyr aenvetk Was fiir cin. Werk? What kind ofa deed? ELEKTRA nun ‘mysson du ont iy thingern Nun miissen du und ich ingen Now must you and 1 goin ont das Yaep unt ‘tron erflaigen und das Weib und ihren erschlagen. and that woman and her husband Kill (Now you and I mast go in and kill that woman and her husband.) CHRYSOTHEMIS (softly, shuddering) ‘fvestor Iprigst du fon desr ‘muttar Schwester, _sprichst du von der Mutter? Sister, arc you speaking of ~— mother? ei eae MT ah a 244 Elekira ELEKTRA (savagely) fon ir unt Zoox fom Zim Yon ihr, und auch von — ihm. Of ber and lso of him. gants ‘oma seg us es gafem Jvack fal Ganz ohne Zager muB es geschehn. —_Schwoig still. ! Quite without hesitation it must be done. Be silent tsu: fpregan Ist nigts ics gixptes tsu:—badenkon als nuzr vit ; Zu sprechen ist nichts. ts gibtes zu bedenken, —_als nur: wi There's nothing to talk about. 'snothing to think about except for: how? vivir estan wie wir es tun. how we — willdoit (CHRYSOTHEMIS iy Teh? Me? ELEKTRA ja: dust Sige zomst Ja, du und ich, Wer sonst? Yes, you and me. Who else? I CHRYSOTHEMIS (horrified) vir vir ‘baedo allan hinge Wir, wir beide sollen hingehn? We, we both should go inside? vier rtsvae —mit_—_Unzam ‘baedan ‘hendon Wir, wir zwei unsern beiden Hiinden? We, the two of us our two hands? ELEKTRA datyr las duy mug mur ‘zorgan Dafir laB du mich nur — sorgen. Aboutthat leave. -me — just. to worry Gust let me worry about that.) (mysteriously) das bael_ vomit dex fastor Das Beil, womi der Vater. The ax, withwhich _father. CHRYSOTHEMIS du; entzetslico du; hast es Du, — Entsetaliche, du hast es? You, terrifying woman, you have it? Blekira 245 ELEKTRA fyx dem ‘brusdar bovaxt 1 = es mysson vires vimen Far den Bruder bewahrt'ich es. © Num milssen wir es schwingen. For our brother was keeping it Now wemust wield it CHRYSOTHEMIS du: diva ‘arma den e‘gist erflaigen Du? Diese Arme den Agisth cerschlagen? You, Those arms _Aegisth ill? (Those arms of yours kill Aegisth?) ELEKTRA (savagely) emt zi: dan im emis im dan 7: ‘glaegfid Erst sie, dann ihn, erst ihn, dann sie, _gleichviel. First her, then him, first’ him, then her, _i'sall the same. CHYSOTHEMIS i fvigta mig Ich flirchte mich. 1 amafraid. ELEKTRA es flesft ‘nixmant in ‘tram foxrgomax Es schlift niemand —in._—_ihrem Vorgemach, ‘There sleeps noone in their _ antechamber. (No one sleeps in their antechamber.) CHRYSOTHEMIS m flat 7is'mordon Im Schlaf sie morden? Intheir sleep to murder thei ELEKTRA ver flesft ist zen gabundnas —“opfar Wer schliift, ist cin gebundnes —Opfer. Whoever sleeps is a bound victim. “flicfon zis nigt suzam kent igs alllaen_forbemn, Schliefen sie nicht zusamm', _—kiinnt ich’s __allein_vollbringen. Ifthey didn't sleep together Teould alone carry it out. 20: ‘a:bor ‘myst du: mit So aber muft du mit. But as itis ‘you must come with me. CHRYSOTHEMIS (warding her off) Elektra! ELEKTRA du du den dust Du, du! denn du bist You, you! For you are strong! (clase to Chrysothemis) How are! ayy ‘junfroohigan ‘negio Jtark gotmaxt Dich jungfritulichen Nichte stark gemacht. You the Virgina nights strong made. (Your virginal nights have made you strong.) ‘y:boral ast zo: fel kraft mn dir Oberalt ist so viel_-Kraft in dirt Everywhere thereis so. much strength. in you! hast du: vi; aen—fvllon hast du wie ein Fiilllen. have you like a filly. aunt fyso vi: flank unt sind Fife. Wie schlank und are fect. How slender and laect omflin ag zis, ‘daeno ‘hyfton mint leicht umschling ich sie... deine Hilften sind! easily encircle 1 them... your hips are! (Your fect are slender, and how slender and flexible your hips are! I can encircle them easily...) du: aig dure ‘jedan pale Du windest dich durch jeden Spalt, You yourself through any crevice, du: hespst dig dures Yenstar du hebst dich durch’s Fenster! you — canlift yourself through the window! las ‘daena ‘arma fytlon vi kyl unt ftark zi: Lap deine Arme fitblen, wie Kuhl und stark sie Let your ams feel, how cool end strong they vic mug ‘apverst fy g vas das fyr Wie mich abwehrst, fihl ich was das fir As ward me off Jean feel what kind of du: Koentost erdrykkon vas, du: an Du —kénntest —erdriicken, was du an You crush ‘whatever to du: Kkoentast mig ‘oar “aenian mann. Du kénntest. mich oder einen Mann in You me oor 8) oman in liberall ist so viel Kraft in dir. bist bist! you (You pull towards yourself.) ‘daenon ‘armen deinen Armen your arms Elekira 17 fels Fels. rock Jerome viz ferhaltnas —_‘vassor os dem. Sie strdmt wie kiihles, verhaltnes Wasser aus dem It streams like cool, pent-up water out of the zis flutot_ mit ‘daenan *haxran Sie flutet_ mit deinen Haaren 1 flows with your hair cof dis *tarkon Joltam herap auf die starken Schultern —_herab. over the strong shoulders down. {it flows with your hair down over your strong shoulders.) Spyro dure di ky! ‘dacnar hoot Ich spire durch dic Kiihle deiner Haut 1 can feel through the coolness of your skin das ‘Varma blut —hindory das warme Blut hindurch, the warm blood throughit, mit 'maenarvane {pyr dem floom of — ‘daenan jugen ‘amon mit meiner Wange spiir ich den Flaum auf deinen jungen Armen: With my cheek Tcanfeel the down on your Young arms: au: bist foliar kraft du: bist fon Du —bist_—_voller Kraft, du bist schdn, You are fullof strength, you are beautifil, du; bist aena fruxt an dex ‘Taefo wk du bist’ wie cine Fruchtan —der_—_-Reife Tag. you are like a fruit on the _—_dayit ripens. CHRYSOTHEMIS: as mig LaB mich! Let me go! ELEKTRA nacn 1 ‘halts dig Nein, ich — halte diel No, I ambholding you! mit ‘maenon ‘woongon —ferdorten. = 2arman Mit meinen traurigen, verdorrten Armen With my sad, withered arms omifliy ig —— ‘dacnen laep vir du: dig ftro umschling ich deinen Leib, wie du dich striubst, Tencircle your body; when you resist, tsisst dus den ‘knoten mur nox ‘festor zichst du den-Knoten nur noch fester, : youtighten the knot all the tighter, 248 ragkon ranken wind vil 1g mig will ich mich rings um dich Iwant myself around you Elektra mys um dig (I want to wind myself around you,) ferzenkon —‘maeno ‘vortseln m= dig unt) mit 'maenom=——vallon versenken meine Wurzein in. dich_ und mit meinem Willen sink my roots into you and with my will dix ‘umpfon das lust dir impfendas Blut. to you infect the blood. (infect your blood.) CHRYSOTHEMIS La®i mich! (She runs away a couple of steps.) ELEKTRA (wildly after her, catching her by her robe) naen 1g las dig nigt Nein, ich 1a dich nicht! No, I worttletyou got CHRYSOTHEMIS elektra her omg dues