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ESS, Ro OPERATIC | ANTHOLOGY Ce CELEBRATED ARIAS Selected from OPERAS by Old and Modern Composers e Edited by Max Spicker “-e Vol. I. Soprano —> Vol. IL. Alto Vol. II.Tenor Vol. V.Baritone Vol.¥.Bass. NES {New York G.Schirmer Copyright, 1903, by G. Schirmer (Inc.) Copyright renewal assigned, 1931, to G. Schirmer (Inc.) Printed in the Ho. a. ' 4155069 = INDEX No.1. 2 to, 2, 13, 4. 15. 16, 1. 19. 20. 22, ALCINA (HANDEL) Verdi prati 1 AMADIS (LULLY) Amour, que veux-tu de moi? 4 ANNA BOLENA (DONIZETTI) ‘Ah! parea che par incanto 6 ANNA BOLENA (DONIZETTI) Dehl non voles costringere 17 CARMEN (BIZET) L'amour est un oiseau rebelle 2 CARMEN (BIZET) Pros des reimparts de Séville 27 CENERENTOLA, LA (ROSSINI) Non pid mesta 33 CHARLES VI (HALEVY) Humble fille des champs 44 CINQ-MARS (GOUNOD) Nuit resplendissante 56 DONNA DEL LAGO, LA (ROSSINI) Mura felici 64 DON SEBASTIANO (DONIZETTI) Terra adorata 75 FAUST (GOUNOD) Si le bonheur a sourire 80 FAVORITA, LA (DONIZETTD O mio Fernando! 83 GIL BLAS (SEMET) Sotto i bel ciel 94 GIOCONDA, LA (PONCHIELLI) Vace di donna 98 GIULIETTA E ROMEO (VACCAJ) ‘Ah! se tu dormi 102 GIURAMENTO, [L (MERCADANTE) Bella, adorata incognita 108 LUCREZIA BORGIA (DONIZETTI) Ul segreto per esser felice 172 MARIA DI ROHAN (DONIZETTI) Per non istare in ozio 118 MEDEA (MERCADANTE) Chi méarresta? £24 MIGNON (THOMAS) Connais-tu le pays? 128 MIGNON (THOMAS) Me voici dans son boudoir 134 INDE X—(Continued) Noa. MITRANE (ROSSI) Ab! rendimi 142 34, NADESCHDA (GORING-THOMAS) ‘My heart is weary 4 a5. ORFEO (GLUCK) Che fard senza Euridice? 157 2. PROPHETE, LE (MEYERBEER) Ahi mon fils! 163, a7. PROPHETE, LE (MEYERBEER: Donnez! donnez! 167 a8 REINE DE CHYPRE, LA (HALEVY) Le gondolier dans sa pauvre nacelle 172 a9. RIENZI (WAGNER) Gerechter Gott! 185 go. RINALDO (HANDEL) Cara sposa, amante cara 196 31 ROI DE LAHORE, LE (MASSENET) Ferme les yeux, 6 belle maitresse 201 32. SAMSON ET DALILA (SAINT-SAENS) Printemps qui commence 207 3 SAMSON ET DALILA (SAINT-SAENS) Amour! viens aider 212 34 SAMSON ET DALILA (SAINT-SAENS) Mon coeur s‘ouvre & ta voix 318 35. SAPHO (GOUNOD) 6 ma lyre immortelle 326 36. SCIPIONE (HANDEL) Generoso chi sol brama 234 37, SEMIRAMIDE (ROSSIN}) In si barbara 239 38 SERSE (HANDEL) Ombra mai fe a5z 3. TANCREDI (ROSSINI) Di tanti palpiti 255 Alcina. (i736) Bngligh version by “Verdi prati., Isabella cries h GEORG FRIEDRICH HANDEL, Larghetto. (1685-1759.) Be — oye | od jaye 2 dol. == aaa Ver~ di practi Ver-dant meadows, ag sel-vea = me-ne, per-de- re-te abel - ta, Va-xhe fior, for-est spreading, ye have lostyour charms for me, Love-ly flow'rs, re F = == cor- ren-ti ri- vi, fa vate za, label- lez - za —_ pre-stoin stream soft-ly flow-ing, allyour beau- ty once so charm = ing — Quick-ly Copyright, 1899, bv G.Schirmer, Ine. Printed in theU.S. A. voi__ si cange - ra vanished, all, howquick - ly. per-de- re-te la bel - ti, Ye_have lostyour charms for me, -Vor - ror in- to gloom. del pri -mi When thou ap - a tor- ne - ra, stored with thee, tut -to in all will Wwa62 voi be — te Ver - di pra-tie selvea - me-ne, Ver-dantmeadows,forest_ spreading, s Fre |S & can-gia-toil va-goog-get-to, Changéd each en-trancing ob-ject tut-toin All will voi be spet-to ri pearcest, re- ri - tor. ne- ra, re ~ stored with thee. Ver - di pra-tie Besser ne, Ver - dant mead-ows, for-est spreading, ye— tree s ase = > re - te la bel =f, per - de - re - te lost your charms for me, ye have lost. your la bel - charmsfor Amadis. (1683,) «Amour, que veux-tu de moi?» English version by Aria. Isabella G.Parker. Andante espressivo. dolce GIOVANNI BATT. LULLY. (1633~1687,) Gea S t= — SSS Amour, que 0 love, whatw: ux-tu de thouwith moi?Moncwurn’est pas faitpour toi, Mon me? Myheart is not made for thee, My * S dim. con molta espres $5 ——S 7: + al a os me - at ee eee coeur west pas fait pour toi! Non, ne toppo heart is notmade for thee! No, donotthwa oyposethe de- sires that posse: . pas au pen-chant qui nrent i= = suis ae- cou- tu- mée a res-sen - tir la hai - one, Je Tam wont to feel the pang of hate op- press me. A atte Copyright, 1499, by ee Printed in the. fe dolce = = : + k = SS Se eS aaa = y¥ = ne Yeux ins-pi-rer que Jhor-reur et Tef-froi. A - mour, que veux-tu de source a-tone of ter-ror and dread I shall be. 0 Love, whatwilt thou with 6 FS FE = SS = Caan & 4- a = SSS —y lel moi? Mon cwar at rait trop de A suivre une dow - ce me? My heart would be too muchtroub-led, So will - ing a slave to {___ e——? = —— ——_doloe ——— —=—— + ee détre in hu-mai- ae; A - mour, — que veux-tu de tobe hurd-heart-ed; O Love, whatwilt thoa with Joi, est mon sor be; Tis my fat dim.e ralt y a =F +] ss oa a moi? Mon ceour nest pas fait pour toi, Mon cceurnestpas fait pour toi! me? My heart is not made for thee, My heart is notmade for thee! 16862 Anna Bolena. ase) “Ah! parea che per incanto., English version by Scene and Cavatina. GAETANO DONIZETTI. Isabella G. Parker. (0797-1848), Larghetto. rat eer nee a = Pp ( | 308 Copyright, 1899, by G. Schirmer, Inc Printed in the calando Recit. E sgombroii lo-co; ai lo-rouf-fi-ciin-ten-te stansial-tro-ve lean- ‘The hall is empty_all ab-sent ontheir du-ty, and the maiden is F Recit. cel - le, e do- veal-cu-na me qui ve-des-se, el- la pur else-where, and shouldsome person see me in wait-ing, then she would 16362 sa chein quel-le pit. re - con-di- te stan-ze, an- co tal know that of-ten to a cho’ en a- partment I have come p col canto vol-ta ai pri-va - ti con-cen-ti, © An-na min- vi- ta, hither, when to meet her in secret. An-na in - vit Lento. Questa da me ra- pi-ta caraimma-gi-ne su - a, — ri-por deg- Portrait of wondrous beauty, Ah, thou picture be-lov - ed, I must re- eee IP Sos Larghetto. gi-o, pria che si scopra Var-dimen-to mi-o. store