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Gay City

A M E R I C A’ S L A R G E S T C I R C U L AT I O N G AY A N D L E S B I A N N E W S P A P E R !


DECEMBER 8-21, 2010
S E R V I N G G A Y, L E S B I A N , B I A N D T R A N S G E N D E R E D N E W Y O R K • W W W . G A Y C I T Y N E W S . C O M


With Tax Deal,

DADT Repeal
Could Move

he December 6 announcement
that President Barack Obama
and congressional Republicans
have reached a deal on extending the
Bush-era tax cuts –– even for the wealth-
iest Americans –– could remove a major
obstacle in the way of the Senate taking
up Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal in its cur-
rent lame duck session.
If sufficient Democratic votes can be
found for the tax agreement –– and that
remains an open question as of press
time, given progressive unhappiness
with the president’s compromise –– sev-


eral weeks would remain for the Sen-
ate to take up what could be a lengthy


Advocates Decry
Homeless Youth Cuts
BY PAUL SCHINDLER that will reduce funding for drop-in cen- away and Homeless Youth established
ters by one-third to one-half and, within in October 2009, charged the cuts “will

coalition of advocacy groups that two years, eliminate dollars for street disproportionately harm LGBTQ youth.”
work with homeless youth in outreach to that population completely. In a city budget of more than $60 bil-
New York City is expressing its In a December 6 letter to Mayor lion, the funds at issue are miniscule.
“concern and alarm” over mid-year bud- Michael Bloomberg and DYCD Commis- The cuts announced total $969,407 in
get cuts, announced over the past two sioner Jeanne Mullgrav, the organiza- fiscal year 2011 and $700,000 in the
HOLLY HUGHES weeks by the city’s Department of Youth
and Community Development (DYCD),
tions, all of whom are members of the
Mayor’s Commission on LGBTQ Run- YOUTH CUTS P. 18
een 5
th an
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14 DAYS Warsaw’s Black Gay Winner

14 NIGHTS Son of a Mauritanian father, Krystian Lezierski is Poland’s first out official
THU.DEC.9 BY DOUG IRELAND March of 2006, the hundreds
of customers inside refused to

n an historic first for the leave, and there began a siege of
Cheering Up Winter country considered the most the club in order to close it that
Joshua Conkel and Megan Hill’s Catholic in Europe, Krystian became a milestone in the his-
“Lonesome Winter,” directed by Meg Lezierski became Poland’s first tory of the gay rights struggle
Sturiano, is a melancholy Christmas com- openly gay elected official when in Poland (see this reporter’s
edy about Winter, a lonely hoarder who he was elected to Warsaw’s City April 6, 2006 article, “A Polish
lives alone with her mean-spirited cat, Council in country-wide munic- Stonewall,” which is linked in
Sparkles. Just when Winter is about to ipal elections on November 21. the online version of this story
throw in the towel, a mysterious stranger Not only is Lezierski, a at
in an adorable skirt suit shows up just in 32-year old lawyer, entrepre- Warsaw began an annual tra-
time to teach Winter how to shine. The neur, gay activist, and Green dition of Gay Pride marches in
show is a hilarious send-up of Cathy Party leader, a well-known fig- 2001, but in 2005, Lech Kac-
comics, Lifetime movies, and Christmas ure in the Warsaw gay commu- zynski, then the city’s mayor,
clichés. Under St. Marks, 94 St. Marks nity, he is also black. banned the event. Two years
Pl., btwn. First Ave. & Ave. A. Thu.- “My father was from Mauri- later, in a landmark ruling,
Sat. 8 p.m., Sun., 2 p.m. through Dec. tania,” Lezierski told Gay City the European Court of Human
19. Tickets are $18, $15 for students & News by telephone from War- Rights in Strasbourg held
seniors at saw, “and came to Poland in the that the ban was illegal under
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ early ’70s to attend a maritime international treaties to which
academy for training to join Poland is a signatory.

Ebenezer en the merchant marine, which is This April, when the annual
Español when he met my mother.” Europride march was held in
Charles Rice-González’s “Los Nutcrack- But the biracial marriage Warsaw, it attracted less than
ers: A Christmas Carajo,” directed by Jorge didn’t last long, and his father 15,000 participants — a sharp
Merced, interweaves two holiday classics, split and returned to Mauritania contrast to the half-million who
“The Nutcracker” and “A Christmas Carol,” (officially, the Islamic Repub- Longtime gay activist and cultural impresario Krystian Lezierski is now Catholic Poland’s first out joined the 2007 event in Madrid,
and creates a queer Latino play about a lic of Mauritania, a country in elected official. the 45,000 who participated in
gay couple who go on a psychedelic trip western North Africa bordered the 2008 Europride in Stock-
through their lives one Christmas Eve. The by Algeria, Senegal, and Mali.) until April of this year, when he alist Law and Justice Party holm, or the 50,000 at 2009
Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance “I haven’t had any contact died in a plane crash, and Jaro- — founded by the Kaczynski Europride in Zurich (which has
(BAAD!), 841 Barretto St., btwn. Gar- with my father since he left slav, who was prime minister in brothers — will have 17 seats, a lesbian mayor).
rison & Lafayette Aves., Hunts Point. Poland,” said Lezierski, who 2006 and 2007. and the left opposition, of which “This year’s Europride here in
Dec. 9-11, 8 p.m. Tickets are $20-$25 at uses his mother’s maiden Lezierski was elected under Lezierski is a part, will have ten Warsaw had only about 13,000 or name. proportional representation as seats. marchers,” Lezierski told Gay
718-842-5223. Lezierski’s victory was all the a Green candidate on a coali- It was only four years ago City News, “and they were all
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ more remarkable because, just tion ticket led by Poland’s Social that the City Council, then led mostly activists. The other Euro-
three years ago, the European Democratic Party from a War- by the Kaczynskis, ordered the prides had lots of people who
The Worst of Times, Parliament in Strasbourg over- saw district he describes as closing of Lezierski’s celebrated came just for fun, but Poland’s
The Best of Times whelmingly passed a resolu- “rather upscale and conserva- nightclub, Le Madame, which reputation for homophobia
Pamela Murphy’s “The C Word” is the tion condemning “the emerging tive.” In the new 60-member began as a gay venue but grew didn’t make it that attractive for
playwright’s journey through breast cancer, climate of racist, xenophobic, City Council, the conservative into a vibrant rainbow gath- just fun-seekers.”
during which she capitalizes on the worst and homophobic intolerance in Civic Platform party of Prime ering place for every sort of Warsaw Europride was pro-
thing that’s ever happened to her. Murphy Poland” under the gay-baiting Minister Donald Tusk will sexual, political, and cultural tected by 2,000 police, who kept
Kaczynski twins — Lech, that have 33 seats, the intensely ferment emerging in Warsaw.
䉴 DEC 9, continued on p.8 nation’s president from 2005 homophobic and ultra-nation- When police raided the club in 䉴 WARSAW, continued on p.36

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INDICATION: REYATAZ is a prescription medicine used in combination with other medicines

to treat people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). REYATAZ has
been studied in a 48-week trial in patients who have taken anti-HIV medicines and a 96-week
trial in patients who have never taken anti-HIV medicines.
REYATAZ does not cure HIV or lower your chance of passing HIV to others.
Do not take REYATAZ if you are taking the following medicines due to potential for Wedn
serious, life-threatening side effects or death: Versed® (midazolam) when taken by mouth, esda y
Halcion® (triazolam), ergot medicines (dihydroergotamine, ergonovine, ergotamine, and
methylergonovine such as Cafergot®, Migranal®, D.H.E. 45®, ergotrate maleate, Methergine®, Ma ry
birthd ’s
and others), Propulsid® (cisapride), or Orap® (pimozide).
Do not take REYATAZ with the following medicines due to potential for serious
side effects: Camptosar® (irinotecan), Crixivan® (indinavir), Mevacor® (lovastatin),
Zocor® (simvastatin), Uroxatral® (alfuzosin), or Revatio® (sildenafil).
Do not take REYATAZ with the following medicines as they may lower the amount of
REYATAZ in your blood, which may lead to increased HIV viral load and resistance to
pa rty
REYATAZ or other anti-HIV medicines: rifampin (also known as Rimactane®, Rifadin®,
Rifater®, or Rifamate®), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)-containing products, or
Viramune® (nevirapine).
Serevent Diskus® (salmeterol) and Advair® (salmeterol with fluticasone) are not recommended

Thursda y
Do not take Vfend® (voriconazole) if you are taking REYATAZ and Norvir® (ritonavir).
The above lists of medicines are not complete. Taking REYATAZ with some other medicines
may require your therapy to be monitored more closely or may require a change in dose
or dose schedule of REYATAZ or the other medicine. Discuss with your healthcare provider all 5:30
C h oi r e
prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamin and herbal supplements, or other health
preparations you are taking or plan to take.

Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, breast-feeding, planning to become
pregnant or breast-feed, or if you have end-stage kidney disease managed with hemodialysis
or severe liver dysfunction.
Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any side effects, symptoms, or conditions,
including the following:
• Mild rash (redness and itching) without other symptoms sometimes occurs in patients taking
REYATAZ, most often in the first few weeks after the medicine is started, and usually goes away
within 2 weeks with no change in treatment. Bu y new
• Severe rash has occurred in a small number of patients taking REYATAZ. This type of rash is
associated with other symptoms that could be serious and potentially cause death. If you
develop a rash with any of the following symptoms, stop using REYATAZ and call
your healthcare provider right away:
for Latish
– Shortness of breath
– General ill-feeling or “flu-like”
– Conjunctivitis (red or inflamed eyes,
like “pink-eye”) a
symptoms – Blisters
– Fever – Mouth sores
– Muscle or joint aches – Swelling of your face
• Yellowing of the skin and/or eyes may occur due to increases in bilirubin levels
in the blood (bilirubin is made by the liver).
• A change in the way your heart beats may occur. You may feel
dizzy or lightheaded. These could be symptoms of a heart problem.
• Diabetes and high blood sugar may occur in patients taking
protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ. Some patients
may need changes in their diabetes medicine.
• If you have liver disease, including hepatitis B or C, it may
get worse when you take anti-HIV medicines like REYATAZ.
• Kidney stones have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ.
Signs or symptoms of kidney stones include pain in your side,
blood in your urine, and pain when you urinate.
• Some patients with hemophilia have increased bleeding problems
with protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ.
• Changes in body fat have been seen in some patients taking anti-HIV medicines.
Fight HIV your way.
The cause and long-term effects are not known at this time.
• Gallbladder disorders (including gallstones and gallbladder inflammation) have been
reported in patients taking REYATAZ.
Other common side effects of REYATAZ taken with other anti-HIV medicines include: nausea;
headache; stomach pain; vomiting; diarrhea; depression; fever; dizziness; trouble sleeping;
numbness, tingling, or burning of hands or feet; and muscle pain.
You should take REYATAZ once daily with food (a meal or snack). Swallow the capsules whole; do
not open the capsules. You should take REYATAZ and your other anti-HIV medicines exactly as
instructed by your healthcare provider.
Please see Important Patient Information
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. about REYATAZ on the adjacent pages.
Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

how you spend your time is up to you.

Individual results may vary.

Once-daily REYATAZ can help fight your HIV.

REYATAZ, a protease inhibitor (PI), in HIV combination therapy:
◆ Can help lower your viral load and raise your T-cell (CD4+ cell) count
Find out if you can save on REYATAZ.
◆ Has a low chance of diarrhea (shown in clinical trials)
Call 1-888-281-8981 or visit
— REYATAZ in combination therapy had a 1%-3% rate of moderate-to-severe diarrhea in adults for details.
◆ Is taken once a day with a snack or meal
Subject to terms and conditions. Restrictions apply.
REYATAZ is one of several treatment options your doctor may consider.
Do not take REYATAZ if you are allergic to REYATAZ or to any of its ingredients.
Ask your healthcare team about REYATAZ
REYATAZ does not cure HIV and has not been shown to reduce the risk of passing HIV to others.

REYATAZ is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
and not of Bristol-Myers Squibb.
© 2010 Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ 08543 U.S.A.
687US10AB06412 06/10

FDA-Approved Patient Labeling REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate)

Patient Information
How should I take REYATAZ?
REYATAZ® (RAY-ah-taz) t Take REYATAZ once every day exactly as instructed by your healthcare
(generic name = atazanavir sulfate) provider. Your healthcare provider will prescribe the amount of REYATAZ
Capsules that is right for you.
ALERT: Find out about medicines that should NOT be taken with REYATAZ. is 300 mg once daily with 100 mg of NORVIR® (ritonavir) once daily
Read the section “What important information should I know about taking REYATAZ taken with food. For adults who are unable to tolerate ritonavir, 400 mg
with other medicines?” (two 200-mg capsules) once daily (without NORVIR®) taken with food
Read the Patient Information that comes with REYATAZ before you start using it is recommended.
and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This leaflet provides  t 'PSBEVMUTXIPIBWFUBLFOBOUJ)*7NFEJDJOFTJOUIFQBTU UIFVTVBM
a summary about REYATAZ and does not include everything there is to know dose is 300 mg plus 100 mg of NORVIR® (ritonavir) once daily taken
about your medicine. This information does not take the place of talking with your with food.
healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. t :PVS EPTF XJMM EFQFOE PO ZPVS MJWFS GVODUJPO BOE PO UIF PUIFS BOUJ)*7
What is REYATAZ? medicines that you are taking. REYATAZ is always used with other anti-HIV
REYATAZ is a prescription medicine used with other anti-HIV medicines to treat medicines. If you are taking REYATAZ with SUSTIVA® (efavirenz) or with
people who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the VIREAD® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate), you should also be taking NORVIR®
virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). REYATAZ is a (ritonavir).
type of anti-HIV medicine called a protease inhibitor. HIV infection destroys CD4+ t Always take REYATAZ with food (a meal or snack) to help it work better.
(T) cells, which are important to the immune system. The immune system helps Swallow the capsules whole. Do not open the capsules. Take REYATAZ at
fight infection. After a large number of (T) cells are destroyed, AIDS develops. the same time each day.
REYATAZ helps to block HIV protease, an enzyme that is needed for the HIV t If you are taking antacids or didanosine (VIDEX® or VIDEX® EC), take
virus to multiply. REYATAZ may lower the amount of HIV in your blood, help your REYATAZ 2 hours before or 1 hour after these medicines.
body keep its supply of CD4+ (T) cells, and reduce the risk of death and illness
associated with HIV. t If you are taking medicines for indigestion, heartburn, or ulcers
such as AXID® (nizatidine), PEPCID AC® (famotidine), TAGAMET®
Does REYATAZ cure HIV or AIDS? (cimetidine), ZANTAC® (ranitidine), AcipHex® (rabeprazole), NEXIUM®
REYATAZ does not cure HIV infection or AIDS. At present there is no cure for (esomeprazole), PREVACID® (lansoprazole), PRILOSEC® (omeprazole),
HIV infection. People taking REYATAZ may still get opportunistic infections or other or PROTONIX® (pantoprazole), talk to your healthcare provider.
conditions that happen with HIV infection. Opportunistic infections are infections t D  o not change your dose or stop taking REYATAZ without first talking
that develop because the immune system is weak. Some of these conditions are with your healthcare provider. It is important to stay under a healthcare
pneumonia, herpes virus infections, and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) provider’s care while taking REYATAZ.
infections. It is very important that you see your healthcare provider regularly
while taking REYATAZ. t W  hen your supply of REYATAZ starts to run low, get more from your
healthcare provider or pharmacy. It is important not to run out of REYATAZ.
REYATAZ does not lower your chance of passing HIV to other people through The amount of HIV in your blood may increase if the medicine is stopped for
sexual contact, sharing needles, or being exposed to your blood. For your even a short time.
health and the health of others, it is important to always practice safer sex by
using a latex or polyurethane condom or other barrier to lower the chance of sexual t If you miss a dose of REYATAZ, take it as soon as possible and then take
contact with semen, vaginal secretions, or blood. Never use or share dirty needles. your next scheduled dose at its regular time. If, however, it is within 6 hours
of your next dose, do not take the missed dose. Wait and take the next dose
Who should not take REYATAZ? at the regular time. Do not double the next dose. It is important that you
Do not take REYATAZ if you: do not miss any doses of REYATAZ or your other anti-HIV medicines.
t a re taking certain medicines. (See “What important information should I t If you take more than the prescribed dose of REYATAZ, call your
know about taking REYATAZ with other medicines?”) Serious life-threatening healthcare provider or poison control center right away.
side effects or death may happen. Before you take REYATAZ, tell your Can children take REYATAZ?
healthcare provider about all medicines you are taking or planning to take. Dosing recommendations are available for children 6 years of age and older for
These include other prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, REYATAZ Capsules. Dosing recommendations are not available for children from
and herbal supplements. 3 months to less than 6 years of age. REYATAZ should not be used in babies under
t a re allergic to REYATAZ or to any of its ingredients. The active ingredient the age of 3 months.
is atazanavir sulfate. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of
ingredients in REYATAZ. Tell your healthcare provider if you think you have What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?
had an allergic reaction to any of these ingredients. The following list of side effects is not complete. Report any new or continuing
symptoms to your healthcare provider. If you have questions about side effects,
What should I tell my healthcare provider before I take REYATAZ? ask your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider may be able to help you
Tell your healthcare provider: manage these side effects.
t If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if The following side effects have been reported with REYATAZ:
REYATAZ can harm your unborn baby. Pregnant women have experienced t mild rash (redness and itching) without other symptoms sometimes occurs
serious side effects when taking REYATAZ with other HIV medicines called in patients taking REYATAZ, most often in the first few weeks after the
nucleoside analogues. You and your healthcare provider will need to decide medicine is started. Rashes usually go away within 2 weeks with no change
if REYATAZ is right for you. If you use REYATAZ while you are pregnant, talk in treatment. Tell your healthcare provider if rash occurs.
to your healthcare provider about the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry. t s evere rash: In a small number of patients, a rash can develop that is
t If you are breast-feeding. You should not breast-feed if you are HIV-positive associated with other symptoms which could be serious and potentially
because of the chance of passing HIV to your baby. Also, it is not known if cause death.
REYATAZ can pass into your breast milk and if it can harm your baby. If you If you develop a rash with any of the following symptoms stop using
are a woman who has or will have a baby, talk with your healthcare provider REYATAZ and call your healthcare provider right away:
about the best way to feed your baby.  t TIPSUOFTTPGCSFBUI
t If you have liver problems or are infected with the hepatitis B or C virus.  t HFOFSBMJMMGFFMJOHPSiGMVMJLFwTZNQUPNT
See “What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?”  t GFWFS
t If you have end stage kidney disease managed with hemodialysis.  t NVTDMFPSKPJOUBDIFT
t If you have diabetes. See “What are the possible side effects of REYATAZ?”  t DPOKVODUJWJUJT SFEPSJOGMBNFEFZFT MJLFiQJOLFZFw

t If you have hemophilia. See “What are the possible side effects of  t CMJTUFST
t  bout all the medicines you take including prescription and nonprescription
medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Keep a list of your medicines t y ellowing of the skin or eyes. These effects may be due to increases
with you to show your healthcare provider. For more information, see “What in bilirubin levels in the blood (bilirubin is made by the liver). Call your
important information should I know about taking REYATAZ with other healthcare provider if your skin or the white part of your eyes turn yellow.
medicines?” and “Who should not take REYATAZ?” Some medicines can Although these effects may not be damaging to your liver, skin, or eyes, it is
cause serious side effects if taken with REYATAZ. important to tell your healthcare provider promptly if they occur.

REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate) REYATAZ® (atazanavir sulfate)

t a change in the way your heart beats (heart rhythm change). Call your t  FEJDJOFTGPSBCOPSNBMIFBSUSIZUIN$03%"30/&® (amiodarone), lidocaine,
healthcare provider right away if you get dizzy or lightheaded. These could quinidine (also known as CARDIOQUIN® 26*/*%&9®, and others).
be symptoms of a heart problem. t .:$0#65*/® (rifabutin, an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis).
t d iabetes and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) sometimes happen in t #613&/&9®  46#65&9®  46#090/&®, (buprenorphine or buprenorphine/
patients taking protease inhibitor medicines like REYATAZ. Some patients naloxone, used to treat pain and addiction to narcotic painkillers).
had diabetes before taking protease inhibitors while others did not. Some t 7"4$03® (bepridil, used for chest pain).
patients may need changes in their diabetes medicine. t $06."%*/® (warfarin).
t if you have liver disease including hepatitis B or C, your liver disease may t 5SJDZDMJD BOUJEFQSFTTBOUT TVDI BT &-"7*-® (amitriptyline), NORPRAMIN®
get worse when you take anti-HIV medicines like REYATAZ. (desipramine), SINEQUAN® (doxepin), SURMONTIL® (trimipramine),
t k idney stones have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ. If you TOFRANIL® (imipramine), or VIVACTIL® (protriptyline).
develop signs or symptoms of kidney stones (pain in your side, blood in your t .FEJDJOFTUPQSFWFOUPSHBOUSBOTQMBOUSFKFDUJPO4"/%*..6/&® or NEORAL®
urine, pain when you urinate) tell your healthcare provider promptly. (cyclosporin), RAPAMUNE® (sirolimus), or PROGRAF® (tacrolimus).
t s ome patients with hemophilia have increased bleeding problems with t 5IFBOUJEFQSFTTBOUUSB[PEPOF %&4:3&-® and others).
protease inhibitors like REYATAZ. t 'MVUJDBTPOFQSPQJPOBUF '-0/"4&®, FLOVENT®), given by nose or inhaled to
t c hanges in body fat. These changes may include an increased amount of treat allergic symptoms or asthma. Your doctor may choose not to keep you
fat in the upper back and neck (“buffalo hump”), breast, and around the on fluticasone, especially if you are also taking NORVIR®.
trunk. Loss of fat from the legs, arms, and face may also happen. The cause t $PMDIJDJOF $0-$3:4®), used to prevent or treat gout or treat familial
and long-term health effects of these conditions are not known at this time. Mediterranean fever.
Other common side effects of REYATAZ taken with other anti-HIV medicines
include nausea; headache; stomach pain; vomiting; diarrhea; depression; fever; The following medicines may require a change in the dose or dose schedule
dizziness; trouble sleeping; numbness, tingling, or burning of hands or feet; and of either REYATAZ or the other medicine:
muscle pain. t */7*3"4&® (saquinavir).
Gallbladder disorders (which may include gallstones and gallbladder t /037*3® (ritonavir).
inflammation) have been reported in patients taking REYATAZ. t 4645*7"® (efavirenz).
What important information should I know about taking REYATAZ with other t "OUBDJETPSCVGGFSFENFEJDJOFT
medicines? t 7*%&9® (didanosine).
Do not take REYATAZ if you take the following medicines (not all brands may t 7*3&"%® (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate).
be listed; tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take). t .:$0#65*/® (rifabutin).
REYATAZ may cause serious, life-threatening side effects or death when t $BMDJVN DIBOOFM CMPDLFST TVDI BT $"3%*;&.® or TIAZAC® (diltiazem),
used with these medicines. COVERA-HS® or ISOPTIN SR® (verapamil) and others.
methylergonovine such as CAFERGOT®, MIGRANAL®, D.H.E. 45®, ergotrate t .FEJDJOFT GPS JOEJHFTUJPO  IFBSUCVSO  PS VMDFST TVDI BT "9*%® (nizatidine),
maleate, METHERGINE®, and others (used for migraine headaches). PEPCID AC® (famotidine), TAGAMET® (cimetidine), or ZANTAC® (ranitidine).
t 03"1® (pimozide, used for Tourette’s disorder). Talk to your healthcare provider about choosing an effective method of
t 13016-4*%® (cisapride, used for certain stomach problems). contraception. REYATAZ may affect the safety and effectiveness of hormonal
t 5SJB[PMBN BMTPLOPXOBT)"-$*0/® (used for insomnia). contraceptives such as birth control pills or the contraceptive patch. Hormonal
t .JEB[PMBN  BMTP LOPXO BT 7&34&%® (used for sedation), when taken by contraceptives do not prevent the spread of HIV to others.
mouth. Remember:
Do not take the following medicines with REYATAZ because of possible 1. Know all the medicines you take.
serious side effects: 2. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take.
t $".1504"3® (irinotecan, used for cancer). 3. Do not start a new medicine without talking to your healthcare provider.
 #PUI 3&:"5"; BOE $3*9*7"/ How should I store REYATAZ?
sometimes cause increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.

t Cholesterol-lowering medicines MEVACOR® (lovastatin) or ZOCOR® (simvastatin). Do not store this medicine in a damp place such as a bathroom medicine
t 6309"53"-® (alfuzosin, used to treat benign enlargement of the prostate). cabinet or near the kitchen sink.
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used for tuberculosis). General information about REYATAZ
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used to treat asthma, emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Medicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in
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treat erectile dysfunction. REYATAZ may increase the chances of serious 7*%&9® and REYATAZ® are registered trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb
side effects that can happen with CIALIS, LEVITRA, or VIAGRA. Do not use Company. COUMADIN® and SUSTIVA® are registered trademarks of Bristol-Myers
healthcare provider tells you it is okay. and Company. Other brands listed are the trademarks of their respective owners
t "%$*3$"® (tadalafil) or TRACLEER® (bosentan), used to treat pulmonary and are not trademarks of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.
arterial hypertension.
t -*1*503® (atorvastatin) or CRESTOR® (rosuvastatin). There is an increased 1SJODFUPO /+64"
chance of serious side effects if you take REYATAZ with this cholesterol-
lowering medicine. 1246226A7 F1-B0001B-04-10 Rev April 2010
8 - 21 DEC 2010

8/ Legal
Appeals Panel Hears Prop 8 14 DAYS
Issues of standing and merit weighed in strong pro-equality showing 14 NIGHTS
BY ARTHUR S. LEONARD 䉴 DEC 9, from p.3

three-judge panel of the creates a series of characters, includ-
US Court of Appeals for ing several versions of herself. Rebecca
the 9th Circuit, in San Drysdale directs. Upright Citizens Bri-
Francisco, heard oral argu- gade Theatre, 307 W. 26th St. Dec. 9
ments on December 6 on an & 27, 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 at 212-366-
attempt by the Proponents of 9176 or


California Proposition 8 and the ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Deputy Clerk of Imperial Coun-
ty to appeal US District Judge PERFORMANCE
Vaughn R. Walker’s August 4 Simply Boobra
ruling striking down the 2008 Emcee Sweetie hosts Dirty Mar-
voter initiative. tini, Taylor Mac, Darlinda Just Darlinda,
Perry v. Schwarzenegger orig- Clams Casino, and Viva DeConcini and her
inated in early 2009, during the incredible seven-piece band in a burlesque
same week that the California tribute to Barbra Streisand. Joe’s Pub,
Supreme Court— which in May inside the Public Theater, 425 Lafay-
2008 found a constitutional David Boies (center) and Ted Olson (right), with New York Times reporter Adam Liptak at a March 10 forum on Prop 8 at the newspaper’s Mid- ette St., btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor Pl.
right to marriage by same-sex town headquarters Dec. 9, 11:30 p.m. Tickets are $12 at joes-
couples — ruled that Prop 8 had or 212-967-7555, or $15 at the
been validly enacted under state The Proposition 8 proponents would obviously have standing education at Brigham Young door. For table reservations, guaranteeing
law. The American Foundation were represented by Charles to defend a state constitutional University, and the anti-gay a seat, call 212-539-8778. Table service
for Equal Rights filed its lawsuit Cooper, a skilled appellate provision. National Organization for Mar- includes a two-drink or $12 food minimum.
in the US District Court for the attorney and long-time friend Neither the Proponents nor riage launched a concerted ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Northern District of California, of Olson’s. However, the defen- the Imperial County Deputy effort to discredit Reinhardt,
arguing that the voter initia- dants presented only two expert Clerk’s office, Boies and Olson whose wife has served as exec- DANCE
tive violated the 14th Amend- witnesses, whose testimony in argued, enjoy such standing. utive director of the ACLU of New Steps
ment of the US Constitution, a the end proved more helpful to Walker denied the motion for Southern California. Dance Theater Workshop presents its
proposition accepted by Walker the plaintiffs than their side. a stay, commenting that the In addressing the standing “Fresh Tracks Performance Showcase,”
after a lengthy period of pre-trial Walker also allowed the City Boies-Olson argument about issue, attorney Cooper faced featuring emerging artists Lindsay Clark,
discovery and a trial that heard of San Francisco to intervene on the standing of the Proponents the difficult task of persuad- Yve Laris Cohen, Marjani Forte, Rebecca
from numerous witnesses for behalf of the plaintiffs. Therese and Imperial County was plau- ing the panel that this case was Patek, Tatyana Tenenbaum, and Mei
the plaintiffs. Stewart, a city appellate attor- sible, based on a US Supreme distinguishable from the Ari- Yamanaka. DTW’s Bessie Schönberg
The plaintiffs, two same-sex ney, represented San Francisco, Court ruling that cast doubt on zona case and others in which Theater, 219 W. 19th St. Dec. 9-11,
couples who attempted to wed as she had in the original mar- the Article III standing of pro- the Supreme Court questioned 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20, $15 for stu-
after the marriage ban took riage litigation. ponents of an Arizona English or denied the standing of non- dents & seniors at dancetheaterwork-
effect, are represented by two of As soon as Walker issued his language constitutional amend- governmental parties to defend or 212-924-0077.
the leading appellate attorneys order nullifying Prop 8, its Pro- ment to appeal a trial court rul- a state law against a constitu- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
in the US, Ted Olson and David ponents sought a stay pend- ing on its constitutionality after tional challenge.
Boies, who had clashed in the ing appeal. In response, Boies the state government defen- He argued that while Justice CABARET
Supreme Court in 2000 as rep- and Olson argued that under dants declined to appeal. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing Feinstein at Home
resentatives of George W. Bush Supreme Court precedents A 9th Circuit panel overruled for the Supreme Court, noted for the Holidays
and Al Gore, respectively, in based on Article III of the Con- Walker on the stay, but directed that the Arizona amendment Michael Feinstein, who has long car-
their court battle over the presi- stitution, federal lawsuits must the parties seeking to appeal to proponents failed to present ried the torch for the Great American
dency. involve an actual “case or con- address the question of stand- any evidence they were autho- Songbook, presents “Swing in the Holi-
Though Governor Arnold troversy” and those bringing ing. rized under state law to defend days,” a collection of seasonal favorites,
Schwarzenegger and Attorney actions in court must have a The 9th Circuit panel that that measure in court, the Prop classic standards, and songs that pay
General Jerry Brown, now Cali- “personal, concrete, and partic- heard argument on December 8 Proponents had in effect been tribute to Broadway legend Jerry Herman,
fornia’s governor -elect, were ularized injury” at stake. 6 was presided over by Judge recognized by the California who celebrates his 80th birthday in 2011.
named as defendants in the Their clients had standing to Stephen Reinhardt, who was Supreme Court as proper par- Feinstein’s longtime musical director John
case, neither chose to argue bring their suit, the two attor- appointed to the court by Presi- ties to defend it. Cooper also Oddo leads a 12-piece band. Feinstein’s
for Prop 8. Both had opposed neys argued, because their right dent Jimmy Carter. The other pointed to a New Jersey case at Loews Regency, 540 Park Ave. at
the measure, and Brown had to marry, previously recognized two on the panel were Judge in which the leaders of the Leg- 61st St. Tue.-Thu., 8:30 p.m.; Fri. & Sat.,
questioned its constitutionality by the Califor nia Supreme Michael Hawkins, an appointee islature were allowed to defend 8 & 10:30 p.m. (and two shows on Dec.
when the State Supreme Court Court, had been unconstitu- of President Bill Clinton, and a state law on appeal after the 30 & 30; only one show on Dec. 25 &
reviewed the initiative in early tionally terminated by Prop 8. Judge N. Randy Smith, named named governmental defen- 25, and a Mon. show, 8:30 p.m. on Dec.
2009. At the appellate level, the ques- to the bench by President dants declined to do so. 27). The cover charge is $95-$250, with
Judge Walker had allowed tion is whether the party who George W. Bush. Reinhardt is Boies was effective in coun- a $40 food and drink minimum (a small
Prop 8’s official Proponents to is appealing the trial court’s generally regarded as a liberal, tering these arguments, point- number of seats are available with a $40
intervene in the case in order ruling has the same Article and Hawkins usually falls in ing out that standing under Cal- cover, and no minimum). For reservations,
that the statute be defended at III standing. The governor or that camp as well, while Smith ifornia law and the federal Con- visit or call
trial, but he denied a motion by attorney general, sued in their is a conservative. stitution are distinct questions, 212-339-4095.
Imperial County to intervene as official capacities as represen- There was some chatter on
a governmental defendant. tatives of the state government, the blogosphere about Smith’s 䉴 PROP 8, continued on p.9 䉴 14 DAYS, continued on p.14

䉴 PROP 8, from p.8 The Supreme Court has never spe-

cifically overruled Baker, and Cooper
and that the Proponents of Proposition 8 argued the 9th Circuit panel was bound
could show no personal, concrete injury to follow it and that Judge Walker erred
as required by the high court. by refusing to do so. He also argued that
Smith asked whether under Boies’ earlier rulings by the 9th Circuit made
argument the governor and attorney clear that discrimination based on sex-
general, opposed to an initiative enact- ual orientation was subject to the least
ed by voters, in effect were able to veto demanding level of judicial scrutiny —
it by declining to defend it in the fed- which required that the government
eral courts. He insisted the only honest provide only a rational explanation for
answer to this question was “yes,” and differential treatment of gay and lesbian
that such a situation was inconsistent people. The state’s interest in preserving
with the California Constitution’s provi- traditional different-sex marriage for its
sion authorizing ballot initiatives. Boies procreative purpose was sufficient, Coo-
conceded that might be so, but empha- per maintained.
sized that the relevant question was Arti- Cooper was pressed on why, since
cle III standing, not the California Con- California’s domestic partnership law
stitution. already provides the state law rights of
For his part, Cooper could not come up marriage to same-sex couples, the next
with anything more persuasive than the rational step was not using the same
New Jersey case, in which those granted word to identify their relationships? He
the right to appeal were high government insisted that the word marriage itself
officials, not private parties. is “identical to the institution” and that
Attorney Robert Tyler, appearing on the state’s purpose justified making the
behalf of the Imperial County Deputy verbal distinction. He also trotted out
Clerk, faced a barrage of questions about the odd “accidental procreation” argu-

Olson argued that Proposition 8 effectively

built a constitutional fence around marriage,
excluding gay people and nobody else.

why the County Clerk was not appear- ment — that heterosexuals need mar-
ing on the appeal, and whether the riage to steer unexpected children into
Deputy Clerk was an appropriate party stable homes — which, despite its illogic,
to represent the county, much less the has appealed to several state high courts
state, in defending a state constitutional around the nation, including New York’s,
amendment. All three judges appeared that have rejected same-sex marriage
very skeptical about the Deputy Clerk’s claims.
standing, noting that her function was In their questions and facial expres-
merely to issue licenses created by the sions, Reinhardt and Hawkins appeared
state government. unpersuaded by Cooper. Judges occa-
Once the standing arguments were sionally play devil’s advocate during oral
completed, the panel turned to the mer- arguments, but the two judges’ skep-
its of the case, which was what most ticism was at times striking, as was on
viewers of the proceedings’ webcast were occasion even Smith’s.
no doubt waiting for. Ted Olson argued on behalf of the
Cooper led off again. The appellants’ plaintiffs, and did a very effective job
case rests heavily on the Supreme of demolishing Cooper’s arguments.
Court’s 1972 action in dismissing an He maintained that California voters
appeal from a Minnesota court ruling in engraved discrimination on the basis
Baker v. Nelson. There, a gay male cou- of sex and sexual orientation into their
ple had sued the state over denial of a fundamental governmental charter by
marriage license, and the State Supreme passing Proposition 8, in violation of two
Court ruled there was no constitutional key US Supreme Court rulings, Reitman
violation. When the couple turned to the v. Mulkey and Romer v. Evans — both
US Supreme Court, the appeal was dis- cases involving state initiatives that took
missed “for want of substantial federal away rights previously conferred through
question.” state law and replaced them with dis-
Technically, this was a ruling on the criminatory constitutional amendments.
merits. The plaintiffs had argued the The high court struck down the amend-
right to marry was fundamental and that ments as violations of the 14th Amend-
its denial on grounds of sex and sexual ment in both cases.
orientation violated both the Due Pro- In Reitman, California voters dis-
cess and Equal Protection Clauses of the satisfied with state laws banning racial
14th Amendment. The couple relied on discrimination in housing placed an
the high court’s 1967 ruling in Loving v. amendment in the State Constitution
Virginia that a state ban on interracial
marriage was unconstitutional. 䉴 PROP 8, continued on p.23


GOP Wins State

Senate Bragging
With three disputed races settled,
Democrats lose two-year majority

ive weeks after the conclusion
of an unusually spirited election
contest for control of the New York
State Senate, it is now a virtual certain-
ty that Republicans will enjoy a 32-30
majority in that chamber, regaining con-
trol of a body they led for more than 40
years until the 2008 elections.
Three contests that had remained
undecided have now largely been settled.
In Westchester County, veteran Demo-
cratic lawmaker Suzi Oppenheimer held
on to her seat, while in Buffalo, Demo-


cratic incumbent Antoine Thompson
conceded defeat to Mark J. Grisanti, a
Republican. On Long Island on Decem-
ber 4, Democratic incumbent Craig Dean Skelos, the incoming State Senate majority leader, at
Johnson was dealt what was likely a fatal a Log Cabin Republican event in Manhattan on October 12.
blow when a judge rejected his request
that ballots be recounted by hand in a victory in the current Senate, was none-
race where he trailed Republican Jack theless bottled up in the Judiciary Com-
Martins by more than 450 votes. Though mittee at a June hearing.
Democrats vowed an appeal, most Despite the Republicans’ unani-
observers see the Republican majority as mous opposition to marriage equality
a fait accompli. and their hand in scuttling GENDA in
Leading up to the 2008 contest, Dem- committee as well, advocates working
ocrats argued that their winning con- in Albany, across the board, insisted
trol of the Senate offered the only real- that progress was possible in 2011 —at
istic chance for the LGBT community least on the marriage issue. Several of
to achieve its major goals — enactment those advocates pointed specifically to
of marriage equality, transgender civil comments made by Senate Republican
rights, and public school anti-bullying leader Dean Skelos, of Long Island, at
legislation. Senate Republican leader- an October 12 Log Cabin Republican
ship at that time opposed action on any event in Manhattan, indicating his view
of those measures. that his conference should discuss
During the two years of Democratic bringing gay marriage to another vote
leadership, however, the community was on the floor.

SCREEN GEMS PRESENTS A DE LINE PICTURES PRODUCTION A FILM BY STEVEN ANTIN successful on only one of the three prior- “We need to do what we’ve always

ities — passage of the Dignity for All Stu- needed to do — to reach out to Repub-
dents Act, which beginning in 2012 will licans,” said Jeffrey Friedman, a Long

provide protections from school bullying Islander who directs the political action
and violence motivated by a number of committee established this year by the

MUSIC EXECUTIVE PRODUCED specific categories, including sexual ori- grassroots group Marriage Equality New
entation and gender identity. The mea- York. “We need to work hand in hand


WRITTEN AND sure is the first codification of gender with the Republican leadership, and I
identity in New York law. think we can. I met last week with Sena-
Advocates for marriage equality suf- tor Skelos, and he recommitted to going
fered a stinging setback last December back to his conference on the issue. He
2ND AVE. & 32ND ST.
when that bill went down to a 38-24 won’t stand in the way, like the previous
1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #775 1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #2708 777-FILM #597 1-888-AMC4FUN defeat, with eight Democrats joining Republican leaders have.”
LISTINGS FOR 64TH AND 2ND ORPHEUM 7 WEST 34TH STREET 14 BATTERY PARK STADIUM 11 AND AT every Republican in opposition. The Gen- Brian Ellner, who since early summer
SHOWTIMES 800-FANDANGO #626 1-888-AMC4FUN 1-888-AMC4FUN 800-FANDANGO #629 NEAR YOU der Expression Non-Discrimination Act has headed up the marriage equality
(GENDA), which enjoyed the public sup-
port of nearly enough senators to ensure 䉴 GOP, continued on p.11

䉴 GOP, from p.10 Five senators first elected this year — José Peralta, must be allowed to vote their conscience, as opposed
Michael Gianaris, and Tony Avella in Queens, David to taking orders from the leadership or a majority of the
push by the Washington-based Human Rights Cam- Carlucci in Rockland County, and Tim Kennedy in conference. A conscience vote is something Skelos said
paign (HRC), also voiced confidence in Skelos’ sincer- Buffalo — will hold seats that delivered “no” votes he supported in his October remarks.
ity in the commitment he made, saying he “absolutely” when marriage equality was taken up last December. Angelo’s handicapping assumes there are five or six
accepts the incoming majority leader at his word. In two cases — Avella’s victory over Republican Frank Republicans that can be brought around on marriage
“No matter what the political makeup of the Senate, Padavan and Kennedy’s primary defeat of Democratic equality in time for a vote he expects to happen in the
we will work with everybody to do what’s right so that all incumbent William Stachowski — the winners took out 2011-2012 Senate session. As the issue raced toward
New Yorkers can be equal,” Ellner said. “Both Republi- long-standing senators who repeatedly voted against its first vote last year, advocates knew Republican votes
cans and Democrats can and should be for equality.” the LGBT community. would be needed, and the shutout on that side of the
Ross Levi, the executive director of the Empire State “They have to be thinking. ‘Do they want to be the aisle was widely understood to be a function of the
Pride Agenda (ESPA), the state’s leading LGBT rights next one?’,” Levi said of Republicans not currently sup- Democrats’ inability to provide more than 24 from their
lobbying group, also took note of Skelos’ comments in porting LGBT issues but faced with the question of caucus — an analysis consistent with Angelo’s insis-
October, and said, “The first thing to remember is that whether the new majority should change its feathers. tence that the lion’s share of the votes must come from
our community and the Empire State Pride Agenda Of the four Democrats who lost their bids for reelec- that side of the aisle.
have achieved victories under both political parties. tion, three were marriage equality supporters, but in
The Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act and none of those three races was their support for the bill a 䉴 GOP, continued on p.12
the hate crimes law were achieved under a Republican discernible political factor.
Senate and a Republican governor, so we proved that
we can achieve victories.”
In the wake of the election, then, the number of pub-
licly committed marriage equality supporters in the
Volunteers needed to be “Santa”
Levi also pointed to Attorney General Andrew Cuo- Senate is 26, up from 24 a year ago, but still six shy of for homeless LGBT Youth
mo’s election as a “new governor who supports our a majority.
goals.” He noted that Cuomo’s Republican opponent, Not surprisingly, the advocate most upbeat about How it works:
Carl Paladino, found himself in political hot water over the community’s prospects under GOP Senate leader- 1. Sign up to receive a letter
a wide array of intemperate remarks, but none more ship was the chair of the Log Cabin Republicans of New written by a homeless
so than his attacks on the gay community before two York, Gregory T. Angelo. LGBT youth requesting a
gift (requests are limited
small gatherings of Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn “Momentum certainly seems to be on our side,” he to $100 or less)
in October. The public’s repudiation of Paladino was, in said. “Majority Leader Skelos told the Log Cabin Repub-
2. Purchase the item & mail
Levi’s view, a clear sign that it is now impossible to win licans and the public that he would recommend to his it or drop it off before
statewide office in New York if saddled with an anti-gay conference that the bill come up for a vote. We are tak- Dec.22, 2010
reputation. ing the majority leader at his word. And when it does,
3. Your young person will
That reality, Levi argued, will factor into the Sen- we are confident that it will pass.” receive the gift at the New
ate Republicans’ thinking about their posture toward Angelo did offer two qualifications regarding his con- Alternatives Christmas
LGBT issues. He also took comfort from the results of fident outlook. First, he said, “Democrats must provide Party on Dec.23, 2010
the Senate battle itself, despite the setbacks suffered by their votes” — a figure he put at 26 or 27 at a minimum,
To Sign Up, contact
the party that has by and large embraced gay issues. out of the 32 needed for passage. Also, Republicans

St. Peter’s Chelsea

Episcopal Church
346 West 20th Street
(between 8th & 9th Avenues)

Christmas at St. Peter’s

Timothy Brumfield, Director of music /organist
David Ossenfort, renowned tenor
Laurel Masse, Manhattan Transfer's founding member
The Uptown Brass

DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve

the GIFT of being GLBT 10:00 PM Christmas music
with Dignity/New York 10:30 PM Blessing of the Christmas
Christmas Eve Mass and a social Crèche and Festival Choral Eucharist
Friday, December 24, 7:30 PM
Judson Memorial Church DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day
10:00 AM Sung Eucharist
55 Washington Square South
and every Sunday night at 7:30 PM for liturgy and a social DECEMBER 26
S John’s in the Village Church, 218 West 11th Street
at St. Sunday after Christmas 646-418-7039 10:00 AM Sung Eucharist
8 - 21 DEC 2010