zor Kk Elektra, hér mich, Du bist so Klug, Elektra, listen tome. You are so clever, Inlf ons aos m hoos hilf uns ms —fraea uns aus jiesem Haus, uns ins help us togetout —of this house, help us toget__ outside! ELEKTRA (very soulfdly) fon jetst. an vilig) ‘daeno ‘[vestar zen Von jetzt an —_willichdeine Schwester sein, From now on — [want your sister tobe, zorvit 1 —‘nitmals ldaeno ‘fvestor var sowie ich — niemals deine Schwester war! like 1 never your sister was! gatroe vil 1g mit dit m= daenor kammar = “atson Getrew will ich, mit dir in deiner Kammer sitzen Faithfully Twantto with you in your chamber sit (L-want to faithfully sit with you in your chamber) unt Vartan aof den ‘brootiga:m und wartenauf den Britutigam, and wait’ for your _ bridegroom. fyr im vil ig diy vzalbon Fir ihn will ich dich salben, For him want Tyou to anoint, (1 want to anoint you for him,) Elekra 249 unt ms ‘doftugs bait zolst du mir ‘tooxan und ims duftige Bad sollst du mir tauehi and into the perfumed bath _you will forme plunge vi dex jump van wie der junge Schwan like a young. swan unt ‘daenankopf_ an—'maenar bust ferbergan und deinen Kopf an meiner Brust verbergen, and your head on my breast hide, (hiding your head on my breast,) befor er dig di: dure. dis flacor glyt vi ‘acne fakkol bevor er dich, die durch die Schleier gliiht wie eine Fackel, before he you, who throughthe veils. glow like a torch, m das ‘hoxtsaetsbet_ mit ‘flarkon amon tsist in das Hochzeitsbett_ mit starken Armen zicht. onto the marriage bed with powerful arms draws. (before he draws you, as you glow through your veils like a torch, with powerful arms onto the marriage bed.) CHRYSOTHEMIS (closing her eyes) nigt ‘vestar Jong mgt. aen zolgasvart_ «sm ‘dixzam haos Nicht, Schwester. Sprich nicht ein solehes Wort in diesem Haus. No, sister. Do not say sucha word in this house. FLEKTRA a vactmex als ‘fvestor bn gd © ja! Weitmebr als Schwester bin. ich dir Oh yes! Muchmore than asister am 1 toyou fon ‘dizzom taigo ang ‘dima dir vit ‘geno ‘sklawin von diesem Tage an ich diene dir wie eine_—Sklavin. from this day on ‘Tl serve. you like =a slave, yen du myem its i¢ an ‘daenom "betts Wenn du in Web'n, sitzichan — deinem Bette When you inthe pain of labor, Tilsit_ by your bedside tak unt —naxt yew ditr dis fligon ‘for ‘kybs ‘vassor Tag und Nacht _wehr dir ie Fliegen _schpfe Dey and night shoo offfrom you _the flies, ladle out cool water. unt yen ‘aenmadl eof dem ‘nakton fos und wenn ¢inmal auf dem —nackten Scho and when alllatonce on your _ naked lap dix aenlebendigas ickt erfrekkont —_ fast dir cin Lebendiges liegt, ersehreckend fast, a living being lies, frightening almost, (and when all at once a living being lies in your naked lap, almost frightening, ) 250 hesb so heb _—_ich's then Tit Tit up, (Iwill lift ithigh, this high,) 20: Ks damn damit so that zaen its tegaln Lichein laughing ai die the tisfston tiefsten, deepest, in into (sothat soul,) letsto letzte, last, dort dort there das das the vat und and ‘hellon hellen bright dus du's you it ont und and mn in emporr z0: empor, so Elektra hosx hoch, high, this ‘otbon oben above fon from hor hoch high gehaemston gebeimsten ‘most mysterious ‘klyfte an Kliifte in chasms in idaenor ‘zeslo felt deiner Secle fillt, your soul falls, its laughing will fall from high above into the deepest and most mysterious chasms of your fox vor by ‘aezig ‘gresliga eisig. Griibliche icy ‘dizor ‘zona _fmultst dieser Sonne schmiltzt, horror this sun will be melted, ‘aosvaenan kanst ausweinen kannst. can weep out. tenon Trinen tears (and the last, icy horror there will be melted by this sun, and in bright tears you can weep it out.) (CHRYSOTHEMIS o: bray mig fort © bring mich fort! Ob, take me away from here! ‘diszam haos diesem Haus! this house! foerb sterb! die in i Ich rm ELEKTRA (on her knees to Chrysothemis) daen mont 1st Dein Mund ist Your mouth is Sou schén, ‘daenam deinem your Aus From pure, herfor Jpryn hervor sprith'n, spray forth, ven man wenn man when someone CHRYSOTHEMIS vas Texdast du: Was redest du? What are you saying? beautiful, ‘raenon ‘ftarken einen, starken Yforgthar furehtbar terrifying unter dir so daliegt surrenders to you tsu; isyman. zu zirnen! anger! ven er zig‘senmal ‘aoftut um wenn er sich einmal auftut um when itonce opens in (when once it's opened in anger!) mount mus Mund mu6 mouth must fortgtbar furchtbar powerful terrifying a vir wie like der der the Jrae dex ‘Schrei der scream of the ‘oxdasgoetin Todesgottin, death-goddess, slick nun oun, now i ich. Ido, wie Elektra ELEKTRA (sianding up) dene: = du: ‘diszom hous unt = mir entkomst Denn ch’ du diesem Haus und mir —entkommst, That before you this house and me —_ escape, most du: es tun muBtdu es tun, youmust do it. (What I am saying is that before you can escape this house and escape me, you must do it.) (Chrysothemis tries to speak but Elektra puts a hand over her mouth.) dir fyxt’ kaen veck —himaos als dex Dir fibrt kein Weg —hinaus als der. You leads no path outofhere but that one. (No other way but that one will take you out of this house.) i¢— lasdigmgt ex duis mont Zaof'‘mundas—_tsuxgafvoiren Ich lafdich nicht, eh’ du mir ~~ MumdaufMundes —_zugeschworen, 1 won't let you gobefore you tome mouth on mouth swear, das du; es tun virst af du cs tun wirst. that you will doit CHRYSOTHEMIS (hwisting herself free) LaB mich! ELEKTRA (grabbing her again) Jvor du; -komst hogt maxt ven ‘alas fui rst Sehwor, du kommst heut' Nacht, wenn alles stil ist, Swear(that) you willcame tonight, when everything is quiet an den fuss dew an den FuS der to the ~— foot of the CHRYSOTHEMIS LaB mich! ELEKTRA (holding her by the dress) ‘mestgan Jerse dig mgt Miidchen, _stritub dich nicht! Giri, do not resist! cs blacpt kaen tropfon but am ‘lacbo thaften Es bleibt kein ‘Tropfen Blut am Leibe haften! There sticks mo drop of blood in (your) body (-=)! (Not a drop of blood will stick to your body!) (haften/bleiben is a separable verb meaning "to stick", "to rest") nel flvpfst du: aos dem bltetigan-——_ga'vant Schnell sehliipfstdu aus dem —_blutigen Gewand Quickly, you'llslip out of the bloody robe 252 Elektra mit ‘raenam laep ims hhoxtsaetlica heme mit einem Leib ins hochzeitliche Hemd. with aclean body intoyour wedding dress. CHRYSOTHEMIS LaB mich! ELEKTRA (more urgently) ae nigt ‘faego yas du jetst’ an Jaodamn —_yibor'vindost Sepnicht _feige! Was du jetzt am Schaudern tiberwindest, Dorit be cowardly! What you now inshudders. overcome, (what overcomes you now in shudders.) vit fergolton ‘yonnasfaodem, next fy naxt wird —vergolten Wonneschaudern Nacht fiir Nacht. will be repaid with tremors of bliss night after night. CHRYSOTHEMIS ie kan nigt Ich kann nicht! 