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Senior Practicum Narrative Report

Vitalis Resort
(Vitalis Villas & Vitalis White Sand)

Presented to the
College of Home Economics and Technology
Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Benguet State University
La Trinidad, Benguet

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements to the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Submitted by:


Submitted to:

Practicum Coordinator

May 2017

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Benguet State University
College of Home Economics & Technology
La Trinidad, Benguet
Telephone Number: (074) 422 – 2402 loc 19 Website:
Fax Number: (074) 422 – 2281 E-mail Address:


This narrative report entitled “Senior Practicum Narrative Report” prepared and
submitted by Fralyn J. Falgui has been examined and recommended for acceptance and

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Practicum Coordinator

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+639503014834 ▪

Job Objective: To acquire knowledge of the industry and obtain experiences through
trainings in actual settings as well as to contribute to the company’s welfare by being
hard working and compliant on-the-job trainee.

Skills and Interests

• Housekeeping
• Cookery
• Learning more about baking
• Decoration and Planning Events
• Leading a group
• Serving people habitually in a satisfactory level or excellence
• Helping people in needs
• Computer literate (Making Presentations)
• Presenting presentations


2018 Fourth Year Student

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Benguet State University
Km. 5, La Trinidad, Benguet
2014 Secondary Education
Magsaysay National High School
New Lucban, Baguio City
First Honorable Mention, Proficient in Technology &
Livelihood Education
2010 Elementary Education
Lucban Elementary School
Barangay New Lucban, Magsaysay Ave., Baguio City

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2016-2017 Philippine Council of Hospitality Management Students (PCOHMS)

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University
Class Representative

Seminars Attended

February 17, 2017 Self Discovery

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Teacher Education, Function Hall
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet

April 23, 2016 The Hotel System Operational Seminar

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
University of Baguio, Baguio City

November 7, 2015 Hotel Familiarization Tour

The Forest Lodge
Camp John Hay, Baguio City

November 7, 2015 Bartending Seminar & Workshop

The Manor
Camp John Hay, Loakan Road, Baguio City

November 7, 2015 Barrista Seminar & Workshop

The Manor
Camp John Hay, Loakan Road, Baguio City

September 29, 2015 The ASEAN Conference

Asian Academy for Applied Entrepreneurship
Cooyesan Hotel, Baguio City

February 6, 2015 The Art of Plating and Garnishing

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet

October 24, 2014 Food Handlers Orientation Seminar

Regional Health Office
Buyagan, La Trinidad, Benguet

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August 29, 2014 Familiarization Tour
Baguio Country Club
Baguio City

July 15, 2014 Personal Development

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet

Achievement and Recognition

Basic Accounting Quiz Bee
Entrepreneurial Convergence 2017
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University
March 21, 2017

Academic Achiever
SY 2016-2017
Achievement and Recognition Day
Benguet State University
May 26, 2017

Academic Achiever
SY 2015-2016
Achievement and Recognition Day
Benguet State University
May 26, 2017

Best in Front Office Operations

SY 2015-2016 (2nd Semester)
Achievement and Recognition Day
Benguet State University
June 23, 2016

HRT Photography
HRT Week Celebration 2015
November 20, 2015

Academic Achiever
SY 2014-2015
Achievement and Recognition Day
Benguet State University
April 17, 2015

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Best in Housekeeping Procedure
SY 2014- 2015
Achievement and Recognition Day
Benguet State University
April 10, 2015


Bread and Pastry Production National Certificate II

Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and
Certification System
December 10, 2016

Work Experience

BAPTC Pre-Launching
Strawberry Fields, La Trinidad, Benguet
October 26, 2015

Service Crew
GAFC - Mc Donald’s- La Trinidad
BSU Compound, Km. 5 La Trinidad, Benguet
November 01, 2014- January 31, 2015

Cashier & Dining

Longhorn Restaurant
Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet
April 1, 2015- July 31, 2015

Alicia Refe’s Catering Services
On-Call Caterer
Villalon Street, Engineer’s Hill, Baguio City
Started on February 18, 2017

Junior On-the-job Training

Baguio Country Club
Housekeeping Department, Kitchen, Verandah &
Banquet Department
June-July 2017

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Personal Information

Complete Name Fralyn J. Falgui

Place of Birth La Trinidad, Benguet
Date of Birth October 12, 1997
Age, present 19 years old
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Civil Status Single
Weight 52 kg
Height 5’ 2”
Dialects Spoken Ilocano, Tagalog, English

Character References

Social Worker
Child Caring Agency
Philippine Outreach Children’s Center Home, Subic, Zambales 09276871209


Instructor I
Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University


Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management
College of Home Economics and Technology
Benguet State University

I hereby certify that the above information are true.


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The fulfillment of the on-the-job training I went through is a not possible without
the help of precious people around me. For no man is an island and with this I would like
to whole heartedly thank the following;
To Almighty God for all the spiritual guidance, unending wisdom, strength and will
for me to finish my duties.
To my loving parents and relatives for providing my needs and necessities all
throughout the duration of my practicum.
To my friends for the motivations and inspirations that keep me going mentally and
without doubts that I could finish this training.
To Ms. Amelia G. Bawang and Ms. Rodeliza A. Flores for all their utmost support
and non-stop monitoring of our safety in our different practicum sites. I would also like to
thank them for they keep mentoring us what is right to do and disciplining us all throughout
enabling us to finish our training.
To Ms. Menchu Manzano for all her help in our deployment. Giving us chances to
learn from the different departments and accommodating our inquires.
To the whole Vitalis Resort Family for welcoming us warmly and enabling us to
learn from them. Sharing their knowledge and giving us chances to learn through actions/
experience. Thank you as well for giving us wonderful opportunity to be part of their
family imparting with us their sacred values that forever be treasured.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the Macalintal Family for giving us a safe
accommodation and giving us freedom to stay the way we like but giving us advices and
warning beforehand.