it, ere it be-trayeth all my daring boldne 16362 ¥ Teio, un ba-cigan - -ra, a = do- one more kiss 1 £0 - give thee, Thou a = erese_con anima 7 = 0, ad. dio, bel - thou face of a piacere —o — sem- vie colmio co - re pal-pi-tar sul_mio cor_ po - sa - est, and to its throb - bing seemest now to on_ my heart re - pos - 16362 _ > Moderate, a Ne we bra-vi, ad- - - -di - of an-swer: Fare ___________ thee well. ‘Ah pa- re- a che per in- can - to Ri-spon- ‘Al, thou com- est as by en-chant- ment, To re - des - sial mio sof - fri - re, Cheo-gni stil- la del mio my heart’ throb- bing, Ev - ‘ty tear-drop I am spond to wae tt un_ tuo so- spir, ri- sve - a— ten- der_ sigh, draws from pian- to Ri - sve-glias~ § weep- ing Draws from thee glias - se un tuo so- spir. A co- reau- thee__ a —___ ten- der sigh. vis my heart trans - Y — da - ce, Pien di spe - me e_ di_ de - sir, Ti__ seo - port - ed Thrills with hope, and love, and fear,__—Thus re - oI pri- a Tar-dor vo - - ce Che non 0 ~ so_a_ lei_ veal-ing the burn-ing ar - dor, That I dare not re- veal 16362 accel. ¢ rinfors. = sta fl co- ce, Pien d ion, my heart trans- port - ed — Thrills with oe accel.e rinfors. f a spe - mee di_ de - sir, Ti seo-pri_- a Tar-dor vo- love, and fear, Thus se - veal - ing the burning zt hope, ——and ra-ce Che non. 0 = «$0 A lei seo- prin ‘Ti seo- can nev er dare tell. to her, Thus re - pri- a Tar-dor vo- ra - ce Che non o- so a lei seo- veal - ing the burn-ing ar - dor that I nev-er cin tell to. 16862 ES A ae eee eet et Fare - well, — be - 16362 Spt : St —— iz cor po - sa- vi, ad - dio, bel - heart re - pos-ing, Fare - well, be - of Sf bel-ta - di- Pare ta - lov - de, ed, dead — ed, bectov = 24, 2tg erere -well, Ant ails atte pa Ah, thow 4 re-a che per in-can-to Ri-spon-des - sial miosof - fri - re, Cheo-gni comest, as by en-chantment, To re- spond to my hearts throb-bing, Ev-’ry stil-la del mio pian-to —-Ri- sve-glias-Se un tuo so - spir, Ti- sve- tear-drop 1 am weeping, draws from thee a_ ten-der tear, — Draws from Sen tuo so-spir, Atal vi-sta il co-reau-da- ce, Pien di nm, my heart trans-port-ed Thrills with thee a. ten-der tear. At the vi | > = a ts Ga. . ; spe - me e_di_ de- sir, Ti_ sco- pri-a Tar-dor vo- hope,— and love, and fear; — Thus re - yeal-ing the burn-ing 16362 co ra - ce Che non o - so_ a—lei_s - dor That I dare_ not re-veal to_ her. accel. ¢ rinfors. = vi - sta il co- reau-da - ce, Pien di spe- mee di_ de- vis - ion,my heart trans~ port - ed Thrills with hope, and love, and = accel. rinfors. sir, Ti sco- pri - a Iar-dor vo- ra-ce Che non 0- so a— lei sco- fear, Thus re- Vveal- ing the burning ardor I can never dare tell to a prit, Ti sco-pri- a lar-dor vo- ra - ce Chenon o - so a lei sco- he: Thus re - veal - ing the burning ar- dor 1 can nev-er dare tell to_ 16362 16 Pitt mosso. : : : ese 5 — 7 : = = = = = ——+ + yo be = = = hee e 4. Deh! non vo-ler co - 4. Ah! do not let thy ee woe fee Ge = ¥ ¥ ee strin - ge-re a fin-ta gio-jail vi - 80: face _pre-tend A. joy thou art” not feel - ing, x aoe Copyright, 1899, by 6. Schirmer, Inc. Printed in the S.A. 16362 18. sie-co-me jl tua sor - Bel-lag la tua me - sti - As is thy love ~ ly For beau-ti-ful thy sad - _ ness, 7 r/ SS + i - so;_— bel Cin - ta di nu-bjan - ‘Thus round the dark clouds smile of glad Bel-lag co-si Pau - ro - ra: Shin-eth Au-ro - ra bright - ly, ma - lin - pale moon ws62 Beret eee eee eet is as 7 4 7 Se bel-laé nel suo pal - lor. More beau-ti- ful the night. + tf 4 ate = : aS = p= ie. ae = EE 2. Chi pen-sie-ro-sue ta - ci- ta star ti co-si ti 2, He who in si-lence waits for thee, Charm-ing and beau-ty - ~~ mi - ora, TH scre-de in-ge-nua__ver-gt den, Shall find thee a mod-est maid - en, ee Seccoeee Cee eerste coors che jl pri- mga-mor so - Who breathes her first warm 16562 20 Ed ob-blia- to il ser - ~ to Then he for-gets the gar = land bs @ On-#@il tuoerin co - so-spi- ra @ Late - Ty thy brow a - i Gen - tly he sigh-eth, a ~ bra - gli es - se~ re of___ love, Sighs_ he— with thee LN . pri- mo, il pri - mga - mor, gen-tly a sigh of ___ love. t6a62 a Carmen. 4875.) «L’Amour est un oiseau rebelle.» Habanera. English version hy cee GEORGES BIZET. Allegretto quasi Andantino. (4-72) 9 — = : == = a La - mour Love is EO 7 est un oi-seax re - bel-le,Que nul ne peut ap-pri-voi - ser, Et cest fike an-y wood-bird wild, That none can ev - er_hope to tame; And in \ - ea A bien en vainquionl'ap - pel-le, Sil lui con - vient de re- fu - ser; Rien ny vain is all woo-ing mild, If he re - fuse your heart to claim. Naught a - Copyright, 1895, by G. Schirmer, Inc. sea6e Printed in theU.S. A portamenty B= tait; Et cest "Tis_the Lun par - te One speaks me fair, the oth-er sighs, Bee » Soe Vau-tre que je pré- fe-re, Ti warien dit;_mais il me oth-er that | pre - fer, Tho'mute,his heart to__mine re —- La ohn es r oe % homes mour! Ya-mour est en - fant de Bo - love! A Gyp-sy boy is Love, tis 16362 héme, Il wa ja - mais, ja-mais con-mu de loi, Si tu ne. mai- mespas, je true, He ev-er was and ev-er will be free; Loveyou not me, thenI love vai- me, Si je t'ai-me,prendsgarde a i Si tne you, if ‘t fove you, be - ware of _, Loveyou not maimes pas, si tu ne maimespas,je tai - me! Maissi je taime, si je me, Tove you not me,then I fove you! . But if T loveyou, if ‘I vai-me,prendsgarde a — toi!———_ Jove you, Be - ware. of — me!__. en TE wae Ba. * a4 P = ae Loiseau que tu croy-ais sur- prendre, Bat-tit de Taile et_s’en-vo - As a birdwhen you thought to net him,On buoyant wing escapes in =? sot la; Lamour est loin, tu peux Tat - ten-dre; Tu ne Yat - tends plus, il est air, Love is war-y when you a - wait him; A.wait him not, and he is portamento Ta! Tout au - tour de toi vi-te, vi-te, Il vientsen Va,—puis il re- there! Alla - roundyouhe swift-ly' sweeps, Nowhere,now there he— light-ly ; i rae eee Tu crois le te-nir, il t6 - vi-te; TucroisYé - viv ter, il te scape, and you are 16302 2D — mour!