1 can't ELEKTRA zak das du “kommon virst Sag’ das du kommen wirst! Say thet you —_ will come! CHRYSOTHEMIS Teh kann nicht! ELEKTRA ep poate feral’ nc esto: ‘daena ‘fysa Sieh, ich leg’ vor dir, ich _—_—Kilsse deine FiiBe! Look, Tlie before you, I — amkissing your _ feet! CHRYSOTHEMIS Ich kann nicht! (She escapes into the house through the door.) ELEKTRA za ferflunt Sei _verflucht! Be accursed! (in wild determination) mun den —aillaen Nun denn, alleint ‘Well then, alone! (She huwriedly begins to dig by the wall of the house, beside the threshold, noiselessly, like an ‘animal. She stops digging, looks around, goes back to digging. Again she looks around and listens. ‘She goes on digging. Orest, in the guise of the young messenger, stands at the courtyard gate, Blekira 233 silhouetted in the fading light. He steps inside Elektra looks at him, he slowly tums around, and thus his gace falls on her, Elektra gets up with a start.) ELEKTRA (irembling) vas vilst du: ‘fremdar men Was willstdu, —_fremder Mensch? What doyou want, stranger? vas traeptst du: dig tsuxr ‘dunklon "feunds hisr he'rwm ‘Was treibst du dich zur — dunklen Stunde hier herum, What are you hanging at this dark hour around for, bolaoarst. = vas ‘andro. tun belauerst was andre tun? (and) spy on what others are doing? (What are you hanging around for, spying at this dark hour on what others are doing?) 1% hap hist aen—gofent vas ‘kymmatts dig Ich hab’ hier cin Geschiift. Was kiimmert's dich? T have here some work (todo). What business is it of yours? les mig mot LaB mich in Rub! Leave me in _ peace! OREST 1 mus hit "Varfon Teh — muB hier waren. 1 must here wait. ELEKTRA vvartan Warten? Wait? OREST dox dus bist aos dem —haos Doch du bist hier aus dem Haus? So you are hereof the -—_—houschold? bist ‘aena fon dem —'mergdon ‘dizzas ‘haoz0s Bist eine von den Magen dieses Hauses? Are you one of | the -—maidservants in this house? ELEKTRA ja ig im haos Ja, ich im Haus. Yes, I inthis house. du: arbor hast hisr nits tsu: Du aber hast hier nichts m0 You, however, have here nothing to 254 Elektra froo dig ont ge freu' dich und_—geh. be happy and _—_ eave. OREST 1% wakto dir = mus-shir—‘Varton bis zi—mig‘rufon Ich sagte dir: ich muB_— hier warten, bis sie mich rufen, 1 told you, 1 must here — wait till call me ELEKTRA di: dar‘drmnon du: lykst vaes 1g dox gut dadrinnen? Du ligst Weifich doch _ gut, They inside there? You arelying I know very well her st’ migt_— ts hos Herr ist nicht m Haus. the master isnot at_——_home. unt zit vas “oli zit mit dir ; Und sie, was sollte sie mit dir? And she, what would she want with you? OREST unt —nox'aenar det mit mir ist Ich und nocheiner, der mir ist, 1 and another man who is with me, vir ‘ha:bon ‘aenan ‘ooftrak tan dit wir haben einen Auftrag an die we have a message for the vir mmt an =z gaftkt vael betsoggon ‘keennan Wir sind am sie geschickt, weil bezeugen kénnen, We have to her beensent’ —_—because we can testify das ist = zom_—orest gaftorbon ist for —‘Unzran Paogan daf ihr Sohn Orest _gestorben ist vor unsren Augen, that her son Orest_ died before our eyes, i den erflugan vaena aegnan pedo denn erschlugen seine cignen Pferde. i for was killed (by) his own horses. evar oat vi = ext, zaen_gafeita bac task ontnaat Ich war soaltwie er und sein Gefhrte —bei_—-‘Tag und Nacht, I was thesame age ashe and his companion —_by ELEKTRA mus 1g dig nox zem Jlepst du: dig MuB ich dichnochsehn? —Schleppst dudich_—_hierher Must still see you? Do you drag yourself here mm ‘maanon‘traorigon—_“yinkal exalt des —_unglyks / in meinentraurigen Winkel Herold des Ungliicks! to my sad comer (as) herald of misfortune! Elekira kanst du; mgt dix ‘bostfaft ‘oostrompeston_ dort Kannstdu nicht die Botschaft’ —_austrompeten dort Can you not the message -—=—trumpet out there vo: ag frogn wo sie sich freun! where they will be delighted! (Can’t you go trumpeting out your message there where they will be delighted to hear it!) daen ok da: fart mig ?an unt zaens st 'gallart Dein Aug'da start michan = und sein’s ist’ Gallert. Your eye here stares at me and his is jelly” daen mont getoof unt tsu Dein Mund geht auf und 7u, Your mouth opens and closes, unt mit ‘eda folgs}prapft und mir Erde vollgepropft. and with carth stuffed full du lepst unt er der ‘bessor var als du Du lebst, und er der besser war als du, You arcalive, and he, who better was than you, ont ‘eidlor "taozanim: unt tanzantma 7 gg und edier tausendmal, und tausendmal so wiehtig, and nobler e thousand times and =a thousand times. more important és er = epis er ost shim aber —lebte, er ist, hint! that he live, he is’ _gone! (You live, and he, who was a thousand times more noble, and its @ thousand times more important that he be alive, he is gone!) OREST (calmly) las dem orest ex roots my teu zee an‘zaenam —‘le:ban LaBi den Orest. Er freutesich zu ser an seinem Leben. Leave Orest be, He — enjoyed toomuch his life. diz ‘gcettar ‘drosbon fertra:gon nigt Die Gétter droben vertragen nicht The gods above ‘cannot stand dem ‘altsu: ‘hella lant der — lust den liza hellen Laut der Lust. the overly bright sound of jo) zo: ‘muster = den ‘fterbon So muBteer denn _sterben. So hehad to dic. * Looking as if itis jellied over, in death. 256 Elektra ELEKTRA dox ig gon unt teu: _—_visson Doch ich! fliegen und zu wissen, But what of me! tolic and 10 know das das kint dab das Kind that the child ‘visdarkomt wiederkommt, is coming back. das das int’ da: ‘drunton Dab das Kind da — drunten ‘That the — child down there 1m dem ‘klyfian des ‘graoons ‘lumert inden Kliften des Grauens —_lungert, inthe chasms of horror lingers, das dit da:‘drnman—_‘lesbon unt 21g Trogon da die dadrinnen leben und — sich freuen, that they imsidethere are alive and rejoice, das dis gatsygt m —“"zaenar ‘hole expt dai dies Gezieht —in_—_— seiner Hihle lebt that this brood in its cave _ lives, unt ast’ unt trmkt. unt fleft und it und trinkt und —sehlaft. and cats and drinks and sleeps. ont 2g ise rotten vit —migt. das tir des valdas und ich hier droben, wie nicht das Tier des Waldes and 1 uphere, as noteven = an_— animal inthe woods ‘aenzam = unt “greshiy lept 1 hist droben—alllacn einsam und griflich —lebt... ich hier droben allein. lonely and —_horibly live... 1 uphere alone. (and I live up here, horribly alone, worse than an animal in the woods.) OREST yer — bist den du: Wer bist denn du? Who are you then? ELEKTRA vas ‘kymmaris dig ver bin Was kiimmert'sdich == wer ich bin? What do you care who Tam? OREST du: must fervantos —blutt_ tsuz “demon zaen di ‘ftarbon Du mut verwandtes Blut zu denen sein, die _starben, You must related blood to those be, who ied, (You must be blood-kin to those who died,) Elektra 257 agamemnon unt —_otest Agamemnon und — Orest. Agamemnon and Ores. ELEKTRA fervant 1g bin dis blut Verwandt? Ich bin dies Blut! Related? 