Car Rental Systemsystem

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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s

Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College Pimpri Pune-18.

Project Report


Submitted in partial fulfillment of T.Y.B.B.A (C.A) Sem-V1
As laid down by the Savitribai Phule Pune University

Under Guidance of

Submitted By
Suraj Tiwari (Roll no-60)
Sanskruti Shinde(Roll no-91)

Seat No.:_______

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s

Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College
Pimpri Pune-18.


This is to certify that Suraj Tiwari and Sanskruti Shinde has successfully completed
the project titled “ONLINE CAR RENTAL SYSTEM” for T.Y.B.B.A(C.A) (Semi-VI) of
Savitribai Phule Pune University for the academic year 2019-2020.

Project Guide Vice-Principal & H.O.D Principal

(Computer Science)

Examiner 1:______________ Examiner 2:______________



Every task goes to completion but matters how it is done and in how much time
it is done and what standard is follows. Since its very short duration project this things
matters lot.

So we would like to sincerely thank all those who have helped us in making
project a success. First of all we would like to offer thanks to Miss.Shibani Kulkrni Sir
who guide us and provided valueable information about PHP Programming and details
of various products, without whom such an interactive project was impossible also for
letting us this great opportunity to test our skills through the creation of our project part
out syllabus.

We express our special thanks to Vice-Principal & H.O.D. Dr.Ranjit Patil and
all staff members of Dr.D.Y.Patil Arts Commerce & Science College Pimpri, Pune who
assist us throughout this project

We finally thanks to all my college staff and my colleagues, for encouraging and
helping me in doing such a big Project. Our sincere thanks go towards the faculty of
our college for their kind co-operation and attention for the creation of this project.

Further, we wish to thank all persons, friends, who knowingly or unknowingly helped
us in completion of this project. If something is left, we are sorry for that.

Thank you every one!


Suraj Tiwari

Sanskruti Shinde


Sr.N Topics Page No.

1 Introduction 7
2 Existing System 9
3 Proposed System 11
4 Fact Finding Techniques 13
5 Feasibility Study 15
5.1 Technical Feasibility -
5.2 Operational Feasibility -
5.3 Economical Feasibility -
6 Operating Environment 17
6.1 Hardware Specification -
6.2 Software Specification -
7 Analysis and Design 18
7.1 ER Diagram 19
7.2 Use case Diagram 20
7.3 Sequence Diagram 21
7.4 Class Diagram 22
7.5 Deployment Diagram 23
7.6 Data Dictionary 24-25
8 Screen Layout 27
8.1 Input Screen -
8.2 Output Screen -
9 Limitations 35
10 Conclusion 37
11 Bibliography 39


We have developed this project to book a car on rent at the fare charges. In

present system all booking work done manually and it takes very hard work to

maintain the information of booking and cars. If you want to find which vehicle is

available for booking then it takes a lot of time. It only makes the process more

difficult and hard. This aim of the project is to automate the work performed in

the car rental management system like generating daily bookings, records of car

or cab available for booking, record of routes available, rental charges for cars for

every rout, store record of the customer.

Car rental management system is a car booking software that provides a

complete solution to all your day-to-day car booking office running needs. This

system helps you to keep the information of Customer online. You can check your

customer information any time by using this system. Online Car rental

management system is an unique and innovative product. Using this you can also

keep the information of number of bookings in current month or in last 6 month

or in last year. This helps you to track your business and you earnings in particular

month or in any year. Based on this information you can take decision regarding

your business development.

This system gives following features to the customers

Registration: in this system user have to become a registered user to become a

tenant car. User have to fill up his contact information like his name, address,
mobile number in the registration form. After submitting the form he get
username and password to login the system.

Date Scheduling: use can select the date of car booking. To book a car on selected
date he have to give pick up place information and drop off place information.

Booking Confirmation by SMS or email: when your car booking is confirmed then
you will get a confirmation message on you given mobile number. In this

message, you will also get the amount that you paid for the booking.

Choose Preferred Route through the application : user can also check the
available routs for his journey and he can select his preferred route from the car
rental system.

You can pay using debit or credit cards or you can also pay by cash for our service.
Our car rental system also provide back up facility to reduce the risk of system
failure or loss of data.

Our system also give facility of panic Button for emergency purpose. This increase
the security of the customer and he can trust on our service.

Our online car rental management system provides a total solution to the field of
auto rental industry. The idea behind the proposed website is to develop a system
that allows customers to rent any vehicle as per their needs on the selected date
for required time and in any of the selected cities.

This service will work 24x7. This system works online so allow anyone to book or
rent a vehicle in a city without any time restriction. This system allows the
customer to board the vehicle at his choice of location, pay for the rental online
and could provide valuable feedback for improvement in services. With the help
of a car rental management system you can maximize the revenue by increasing
your reach to customers. user can also keep the detail of car route. Using car
rental system your customer can view the routs and fare for that routs. It helps
him to take decision of hiring a car for their journey. By using it your customers
will be able to get estimate quotes, see estimated fare summary and make Car
online reservations from your website, with just a few clicks. this system also keep
the information of cancellation and modification of booking in current month.
This facility take the admin control over booking of the car as he can cancel the
car booking if car is not available or there is some issue in booking a particular car
booking. This system also helps the administrator to check the business of the

Our car booking system provide following facilities to out customer

Model details of each vehicle

Maintaining record of every booking history

Feedback mechanism for increasing service quality

Contact Details of every vendor

Online payment option

Price wise search of Cars

Receipt and online voucher generation

Existing System

Existing System

Cool cab Service is an innovative thought to simplify the Transportation problems of

Employees of an organization. In the present System, Organization do maintain a person for the
allocating and proper functioning of transportation .The Person appointed needs to look after
the assigning and movement of cabs.Authorised person maintains the transportation details in
papers, which is a tedious task if any updating or changes need to be done.

i. Details are stored in Papers.

ii. Maintenance is a huge problem.

iii. Updating, changes in details is a tedious task.

iv. Performance is not achieved up to the requirements.

