Thermal, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Filler-Doped Polymer Concrete - Elsevier Enhanced Reader PDF

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Construction and Building Materials 226 (2019) 18-199, Contents lists available at ScienceDiroct Construction and Building Materials ELSEVIER, journal homepage: www. = Thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of filler-doped polymer ® concrete sa, Vedat Arda Kiiciik®, Emriye Ginar, Haluk Korucu®, Baris Simsek”, Ali Bilge Giiveng‘, Tayfun Uygunoglu“, Mehmet Muhtar Kocakerim® berariment of CheniclEnierine. Focly of Eninering. Clan Karaekin Univers. 18120 Ca Trey Deparment of Ci eerie Foul of gern. Osman Kora Univer, 8000 Osman Turkey “hereon, Cuadonce& Elecro-Ops Bans econ ASELSAN AS, 06730 Anka, Trey *Deportmen of Ce Eee Faculty of Engineering Aton Koctepe Unversiy,03200 An. Tarkey HIGHLIGHTS + Optimum fille doped polymer dosage was determined by Mult-Response Optimization, 350, doped polypropylene proved 67.11% lower electrical resistance. + BaS0, doped polypropylene should be preferred for thermally insulated concrete ‘Highest water resistance was achieved with the use of talc daped palypropyiene. ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Received 1 Febuary 2019 Received in revised frm 19 uly 2019, Accepted 20 July 2019 “The use of filer materials in industrial polymers is becoming increasingly widespread in order to over~ come the disadvantages of polymers foss of strength, This study proposed a methodology to analyze the effect of fille-doped polymers on the conerete features. The results of the study showed that Barium Sulfate (BaSO,) doped polypropylene added concrete with 30% pol ratio has 51.03% lower thermal conductivity and 147.99% higher 28-day compressive strength than the reference fonerete. I is determined that Calcium Carbonate doped polyethylene (CaPE) and glass fiber doped polypropylene (GFPP) gave the highest electrical resistance to the concrete eyo Compressive strenath Filler doped poner concrete ectial esitivity 1. Introduction Polypropylene [1), polyethylene and polystyrene [2] are popular thermoplastics that can be mass produced and have vast amount of applications in construction, buildings, automotive, electricity due to their exceptional properties such as low density, good stiffness ‘and good chemical resistance [3,4]. Besides their extraordinary Features, these polymers have some disadvantages such as high thermal expansion, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation and high ‘compressive strength loss when used in conerete mixtures [5]. In ‘order to overcome these deficiencies, several composites based ‘on these polymers are developed (6. Inorganic solid salts (talc, calcite etc.) are the most commonly used filler material in the © Corresponding author mal edd: hrissimsekaratekineds (0. Sim, ups: ioiort0.016i.conbuitimat 201907256, 50-0518) 2019 Eee I Argh reserve {© 2019 Elsevier Li llrightsreserved preparation of these polymer composites (7] to improve toughness, stifiness, dimensional consistency and cost effectiveness [8.3]. Industrial polymers can be used in mortar and concrete mix- tures as synthetic aggregates to partially or totaly replace tradi- tional aggregates |10. Polyurethane, polycarbonate, polybutylene terephthalate [10), polyester resin (11), polystyrene {12}, rubber [13}, polyvinyl chloride | 14), polyethylene terephthalate, dimethyl terephthalate, polyethylene naphthalene, thermoplastic elas- tomers, polypropylene [15] can be given as examples for the poly- mers preferred by the researchers as synthetic aggregates in literature. Additionally, some inorganic materials like barium sul- fate [16], lay [17] and, graphene oxide [ 18) have been investigated as candidate alternative aggregates in order to inerease mechanical strength, replace traditional aggregates or reduce cement content. ‘Although, using polymers as synthetic aggregates reduces tradi- tional aggregate demand, it deteriorates the mechanical properties WA Kaa ol /Cnstrction and Bling Maes 226 (2019) 188-199, of concrete, in particular compressive strength. In order to address this issue, polymer composites are mostly used in mortar prepara- tion rather than pure polymers. With this approach, not only the thermal properties of concrete (good thermal insulation) can