12/ Community
NEWS BRIEFS By PAUL SCHINDLER Liu Press Five reputations and the invest- protections based on sexual ori- curator David C. Ward and Jona- if they had ants crawling all over
ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER & CO-FOUNDER Companies ments of the New York City Pen- entation and gender identity. than D. Katz, a SUNY Buffalo art the body of Mohammed, except
on Anti- sion Funds at risk,” Liu said in a Five of those eight companies historian, gay activist, and long- that they wouldn’t do it, of course,
Discrimination written release announcing his — Manitowoc Company, NACCO time associate of Larry Kramer, for obvious reasons,” the news-
New York City Comptroller efforts. “All employees should Industries, Inc., Old Republic that created the first exhibition paper quoted Donohue saying. John Liu is calling on five com- feel safe, respected, and accept- International, Steel Dynamics, by a major art museum focused “I’m not going to buy the argu-
ASSOCIATE EDITOR panies in which city pension ed in the workplace. This is part Inc., and Torchmark Corporation on LGBT themes. ment that this is some statement
Duncan Osborne funds have investments total- of a continuing effort that is — for the first time began offer- That good will started leak- about some poor guy dying of
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ing nearly $150 million to adopt good for business, the long-term ing protections of any kind to the ing out of the balloon big time AIDS. Was this supposed to be a
Christopher Byrne (Theater), Susie Day, employment practices protecting interests of shareholders and the LGBT community, adding both last week with the decision by Christmas present to Catholics?”
Doug Ireland (International), Brian McCormick their workers from discrimina- struggle for equality.” sexual orientation and gender the gallery to remove a video cre- Donohue told the Times that
(Dance), Dean P. Wrzeszcz
tion based on sexual orientation The release noted that three identity to their nondiscrimina- ated by the late David Wojnaro- the Smithsonian’s public funding
Betsy Andrews, Seth J. Bookey,
and gender identity. The targets of the companies — KBR, Leggett tion policies. The other three wicz entitled “A Fire in My Belly.” should be cut if such art is part of
Anthony M.Brown, Kelly Jean Cogswell, of Liu’s efforts, all of them For- & Platt, and Anadarko — have — Bon-Ton Stores, Flowserve Wojnarowicz used an image of its programming.
Dean Daderko, Tate Dougherty, Andres Duque, tune 1000 companies, are KBR, failed to act despite shareholder Corporation, and Nalco Company ants crawling all over a crucifix to “If the government cannot
Michael Ehrhardt, Steve Erickson, Nick Feitel,
Jim Fouratt, Joe Fyfe, Deborah Garwood, Inc., one of the largest Pentagon resolutions that have, in each — already offered protections to convey the suffering of somebody take the public’s money and pick
Erasmo Guerra, Emily Harney, Andrey Henkin, contractors; Leggett & Platt, a case, won the support of more gay and lesbian employees and dying of AIDS, which claimed his its pocket to promote religion,
Frank Holiday, Andy Humm, James Jorden, Brendan diversified manufacturer of engi- than 39 percent of those voting. prospects, and will now do the life in 1992. The gallery acted why is it okay to pick its pocket
Keane, David Kennerley, Gary M. Kramer, Arthur S.
Leonard, Rachael Liberman, neered product components; According to the comptroller’s same for transgender workers. after complaints surfaced from and assault religion?,” he said.
Michael T. Luongo, Lawrence D. Mass, Anadarko Petroleum, which office, more than 88 percent of members of Congress as well Speaking to Fox News, Eric
Winnie McCroy, Eileen McDermott,
Gregory Montreuil, Ioannis Mookas, Carrie Moyer,
works in the oil and gas sectors; Fortune 500 companies have the First Glee, as the Catholic League, a right- Cantor, the number two Repub-
Stephen Mueller, Christopher Murray, TECO Energy, which operates sexual orientation and gender Then Outrage wing group based in New York lican in the US House of Repre-
David Noh, Wayne Northcross, Lori Ortiz,
Pauline Park, Sheila Pepe, John Reed,
energy utilities and extraction identity policies Liu is calling for. at National that often agitates against gay sentatives, called the display of
Nathan Riley, Andrew Robinson, Gerard Robinson, facilities in Florida, Kentucky, Vir- In April, Liu announced that Portrait Gallery rights and expressions of LGBT Wojnarowicz’s video “an outra-
Chris Schmidt, Sarah D. Schulman, ginia, and Guatemala; and Cross- shareholder resolution efforts Earlier this fall, the Smithso- visibility. geous use of taxpayer money
Jason Victor Serinus, Linda Shapiro, tex Energy, a natural gas services undertaken by the comptroller’s nian Institution’s National Portrait In an interview with the and an obvious attempt to offend
David Shengold, Gus Solomons Jr., David Spiher,
Drew B. Straub, Stefen Styrsky, Jerry Tallmer, company. office during the most recent Gallery in Washington earned New York Times, Bill Donohue, Christians during the Christmas
Stefanos Tsigrimanis, Kathleen Warnock, “Their refusal to guarantee proxy season resulted in eight big queer cred with the opening the Catholic League’s president, season.”
Benjamin Weinthal, Lee Ann Westover,
James Withers, Kai Wright, Susan Yung
equal opportunities for all hurts Fortune 1000 companies agreeing of “Hide/ Seek: Difference and equated the video with hate The Portrait Gallery’s director,
business by excluding talented to amend their employment non- Desire in American Portraiture,” speech.
Mark Hasselberger
women and men, and puts their discrimination policies to include a collaboration between senior “It would jump out at people 䉴 BRIEFS, continued on p.36

Jamie Paakkonen
SENIOR VP OF ADVERTISING/MARKETING 䉴 GOP, from p.11 in support of marriage equality Democrats from similar districts going forward as marriage,
FRANCESCO REGINI in New York and New England, won’t do the same,” Angelo said, Melissa Sklarz, a leading trans- Counting on GOP supporters noting that not a single one has underscoring his emphasis on gender rights advocate, was far
of marriage equality who have to lost in a reelection bid. He spe- the importance of the other par- less sanguine. Throughout the
date remained silent, however, cifically singled out the exam- ty’s good faith delivery of votes. past two years, Sklarz repeat-
COLIN GREGORY raises the question of when they ple of Assemblywoman Janet Angelo said the specific route edly noted that public commit-
would be prepared to step for- Duprey, a Republican who rep- that marriage equality would ments of support for GENDA
ALLISON GREAKER ward publicly, since it is hard to resents New York’s far northeast take from the GOP majority significantly outstripped those
imagine a caucus uniformly on corner, who voted against mar- conference to the Senate floor for gay marriage. record against the issue moving riage equality in 2007 but came was not yet clear, but added, “It “I think GENDA would be
JULIO TUMBACO to bring it to the Senate floor. around on the issue in 2009. In would not surprise me if there much easier to get done in the Marriage Equality’s Fried- her reelection bid this year, she is a Republican that comes Senate, but there is no return
MICHAEL SLAGLE man, who estimated that as won 62 percent in a three-way out publicly” for the issue in for it,” she said, noting the con- many as seven or eight Republi- race against Democratic and advance of his or her colleagues siderable effort that ESPA, HRC,
Please call (212) 229-1890 for cans may be inclined to vote for Conservative Party opponents discussing it internally. Marriage Equality, and the
advertising rates and availability.
gay marriage at some point, said — “really the nightmare scenar- Senator Tom Duane, the out independent expenditure politi-
BUSINESS MANAGER / CONTROLLER a successful effort depends on io for a Republican,” in Angelo’s gay Democrat who has been cal action committee Fight Back
VERA MUSA one or more GOP senators com- words. the lead sponsor on both mar- New York have put into the mar-
NATIONAL DISPLAY ADVERTISING ing forward before Skelos raises The Log Cabin leader con- riage equality and GENDA, said riage effort. Supporting GENDA,
Rivendell Media / 212.242.6863 the issue with his conference. trasted Duprey with a Democrat the effort to move both issues she said, “is not going to fill any-
Web master “We need some of those fence whom he did not name but was remains largely the same as it one’s coffers.”
Arturo Jimenez sitters to go public,” he said. unmistakably Queens Demo- has been during the last two Even while acknowledging
“Once one does, I think there cratic Senator Joseph Addabbo years. He would not speculate that the governor -elect is on
Gay City News, The Newspaper Serving Gay and Lesbian NYC, is
publishedby Community Media, LLC. Send all inquiries to: Gay City News,
are others who would come for- — someone who represented a about the specific level of sup- record in support of GENDA
145 Sixth Ave., First Fl., NYC 10013 Phone: 646.452.2500 Written
permission of the publisher must be obtained before any of the contents
ward.” Republicans, he said, relatively conservative constitu- port for either issue come Janu- as well as gay marriage, Sklarz
of this paper, in part or whole, can be reproduced or redistributed. All “need a comfort level, rather ency but garnered significant ary, but said it was important said, “It’s going to be very hard
contents (c) 2010 Gay City News.
than hearing a factual case. gay support by suggesting an to evaluate Skelos’ commit- to have our transgender voices
Gay City News is a registered trademark They need assurances from openness on marriage equal- ment to a floor vote by looking heard by the Cuomo adminis-
of Community Media, LLC. their constituents that it will not ity. First elected in 2008, Add- at the “exact” words he chose. tration. The rumpus is going to
John W. Sutter, President
Fax: 646.452.2501; affect them politically.” abbo angered gay marriage sup- Though Duane would not say be about marriage equality.”
That’s the job of advocates, porters with his “no” vote last so directly, the implication was Then, acknowledging the new
Subscriptions: Friedman said. December. that incoming majority leader state of affairs in Albany, she
26 issues, $90.00 Angelo pointed to a list Log “There is not much incentive did not promise anything. added, “Certainly we I will try to
(c)2010 Gay City News. Cabin has tabulated of 58 for Republicans from conserva- While Duane and ESPA’s Levi reach out to the Republicans by
All rights reserved.
Republicans who have voted tive districts to vote pro-gay if see GENDA every bit as viable the end of the year.”
8 - 21 DEC 2010

A Progressive Call to Ardor

n the wake of their Novem- must present an alternative. on the 2010 census is about to years by Democratic mistakes. a threat to America’s children.
ber defeat, Democrats The pushback within the party be undertaken, the GOP — be The era of George W. Bush, it This organization has close ties
should start kicking up against this moderation must warned — has the opportunity turns out, wasn’t just a dream to the Republicans and to right-
some major dust and stop ced- grow and actually engage the to write rules that could give it or a nightmare —it is a reality wing churches, yet we fail to
ing the stage to Republicans people in a tea party not of reac- a huge leg up in controlling the that we will have to oppose one hold such people accountable
and their theatrical politics. tionaries, but of progressives. federal and state governments more time. for the bedfellows they choose.
Democratic insurgents, to be The health care law wasn’t Progressives need to become
sure, will not be demonstrating in and of itself a program that proactive across on the board.
outside presidential appearanc- members of Congress ran away On health care, activists
es armed with assault weapons, from; the debate was trans-
Obama’s obsessive quest for should organize every time
but it is time for them to dem- formed by Republican activ- bipartisan consensus has left the consumers are squeezed on
onstrate a zeal for democracy, ism. Aggressive appearances cost and quality of service. The
decency, and fairness in their by right-wing rabble-rousers
public confused and mistrustful. health care law remains largely
politics. disrupted the customary low- a blank slate, and we should act
So-called “moderate” Dem- key town hall format where from the conviction that health
ocrats, including President the Democrats had planned through the remainder of the It is time for Democrats to costs and the delivery of care
Barack Obama, can no longer to explain the bill’s provisions. decade. get angry and get dramatic. are the responsibility of the gov-
pursue an economic program Obama and his allies had no Passage of the federal The LGBT community, with a ernment — and not the profit-
based on cultivating Wall Street response. The public’s doubts Employment Non-Discrimina- rich tradition of speaking up hungry insurance industry.
without alienating rank and increased, and by the time tion Act under Speaker John and acting up, should greet We must challenge the notion
file voters still waiting on that angry, if absurd, accusations Boehner seems out of the ques- this challenge with enthusiasm. that the deficit is caused by
“change we can believe in.” The about “death panels” seized tion. The fate of the LGBT com- The activists who realized that efforts to improve social sup-
reformers are the realists. The attention, the death knell for the munity is tied to the fortunes of a quilt is a meaningful way for ports for our citizens. We know
middle-of-the-roaders who tip Democrats’ real achievements Democrats and our allies among people to show their solidarity where we want government to
ever rightward in their utopian had been sounded. reformers. The restoration of a with the sick and dying should cut — from expensive programs
quest for bipartisan consensus With the Democrats out of Democratic Party committed to be able to contribute something to build new atom bombs, pris-
are the dreamers. Democrats power in the House, the LGBT progressive activism helps all of to the discussion of how we on complexes that are filled by a
are living in a make-believe community is clearly, once us. shape effective messages. failed drug policy, and military
world if they think they can con- again, on the defensive. If the Obama’s obsessive quest For our own good, the LGBT bases the world over. The finan-
tinue appeasing existing power- effort to end Don’t Ask, Don’t for bipartisan consensus has community must find more cial crisis demonstrates that the
ful interests without people con- Tell doesn’t succeed in the lame blurred the lines between Dem- ways to go on the offensive. The US must chose between guns
cluding that theirs is a politics duck session of the Senate, ocrats and Republicans and left Southern Poverty Law Cen- and butter, and it is butter we
without commitment or prin- repeal will not happen over the the public confused and mis- ter recently labeled the Fam- need.
ciple. next two years — and possibly trustful. It is not only queers ily Research Council an active A change in priorities is
Even after so many vot- the next decade. With Repub- who worry. Labor unions, immi- hate organization for repeat- essential. The tax breaks that
ers deserted the president, he lican having made big gains in grants, environmentalists, civil edly spreading false information American corporations receive
stubbornly insists on trying to state legislatures around the rights groups, and good govern- about the LGBT community are proof that the sick, the
win over the Republican Party country, just as local and fed- ment activists have all been held — especially in demonizing us
that despises him. Democrats eral reapportionment based hostage during the past two with the falsehood that we are 䉴 CALL TO ARDOR, continued on p.18


Queers Need Their Own WikiLeaks


ou’d think the Tea Par- Assange, our own Long Island That Iran’s Arab neighbors don’t security, not just embarrass work of citizen bloggers and out-
tiers would be acclaim- Congressman Peter King, the like the Persian country loaded the country. He even offered the siders somehow truer and more
ing WikiLeaks founder incoming chair of the House up with nuclear warheads, dip- US government a chance to see authentic?
Julian Assange as their newest Homeland Security Commit- lomats lie a lot, and the US has them prior to publication, which We could ask the same ques-
hero. What is he but the ultimate tee, told MyFox New York that little leverage in the Middle East the administration turned down tions about most of our major
Buffy, single-handedly taking WikiLeaks should be declared a and Asia because, as Thomas — until the same offer came LGBT organizations, which
on the global vampiric network “foreign terrorist organization,” Friedman put it in the New York from the New York Times. have grown further and further
of the US government and the and Assange prosecuted under Times, we’re addicted to oil and So what’s the hoo-hah about? away from their outsider, activist
international banking industry, the Espionage Act. Sarah Palin Chinese credit? The Internet is full of articles roots. Though to be fair, if there’s
not to mention the autocrats of likewise called for Julian Assange The only real surprise was claiming the real story in Cable- anything we’ve learned from the
Africa and Eastern Europe? to be pursued with “the same the occasional proof of the com- gate is not the cables, but the likes of Sarah Palin and the Tea
By exposing how they operate urgency we pursue al Qaeda and petence of our foreign service, response to WikiLeaks itself and Partiers, it’s that outsider status
and sharing their inner workings Taliban leaders.” Mike Huckabee like the carefully crafted profile the seismic shift in the role of alone guarantees nothing. The
with ordinary people, he may not called for Assange’s execution as of Spanish Prime Minister José traditional media outlets like The left has as many wing-nuts as
be putting a stake in their dark a traitor, and Bill O’Reilly wished Luis Zapatero. New York Times. Does all their the right. Activists immersed in
pulsing hearts, but he’s defi- a drone down on his head. Oth- Throughout Cablegate, insider trading leave them com- a single issue in a single place
nitely inserting a splinter or two ers are calling for the murder of WikiLeaks and Julian Assange promised, or does it give them may lose sight of the big pic-
in their butts. All hail, Assange, his children and his lawyers. have behaved like responsible special insight? Is that a fine ture.
defender of liberty and slayer of All for what? Lifting the veil journalists, identifying and with- line they can walk without fall- More to the point is the ques-
censorship! on diplomacy and confirming holding documents that might ing off like a bunch of drunken
But instead of congratulating what we already largely knew? truly compromise US national slobs? Are they useless? Is the 䉴 WIKILEAKS, continued on p.14
8 - 21 DEC 2010

14/ Perspective

Nut-Bag Letter To Jon Stewart 14 DAYS

From The Mad Peace Activist 14 NIGHTS
BY SUSIE DAY 䉴 14 DAYS, from p.8

ear Mr. Stewart, know-what. We just can’t say that if we want allowed to be funny, and maybe change
Remember your “Rally to Restore
Sanity” in DC in October? I’m sorry,
but my sanity remains unrestored. In fact,
to be part of the conversation? I can only
assume this “conversation” of which you
speak is sanity itself. Fit only for the sane.
things… just a little.
Inside the conversation, you get to laugh
and feel regret, but not much grief. And it’s POLITICS
I’ve been feeling increasingly deranged. It’s Bear with me. I’m trying to enter the the grief that makes you crazy, grief at the The Yule Log
like I’m speeding down Life’s superhighway million-moderate chat room here. So sane irrevocable loss of thousands of soldiers, (Cabins)
at 666 miles per hour, headed for Nut City, people agree that Pol Pot and Hitler were Iraqi, Afghani, Pakistani civilians, grief at The Log Cabin Republicans of New
where I am due to give my inaugural speech war criminals? I’m down with that. I feel the way their survivors are forced to live. York hold their annual Holiday Party, hon-
as mayor. cozy screaming, “Hitler was a war criminal!” Hell, even when the conversation turns to oring Marty Meekins, the White & Case
At first, I thought Code Pink was the sanity Suddenly, I fit in. US job loss and foreclosure, sane conversa- attorney who litigated the group’s (so far!)
problem. Those wacky, pinkly attired women So I hate Hitler, too! Booooooo, rot in hell, tionalists aren’t able to put their grief about successful challenge to the Don’t Ask,
are notorious for screaming “war criminal” mean war criminal Hitler! You Norma Des- their own lives into words. Don’t Tell policy in a California federal
at Senate hearings and decrying atrocities mond has-been of the Master-Race Theater! It’s lonely here, outside the conversa- court; Brian Ellner, who heads up the New
inflicted by the US military in the name of Where’s your Teutonic god now, Aryan-boy? tion. Plus, most of my fellow activists totally York State marriage equality efforts for the
fighting terror. In fact, they use the term “war I only wish I’d been there then. I’d march work my nerves. Including Code Pink. So Human Rights Campaign; and Ron Zacchi,
criminal” so much, they even have a War right up to the Reichstag and scream — maybe if I objectify my feelings to begin an a longtime grassroots activist with Mar-
Criminal Watch Calendar. I refer to it often. Wait. If I’d been there then and was able to anti-war argument with actual facts, I’d be riage Equality New York. Metropolitan
I knew “The Daily Show” had targeted march into the Reichstag, that would mean allowed in. Here goes: the Iraqi Body Count Republican Club, 122 E. 83rd St., 8-11
Code Pink as the paradigm of leftist “insan- I had somehow not been sent to a camp. estimates that there have been, to date, up p.m. Admission is $35; $25 with the dona-
ity.” But I assumed that was because of Which would, in turn, indicate that I was to 108,094 Iraqi civilian deaths, while Just tion of a gift for a child in need. You must
Code Pink’s puerile fashion sense. I, in con- probably not one of an “inferior” out-group, Foreign Policy says total Iraqi deaths due RSVP to
trast, believe that if one is serious about but a simple person, trying to pass for a good to the US invasion number 1,421,933. The ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
peace activism, one must deploy dignified person — a good German, if you will. I’d, of number of US military personnel…
garmentation, such as the blue denim over- course, be thoroughly steeped in the conver- Wait. In using these numbers to make ACTIVISM
alls festooned with STOP THE WAR buttons sation of the time. But one day, maybe I’d a political point, I’ve suddenly lost my Framing AIDS 2010
that I wear when I scream “war criminal” at just get tired of seeing the cattle cars roll by, unhinged awareness that every one of these For the sixth consecutive year, QMAD,
elected officials. But it turns out you meant and decide to start a new conversation. Tak- dead was a unique and memorable human Queens Media Arts Development, pres-
Code Pink to be the paradigm for anybody, ing my life into my own hands… being. I mean, it’s not like they’re Jon Stew- ents “Framing AIDS,” the borough’s annual
regardless of dress code, who speaks of But we are now and here. Instead of some art, whose passing someday from natural Observance of World AIDS Day Through The
elected officials — particularly US presi- White Rose crackpot in 1942 Germany causes will elicit in Americans a true sad- Arts. The art exhibition, titled “Absence” —
dents — as “war criminals.” screaming “war criminal” and being decapi- ness, because “The Daily Show” he hosted curated by media artist Hector Canonge,
I know this because I heard you on tated, Code Pink in today’s US of A gets to once helped to shape the conversation. The who also helms the monthly Cinemarosa
MSNBC when Rachel Maddow interviewed scream “war criminal” and is met only with statistical dead disappear from the yak-yak. queer film series in Queens — features
you just after the rally. You criticized Ms. minor derision and contempt. Anyone would Try, for instance, to find Wikileaks. the work of local artists exploring how soci-
Maddow for the same thing: agree that derision and contempt are kinder But ye shall know the truth and the ety has distanced itself from the concerns,
STEWART: You’ve said, “Bush is a war and gentler than physical liquidation — and truth shall make ye nuts — dead or alive, fears, and active awareness regarding
criminal.” Now, that may be technically true. way more effective in keeping the conversa- every soul weighs the same. Another truth: AIDS. (Queens Museum of Art, Flush-
In my world, “war criminal” is Pol Pot or the tion sane. Who wants to get laughed at for there’s way more war criminals around here ing Meadows Corona Park, Dec. 1-19;
Nuremberg trials.… I think that’s such an being sincere? As we activists chant, “This than mental health. So maybe the Rally to closing event and artists’ talk, Dec. 19,
incendiary charge that, when you put it into Is What Democracy Looks Like.” Restore Sanity is a misnomer; maybe there 5-7 p.m.). The online media projects are at
conversation — well, technically he is, that The conversation is THE happening thing. wasn’t much sanity to begin with. There- For complete information
may be right. But it feels like a conversation You understand, Jon Stewart, that because fore, as mayor, I would like to present you on QMAD’s programs, visit
stopper, not a conversation starter. the conversation is the one thing everybody with the key to Nut City. ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
So. “Technically” Bush probably is a you- takes seriously, it’s the place where you’re Use it.
Heartbreak & Other
䉴 WIKILEAKS, from p.13 Remember all the votes they of secrecy? real power comes through mov- Homo Driftwood
thought they had for same-sex I’m not saying national LGBT ing from saying the emperor has Longtime New York activist Jay Blotch-
tion of transparency and access. marriage in New York? Remem- organizations should be ditched no clothes to actually posting his er, who now lives further up the Hudson,
What sets Julian Assange apart ber the 2008 election campaign, entirely. Assange handed over his photo on Facebook, so we can reads from his essay of homo heartbreak,
is not his neutrality, but his when Obama didn’t throw us treasure trove to the newspapers see the sagging naked flesh in “When Calvin Met Hobbes,” which appears
openness. “This is what I think. any crumbs in his platform, but of record in the US, Britain, and its repulsive decadence, with the in a new anthology of first-person gay
Here are all my sources. Make up our organizations still endorsed Germany because they had the mole on the left shoulder blade writing, “I’m from Driftwood.” The anthol-
your own mind.” He insists on the him after closed-door meetings, vast and knowledgeable person- and the flaccid belly — all of it ogy emerged out of a website launched
responsibility of the reader, of the saying, “Trust us. He’s in our nel to sift through it. The differ- crowned by jaundiced eyes. last year by Nathan Manske of Driftwood,
individual citizen, and by offer- corner.” Are we partners in social ence is that he made sure we all Texas. Manske will also read from his writ-
ing them his evidence, empowers change or not? Or have we just had the same access. For baby dykes, activists, and ing tonight. The reading is part of a 50-state
them to participate. This is the established one more ruling elite, The real challenge of WikiLeaks anybody who’s ever wanted to tour of the anthology’s contributors. LGBT
foundation of democracy, and actively working to disenfranchise isn’t to traditional media at all, save the world, visit the Lesbian Community Center, 208 W. 13th St.,
something we could use more of. ordinary queers? Will our bigwigs but to ideas of power and control Avenger Documentary Project at Dec. 10, 6:30-9:30 p.m. This event is free
Compare him to our unelected continue getting screwed— and that even the Tea Partiers want Check out and refreshments will be served.
LGBT representatives who make getting us screwed — until they to preserve in case they can one Kelly Sans Culotte at http://kel-
backroom deals with politicians. abandon the pleasant little thrill day seize them. And grabbing 䉴 DEC 10, continued on p.18
8 - 21 DEC 2010

