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ERNANI Opera in four acts. Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave, after Victor Hugo's "Hernani" First performed et Teatro La Fenice, Venice, March 9, 1844 CHARACTERS Don Carlo, King of Castille: baritone Don Ruy Gomez do Silva, Grandes of Spain: bass Emani, a noble outlaw bandit: tenor Elvira, kinswoman to Silva and beloved of Ernani: soprano Don Riccardo, esquire to King Carlo: tenor Giovanna, lady in waiting to Elvira: soprano Jago, esquire to Silva: bass Mountaineors and Bandits, Followors of Silva, Ledies of Elvira, Followers of King Carlo, Electors and Pages Tho timo is 1519 in Spain ‘THE PLOT. ACTI ‘The Bandit \ Ernani the bandit (in truth noblemen, John of Aragon, the son of the Duke of Segovia who was slain by order of King Don Carlos) is in his encampment with his fellow bandits in the mountains of Aragon. ‘They are drinking, singing and playing cards. Emani is in love with Elvira, who is about to be married to her relative, the aged Don Ruy Gomez de Silva, a grandee cof Spain living in a castle which can be sean in the distance. Elvira is in love with the handsome bandit, who, with the help of his men, plans to ebduct her from Silva's castle. Moanwhile in Silva's castle, Elvira longs for Emani to rescue her and declares her utter distaste for old Silva, who follows her around ‘talking of love like a vile specter’. Don Carlos, (referred to in the libretto as "Cerlo”) the King of Spain, (later to become emperor Charles V') has also fallen violently in love with Elvire. By watching her windows he has discovered that at dead of night a young cavalier (Emani) gains admission to her apartments, He imitates her lover's signal and gains admission to her chamber, declaring his passion. Being rejected by Elvira, he is about to drag her off by force, when Ernani suddenly appears through fa secret door. In the midst of a violent scene, Silva enters and is engered at finding two "seducers" in his fiancée's chamber. To allay his jealousy, the King, whom Silva doos not recognize, reveals himself, and pretends to have come in disguise to consult Silva about his upcoming election to the empire, end an alleged conspiracy thet is afoot against his life. At recognizing his sovereign, Silva fells on his knees. Cerlo claims hospitality for the night and, 1King Carlos is the only truly historical cheractor in this opera. As Charlos V he appears as a ghost (but sung by the Monk) in the cloister of San Yusta in Verdi's other Spanish tale of gloom, "Don Carlo’. 178 unwilling to take advantage of his rivel Ernani in this situation, pretends that the bandit is a member of his retinue and secures his escape simply by ordering him to depert immediately. Emani takes the opportunity to escape, but swears to himself that he will pursue Carlo until his father’s death is avenged. ACT IL The Guest Believing the rumor thet Ernani has been hunted down and killed by the King’s soldiers, Elvira consents to merry Silva, The ceremony is about to take place in a magnificent hall in the castle, A pilgrim enters (Emani in disguise) and asks Silva for shelter. Under the rules of ‘Spanish tradition, he is now Silva's guest and entitled to his protection. Elvira enters and when the pilgrim learns from Silva that within the hour Elvira will be his wife, he flings off his disguise and cries: "I wish to offer you a wedding head!" He is being pursued by the King’s soldiers, he says, and he suggests that Silva take him prisoner end claim the reward. This offends the old man, for within his walls a guest is as sacred as a brother, and he rushes off to the battlements with his retainers, Left alone with Ernani, Elvira tells him of how she loves only him, and of how she had planned to steb herself at the altar. Silva returns to find the lovers clasped in each other's arms, and now more than ever convinced that he has been dishonored, is about to challoge Ernani to a duel when the King's arrival is announced. Silva's laws of hospitality will not allow him to denounce Emani to the King, so he hides the bandit ina secrot compartment behind ono of the many portraits in the hall. Elvira retires to her own apartments and tho King and his retinue enter. Carlo is certain that Ernani is inside the castle and orders Silva to produco him. Silva replies that he cannot betray a guest. Carlo calls him ‘a traitor, has him disarmod and orders his men to soarch everywhere. They fail to find Emani ‘and Carlo offers Silva a choice: "Your head or the traitor’, but the old man cannot betray his own code of honor. When Elvira suddenly rushos in to pload with Carlo, tholatter suddenly changes his conditions: He will leave the castle either with Emani or Elvira as hostago. Ae Silva is still bound by his sense of honor, Carlo and his followers dopert, taking Elvira with them. First taking two swords from an armory near the portraits, Silva opens Ernani’s hiding place, tersoly calling on him to follow him outside end fight. Ernani refuses on the grounds of Silva's ago, but the old man. repeats his challenge. "You saved my life’, Ernani tells Silva, "now kill mo. But first let mo 900 Elvira.” When Silva tells him thet the King hes taken her es hostage, Emani exclaims, "Old man, what have you done! Ha is our rival!” It hadn't occured to Silva thet the King, having fallen in love with Elvira himself, wented Elvira for himself. Silva summons his vassals to arms. He will first kill Ernani and then go off to pursue Carlo. Emani bogs to be allowed to share his vengeance; ha is willing to die, but only after he has rescued Elvira. Silva asks him to pledge his word, and Ernani gives him his hunting horn. "When I hear your call on this horn’, he tells Silva, "I shall take my own life." He swears this on the soul of his dead father, and brandishing their swords, he, Silve and his men rush off in pursuit of Carlo, ACT OT La Clomenza Tho place is the catacombs of Aquisgrana’ in the vaults containing the remains of Charlemagne. Carlo and his squire Riccardo enter. Silva has planned a conspiracy against the King, and it is here thet this conspiratorial League is about to assemble to hatch the plot against Carlo. Carlo, knowing of their presence, intends to hide himself in Charlemagne’s tomb and spy on them. The League resolves to murder the King