be Jmproved, but also desired level of compressive strength of stan- dard conerete can be achieved. Tale and calcium carbonate (CaCO) are the most commonly ‘used filler dopant materials for polymer matsx forming. Tale and calcium carbonate are doped into the common thermoplastics (mostly to the polypropylene) for improving hardness [19], lexural strength, dimensional consistency |6] and electrical resistance |20] properties. Glas fibers are also commonly used in polypropylene filler dopant. Although, using glass fiber doped polypropylene in concrete matrix decreases slump and pressure strength, it does ‘not have any effect on spliting resistance of the concrete 21) ‘There are very few studies in the literature that have investi- gated the effects of filler doped polymers on the properties of conerete. ‘This study has two main purposes. The first one is to under- stand the effects of fille-doped composites on the properties of conerete and reduce the usage of traditional aggregates. The sec- ‘ond objective is to determine the reusability of disposed plastics in concrete production. In order to do that, the effects of calcium carbonate doped poly- ethylene polymer and tale, glass fiber and barium sulfate doped polypropylene on electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of concrete were investigated using experimental design methods and the results were compared to that of undoped polymer intro- ‘duced concrete mortars. tn all he experiments, CER 1 (P) 325 Bass coment (manufactured by ‘OVAK Bolu Cement Pant) es used a biter. Chemical composition af the erent fan be seen in Table Super pasczer (BASF MastesGlnlum") was wed ih all ‘experiments inorder o homogeneously cspers cement paricies through te mix fre Phys properties ofthe fller doped plymers provided by the manufacturer canbe seen iTable? able Chemis oman binder cement ‘Chemical salves Percentage hy mast S10, tot AO 495 reo, 354 $0 2st so 133 Ko oss No oss Loss ofigiion 256 189 3. Methodology In this study, a “ull factorial design” based 8-step methodology ‘was used (Fig, 1). The effects of filler doped polymers on the con- crete characteristics were determined by statistical experimental design methods. Analysis of variance and “desirability function approach" was used to determine the applicability of the resulting concrete. Finally, the performance of the filler doped polymer concrete is compared to the performance of the undoped polymer ‘concrete [22 ‘The properties of filer doped polymer concrete (FIPOCRETE) can be given as 28 days electrical resistance, 3, 7 and 28 days thermal conductivity, 28 day compressive strength, 28 day water absorption percentage and. slump. These are the common Characteristics of concrete composite and have been studied in devail in the literature. When electrical resistance is considered; high electrical resistance is preferred (23) for corrosion resistance [24] and low electrical resistance is preferred [25] for structural ‘monitoring purposes. The electrical resistivity ofthe filed doped ppolymer concrete composite was measured at room temperature ‘with two probes under direct current (DC) and caleulated using formula (1) (26); is w where “ps eect resistivity (ohm), “Ls the distance between electrodes (m), “S” is area of the electrodes (m*) and R is ance ofthe sample hm) 2o). ‘onrete wth lo heral conducts preferred fr energy ‘saving | 15,27,28], while concrete with high thermal conductivity is oe ——‘“ EE ‘magnetic shielding concrete [30]. In this study, the thermal con- duty wos messed os 3,7 and 28taye oder to twig the deviation neal onc a he BPOCRETE according to time. The thermal conductivity of HPOCRETE was nested wing Deagon KOZ Po termal Propet analy n compliance with ASTM D 5334 standard [31,32]. “The 28-day compressive sen of HPOGRETE was measured using Test UTC-#7IO compres test device compan wih Enopean Nar EN 12380/3 3 Sump flow athe water ‘doaron rte of IPOCRETE wese messed in commplanoe wh the ested European Nows EN 123502 [33] and EN 1239027 [35], respectively. Cube shaped samples of concrete of size a .Lrrr~—~—sSsCsS Seven popes (sponses) of harden and fe encete were ected a ual ere, Detaled Ist of ess targets and a “wo i trafletng the properties of APOCRETE wee sect | erate ener er ‘able? ‘The popes of ler doped polymers. ropes ‘Gum doped poles Fille doped polyropviene