Crime /15
An Emotional Disturbance Claim?
John Katehis, alleged George Weber killer, may argue gay sex led to panic
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE Those 50 wounds are what in exchange for money. He and hands were bound. Nicolazzi
suggested the defense to Cohen. Weber carried on a negotiation called Katehis a “cold-blooded

he attorney represent- “Any time somebody inflicts via email, with the two agreeing killer” during her summation in
ing John Katehis, the that number of wounds... it that Katehis would tie up and October.
accused killer of gay jour- indicates to me that he lost it,” smother Weber. Jeffery T. Schwartz, Katehis’
nalist George Weber, may offer Cohen told reporters following Katehis said the older man attorney at his first trial, argued
an extreme emotional distur- the hearing. gave him cocaine and alcohol that his client was the victim of
bance defense at the 18-year- An extreme emotional dis- when he arrived at Weber’s Car- a sexual predator and he was
old’s second trial. turbance defense –– considered roll Gardens, Brooklyn apart- defending himself from a sexual
“I’m considering proposing an to be an affirmative defense –– ment, though he did not test assault when he killed Weber.
extreme emotional disturbance would require Cohen to prove positive for either substance Clearly, 11 jurors rejected that
defense in this case,” Jay Cohen by a preponderance of the evi- nor did police find cocaine in defense.
told Judge Neil J. Firetog at a dence, as opposed to the high- Weber’s home. The defendant Cohen said he has made only
December 3 hearing. er legal standard of beyond a said he bound Weber’s feet with a “cursory review of the case”
Katehis, 18, is charged with reasonable doubt required of tape and panicked when Weber and could not say what may
one count of second-degree prosecutors, that Katehis acted showed him a small knife. Kate- have caused the extreme emo-
murder in the 2009 killing and John Katehis in one of two photos from his under its influence. There must his admitted to accidentally tional disturbance.
could face as much as 25-years- MySpace page introduced at his first murder be an explanation for that state stabbing Weber once during a Katehis will have to be inter-
to-life if convicted. trial, which ended in a hung jury in October. of mind that is reasonable. struggle over the knife. viewed by an expert, a psychia-
If a jury decides that he killed Attorneys sometimes argue While the prosecution never trist or a psychologist, to deter-
the 47-year -old Weber but time before being eligible for that a gay sex act was the cause, said so explicitly, it is possi- mine if the evidence sustains
acted under the influence of an release. and that would be an obvious ble that a jury could conclude that defense.
extreme emotional disturbance, Katehis’ first trial ended in a choice in this case. that Katehis planned on killing The pr osecution will be
he would be guilty of man- mistrial after one juror was not The evidence at the first trial Weber from the start. Anna- allowed to have its own expert
slaughter and could receive up convinced that Katehis intended showed that Katehis, who was Sigga Nicolazzi, the prosecutor interview Katehis should he
to 25 years in prison. He would to kill Weber when he stabbed 16 at the time, placed an ad on in the case, introduced evidence proceed with an extreme emo-
then serve six-sevenths of that the journalist 50 times. Craigslist offering sex with men that suggested that Weber’s tional disturbance defense.

Dear Guys who like Guys

and girls who liKe Girls,
We’re into that in Phi lly. in fact, we
have a place affectionately referred
to as the gayborhood. So come hang out
with us and bring your favorite guy
or girl. It’ll be fabulous.

P.S. Get your history straight

and your nightlife gay.
Book your stay at



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The State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)
offers first-time homebuyers: From Angry Protest
to Solemn Commemoration
As a rainy World AIDS Day opened at the Brooklyn Pub- Charles King, the Housing Works president, who
‡¬)OH[LEOHXQGHUZULWLQJJXLGHOLQHV lic Library in Grand Army Plaza, several dozen demonstra- was arrested along with eight others in the protest,
‡¬'RZQSD\PHQWDVVLVWDQFH KLJKHURIRURIWKHORDQ tors affiliated with Housing Works, some of them in bagel said, “We bagels refuse to be implicated in the may-
DPRXQWRUXSWR  costumes, others holding up bagel protest signs, turned or’s World AIDS Day hypocrisy.”
‡1RSRLQWV out to protest a bagel breakfast Mayor Michael Bloomberg Bloomberg chose the Brooklyn library for the event
‡1RILQDQFLQJDGGRQV hosted for AIDS service organization leaders inside. to highlight a new city initiative to test up to half a mil-
The “bagel” protesters called for a “schmear” lion residents of the borough.
campaign against the mayor, highlighting — among In the evening, amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS
other issues Housing Works faults him for — Research, hosted a “Light For Rights” event at
For more information, call Bloomberg’s successful lobbying to convince Gov- Washington Square Park. On hand to help illuminate
ernor David Paterson to veto a measure that would the arch in honor of World AIDS Day were Liza Min-
1-800-382-HOME (4663) have limited rents of people with AIDS receiving nelli, amfAR chair Kenneth Cole, Carson Kressley, Taye
or visit public assistance and living in private housing to 30 Diggs, Stockard Channing, and City Council Speaker
percent of their incomes. Christine Quinn.

© 2010 C.B. Fleet Company, Inc.


Retired Detective Kevin

Czartoryski Dead at 46
Out gay NYPD officer was liaison to
LGBT community

n openly gay detective who was
the liaison between the New
York City police department
and the city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender community passed
away on December 5 from a lung ail-
ment related to his work at the World
Trade Center site. KEEP IT CLEAN. NATURALLY.
“The New York City Anti-Violence
Project (AVP) mourns the passing of
Detective Kevin Czartoryski,” the group
said in a statement. “AVP worked with
Detective Czartoryski in his role as the
Police Commissioner’s Liaison to the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgen-
der communities. Detective Czartorys-

ki worked closely with AVP in reaching INTRODUCING FLEET® NATURALS CLEANSING ENEMAS.
out to LGBT victims and survivors of Gentle enough for daily use, now you can feel clean
hate violence, domestic violence, and and fresh—without the drugs found in laxative enemas.
sexual violence, and we mourn the
loss of an ally in the fight to end dis- Kevin Czartoryski was an invaluable source for informa- Drug Free | Safe For Daily Use | Hygienic
crimination and violence against LGBT tion for the gay press.
Czartoryski, 46, joined the police could not be reached, he would admit
department in 1988 and served in the
department’s narcotics and hate crime
with some humor to having snuck
off to smoke a cigarette in the police This is your chance to make
an impact!
Czartoryski was well over six feet tall with Over 33 million people worldwide are living with
gray hair and was an unmistakable HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
presence at gay events.
If you are:
‡ between 18 - 60 years old
units, the Daily News reported. His department headquarters. ‡ in good health
last years until his 2009 retirement Raymond Kelly, the police commis- ‡ HIV negative
were spent in the department’s press sioner, issued a December 5 statement
office, where his assistance to the gay that saluted Czartoryski’s work.
press proved invaluable. He was fre- “On behalf of the entir e Police
You may qualify to participate in a 17 month
quently quoted in the gay and main- Department, I convey my condolences study at The Rockefeller University to test a
stream media on high profile cases, to family and friends of retired Detec- potential vaccine against HIV.
including the 2005 drug arrest of sing- tive Kevin Czartoryski who, before his
er Boy George. untimely death today, served with
Czartoryski was well over six feet great distinction in the Office of Dep-
tall with gray hair and was an unmis- uty Commissioner Public Information The study will include:
takable presence at gay events such as and as my liaison to the LGBT Com- ‡ receiving the study vaccination
the city annual Pride March.
Czartoryski learned through his pre-
munity,” Kelly said in the statement.
“He was a consummate professional
‡ outpatient clinic visits over a 17 month period
retirement medical exam that he had and a cheerful bridge for understand-
pulmonary fibrosis and would likely ing who will be missed terribly.”
require a lung transplant. In addition The Daily News reported that Czar- Participants will be compensated.
to being exposed to toxins at the World toryski was “the youngest of six chil-
Trade Center site, Czartoryski was a dren” and grew up in Queens.
smoker. Czartoryski had a single lung trans-
Czartoryski typically worked a four- plant in May, the Daily News report- For more information please call
Sarah Pollak, RN at 212-327-7394
to-midnight shift in the press office, ed, but his condition deteriorated in
and reporters seeking his help learned August with the discovery that his
to call late in the evening. When he cancer had spread.
8 - 21 DEC 2010

18/ Politics
䉴 YOUTH CUTS, from p.1

subsequent year, according to

shelters and other large insti-
tutional settings inhospitable
if not downright dangerous,
lar problems facing homeless
queer young people, said, “Cut-
ting the budget on the backs of
ing that is not generating addi-
tional revenues from fines.
“As we have done before,
the advocates. Nearly 20 per-
cent of that first year reduction
— $186,000 — will be borne by
have even more need for drop-
in services.
According to Siciliano, Ali
our very most vulnerable kids
— kids who are homeless, with-
out their families, and sleeping
the Council is prepared to act
in a fiscally responsible man-
ner,” the speaker said in a writ-
the two city-funded groups that Forney was close to the point on the street — is so wrong that ten statement. “However, we 䉴 DEC 10, from p.14
work specifically with LGBT at which it could keep its drop- words cannot express my dis- must ensure these cuts do not
homeless youth: the Ali Forney in center open 24 hours a day. gust and outrage.” fall disproportionately on the MUSIC
Center and the Bronx Com- For youth with nowhere else to In testimony December 6 most vulnerable New Yorkers, Spiritual Roots of
munity Pride Center. Both Ali go in the overnight hours, such before the Council Finance including LGBTQ runaway and Hope
Forney and the Bronx Center a venue could be the only safe Committee looking at a wide homeless youth.” She told Gay To open its 18th concert season, the
have drop-in centers that are and warm alternative. “With array of mid-year cuts, Com- City News on December 7, “We Empire City Men’s Chorus, a gay men’s
City Council-funded projects, these cuts, I am back to where missioner Mullgrav emphasized are actively negotiating with the ensemble dedicated to the performance
which are losing half of their I was,” Siciliano said. that homeless youth services administration on the alterna- of classical music, presents “Better
money. The letter to Bloomberg and had been immune to cuts over tive cuts we are proposing.” Day A Comin’: Songs Of Hope From The
For the Bronx Center, that Mullgrav was signed by well- the past eight budgets and that Told of her comments, Fidler Gospel & Spiritual Traditions,” celebrat-
means a reduction in bud- known players in the social no reduction in spending for said he welcomed their opti- ing works with African-American and
get for its drop-in center from services world, including Cov- the provision of beds had been mistic tone, noting, “Christine Appalachian roots. The program features
$86,000 to $43,000. According enant House, Green Chim- made. In fact, she said, bed Quinn is a realist.” Still, he guest artists including the Will Buthod
to Dirk McCall, the Center’s neys, Safe Space NYC, and capacity has been doubled in added, “It’s hard to be opti- Trio, soprano Diana Solomon-Glover, and
executive director, its drop-in the Urban Justice Center, as recent years and LGBTQ-spe- mistic in a world where people the Young Men’s Division of the Brooklyn
initiative was already reeling well as LGBT-oriented groups cific efforts were initiated by the think these kinds of cuts are Youth Chorus Academy. Church of the
from the loss of a $425,000 such as the Asian Pacific city. Andrew Doba, the depart- acceptable in the first place.” Blessed Sacrament, 152 W. 71st St.
three-year contract awarded Islander Coalition on HIV/ ment’s chief public information If the Council were only able to Dec. 10, 8 p.m. Also, on Dec. 14, 8
to another Bronx social service AIDS (APICHA), Congregation officer, emphasized that cuts to find agreement with Bloomberg p.m., at Church of St. Ann & the Holy
agency at the time it was up for Beth Simchat Torah, FIERCE, runaway and homeless youth on $10 million of the $130 mil- Trinity, 157 Montague St. at Clinton
renewal. “We’re already doing Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and were less than seven percent, lion in alternatives its finance St., Brooklyn Heights. Tickets are
more with less,” McCall said. the Callen-Lorde Community below the average reduction for staf f has identified, Fidler $20-$30 at or
“The $86,000 in funding was a Health Center. DYCD as a whole. expressed confidence that for the door. A portion of the proceeds will
City Council band-aid for us.” The DYCD cuts come just Faced with cuts across most of his colleagues, restor- benefit the Trevor Project, which main-
Most of the funding received five months after the Mayor’s many city services, Council ing the runaway and homeless tains a nationwide hotline and other
by the Bronx Center comes Commission on LGBTQ Run- Speaker Christine Quinn is youth money would be in the resources to counsel LGBTQ youth who
from the New York State AIDS away and Homeless Youth aggressively exploring alterna- top ten fixes. feel at risk for suicide.
Institute to support its HIV issued a report that called for tive areas to cut. She told Gay Having sat through the ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
prevention work among LGBT 200 new beds for LGBT youth, City News that the Council December 6 Finance Com-
youth in the borough. Many of expanded drop-in center finance staff has found $130 mittee hearings, however, he The Impossible
the Center’s clients experience hours, especially for the over- million in potential savings said he was deflated to hear Dreamboat
homelessness and have imme- night, and expanded street elsewhere in the budget “to about the mayor’s reaction to Steven Reineke leads the New York
diate need for drop-in services. outreach. An estimated 40 per- prevent cuts that simply go too Quinn’s assertions that the Pops in a celebration of the season with
For Ali For ney, the cuts cent of homeless young people far.” Quinn outlined a series cuts laid out by the adminis- a program of timeless carols and holiday
amount to $143,000. In the in New York are LGBTQ-iden- of spending areas she defined tration need to be reviewed favorites, featuring Tony Award-winner
view of Carl Siciliano, the orga- tified. The Commission, with as discretionary — including and revised. According to the Brian Stokes Mitchell. Renowned for his
nization’s founder and execu- 25 members appointed by the outside contracts for teach- Daily News, Bloomberg that rich and commanding baritone, Mitchell
tive director, drop-in centers mayor, was formed just weeks ers’ professional development day told reporters that Quinn (“Kiss Me, Kate!,” “Man of La Mancha,”
fill, at least in small measure, a before last year’s city elections. that could be done in-house at “is right that we’re going to “Ragtime ,” and, yes, “Frasier”) was
critical void in a city where, on In a written statement, the Department of Education; have to have changes… These dubbed Broadway’s “last leading man”
average, 3,800 youth are with- Brooklyn’s Lew Fidler, who program evaluations at the cuts don’t go to address more by the New York Times. The evening
out shelter every night, while chairs the City Council Com- Health Department; air qual- than maybe a third of what will also feature Essential Voices USA,
the beds available number only m i t t e e o n Yo u t h a n d h a s ity assessments that could be we think the problem is. We’re led by Judith Clurman, and children from
several hundred. LGBT youth, focused considerable attention put off a year; and Sanitation going to be going in the other the Camp Broadway Chorus. Carnegie
who often find conditions in in recent years on the particu- Department enforcement staff- direction.” Hall, 881 Seventh Ave. at 57th St.
Dec. 10-11, 8 p.m. Tickets are $33-$106
at the box office or calling 212-247-7800.
䉴 CALL TO ARDOR, from p.13 fornia this year were motivated was what Republicans have unpledged delegates to the More information at
by Proposition 19. Only when it had in spades these past two 2012 party convention. After ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
unemployed, and the under- looked like it had a shot at pass- years — ardor that is uncom- the shellacking the president
class are not making the US ing did more establishment fig- promising. took in November, perhaps he DANCE
poor. The wealthy are every bit ures jump on the bandwagon. As we look forward to the shouldn’t run a second time. The Nutcracker
as dependent on welfare (if not In October, George Soros, recog- next two years, let’s be creative. But, it’s too soon to know yet. BAMmed
more so) as the 95 percent of nizing that the radical had gone Anger over Obama’s equivoca- The delegates to the convention The Mark Morris Dance Group, for
Americans who are not super mainstream, donated a million tions is growing, and some are are our friends and neighbors, the first time since 2002, presents his
rich. Let the Republicans and dollars. The measure fell short asking if his renomination by and it makes sense to ask them curiously queered yet family-friendly take
the president talk about perils — but garnered 46 percent of the Democrats should be chal- to go there with an open mind on a holiday classic, with performances
of the deficit. Let our activists the vote, far, far more than any- lenged. It’s premature to think toward the possibility of choos- of “The Hard Nut.” It is a mix of playful-
highlight the waste of govern- one imagined at the start of the about a specific candidate ing Obama or perhaps some- ness and exquisite dance combined with
ment aid for the rich. campaign, and probably pulled to take on that task; anyone body else. the greatest respect for E.T.A. Hoffman’s
Consider a progressive idea out a lot of Democratic vot- raising his or her hand would Right now, we need to remind original story and Tchaikovsky’s iconic
that many long thought a politi- ers who otherwise would have quickly face withering attacks. the president that he is a Dem- score. Robert Cole conducts the MMDG
cal non-starter — legalization of stayed at home. I t m i g h t , h o w e v e r, b e ocrat and should represent the
marijuana. Young voters in Cali- What Prop 19 gave voters worth exploring ways to send party that put him in office. 䉴 DEC 10, continued on p.29

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Sustiva is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb
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Patient Information
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it and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This leaflet is a s )FYOUMISSADOSE TAKEITASSOONASYOUREMEMBER)FYOUDONOT
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- ISENTRESS is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Tell your doctor if you have any side effects that bother you.
ISENTRESS has not been studied in pregnant women. If you take
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their infants. This is because their babies could be infected with HIV s Keep ISENTRESS and all medicines out of the reach of children.
through their breast milk.
- Talk with your doctor about the best way to feed your baby. General information about the use of ISENTRESS
Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. Include the following: Medicines are sometimes prescribed for conditions that are not mentioned in
s VITAMINS symptoms you have. It may harm them.
s HERBALSUPPLEMENTS This leaflet gives you the most important information about ISENTRESS.
when you get a new medicine. ISENTRESS that is written for health professionals.
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What are the ingredients in ISENTRESS?
Take ISENTRESS exactly as your doctor has prescribed. The recommended Active ingredient:%ACHlLM COATEDTABLETCONTAINSMGOFRALTEGRAVIR
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Do not change your dose or stop taking ISENTRESS or your other anti-HIV and black iron oxide.
medicines without first talking with your doctor.

IMPORTANT: Take ISENTRESS exactly as your doctor prescribed and at the

right times of day because if you don’t
stopped for even a short period of time.
s The virus may develop resistance to ISENTRESS and become harder to treat. $ISTRIBUTEDBY

All rights reserved. 530ATENT.OS53      )3. #/.