and ballots are cast to determine who shall do tho deed. Ernani's name is drawn, Elsewhere the Electors of the Holy Roman Empire are deciding who will be Emperor. Carlo hopes that he will be chosen to be the successor to the throne, and asks Riccardo to signal with three cannon shots if he is named. Left alone, Carlo muses on the greatness of his illustrious namesake Charlemagne (Carlo Magno), and resolves to emulate him, as he unlocks the door and enters the tomb. ‘The members of the League enter from various directions, followed by Eraani and Silva. Silva offers Ernani to release him of his suicide oath if he will allow Silva the pleasure of assassinating Carlo but Ernani refuses. The chorus sings ebout the rise of the Lion of Castille, who once fought against the Moors; freedom is dearer even than life, Suddenly three cannon shots are heard, the signal that the Electors have chosen Cerlo emperor. The door of Charlemagne's tomb opens and Carlo steps forth, while the fearful conspirators, momentarily confused exclaim, "Cerlo Magno Imperator’. In a thunderous voice, Carlo (now Charles V) responds; "Charles V, you traitors!" sy A ceremonial procession of six electors now appears. Pages carry the scepter and crown of the Holy Roman Empire on cushions. An assemblage of Spenish and German nobility surrounds the new Emperor. Elvira is brought in. Carlo is proclaimed Emperor and calls for the arrest of the traitors, Commoners shall be taken to prison end noblemen are to be exocutod. Ernani proudly proclaims his nobility and Carlo agrees he should die with tho others. Howover, when Elvira pleads with him, Carlo remembers the groat Emperor whose virtues he has vowed to ‘emulate and pardons the conspiratorial League. In tho spirit of this completo chango of hoart, he offers Elvira in marriage to Emani. "Glory and honor to Carlo Magno" ho sings. The assembled company joyfully echoes his utterance, changing the words "Carlo Magno" to "Carlo Quinto", Charles V. ACTIV ‘Tho Mask ‘Tho wodding fostivitios of Elvira and Ernani are about to take place in the palace of Don Giovanni of Aregon, in Zaragoza. Dancers and revellers sing the praises of the heppy couple, while a sinister figure in a black mask makes his way slowly through the crowd, as though in search of someone. Emani and Elvira come out onto the terrace and sing of their love. Suddonly the distant sound of a hom is heard. Ernani recognizes it. Elvira notices his distress ‘and Emani, claiming that he is not well asks her to gat e doctor. When she has gone, the ‘City called Aachen in Germen, or Aix-la-Chapello, in French. It is located in Germany, westward towards the Low Counties. 180 masked figure appears. It is Silva, who thwarted in his desize to marry Elvira, reminds Enani of his pledge and offers him poison or a dagger. For amomont Emeni's courage abandons him. "Now that heaven has just begun to smile on me, after years of misery, why can't I onjoy the cup of love’, he pleads, but the implacable Silva can only sneer back: "Where is your Spanish honor.” Elvira returns, as Eneni takes the dagger. She threstans, then ploads with Silva but he is adamant, again quoting Ernani's oath. Ernani stabs himself and dies, Elvira faints, and Silva stands gloating over his triumph. 181 ACTI The Bandit (in the mountains of Aragon the Moorish castle of Don Ruy Gomez do Silva can be seen in the distance. It is near sunset and a band of rebel mountaineers and bandits are eating and drinking. Others are playing at cards or cleaning their weapons.) CHORUS evviva be'vjam nel ‘vino tferkjam ——_almeno ‘um ‘pjatfer Evvival Boviam! Nel vino corchiam —_almeno un piace: Hurrah! Lot's drink! In wine let'sfind _at least some pleasure! ‘ke ‘festa ‘al —_-anidito ‘da tutti ‘se'magka il bikekjer Cho resta al —bandito, da_—tutti somanca il biechier? What is loft to the bandit, by all avoided, _—if is lacking the glass? (What is left to the bandit, who is avoided by all, if the glass of wine is lacking?) dswakkjams ke ‘lors e ‘vans te7019 Ginochiamo, cha Tore vano tesoro, Let's gamble, for gold is (a)__ useless treasure, wal ‘vjene ‘sem va qual viene sen va. As it comes, it goas. dswokjam ‘se ‘vita ‘nomfia piu gradita betta Giuochiam, se la vite non fa pid gradite beltat Let's gamble, if life isn't made more pleasant (by) smiling ‘beauty! per ‘boski © pentditft atxbjam atmitfi Por boschi © pendici abbiam amici, In the woods and slopes we ha only (as) friends, mosketto pulpal moschotto e¢ —_pugnal. musket and dagger. (Tho musket and the daggor are our only frionds in tho woods and slopos.) kwanlde [fe 'la ‘notte nefilorride ‘grotte ‘ne ‘forman, gwantfal Quand'esco la notto nolloride grotto no forman guancial. When comes out the night in the horrid caves they serve uses _ pillow. (When night comes, the grottoes serve us as pillows.) al:legri ‘nel'ving ——_Aferkjama‘almeno um pjatfer Allegrit Nol vino cerchiamo almeno un piacor! Lot's bo morry! Lot's drink! Inwine let us find at least. some pleasure! (A pensive Ernani appears.) 132 Ernani, Act I efnani pen'sozo ——perke ovalorozo —‘sul'voli9. ai pat:lor Em soso! Perch ovaloroso, sul volto hai pallor? Ernani (so) thoughtful? Why oh brave one on your face have you _pallor? (Oh brave Ernani, why so thoughtful and pale?) komune abbjam sorte ‘ny ‘vita dim ‘morte Comune abbiam sorte, in vita ed in morte Common wehave _ fate, in life end in doath (we have e common fete, in life and death) son ‘twai‘brattfo eer son tuoi braccio © cor. are yours arm ‘and — heart. (our arms and hearts aro yours.) ‘kowal“frettfa skaikfata ‘la ‘meta seyynata sapremo kolpir Qual freccia scagliata la mota sognata —_sapremo colpir. Asan arrow directed tho mark chosen ‘wo will know how to hit. (We will know how to hit our choson mark like a well directed arrow.) nonavvi ——mortale ‘Keil ‘pjombo ‘oil puippale nom'posisa fein Non avvi mortalo —choil piombo —o il pugnale.