___ love! bp 4 mour! Tamour est en - fant de Bo-héme, I n'a ja- mais, jamais con-nu de love! A Gyp-sy boy is Love,'tis true, He ev-er was ‘and ey - er will be loi, Si tu ne mai - mes pas, je free; Love you not me, then I” love tea62 26 tai -me, prends garde love you, be - ware mai ~mes pas, si tu ne mai-mes pas, je me love you not me, then I love FF crese ID Mais si je tai-me, si je tai - me,prendsgarde a But if I tove you, if I love you, be - ware of — wane a7 Carmen. (4875.) «Prés des remparts de Séville.» English version by Dr. Th. Baker. Séguédille. ‘ GEORGES BIZET. Allegretto. (¢) = 160) (1838 ~1875,) Pres des rem = parts de Sé Near to the walls of Se Chez mon a - mit_ Lil- las Pas - tia, With. my good friend Lil- las Pas - tia, — nm e Copyright,1%95, by G.Schirmer, Ine. ee Printed in theU.S, A. rai dan = Sé-gué- dille Et boi - re du Man za - soon dance the gay Se- gui - dil- la, And Ti drink = Man — za - Ji-rai chezmon a - ini Lillas Tl go see my good friend Lillas, sempre pp W362 Oni, mais tou-te seule onsen ~ nui -e. Et les vrais plaisirs sont’ & dew: But. all a-lonewhat canone do? True joy be-gins when thereare (a two; a : v ¥ 7 Doc, pour me te-nir compa - gnie, Jem-me-ne- rai won a-mou - reux And_ so, tokeepme compa - ny,— I'l takemy lov-erdearwith me! = te P Mon a-mou - reux My lov-er dear te (eS dia - Ble, Je Vai mis a Ja pbrte hi - er! mit = ten, joy, Andwhere he isythe deuce may care? Spenitiee staal ¥ sa Wut pay 6? eee SS ee y —~_~_ pau-vre coeur tres con- sa - la = be, my poor heart, so sadly smitten, Mon Now Mon— coeur est li My— heart is free, P 7 =e Ereceeerrrr eres ecoreee : Jai des galants‘s 1a dou-zai- ne, Mais ils ne sont pas & mon gré. ‘Pho’ Thave suitors by the dozen_ _There is not one that suits my whim; i-ci Ta fin de o: Qui veut mai - me je Vai - me - ‘The weekis gone,and_none is will love me? T will love a tempo rail Qui veut mon him! Who'll have _ my pren-dre! Vous ar - ri vez au bono ask- ing! Now some good fair- y________ has sent you mont! Je mai gué-re Je tempsdat ~ ten-dre, Car a - vee mon nou-vel a - here! And my patience will bear no task-ing, For, be - side my new lov-er Pres des rem - parts de 86 - Near to the = walls of Se - ees " 4155069 Chez mon a - mi_ Lil-las With my good friend Lil - 1 Nons dan - se - rows la Sé- gué - dille BL boi - rons Well soon dance the gay = Se~ gui - dil- la, And welll sempre f° Man - ze - nil - Ia, __—__ Trlata ta lala la lalala drink Man - zt nil iuasitaniiand Tratata Ia lala lalalala tal ola la la fal Ja lala Tra la la la la lalala la la la reg as fm ce a demtgpeet 4 = = oe 163aH2 ——— 33 La Cenerentola. (1817) “Non pitt mesta.,, English version by Cavati Mrs. 0. B. Boise. ae GIOAC. ROSSINI. (172-1868) Andante. 7 —_— 2 L rh =| Nat=quial-lat-fan - noe al Pain was child - hoods sad = i a P === N > ae J by G. Schirmer, Inc nthe. S.A. Copyright, 190: z inte: 16362 NN TSF to, Sof- -frir_——__ ta- -cen- -do il -er, Youth was spent. in. Rc Ma per soa-ve_in- Then dawn'd the mag-ic Del - Ie - ta mia nel My lone - ly dy 16862 Co - meun Fore -ing ri=pido, flow-er, ad la sor-te mi-.a, la. sor-temi-a can - Fill-ing with fra-grénce my poor, emp - ty. oe eS - =pido, Iasor-te mi-a, la sorlemia ci 1 ra- : flow. = - er, Filling withfragrancemy poor, emp - ty i ait a = = = = zs 36 Allegro. BK No, 10, no, no, ter -ge - teil No, m0, no, no, Ah, no more ci-glio, perchetre-mar, perch’ tre-mar, per-che? sighing, No, never-more shaltthou weep alla - lone. A que-sto Here on my sen, @ questo sen vo - la~ Fi - glia, so- breast shall love for mourning a- Daught-er, and eee $ a-mi - ca, tut-to, tutto, tutto, tatto tro. 7 - alway, alway, alway, alway — thou’lt -la, -ter, and com - rade, be rallent. 16362 aoe Va -te, fro - va-tein find them, find all, in in me,_ them in me,__ ) =r ra Non piit Now fare - a wae 38 grasioso au z — me-staac-can-toal fuo-co Sta - ro so - laa__gor - gheg - giar! no! Ah, fuun well,dark days of weeping!Love’swarmsun hath_dried my ___tearsYes'Thrilldwith = lam-poun sognoyun gioeg yl mi- -o — lun-go______ pal-pi- bliss be- yond all tell - ing, My full heart for- ~gets its Non pit me - stz ac - can-toal fuo - conon pi Yes, fare ~ well, then, dark days of weep- ing,Nowfare- Rie Sa aa es s0- — gor - gheg - 16862 giar! No! Ah, fuun lam po,un so — 39 No gnagin gio- tears.Yes! Thrill with bliss__ be - yond all tell- om lun-go. heart for- me ~ sta well,_then, co__ Sta - ro so - lag My sad_ heart_for - gets— its fears, ing, 16368, Non pia Yes, fare- pal-pi- ~gets its, ac-can-toal fuo - 0, non darkdays of pit me - staaccan - toal_ te - yond_ o> - gor - gheg- giar! Ah, funn Thrill’é with 40 i Nee sO gnoimlam - pon hiss be = yond. afl SES 7 gio - co I__ mio_ tell - ing, M lun - go__ pal - pi - — glad, heart for — gets_its__ un so ~ gnojun hast come to ah, fuun lam - pon so - gno,un Fill - ing life with love and Seco coll mi- -0 16362 Ah, fuun lam. Thou, my loved, un so ~ gnoyn gio- hastcome to save. at ah, fuun Fill - ing Jam -poyun so - gnoun gio - call life with love and joy un - told with_ love. © T j $ +S et tape he = 4 pe pay - = SSS = SSS su96 fuun with 16362 gio - 0, rap - ture » ah, fuun gio - co, ‘Thrill’a with rap - ture et lam - te - - car rap - ture. past_ all_ tell- Ss ah, fun lam- - ‘Thrill with rap - tere. past. all_ o ah,fun Yeswith ah, fuun gio - co, past all tell - ing, 4 s , iL pal-pi- my hap-py 43 tar, mio lun heart, with joy, for-gets go pal - pi-tar, il pal- pi - tar, i pal - pi ~ heart forgets its fears, yes, my glad heart for - gets its e 2 if 2! teat ——w tar, il pal - pi - tar! fears,for gets its 6x62 Charles VI. (1843) «Humble fille des champs.» English version by Aria. ee eceae JACQUES