䉴 PROP 8, from p.9 sion, she also argued that the voter ini- BIG FUN! SMALL BUCKS!
tiative, in amending the State Constitu- Sun. $3.50 Screwdrivers & our famous Bloody Mary’s,
invalidating the statutes. In Romer, tion’s equal protection clause to make Neighborhood
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Colorado voters overruled several local gay people unequal to everybody else, Fusion! Mon. $4 Mojito’s all flavors Tues. $2 Margarita’s
governments that had banned sexual is “inexplicable by anything but animus CHEAP-EEZ COCKTAILS (except Fri. & Sat.) - Coors & Pabst Cans $3,
orientation discrimination by placing against the class” of people it targets. Rootbeer Floats $3, Sloe Gin Fizz $2, Tom Collins $3,
“One of the 63 best bars
an amendment in the State Constitu- Evidence about the campaign strategy in NYC” — Time Out, 2009 Whiskey Sours $3, Rum Lime Ricky $3
tion barring the state or any political pursued by the Proponents showed it
subdivision from protecting gay people aimed to demean gay people and rele-
281 W 12th St @ 4th St. NYC 212-243-9041
from discrimination. Olson argued gate them to an inferior status, to assist
that Proposition 8 effectively built a parents in sending the message to their
constitutional fence around marriage,
excluding gay people and nobody else.
Olson also argued that the 1972
Baker v. Nelson’s precedent had been
children that there was something
wrong with gay people, and to treat
them as “others” rather than an equal
part of the community.
undermined by subsequent Supreme
Court decisions on sex discrimination,
sexual orientation discrimination,
and the right of gay people to be free
of state interference with their choice
In his brief rebuttal, Cooper argued
that the 1972 Minnesota marriage
challenge was distinguishable from
the Loving interracial marriage ruling
because of the inability of same-sex
Peppermint Stick Collection - Awaken your senses with the scents of crisp, cool Peppermint.
of intimate sexual partners. One could couples to procreate through ordinary Our Peppermint Stick Collection is rich in naturally occurring antioxidants, essential fatty acids,
hardly argue, after decisions such as sexual intercourse. The basis of fun- carotenoids, ferulic acid, sterols, polyphenols, and contains remarkably high levels of Vitamin E.
Romer v. Evans in 1996 and the 2003 damental right in marriage is procre- Celebrate and experience the ultimate refreshing treatment. For a limited time only!
Lawrence v. Texas ruling striking ation, he said. *i««iÀ“ˆ˜ÌÊ-̈VŽÊ>Vˆ>ÊqÊf££äÊÊUÊÊ*i««iÀ“ˆ˜ÌÊ-̈VŽÊ*i`ˆVÕÀiÊqÊf{x
down that state’s Homosexual Sodomy The 9th Circuit panel is widely expect-
*i««iÀ“ˆ˜ÌÊ-̈VŽÊ œ`ÞÊ-VÀÕLÊqÊfÇäÊÊUÊÊ*i««iÀ“ˆ˜ÌÊ-̈VŽÊ*>VŽ>}iʇÊf£™xÊÊ
Law, that the denial of marriage rights ed to rule relatively quickly, since a stay
to same-sex couples no longer present- is in effect and if the court finds a con- (valued $225 for all 3 treatments)
ed a “substantial federal question.” stitutional violation, then every day the
Reinhardt confronted Olson with a stay continues causes an irreparable 77 Eighth Avenue
critical question about the potential injury — a deprivation of constitutional (cor. 14th st.)
scope of a 9th Circuit ruling in this rights. And, if, as seems possible, the New York, NY 10014
case. There are two ways the court court finds that both the Proponents
might go if it were to find for plain- and Imperial County lack Article III tel: 212-242-3203
tiffs on the merits. The narrower way standing, it should promptly dismiss the fax: 212-242-3238
would be to rule that Proposition 8 vio- appeal after determining it lacks juris-
lated the 14th Amendment because it diction. Since the court agreed to “fast
took away, on a discriminatory basis, track” the case by holding oral argu-
a fundamental right under state law ment just weeks after the appeal was
previously identified by the California filed, it seems likely that it would try to
Supreme Court and enjoyed by same- fast-track the decision as well.
sex couples for some time leading up to Whichever side loses can petition for
the vote. The broader approach would en banc review by an expanded panel
be to rule that, under the 14th Amend- of the 9th Circuit — a step likely to be
ment, same-sex couples have the same granted given the significance of the
right to marry as different-sex couples, case — and the ultimate losing party
and that every state refusing to let them in the 9th Circuit could petition the US
do so is in violation. Supreme Court for review. Even the
Given the Supreme Court’s direction question of Article III standing by itself
that federal courts use the narrowest could provide a relatively strong basis
possible grounds for ruling in order to for Supreme Court review.
avoid unnecessarily taking on broader My own impression of the argument
constitutional questions, Reinhardt was that the court could well decide
asked whether the 9th Circuit need- the matter based on Article III stand-
ed to take on the broader question in ing grounds, which would dismiss the
order to rule. Olson responded that appeal, void the stay, and allow Walk-
the court could rule for the plaintiffs er’s order to go into effect.
and strike down Prop 8 without reach- If the court decides to recognize
ing the broader question, relying on the Proponents’ standing — or, more
the Romer precedent. But, he con- improbably, the standing of the Depu-
tinued, if the court decided it had to ty Clerk from Imperial County — and
reach the broader issue, it was clear proceeds to the merits, my impression
that the state constitutional amend- is it is likely to affirm Walker by at least
ment enacted by Proposition 8 was a 2-1 vote, but most probably on the
unconstitutional. narrower of the two potential grounds.
Therese Stewart then provided a Such a narrow decision would be less
brief follow-up to Olson’s argument, likely to interest the Supreme Court.
concentrating on the sheer irrational- A unanimous decision holding Prop-
ity of Prop 8 in light of California law. osition 8 unconstitutional would, of
The state, she argued, has, as a mat- course, be stunning. More dramatic
ter of policy, effectively disavowed the still would be a ruling finding that as a
grounds on which the Proponents argue matter of constitutional law, same-sex
the exclusion of same-sex couples from couples have the same right to marry
marriage is rationally based. as different-sex couples.
Lifting language from the Romer deci- For now, we wait.
8 - 21 DEC 2010

24/ Performance
I Do, I Don’t
Holly Hughes explores just how fractious marriage equality can be even among us
“Let Them Eat Cake” framed as black or white — you’re

erformance artist Holly Hughes With Megan Carney & Maureen Angelos either pro-gay marriage or anti-gay
and her longtime partner want Dixon Place, 161A Chrystie St., marriage. A lot of gay people have more
to marry each other but may btwn. Rivington & Delancey Sts. complicated feelings, but it seems like
need to hold competing ceremonies. Through Dec. 18 there’s no place to have that conversa-
Hughes, who has spent more than 20 Thu.-Sat. at 7:30 p.m. tion. We give voice. There are charac-
years on the frontlines in America’s Dec. 4 & 11 at 2 p.m. ters in the show and probably people
culture wars, wants to dress up, have $10-$15; in the audience who say we shouldn’t
“Mr. Showbiz” Murray Hill officiate, Or 212-219-0736 be doing this, that it’s a distraction
and make the event a bitingly funny $20, $18 for students, seniors at the door and inherently conservative.
political statement. Matinees are $15 at the doo
Her girlfriend, anthropologist Esther CS: What’s your personal opinion?
Newton, would prefer to wear slip-on Horniness” and “Clit Notes: A Sapphic HH: My point of view is that the
shoes, and keep the nuptials serious Sampler,” gained national attention right to marry is a basic right of citi-
and the whole affair private. in the early ’90s as one of the NEA 4, zenship. Everyone should have that
It’s just this kind of conflict that’s when she and fellow performance art- right, regardless of sexual orientation
led Hughes to collaborate with Chica- ists Tim Miller, Karen Finley, and John or gender presentation, with full ben-
go-based director Megan Carney and Fleck were stripped of their National efits. At the same time, I share many
WOW Café founder Maureen Angelos Endowment for the Arts grants due to of the same concerns that queer femi-
on a new performance piece called “Let the “indecent” content of their work. nists have raised about marriage.


Them Eat Cake,” an interactive “mar- The indecency continues with “Let
riage gone wrong” in which the audi- Them Eat Cake,” which runs at Dixon CS: The marriage equality issue
ence takes the role of wedding guests Place through December 18. evokes strong reactions, no matter which
who are encouraged to salvage the sit- side of the political spectrum you’re on.
uation through spirited debate. COURT STROUD: Why tackle the For Holly Hughes, a wedding could be one more perfor-
Hughes, the author of “The Well of subject of same-sex marriage? 䉴 HUGHES, continued on p.37 mance.

DEC 10—19

The Mark Morris

Dance Group






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8 - 21 DEC 2010

26/ Performance
Offbeat and Jolly
Holiday shows for that queer Yuletide yen
BY WINNIE MCCROY Covelli), the Brian Newman As is his tradition, Hill will
Trio, the Lesbian Overtones, sing his rendition of “Have Your-

n the upcoming month, for and many more. self a Murray Little Christmas,”
every precious staging of “I’m very excited to bring as well as debuting an original
“The Nutcracker” and each the show to the main room at song –– this year, “Love You,
perfect kick of a Rockette’s heel, Le Poisson Rouge,” said Hill. Kids,” accompanied by pianist
there is an offbeat, wacky holi- “Booze will be flowing all night! Paul Leschen.
day show made with the cheeky, I’m debuting a brand new open- And of course, Santa Claus
campy feel the gay community ing number, ‘Back Door Santa,’ will make an appearance.
has come to love –– probably with the Brian Newman Trio. “A Murray Little Christmas”
because it largely created it. Me and my showbiz pals are is presented on December 18
From the tradition of down- going to do everything we can to at 7 and 9:15 p.m. at Le Pois-
town emcee Murray Hill’s “A get folks into the holiday spirit. son Rouge, 158 Bleecker Street
Murray Little Christmas” to a Rudolph is also making a sur- at Thompson Street. Tickets are
naked “Nutcracker” benefit for prise appearance to teach the $25 at

homeless LGBT youth servic- kids an important lesson about

es, New York performers come being different!” ill also lends his con-
together this holiday season to The famed reindeer’s perfor- siderable talent as nar-
stuff our stockings and jingle our Laura Careless in Company XIV’s world premiere of “Nutcracker Rouge” in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, mance is made in tandem with rator in “Moisty the
bells in a way only they can do. beginning December 10. Hill’s creation of an “It Gets Bet- Snowman Saves Christmas,” a
ter” video, to communicate to holiday extravaganza at Dixon

ans of the bizarre and the charm of the Borsch Belt to girls, and hi-balls for which LGBT youth thinking of taking Place, whose renovation last
burlesque shouldn’t Le Poisson Rouge on December Gotham is renowned, includ- their own lives that it’s worth year will dazzle anyone who
miss the annual holiday 18 for his annual Yuletide cel- ing performances by Dirty Mar- hanging in there for the oppor- hasn’t been back since.
extravaganza that is “A Murray ebration. tini, Bridget Everett, Moisty the tunities to see their prospects In this original musical, which
Little Christmas.” Downtown This year’s event features all Snowman (Bradford Scobie), and the support they enjoy
nightlife impresario Hill brings of the nuts, fruitcakes, show- Sebastian the Elf (Carmine improve. 䉴 HOLIDAY, continued on p.31

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Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th:
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Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25th:
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8 - 21 DEC 2010

Film /27
Sex’s Degrading Release
Darren Aronofsky belches out a sorry story about a ballet dancer’s growth
BY STEVE ERICKSON a performance of “Swan Lake,”
even though her director, Thom- Directed by Darren Aronofsky

arren Aronofsky is not as (Vincent Cassel), has doubts Fox Searchlight
gifted with a light touch. about her maturity and ability Opens Dec. 3 citywide
With “Black Swan,” to pull off the dual nature of the
which tells the story of a balle- character. He encourages her to
rina going insane, he’s found an experiment sexually as prepara- able to bring their own experi-
outlet for all his worst impulses tion for the role, but Nina, who ence of aging to their parts; the
–– over-the-top combinations of lives with her overbearing moth- narrative paralleled Rourke’s
bombastic music, shakycam, er (Barbara Hershey), remains own decline and search for a
and quick editing. girlish well into her 20s, her comeback. There’s a real pathos
At its best, Aronofsky’s direc- bedroom filled with stuffed ani- etched into the lines of Rourke’s
tion captures the energy and mals and decorated in shades of face.
excitement of dance. He might white and pink. By contrast, Portman is far
make a compelling musical Her understudy and rival, more removed from her role,
someday. Lily (Mila Kunis), is far world- and “Black Swan” is mostly
He shoots most of the film lier, offering Nina cigarettes and grounded in fantasy and other
with a handheld camera, even Ecstasy. As the debut of “Swan films. While it’s not as irritating
during largely static scenes in Lake” comes closer, Nina begins as “Requiem for a Dream,” a film
which most directors would having hallucinations, most of so ludicrously excessive that I’ve
place it on a tripod. As in his them gory. never been able to watch it all
previous film, “The Wrestler,” he It remains a mystery how a the way through, “Black Swan”

draws on the Dardenne broth- director as talented as Aronof- comes close.
ers’ style, often following char- sky has so much trouble mak- The film has all the soul of a
acters from behind in close-up. ing a satisfying film. “The Wres- Skinemax exercise, but it takes
Nina (Natalie Portman) gets tler” succeeded because Mickey
the role of the Swan Queen in Rourke and Marisa Tomei were 䉴 BLACK SWAN, continued on p.29 Natalie Portman in Darren Aronofsky’s unfortunate “Black Swan.”


Only the Clothes and Liquor Are Right

John Irvin fails to capture Hemingway’s take on 1920s bohemian Paris
BY GARY M. KRAMER women kiss, it happens off-
Directed by John Irvin screen and is merely recounted

ren’t perversions Roadside Attractions by Catherine. Their other erotic
so dull?” asks one Opens Dec. 10 encounter similarly happens
character in “Hem- Quad Cinema out of view. Instead of depicting
ingway’s Garden of Eden,” a 34 W. 13th St. the women exploring their sexu-
soporific adaptation of the great ality with each other, Irvin pres-
writer’s semi-autobiographical, ents the story David is writing
posthumously published novel. on a typewriter that keen-eyed
Set in 1920s Europe, this more or uncertain how to film an erot- viewers will notice has the Y and
dull than perverse drama fea- ic tryst. The naked couplings in Z keys reversed. A flashback
tures a love triangle among “Hemingway’s Garden of Eden” shows David’s father (Matthew
David (Jack Huston), an Ameri- are about as titillating as a visit Modine), a big game hunter in
can writer, his rich wife, Cath- to the doctor. Kenya, tracking an elephant for
erine (Mena Suvari), and Marita Wearing the same black-and- slaughter. The story is dear to
(Caterina Murino), a beautiful white striped shirts, Catherine David, and it becomes the dra-
bisexual Italian heiress. and David talk about being matic focus of the film’s second
Aiming for “Masterpiece The- Jack Huston and Mena Suvari in John Irvin’s “Hemingway’s Garden of Eden.” “brothers.” They eventually get half. Marita enjoys the story —
atre” and ending up like an unflattering matching peroxide along with a liaison with David
ersatz entry from the steamy ilish Catherine and the blandly she messes around further with blonde haircuts. David, with — and Catherine, whose money
cable series “Red Shoe Diaries,” handsome David on their hon- gender roles, taking his genitals a thick, dark mustache, looks helps her husband write, shows
this 2008 misfire is now getting eymoon. For a moment, it seems in her hands and the active role especially silly. It seems mostly she is not above petty jealousy.
a theatrical release. It would that things might be interesting in lovemaking. just odd that they manage to The conceit of “Heming-
have played better on cable, — Catherine deliberately gets But audiences should not get catch the eye of Marita, who way’s Garden of Eden” is that
where the slow motion softcore a haircut that makes her look too excited. Director John Irvin desires them both. the three lovers’ behavior is
sex, set to syrupy music, would like a young boy, and she uses cuts away in many of the pro- It is not long before Marita unorthodox, but it hardly feels
be more at home. her makeover to enjoy male vocative sex scenes. It is unclear moves in with them and seduc-
The film depicts the rich, dev- privilege. In bed with David, if he’s afraid to offend audiences tions occur. When the two 䉴 GARDEN OF EDEN, continued on p.28
8 - 21 DEC 2010

28/ Theater
Plays and Players
“Lombardi” scores on many levels while “Merchant” shines on all
BY CHRISTOPHER BYRNE Look magazine, a pictorial maga-
zine that competed with Life for

aniel Sullivan’s wonder- many years. McCormick wants
ful production of “The to get the “real” story behind the
Merchant of Venice” has mercurial coach, and so he sets
moved indoors from Central Park, out to shadow Lombardi and
and in the process acquired new interview the people in his life.
levels of depth and richness. Despite this literary device,
In his staging, Sullivan has the play remains almost entirely
taken a problematic play and expository, the only dramatic ten-
made it a cohesive whole, blend- sion arising from whether McCor-
ing several concurrent plots, com- mick will write the piece he wants

edy, romance, and politics into a or if his editor, a friend of Lom-

fluid and enthralling production. bardi’s, will coerce him to write a
As he usually does, Sullivan puff piece. (It’s established early
directs his cast to find the essen- Lily Rabe and Al Pacino in “The Merchant of Venice,” at the Broadhurst Theatre through January 9. on that Lombardi is prickly about
tial truths of the characters, critical pieces.) Dan Lauria and Judith Light in Eric Simonson’s
knowing that in doing this, the THE MERCHANT OF VENICE of the 20th century. The result is a slight but enter- “Lombardi.”
play’s many inconsistencies won’t Broadhurst Theatre Tickets are scarce, and the taining evening, thanks to the fine
matter. We simply don’t question 235 W. 44th St. limited run is scheduled only performances by the three lead- bardi and the effect he has on the
why the wealthy Portia, having Through Jan. 9 through January 9. This is a ing actors. players around him.
found a husband through a byz- Tue.-Thu. at 7 p.m. production that should not be Judith Light plays Marie Lom- Dan Lauria is wonderful as
antine puzzle created by her late Fri.-Sat. 8 at p.m.; missed. bardi, a housewife from New Jer- the sometimes-volcanic Lom-
father, should suddenly dress Sat.-Sun. at 2 p.m. sey at a time when being a wife bardi who loves his players and

as a lawyer and go save Antonio, ootball is not the main meant yoking herself to her hus- his wife with all of his being. Over
her husband’s benefactor, from a Or 212-239-6200 event in the new biograph- band’s career and dreams. While the course of the 90-minute play,
claim by Shylock that would end ical play “Lombardi,” now she may have followed him to the Lauria gives us a full portrait of a
Antonio’s life. We don’t even fully LOMBARDI at Circle in the Square. Rather, hinterlands, Marie is no push- man in all his colors, never over-
Circle in the Square
know why Shylock hates Anto- it is the story of a marriage and over. She sees him as he is and playing.
1633 Broadway at 50th St.
nio so much he would enter into Tue. at 7 p.m.; Wed.-Sat. at 8 p.m. a relationship and particularly of loves him for it all, regarding her We also see some of Lombardi’s
such a bargain in the first place. Wed., Sat. at 2 p.m.; Sun. at 3 p.m. the woman who loved her man life with open eyes, an open heart, Green Bay Packers, but those
Yet because Sullivan has fully $115.00; so much she gave up her life in and plenty of perspective, even if scenes are the least successful
realized each character, these Or 212-239-6200 sophisticated New York to move sometimes fueled — and made and most labored of the piece,
questions don’t arise. to a comparative backwater in palatable –– by copious cocktails. though the actors are fine in the
Since the summer, Al Pacino’s support of her husband’s dream. Light’s performance is a mar- roles.
Shylock has been burnished and contemporary leading ladies. Think of the classic TV series vel, filled with humor and nuance. The exceptional costume
refined to be more contained and The supporting cast remains “Green Acres,” except with many In the cavernous space of Circle design is by David Tazewell, who
even more powerful. Yes, Shy- equally outstanding, notably more freezing cold days and not in the Square, she manages a makes Light look fabulous in
lock is vengeful, but we also feel Jesse L. Martin as Gratiano and so many idiosyncratic supporting level of intimacy and presence the period ’60s clothes, and the
for him both as a man and in the Christopher Fitzgerald as the characters. that is remarkable. Her Marie is spare but effective set is by David
context of his world. Lily Rabe as clown Launcelot Gobo. Mark Eric Simonson’s play is based fast with a wisecrack but fierce in Korins.
Portia is magnificent, fully mas- Wendland’s set adapted from the on the biography of the famous defense of her husband, and it is Going in, I had assumed the
tering the many colors of a char- Delacorte Theater version won- coach, “When Pride Still Mattered: through her that we see her hus- subject matter would make an
acter who ranges from girlish glee derfully accommodates the light- A Biography of Vince Lombardi.” band humanized. evening at the theater attractive
to mature reasoning. She bal- er and darker aspects of the play, To make it theatrical, Simonson Keith Knobbs does a fine job as to husbands otherwise not inter-
ances the lyricism of the language as does Kenneth Posner’s excel- has concocted a story about a McCormick. A passionate football ested, but the surprise is that this
with spellbinding humanity; Rabe lent lighting. Jess Goldstein’s cos- young reporter, Michael McCor- fan, his hero worship gives way to play is very much a chick flick in
is one of our most accomplished tumes set the play near the turn mick, sent to profile Lombardi for a deeper understanding of Lom- football drag.