—_non possa forir. There isn't a mortal whom the bullet or the dagger ‘cannot wound. (There isn't a mortal who cannot be wounded by our bullets or our daggers.) Allegri, beviam!, etc. ERNANI mertfe aartetti amitfi avant amor mertfe Mera, diletti amici, a tanto amor merca. Thank you, dear friends, for somuch _—love__thenk you. waite or tutti del mio. kor Aja'ffanni Udite or tutti. del mio cor gli affanni: Listen to now all of my __ heat the troubles; (Listen, all of you, to what troubles my heart:) © ‘se vol_—snegerete ‘i vostro atjuto e se voi_—neghereto il’ vostro gjuto, and if you denyme —_your help, ‘forse per ‘sempre ernani ‘fia perduto forse per sempre Emani fia perduto. maybe forever Emani may be lost. ‘kome ruldsada ‘al Yfespite dun appasssito —fjore Come mugiada al cospite dun eppassito —fiore As dew ona cluster of — faded flowers daragoneze ‘verdsine —_fentdcami ‘votfe ‘al kore daragonose vergine _scondoami voco al core. ofan Aragonese virgin desconded tome _voico to my hoart. (the voice of a maiden from Aragon penetrated into my heart.) Epnani, Act 1 183 fu'kwelo il ‘prima ‘palpita damor ke ‘mi beo Fu quello il__ primo palpito amor che mi bed. That wes the first. ‘heart beat of love that made me happy, il ‘vekkjo silva ‘stendere oma sued ‘ta—Ss man D _vecchio Silva stendere osa suet sda mano. The oldman Silva, to offer dares to her his hand... (The old man Silva, dares to offer her his hend. domani trarla ‘al talemo konjfide Jinumans Domani _—trarla al talamo confida Tinumano... Tomorrow _tolead her to the nuptial bed intends, the inhuman ono... (Tomorrow the villain is confident that he will load hor to the nuptial bed...) a ‘selda._ ‘me tolta ‘ai mizero daftfanno —— moriiro Ah! olla m’8 tolta, hi misorol.... diaffanno—morird! Ab! ifeho is taken from me, eh —_woe is mol... of grief I shall dio! CHORUS: sia rapita ‘ma in segwirtfi sata ardita Ma — in soguirci sara ard Let's abduct her! But to follow us_ will she be daring’ (Let's abduct her! But will she be daring enough to follow us?) ERNANT mel dutta \ Mel giurd. She swore it to me. CHORUS ‘dugkwe vernremo ‘al —_kastel_ ti segwiremo Dunque —_verremo, al castel_ti seguiremo. Thea we shall come, _to the castle_we will follow you. kwando ‘notte ‘il Yel ‘kopra Quando notte il cielo copra, When night the sky — covers, ww neavr Kompappi —_al'spra Tu ne avrai compagni —_all'opra; You shall have companions for the deed; ‘dati ‘agers ‘dun rivale ti fia skudo ‘onni pu'ppale Dagli eghorsi dun rivalo tifia scudo ogni pugnale, From the armed guards ofa rival may itbe to youashield — overy dagger. (May every one of our daggers bo your shield against the armed guards of your rival.) 184 Ernani, Act 1 _ ernani ‘la ‘wa ‘bella ‘de baniditi ‘fia ‘la ‘stelsla Vieni, Ernani: Le tua bolla do! bandit fia la stolla. Come, Ernani: ‘Your swoothoart of the bandits shall be the star. Come, Ernani, your sweetheart shall be the star of the bandits. saram ‘premio ‘al us vallore ‘le dottfettse detlamor Saran premio al tuo _valore le dolcezze dell'amor. Shall be (a) reward: for your valor the sweetnesses of love. (The many sweetnasses of love shall be the reward for your valor.) ERNANI delie'ziljo “nel dolore ‘and3ol ‘fia konsolator Dell'esilio nel dolore angiol fia consolator. Of the exile in (my) pain angel may she be consoling. (May sho be the consoling angel in the pain of my exile.) ° um ke Talma dora ‘yjen ‘ta ‘mia ‘vi injfjora (Oh tu che Telma ‘adora vien, 1a mia vita —infiora, (Oh you whom my soul adores, come, my life _adom, ‘per ‘noi ‘doppi ‘aliro bene ‘il oko amor te'rra per noi dogni altro bene ‘loco ‘amor terra. for us ofanyother happiness the placo love _will hold. {for us our love will take th place of all othor happiness on earth.) purke ‘sul ‘tus 'bel_—'vizo.vegga lare “il 20 Pureha sul tuo bol viso_vogga brillare il iso Aslongas on your lovely faco Imeysco shining a smile “hi ‘stenti ‘swoi le ‘pene ernani skorde'ra. gli stenti suoi, le pene Emani scorderi.) tho hardships his, the suffering ~—_-Ernani will forget.) {As long as Emneni can seo a smile lighting up your face, Elvira, he will forgot all about his hardships and suffering.) CHORUS, Vieni, Emani, etc. (They all go off towards the castle.) Scene Two A sumptuous room in Silva's castle. (itis night, Elvira is alone.) ELVIRA ‘ua © la ‘notte © silva ‘non ritorna Surta @ — la_—_notte, e Silva non ritorna! Rison has the night, and Silva hasn't returned! Ernani, Act I a ‘non tornasse ei ‘pia kwestadjato ‘vesKo Ah! non tomasse ei pi questo odiato veglio, Ah! if he never retumed... this hated old man, ke ‘kwale immonds —‘spettro ofpnor minsegwe che quale immondo _spottro ognor miinsogue who asa filthy spoctor always pursues me ol favelzlar-——datmore col favollar amore, with talk of love, ‘pju'sempre ernani ‘mi koryfididse in "Kore pit sompro Emani mi configga in core. evor more Ernani implants me in the heart. (ho implants Emani over deoper in my heart.) ernani involami aklabsborsrita amiplessa Emani, involami, all'abborrito amplesso. Emani, steal me away from the heted embrace. futdegams ‘se tek vivere damor Fuggiamo, se teco. vivere, mi sia amor Let us flee, if withyou _ to live, tomebe by love (Let us flee, if love permits me to live with you,) perantri © ande ingspite ‘ti segwira per antri e — lande inospite _ti seguira through caves and barren lands hostile will follow you {and I shell follow you through caves and hostile berren lands.) \ vneden i se'ran) ‘we Ki ‘antri a UnEden di saran quogli anti a AnEden of _—_dolight shall be _thoso caves to (Those caves shall be like a Paradise of delight to mo.) (Many female attendants enter bearing wedding gifts.) 185 konttfes:so concesso, granted, ‘il mio ‘pie CHORUS ‘kwante diberja ‘dsovani ‘te impvidjeran Quante aTboria siovani to invidioran, How many of Iboria's young meidens_—_willl envy you, "ewante ambifjen ‘il, talamo. di silva ke tadora Quante ambirion —il,_—talamo di iva che tadora! How many will covet the nuptial bed of Silva who adores you! ‘kwesti monili ‘splendidi oso ti destina Quosti monili splondidi 10_—_sposo ti dostina, Those jewels splondid the _groom for you has destined, (The groom has promised these splendid jewels to you.) 186 Ernani, Act I ww sembre'rai redsina per ‘dyemme e—behta tu sombrerai regina per gemma © bolta! you will look like a queen with gems and beauty! (Your beauty and your gems will make you look like a queen!) ‘spoza_domeni ‘in dsubilo te cingun salute'ra Sposa doman in giubilo te ognun salutera. Bride tomorrow in jubilation you everyone shall greet. (Everyone tomorrow shall jubilantly greet you as a bride.) ELVIRA. ‘me ‘doltfo il ‘voto in'dyenwo ‘ke ‘il ‘vostro, ‘kor ‘mi fa Ma doleo il voto. ingenuo che il_vostro. = cor_—mi fa. Are swoot tome the wish sincere that your hoert offers