F. HALEVY, Allegro agitatu. erate) € marcato Recit. —— ot foe ae =e eH Fp aoe ev Turdeoptrefe fer ile oft tout mpri-mé, Leurs armes ont fait , theybavemadeall to q Oer a na-tion un- ‘Neaththeirsceptreof iron pte oe — oS ———— P wave Copyright, 1903, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Printed inthe. S.A. ft fuir. un peu-ple dé-sar- mé, Dont le sang cou-lait fs ed. fen-se, armd __by theirarmstheyprevail, Andtheyshed —_itsblood un- de - fend-ed, Pl Dans ce _pa - lais, & i be With-in these halls, where pale_. sus -pi-cion Sf. gon, N’ roi pri nier, —_re-cou-vré Ja rai - som Que pour reigns, on, pri her thronea-gain re- gains, But to mieux Sen-tir ta souf . fran- ce? show thee whol-ly _un- friend-ed! 16362 non! ton fils va_ve - nir, Dieu te garde un sau-veur, Tout est pret,’ —_contre No! thy sonshail ar- sive, Godshall yet take thy part, All is ready! Vain the mas NSF con sentimento toi leurs fureurs Se-ront vai-nes, ‘Tant que dun saint 4- mour pour-ra bat-tre mon far- ry’gainsttheetheyare showing. While so in sa-cred love yet is beat-ing my P cur, Tant quun res-te de sang cou-le- ra dans mes vei - nes! heart,While a drop of my blood in theseveinsyet is flow- ing! Allegro molto. Sf. Oui! oui! tant que d’un saint a - mour pour-ra bat-tre mon Ay! Ay! while in sa- -cred love yet is beat-ing my ? eourTantquon fes-te de sang cou-le — ma dans Bs vei- - nes! Pit. lento. heart While a drop of my blood in thesewinsyet is flow. ipl 16362 Mais hé-tasie Ponte. But a- laslwhatfatemayit Cet-te nuit mes songes fu - ne-bres,Et que ma ditdansles té- ne-bres La voix be,That my dream at night has re-veald me,And in the darknesswhathavetold me Ho-ly #8 T= > |e $ aul ma far- 162 thatspoke to me? sain-te quim’a par- 162 la voix sain-te, la voix sainte voic-es thatspoketo me? Ho. Iy _vale-es, ho -ly’_ voices o Wa62 Andante espressivo. — fil - child Ps went Low: 1) Leu - That vre quune au - shall be end - ren - ce A slight thee, E a Pou-bli pour = ven quite for - 16362 en-fin par toi com . champs, thoushalt be- gin the fields, men - ce le des of the tre, qvune autre ad com-pli - ra; ed by oth -_er—hands than thine, > re cet a- mant,qui de Pin-dif-f6 - 1i-¥ez.~ le,_himthoulovst, on <—,Thoushaitsave Tou - bi = ven quite. pour toi for- get Fas - thee, se- ra, in fine, = Cet- te des- toi___ passe - ra! Such the cru-el fate. get__theesin fine! : -la tien - ne, ing be-fore — thee npeecnnen mous rir a-pres Pa.voir sau-V6 mou- to die, tho’ sav-ing bim trom doom, to erese| ff ao Tempo Les mou - rir! Sans luis - ser. n-ne tombe to diel @ To re - mem - gber thy name ou fon nom soit gra-vé, Sans lais - ser. un seul ewurquide toi Se sou- thoushaltnot leave a tomb, Not a ye shalt thou leave to re-pret or de- PP S. doletssino molto espr. sans lais-ser_u - ne vien™ - me, mbu- rir, mou - rir, nember_th plore thee, to diel to diel. To pp col canto wise tombe bu ton nom soit gra-vé, sans laisser un seul cdeurqui de toi se sou - vien™- namethoushaltleavenot_a tomb, Not _a heart shaltthou leaveto_re-gretor de - plore v Sf. “piacere ne, sans lais-ser un seul ceur, ah, qui de tdi se sou- vien - thee, not a heart, not a heart, ah! to regret or de - plore Sf, Bh n! mon pe-re,monpere, a - dieu! And now, my fa-ther, T gol’ fare-well! if» Sf © eres. nfcantabile Vien: Come, Pow ral “poeo rail Meno mosso. Pp pé- ne - trenfon & — me Feu di-vin,—sainfe flam - me! Jen - thou fire di - Let my heart_ be thy shrine tends__la voix de Dieu, jentends, jen - tends__la voix de Dieu! heur___the voice of God, “I hear, I hear___thevoice of God! Du moins eltte &s-pé- ran - ee Ne me tra-hi-ra pas, Pour This hope willnot be -try __me, True till my latest breath, No, ~ Jui moncoeurs’é - lan - -ce Andevant du tré-pas, pour lui moneaurs'é ev er shallit stay_________ me, Norleavemein death, No, ev er shallit poco, string. At’ de-vant du tré - pas, atdevant du tré- Nor leave me in death, Nor leaveme in poco string. f p pas! death! vibrato _@ place’ h oui! monemur sé- lan- ce au de~ vant du tré- pas! nol It eer shall stay me, Nor leave me in death! "cola voce A jatempo J d 5 Me 2 oe P erese. molto Siew taunt a- dieu! te et —————_ pe - - : dieu! fa - : : fare-well! Come prima. Pp, nf molto cantabile a- = me, vine, = tre mon Viens, ome - h di - Come, thou fire 16362 Feu di-'vin,_sain-te flam - me! Jen- tends — Let my heart—he thy shrine, Thea lavoix de Dieu, jéniendsjen- r__thevoiceof God,” “I hear, I SP, tends Ia voix de Dieu! Du moins cette espé-ran- — - ce hear the voice of God! This hope _willnot be-tray ____me, Ne me fra-Hi-ra pas, Pour True till my lat-est breath, No, = ce Au de-vant du tré - pas, pour lui mon cour sé- lan — me, Nor Ieaveme in death, No, ev. er shall it poco string. oS — air de-vant du tré- pas, — Nor_tewveme in death nor_Teaveme in death! th, ————— j poco string, \ fp twa0e tr tr S, @ piacere pour lui mon eceur s'é - No! er shalt it Lev if _colla voce Tin - cea devant du ré- pas! pes rel ow stay me, Nor Jeave mew in death! fa - ther! tf ammato sempre cresc. = sempre crese. a la woix de Dieu! the voice of God? aA a wI62 56 Cing - Mars. 4877.) “Nuit resplendissante» English version hy Cantilena. berleenaieacieas CHARLES GOUNOD. Allegro agitato. Recit. Andante. Par quel trou - ble pro ~ fond Quare_ar— ca - 00 po ter Se-“eret fears op- press me, Copyright, 1903, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Printed in theU.S. A. 16362 = SS = - SS SS (== SSe5 — SS SSeS Jei-ei ra-me-né- €? Quelle i- ma - gepst de-vant mes qué di nny v0 wha frat ta? Qual sem ban - te or gai atup- Dread fore-bod-ings dis-tress me! Stil 1 see _ him_ here at = my ee: yeux? Ils ré-son-nent en- co - re en mon ime §-ton-né-e, Ges par? — Brheg-wiar ode_gn- co - ra Mel? al ma stu-pe-fat-ta— Lan- feet, Hear his voice in-ter-ced-ing, His low; pas-sion-ate plead-ing, His Pee pias ee a = 7 T Adagio. 