1 am (of) that blood! te bin das ‘hyndif fergossene —blut_ des_—_‘kgsmigs agamemnon Ich bin das hiindisch_——vergossene Blut des_—_K@nigs Agamemnon! 1am the brutally spilled blood of King Agamemnon! elektra haes 1g Elektra heiB ich. Elektra is my name. OREST naen Nein! No! ELEKTRA er —Toeqnets tap Er leugaet's ab. He denies it er blest cof mig unt mumtmis | maenan. Er blist auf mich und nimmt mir meinen Namen, He buffs at me and_—takesaway = my name. OREST Elektra! ELEKTRA vael ie omigt,fator asp ox ‘brundar Weil ich nicht Vater hab! noch Bruder, Because 1 neither father have nor brother, bing dex — fpot dex ‘buban bin ich der Spott der Bubent Tam the —_laughingstock of boys! (Lam the laughingstock of boys because I have neither father nor brother!) OREST ellektra zw ze gat Elektrat So seh’ ich sie? Elekira! Thus see 1 her? (Can Te seeing her in this condition?) ie met zit kg du: Teh seh’. sie wirklich, == du? T see hher_—_really, you? (Am Ireally seeing 258 Elektra ro: thaibon zi; dig. “‘darban ‘lasson So haben sic dich darben lassen, Likethis have they you _let starve, oda ci: “harben dig gaflaigon oder sic haben dich geschlagen? or they have _ beaten you? (Have they let you starve like this, or have they beaten you?) ELEKTRA las maen_ klaet vy:l nigt mit ‘daenam blk dacran Lab mein Kleid! Wahl nicht mit deinem Blick daran, Letgo my — dress! Don't rummage with your gaze init, OREST vas habon ci: gemaxt mit “‘daenon ‘negtan Was haben sic gemacht —mit_—_ deinen Naichten? What have they done with your nights? forgtbair tant daena ‘aogan Furchtbar sind deime Augen. Terrifying are. «your eyes. ELEKTRA. Tas mag LaB mich! Letme be! ‘REST hol zint_—daena ‘vane Hob! sind deine Wangent Holloware your checks! ELEKTRA ge: ms haos din hab 1g ‘cna ‘fyestor Geh ins Haus, drin hab! ich cine Schwester, Go into the house, inside [have a sister, dis bo'vautt zag fyx fropdanfesta aof die bewahrt sich fir Freudenfeste auf. she iskeeping herself for _celebrations (auftbewahren is a separable prefix verb meaning "to keep oneself", "to preserve".) ‘OREST elektra hor mig Elektra, ‘hr mich! Elckira, listen to me! ELEKTRA ~ vilmict “issan ver du bist i vil niumant zem Teh willnicht wissen, wer du bist, [ch will Niemand sehn. 1 don't want to know who you are. Tor’ want to see anybody. OREST host mig Zan ie hap mgt Hr mich an, ich hab nicht Listen to me, I have no (softly) orrestes lespt Orestes lebit Orest is alive! (Elektra flings herseif around.) ven du: digreckst —_—fetrestst dur Wenn du dich regst —_verriitst du If you make amove you betray ELEKTRA mo: aster frae vor ost ew So ister frei? Wo ist er? So heis free? Where is he? OREST er st Unfeext vig Er ist unyersehrt, wie ich. He is uninjured, like me. ELEKTRA zor ret itm © dox_—bofor_ i So rett’ ihn — doch, bevor sie So save him then, before they OREST bae — tmaenas ‘fattars ‘laegnam Bei meines Vaters Leichnam, By = my father’s corpse, ELEKTRA (touched by his tone of voice) ver bist den du: Wer bist denn du? Who are then you? (Who are you then?) Elektra tsact Zoi time. hhger zu Hér' zu: Listen closely: ihn. in ervvigon ihn erwiirgen. throttle him. datsu: dazu todo just that kam 1g kam ich came I 259 hier! here! The stern old servant, followed by three others rushes in noiselessly from the courtyard, throws himself down before Orest and kisses his feet; the others kiss Orest' hands and the hem of his robe. Elektra, scarcely able to control herself.) Wer bist du denn? ig Frpta mug Ich flrchte T amatraid. 260 Elektra OREST (gently) di: ‘wnde aof dem hot erkennon mig Die Hunde auf dem Hof, erkennen mich, ‘The dogs in the ~— courtyard «recognize me, unt ‘maeno ‘fvestor nigt und — meine Schwester nicht? and my sister doesnt? ELEKTRA (erying out) Orest! Gofily now, trembling) ofrest_ es ryst zig nimant las daena aogon. mug zen ‘Orest! Es riihrt sich niemand! © —laB-— deine Augen mich sehn, rest! Let no one stir! Oh let your eyes see me. ‘roombilt mir gofenkies —‘troombilt_ = fonar als alle troema ‘Traumbild, mir geschenktes Traumbild —sebiner als alle Triume. Vision, tome given vision, ‘more beautiful than any dream, (a vision given to me) ‘heres ‘unbegraefliges echarbones —_ga'zigt o: blaep bae mist Hehres, unbegreifliches, _erhabenes —_Gesicht, o bleib bei mir! Noble, inconceivable, sublime face, oh stay with me! loss mgt m Toit dig cof Lés nicht in Luft dich aut, Dont disintegrate into air (~) (Don't vanish into thin air,) (aufftisen is a separable prefix verb meaning "to disintegrate", "to disperse") ferge: mist mgt es zae den das glaeg ‘flerton mus vergeh mir nicht, es —seidenn, © dab ich_—_ gleich sterben muB don't vanish from me, ifit were that I rightnow had todie unt du: dig ‘antsaekst ‘unt — mig “hoilen komst und du dich anzeigst, und = mich hole Kommst, and you revealed yourself and_—sme_—to fetch came, dan fterp 2g “zethgor als gales dann sterbich —_seliger als ich —_gelebt! then Teandic, moreblessed than I lived! (don't vanish from me; if it were that I had to die right now and you revealed yourself and came to fetch me: then I would die more blessed than I had lived!) Orest! Orest! (Orest bends down, in order to embrace her. Elektra, fercely:) naea du zolst mig migt umParmen tat —_-vek Nein, du sollst mich nicht umarmen! Tritt weg! No, you must_not embrace me! Step away! Elektra 261 1 Feime mig for dix Ich schiime mich vor dir. I am ashamed of myself before you. e Vaesmigt’ «vis du: mug ‘anzist Teh —_weiB nicht, du mich ansichst, 1 don'tknow how you look atme, bm mur mer dex ‘lacgnam ——_‘dacnar 'fvestar ich bin nur mehr der Leichnam deiner Sehwester, 1 am now rather the corpse of your sister, maen ‘armos kint ig vaes_ es ‘faodert dig fox mir mein armes Kind! Ich wei, essehaudert dich vor mir, my poor child! I know thatyou shudder at the sight of me, unt vate dox ‘aenos ‘toxtor und wardoch eines Tochter! and yetTwas a daughter! % — ‘glaobs ® Ich glaube, jc 1 think 1 was beautiful ven i; diy lamp ‘aosbliss for ‘maensm ——‘fpizgal Wenn ich die Lampe aus! vor — meinem Spiegel When I the lamp = blewout —_in front of my mirror fylt ges mit. ‘Kogfom ‘Jaoor fiihitich es mit keuschem Schauer. Tilt it with a chaste thrill, i fyilt, es vi: der ‘dynno tral des ‘momdos Ich fit’ es, wieder —diinne Strahl des Mondes 1 felt it, how the = thin’ ray of the moon m —‘maenas “keerpors ‘vaesor ‘nakihaet ——_"bardato in meines ‘Korpers —weifler Nacktheit. _badete, in my body's white nakedness bathed, (L felt it, how my body's white nakedness was bathed in the thin rays of the moon.) mw vir =m ‘aenam ‘vaear so wie in einem Weiher. as if in. a pool. om maen har var ‘oleas har fox dem diz’ mennar —_tsttarn, Und mein Haar war solches Haar vor dem die Miinner —_zittern, And my hair was thekind of hair before which men trembled, ferfremt — bofmorst. er nidragt. verstrihnt, beschmutzt,_erniedrigt. straggly, dinty, degraded. 