me. (The sincere wishes of your hearts are sweet to my ears.) ‘tutto ‘Spretitss: ‘ke dernani ‘nom fa’ a ‘Kwesto ‘kore Tutto sprezzo che. d'Emani_— non favella. a questo core, All Tdospiso that of Enani doesn't speck to. my heart, (Cdespiso all that doosn't speak to my heart of Emani,) ‘nom ‘va ‘dgem:ma_ ‘ke ina'more ‘pos:sa ‘lodjo tramutar a non vba gomma = che inamore —_—possa Todio tramutar ah! thore isn'ta gem that intolovo can hate transform ah! (there are no gems that can transform hate into love, ah!) ‘vola. otemps ee —presta ‘eka 9 istamte Vola, otompo 9 _prosto rece di mia faga il lioto istante, Fly, oh time and quickly bring of my escapey the happy moment, (wish time would fly and quickly bring me the moment of my happy escape,) ‘vola 0 tempo ‘al kore a'mante e supplittsjo —lindudsar vole, tempo, al core amanto 3 supplizio_—_Tindugiar. fly, ohtime, to the heart loving its torture waiting.) (Fly, ob time, waiting is torture for « loving heart.) CHORUS sara spova nonamante ‘se ‘nom ‘mostra dyubilar ‘no Sara sposa, non amante se non mostra giubilar, no. She shall be a wife, unloving if she doesn't show jubilation, no. (They leave, Garlo enters, followed by Giovanna) CARLO fa ‘ke a'me ‘venga e ‘Tost Fache ame venga, © tosto. See thet she comes tome, end _ soon. GIOVANNA. sippor ‘da ‘lungi ‘dsomi_pen'soza oppora Signor, da Iunghi giorni, pensosa ognora, Sire, for many days, lost in thought constantly, Ernani, Act I ‘oppi korisotsjo evita e ‘silva a'ssente ‘ogni consorzio —_ovita; © Silva assente. all company —_— (sho) avoids; and Silva (being) absent. CARLO intends ‘or mobbeldiffi Intendo. or m'obbedisci. Tunderstand. Now obey me. GIOVANNA ‘si Sia, So be it. (She leaves.) CARLO perke etvira rapi ta ‘patfe Porch? Elvira repi la pace Why (has) Elvira robbed the peace of mind (Why has Elvira robbed me of my peace of mind?) ‘mia mia? mine? is tama edilmio potere lamor ‘mio ‘ela norykura To amo, ed il mio _potere, Tamor mio ella non cura, 1 loveher, andmy —_power, mylove she doesn't cere for, edio preferits —mi'veggo. = un_—ne’miko dsurato um maznadjero edio preferito —miveggo — un_—nomico siurato, un masnadiero... andI preferred seo on enemy swom, a bandit... (and I s00 that « sworn onomy, a bendit is preferred by her over me.) ‘kwel ‘kor ‘una ‘sol Volta aykora Quel cor tuna sol volta ancora. That heart let's tampt just one more time. ELVIRA (entering) sire fia ‘ver voi ‘stesiso edakwestora Sire, fia vor voi stesso od a quostiora? Sire, can it be tru, you yourself, and et this hour? CARLO kwi ‘mi trasse amor po'ssente Qui mi trasse amor possento, Here Iwas brought (by) love powerful. ELVIRA ‘nommamate Voi mentite Non m’‘amate. Voi mentite. You don't love me. You are lying 198 Emnani, Act 1 CARLO ‘ke fa'veltt ‘unre ‘nom ‘mente Che favelli? Un re non mente. What are you saying? A king doesn't lie... ELVIRA ‘da kwi‘dunkwe ‘ora partite Da qui dunque ora partite. From here then now leave. CARLO ‘yjeni_'meko Vieni meco. Come with me. ELVIRA ‘tolga Fdidio ‘Tolga Iddio! God forbid! CARLO ‘vjen ‘mi 'segwi "ber vedrai‘kwanltio ‘tami Vion, mi sogui, ben vedrai quantio tami. Come, come with me, you shall see how much love you. ELVIRA e loner EE Yonor mio? And thehonor — mine? CARLO ‘di mia ‘kore conor saat Di mia corte conor sarai. Of my court (the) honor you shall be. (You will bring honor to my court.) ELVIRA 1 Lfesisate No, cossate! No, — stop! CARLO © um mazne'djero ‘fai E unmasnadiero fai And a bandit you meke ELVIRA ‘oppi. ‘kor ~—‘serba um misters Ogni cor — serba un mistero... Every heart harbors a socrot... Emani, Act | 189 CARLO ‘kwel:lo askolta ‘del =mio ‘kor Quello ascolta del mio cor. That listen to from my heart. {Listen to what I have to say from my heart.) ‘da ‘kwel di ‘ke ‘ty veduta ‘bella ‘kome um ‘primo amore Da quel di che tho veduta bella come un primo amore, From that day inwhich Isaw you, lovely asa fizst love, ‘la ‘mia ‘patfe ‘fa perduta ‘tuo fu ‘del ‘kore Ja mia pace fa perduta, tuo fu del core. my poace of mind was _lost, yours was of my heart. ‘edi ct'vira ‘a ‘voti ‘mjei ‘puro amor ‘da te —de’zio Codi, Elvira, a! voi miei; puro amor da to — desi Yield, Elvira, to the wishos mino; pure love from you I desire; a ‘dsoja © ‘wita ‘esiser ‘tu ‘dei ‘del, tuo. emante ‘del tuo re Ah, gioin 0 vita ossor tu dai dol tuoamante, del tuore. Ab, joy and life be you must of — yourlover,’ of your king, (Ah, you must be tho joy and life of this man who loves you, your king.) ELVIRA ‘jer ‘saggwe daragona nelle ‘vee a'me traskorre Fiero sangue d'Aragona nelle vene amo trascorro, Proud blood of Aragon inthe veins in me flows, ‘lo splertdor ‘duna_korona led:d3i ‘al kor ‘nom ‘pwote imi Lo splendor dunn corona lagi alcor non puole _impOrre The splendor of a crown lays toeheart — cannot impose. (Not even the splendor of a crown can impose its laws upon my heart.) aspirar ‘non ‘dedrdso ‘al tron ‘nei favor vakka ‘dun re Aspirar non deggio al_—_trono ndi- favor vogtio dun me. Aspire Tmusn't to the throne nor the favors I wish from a king a lamor ‘vostro o sire e ‘un ‘dono ‘troppo ‘grande Ah, amor vostro, 0 Sire, ® — undono —_troppo grande Ah, the love yours, ohsir, is agift too great o wile perme o vile perme. or worthless forme. (Ah, your love, oh sire, is too great or too worthless « gift for me.) ®The word amante is used here in the sense of "a man who is in love’, rathor than "lover". It should not be construed by the use of the word "lover", that the King has been bi {intimate relation with Elvira ving any sort of 190 Emani, Act 1 CARLO ‘non taskolt> ‘mia sarai ‘yjon mi 'segwi Non tascolto, mia _sarai, vion, mi sogui. Iwon't listen to you, mine you shall be, come, follow me. ELVIRA il te dave ‘nol ratvivizo 1m dove? Nol ravviso. The king where is he? I don't recognize him. CARLO ‘lo saprai Lo saprai. You will find out. ELVIRA (snatching a dagger from the king's side) ‘so ‘ke ‘kwesto ‘basta a ‘moe So che — questo basta a me. Tknow that this is enough for me. ‘mi la'ffate 2 ‘dambo i ‘kore dispe'rata ferira Milesciate, o dambo —il._~—corw_disperata_—_feriro. Leave me, or of both the heart desperato I shall stab, (Leave me, or in desperation I shall stab us both in the heart.) CARLO "9 imje' fidi Ho imiet fii... Thavo my trusted men... ‘ELVIRA. © terrore Oh _ terrore! Oh terror! (mani eppears unexpectedly) ERNANI fra wei ‘fidi io pur kwi sto Fra