2 = mots au- da- ci - eux: Par pi- tié so-yez seu - le da- cv suo par- lars “Per pie- ta deh! v0~ glia - te words fer-vent and sweet: Grant my pray’! Here when day - light cee pp? - vp? 7 yp tant! or or qui ri te Hint hath Meet me lone! __ i-ci—— — dans un ins flown a- 16362 dolce ed express Nuit res-plen-dis - san - te et si-len- ei - O — splev-di- da wt ~ Ir, 0 notte si - Night calm-ly re- splen- dent, How grate-ful thy Ff eu - se, Ah! verse en mon cceur ta paix et ta dou- len - te da dolce tua cal ~ ma Mi ver- 8a nel si - Ience! Sooth - ing troubled sen - ses, Breath - ing per-fect 3 T Dans tes pro-fon- deurs, nuit aé- li - ci - Nel lim- pi- do vith Neb ~ he tra’ tu Winds have gone to sleep, Stars their watches 16362 eu - se, cen - te keep, bleu mor, —— neath, — $ mu rey pri le sist - less, Les as Or dur - While night —_ spreads her man - tres en feu mon le U - ne bri-se pu - Tn —sof-fio gen ti Yet my spir- it rest - le ciel clair ga nel - lie = resi es the Sous va - Piere - eee gS [PERF star ta do longings.Whichnaught |Z Is 16362 ler la tran-quil ~ le men ~ te viva natu = rel me ~~ rat hathpow’r to. still, sted - Dor le tle rey ly less, Glis-sent dans lair, Sans dol-cee pura Sen za de si-lenceBridges the distance,Thrilled by vague - ment dans 1% - ther So-gnan-do da Oer the world be - Un va- gue mur- Un Jia-to da. Prey to doubts re - €- veil- 60 un poco pitt animato = be SSS = veil - Bt le coeur plein a%~ ve - BE tre- mar sen tail Dost thou hear? Art thou Ba. a Ba. m Sa. # 5 7 moi, Tan dis que pas~ Phew - re cor, Spi- an- doit col to - re near? Time seems to fl ¢ jen- = te; En vain jim-plo - a -re fris-son— ben -W, — In-can im-plo- = = ry im~ pa- si - Heart, thou art trem ~ - - bling, 'Twixt hope and pine = ion 16362 64 PP dim, nan — te Le eal- me so- len - nel qui régne au-tour de on - te ba cal mache re ~ ghar fo veg Ruin tor = meet lone - ing! Grant me, oh nightthy peace, That doubt and dread may Nuit res-plen-dis - 0 Splru-dé~ de Night san - te et si-len-ci- eu - se! Ah! verse en thon nt - try 0 notte si- len - te! ka dolce tua spien - dent, How grateful thy si - lence! Sooth - ing troubled 2 eee cour Ta paix et ta dou- ceur! Dans tes pro-fon- cal ~ ma Mi versa nel cor? Nel lim-pi-do sen - ses) Breath - ing perfect pea have gone to : bet ~~ ma62 deurs, Nuit dé-li-ci - eu - se, Les as - tres en ciel, Nel eta a een te Or dor mane sleep, Stars their watehes keep, __ While night ____spreads her —<—, feu Dor - ment dans W-ther blew —_ U- ne bri- be stl - le So- gaan-do da- morn Un suf-fiv gen~ man - tle Ober tie world be - neath. Yet my Spir- it Un -va-gue mur- mu - re, Sous le ciel i - by M% fia da pri- te Ya - ga nel- rest - less, Prey to doubts re - sist - less, Piere - es the |— Gwe ee | ee Ba #fa #fa *ha eFa x Fa, xR Glis - sent dans Jair, Sans é - veil - fie -1 si dol ewe pura, “Sen te si- Mu-ra fe- li- ei o-veil mio ben s¥ Wap-py_en- clo-sures wheremy be-lovd is wandring, do-po pit’ Iu-ne io vi ri - veg-go! af - ter howlong mineeyes. now _ be - hold ye! aot y we SS SSS = oie =u o ae eae ts are 7 vo -i pital guardo mionon sie-te Co-me lo fo-steun di, ri-den-ti gvherefore do ye nowgreetme sad-ly, Not _as in days gone by, as smiling and == 4 SS ——— Saas ve Wwa6e Copyright, 1903, by 6. Schirmer, Ine. Printed in sheU. S.A. ie-te. Qui nacque, fra voi crebbe Vinno-cen-te “hr-dor, ggladly! Ye _fostertl the unfolding of _a love without art; a tempo lee fy Quanto so- a-ye fra Voi scor-rea mia Ab, howde- lightful the life I passi_be - vot i ote hind Sm agile fowaely ta Afianco ‘di Cole-i, Che Fispondea pie-to-sa_ a vo-ti_ mie- i! Jind ye,with herwhosesofte-motion Re-spondedev-er fondly to my de - vo - tion! Ne-thi-Co ilem-bo, 'Un-toward shadow! Fey SS —— 7 r oe "or vi rat-tri-sta Whagniseciall fo-ve-ro ilo oor! a thdismay you _o — ver-castmy unhap-py heart! 16362 66 == de de hands Ma-no cru- de-le a voi tonglfe... a me in-vo-la,., Bar-bar-ous__ hands pave de-sgoil you, —__ and have robbil me. oh ri- o mar-to - ~ 1! la _vo-straa-bi-ta-tri oh woe be-yond mea — sure! Of _her who-dweltwithin yey a piacere il mio “te - $0 - fot i : my _on-ly _trea-sure! Andantino. colla parte 16262 67 Seeger ae — i. - RSSEREREEAG?S =a - chia ~ mo, oh tu che chia— =mo, vo-lan save —thee, I come__to save ____thee! Fly to Pa tempo me, vo - laa. me_un i- stanfe! me, fly to me_but a moment! tor-namiadir... io Va-mo! Tellme a= gain, “I love thee!” sotto voce ser-bami Me Bal-lor dite si - Ev-er be true ~ And then in thee con - A - nimamia, gi 21, Ti Per - il norpain - - ing, rH to - glie- ro. al —_ pin for=~ -te, O mo-ri-ro, o__mo-ri-ro per - wrest thee _ fro all_______ op - pres - sion,Or I willdie. or_I will die_for te! tito ~ - glie - roal pit_forte, O_ mo-ri- yrest thee from op- pression, Or_ Iwill thee! Tit # —mo-ri-ro per or_ |__willdie for thee! ro, die, mor>—=— - te, SE-le -1la ~ come, If thou no 7 BBS ae j Gra - taa fi- > -a, mi fia h_woald I wel ~~ comie,my death r - 7 a none. sK-le-na ger shoublst he, g ifthouno ~a, SE-le-na mi> ger if thou no lon — a oy (i SS mi-—- -a, SE-Je-na mi-—>— -a, s'B-le-na er, if thou no lon- -_- ger, if thou no ee = —o Oh quante lagri-me ff-norver-sa-i, _Lungilan-guendo — da’ tuoi bei How man-ya tearl'veshed_a-lone in anguish, Whilefromthyradiance_a- far_1 1-troogget-to Ea me fu -ne-sto, ‘Tutte im-per- 1 ~ wan-der, Mine eyesare wea-ry, What eer wo fet- to, Tut-to de-te- sto, Di lu-ceil cie- - -1o, No, pi non pon-der, "Tis all so drea-ry, No light a - bove_______me_Inheavn is # bril- ~~~ 1a,Piiinon sfa-vil>--Ta A-stro per me beam- -ingForme is gleam- -ing Nostar on high, Di lu-ceil cle - lo, No,piii ton rit, Pitt nonsfa- Nolight %- hove me Inpeava is beaming, Forme is villa A-stro per me, Sno, __ no, —_no,__per__ gleaming _Nostar