Method ‘Mat Row index (10 in) 05 7 70 39 0) 39 worn Density gf") in 130 net 120 us 170 ‘sons ‘Tens sess 2 break (MPa) Ni NA so 0 320 6 180527 Tensile modulus (MPa) NA NA Na 7100 39650 200 180527 Elongation at beak 2) NA NA & 35 80 130 180527 Hardness (Shore D) Nia NA n % 6 6 "sos sh content (3) 60 50 50 2 3 © 1503451 Matture content (2) ‘aot Bis ae es du Eu oo 22 2 x GPE iPS GaPP 10308 GRP TARP are 1003 Tye Percentage (%) Percentage (%) Fi 6 Main fet lots or 28-y comes tenth (MPs) cli filed pol, fle ded oberon table apo ACO (per unto ole) Cement (ain) Wate a) lyme gi) SPigin) Wie li) Pro 400 1810 "200 400 12800 ssrra0 400 1870 1200 400 193625, WA Kaa ol /Cnstrction and Bling Maes 226 (2019) 188-199, ws aoe" ore ae oe Fig. 7 Srface plots for cium dope plymer in uncoded values, (2) electrical resistance (ohm (b) 28-day thermal conductive (Wn) adc) 28-day compressive sttength (MPa) Fig. 8 surfce pos for ler dap polypropylene in uncoded values, (a) electrical resistance (ohn'my)(b)28-dis thermal conductivity (Wak) and (c) 28-day ompressve strength (MP) Fi. 9. optimizations plot for fr cleum doped plymer and blr doped polypropylene ‘Water absorption percentage anc! slump value was decreased as, ‘the content of doped polymer in the concrete increased (Table 5). 42. Doped polypropylene vs. polypropylene The performance of doped polypropylene in concrete was com- pated with undoped (pure) polypropylene. In order to determine the effects of doped polymers on the concrete performance, sepa- tate concrete composites with both doped and undoped polypropylene were prepared at same polymer/concrete ratio (C330 by mass), Details of mixture design are given in Table 6. ‘The results of the experiments and, increase/decrease rates compared to the undoped polypropylene concrete composite are summarized in Appendices ATable Ad. Doped polypropylene; Py WA tae a Constrctin and Bling Materials 2252019) 168-190 ig. 10, SEM images 2) CAPE, b) CAPS and CaP shows lower electrical resistance, higher thermal conductivity. lower water absorption as well as significantly higher mechanical strength compared to undoped polypropylene, ‘When doped polypropylene is compared to polypropylene, it can be seen that GFPP caused the least electrical resistance loss (53.22%) while BaPP caused the least thermal resistance loss (17.96%). With TaPP, much higher compressive strength (209.423) and lower water absorption rate (20.60%) were obtained compared to polypropylene (Appendices A-Table Ad). ‘When the properties of the doped polypropylene concrete com- posite and the properties of the reference concrete are compared, it was observed that the doped polymers resulted in lower electrical resistance whereas the undoped polypropylene concrete compos- ite caused 59.7% higher electrical resistivity. When the 28 days thermal conductivity value is analyzed, it is determined that the thermal conductivity ofthe concrete with undoped polypropylene was 58.48% lower than the reference conerete and thermal conduc: tivity of the concrete with BaPP 51.03% lower than the reference concrete, However in terms of 28 day compressive strength 30% polypropylene admixture caused 12.56% loss in comparison with the reference concrete, whereas 30% TaPP admixture has a 170.55% improvement in comparison with the reference concrete and the BaPP admixture has a 148% improvement in comparison with the reference concrete. In addition, compared to reference conerete, doped polymers admixtures have reduced the percentage of water absorption of concrete composites in contrast to polypropylene admixture. The lowest the water absorption rate is 18.33% is achieved with TaPP admixture (Appendices A- Table At), 43. Optimum design In full factorial design approach, three-dimensional plots are used to predict the connection of responses and factors and to determine the “decision point” required for desirability function. The “decision point” of the plot has saddle shape forall responses [22]. The response surface graphs were plotted for two factors While the third factor was held constant a the middle level (Figs. 7 and 8). ‘The desirability function makes it possible to integrate all responses under a single function and to obtain “optimum results” ‘with maximizing this function. The responses with different scales can be examined together at the same time and the