262 Elektra ferftest dus ‘brusdor Verstebst du's, Bruder? Do you understand that, brother? 1 habe alles vas ig Yast _—_‘hnge:bon myssen Ich habe alles, was ich war, _hingeben miissen, 1 havehad everything that «1 = was. togive up. (Ihave had to give up everything that I was.) ‘macno fam hab tg galopfort Me Scham hab! ich —_geopfert, My purity did 1 offer up, di: fam ‘zysor als ‘alles f die Scham sitfer als alles ist, this purity sweeter than anything is, : faim i: dex —ilberdunst dex ‘mileage des mornts dieScham, die wie der _Sifberdunst, der —_milchige des Monds, the purity, which like the —_silverdust, the _—milkyone of the moon, om jexdes._vaep hevum ast um jedes Weib herum ist around every woman surrounds, (this purity which is sweeter than anything, the purity which like the moon's milky silver dust surrounds every woman.) vat das gresliga fon ix unt iver zetla_-vekhelt und das GriiBliche von ihr und ihrer Seele weghilt. and all tha’shorrible from her and her —soul_keeps away. (and keeps all that is horrible away from her and her soul.) Verstehst du's, Bruder? ‘dixza_“‘zy'son.‘Jaodar ha:b 1¢ dem fastar_‘opfam mysson Diese siifen Schauder hab’ ich dem Vater opfern missen, These sweet tremors did for father sacrifice must. (Lhhad to sacrifice these sweet tremors for father's sake.) maenst dus ven @ an maenam = laep_—muig ‘fragt Meinst du, wenn ich an meinem Leib mich freute, Doyouthink that when I in my body rejoiced, (admired my body.) ‘dranjon "zacno 'zovftsor drangen seine Seufzer, crowded his sighs, dean mgt zacn ‘fieinon an macn_ betta drang nicht sein an mein Bette? crowded not his groans around my (did his sighs, his groans not press themselves around my bed?) (somberly) Elektra 263 ‘aefarzygtic —zmmt dik totton unt ext fkto mir den has Eiferstichtig sind die Toten: und er _schickte mir den Ha Jealous are the dead: and he sent me the hatred, (The dead are jealous, and he sent me hatred.) den ‘hoioegigen has als. “broétigarm den hobliugigen Ha® als Brdutigam. the —hollow-eyed hate as bridegroom. zw: bmg “aena_profetin immarfort —_gave:zan So ich eine Prophetin —_immerfort_—_gewesen Thus have I a prophetess _allthe time become ont ‘harbamugts herforgebraxt und habe nichts hervorgebracht and have nothing brought forth 0s mir ont ‘maenan laep als flyga unt __fertsvaeflun aus mir und meinem Leib als Fiitche und—Verzweiflung. outof me and my body but curses and despair. yas fost du: enstlig um diy Was schaust du um dich? Why are you looking (so) anxiously around you? Spry tsu: mix pig dox Sprich Sprich doch! Speak Tell me! ou am ‘ganison laep Du itterstja_ = am_—ganzen Leib? You aretrembling all aver (your) body! OREST las tsrttom ‘dion laep er amt —_‘velgon vek 1g Lab zittern diesen Leib. Er ahnt welchen Weg ich Let tremblethis body. It _senses_ which way 1 amleading it (Let my body tremble.) es tum alllaen du: armas _kint es tun? Allein? Du —armes. Kind? doit? Alone? You poor boy! 2 tat mist aoferleskt diese Tat mir auferlegt, this obligation _Iaid on me, di: ‘gettor ‘verdan mist tsu;‘helfon die Gatter werden mir zu helfen. the gods will to help me. (The gods who laid this obligation on me will be there to help me.) 264 Elekira ELEKTRA Du wirst es tun? der st zeilig der tun dart Der ist selig, der tun darft He is _ blessed, who to do it is allowed! (Ee who is allowed to do itis blessed!) OREST owl es tum ig viles‘aelig tun Ich will es tun, ich will es eilig tun, T want todo it, T want to do it quickly. ELEKTRA di: tat st —vit_ «aon ‘betta cof dem ‘zeilo ‘aosrut Die Tat ist wie ein Bette, auf dem Secle ausruht. The deed is like a bed, on which the soul rests ‘OREST tg werrdo. es turn Teh werde es tun! Twill doit! ELEKTRA vi zen bet fon ‘balzam droof eile rwan kan Wie cin Bett yon Balsam, drauf ie Sele ruhen kann, Like a bed of balsam, upon which the soul_canrest, di; geno ‘vunda ist’ © gen brant’ aen ‘aetor ‘aenaflamma die cine Wundeist, ein Brand,ein iter, cine Flame! which a woundis, a _—blaze, some pus, a _flame! (the soul that is like a wound, like pus, a blaze and a flame!) OREST Teh werde es tun! ELEKTRA (with gusio) dex ‘zaeno ‘ait tsur tun komt der seine Tat zu tun kommt, who his deed comes to carry out, im erzent ‘ze dex iin erfaot ihn ersehnt, selig, der — ihmerschaut. longs for him, blessed he who beholds him. ‘zeily ver imerkent ver itn baryat Selig wer ihn erkennt, wer ihn berihrt. Blessedis who recognizes him, blessed is who touches him. ‘zeltg ver im das bael_ aos dew exda rept Selig, wer ihm das Beil aus der Erde _griibt, Blessedhe who forhimthe ax ont_—_ ofthe ground digs. (igs the ax out of the ground for him.) Elektra 265 ver im di: fakkol helt wer ihm die Fackel hiilt, who forhimthe torch _ holds, “relic ver im ‘cofnt di: selig, wer ihm affnet die Tair. blessedhe who forhim opens the door. in (Orest's Tutor, a powerful graybeard with flashing eyes, stands at the courtyard gate,) THE TUTOR (approaching them quickly) zaet ix fom ‘zmnon das ix ‘ogran mont mgt ‘bendigt Seid ihr von Sinnen, a8 ihr euren Mund nicht bindigt, Are you outofyourmind, _—that_~-you your mouth not keep in control, yo: en haox en laot acn mits wo ein Hauch,ein Laut, ein Nichts when a breath, a sound, a_-——_nothing vas unt das verk ferderbon kan uns und das Werk verderben kann. us and our work ruin can? (Are you out of your mind? Can't you control your mouth? A breath, a sound, a nothing can rain us and our work.) (10 Orest, ina great hurry) ‘vartot ‘érmnon xo ‘meigdo ‘auxan nax dist ie wartet drinnen. Thre Migde