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On the job training is not a mere requirement to be able to finish study or to be able
to graduate. On the job training is not just something you spend time out of campus
claiming you are free while studying. On the job training is the most important part of being
a college student. It tests how well you were taught and how well you adopted every lesson
our dear professor taught. It would also be able to show how well you could do on the real
field of your study, not just mentally but also how you do through actions. This would also
help you make decisions if ever your chosen career path is compatible with who you are
and what you wanted to be.
Being in a prestige OJT site as said by some mean you are better than others. This notion
must never be in any practicumer’s mind because no matter where you trained, locally or
internationally, you, as a student could still excel and be developed into a better person no
matter where your site is. Developing oneself deeply lies on their selves itself. Prestige
sites would only give you better opportunity and exposures. Technological advances will
be witnessed, high-end experiences and fancy picturesque environment, but at the end of
the day, what you learned and how well you developed is what matters.
This OJT aims for practicumers to be able to achieve the following objectives;
• To be able to acquire practical knowledge, skills and desirable attitude and value in
reputable sites they would come from.
• To be able to enhance competencies by applying learned concept, theories and
skills. Additional to this is to be able to learn and build network with experienced
• To earn credits for rendered hours in the host establishment.
• To be able to identify future career direction and become candidate for future job
Achieving this goal will greatly mean you succeeded with the training. Not just by counting
the hours you rendered but also treasuring every hour making sure to have and learn
something as time passes and goes. For as this opportunity ends, it can no longer be
rewinded nor redone again.

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Title Page ……………………………………………………………………………….i

Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………………ii
Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………………….iii
Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………………...viii
Preface ………………………………………………………………………………….ix
Certificate of Completion (Junior and Senior Practicum) ……………………………...x
Table of Contents ……………………….……………………………………………...xii
List of Figures ………………………………………………………………………….xiv
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….1
I. Hotel Profile ……………………………………………………………2
A. History ……………………………………………………………...2
B. Hotel Facilities and Services ……………………………………….6
C. Food and Beverage Outlets ………………………………………...9
D. Accommodation Department ………………………………………14
E. Organizational Chart ……………………………………………….27
F. Hotel Personnel Description ………………………………………..31
G. Office Environment ………………………………………………...37

II. Practicum Experience …………………………………………………..39

A. Training Flow ...…………………………………………………….39
B. Daily Activity (in the department you were assigned) ……………..40
C. Weekly Activity ……………………………………………………44

III. Evaluation of Practicum Experience …………………………………...46

A. Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Development ……………………..46
B. Practicum Site and Hotel Training Supervisor ……………………..47
C. Practicum Coordinator ……………………………………………...48
D. Educational Preparedness …………………………………………..49
E. The Worthwhile Experience ………………………………………..50
F. Samples of Work Completed ……………………………………….51

Summary ……………………………………………………………………………….53
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………...54
Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………….55
Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………..56
Weekly Accomplishment Report (WAR) ……………………………………...57
Training Progress Sheet ………………………………………………………..68
Daily Time Record (DTR)……………………………………………………...69
Evaluation Form ………………………………………………………………..73
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Photo Documentation ………………………………………………………….75
Sample Hotel Documents ……………………………………………………....82
Junior OJT ……………………………………………………………………...83

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Figure 1 Golf Course .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Jetski & Banana Boat ........................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 Infinity Pool .......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Petting Zoo & Zipline........................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 Inmaculada Concepcion Church & Wellness Gym .............................................. 8
Figure 6 Verandah............................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 Cotterman ............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8 Hamada ............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9 Kate Reeds Bakeshop ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 10 Par 7 .................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 11 Half Way .......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 12 Snack Bar.......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 13 Pool Bar ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 14 Petra .................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 15 Veranda............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 16 Macario Bar ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 17 Fisherman's Boat Grill ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 18 Deluxe Room .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 19 Superior Deluxe Room ..................................................................................... 14
Figure 20 Junior Suites ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 21 Executive Suites ............................................................................................... 16
Figure 22 Presidential Suites ............................................................................................ 16
Figure 23 Cottages ............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 24 Superior Room.................................................................................................. 18
Figure 25 Deluxe Room .................................................................................................... 18
Figure 26 One-Bedroom Villa .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 27 Two-Bedroom Villa.......................................................................................... 19
Figure 28 Two-Bedroom Jacuzzi Villa ............................................................................. 20
Figure 29 Two-Bedroom Villa with Pool Access ............................................................. 21
Figure 30 Three-Bedroom Villa........................................................................................ 22
Figure 31 Ocean Standard ................................................................................................. 23

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Figure 32 Ocean Deluxe ................................................................................................... 24
Figure 33 Mountain Deluxe .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 34 Mountain Standard ........................................................................................... 24
Figure 35 Ocean Standard South ...................................................................................... 25
Figure 36 Ocean Deluxe South ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 37 Ocean Family Suite .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 38 Penthouse Suite ................................................................................................ 26
Figure 39 Sample Discounted Guest Check ..................................................................... 51
Figure 40 Senior Citizen I.Ds ........................................................................................... 51
Figure 41 Captain's Order ................................................................................................. 52

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