䉴 GARDEN OF EDEN, from p.27 really saying anything of consequence. not hard not to laugh watching her do ing an eye. He seems to have simply
Hemingway touchstones are shoe- so. Perhaps Suvari could have camped shown up, read the lines, took off his
that way. Catherine insists they “don’t horned into the film. David is living in it up or gone for broke, but she plays natty clothes, and collected his money.
have to live life like normal people,” but Paris in the 1920s, and he catches a Catherine so stiffly, it becomes a paro- As Marita, Murino is very beauti-
their ménage à trois does not seem to large sea bass — a sign of his virility, dy of a performance. ful; her nude scenes are particularly
scandalize — or even interest — anyone perhaps? There is mention of El Gre- Huston, a scion of the great acting striking. Matthew Modine, as David’s
but themselves. Had the film shown the cos and Spain, but no bullfighting. dynasty, makes almost no impression father, however, looks ridiculous;
lovers as transgressive in some way that These elements add no true coloring in the film. He sleepwalks through his viewers may root for the elephant he is
really mattered, there might be some — they serve more as a paint-by-num- role, pounding his typewriter keys with hunting to squash him.
drama here. bers evocation of the author. more passion than he musters in mak- Perhaps “Hemingway’s Garden of
Instead, much of the action consists The actors deserve much of the ing love to either woman. Though it is Eden” demonstrates just how difficult
of the characters wearing fine vintage blame. Suvari is horribly miscast in clear that Catherine is David’s muse, it is to bring the celebrated author’s
clothes while sitting in scenic cafés order- the pivotal role of Catherine. She spits Huston is still unconvincing in show- work to the screen. That’s not much
ing absinthe. They discuss their love for out her preposterous, pretentious dia- ing why his character accepts his wife’s consolation to anyone sitting through
each other and David’s writing without logue with utter seriousness, yet it’s outlandish suggestions without blink- this ludicrous adaptation.
8 - 21 DEC 2010

14 DAYS Soul Survivor
14 NIGHTS LaBute treads the rocky terrain between evangelism and opportunism
䉴 DEC 10, from p.18 BY DAVID KENNERLEY THE BREAK OF NOON dubious lines like “God stepped
Lucille Lortel Theatre in to save me” and “Goodness is

Music Ensemble and the Brooklyn Youth mazing Grace,” the 121 Christopher St. near Bedford St. all that matters” without blink-
Chorus. Brooklyn Academy of Music, salvation anthem Through Dec. 22 ing an eye.
Gilman Opera House, 30 Lafayette that’s offered spiri- Tue.-Wed. at 7 p.m. With his personal life mir -
Ave. at Hanson Pl. Dec 10, 11, 15–18, tual uplift for more than two Thu.-Sat. at 8 p.m. roring his depraved behavior
7:30 p.m.; Dec 12 & 19, 3 p.m. Tickets centuries, is the number-one Sat. at 2 p.m.; Sun. at 3 p.m. in “Californication” (in 2008 he
are $25-$70 at or 718-636-4100. song of all time, with more than $69; did a stint in rehab for sexual
The performance is unforgettable, and 6,600 known recordings. Or 212-279-4200 addiction), the rough-hewn,
appropriate for ages 4 and up. And it’s fitting that the hymn 50-year-old actor is quintessen-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ has found its way into Neil from their disastrous 12-year tial LaBute material.
LaBute’s play about redemp- marriage, rejects his overtures The most audacious roles —
tion, “The Break of Noon,” pre- for reconciliation. A former the acerbic talk show host and

SAT.DEC.11 sented by MCC Theater.
The polarizing LaBute, whose
specialty is men behaving despi-
dalliance, Jesse (also played
by Peet), throws a conniption
when he suggests they come
the agonized escort — belong
to Chimo, and she nails them
both, attacking the over-the-
Gifts with that cably (“reasons to be pretty,” clean about their affair. Jenny top scenes (in one, she wields a
Dyke Attitude “Fat Pig”), has created another (Tracee Chimo), an unctuous rubber dildo that morphs into a
The Lesbian Herstory Archives holds contemptible male, generically talk show host, chides him so feather duster) with unbridled

its annual lesbian holiday book sale, named John Smith. viciously that he walks off the ferocity. As part of the award-
which offers a great variety of gifts –– all But now, LaBute may have set. winning ensemble of last year’s
of them 50 cents to $1! –– including les- developed a conscience. His The most disturbing scene “Circle Mirror T ransfor ma-
bian non-fiction, fiction, pulp, poetry, mys- miserable wretch of a man, David Duchovny, TV’s California bad boy the finds Smith engaging the ser- tion,” Chimo threatened to
teries, and sci-fi plus vintage Tees, music, amidst a horrific office shoot- past few seasons, plays a wretch who’s saved vices of Gigi (also played by steal the show. She repeats
and buttons that recall decades of the ing, hears the voice of God and — or so he says. Chimo), a curvaceous escort in that threat here.
struggle. The afternoon includes raffles becomes the only employee a French Maid costume, sup- Under the steadfast direc-
and refreshments. 484 14th St., btwn. saved. Not only from the lethal never waivers, but our faith, posedly to test his resolve. In a tion of Jo Bonney, “The Break
Prospect Park W. & Eighth Ave., Park machine gun, but also from his well, that’s a different matter. seriously sick twist only LaBute of Noon,” which refers to the
Slope. Dec. 11, noon-5 p.m. For more own errant ways. It’s the creeping mistrust — the could pull off, Gigi, whose real moment the gunman raid-
information visit lesbianherstoryarchives. Nothing short of a miracle, nagging rift between intent and name is Jill, turns out to be ed the office, exudes a sur -
org or call 718-768-DYKE. right? reality — that lies at the heart connected to the massacre, and real, comic air with menac-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ The transfixing opening of this alternately engaging and has an epiphany of her own. ing undercurrents that, in
monologue, delivered by the exasperating play. Duchovny, Golden Globe sporadic flashes, prove oddly
CABARET anguished John (David Ducho- In his efforts to spread his winner for his work in Show- unsettling.
Wrapped Up in vny) in a bloodied shirt and with newfound faith, John runs up time’s “Californication” and, of If you haven’t noticed, all
Rhapsody a bandage on his ankle, detail- against a series of roadblocks. course, in “The X-Files,” is well the characters’ names begin
In “Crazy for Gershwin,” Tony Award- ing the horrors of the massacre His lawyer (John Earl Jelks) cast. He persuasively conveys with the letter J or soft G.
winner Sutton Foster directs NYU Tisch where 37 co-workers were cut sees his sole-survivor status as the brooding conviction of a Even the unseen killer’s name
Drama students in an evening exploring down in cold blood, sounds con- a chance to make some bucks man born again, bent on doing is Juan. Does this have some
the enduring resonance of this musical vincing enough. (a photo that Smith snapped good works, while also offering deep significance or is LaBute
master. Joe’s Pub, inside the Public But in the scenes that fol- during the carnage fetches a glimmers of a possible charla- just being self-consciously
Theater, 425 Lafayette St., btwn. E. low, doubters begin to poke cool million). His ex-wife, Gin- tan lurking within. Still, Duch- cute? A similar question hangs
Fourth St. & Astor Pl. Dec. 11, mid- holes in John’s story. His faith ger (Amanda Peet), still reeling novy is saddled with delivering above the entire play.
night. Tickets are $10, $7 for students at or 212-967-7555. For table
reservations, guaranteeing a seat, call 䉴 BLACK SWAN, from p.27 turns out that the lesbian sex straight male fantasies about The film doesn’t have the
212-539-8778. Table service includes a was all a roofie-induced hal- female sexuality, but at least courage of its convictions. Nina
two-drink or $12 food minimum. itself far more seriously. Even lucination, though Nina is so it portrays women having sex- sheds enough blood to satisfy
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ as it points out Thomas’ sleazi- far gone by this point that she ual pleasure without punish- torture-porn fans, but there’s
ness, it seems to share the same doesn’t need drugs to see imag- ing them or implying that their very little actual violence in
NIGHTLIFE sensibility. For Nina, maturity inary visions. same-sex experiences were all “Black Swan” — almost all
Art Fags in 3-D is seen exclusively in sexual The film throws out the pos- a fantasy. the carnage turns out to exist
Celebrating its third anniversary with terms; it is sexual repression sibility that she is a lesbian, It would be easy to list the only in Nina’s imagination. I
the release of a special 3-D issue, the that is holding her back as an only to leave it hanging, like films “Black Swan” evokes, can only imagine what Ver -
quarterly publication Spank Zine, around artist. But when she obeys the none-too-subtle sugges- from Michael Powell and hoeven could have done with
which orbits the liveliest nocturnal Thomas’ orders and mastur- tion that Lily symbolizes the Emeric Pressburger’s “The Red the “Black Swan” screenplay.
Downtown/ BK/ art/ fag/ party scene bates, her pleasure is inter - aspects of her personality that Shoes” to Paul Verhoeven’s Even “The Red Shoe Diaries”
the city has witnessed since the early rupted by visions of self-muti- she’s repressed. (While Nina “Showgirls,” by way of Joseph schlockmeister Zalman King
‘90s, holds a big bash that gets started lation and of her disapproving dresses in white, Lily’s usually L. Mankiwiecz’s “All About Eve” would probably have achieved
with a free Proseco anniversary toast and mother. clad in black.) The sex scene and Roman Polanski’s “Repul- a better result.
readings by Mike Albo and Heather Lit- After a drug-fueled night on seems like a bone thrown to the sion.” Unfortunately, Aronof- “Black Swan” is a ridiculous
teer at 10:30 p.m. and continues until the town, Lily and Nina wind heterosexual men in the audi- sky has no gift for eroticism or film with no self-awareness of
4 p.m. Music will be courtesy of DJ Will up sleeping together, but “Black ence at best and a pit stop on camp. He seems to see sex as a its flaws. It’s probably bound to
Swan” can’t bring itself to really Nina’s decline at worst. Softcore necessary but degrading part of become a camp classic, but it’s
䉴 DEC 11, continued on p.30 take Nina’s desires seriously. It porn may express exploitative human experience. not very enjoyable to watch.
8 - 21 DEC 2010

30/ Opera
All Around the Town 14 DAYS
Offerings from City Opera, Opera Manhattan more affecting than Met’s 14 NIGHTS
BY DAVID SHENGOLD cratic good looks and a bone- Keenlyside was in much better 䉴 DEC 11, from p.29
dry voice. voice, though he’ll never own

ity Opera wisely revived the Verdi rep. In this show Yong- Automagic and DJ Sean B, and there

its very pleasing produc- nlike Boston and San houn Lee, a tall, willowy Korean will be performances by Big Art Group,
tion of Richard Strauss’ Francisco, New York tenor who can act, made a very Juanita MORE, Rainblo & Machine Daz-
odd but endearing “Intermezzo.” has never heard a major impressive debut as Carlo, sur- zle, House of Khan, Fura Fura, and Xavier
In 1999, this Glimmerglass-de- production of Verdi’s magnifi- passing Alagna in many ways, & Jemma. The party takes place at a
rived Leon Major staging provid- cent “Don Carlo” in its origi- among them pitch and ringing Classon Ave. loft in Brooklyn (visit
ed wonderful roles for Lauren nal French. It would have been ease at the top. for an
Flanigan and John Hancock as wise to build such an endeavor update on the exact location). Dec.

the flamboyantly fighting Chris- around Roberto Alagna, but new, self- described 11, 10 p.m.-4 am. Tickets are $15 at the
tine and Robert Storch (read instead we heard the Parisian “scrappy young com- door; $10 before 11:30 or at spankzine.
“Pauline and Richard Strauss”). tenor’s first traversal of the role pany” called Opera Man-
Seen November 9, Mary Dun- in Italian –– by and large a suc- hattan put on a triple-cast “La ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯


leavy brought a very different cess, in very good current form Boheme” with a contemporary
persona and voice to Christine’s with only a few wild or sharp slant in one of Off-Off-Broad-
marathon part –– tons of charm
and a light touch helped make
her prima donna tantrums pal-
high notes to set against a pas-
sionate and often touching por-
trayal –– in the neo-traditional
way’s black box Roy Arias Stu-
dios. Heard November 20, it was
an affecting performance due to COMEDY
atable. Dunleavy’s voice is less Nicholas Hytner staging from producer Elspeth Davis’s inge- Fa-La-La Femmes
expansive but more silvery than London’s Covent Garden. nious use of a tiny space and a Brad Loekle, host of the weekly
Flanigan’s; none of the part’s Miah Persson, artistic and moving, offered the Hytner skillfully motivates the game young cast. The look was “Electro Shock Therapy Hour,” presents
high notes gave her trouble. It only acting with charm or nuance in the Met’s action and his designers achieve “bohemian” as in East Village hilarious women for a holiday warm-up
was an excellent interpretation, “Cosi fan tutte,” conducted by BAM favorite swift flow; the only real misfires hipster, but Davis wisely avoid- –– M. Dickson (Rooftop Comedy Festi-
making one wish to hear this William Christie. are several Lego-evoking sets, ed the current cliché of having val); Allison Castillo (VH1; Comedy Cen-
resourceful artist as Strauss’ the huge Bleeding Christ head an impoverished Rodolfo (Edgar tral); and Giulia Rozzi (Comedy Central;
Daphne. and many ensembles suffered. (!), and an Inquisition priest’s Jaramillo) on a laptop; only the NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” Comedy
Nicholas Pallesen is a likable Christie only relaxed for “Un intonation in Latin during the charmingly grasping Musetta Central). Therapy Bar, 348 W. 52nd St.,
and capable singer with good aura amorosa,” well sung by auto-da-fé scene. of Kristina Semos could afford 10 p.m. No cover charge, and $7 cosmos
instincts, but he didn’t quite Bruce Sledge, a last-minute The real glories heard Novem- a cell phone. Schaunard (Rob- all night long.
seem mature enough for this replacement for Pavol Breslik. ber 22 (besides Verdi’s) were the ert Maril) and Colline (company ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
established figure and comfort- The American tenor has a some- propulsive conducting of Yan- co-founder Bryce Smith) were
ably married man. what adenoidal timbre under nick Nézet-Séguin (hailed by played as an openly affectionate
Tenor Andrew Bidlack made a
very positive contribution in the
tricky role of the money-grub-
pressure, but a better technique
than his Slovakian “It Boy” col-
league Breslik has exhibited
the audience) and the magiste-
rial Filippo of Ferruccio Furlan-
etto, who, despite a few grayed
gay couple, which made perfect
sense in this context. Some-
how, despite their penury, these HOLIDAY
bing young Baron who (kind of) locally. Holding one’s own flaw- top notes, gave the music due handsome guys did not lack for Santa is a Bear
turns Christine’s head on the lessly in Ferrando’s mercilessly grandeur and its only truly Ital- access to good haircutters and The Boys of Bearlesque and Mr. Inter-
ski slopes. His fluent, light tenor complex music is a real accom- ian flavor. product. national Bear 2010 present a hairy ride to
and stage aplomb should suit plishment. Christie brought None emerged in the nobly Everyone had something to an orgy of Christmas cheer. Stonewall
many roles, especially if George some genuine insights as well; enacted, beautifully phrased, offer, but the finest work came Inn, 53 Christopher St. near Sheridan
Steel realizes that Handel and inserted cadenzas and other but alarmingly poorly vocal- fr om Vaughn Lindquist, a Sq. Dec. 13, 9 p.m.-midnight. Admis-
baroque opera must be part of decorations were apt and pleas- ized Posa of Simon Keenlyside robust-voiced yet nuanced Mar- sion is $10, and there’s a two-drink mini-
the equation if City Opera’s rep- ing. Still, the music and drama (also hailed by an audience cello ready for larger companies. mum (with cosmos at only $5). Proceeds
ertory is to find an audience. rarely breathed. which increasingly hears with Anna Noggle, also singing very benefit the Ali Forney Center, which pro-
George Manahan’s orches- Duane Schuler’s Neapolitan its eyes), the exciting, darkly creditably, offered an extremely vides housing and social services to New
tra did not play flawlessly but lighting and Michael Yeargan’s churning but pitch-challenged detailed and moving Mimi; her York’s homeless LGBTQ youth.
caught the spirit of this bitter- designs remain enjoyable, yet and blowsy Eboli of Anna big moments evoked tears. The ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
sweet and charming valentine. little of the acting (save for Miah Smirnova (a débutante here), or score, under music director
Persson, seriously overparted the suitably repellent Inquisitor Lloyd Arriola (piano, prompter) PERFORMANCE
he Met’s “Cosi fan tutte” as Fiordiligi, but still artistic of Eric Halfvarson, who sound- and Spencer Blank (keyboard),
proved rather disappoint- and moving) had much charm ed like a particularly out-of-hu- did indeed emerge scrappy but B r o a d w a y ’s J a c k i e H o f f m a n ,
ing. Ex-pat conductor or nuance. The worst offender mor Fafner. spirited, and — unlike other acclaimed for her hysterical scene-
William Christie’s near-annual was Danielle de Niese, unbear- Oddest of all was Marina mini-“Boheme” productions I’ve stealing performances in “ Hairspray,”
appearances at BAM with his ably mannered in recitative and Poplavskaya’s touching Elisa- seen —the team shirked noth- “Xanadu,” and currently as Grandma
own forces have inspired local with a tessitura audibly too low betta, properly beautiful and ing; the chorus took enthusias- in “The Addams Family,” presents her
audiences for two decades. for her comfort. haughty, but a phrase-by- tic part in the performance. all-new solo show “Jackie Five-Oh!: A
Though reliable witnesses In this HD-broadcast bound phrase combination of genu- Next up for Opera Manhat- Celebration of Jackie Hoffman’s First
report improvements at every cast, touted for its sexiness, ine vocal beauty and sharp, tan: Humperdinck’s wayward 50th Birthday” at Joe’s Pub, inside
performance, even the run’s Isabel Leonard and Nathan awkward singing, lovely piano siblings, then Floyd’s “Susan- the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette St.,
third show (November 17) found Gunn looked great and sang effects and technical insuffi- nah.” btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor Pl. Nov.
the orchestra and soloists strug- fluently if somewhat anony- ciencies. Alexei Tanovitsky, also 29, Dec. 6, 13, 24, 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 31, 7
gling to keep up with Christie’s mously. Replacing the originally debuting, offered an imposing- David Shengold (shengold@ p.m. Tickets are $30 ($40 on Dec. 31) at
often relentless tempi. The over- announced Wolfgang Holzmair, voiced Friar. writes about opera
ture was a joyless forced march, William Shimell offered aristo- Heard again November 29, for many venues. 䉴 DEC 13, continued on p.32

䉴 HOLIDAY, from p.26 Parenti, Marla Phelan, and Jeff Takacs

will bring “The Nutcracker” to life in a
had a sold-out run at the 2009 New York way that Balanchine could never have
Musical Theater Festival special events imagined. The extravaganza includes
series, Bradford Scobie’s Moisty tells the an eclectic blend of music, from Tchaik-
tale of how one little gay snowman can ovsky to Vivaldi to Duke Ellington, and
make a difference. Compiled from snow, text inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s
cigarette butts, White Castle wrappers, adaptation of E.T.A. Hoffman’s “The Nut-
dog doo, and mulch, the filthy snowman cracker” as well as Charles Perrault’s
comes to life when an enchanted orange “Little Red Riding Hood.”
traffic cone is placed upon his head. Company XIV will donate 50 percent
This enthusiastic, optimistic, kind- of all profits to the Ali Forney Center (ali-
hearted but self-centered snowman is, which provides safe
“queenier than Johnny Weir at a Fire and decent housing as well as social
Island tea dance” and simply adores services to homeless LGBT youth across
Christmas. So when mean Mayor Bloom- New York.
burger-Meisterburger (Patricia Dell) and “Nutcracker Rouge” runs December
her hulking henchman, Snow Monster 10-12, 17-19, and 31; and January 1-2
(Stephen Vera), decide to cancel Christ- and 7-9 at 303 Bond Street, between
mas, Moisty embarks on a journey to find Union and Sackett Streets. Tickets are
Santa Claus and bring the holidays back $25-$40 at or 800-838-
to the city. 3006. No one under 16 years old will be

Along the way, he meets a mess of admitted.
misfits from the Island of Recalled Toys,

including Brooklyn teenage homeboy inally, for musical thrills with-
Yoyo the Elf (Dorian Shorts), toxic lesbi- The inimitable Murray Hill returns with his annual Christimas show on December 18. out the frills, join in a commu-
an rag-doll Jaggedy Ann (Deanna Glov- nity concert at Phil Kline’s “Unsi-
er), and the Baby Jesus himself (a prop). imagining of the beloved “Nutcracker” ret, theater, and dance” by the New York lent Night.” At 7 p.m. on December 18,
When the gang finally finds Santa Claus, tale. Choreographed and conceived by Times, McCormick’s work garners wide- beginning in Washington Square Park,
they discover he has gone through a dra- artistic director Austin McCormick, spread critical acclaim. a procession of boom box-wielding par-
matic change. Trannie Claus? with a script adapted and written by From their home in a converted tow ticipants will wend their way through
“Everyone should experience ‘Moisty Jeff Takacs, the show contains partial truck warehouse at 303 Bond Street in Greenwich Village to Tompkins Square
The Snowman,’” Hill said. “Moisty’s a nudity and fully opulent flair. Boerum Hill, the Company XIV ensemble Park, playing cassettes and CDs of holi-
wonderful, twisted, and whacked out “I conceptualized the show with a of Marisol Cabrera, Laura Careless, Sean day songs provided by Kline. Think of it
holiday character who is played master- respectful nod to the ‘Nutcracker’ bal- Gannon, Yeva Glover, Michael Hodge, as caroling for the modern set. For infor-
fully by Bradford Scobie.” let while infusing it with a style I am call- Mina Lawton, David Martinez, Delphina mation, visit
The show runs December 3-4 and ing Baroque Burlesque, a synthesis of
10-11 at 9:30 p.m. at Dixon Place, 161A iconic striptease and the 17th century

Chrystie Street, between Rivington and noble style,” said McCormick. “Led by
Delancey Streets. Tickets are $20 at dix- her godfather, Heir Drosselmeyer, Marie- or 212-219-0736. Guests can Claire is transported into the Kingdom of

enjoy a $1 discount on drinks with their the Sweets, a sensual world where scant-
program, and are invited to stay after the ily clad confections show her the ropes in

show to meet the cast. pursuit of winning her Nutcracker Prince’s
love. The show is at once sumptuously

rooklyn gets bare this winter classical and decadently dangerous, com-
when the neo-Baroque dance- plete with gender-bending, erotic choreog- :DQWWRJHW&KHOVHD1RZ1HZVLQ\RXU
theater group Company XIV
presents the world premiere of “Nut-
cracker Rouge,” an erotic, sensuous re-
raphy, and barely-there costumes.”
Called “inventive and brainy, a high-
entertainment mix of music-hall, caba-



Deannna Glover is Jaggedy Ann, one of the misfits Moisty meets on the Island of Recalled Toys.