on_ high, (o, no" star__ on_ me! Ca- -ra, tu so-lamidai la high Dear___ one, thou on = lydostealm my Wwabe 16362 Tir Mna. Grain mer- ce, ev My,life—_a j iwe tee lee & gr - fa, 7 gra - ta mer-c ne SS E™ life la-gri-me — fisnor ver sa-i, Lun-gi_ lan-guen- do tear Ive shed a-lone in anguish, While from thy radiance O- gialtraoggetto Ka me fu- ne Wher-eer I wander, Mine eyes are we da’ tuoi bei a far ‘Tutto ® imper- Whateer 1 # fet - to, pon- der, Tut-to ~~ la, Pid non sfa -vil ing, For me_is Pit non For me prea bril— a, beam - ing, ‘de - te - sto, ‘Tis all so drea-ry, vil-la is gleaming ~ lo, No,pit, non Di lu-ceil cie- me In heavn is No light a - hove. ~ 1a A-stro per gleam ing No star on No, pi, non hheavin is — Di lu-ceil cle - lo, No light a - ove me. A-stro per me, — No star on high, Hee ei ewes aes Ca-ra, tu. so - la mi dai la Dear one,thou on — ly, Dost calm my brillante . cal - ma, Deh ren-djal-Yal- ma fe - ver, Ah, makefor ev - er ie @ > af Sit deb rend al- Ah! make thou for Yal - ‘naY “Gra=ta mer- ci ev - er my life a joy? la mi dai a Dost calmmy Ca-ra, um so - Dearone,thouon ~ I t brillante ae Deh fen-dial-Pal-ma Gra-ta Ah, makefor ev - er My life Mer-ce’ tae ot - ~ & Joy cal ma, fe - ver, si, deh ren-di al Ab! makethou for wae -ma grata mer - ce, ren - di -er my life______a_joy, Make thou tp gra- ta My_life tp Ip = SSS fie ce eee era ta ___ my. life a - ce, gra ta joy, my life a Joy, wane Don Sebastiano. 843.) “Terra adorata de’ padri- miei.,, . 7 Romance. English version by a GAETANO DONIZETTI. Dr. Th. Buker. (1797 - 1848.) Moderato. Recit. O- ve ce-la-reoh Di- of Vaf- fan-no —el_ plan - to Where can I hide, O heav-en! my ter-ror, my _-mor - tal mi- ot Eb-bro di gio-iail pa-dre, a fe-steg- anguish! Joy-ful my fa-ther or-der’d for my re- ' *» + $5 hk (re eee 2S eS oe aaa ; She whe giar il di del mio ri-tor-no, Tut-te chia-ma-va le tri-bu Win- turn a fit-ting cel- e - bra-tion! Kins-men and neigh-bors all had in - vi - _————= SS = : % In all places marked *) sing the small note instewd of the next large note. M.S. ten62 Copyright, 1903, by G. Schirmer, Inc. Printed in theU.$. A Arts) Larghetto. do-ra-ta de? pa-dri mie Land of my fa-thers, thou well-be - lov co - me can- gia - ta Ti- tor-nqa te! How sad - ly chang’d I re- turn fo - day! De? miei pri-man - ni dol - Gi com - pa in- van gliaf- Ye, of my youth ev - er dear com - pan - In vain my =~ 16362 7 a piacere | S| ¥ 7 In- van gliaf- in vain my = ait et fan - ni tem-pra-tein me, in-van gliaf sor - rows would ye al - lay, in vain my Oise — ag col canto : c = — == 5 SS fan - ni tem - pra - tein sor - rows would ye al ‘ne. Ahi - “Ww ey shi li - di del- lo stra - nie - ro per-che ti oh where-fore be-yond the 0 - cean zc Did I be- vi - di, per-che ti Vi - di, mio no-bil re? Re - sto cap-ti- vo te - coilmio hold thee, did I be-hold thee,my roy-ai lord? With thee my cap-tive heart still re- .2 €0 re, io. pi. non vi- vo, ben mio, chein In tel fale eipeececeeecceee main -eth, L— live no lon-ger but in’ thy ward,but in thy ward! 16362 78 a piacere a ie Ter-raa-do-ra-ta de? pa- dri Land of my fa - thers, thou well- be- p dole Ti-tor-noa te! re-turn to - day! co- me can-gia - ta How sad-ly chang’ I in- van gliaf- In vain my gene, ~ ions, ni dol- ci com - pa miei pri-m’an - ev-er dear com - pan - my youth De? Ye, of : 4 piacore ae ere a a fan- ni cem-pra-tein me, in- van gliaf - fan- ni, in- van gliaf- sor - rows would ye al- lay, in vain my — sor- rows, in vain my ta 9 Dow tem-pra-tein me! Per-ch8__ ti_—vi-di,_— mio no- bil al- lay! Whydid I be- hold thee, my roy —__ fan - ni sor-rows would ye vi - vo, ben mio, che in Jon - ger but’ in_____ thy ees - vo, ben pi non - ger but live no te! ah si, ben mio, chein te! ward, I live but in thy ward! se a 16362 80 Faust. (859) «Si le bonheur a sourire.» English version by Romanza. H, Millard. Si ‘le bon-heur & souri - re tin- When to thy vis-ion life ap-pears sweet - ly =} 8 gies ae a = er He S vi- te, Joy-eux a - lors, je sens un doux "6 - moi, Si le dou- smil-ing, Then all a - bout me seems to smile on me, But if sad b = a wsa62 st t i leur_ tae-ca ~ ble, Margue-ri-te, 6 Mar-gue-rij- te, 6 Ma tearscomeand naughtseems life be - guiling, Then,O — my lov one, then, O roe ri. te, je pleure a - lors, je pleu-re com-me toi. tov one, Then I will weep for thee, will weep for thee. Com-me deux As two fond = fleurs sur u-ne mé- me ti - ge, No- tre des -tinsuivait le mé - ‘me flow’r-ets on one stem u - nit- ed, So link’d by des-ti- ny our hearts are 16862 82 cours, De tes cha-grinsen fre - re je maf-fli- ge, 0 Mar - gue- bound, Shouldev-er sor-rowscome or hopesbe blight-ed, Then ev - er Pome ri. te, 6 Mar-gue-ri - te,Commeu-ne scur je tai-me-rai —tou- faith-ful, then ev - er faith- ful, then I shall faith-ful, ev-er true be je— tai - me - rai tou - jours, ev-er faithful, ev-er true be found, fai ¢ ome - rai tou - jours! faithful, ev - er true be found! 16862 . 