suchen mach dir. She is waiting inside, Her maids are searching for you. es ist ken man mm —haos_orest, Es ist’ kein Mann Haus, Orest! there is no man inthe house, Orest! (Orest rises, controlling his horror. The door of the house is illuminated, and a serving maid with a torch appears. Bekind her is the Confidante. Elektra has jumped back and stands in the dark. The Confidanie bows towards the two strangers and signals them: to follow her. The serving maid fixes the torch in an iron ring on the doorpost. Orest, faint, closes his eyes for a moment. The Tutor is close behind him, and they exchange a quick look. Orest and his Tutor go inside. The door is closed behind them. Elektra alone. in horrible intensity, runs back and forth in a straight line in front of the door, hanging her head like a captured animal in a cage. Suddenty she stands still) ELEKTRA Ig hatbo im das bael_—nigt_-—_‘getban ‘koennan Ich habe ihm das Beil__ nicht geben konnen! I have tohim the ax not give __ been able to! (Lwasn't able to give the ax to him!) aint geganen Sie sind gegangen, They have gone, und ich habe ihm das Beil nicht geben kinnen, 266 Blektra es int ‘kaeno ‘goettor im ‘hummel Ks sind keine Gétter im Himmel! ‘There are no gods in _heaven! Once again, a terrible wait. Distantly, from within, a scream of Klytimnestra sounds shrilly Elektra sereams out like a demon:) tif nox ‘aenma: ‘Triff noch cinmal! Strike once more! (From within, a second scream, Out of the living quarters, 10 one side, come Chrysothemis and a crowd of maids, Elektra stands in the door, with her back pressed against it, CHRYSOTHEMIS es mus ‘etvas gefeon zaen Es muB etwas geschehen sein, There must something have happened, FIRST MAID zi fraet z0: 0s dem flat Sie sehreit so aus dem Schlaf, She screams like that inher sleep SECOND MAID es mysson ‘menor dn zaen Es miissen Miinner drin sein. There must men inside be. (be men inside.) tg habe ‘mennar ‘geon “horran Ich habe Miinner gehen horen. T have men going about heard. (beard men going about.) THIRD MAID ‘allo tyzon mint ferrigalt Alle Tiiren sind verriegelt. Allthe doors are bolted. FOURTH MAID (screaming) es mnt ‘meerdor es aint ‘moerdor m aos Es sind Mérder, —es-_—sind_— Marder. im Haus! There are murderers, there are_-—smurderers.-— inthe house! FIRST MAID (crying out) Ont FEMALE SERVANTS vas 1st Was ist? What isit? TWO MAIDS Was ise? Elektra FIRST MAID ert ier den mgt dort age fier ‘aenar Seht ihr denn nicht, dort Tir steht einer! Can't you see, there door isstanding one of them! CHRYSOTHEMIS das ist elektra elektra Jpngst du: den Das ist Elektra! Elektra, sprichst du denm nicht? That is Elektra! Blektra, donit you say something? THE MAIDS Elektra, warum sprichst du denn nicht? FOURTH MAID tg vil hrinaos ‘meaner ‘holon Ich will hinaus, Manner holen! I want to go outside and get some men! (She runs offon one side.) CHRYSOTHEMIS max uns dox di tyr aof—elektra, Mach uns doch die Tir auf, Elektra! Open forus then the door (--), Elektr (So open the door for us, Elektra!) (auf/machen is a separable prefix verb meaning "to open”) FEMALE SERVANTS elektra las uns ms haos Elektra, la uns ins Haus! Elektra, let us into the house! CHRYSOTHEMIS Elektra! FOURTH MAID (returning) tsucryk Zuriick! Get back! (everyone frightened) tsuirvk m ‘onze ‘kammarn fel Zurtick in unsre Kammern, schnell! Back info our chambers, quickly! komt durg den bof Agisth kommt durch den Hof. Acgisth iscoming through the courtyard. SIX FEMALE SERVANTS Agisth! 268 Elekira FOURTH MAID yen cr uns findat ‘Wenn er —_uns findet, If he should find us... THREE MAIDS Agisth FOURTH MAID unt venom —‘haoze_vas gefemn mt lester uns ‘toiton und wenn im — Hause was geschehen ist, 1iBterus ten! and if imthe house something has happened, he'llhave us killed! CHRYSOTHEMIS Luriiek! FOUR MAIDS Zuriiek! FEMALE SERVANTS Zuriick! (Chrysothemis, the maids and female servants disappear into the house. Aegisth enters through the courtyard gate.) AEGISTH (stopping at the door) he: ‘ligtar ast. ‘nimant da; tu: “Toéctan He! Lichter! Ist niemand = da_—szu_leuchten? Hey! Lights! Is noone there to _light the way? rst 2g ‘kaenor fon ‘allan ‘divzan ‘fofton Rohrt sich einer von allen diesen Schuften? Bestirs, himself rotoneof all these scoundrels? (Arenit any of these scoundrels bestirring themselves?) kan das folk ‘kaena_tsuxt ‘annemon Kann das Volk keine Zucht ‘annehmen? Can these people no discipline ‘know? (Don’t these people know any discipline?) (Elektra takes the torch off the ring, rans down towards him and bows down before him. Aegisth, startled by the dishevelled figure in the flickering light, recoils.) vas st das fy gen ‘unhaemligas_vaep Was ist das fiir ein unheimlichesWeib? What is this for a weird woman? (What kind of a weird woman is this?) 1g harp ferbotn = das-_— gen ‘unbokantas —goizict Teh hab! verboten, da ein unbekanntes. Gesicht 1 have forbidden it that «an unknown —face Eleltra mir om = dines komt mir in die Nahe kommt! tome in the —_ proximity comes! (Thaye forbidden an unknown face to come near me!) (recognizing her, angrily) vas du: ve haest dig mtr entge:gantreston Was, du? Wer heifitdich, mir entgegentreten? What, you? Who told you to come to accost me? ELEKTRA dart iG nigt_—_to¢gtan Darf ich nich leuchten? May 1 not light the way? 269 AEGISTH nun dig gest dis noeigkaet ja dox forr alton Nun, dich geht die Newigkeit ja doch vor allen Well, you concems —_—the news, really more than anyone else (Well, the news really concerns you more than anyone else.) (an/gehn is a separable prefix verb meaning “io concern", "to pertain”,) vo: find xp di fremdan ‘mennar Wo find ich die fremden Manner, Where canT find the foreign men, (strangers,) dis das fon orest uns ‘meldan die das von Orest uns melden? who about Orest are reporting to us? ELEKTRA ‘éninnan ‘acno ‘itbe ‘vant ‘fandan zi: for Drinnen. Eine liebe Wirtin fanden sie vor, Inside An obliging hostess they have found, unt egetson aig mit itr und sie ergetzen sich mit ihr. and they are amusing themselves with — her. AEGISTH unt ‘meldan’alzo: ‘virklig das ex —_galftorbon rst Und melden also wirklich, daB_ser_—_gestorbem ist, And they then report really that he —diddie, (And are they then really reporting that he is dead,) ont ‘meldan 10: des mit tsuz_—tsvaefoln. ast und melden 50, daf nicht’ zu ——zweifeln ist. and report insuchaway that not to doubt is? (and in such a way that there is no doubt left?) 270 Elekara ELEKTRA oo: her ‘meldans nuct