Seasonal Voices 14 DAYS

Natalie’s activism, Legere’s legends, Brinberg’s Barbra, Teutonic divas 14 NIGHTS
䉴 DEC 13, from p.30
BY DAVID NOH the president, and he was that
strange kind of woman-hating or 212-967-7555. For table

he New York Times offi- gay man who once said, ‘I would reservations, guaranteeing a seat, call
cially initiated its Film rather be lowered into a pit of 212-539-8778. Table service includes a
Club on December 2, snakes than be with a woman.’ two-drink or $10 food minimum
with a red carpet screening of So the chemistry was not there, ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Sonia Nassery Cole’s “The Black especially when I refused to
Tulip,” a powerful drama of one change the same-sex kiss lyric Oh, Mary!
Afghan family’s struggle against in my song about Marilyn Mon- Micah Bucey, who Next magazine
the Taliban. roe. But I remained friends with said could be the love child of Charles
The film was followed by a Larry. He came over two weeks Nelson Reilly and Jerry Lewis, and pia-
performance by its associate before his death and tried to nist Nicholas Williams present their two-
producer, Natalie Cole, who, fuck me. man-musical-theatre-post-punk-band
sparkling in silver Kaufman- “I wasn’t sure who Hunter in performance with the Gay Agenda,


Franco, brought her refulgent Thompson was at first — not including Mike Albo, Ruby Rims, and
vocals to “Smile,” “Unforgetta- really my era and hadn’t read a sleighful of queer comrades, in an
ble,” and two songs featured in his books. But a mutual friend evening they call “A Very Mary Holiday
the movie. She told me, “Sonia brought me into his kitchen in Celebration.” The ensemble wield show
[no relation] and I have known the Rockies and Hunter was tunes to celebrate the birth of Christ, cap-
each other for many years, and there, doing cocaine. The reason italism, and cultural warfare. Josh Hecht
when she started the Afghani- I was brought there was because directs, if that’s the right word. Joe’s
stan World Foundation, I joined Hunter had kind of lost his inspi- Pub, inside the Public Theater, 425
the board. Two years ago she ration, couldn’t get an erection Lafayette St. , btwn. E. Fourth St. &
gave me this script and we kept Natalie Cole was associate producer of Sonia Nassery Cole’s “The Black Tulip,” and performed two anymore –– coke dick –– and he Astor Pl. Dec. 13, 9:30 p.m. Tickets are
going over it, tightening it up. I songs from the film at the New York Times Film Club screening on December 2. wasn’t writing. They thought I $15 at or 212-967-7555. For
ended up meeting her music would kick start the whole thing, table reservations, guaranteeing a seat,
composer, Chris Young, and song that they’re remixing as we supposed to do — make sense but the minute we met, I knew call 212-539-8778. Table service includes
making some additions to ‘The speak that’s also the title of the out of a very chaotic, violent, he was a kindred spirit. a two-drink or $12 food minimum.
Freedom Song,’ and ‘Forever book, ‘Love Brought Me Back.’” weird world.” “Here’s a painting of Hunter ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
One Love’ right there at Capitol An out lesbian, Legere cites holding a gun to my heart, which
Records.” nother definite music the influence of three major has no safety on it. He later shot
Political activism is new for survivor is Phoebe male mentors –– “Eloise” illus- –– a superficial flesh wound –– Sisterhood
Cole: “It’s pretty much an anti- Legere, who is playing trator Hilary Knight, painter his housekeeper, Deborah, and I “Women are made, not born,” said
Taliban film. Sonia’s on a mis- with her quintet at Iridium on Larry Rivers, and writer Hunter believe the gunplay was all about Simone de Beauvoir. And Agnes Varda
sion and I get it, so we’re hop- December 2 (1650 Broadway S. Thompson. sexual frustration, not being able sets out to prove it in “One Sings, the
ing the world gets a chance to at 51st St., 8-10 p.m.; ridium- “Larry and I were introduced to ejaculate. Other Doesn’t,” an unabashed paean to
see it. No other film has been Although much formally at the home of Corne- “But of course he was perfect female solidarity from 1977. The genesis
made like it, certainly not by younger, Native American, Vas- lius Conboy, who ran the club for me, so I moved in with him. of this goodhearted story about the inti-
a woman, and they haven’t sar-educated Legere is like the 8BC,” she said. “His lover was He was a great cuddler and mate friendship between two very differ-
allowed a film to be made in Cher of the downtown New York poet John Ashbery, the ex-lover found the most fabulous les- ent women came straight out of Varda’s
Afghanistan in over 30 years, so music scene –– cockroach-inde- of Frank O’Hara. I was much bian pornography and we’d sit experience traveling in the US and wit-
there’s a lot of history-making structible and retaining the sex- more interested in John than and watch it, and he’d say, ‘You nessing the birth of Women’s Lib at the
going on. It wasn’t a big budget iness and exquisite bombshell Larry because of his fantas- really like that, don’t you?’ He end of the 1960s. Powerhouse poet and
and it was scary working on the looks we’ve known from the tic Proustian mind. Larry was really understood who I was and performance artist Pamela Sneed hosts
film amidst bombs and soldiers. 1980s. I shared champers and in black leather pants, and I taught me a lot about writing.” this rare screening of Varda’s vibrant,
Everyone really sacrificed to chatter with her at her charm- thought he was kind of corny. One Legere painting, “Matt colorful film. IFC Center, 323 Sixth
make this film. ing Loisada studio, and she told But he pursued me like mad Dillon,” is a graphic depiction of Ave. at W. Third St. Dec. 13, 8 p.m. For
“Afghan women are very fierce me, “My show is going to be the and finally came to hear me sex with the then young star: complete information & tickets, visit ifc-
and determined, not little wuss- usual mix of sexual/ political play the piano at the gay restau- “After the debacle with Epic, I
es at all. The burka is cool, in a commentary couched in fun, rant Company. I was wearing had $26 in the bank, and the ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
way. These days it’s not used as feathers, glitter, happiness, a beautiful vintage rhinestone club Limelight asked me to play
a form of shame, but for priva- and joy. It will be totally mixed- bracelet, and Larry said, ‘I want there. One month before, Epic
cy, moving through the streets
and not being bothered. I wore a
scarf the whole time I was there
media new in that there will be
screens onstage and I’ll show
my paintings, clearly rooted in
to buy that.’ I said, ‘Fine. I want
a thousand dollars.’ He pulled
the money out of his pocket
had said they were going to turn
me into a combination of Stre-
isand and Madonna, and then PERFORMANCE
whenever we stepped outside, queer theory and aesthetics. and put the bracelet on and sat there I was, playing this shit- A Blood Red
but I liked that. “Cabaret has to grow up –– it’s around preening, and I thought, hole. Freddie, the VIP lounge Christmas
“Musically, there won’t be a become a very elitist art form, ‘This guy is really too gay!’ host, said, ‘Why don’t you hang Downtown vaudevillian Trav S.D.
new CD from me any time soon. way too expensive and too much “He finally said, ‘What do you out with these stars?’ Matt and I (“No Applause, Just Throw Money”),
I’m so busy doing some other in the past, like a museum. I want? I will give you anything.’ If ended up going on several dates; appearing as Saucy Jack, hosts “Jack
stuff right now, but think I’ll will always sing songs from the I’d had any brains I would have he was definitely too dumb for the Ripper’s Holiday Spectacular,” a dark-
start writing in January for a Great American Songbook, but said a building on the Lower me, but a large and beautifully ly humorous Bowery music hall holiday
new record. My book came out to these I add my own composi- East Side, but I didn’t, and said formed cock which I could appre- extravaganza featuring his chorus line
two weeks ago, about the jour- tions, which will always be my I wanted a record contract and ciate — fat — and here I tried to the Bleedin’ Tarts, piano man Albert Gar-
ney of my health and the miracle commentary on how we are liv- within 24 hours I was signed to
that happened with it. There’s a ing now. That’s what songs are Epic Records. Matt Weiss was 䉴 IN THE NOH, continued on p.34 䉴 DEC 14, continued on p.34

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䉴 IN THE NOH, from p.32

get his exact shade of pink.”

I told Legere that my favorite


color in the world was cockhead
pink, prompting her to cry, “We
should make a whole line of
men’s clothes in Cockhead Pink,
䉴 DEC 14, from p.32
Being ripped off by the likes zon (of Ixion Burlesque), country band the


of Madonna and Gaga is some- Tall Pines, contortionist Amy Harlib, side-
thing Legere takes in her stride, show/ burlesque performer Foxxx Trot,
and she doesn’t begrudge today’s Reinhold Schünzel wrote and directed 1933’s “Viktor und Viktoria.” chanteuse Lorinne Lampert, and a special
youth: “Though it’s still hard, holiday radio play featuring a company
these queer kids didn’t come up and two in the Bronx, where I offer of her own studio by Goeb- of dulcet-toned comic thespians. Bow-
with quite the chip I had on my grew up, although I’d say River- bels himself, aided Jews dur- ery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, btwn.
shoulder. If you knew the hell dale if I wanted to impress any- ing World War II, and delivered Houston and Bleecker Sts. Dec. 14,
that I and my bass player and Someone who just went ahead and became one and the Bronx when apply- stark performances as uncom- 10 p.m. Tickets are $10 at bowerypoetry.
lover, Susan Rakowksi, went Streisand, without a record contract, is Ste- ing for financial aid.” promising as her looks. Charm- com or 212-614-0505.
through as out gay women in the ven Brinberg. Brinberg has performed every- ing Renate Muller, in the origi- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
early 1980s, ostracized as lep- where from a Long Island public nal German ‘Victor Victoria”, is
ers when people discovered they Brinberg said, “He wrote me a library with just a boom box to perhaps the most fascinating
couldn’t sleep with us. Hundreds
of painful stories as feminists
with no support structure.
fan letter, and I was hired to sing
at his 70th birthday celebra-
tion at the Library of Congress.
a Catherine Zeta Jones party.
“Lauren Bacall was there, and I
said, ‘Hi, Mom!’ [from “The Mirror
— extremely popular, she was
courted by the Nazis for propa-
ganda films but refused, and FILM
“Gene Simmons of Kiss tried to People then thought it maybe Has Two Faces’] and she froze, died at 31, after a fall from a When
help us out by sending us to his wasn’t a good idea, and he told but Joan Rivers said, ‘You sound high window — a probable vic- Radiance=Death
manager, Howard Marks. Marks me, ‘There was a series of little just like her, but you know that!’ tim of the Gestapo, although it Jean-Michel Basquiat, born in
knew we were gay, 17-year-old resistances to you, not one big I don’t work the crowd in drag was ruled a suicide. 1960, spent much of the New York’s
virgins, and said, ‘I want to sleep one, but I put my foot down and usually afterwards, and was in crime-ridden 1970s covering the city

with Susie.’ I went ballistic. First you’re in it.’ Once I wanted to the kitchen taking off my make- inally, is there a more with the graffiti tag SAMO. In 1981, he
of all, this is my girlfriend, and sing ‘In Buddy’s Eyes,’ but with a up when Zeta Jones walked in glamorous lesbian pres- put paint on canvas for the first time,
he wants me to allow him to lyric change which I knew would to have a cigarette and said, ‘You ence in all film than the and by 1983 he had emerged as an
violate her, take her virginity, have to be approved, so I called are unbelievable! I want to bring sumptuous Dominique Sanda artist with “rock star status,” becom-
to prove his power over these him and asked, and he said, you to Wales to sing for my par- in Bernardo Bertolucci’s trium- ing a close friend and collaborator of
two little gay girls? I was sexu- ‘Just write down the words and ents!’ I asked to take a picture phantly Deco masterpiece “The Warhol’s. He died of a heroin overdose
ally harassed constantly, but send them to me.’ The lyric was with her and that’s when she Conformist,” which is being in 1988 at the age of only 27. Today his
this hurt more, him expecting ‘I’m still the princess, Princess of had this lawsuit with ‘Hello!’ screened both at Film Forum paintings sell for more than $1 million
me to say, ‘I want to be a star, Tides,’ but he said, ‘“I’m still the magazine, and she said, ‘I can’t (209 W. Houston St., Dec. each. Tamra Davis investigates this
go ahead, have my girlfriend.’ I princess, to the Prince of Tides” take a picture, but here...’ And 17-23; and at charismatic man who rode the roller-
grabbed her and walked out, would be funnier and make she opened her purse and gave MOMA (11 W. 53rd St., Dec. 15, coaster of downtown arts scene fame
and I supposed at that moment more sense lyrically. But try it me her bottle of Salvador Dali 8 p.m.;, in its Berto- –– but for less than seven years –– in
my career was over, no matter out.’ I did it both ways, and told perfume, without the cap, but lucci tribute? Her seduction of “Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant
what I did. him mine got a bigger laugh, so still. Very Joan Crawford because Stefania Sandrelli, while prone Child.” Film Forum, 209 W. Hous-
“So I really love these young he said, ‘That’s fine.’” she knew how meaningful that in bed and during an unforget- ton St. Dec. 15-21, 1:15, 3:15, 6, 8 &
gay girls being able to walk Brinberg has never actually would be for me.” table same-sex tango, repre- 10 p.m. Information at
down the street, holding hands, met Streisand, “but nearly every- sents cinema at its most deliri- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯

these gay guys of color, so out body else — her sister, Donna his winter you’ll find me at ously erotic.
there and so beautiful, this Karan for whom I performed, as MOMA for “Weimar Cin- Bertolucci’s oeuvre has also CABARET
whole new gay young culture.” I have with Marvin Hamlisch, ema, 1919–1933: Day- always evinced a most pal- And the Number
who tried to get me hired for her dreams and Nightmares” (11 W. pable, often full-frontally nude One Song This
omeone who just went concert. She definitely knows 53rd St., through Mar. 7; moma. male homoeroticism: “The
ahead and became Stre- who I am now, and I’m not really org), a jaw-dropping assemblage Conformist”’s ambivalent pro- “Our Hit Parade” is a live top-ten
isand, without a record afraid of meeting her and being of German film rarities, from tagonist, Jean-Louis Trintig- countdown show created by Tony nomi-
contract, is Steven Brinberg, disappointed. If she ever came my favorite, artistically oh-so nant, and his childhood inter- nee and Obie-winner Kenny Mellman (Kiki
who has been performing as to see me, I’d either freeze, which fecund period. I once spent an play with Pierre Clementi’s gay & Herb), carnal chanteuse Bridget Everett
this most exalted of divas all over I don’t think so, or give the per- entire day reveling in the Berlin chauffeur; “1900” and its scene (“At Least It’s Pink”), pop song opera
the world since the early 1990s, formance of my life. Liza Minnelli Filmmuseum, and will delight in of the lucky whore simultane- impresario Neal Medlyn (“Neal Medlyn’s
and will be at Don’t Tell Mama was sitting right next to me once discovering the histrionic riches ously masturbating hunky Unpronounceable Symbol”), producer and
on December 18 (343 W. 46th and loved it. If I had the chance, on display here. young Robert DeNiro and MTV cameraman Brendan Kennedy, and
St., 8:30 p.m.; dontellmamanyc. I wouldn’t ask her about her The sprightly, doll-like Lilian Gerard Depardieu; “La Luna”’s writers Ada Calhoun and Peter Schjel-
com) and Metropolitan Room on career but about Chinese food. Harvey enchanted the world in Oedipal shock; the relentless dahl. The show is inspired by the legend-
January 8 (34 W. 22nd St., 9:30 She worked as a cashier in a res- her international musical suc- testosterone of “Last Tango in ary 1950s musical sketch radio and then
p.m.; taurant as a teenager and would cess “Congress Dances” before Paris”; his adaptation of Paul TV series “Your Hit Parade.” Joe’s Pub,
Brinberg’s voice, uncannily know exactly what I was talking, being brought to Hollywood for Bowles’ “The Sheltering Sky”; inside the Public Theater, 425 Lafay-
similar to Streisand’s, has been this chow men, chicken broccoli, four abysmal Fox features. She the casual nakedness of “Steal- ette St. , btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor
praised by such hard-to-please and American Chinese food I’m later aided Nazi escapees; Elisa- ing Beauty,” and the enthralling Pl. Dec. 15, 7:30 & 10 p.m. Tickets are
souls as Arthur Laurents — who obsessed with that’s now extinct. beth Bergner was the most high- embrace of Michael Pitt’s beauty $20 at or 212-967-7555 For
told him, “This is like Barbra if It was first generation Chinese ly regarded, imitated actress of in “The Dreamers.” table reservations, guaranteeing a seat,
she went into a funhouse and food that went out of fashion by her day with her Streisand looks call 212-539-8778. Table service includes
looked in a mirror. You should the 1970s when Szechuan came and whisperingly intimate, mer- Contact David Noh at Inthe- a two-drink or $10 food minimum.
have a show of your own!” –– and in. I grew up with it, and there’s curial, echt-Viennese talent. and check out his ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Stephen Sondheim, who saw only one place in Queens that Asta Nielsen, who resembled a new blog at http://nohway.
him at Mama’s. has it now, one on Staten Island, man in drag, turned down the 䉴 DEC 15, continued on p.36

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䉴 WARSAW, from p.3 Kaczynskis’ reign. commented on Smiszek’s sexu- “I felt that something was

a wide gap between march par-

ticipants and an organized gang
Under the Kaczynskis, for
example, there were initia-
tives to ban homosexuals from
al orientation in a debate which
was in no way connected to his
person. Therefore, it is evident
wrong with the fear of homo-
sexuals, so I wrote a letter to
the Catholic bishop explaining
of hundreds of right-wing Cath-
olic and neo-Nazi youth, who
unleashed a rain of eggs, rocks,
and fire rockets into the parade.
teaching in the public schools,
and there was an incessant rain
of homophobic declarations
from cabinet members and the
that she was attempting to dis-
credit him by capitalizing on
homophobia. We find this par-
ticularly deplorable for a politi-
who we are, and I asked people
to join in signing this letter,”
Lezierski said, and then added
with a chuckle, “I was terri-
䉴 DEC 15, from p.34
Although homophobia is prime minister, who condemned cian of her ranking, and even bly naïve. I thought if we just
still widespread and virulent in homosexuality as “unnatural” more so coming from someone explained things, that would be COMEDY
Poland, Lezierski’s victory is a behavior that the state must who is entrusted with ensuring enough!” Sank Shots
sign that attitudes are begin- prevent from “infecting” others. equal treatment in the coun- Then he began working with In a “Smoking Gun” edition of “That
ning to change. “Tusk and his people may try.” a gay group, Lambda Warsaw. Sank Show,” host Adam Sank welcomes
The new openly gay City have stopped using hate lan- Despite the lack of sympathy “Our first project was to try two of the stars from truTV’s popular
Council member said his elec- guage against us,” Lezierski from Prime Minister Tusk and to get a training program for “Smoking Gun Presents: World’s Dumb-
tion campaign was relatively told this reporter, “but they still his ruling Civic Platform party, young policemen about homo- est...” series –– Emmy-winning lesbian
free of any gay-baiting or racist think gays are not normal, and Lezierski said that the next big sexuality and homophobia,” he comedian Judy Gold, whose latest one-
backlash. we can’t get anything positive item on the gay agenda will be said. “We had no success, but woman show is called “It’s Jewdy’s Show
“There was a little something from them.” the introduction of a gay and we did eventually manage to get –– My Life as a Sitcom,” and “Smoking
about my being gay,” Lezier - In September, Tusk’s min- lesbian domestic partnership a link to an LGBT group put on Gun” fave Brad Loekle, who is the host of
ski told Gay City News, “but it ister for Equal Treatment, Elz- act in Parliament next year. the police website.” the Sunday evening comedy series at Ther-
was not a strong attack. And bieta Radziszewska, claimed “Even if it doesn’t pass, the After he opened Le Madame apy Bar. Edison Apple, from Logo’s “Laugh-
being black is not a problem in an interview in the Catholic important thing is to create and became its master of rev- ing Matters,” also appears. Bar-Tini Ultra
in Warsaw or even in Poland,” weekly Gość Niedzielny that public discussion,” Lezierski els, the club was not only a fun Lounge , 642 Tenth Ave., btwn. 45th &
undoubtedly because there are private Catholic schools could said. “If attitudes in this coun- place to go out for the evening, 46th Sts. Dec. 15, 8 p.m. There is no cover
hardly any blacks in the coun- refuse to hire a lesbian as a try are beginning to change, it’s but also held regular debates charge or drink minimum.
try. teacher, despite the fact that because we’ve become more on gay questions and a host ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Lezierski said that media the Polish Labor Code bans and more visible, and we can of other political issues. It also
coverage of his remarkable vic- discrimination based on sexual educate people if we explain provided a stage for hundreds NIGHTLIFE
tory was “mostly positive; it orientation. what the domestic partnership of plays and performance art O, 69!
was cool. Yes, there were a few In a televised debate on this project is and why it is needed.” pieces, many of which chal- Guitarist Chris Padilla and Jonathan
homophobic comments posted issue with Krzystof Smiszek of Lezierski says he first began lenged restrictive sexual codes Griffith and JC Alvarez of the New York
by readers on the websites of the Polish Society of Anti-Dis- to come out “when I was 14 and mores. cable program “Talking About” appear
some of the newspapers, but crimination Law (PSAL), she or 15, and I realized I just Le Madame was, in short, tonight at “P*rno Bingo,” in an evening
on the whole the coverage was publicly disclosed his sexual wasn’t interested in girls, so I everything the Kaczynskis that benefits Queens Pride House, a Jack-
something positive,” another orientation and accused him began discussing this with my hated, which is why they led son Heights-based LGBTQ community cen-
sign of change. of being biased, saying, “We friends.” the official move that closed the ter facing severe funding cuts in the com-
“All the television stations know that he is a member of He came out in public when club for good. ing year. “P*rno Bingo” has raised nearly
covered my victory, and they’ve the homosexual society and he had left the small town in By that time, however, Lezier- $140,000 for New York community orga-
all invited me to appear on their an activist for the Campaign conservative southern Poland ski had become a hero to War- nizations over the past six years. Pieces
talk shows — except for the TV Against Homophobia and it’s where his mother lived and saw’s gays. Bar, 8 Christopher St. near Greenwich
station controlled by the Kac- no secret who his partner is...” went to university in Warsaw. As he prepares to take up his St. & Sixth Ave. Dec. 15, 8-10 p.m.
zynskis,” he added. Poland’s Campaign Against “There was a magazine that new duties on the City Coun- ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
The Kaczynskis’ Law and Homophobia (KPH) denounced covered pop culture and need- cil, Gay City News probed as to
Justice Party suffered a serious the minister’s statement, say- ed a guy to put on the cover to whether he currently has a boy-
setback when it was defeated
by Tusk’s Civic Platform in the
2007 parliamentary elections
ing, “We are deeply astonished
by the words of Radziszewska.
Firstly, her views on anti-dis-
illustrate an article on gays,
and they asked me,” Lezierski
recalled. “I said yes. That’s how
“No, but if there’s somebody
out there who’d like to get mar- PERFORMANCE
and Tusk replaced Jaroslav crimination law are not in line my mother found out I was gay. ried, just call me!” Lezierski said Breast or Leg?
Kaczynski as prime minister. with Polish law or European It was a little bit of a shock for with a hearty laugh, adding, Jackie Beat’s “All-You-Can-Eat Christ-
But, Lezierski noted, the only standards of equal treatment. her, and it took her two or three “That’s a good way to end this mas” is a comedy and music smorgasbord
real change in the gover n- This raises serious concerns years to be okay with it. My fam- interview, isn’t it?” of deliciously blackened holiday classics
ment’s attitude toward gays has of her competence to hold her ily are all quite Catholic.” mixed with a heapin’ helpin’ of hammy new
been the absence of the overt position.” Lezierski’s first steps as a gay Doug Ireland can be reached material. Who cares if we’re still at war
homophobic rhetoric and policy The gay group continued, activist came during his second through his blog, DIRELAND, at and the unemployment rate is sky-high?
initiatives that characterized the “Furthermore, Radziszewska year at university. The only question you need to ask your-
self around this time of year is, “Breast or
a leg?” The Laurie Beechman Theater,
䉴 BRIEFS, from p.12 culture,” Sullivan said Donohue’s Ironically, two of the “NEA repeated anti-gay harassment in ing violation complaints on him to inside West Bank Café, 407 W. 42nd St.
and Cantor’s reactions were based 4,” Tim Miller and Holly Hughes, the 103rd precinct in Queens, he clear. When he complained, he Dec. 16-19, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $20-22
Martin Sullivan, defended the deci- on “misperceptions.” are current performing shows in followed senior brass suggestions was charged with insubordina- at or 212-352-3101.
sion to remove the video by saying He acknowledged that the New York. that he transfer to IAB. There, his tion, the Voice reports. There is a $15 food/ drink minimum.
“some of the accounts of this got gallery would face criticism from suit claims, he encountered a “frat- Perhaps the most bizarre ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
out so virally and so vehemently defenders of artistic freedom. The IAB Needs house” climate where “fudgepack- twist in the story is the alleged
that people were leaping to a con- Two decades ago, similar an IAB er,” “homo,” and “faggot” were reaction of a department psy- READING
clusion that we were intentionally controversies broke out after a Last week’s Village Voice freely bandied about. One fellow chiatrist Doe was ordered to see Lesbian Erotica
trying to provoke Christians or spoil museum in Cincinnati mounted reported a disturbing story about officer, who accused Doe of “look- in the wake of lodging a formal Come hear five contributors to this
the Christmas season.” While a controversial exhibition of gay the blatant and vulgar homopho- ing at my package,” took to rou- complaint. The doctor asked him year’s installment of “Best Lesbian Erotica”
acknowledging to the Times that photographer Robert Mappletho- bia that a gay detective alleges he tinely calling him a “meat gazer” if he planned to sue. (edited by Kathleen Warnock) read their
Wojnarowicz worked with “vivid, rpe’s work and when Congress bul- experienced in the NYPD’s Internal (that’s a new one on me). “The most disturbing thing work at “Drunken! Careening! Writers! Lea
colorful imagery and sometimes lied the National Endowment for Affairs Bureau. In a suit filed anon- Doe also alleges that his supe- is that it has been continuing for DeLaria, the beloved jazz musician, Broad-
shocking metaphors” to represent the Arts to pull funding from four ymously under the name “John riors harassed him in the work years,” one of Doe’s lawyers, Ish- way diva, actor, writer, and stand-up comic,
“the reality of the suffering of the controversial performances artists, Doe,” the 33-year Long Island they assigned him, at one point mael Secondas, told the Voice.
AIDS epidemic in Latin American three of them gay or lesbian. native alleges that after enduring dumping a backlog of 1,700 park- “I’ve never had a case like this.” 䉴 DEC 16, continued on p.38