quoi fidi io pur qui sto, ‘Among those trusted men I also here am. (1am here es one of those trusted men.) CARLO tw ‘se ernani ‘mel ‘ditfe lo zdeppo Tu se Emani! Me! dice lo sdegno You ere Emani! T can tell (by) the scorn ‘ke imyvedenti kwestanima — injvade che in vederti quest'anima invade. that inseoing you my soul invades. (Icen tell by the scom that invades my soul as I see you.) evnani Ernani, Ernani, ara Tu You turbatore turbatore agitator de di of ‘kweste queste those a'um aun ‘mio Yfenno mio conno jmmani, Act I banidito bandito bandit intdenno Vindegno worthless one il il the kontrade contrade... parts... setresti saresti. porduts porduto ata signal from me lost. you'd be. va Va, Go, ite ho dite. 1 fool for you. i spre ti sprezzo, T despise you pietade pictade a ‘utte ‘si desti si dosti, awakens, pria Pria Before that im me me in me Vira the anger loftfezo ‘wo fuggi, o stolto, Toffeso tuo re. flee, oh madmen the offended your king. (Before my anger fully awekens in me, flee, you madman from the king you havo offended.) fudidsi o stalto re ELVIRA (in despair, with the unsheathed dagger in her hands) ; in crudeli, cruel ones, daimor damor of love nom ‘me non me not for me is a ‘penno Pegno token ‘ke varde ‘nel estrema che varde nel core. extreme that__-burns in your heart. (No, you two cruel ones, the extreme anger that bums in your hearts is not a token of love for me.) estrema ‘kore ‘skemno scherno mockery ‘al ‘mondo al mondo openly perke Poreha Why “far 'senno far segno give signs di of ‘di kaza detvira lonore di sua casa, Elvira Vonore? of her house, of Elvira the honor? (Why do you openly mock Elvire's house and honor?) ‘sua ‘sanko S'anco If nother tun ‘gest un gesto gesture ‘Vi slugiga vi sfugga, leaves you, unatttfento un'accento, one word, 192 Ernani, Act I kewl wrafitta kadro ‘al ‘vostro 'pje qui trafitta cadrd al vostro pid. hore stabbed -‘Ishall fall at_—_your feat. (if one more angry word or gesture passes botwoon you, I shall stab myself and fall at your foot.) ‘no kwestalma ‘si ‘fjer> msments No, quest’alma sf fiero momento No, mysoul in suche violent moment ‘no ‘non kolnoffe lamante ned no, non conosce Tamanto neil no, noither recognizes the lover nor _ the ERNANI (to Carlo) ‘me konoffi ‘wdinkwe sapprai Mo conosei? Tu dunque —_—_saprai Do you know wholam? You then must know ‘kon ewal ‘dj tatbcborra il’ mio ‘kore con qual odio tabborra il mio corw; with what hetred you abhors my heart; “beni ‘onori rapito, ‘tw mai Beni, onori rapito tu mhei, Property, _honors robbed you have me, (You have robbed me of my property end honor,) ‘dal wo. ‘moro ‘fu ‘il mio d3enitore dal tuo morto fu il mio genitore. by yours killed was my father. (my fathor wes killed by your fether.) perke lira salkckreska_ ‘ambi amjamo, Perch® Vira saccresca ambi ‘amiamo To meke the anger grow, both of us love “kwesta ‘donna insidjata ‘da ‘te questa donna insidiata dato. this women entrapped by —_you. (To make our anger worse, wo both love tho samo woman, who is being entrapped by you.) ‘in odjensfi eindmor ‘pari 'sjamo In odiarci einamor pari siamo, In hating each other _ and in loving we are similar, ‘yjeni aldugkwe disfidoti ° ‘re Vieni adunque, —_disfidoti e. pree como then, Idofy you oh king... Ernani, Act 1 193 CARLO fudsdsi oo ‘stalio._loffez0 wo re stall va Fuggi 0 stolto. 'offeso tuo re, Stolto! val Flee, oh fool, the offended your king. Fool! go! (Fool! Go! Flee from your offended king!) va pjetade 0 adun'mio Yfenno —_perduto saresti Va, pietade ho dite, © Adunmiocenno perduto —_sarvsti. Go, I pity you. Ata signal from me lost (Go, I pity you. At one signal from me, you would be lost...) you would be... SILVA (entering unexpectedly) ‘ke ‘mail veddsio —nel_—penetral «= pju'sakro. «di 'mia_—madsone Che mai —_veggio! Nel penetral —pitisacro di_—smia__-magione; What 1 In the recess most sacred of my — abode; e589 a'lei ‘ke —‘spoza ‘esiserdowa ‘dun ‘silva presso alei che sposa esserdovra d'un Silva, near her who wife shellbe ofa _ Silva, ‘due sedutzori ia. ‘skorgo due sedutton —io.—_scongo? two seducers 1 find? (Whet do I find in the most sacrod recess of my home! Two soducors near the woman who will soon be my wife!) entrate ola di kavaljeri Entrato, oli, miei fidi cavalieri. Comein, ho there, my _—_ trusted knights. (Knights, servants, Giovanna and cttendants enter.) sia oppun Sia ognun Lot everyone be a detlonta ke. delfonta che of the shame that SILVA (to himself) imfetitfe Infelico! Unheppy! (Unhappy me! And I thought this immaculate lily of a woman was mine!) ‘del “wo ‘krine De tuo rine From your heir testimon ‘del_—_dizonore testimon del disonore, witness of the dishonor, ‘si'reka ‘al ‘suo sippore sireca al suo__signore. isbrought upon your master. © two kredevi ‘si bet e tuo credevi si bel iglio and yours you thought such a lovely lily tra fra among Je “nevi pjomba inverfe Ie nevi piomba —invece the — snows falls instead (Dishonor falls instead from the snow white heir on your head.) im:maks!ato immacolato! immaculate! il dizonor il disonor. dishonor. 194 Emani, Act | a porke Ietade ‘in ‘seno spvin ‘kore ‘ma serbato Ah, porehd Yotade in seno giovin core mba serbato! ‘Ah, why (have) the years in (iy) breast (a) young heart —_in mo presorved! (Ah, why have the years preserved a young heart in my breast!) ‘midovevan ‘i ‘ami almeno far “di “elo agkora il kor Midovean gli anni almeno for di golo ancora il cor. They should the years at least tum to — ico again the heart. (The years should have at least turned my heart to ico.) (To Carlo and Eraani) lofifezo onor sippori nonanidra Loffeso _onor signori, non andra. My offended honor, my lords, unavenged shall not go. (My lords, my offended honor shell not go unavenged.] skudjeri latitsa a‘mme la ‘spada_‘mia Scudier, azza ame, Ia spada._ mia, Squires, the battle axe give me, the sword mine, lantiko ‘silva ‘vwol vendetta = = tosto Lantico Silva vuol vendetta, e tosto.. Old Silva wants revenge, © and soon. imfig "ke ‘um brando —‘vinditfe esta al veAKardo—arfkora Infinchd un brando indice. —resta al vegliardo ancora, Aslonges awoapon avenging remains tothe oldman _still, (As long as the old man still hes his evenging weapon.) sapra linjfamja —terdsere 2 Vint ‘al 'swol keléra sapra Vinfamia —_tergere, © vinto al sual cadral he will know the infamy — to wipe ewe or defeated to the ground ho shall