many responses can be easily transformed into a single function to per- form multi-response optimization, Another advantage of the ‘method is that it can be easily applied with Minitab software. In ‘order to make it possible to do a multiple-response optimization using full factorial design, in this study, full factorial design is combined with desirability function approach ( ) Individual desirability values, the overall desirability D and pre dicted value were also calculated using MINITAB® version 17 r . The Factors obtained at the saddle points (of RI, R2,R3, Ra, RS, RG and R7 (each responses have equal weight) ‘were calculated as 108.48 kg CaPE and 101.4 kg GFPP as given in optimization plot a and b (Fig. 9) ‘After the determination of optimum levels, validation experi ments were cartied out. Validation experiments were statistically compared with the results of predicted optimum levels using paired test ( ). The accuracy of the results verifies the validity of the models For 10848 kg CaPE usage in concrete composite, 6.19% improvement in electrical resistance, 17.9% improvement in ‘thermal conductivity and 44.49% improvement in 28-day compres- sive strength were achieved compared to control samples. On the ‘other hand, 2.96% decrease in water absorption rate was observed. For 101.4 kg GFPP usage in concrete composite, 35.99% improve- ment in 28-day thermal conductivity, 83.83% improvement in 28-day compressive strength and 17.84% improvement in water 109 195 absorption rate were achieved. On the other hand, 56.09% decrease in electrical resistance was observed. 4.4, Morphological analysis SEM images ofthe interfaces of polymer and cement paste were taken forall doped polymer types Blue Square) Te was seen that the doped polymers form a compact structure with the cement paste and the filler polymer is attached to the concrete. Leaf-like C-$-H (CalciumSlicate-Hydrate) gels are seen in al doped polymer concretes at 5:0KX (5000X) magnifications. The presence oflea-lke C-5-H gts in all SEM images isan indication that hydration process ofthe cement was successful and that con- crete will gradually gain strength in the future. Another interesting pointis that there are no cracks a the polymer structure and there iS no separation from cement paste, structural cacks within the polymer and separation from cement paste can easily be seen in the images of undoped polymer added concrete ( > “There results can be interpreted as the reason for compressive strength improvement in doped polymer added concrete compos- ites. I should be also noted that no voids were observed in the SEM images of GFPP and BaPP concrete composites Fi. 1, SM images 2) by TaP an) BP, 196 WA tae a Constrctin and Bling Materials 2252019) 168-190 5. Conclusions Several properties of concrete with doped polymers were inves- tigated using full factorial design method. The results of modified ‘concrete having different polymer concentrations were compared ‘with those values of the control concrete samples. Results show that introducing doped polymers into concrete has significant effects on the thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of concrete such as electrical resistance, thermal con- ‘ductivity, water resistance and compressive strength which define the final application of the concrete Barium Sulfate (BaS0,) doped polypropylene reinforced con- ‘rete with its lower thermal conductivity which is a desired prop- erty for lowering energy consumption and higher compressive strength which is suitable for carrying heavier loads can be a good ‘candidate for multistory building construction for both household ‘and business purposes. Barium Sulfate doped polypropylene with its lower electrical resistance was proposed for several applications such as; de-icing system of highway bridge deck platform and air- port runways, cathodic protection systems for steel rebar rein- forcement in concrete structures, self-sensing for smart structures and structural health monitoring systems. It has also ‘good potentials to be used in grounding systems, Combination of talc doped polypropylene reinforced concrete with its higher water resistance and GFPP doped polymer concrete with its higher electrical resistance can be used for dams, power plants and sewer systems. Additionally, calcium carbonate doped polymer with its lower