Proposed System

Proposed System

2.2 Proposed System

In the Previous System, Details are Stored Manually in papers, to share

the details between employees was a financial drawback. Updations in the details is a tedious

But a new system was proposed to overcome the above drawbacks.

Functionalities and advantages of proposed system are:

 Data is centralized which has overcome the Sharing problem in previous system.

 As data is maintained electronically, it’s easy for a person to update the details, which
has overcome the tedious updation in previous system.

 Maintenance is easy and performance is good.

Mainly the system has automated the Transportation Process

Fact Finding Techniques

Fact Finding Techniques

Fact-finding techniques are used to gather requirements and information concerning the
business and the industry it participates in.

 Interview technique is used to gather user and client requirements in depth. In addition,
finding out how the current system works from the views of users, and users
expectations from the new system. Also, subjects that require depth information/
knowledge can be discussed by using interview technique such as: budget, management
background and so forth.

 Observation technique is used to observe the business and current system; also to note
down requirement and facts that has not mentioned in the interviews. This is a highly
successful technique, because developers have the chance of experiencing the current
system themselves, not just relying on the words of the users.

 Questionnaire is used to take the views of large number of groups. For the project a
questionnaire was produced regarding on the home delivery service and handed out to
the customers to understand their buying pattern.

 Prototyping and storyboard is the visual technique, which is used to conform the
understanding of the system requirements that users and client required. Also, at the
interface stage is the main techniques to determine the layout and navigation through
windows. In addition the technique has the ability to bring the users and developers
together, which will increase the chances of success.

 Use-case diagram is the description of a particular interaction between the system and
one or more of its users. The role is to show the functionality of the system from the
user perspective. Also, it shows the interaction between tasks and activities. Which is
useful at the stage of conceptual and logical design where entities, attributes and
relationships are identified, then E-R diagram.

Feasibility Study

Feasibility Study

Preliminary investigation examine project feasibility, the likelihood the

system will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study
is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new
modules and debugging old running system. All system is feasible if they are
unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study
portion of the preliminary investigation:

 Technical Feasibility
 Operation Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility

3.1. Technical Feasibility

The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the
investigation includes the following:

 Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?

 Do the proposed equipment’s have the technical capacity to hold the data required to
use the new system?
 Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the
number or location of users?
 Can the system be upgraded if developed?
 Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data
Earlier no system existed to cater to the needs of ‘Secure Infrastructure
Implementation System’. The current system developed is technically feasible. It is a
web based user interface for audit workflow. Thus it provides an easy access to the
users. The database’s purpose is to create, establish and maintain a workflow among
various entities in order to facilitate all concerned users in their various capacities or
roles. Permission to the users would be granted based on the roles specified.

3.2. Operational Feasibility

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information
system. That will meet the organization’s operating requirements. Operational
feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken as an important part of the project
implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the operational
feasibility of a project includes the following: -

 Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?

 Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?
 Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application

This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above-mentioned issues. Beforehand, the
management issues and user requirements have been taken into consideration. So there is no
question of resistance from the users that can undermine the possible application benefits

3.3. Economic Feasibility

A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a
good investment for the organization. In the economic feasibility, the development cost
in creating the system is evaluated against the ultimate benefit derived from the new
systems. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs.

Operating Environment

Operating Environment

1. Software Requirement:

1. Visual Studio

2. XAMMP(Apache,MySQL)

2. Hardware Requirement:

1. Minimum Dual-Core,

2. 2.0 GB memory capacity,

3. 500GB storage capacity hard disk


Analysis and Design

ER Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram:-

Class Diagram

Deployment Diagram

Data Dictionary
Advance Booking Table:-

Booking Table:-

Category Table:-

Customer Table:-

Screen Layout

Home Page:-

About Us:-

Car Listing:-

Contact Us:-

LogIn Page:-

Registrication Page:-

Admin Login:-


Register Users:-
Vehicle information:-
Car In Rent:-




Zap car Services is a Web application and it is restricted to only limited type of users. In this
application ,Different types of managers have been given access rights and they are restricted
up to their functionalities, so that the data is maintained securely and redundant data is
prevented. As the Data is stored electronically, it is necessary to have a Computer and Network
connection to access the Application. Here The Details of Employees and Drivers, cabs are
maintained but accounts to these people are not created. using this application mangers do
assign or update the batch, shift of cars to drivers and employees. But employees are unable to
view their details



Every Edition of a book comes with new topics and modifications if any errors are
present. In the similar way, in near future, our application will overcome the flaws if occurred,
and attains new features offered to employees for the Flexible and easy Transportation.
Following are the Enhancements to the application.

 Providing Good User Interface.

 Providing access permissions to the employees

 Try to Implement the GPS system in the Cabs.


1. Books:

1. Charles Humped (2000) ‘Visual Basic’ University of


2. Herbert Scheldt (2000) ‘Visual Basic 6.0’ Tata McGraw Hill

3. John Bukowski (2000) ‘Visual Basic 6.0’ ‘BPB Publications

4.Jamie Jaworsky ‘Visual Basic 6.0’Techmedia

5.Stefen Denninger ‘Visual Basic 6.0’Author’s Press

6.Ian Somerville ‘Software engineering’

7.Rajeev mall ‘Software engineering’

8.Elmasri Navathe ‘Fundamentals of database systems’

2.Online Reference:




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