fall! me fa temante il subito "edeppo ‘ke ‘mi divora Me fa tremante —il_—_—_subito sdegno che mi divora, Me makes tremble the sudden = anger that devours me, (Tho sudden anger that is devouring me makes me tromble,) tJerkando ‘sen ‘del ‘perfido le 'man “non tremera cercendo il sen del_—porfido la man_non tremera, searching tho _brecat of tho wicked one my hand will not shake. (but when I soarch for tho breast of the wicked one to kill him, my hand will not tremble.) CHORUS. ‘to ‘zdenpo ‘suo reprimere‘kwel_‘nobil “kor “non sa Lo —sdogno suo reprimere quel nobil cor non sa. Tho angor his hold back that noble heart cannot. (That noble man's heart cannot hold back his anger.) SILVA Infin che un brando, etc. uffite Uscite! Go outside! ERNANI ‘ma sippore Ma, signore... But, sire... SILVA nomundetts Non un detto ovio Not one word when I (Bo silent when | speak...) CARLO sipnor ‘duika Signor Duca... Duke... SILVA faveleran Fevelleran le spade; Will talk the swords; (The swords will telk; now let's go te spade (fo Carlo.) ee tee i vioni, come. ‘per'primo E tu per primo ‘And you firet (And you come out first.) JAGO [entoring with Riccardo) 1 re'gale skudjero ‘don Ernani, Act I 195 parts parlo. speck... uffite 0 wil uscite,o vii. leave, ch cowards... outside, you cowards...) rikeckardo Riccardo. Riccardo, regalo seudiero Don The royal squire, Don SILVA ‘bemy'venga —spetiator di Ben venga, spettator di Welcome, _witness of mia mia my vendetta vendetta, Tevenge. RICCARDO (Kneoling before Carlo) ‘sol fedettade =e = mado «alte Sol fedeltede e¢ omaggio al re _sispotta. Only loyalty and homage —to the king ere due. ELVIRA AND ERNANI io emo solio per te lo tremo, sol’ per te! 1 tremble, —_Telone, for 196 Emani, Act 1 GIOVANNA, SILVA, JAGO, CHORUS 2 tfelo € desis ‘il Oh cielo! — E desso il Oh heaven! He is the RICCARDO smaddso ‘alte Omeggio al_— rol Homage _to the king! CARLO ‘io ‘sono i re Jo sono il ro! 1 am the __ king! (o Riccardo.) ‘vedi ‘kome ‘il ‘wom vexKards or del kor ‘lira de'pone Vedi come il buon veglianio or~— dal cor — Tira depone. See how the good oldman now outof (his) heart the anger casts. ‘to ritoma alla radgone ‘la preventsa del ‘store Lo ritoma alla ragione lapresenza del suo re. It returns him to his reason the presence of his _king. (The presence of his king restores the old man’s reason.) RICCARDO (to Carlo) ‘pju fe'rotfe a silva im ‘petto ‘dei dselozi avivampa ‘il foko Pit feroce a Silvainpetto. —de’_—_gelosi ewampa —il_—‘foco, Fiercer in Silve's breest_ of the jealous ones. buns the fire, (Fiercely burns a jealous man's fire in Silva's breast.) ‘ma delilira ‘or 'prende ‘oko ‘ilrispetto pel. ‘suo te ma dollira or prende loco ilrispetio pel suo re. but ofanger now _ takes place the respect for his king. (but now the respect for his king has taken the place of anger.) SILVA a da'thokcki “urn ‘vel ‘mi ‘kade ‘kred> alp:pena Ah! Daglocchi un vel mi cade! Credo appena _—a’ sensi miei, Ah! From my eyes a-voil is falling! Thardly beliove my senses, sospettiare ‘io ‘nom ‘potei ta preventsa = ‘del ‘mio. Te sospettare io non potroi la presenza = del_—Ss mio.—re,. suspect. —_T couldn't the presence of ~—smy_—iking, (I didn't suspect the prosence of my king.) GIOVANNA, JAGO, CHORUS ‘ben ‘di silva ‘mostra Gl'volto. Ben di Silva mostra il volto Well of Silva shows his faco Emnoni, Act I 197 ‘laspra ‘gwerra ke ‘a ‘nel ‘kore Vaspra guerra che ha nel core, the bitter war that ho wages in his heart, (Silva's face shows the bitter war that he is waging in his heart,) ‘pure ‘frena ‘tal furore: pure oi frena tal furore even though he — rostrains his fury ‘im pre'ventsa ‘dels te in presonza del_—s suo’. inthe presence of _his__king. ERNANI AND ELVIRA ‘jo trem ‘sol te lo tremo ‘sol te. 1 tremble only you. ELVIRA (to Ernani) ua per ‘Sempre © ‘kwesto fern Tua per sempre © questo ferro Yours for ever or this dagger pwosatvanni “dai trans pud— salvarmi dai tiranni! can saveme fromthe _tyrants! ‘me kon}forto neéKi a'ffanni la kostamtsa di mla.fe Me conforto negli affanni la costanza «dis mia y fo Itisacomfort tome in my troubles the constancy of + my faith, (My feith and constancy in my love for you is a comfort to my troubles.) ERNANI (to Elvira) ‘modi elvira {al ‘nwovo ‘sole salpro tort a ‘tanto e'ffanno Modi, Elvira: al nuovo sole sapro torti a tanto affanno. Listen to me, Elvire: at the now sun ‘Twill seve you —_ from so many troubles. ‘ma rezisti ‘al tuo tiranno serba a ernani ‘la tua ‘fe Ma resisti al tuo tiranno, sera. a= Emani la tua £. But resist your tyrant (and) keep for Emani your faith, ‘SILVA Sospottare io non potrei la prosenza del mio re, otc. RICCARDO, CARLO, GIOVANNA, CHORUS Lo ritona alla ragione la presenza dol suo re, otc. JAGO a ‘pure ‘ei frena ‘suo furore ‘im proventsa ‘del ‘suo ‘re. Ah, pure ei frena suo furore in prosenza dol suo rv. Ah, although he holds back his fury in prosence of his _king. 198 Ernani, Act 1 SILVA (to the King, on his knees) ‘mio sippor dotente io ‘sono, Mio signor, dolente io sono. My — Sire, sorry Tam. CARLO ‘sordsi_ amiko to ‘i perdono Sorgi, amico, io ti perdono. Rise, friend, 1 forgive you. SILVA ‘kwesto igkoppits ——serbata Questo incognito serbato... This disguise which you put on... CARLO ben lo'veggo tai Ben lo veggo, tha ingannato. Well [see it, it deceived you. (Garlo now speaks sojily to Silva) ‘monte ‘kolse ayo auigusto Morte colse Yavo eugusto, Death struck my grandfather —_noblo, ‘or ‘si'pensa ‘al suttfessore j or si ponsa al successore. { now they're thinking ofa _—_ successor. (My noble grandfather (Charlomagne) has died. Now they're alroady looking for his succossor.) Jawa fe konosko ell “kore La tua f@ conosco ail core, , Your loyalty [know and your heart, ((.can trust your loyalty and your heart.) vo ikonsitki “dum fe'del vo! iconsigli d'un _fedel. Twant theedvice of —_loyal man. SILVA ‘mi fia cnore ‘onor —su'prema Mi fia onore... onor supremo. I's an honor for m honor supreme. CARLO (aloud, so that all can hear him) ‘se Ui pjatfe ‘itu kastel ‘kwesta ‘notte ok:kuperemo Se ti piace, il tuo castel questa notte occuperemo. Ifit pleases you, your castle_tonight ‘wo shall occupy. (We shall put up at your castle tonight, it if pleases you.) Exnani, Act I 199 ERNANI AND ELVIRA (to themselves) ike ‘mai 'sento Che mai _sonto! What do I hear! CARLO (to Ernani) ‘vo sal'varti (Vo' salvarti (I'm going