䉴 HUGHES, from p.24 HH: I don’t think having my civil the nearest hospital immediately. It’s want a ceremony — or how much of a
rights would make me any less radi- a life-threatening condition and you ceremony. I’m like, “Let’s get Carmeli-
HH: What is interesting to me is the cal in my thinking, but I wouldn’t could die at any minute.” The whole ta Tropicana or Marga Gomez or Mur-
vehemence that gay people who are have to worry when I’m traveling with way there, we’re driving in the dark, ray Hill.” She’s like, “Don’t turn it into
not down with the gay marriage issue Esther if there was a medical emer - trying to find the hospital with this a performance and a bunch of gags.”
display. That’s the kind of question I gency whether they’d accept our med- death sentence hanging over us — Esther is butch, but she’s really
want to address in the show. Why are ical power of attorney. but we were worried about our story. devoted to dressing in casual clothes.
they so threatened? In the commu- She won’t wear anything that’s
nity, there’ve always been people that uncomfortable. But I’m like, “You
have been coupled. should be uncomfortable. It’s your
There are other things that people wedding!” [Pause.] We might have to
are doing in greater numbers that do it separately. [Laughs.]
do change what it means to be gay. I I would argue that having kids changes the
would argue that having kids changes CS: Would you share a line from
the community more than if you can
community more than if you can get your “Let Them Eat Cake” that gives read-
get your partner’s Social Security partner’s Social Security benefits. ers a hint about the show?
benefits or if you can both see each HH: One of the characters says, “I
other in the hospital. don’t want to do this. I never wanted
to do this. I think the problem with
CS: Some LGBTQ folk believe that gay marriage is gay marriage. And I’m
with marriage equality, we’ll lose our CS: Have you had this problem hap- CS: What story did you tell? glad I’m not the only one.”
outsider status, that we’ll no longer pen? HH: That I was her sister. The minute That opens up the opportunity for
be sexual outlaws. HH: We were in Rutherfordton, North we went inside, they asked, “Who are the audience to weigh in. If you’re
HH: That’s definitely an anxiety, Carolina, in the foothills of the Smokey you?” There was sort of a moment and against gay marriage, this is the play
but it’s very regional. I divide my time Mountains. We have an RV because then they said, “O-kay.” Thankfully, it to come to!
between New York and Ann Arbor. Cer- we’re crazy dog people, and we were at turned out to be nothing. Apart from gay
tainly in the Midwest, I would argue, this campground devoted to people and marriage, who the fuck should care? I’m The December 9, 7:30 p.m. perfor-
it’s a lot harder just to be a garden- their dogs. One morning Esther says to the person with this person. I’m com- mance is a benefit for Dixon Place.
variety gay person than to be “queer- me, “I have a chest pain that I’ve had mitted to her. I’m her next of kin. Evan Wolfson, Freedom to Marry’s
er-than-thou” in the East Village. It’s for a couple of weeks.” We went to an executive director, presents a post-
kind of impossible to be queer in a urgent care guy who said everything is CS: Will you or won’t you eventu- show talk, and the evening will
rural place, except in theory. [Laughs.] okay but there’s one blood test. ally tie the knot? include special performances by Erin
Unless you want to be hated. In the middle of the night, he calls HH: Esther and I have talked a lot Markey and Joseph Keckler. T ickets
us and says to Esther, “You have a about getting married, and we haven’t are $15-$25 at or 212-
CS: If you and Esther decide to pulmonary embolism. You can’t wait been able to bring ourselves to do it. 219-0736; $10-$35, $18 for students
marry, how would it change your lives? until the morning; you have to go to We haven’t reconciled whether we and seniors at the door.


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䉴 DADT, from p.1

debate over the annual Penta-

gon budget bill that contains
repeal provisions.
The House passed the
spending authorization bill
with the same repeal language 䉴
DEC 16, from p.36
in May. But, in a December 1
letter signed by all 42 GOP sen- is host to contributors Charlotte Dare, whose
ators, Minority Leader Mitch erotic fiction has appeared in “Lesbian Cow-
McConnell warned Harry Reid, boys,” “Where the Girls Are: Urban Les-
the Democratic majority lead- bian Erotica,” “Girl Crazy,” “Island Girls,” and
er, that they would block con- elsewhere; Kiki DeLovely, a queer femme
sideration of any lame duck performer/ writer who published her first
business unless the issue of work in this volume; D.L. King, a Lambda Lit-
extending the Bush era tax erary Award finalist who is the editor of “The
cuts was resolved to their satis- Sweetest Kiss”; Sinclair Sexsmith, who runs
faction. the personal online writing project “Sugar-
The White House and Reid Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Michael Mullen, testifying in February before the Senate Armed Services Committee, returned butch Chronicles: The Sex, Gender, and Rela-
have repeatedly insisted that last week to push for final repeal action. tionship Adventures of a Kinky Queer Butch
getting Senate approval of Top”; and Xan West, the pseudonym of a
DADT repeal was among the matter privately with Defense that effort while not necessar- strongly urge the Senate to New York BD/ SM sex educator. KGB Bar,
priorities in the lame duck ses- Secretary Gates and others, I ily guaranteeing anything for pass” the measure in December, 85 E. Fourth St., btwn. Bowery & Second
sion. Resolving the tax impasse accept the findings of the report Obama and his party in return. Gates said. (According to the Ave. Dec. 16, 7 p.m. Free admission.
opens up the possibility of mov- and support repeal based on the “If the Democrats are going to Associated Press, however, the ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
ing on repeal, as well as on other secretary’s recommendations cut a deal in late December or in defense secretary, in remarks
key Obama goals such as ratifi- that repeal will be implemented February, they might as well do on December 6 to sailors aboard
cation of the START II nuclear
arms treaty with Russia. The
extension of unemployment
only when the battle effective-
ness of the forces is assured
and proper preparations have
it now so we can get on to other
things,” Sarvis said.
In a conference call earlier
the USS Abraham Lincoln in the
Arabian Sea, said he was “not
particularly optimistic” the Sen- DANCE
benefits, the other main Demo- been completed.” last week to discuss the Pen- ate would act this month) A Crack in the
cratic objective discussed, was Later that day, Maine’s Susan tagon Working Group report Even as he specifically reject- Holiday Sounds
part of the tax deal announced Collins, another Armed Services issued on November 30, Sarvis ed the concept of polling or David Parker and The Bang Group pres-
by the White House. Committee Republican, said she said Reid will have to accede to holding a referendum on repeal ent “Nut/ Crack,” a comic, subversive neo-
Hearings held December 2 too would vote to end DADT –– Republican demands that some among service members –– say- vaudeville danced to novelty and popular
and 3 by the Armed Services assuming she is satisfied with as yet unspecified number of ing that would be “antithetical arrangements of the “Nutcracker” score as
Committee, in which ten top mil- the terms Reid establishes for amendments be allowed during to our system of government,” well as the traditional orchestral suite. Incor-
itary officials, including Defense the floor debate on the overall the debate. Saying that “discus- in which the military is under porating an enterprising mix of tap, ballet,
Secretary Robert Gates, testified budget bill. sions are underway” about this civilian government control –– contemporary, disco, and even toe tap, “Nut/
about the findings of a special “Once the tax issue is question on Capitol Hill, he pre- Gates, joined by Mullen, pointed Crack” will also feature local youth from all
Pentagon Working Group study- resolved, I have made it clear dicted each side would need to to an array of findings based on five boroughs. Dance Theater Workshop
ing repeal, offered hope that that if the majority Leader be given the chance to offer at outreach to active duty mem- in the Bessie Schönberg Theater, 219
Reid can find the 60 votes nec- brings the Defense Authoriza- least five. bers and their families showing W. 19th St. Dec. 17–18, 20, 7:30 p.m.; Dec.
essary to overcome Republican tion bill to the floor with suf- With just three weeks left a high degree of comfort about a 18-19, 2 p.m. There is a 6:30 p.m. pre-show
opposition to moving forward. ficient time allowed for debate before the New Year and Christ- prospective policy change. conversation on Dec. 17 and a post-show talk
The Senate first tried to and amendments, I would vote mas 19 days away, repeal advo- Out of 115,000 service mem- on Dec. 18. Tickets are $20, $15 for students
debate the budget bill in Sep- to proceed to the bill,” she said cates are also worried that the bers, or 28 percent of those sent and seniors, at or
tember, but GOP opponents of in a written statement. Senate could simply run out surveys earlier this year, who 212-924-0077.
repeal, led by Armed Services Collins’ caveat about timing of time to take up the issue, made their views known, 70 ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Committee ranking Republican and process, however, points up with the tax deal not yet been percent said changing the policy
John McCain, were successful the risks of reading too much approved and a potential START “would have a positive, mixed, The Evidence of a
in keeping every Republican in into what happened in the wake debate looming as well. or no effect.” Fully 69 percent Quarter Century
line and winning the support of of last week’s hearings. In May, Mindful of the dwindling time said they worked alongside Celebrating 25 years of dance perfor-
Arkansas Democrats Blanche Collins voted with the Demo- left, Senator Joe Lieberman, a somebody they believed was mance, Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE presents
Lincoln and Mark Pryor to block crats to advance the budget bill Connecticut Independent Dem- gay in their unit, and of those, an evening of rarely seen works, with special
any action. with repeal language intact to ocrat who is a leading voice for 92 percent said that the unit’s appearances by the Dayton Contemporary
After last week’s hearings the Senate floor. Then in Sep- repeal, pressed this week for “ability to work together” was Dance Company, Mamadouba Mohamed
ended, Massachusetts Repub- tember, complaining about the the Senate to extend its session “very good,” “good,” or “neither Camara, and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band.
lican Scott Brown –– who voted rules for debate and amend- beyond the planned December good nor poor.” BAM Harvey Theater, 651 Fulton St. at
against the repeal language pro- ments Reid had proposed, she 17 adjournment. Among military spouses sur- Ashland Pl., Fort Greene. Dec. 17, 7:30
posed for the Pentagon appro- sided with her party to block All these inside-baseball con- veyed separately, 74 percent p.m. Tickets are $35-$55 ($100 ticket includes
priations bill when the Armed consideration of the bill. siderations come in the wake of said that changing the policy a post-show champagne reception with the
Services committee considered Leading advocates for repeal what was a largely good week would have no effect on their artists) at or call 718-636-4100.
it in May and sided with his are mindful of the roadblocks for those wishing to open up views regarding the reenlistment ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
GOP colleagues in September –– that remain. After Brown and military service to openly gay of their husband or wife, and
endorsed repeal. Collins put out their December and lesbian members. only 12 percent said it would CABARET
In a written statement issued 3 statements, Aubrey Sarvis, The Working Group report, have a negative impact. Rizo Sans Yo-Yo
early in the afternoon of Decem- executive director of Service- the product of ten months of After summarizing these Cabaret star Lady Rizo is back for an
ber 3, Brown said, “Having members Legal Defense Net- study, was rolled out on Novem- findings and their conclusion unchaperoned evening of song and deca-
reviewed the Pentagon report, work, which leads the charge ber 30 in a high-profile press that while repeal could prove dence. Her seamless mix of bawdy humor
having spoken to active and on ending DADT, told Gay City conference by Gates and Admi- “potentially disruptive in the and elegance has been likened to Mae
retired military service mem- News that dragging out the tax ral Michael Mullen, the chair
bers, and having discussed the extension debate would imperil of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “I 䉴 DADT, continued on p.39 䉴 DEC 17, continued on p.39

䉴 DADT, from p.38 lowed by a 60-day congressional pose a problem for most service certification to implement repeal

14 DAYS short run,” it would not be “the

wrenching experience” some
review, will repeal take effect.
Aubrey Sarvis, the executive
director of the Servicemembers
members. She also challenged
the notion that the nation’s
current military commitments
until all significant risks had
been mitigated made a differ-
ence in his thinking. “It abso-

䉴 DEC 17, from p.38
have “predicted,” Gates offered
a canny rebuttal to repeal crit-
ics’ charge that the process is
moving too quickly for careful
Legal Defense Network (SLDN),
a leading repeal advocacy group,
said he “did pause” on the dis-
cussion of implementation
overseas preclude repeal at this
time, pointing out that President
Harry Truman’s racial desegre-
gation of the services was car-
lutely goes toward easing some
of the pressures” that would
face the Marines, he said.
General George Casey, the
consideration. offered by Gates and Mullen and ried out during the Korean War. Army chief of staff, also outspo-
West, but it’s her vocal chops that have Pointing to a recent federal in a subsequent Pentagon brief- Other Republicans on the ken in arguing that the “addi-
garnered recent attention — in her col- district court ruling against ing by the co-chairs of the spe- Armed Services Committee, tional stresses” on an already
laborations with Yo-Yo Ma and with DADT that for a matter of days cial Pentagon Working Group meanwhile, doubled down stretched military made repeal
Moby on albums this year. Joe’s Pub, earlier this fall –– until it was that issued the report –– Gen- in their opposition to repeal. at this time inadvisable, testi-
inside the Public Theater, 425 Lafay- stayed pending appeal –– forced eral Carter Ham, commanding McCain charged that in failing fied the “underpinnings” of the
ette St., btwn. E. Fourth St. & Astor the military worldwide to sus- general of the US Army Europe, to query service members on policy, as enacted in 1993, were
Pl., 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 at joespub. pend enforcement of the policy, and Jeh Johnson, the Defense whether the policy should be clearly shown to be invalid by
com or 212-967-7555; $20 at the door. For he said action this year is “a Department’s general counsel. changed, Gates and Mullen had the Working Group report. “It
table reservations, guaranteeing a seat, matter of urgency given stepped- “I think we should be talk- failed to live up to the standard is no longer true that the pres-
call 212-539-8778. Table service includes up court action that created ing a few months,” Sarvis said of “every great leader I have ence of a gay solider in a unit
a two-drink or $10 food minimum. abrupt, disruptive changes.” He on the evening of November known.” causes a risk to good order and
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ added, “Those that choose not 30. “And if they are not talking Saxby Chambliss of Geor - discipline,” Casey told the com-
to act legislatively are rolling the about that, they are opening gia pressed Gates and Mul- mittee.
NIGHTLIFE dice that it will not happen judi- up a whole lot of problems for len, “What are you going to do In fact, though Casey, Amos,
Bad Santa Bear cially.” themselves.” Sarvis noted that about” what he warned was the and General Norton Schwartz,
“Rockbear Friday: Underbear” is an Despite the remarkably posi- by late next spring, Congress prospect of roughly a quarter the Air Force chief of staff,
evening of boxers, briefs, and Speedos in tive tone of the Gates-Mullen will once again begin looking at million service members leaving showed resistance to moving
a clothes-check dance party that is hard- presentation, several cautionary the annual Pentagon budget, a the military in reaction against forward immediately on repeal,
er, cockier, darker, and furrier. Rockbear, notes did emerge. First, the two process that could provide anti- repeal. each of them conceded that the
185 Christopher St. at Weehawken officials specifically flagged that repeal die-hards at least some And Lindsay Graham of policy’s days are numbered and
St. Dec. 17, 9 p.m. At midnight, there 30 percent of service members chance for mischief, if not out- South Carolina praised the even undercut key elements of
is a Bad Santa Bear contest. $5 Svedka’s who responded saw problems right sabotage. manner in which DADT is the critique offered by McCain
and $4 Domestic Beers all night long. with repeal, with those num- Morale would also likely suf- enforced, saying, “It’s not a situ- and other Republican commit-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ bers rising to 40 percent, and in fer from an extended period of ation where people are hounded tee members.
some cases approaching 60 per- ambiguity about what direction day to day.” That statement flies All six witnesses the sec-
cent, in certain ground forces the services are taking on inte- in the face of testimony both ond day of the hearings said

SUN.DEC.19 units, especially in the Marine
The report Gates and Mullen
grating openly gay and lesbian
members, he suggested.
But, as the Armed Services
heard early this year from for-
mer Air Force Major Mike Almy,
discharged in 2006 based on
the study had been carried out
well, each specifically rejecting
the notion that service mem-
Very Naughty released, however, noted that hearings unfolded at the end evidence obtained without his bers should have been invited
Nativity “while a higher percentage of of the week, it was clear that consent from his private emails to give their opinion on whether
Host Brad Loekle welcomes his buddy Service members in warfight- the Pentagon’s assurances of a while he was serving in Iraq. ending the policy is the right
Adam Sank (TruTV; NBC’s “Last Comic ing units predict negative effects deliberate roll-out of the certi- Last week, Almy told report- course, something Gates said
Standing”), Jessimae (from the Home- of repeal, the percentage dis- fication process was a political ers that he undertook repeated would amount to an inappropri-
town Comedy Tour), and “Star Search” tinctions between warfighting plus among senators. Signal- efforts to set up a meeting with ate referendum. “We got what
finalist Brian Barry to “The Electro Shock units and the entire military are ing the stance he would adopt McCain after the Arizona sena- we needed,” Amos said of the
Therapy Comedy Hour.” Therapy Bar, 348 almost non-existent when asked explicitly in his press statement tor belligerently made the same report’s data on attitudes within
W. 52nd St., Dec. 19, 10 p.m. No cover about the actual experience of on December 3, Brown, ques- argument as Graham in response each of the services.
charge, and $7 cosmos all night long. serving in a unit with someone tioning Gates the day before, to questions from the Advocate The witnesses also unani-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ believed to be gay.” elicited a commitment from the and Washington’s Metro Weekly mously agreed that statistics
“With thorough preparation, defense secretary that “every- in September. Almy’s efforts were showing that as many as ten
there is a low risk to repeal,” he thing must be done” to prepare rebuffed, as were, Sarvis said, percent of service members

MON.DEC.20 said.
That point, however, relates
to the second issue that could,
troops and procedures for the
change to come before he would
sign off on the certification
similar attempts by two former
flag officers who are McCain con-
might shorten the time they
planned to spend in the mili-
tary, cited by Senator Chamb-
Take on a Chance over time, become a concern required. The day after Gates and Mul- liss, were likely “overstated.”
on Mummenschanz for repeal advocates. Noting “That’s why I have been very lens testified last week, three out And none of the chiefs said
The internationally renowned Swiss that “an abundance of care and careful not to say how long this of the six top military witnesses it was necessary for them to be
performance troupe Mummenschanz, preparation is needed,” Gates process will take,” Gates told who appeared before the com- given authority –– along with
which for four decades has captivated explicitly stated, “I believe it Brown. mittee voiced significant con- the president, Gates, and Mul-
audiences worldwide with its ground- would be unwise to push ahead Jim Webb, a Virginia Demo- cerns about the wisdom of mov- len –– to certify that the military
breaking visuals and transformative, non- with full repeal without further crat who was Ronald Rea- ing ahead now on repeal. Still, was ready before repeal could
verbal theater that makes inventive use planning among combat units.” gan’s Navy secretary and voted even as the Army and Air Force take effect.
of forms, shadow and light, and creative The phrase “full repeal,” in against the repeal language in chiefs of staff and the Marine “Believe me, I will make sure
manipulation of sculptural, expressive this formulation, does not relate May, praised the Working Group Corps commandant offered my views are heard,” Casey
masks, appears in a limited engage- to Senate action this month, but report as “an incredible piece of damaging arguments, the most said.
ment at NYU’s Skirball Center for rather to certification that Presi- work,” and drew out from Admi- resistant of the three, General The December 3 hearing also
the Performing Arts, 566 LaGuardia dent Obama, Gates, and Mul- ral Mullen a commitment that James Amos of the Marines — featured three firm support-
Pl. at Washington Sq. S. Dec. 20-22, len must make that the policies, he would also not give his certi- who testified, “I cannot turn my ers of repeal –– General James
26, 31 & Jan. 2, 7-8, 7 p.m.; Dec. 23, regulations, and training put fication until all significant risks back on the views of the troops” Cartwright, a marine who is vice
28-30 & Jan. 4-6, 8 p.m.; Dec. 22, 24, in place will ensure that mili- had been “mitigated.” — acknowledged that a change chair of the Joint Chiefs, Admi-
26 & Jan. 2, 8, 2 p.m.; Dec. 31, 4 p.m.; tary readiness, unit cohesion, Senator Collins said that in policy could be handled. ral Gary Roughead, the Navy
Jan. 7, 10 p.m. Tickets are $45-$75 at morale, and retention will not be even though the report was not And, Amos agreed that Gates chief of staff, and Admiral Rob- compromised. Only when that a troop referendum, she was and Mullen’s assurance they ert Papp, the Coast Guard com-
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
certification has been made, fol- reassured that repeal did not would not provide the required mandant.

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