electrical resistance can be used for electri- ‘cal grounding purposes inthe buildings ‘The given improvements on thermal, electrical and mechanical properties of concrete achieved in this study demonstrate that application specific concrete can be designed by optimizing the ‘dopant type and mixture ratios by using the proposed multi- response experimental optimization methodology. Declaration of Competing Interest ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- ial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared, to influence the work reported in this paper. ‘A Appendices ‘A: Experimental deails and results ‘Tables AL-A4 ‘able at Detall of he mistures and experaenta deen eta Tacos (per wal of vatume) Wie la) a 3 ‘cement (in?| water ine) Polymer Cin?) SP isin er NA NA 0 1570 000 “400 155671 a Cte 0 400 1370 400 400 waren a he 20 400 1370 sao 40 va3274 o Gre 30 0 ts70 00 400 139423, c ars 0 0 1370 400 400 12159 G ors 2» 400 1370 tao 400 139408, © ors so 0 1370 00 0 rr x Kut cement content Water content Polymer content content rs Pa io 0 1320 200 400 153625, perience dpe palynerconerete, Bxp.Ne Ri fohum) ——R2(WinvK) ——S(WHnK) RAW) ASMP) «ROGET RF 288 os 0681 0778 971 727018 Replicate Ct na arse on? 0597 998 ns 18 G 308 399 ox 0373 134 nm WA Kaa ol /Cnstrction and Bling Maes 226 (2019) 188-199, “Table 2 (conned) 7 Ephe Ree) WR) wi) OT) SR) Cem wpa? 390 ror ozs ‘701 2058 aa B o m 0357 sae a6 rr) 22) " ‘able a Experimental rests for ler doped polypransene concrete Bap Ne RIGOR) RE (WInPK) RCW) wS(Mra) mS) Rem) Repliate PA ns 0330 0558 aia nn 6 cy 8 558 0574 2529 2364 ry a 58 0352 aoas 200M 6 196 552 0387 2595 15510 " 176 ‘eat oss 2571 an 5 » 178 oan 0484 2537 1961 0 opiate? PL 2 sso 0505 ans nao “rable na Comparison sty with doped polymer. Ean Bip Code Rion) RAOWNTK) (WI) RA WHnrK) ASR) ABT) Fem » P30 10s oan oan 38 1 0 According PP30 Increase or decease rate” 6554 sno" 3745 sa2s 437 Increase or decresse rate! 5322 sun 8430 780 155 Increase or decree ate! 7517, Hoa 0 740 2080 Trees ordecreste ate! 7840, ma 438 196 ea recoding to REF Increase or decrease ate” 5867 aase 736 seas 286 Increase or decree ate” 4408 362 vat 3638 1s Increase or decrese ate? 2531 930 380 aos ra Treen ordecreste ate! 6035, 383 761 4036 i Incense or deceste ate? 671 fie 3187 3103 us "For caPPa0, 2 for GFPPIO. 2 for T30 4 for BaP30 according to PPO 5 For FP. * For cath, ” For GHPPa, * For TaPPa0 and ° For RaPPanacerting to REF agg)» 100) 6554, * flaslin)¢ to] — a0 6. 98 WA tae a Constrctin and Bling Materials 2252019) 168-190 ‘able #1 ‘he optimum responses. Tesponse Descption tees Satonny pont Weight Composite dasiabliy Predicted ae Optimal iwer Taree Upoee (ohm) 3m 30 097400" 19657" ome? Beds we ‘Themal conductivity 050078 PP oxzi96: ons (winx) 03 05 os 099585" 23005" Saye © ‘Themal conductivity 0450588 Sade PoP oom o7103" a) om 0s oer 083533 sais? Todays i Themnalconducivity 049 05077 saddle PoP oper o6ts0 (winx) 03 04059 oar Rs Compressive strength 857 15054 Saddle roe rasas2! ara 7s 3038 266000" Bays 86 Waterabsorpion 183320514 Sade " 200" @ m3 0 23H 20.006" Rs Sump fow ee os co taza: (om) s Bw maar Seti he Same weigh for acim ed payne Seung the same weight or materi filled palypeopsene B: Full factorial design based desirability function approach ‘The desirability function can be described as an index for nmul- tiple responses ranging from 0 to 1. Where, 1 indicates that opti- ‘mum values have been determined. Calculation of desirability function is made for each ¥, belonging tod, and then, the geometric ‘mean of these particular functions is calculated, Thus a single col- lective desirability function (D) is obtained. T states, L, and U state target value, limit inferior and superior respectively. Sand ¢ are the ‘weights demonstrating the importance of responses on target value and on the total desirability role. Alter the desirability functions are obtained for each of the responses, their geometric mean is calculated and a single collec- tive desirability function (D) can be achieved for all of them. De (dy dy dy x dy) 2 dy, da, ds dy are desirability values of responses and n denotes the ‘numberof total responses, Desirability function (with “nominal the best" approach) could be defined for the responses according ‘0 response surface plots. 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