to save you.) (To Silva, indicating Emnani.) ‘sul moments ‘kwesto ‘fids partira Sul momento questo fido partira. This moment this loyal man shall leave, ELVIRA (to herself) senti ‘il tel di mes pjeta Senti il ciel di me__pieta. Felt’ the heaven of me pity. (Heaven took pity on me) ERNANI (to himself, in a suffocated and terrible voice, staring at Carlo) io tuo ido il sat a tutte tore (lo tuo fido? Dsard a tutte lore {1 your loyalman? [shallbeit at all hours ‘kome ‘spet:tr> ‘ke ‘Yerka vendetta come spettro che corca vendetta; \ as (a) specter who awaits vengeance; dal tuo wstfizo ‘mis ‘padre laspetta dal tuo _ucciso il mio padre l'aspetta; by yours killed my father expects it; {I your loyal man? I chell be that always, like a specter who awaits vengeance. My father, killed by your father expects it.) ‘lombra rata pla'kare satpro Lombra _irata_placaro sapré. The shade irate 1 will placate. (( shall placate the irate ghost of my fathor.) ldo inulto ‘ke 'marde ‘nel ‘kore Lodio inulto cho m'arde nol coro ‘The hate unavenged that burns in my hoert tutta ‘speppere ——alfine patra tutto spegnere _—alfine _potro.) all extinguish _ at last | will be able to.) (C-will be able to at last extinguish ell that hatred that burns in my heart.) 200 Ernani, Act | ELVIRA (softly to Ernani) fuddsi erna ‘ti 'serba ‘al mia amore Fuggi, Ernani ti serba al mio amore, Fleo, Ernani, Keep yourself for my —_ love, fudsdsi kwestaura —_firnesta kwi lo vedi wi onpun ti detesta Fuggi quost'aura funesta; qui, _lo vedi, qui ognun ti detesta. Flee this air deadly here, youseeit, here everyone —_—detests you. ‘va umatttfents—tradire ti pwo Va, unaccento tradire ti pud. Go, one word —_betray you can, (Go, one word from you can be your downfall.) Kkome ‘tuto pos:sjedi il'mis ‘kore a ‘mia ‘fede serbarti sapro Come tutto possiedi —il mio core, la mia fede — serbarti saprd. As all youpossess my earl, my faith keep for you I will (I shall keep my faith to you, just as you totally possess my heart.) ERNANI Lombra irata placare seprd, otc CARLO (io Silva and Riccardo) piu ‘dopyi ‘altro vaiged:d50 fulgore Pia d'ogni altro vagheggio il fulgore More than enything else Ilongfor the splendor di ‘ke ‘splende Vezarea ko'rona di che splende —cosarea’_ corona; of which shines imperial crown; (Moro then anything, I long for the splendor of the shining imperial crown.) se ‘al mio. ‘kapo destino a ‘dona So al mio capo destino Ja dona, If to my head destiny gives it, ‘dessa ‘deppo mostrammi—_sapro dessa degno mostrarmi —saprd. of it worthy show myself I will know how. (if destiny places the imperial crown on my head, I shall know how to show myself worthy of it) Ya klemente dgustitisja —_eil_—_-vatlore Laclemente giustizia eil__—_valore Clement —_ justice end valor “Gosaria rofors to Julius Caosar, emperor of Romo. If this Italian word looks curiously like our English word Caosarian (as in "birth by Cassarian section’) it is because {ts reputed that Julius Caesar was brought into the world by such an obstetric procedure. In this line, however, Carlo is referring to the imperial crown of Chatles V, whom he is about to succeed ¢s emperor, in a later act gE ee a ft Po eee Enani, Act 1 201 meko affendere ‘in tron fate meco ascendere introno —‘fard. withme rise to the throne I shall make. (I shell make clement justice and courage rise to my throne with me.) SILVA, RICCARDO (to Carlo) nel wo —dritto._konyfida © sinnore Nel tuo dritto confida, © _ signore, In your right have trust, oh — sire, (Trust your right, sire.) © ‘dopyraltro ~—“pju ‘santo © pu ‘dyusto a ogni altro pid santo pit giusto, itis of any other most sacred and most _ just, (Of any other right, it is the most just and sacred.) no dsammai_—'sovra ‘kkapo ‘piu autgusto no, giammai —sovra_ capo pid augusto, no, never upon head more noble (Nover have the imporial (Cassaroan) laurels rested upon a more noble head than yours.) P P mai ‘de “tfezari ‘I taurs poz mai de’ —Cosari il lauro_posd. nover of the emperors the _laurel_ rested. (Trust your right, sire. Of any other right, it is the most just and sacred. Never have the imporial (Caesarean) laurels rested upon a more noble head than yours.) i diberja posisjede amore Chi d'lberia possiede —'amore Ss Who oflberia possesses _—_the love ‘kwells tutto ‘del mondo merts quello tutto del mondo mertd. thatmen all. fromthe ~—world deserved. (The man who possesses the love of Spain, deserves everything from the world.) JAGO, CHORUS | Wva in ‘dyole a kandyaty furore Silva in gioia ha cangiato il furore, Silva into joy has changed the (his) fury, ‘uita Ijeta ‘or Si 'Vede kwel:lalma tutta lieta or si vede quell'alma, all happy now one sees _ that soul, (Silva hes changed his fury into joy and one can soo that ho is happy now,) kome ‘im’mare ——_ritoma la ‘kelma come in mare ritorna le calma es tothesca —_returns the calm | kwando ‘lira ‘de vemti_palsso quando Tira do! vonti_ passa. when the fury of the winds has passed. 202 Ernani, Act 1 ja dimora dele ‘nwavo o'nore La dimora del re, nuovo onore The stay ofthe king, new honor al kasteklo di ‘silva_appoita al castello di Silva apporto. to the castle of Silva has brought. GIOVANNA perke ‘mai delile'tade ‘in‘sul ‘fjore Perch? mai dell'etade in sul. fiore, Why ofherege nits flower, perke el'vica zmatrsrita edo'pres:sa percha Elvira smarrita _od oppressa, why (is) Elvira confusod _and oppressed, (Why is Elvira 50 confused and oppressed in the flower of her youth.) ‘dyomo ‘di ‘notise sapepresisa giomo di nozze s'appressa now that tho day of wedding _is nearing non ‘di dgoja ‘un sontizo mostra non di gioia_ un __sorriso mostrd. not of joy a smile che —showod. ben ‘si'vede lindsenw> ‘suo “kore Ben si vedo Vingonuo suo core, Well one can see the inganuous her heart, simular A abfetti ‘nom ‘pwa simular gli affetti non pud. feign the affections cannot. {It is easy to see that Elvira's ingenuious heart cannot simulate (a non-existing) affoction.) ELVIRA (to Ernani) Come tutto possiedi il mio core, etc, ERNANI (to himself) Lodio inulto che m'arde nel core, etc. END OF ACT I Emani, Act IL ACT TWO The Guest ‘A magnificent hall in Don Ruy de Silva's palace, (Heavily framed family portraits of Silva's ancestors, decorated with ducal coronets and coats of arms of Spain's grandees, are seen hanging on the walls.) CHORUS. ezultjam> —_letittsja ‘ne fnondi Esultiamo! —Lotizia