mit_—-yortan blos O — Herr, sie melden's nicht mit Worten blob, Oh lord, they aren't reporting it with words, alone, naen mit —‘Taephaftugantsaegon nein, mit Zeichen, no, with proof, an deman aox kaen _‘tsvaefal rme:ghg 1st an denen auch kein Zweifel midglich ist. about which also no doubt there can be. (there can be no doubt.) AEGISTH vas hast du: m der ‘umm unt vas ist m dig gofaron Was hast du in der Stimme? Und was _ist in dich gefahren, What is that in your voice? ‘And what has gotten into you, das du: nax dem mont mi 'rexdost da6- du mach dem Mund mir redest? that you are fawning upon me? vas taomolst du 20: hm unt her mt ‘daenam Was taumelst du so hin und her mit deinem Why are youstaggering like that back and forth with your ELEKTRA es ist omits. ‘andarasals. «das gent klwk vart Es ist nichts anderes, als daB ich endlich Klug ward It is nothingelse but that «I —_ finally have grown wise, unt tsu)‘deman mig halts = dix di: fterkoran. = zint und za denen _michhalte, die die ‘Stiirkeren sind. and to _side with those who thestronger are. (and I decided to side with those who are the stronger ones.) erlaopst dus das foran dig lopcte Erlaubst du, a8 ich —_voran dich leuchte? Wont you allow that I the way may light for you? (Will you allow me to light the way for you?) AEGISTH (somewhat hesitant) bis tsur ty vas tantsast du: gip —obaxt Bis zur Tiir, Was tanzest du? Gib Obacht! Upto the door. What are you dancing for? Look out! ELEKTRA (while circling him in a weird sort of dance, suddenly bowing low) hit diz feurfon das du; nit felst Hier, die Stufen, daS du nicht fills. Here, the steps, that you shouldn't fall, (lest you fall.) AEGISTH (at the door to the house) varom ist hi Kaen ligt ver zt dis dort Warum ist hier Kein Licht? Wer sind die dort? Why is here no light? Who are those men, there? ELEKTRA, di ants dim perzon Die sind’s, dic in Person They arethe ones who in person dix ‘coftsuvarton = ‘vynfan her dir aufzuwarten __wiinschen, Herr, to wait on you wish, master, (They are the men who wish to wait on you in person, master.) ont di: zo: oft, durg_—frego "unbofaedno ne: und die so oft durch freche, unbescheid'ne Nah’ and who so often by (my)insolent presumptuous presence dig torts vil nun ‘enthg ‘Temon dich stérte, will nun endlich lernen, disturbed you, will then finally eam mig im "regton ‘cogonblik —_tsurvktsutsin mich im rechten Augenblick zuriickzuziehn. myself atthe right ‘moment to withdraw. (And 1, who have disturbed you so often with my insolent, presumptuous presence, will finally learn now the right moment to withdraw.) (Agisth goes inside the house. There is a moment of stillness, then noise. Aegisth appears at the small window, tearing the curtains away, screaming.) AGISTH ‘mocrdar helft dem ‘herran zi; 'mordan mig Helft! Mérder! = ‘Helft_ dem) Herren! Sie morden mich! Help! Murderers! Help your master! ‘They are murdering me! hoxt mig ‘nismant Hart mich niemand? Hears me nobody? (Doesn't anybody hear me?) (ile is dragged away, while continuing to scream.) ELEKTRA (drawing herself up) aga'memnon hort di Agamemnon hért dich! ‘Agamemnon hears you! (Aegisth's face appears once again at the window.) AEGISTH ver mis Web mir! Woe is me! 272. Elektra (He is dragged away. Elektra stands tuned towards the house, gasping horribly. Women come ‘running out from one side, Chrysothemis among them. As if senseless, they run towards the ‘courtyard gate. There they stop suddenly and turn around.) CHRYSOTHEMIS elektra "fvestor kom omit uns Elektra! Schwester! Komm mit uns! Elektra! Sister! Come with us! es ast. dex ‘brudar drn im —_hoos Es ist’ der Bruder drin im Haus! It isthe brother inside the house! (Our brother is inside the house!) es st test dex es gotamn hat Es ist Orest, der es getan hat! tis Orest who has done it! VOICES (from inside the house) Orest! Orest! (There is tumult in the house and confusion of voices, out of which now and then the shows of "Orest" can be discerned) (CHRYSOTHEMIS kom er fen 1m forrzatl Komm! Er steht im Vorsaal, Come! He — isstanding —_in the antechamber, allo unt om tim unt “kyssan. vaena 1 alle sind um ihn, und kiissen seine Fiifle, everybody is. around him and iskissing = his’ — feet. (The din of battle, the mortal combat between the slaves loyal to Orest and the followers of Aegisth, has gradually entered the inner courtyard, with which the courtyard gate communicates.) ‘allo di: fon “hertson hastan Alle, die Agisth von Herzen haften, Allthose who Agisth fromthe heart hated, “hatbon zag gavorfan cof di: "andom haben sich geworfen auf die andern, have thrown themselves upon the others, vyiboral m Tallon “hoxfon ‘ingon ‘tosta Gberall, in allen H6fen liegen Tote, everywhere, in allthe courtyards lie dead people, ‘alla di: ‘esbon zint mit blut_—_bofprtst alle, die leben, sind mit Blut _bespritzt all those who arcalive are. with blood splattered unt ‘ha:ban zelpst ‘vondan ont dox rattan ‘alla und haben selbst Wunden, doch strablen alle, and have wounds themselves, and _—yet_—_ all are beaming, Elekira ‘alla umarman 21g ‘jaoxtson alle umarmen sich jauchzen. all are embracing i VOICES (off s1aze) Orest! Orest! (There is increasing noise outside, which, when Elektra begins, disperses more and more into the ‘outer courtyard and background. The women run back out.) CHRYSOTHEMIS ‘taozant ‘fakkain Pangatsyndat honrst du: nict Tausend ——-Fackeln angeziindet. Hirst du nicht? Athousand torches alight Dont you hear? zo; horrst du: den nigt So hdrst du denn nicht? But don't you then hear? VOICES (from afar) Orest! Orest! (Only Chrysothemis remains; light streams in from the outside ) ELEKTRA (crouching on the threshold) op 2ig nig ‘hoers muzik nigt ‘hose Obich nicht hare? Musik nicht hire? Dont! hear? Dol music noi hear? komt dox os Kommt doch aus comes from di: ‘toozands “fakkoln ‘teaxgon, die Tausende, Fackeln tragen, (fom) the thousands who torches are carrying, ont desron ttt ‘desron ‘uforlo:ran —myriadon tent und deren ‘Tritte, deren uferlosen Myriaden—_Tritte and whose footfalls, whose limitless myriads of footfall y:boral ci sd dumpf ‘droman ‘maxon ‘iberall die Erde dumpf drohnen —_machen, all over the earth a dull booming make, ({the music] is coming from those thousands who are carrying torches, whose footfalls, whose limitless myriads of footfalls make a dull booming {noise] all over the earth,) ‘allo ‘yartan cof te vacsdox das ‘alle ‘vartan alle warten auf mich; ich wei doch, da sie alle warten, all are waiting for me; «I