83 La Favorita. (1840.) “O mio Fernando.,, Recitative and Cavatina. GAETANO DONIZETTI. Allegro agitato. (1797-1848. Fia dun-que It is the TO. oh Ciel! des-so Fer-nan - do lo 0 heav’a! artthou, Fer - nan - do, the See x eet? vi éruth,then! spo-so di Leo-no - rat spouse of Le - 0 - no - ra? best 16362 84 lento Tut - to mel di-ce.. e dub-bia Yal-magn - co - ral’ i - nat- Searoe dare I say its my doubting sens -es fal - ter with un - ex - te - Sa gio-ja. Di- 0! spo-sar- lo... pect -ed_ rapture. pow-ers! to wed him! oh mia ver - go -gnae - stre-ma. in do-teal prode re-car il di - so- O how I shrink with hor-ror! Bring him in dowry a-lone the stain of eee Allegro. oy a ee nor! nO... ma-i do-ves-si_ e - se - crar-mi... fug-gir! — saprain brev’ shame! Not e-ven _al- tho! he may curse me, I fly, ere Tove im - ¥—¥ o - ra chi sia fa don-na che co -tan-toa - plores him To pit - y aught the out-cast who a - =_—_ | 16362 Andante cantabile. fe, eS — del - la ter-ra il Earth's enchantments of nan - do! nan - do! vrai_ do-na - toil trance my heart no 16262 85 Pp espress. - no A pos-se-der - ti a - plea - sure, Lav - ished with-out thee,en - Ma pu-ro Ta - mor Ho-ly and pure af - ——— > a es, co - me il per-do - no, Dan - natqa-hi las - sa! ea di-spe-ra-toor- dims likeheaven’s a - zure © When smiling se - ren - est, dark clouds roll be~ m Tl ver fia no The truth be spo leggiero ma tranguillo e in tuo di-spre-gioe-stre - La pe - naa - truth that will scathe and shame 4 ‘The doom, though vrom che maggior_ si det...aht fear I de-serve it’ all! Ah col canto 16a6e a eae + a =f Sa ae ee =——= eT — ee giu-sto tuo di - sd@——gno al lor, al-lor_ fia see mo, Just-ly his in - dig - na - tion a - lone, a~Jone will blame — me, SS == 4 (¢- rey ge Fra gehyee = aaa, Bes Piom - bi, gran Di - 0, piom-bi, gran Di-o, la fol-gor tua su Cause,_God “of Ven - geance, cause, God of — Vengeance, on me thy bolt to . ae + ¥ oe me! Ah, se fia sce-mojl tuo di - sde ~ gno, piombi,o la fol-gor tua su | fall, His in-dig-na-tion then will blame me, God oof Ven-geance,causethy bolt to SS Sa ‘ a f= # == foo 4 se -gno,Piom-bio Di- 0, la fol-gor tua su blame me; God of Vengeance,on me thy bolt will = me ~ de- Hi. e chi var- - mentors, why spare mine colla parte ff 88 si risoluto So = = ae ta £- eS J re - sta? Scritto_@ in cie-lo il_mio, do - lor, an-guish? 4, How “it cri-eth +: to heavin a - loud: ce ein SSS 44 t v = = a iit Moderato_mosso. ciel il mio, do-lor! Su, ve - ni ~ teelf&y-na cries_____toheavina - loud! See the bri - - dal flow-ers fe - sta,Sparsa Ya - - ra sia di fior,_ Gi la tom - baa me sap- Jan - guishOn the shrine__where love is vowed Death a - lone___ my woe can a re-sta, E co-per - tain ne-gro vi Sia la tri ~ sta’ fi-dan- vanquish, Lo,a sup_ - pliantat thy knee, Reft of all of_earthly za - ta, Che re - jet - ta, di- spe - ra-ta, Non guer - don, Thus de - barred. on highher —pardon,Hopes oles = vra___ per-do-_ndjnciel.. in th va tion yet. ma -le-det - Thus debarred_ don, Hopes sal- va - tion yet i \ ed i : + = fae Sa] non a-vra per-do-naineiel, no, non a - vra, ma-le-det - in thee, Thus,thus de - barredheavnly par - Fe ae ee fee ta, di-spe-ra - ta, don, heavnly par - — don, “Wot avira. pes -nginciel, nen avra perdo-n9j Hopessalva-tionye in. thee, hopes saiva-tionyet, Ah, —cru-de ~~ lie — tor- men - = ters, ae 90 = 2S - re - sta? Serit - - (qin cle- - an - ish! How it cries mine Cru~de - - il, ve - ni Tor- men - tors, tor-men - bee —— == = mo do = dor! ~ heavin a - oud! 16362 ‘Tempo I. ot om SSH oaeieree Serittqe in ciel. flmio dolor. Suyve-ni =~ teglu -na How it cries toheavnaloud! Secithe bri - —- dal flowers SSS Gis la :___ Death a - sta, Spar-sa Ta - - - ra sia di fior,. lan - - guish On the shrine. where love is vows js = SSS tom - baa me s’ap-pre - sta, E co -per - - tain ne-gro my Woe can van- quish. Lo! a sup ~ - pliant at thy tri = sta’ fi. - dan-za- ta, all _of earthly guer - don Thus de - 2 a ———— SP esse vr perdo ta, di- spe -ra-ta, Non sal - va tionyet on high her pardon Hopes _ w36z (pS le Saas 3 ciel, ma-ledet - - ta, ta, non avr per-dono in thee; Thus de-barred—___ don, Hopes sal-va-tion yet in =—- Eg aes ciel, no, non a~- ma-le-det = thee, hopes sal-va_-tion_ yet, Thus de- barred =_—_ ta, non a-vra per-do-noin ciel, - non a-vri per don, Hopes sal-va - tion yet in thee, hopes sal-va - tion yet ea aig (ete fee Se porte + 7 t = ; Ses PSE or ciel... ah! non a - yrh per-do - no jn ciel... thee, ah! hopes sal ~ va-tion yet in thee! ata fi-dan-za =~ ta Non a heavn Ket © 2? A Andante. (¢=120)dolee Con - nais-tu le! pa-ys Dost. thouknow that fair land ob fleu-rit To-ran - gen, Le. pa-ys des fruits dor. wherethe lem - ons bloom Where the or-an - ges’ gold. EA SS goad == a Copsrighty 101, bY GSchirmer, Inc ted in the. S.A tes6z t_ plus douce ten - der bree: — et des ro-ses ver - Ou la bri - — lightsthe leaf - y — gloom? From a-zure skie: et ee seau plus -Ié - ger, gent - ly lave ae sempre dolee OU ray-on-ne et sou Fit, commen bienfat de Whereso r: poco orese 7 HI re = a Sat - . - ey = Dieu, Jn @- tee-nel prin - temps soas an toujours bleu? high, Smiles an e - ter-nal is the sky. = bigs ternal spr ae LS sui - vre Vers ce ri-vage heu- un-to that hap- py que ne puis-je te whereforemay I not wan - der $= Pp reux dou le sortme- xi - la! Cest la, c’est 1a que je vou-drais shore?Painwiththee I would — furel_ ‘Tis there!’Tis there, in love ev - er vi - vee, Ai-mer, ai-mer et mou - rir!___ C'est Ii que je vou-drais fond - er, 1 fain would live— “Tis there,in love ev - er and “4 a p——_ |» ————— P = vi - vre, cest fond - er, | I'd (6 Is 1662 Andante. > Con - nais-tu Hast_ thou eer la _mai-son seen the house? sal - le auxlam- beis stand wait-ing for dor, me, la = bas lard wal ou Ton mat-tend In its pil - oi des hom-mes de How re-splen-dent the Is, mar - bre halls Map pel - lent And forms_. of 16362 a — | SS Se Et lacoue ou Yon danse a Yom- bre dungrand Hap-lessmait-en,what sor - row oer- clouds thy des - ti - al) Pp i $s = + > eee se ole é ar-bre, Et le lac trans-pa- rent, — oug! sent sur les ay? And theclear, shin-ing lake whereon thereglidesa - eaux Mil- le bateauxlé - pa-reils & des oi - seaux!.