no inondi! Let us oxult! Gladness may it fill us! tutto arrida ‘di ‘silva. ‘al —_—kastelo Tutto arida di Silva al —_castollo All smile of Silva the castle; (May everything smile upon Silva's castle:) ‘no ‘di ‘kwesto: ‘mai dgomo 'pju—bel:lo- No, di questo mai giomo pi bello, No, of this never day more lovely, dala talisa do¢jente ——_spunta dalla balza dOriente — spunto. from the cliff of the East. dawned. (A more lovely day hes never dawned from the Eastern cliff.) ‘kwale ‘for ke le aljwole dsokondi Quele fior che le — agjuole giocondi, Asa flower that the flower beds _gladdens, led:dzands ‘dal verdsine _‘sielo olezzando dal vergine stelo, emelling fromthe virgin stem, kui ‘la'terra —vaged:dsa_—edil_—tfelo cui Ia torra vaghesgia ed il cielo which earth adores end heaven e del'vica ‘a ‘rara belt é d'Elvira la vara belta. is of Elvira tho raro_beauty. (Both earth and heaven gazo lovingly at Elvira's rare beauty, which is as a flower that gladdens the flower bed, its fragranco coming from the virgin stem.) ‘tale ‘or stra iekolio adsirato Tale fior sari célto, odorato Such a flower shell bs —_pickod, (and) stmelled dal 'pjubbetlo ee dgentil dal piabello © gentil by the handsomest and most gentle 204 Emani, Act It ‘kora ‘vint fe ‘in © ‘sapere: ch'ora vince in © sapere who now surpasses in (his) and knowledge ‘kwanti ‘un ‘di ‘kol vallore cklisiso quanti un di col valore eclissd. all those (whom) onedey —withhis__—valor_he eclipsed. ‘sia ‘I konmubjo ‘kwal ‘mena beets Sia il connubio, qual merta, beato, May itbe the marriage, as it doserves, blissful, (May the marriage be blissful, as it deserves to be,) e ‘Veto ‘esser'pacsa ‘di ‘prole e lieto osser possa di _prole, end if heppy itcenba —_with offspring, ‘kome fnonda ripetesi il come inonda —_ripetesi il es inthesea is reflected the ‘de parenti ‘absbja sen:no © betta de parenti abbia senno e belt. of (its) parents may ithave wisdom and __ beauty. (and if the marriage is happily blessed with offspring, mey the children inherit their parents’ wisdom and beauty, just as the sun's image is faithfully reflected in the sea.) (Silva enters, luxuriously clad in the garments of a Grandee of Spain, and goes to sit on his ducal throne.) SILVA (to Iago) ‘ago ‘kwitosto ‘il pele'gi Jago, qui tosto il pollegrin Jago, hero immediately the pilgrim (ago, load tho pilgrim in hore at once.) ogo loaves and soon after Ernani appears, disguised as a pilgrim.) ERNANI sorrida ‘il Yelo a Sorrida il ciolo a Mey it smile heaven on (May heaven smile on you.) SILVA lappressa 0 pelilegrin.—_‘kjedi ‘ke = brami Tappressa, o pellegrin, —_chiodi, che brami? Approach. oh pilgrim, ask, what do you wish? “Tho sonso hero is that the childron’s foaturos and qualities will be a reflection of their parents. Emani, Act I 205 ERNANI Kjeg:ga ospitalita Chioggo _ospitalita, Tsook hospitality. SILVA (pointing to his family portraits) Tu ‘sempre ‘sakra “a silva © ‘lo sara Fu sompre sacra a Silva. 0 — lo sari. ITt-was always sacred to the Silvas and it will continue to be. kwal ti ‘sia ‘donde ‘venga ‘is ‘dga seiper ‘nom "vaso Qual tu donde venga io gidsapor —_non voglio. Who you are, where youcomefrom 1 toknow _—_ do not wis aspite mio sei tu ‘manda dio disponi Ospite mio sei tu, timanda Iddio, disponi, Guest mine are you, you're sent by Ged, I am at your service. ERNANI ate sinmor mertfe Ate, signor, morca,* Toyou, sire, my thanks. SILVA ‘non ‘kale wi ‘tospite © sippor Non cale; qui Tospite @ —signor. Its not necessary; here the guest is_—_lord. (Tho partment door opens and Elvira, dressed in arich wedding gown entots, followed by young pages and female attendants.) SILVA (to Emani) ‘vedi ‘la ‘spoza ‘mia sa’pppresisa Vodi? la sposa mia _s'appressa. See? the bride mine approaches. ERNANI spoza Sposa! Bride! SILVA fra wnora Fra un‘ora.. In an hour. (To Elvira.) *The common word in Italian for "thanks" is, of course, grazie. Mercd is a much older word used in poetry. Compare to French morci. ‘non tadornasti non tadornasti, you didn't adorn yourself, (Why didn't you wear the ducal crown and ring, Elvira?) ERNANI ‘spoza ‘tra Sposa! Fra Wife! In *yoKKo voglio 1 wish to SILVA w Tu? You? ERNANI ‘si Si. ‘Yes. ELVIRA (aside) ‘ke intend (Che intendo!) (What do I hear!) SILVA © ‘kwale E quale? And what io it? Ernani, Act Il di dukal_ko'rona, edi ducal corona end with ducal crown etvira Elvira? Elvira? unora un‘ora! en hour! ‘nottse ‘il nozze il wedding the awdunkwe i Adunque di Then of offriet ° offrirti, o offer you, oh duka duca. duke. ERNANI (throwing off his pilgrim's cloak) ‘i ‘kapo ‘mio capo mio, Tho head mins. (My head.) ELVIRA (to horsolf) eksje ‘gam ogli a! Gran Great efnani (Emani (Emani ERNANI ‘oro kwanitoro Ore, quant’ore Gold, es much gold (es) itis! ‘dio Dio!) God!) snnavids 'pwote satsjar puote saziar can satisfy dezio dosio, desire, ‘dono dono sift Emnani, Act I 207 aan 0 atybjatelo —prettso del ‘sangwe imi | a tutti voffro, abbiatelo prezzo del sangue mio. to all__Toffer you, take it. (the) price of the blood mine. (offer you all gold, as much gold as can satisfy any avid desire. Take it, it's the price of my blood.) | mille gwerijer ‘belva ji ‘kani Mille guerrier belva i cani, Athousand werrlors are pursuingme, as, beast the dogs, (1am being pursued by a thousand warriors, as dogs pursue a beast.) sono ‘il —banidita ernani ‘adj 'me'stesso el sono il bandito. —-Ernani, odio mestesso ¢ il Tam the bandit Emnani, Thate myself and this ELVIRA (to herself) aime perde il Ohime, siperde —il_—_—misero, Alas, he's lost, the poor man. SILVA smarrita a ‘la radgone Smarita ha la ragiono. Confused he has tho reason. (His reason has become confused.) ERNANI i'mjei dispersi fuggons ‘vaste sonia. pridgone Imici dispersi _fiuggono, _vostro son'io prigione, \ My men, dispersed, _ aro fleoing, yours 1am _ prisoner, (My men are dispersed in flight and I em your prisoner.) ‘al te 'mi date e ipremjo sl emi date, ° premio... tothe king hand me over, and (the) reward... SILVA fo ‘non sara Jo'dsuro—rimanti wi sikuro Cid__non sara, Jo giuro;rimanti qui sicuro. ‘That won't happen, Tswear it; remain here safely. ‘silva dsammai tradi Silva giammai tradi. Silva never betrayed. (Silva has never betrayed the safety of a guest in his home.) ELVIRA Ohimé, si perde il misero, etc. ERNANI Al re mi date, etc.

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