know that they all are waiting, vael 1 dem = Yaegan yen mus unt kan nigt weil ich den eigen fiihren muB, und kann nicht, because 1 the dance lead must and cannot, (I must lead the dance) 274 Elektra der der ‘ungehoora = der_~—“tsvantsigfaxa ‘oxtseain cer der ungeheure, der zwantzigfache Ozean the that monstrous one, that twentyfold ocean ‘jedos glit mm —‘zaenar vuxt begribt mir jedes Glied mit seiner Wucht, is burying my every limb with its weight, kan mg ‘heibon Kann mich heber T can myself not raise (( cannot raise myself.) CHRYSOTHEMIS (almost shricking with excitement) hosrst du: den nigt zi: tragon in cof ‘iron ‘hendan Horst du denn nicht? Sie tragen ihn auf ihren Hinden. Dorit you hear? They — are carrying him on their hands ELEKTRA (jumping up, to herself, without noticing Chrysothemis) vir mint bae dem = ‘gcettarn vit folbrinpndon Wir sind bei den Gottern, wir ‘Yollbringenden, We are withthe gods, we, (the) achievers. (inspired) zi: faron dathin vi dik ferfo des fvexts Sie fahren dahin wie die Schiirfe des Schwerts They pass through like the Keenness. «ofa sword dung uns dis ‘goettor durch uns, die Gatter. through us, the gods, (The gods, they pass through us like the keenness of a sword.) CHRYSOTHEMIS ‘allan ant di: ge'zgtar fervandalt Allen sind die Gesichter _verwandelt. Ofeveryone are the _ faces changed, (Everyone's face is changed.) ‘allon ‘fimmorn, ‘aogen unt di: ‘alton ‘vanpn Allen schimmern Augen und alten Wangen Ofeveryone are gleaming the eyes andthe «= old_— cheeks for ‘tremon ‘allo ‘vaenon hourst durs nigt vor Triinen. Alle weinen, hast du's nicht? with tars. Everyone weeping, don't you hear? gut zmt di ‘gasttor guit Gut sind die Gtter, gut! Good are the gods, good! es fent aen —‘etbon fyr dig Es flingt ein Leben fiir dich There begins a life. for-~—-you ont mig unt ally ‘menfan und mich und alle Menschen and me and all__—_human beings ELEKTRA ‘abor iro herligkaet_ ist’ ——migt. fil fy uns Aber ihre Herrlichkeit ist nicht zu viel“ fiir uns! But their magnificence is not too much for us! '¢ haba finstamis ——gazext unt emta_ lust yibar_ lust Ich habe Finsternis gest und ernte Lust fiber Lust. I did darkness sow and reaped joy after joy. (Ihave sown darkness) evar aen‘Jvantsor laegnam = ‘Unter Jeibondan Ich war cin schwarzer —Leichnam unter Lebenden I was a blackened corpse among the living unt ‘die funda bing das fogor des lesbos und diese Stunde bin ich das Feuer des —_Lebens, and st this hour Tam the fire of __ life, unt —'maena flamma ferbrent di fimstoms. «= der elt und meine Flamme —verbrennt = die_—‘Finsternis. © der = Welt. and = my ~~ flame bumsaway the darkness. of the world. CHRYSOTHEMIS di: —ysborfvenlig ‘guiton ‘goettor zints diz das gsigerbon ‘haton Die iiberschwiinglich —guten_Gatter sind's, die das —_gegeben haben. The — overbounteous good gods are — the ones who provided that, ELEKTRA maen gozict mus Vaesor zaen als das ‘vaesgly:nda_gozict des momts Mein Gesicht mu weifler sein, als das weifigltih'nde Gesicht des Monds. My face must be whiter than the glowing-white face of the moon. ingen is a separable prefix verb meaning "to begin". The matter ofthe separable am prefix, which goes at the end of the phrase and therefore cannot be properly translated, is probably one of the quirks of the ‘German language that so vexed Mark Twain. As an example, let me extend the above sentence and change it thus: Es famgt ein Leben far dich_—und_—mich_ und alle There begins a —ilife— for ~~ you. and. «sme and alll. Menschen, fir alle Zeit’ «in der_—gancen Welt und auf human beings for all times in the -— whole world and on dem — Mond an the moon (—) f The sentence could in reality go on almost indefinitely (the moon and all the planets, forall eternity, in Greece and all of the Eastern Mediterranean, ec. etc...) am! 276 Elektra CHRYSOTHEMIS vex hat ons je: galipt Wer hat uns jo gelicbt? Who has ever loved us? ELEKTRA ven ‘aenor aof mig zit = mus. er_~— dem tott empfagon Wenn ciner auf mich sieht, muB er den Tod ~—_empfangen When someone ons me_~— looks, must he death receive ‘odor mus fergem for lust oder muB_vergehn vor Lust. orelse must die of joy. vetirden — maen_ go'agt Sehtihr denn mein Gesicht? Doyousee my — face? res ir das lugt das fon.—misr_—_‘aosgex Sehtihr das_—Licht, das von mir ausgeht? Doyousce the light that from me emanates? CHRYSOTHEMIS mun ast der ‘brurdar da: unt cba fist. 'y:bar uns Nun ist der Bruderda, und_—_Liebe flieist ber uns Now is our and love flows over us vil ont ‘iba ist ‘alles wie Ol und Liebe ist alles! like oil and Love is everything! ver kan tetbon. ‘tbo | Wer kann leben Liebe? Who can live love? ELEKTRA (fiery) ai Tibotwitat bor kaenor fest datun Ail Liebe titet! Aber keiner fahrt dahin Ail Love kills! But no one passes away unt hat und hat die Liebe and has love (without having known love!) CHRYSOTHEMIS ellektra tg ms bae © maenom = brurdor jtem Elektra! Ich muB bei meinem Bruder stehn! Elekra! = Lust next to my brother stand! Elektra 277 (Chrysothemis runs out. Elektra strides down from the threshold. She has her head thrown back like @ Maenad" She tosses her knees, she stresches out her arms in a sort of nameless dance, in which she strides forward. Chrysothemis appears again in the doorway, and behind her one can see torches, a crowd and faces of men and women.) Elektra! EKTRA (stopping and staring at her) vaek unt tants ‘allo ‘mysson herbae Schwei und tanze! Alle miissen herbei! Be quiet and dance! Everyone must come! his [list 99¢ Zan 1% age di last. des ‘glvkkas Hier, schlieBteuch an! Ich trage die Last des Gliickes, Here, join in! 1 carry the burden of happiness, ont ag tants for 00% her und ich tanze vor euch her, and I amdancing here before you. ven glvklig ist) vie = vir dem tsismt nur —aens Wer gliicklich ist wie wir, dem —ziemt nur — eins: Forhimwho isaslucky as —_we are, for him is appropriate only one thing: (For him who is as lucky as we are, only one thing is appropriste:) ‘fvaegon ont tantson schweigen und _—_tanzen! tobequiet and to dance! (She manages to take afew more steps of the most intense triumph and collapses. Chrysothemis goes 10 her, but Elektra lies rigid. Chrysothemis runs to the door of the house and beats on it, vying woefully’) Orest! Orest! (silence) END OF THE OPERA " Maenads (frenzied women). The Bacchantes, or female attendants of Bacchus. The name arises from their ‘extravagant gestures and frenzied rites,

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