__ glome.......Man = Ya sway-ing boat... with dane- ingand with song | —_— que ne puis-je te sui- vre Vers ce pa- ys loin- whereforemay I not wan-der un -to that hap- py tain dou le sort me- xi - lal la est shore? Fain with thee I would fare! ‘tis there, "Tis ee — 1a que je voudrais vi - vre, Ai-mer, ai-mer et mou - rir! Cest there, in love ev-er fond- er, ‘I. fainwould live. and die_____ "Tis la que je voulrais vi - vre, c'est ‘la! oui, c'est 1a! therein love ev-er fond- er, Td live, L_— would die! E a of ——— — 16362 134 Mignon. (1866,) «Me voiei dans son boudoir» Gavotte. English version by AMBROISE THOMAS. Dr.Th.Baker. (asi1-1996.) Allegro. a Recit. jai tout bri - ‘all gone to nim-por-te... my voi - ci! What of it?) Tam here! Dp con indignasione mon oncle a lo-gé Phi - li- me chez ma tan - my un - cle hastodgd Fi - li -na in my — aunts Quoi : Copyright, 1903, hy Schirmer, Ine. 8362 PME eee a ae ia Kime Tne Allegretto. te! rooms? ci dans sén bou - doir 1 in her bow - doir, 135 a Pp Me voi- Here am Et je sens moncceur, je seusmoneceur bat-tre dbs - And ‘I feel my heart, I feel my heart bent high with —— guet - te lin - stantde la re~ wait__for the hour when we_shall ns mon Yes, I feel my St Sa wesez tas coeur, jesens moncoeur bat-tre des - poir! - quet - te, je heart, ‘I feel my heartbeathighwith hope! bo = quette, here ‘I t & = guet- fe lin - stant de—te re - voir, wait__for the hour when we shall_ meet! tr, a Fi + = faut en - fin_vain-cre la eru- el - le, Ah, cru-el fair, in the end TH van ~ quish. TT faut tou - cher, tou-cher Ie coeur de_ Tin fi - She must be made, she_must be made to__heed my dé - fei faut tu - cher — le__eceur de Tin - fi - de - an- guish! She must be made to__heed, toheed my an ~ Je s sin bow - doir Et je sens mon guish! Tin in her bou - doir, And 'T feel my b Pook mf; Ci aS © Preece cea t : coeur, je sens monewur bat-tre des - poir! heart, ‘I feel my heart beat high with hope! P fe Tin- stant de_ la re - voir! for the hour whenwe shall_ meet. 16362 18, veux quon mai-me — et jes her love me, and “T Je would have Sa = Te, ouijes-pere A mon tour étre he Ah, yes, I hope to en-joy, as T crrse, reux; tant pis, ma foi, pourtousses a-mou- reux,tant pis pourtousses a-mou- woo. How sad twill be’ for all who loveher — too! Howsad for all who loveher Et je sens mon 1 feel my Je suis dans son bou - doir, Tm here in her bou~ doir, and reux,tant pis, ma foi! too, who love her tuo! 8 wane 139 ——_———_—_____ coeur bat-tre des-poir, bat-tre des - poir! heart, I feel my heart beat high with hope! guet - te Tin - stant de wait_____ for the hour when we shall meet, & 2 7 " jesens mon cour, je sens mon coeur bat-tre des I feel my heart, I feel my heart beathighwith Co - quet je guet Co ~ quette, here wait the hour, the te in- w362 stant dete re - voir. Por mon coeur quel doux €8 - hour whenwe — shull_ meet For my heart,how dear the @ tempo 8 é P poir! Voi - ci 1 fin- stant, cest Hn-stant de fa re - hope! "Tis now the_ hour, ’tis_ the hour when we shall dim. voir, Pour mon coeur quel doux Gs - polr, mon cour bat, oui, mon coeur meet! For my heart, how dear the — hope! , my heartbeats high, beats 16362 ren Mitrane. (1689.) “Ah rendimi.,, English version by . Nathun Haskell Dole. Aria. FRANCESCO ROSSI. (1645 -unknown.) Larghetto affettuoso,ma non troppo. Ah! give me back that eee Ren - di - mi quel-Va - Give me. back all that co a ~ rey heart of ___ thine, Copyright, 1592, hy 6. Schirmer. ee Cele SRN Ah,— ren-di- mi quel eo - re, Give’ me back that heart I cher ~ Ren-di- mi’ quel- Ya - mo - re amejnspi-ra-to, si, quel-Ia- Give me back that love that per - isht, By thee a - wak-en'd; That love that Ren-di-mi quel cor, mo-re ameinspi - ra - to. By thee a - wakend. Give me back thatheart of thin Qa perisht ral pm ren - di- mi quel-Ta - mo- re meinspi-ra- to! thee a - wak - en’, Give me back_ that love that per isht, aA Allegra con spirito. I tu-o Ev-er the P Peres sem ~ same— mi - 0 pen- sier, N wm-o my thoughtsand thine, Ev-er the preil were += Ed or, cru - de-le! Now why so crwel, - ta? ~ ed? la - seia - Il tuo fi de - part - tu from me I tuo sem-preil mio vo - le - Ev-er the samewere my will iy (ee ~ Sm 16362 mi- 0 pen- sie ~ Ev-er the same were thy thoughts Ed or, And why, 143 fu il same were —_ mi- 0 vo - thy will and per-ché mhai Why hast thou and eru- cruel 144 = ~ wie: per-ché, cru del, eru-del, per - ché, —perehé m’hai and why, cruel one, and why? hn why hast thou from seia-ta, ab-ban-do - na-ta, — per-ché la ~ scia-ta?Quella part-ed? Left me sad- hearted? From me de ~ part-ed;Give me ta, que-la._fe- che nelfa-nir mia te mhai joy), ) giveme back that joy Which in lovingme thy im part ete aes la-ta, che nel - a - nir-¢i mhai ed,Which in lov_—_ ing thy love im - part - - - - ta, A ‘mela ren - dit Ahyren-dimi, ah, ren-dimi! ed, Give, ah give it, give’t__ back! Ah!give itbackAh!give itback! Sees Larghetto affettuoso. Tempo I. ; ae Ah! ren-di - mi Give back once more quel co That dear joy of yore; quel-la That I eee ren - di- mi quel be - ing with Ren-di- mi Al, give as = quel - Ya - it back, That = mo - re Ameinspi- rato, si, quel-l’a - more lovedivine,ah!give it back, give back once more that love di- ps —- RRM chk =. at e- = aera 2a a a _meinspi-ra-to! vine! M6 Allegro con spirito. fu_- il mi - 0 ier, sem - prejt same- were my thoughts and thine, same_ were mi - 0 vo - ler, Ed or, cru - del! thy will and mine! Now why so cruel? per-ché mhai tu la - Why hast thou from me de - 362 47 == Ml tuo fuil mio pen-sie- “~~ re, Tl tuo sempreil mio vo - Ev-er the samewere thy thoughts and mine! Ev-er the same were my } Tre; Rd or, = eru- del, crude, —per-ché, —_per- and thine! And why, cruel one, and why, —cruelone, and a Ea ché, — eru- del, mhai = tu__ - sciata? ab-ban-do - na-ta? why? Oh! why hast thou from me de- parted? Left me sad- hearted? > Se ees SS SSS} 4 aaa per-ché la - -ta?Quellaa me— si ca - ra fe-li - ci - td&— nel-lu- From me de - part-ed?Giveme back that joy, give me back that joy Which in i wa62 48 = fs _ PP _ Pp = == = SE . f— tie zy 2 see 3 ~sa, Ah, ren - di - mi qnel-la - im - part - ed; Give, ah! give it back, nix - mia te, pro ~ my lov - ing me thy love { "eres. |S P. p 4 # — = *- = = T= SS Se = eS + + t t f F mo - - re,quel-Ya me si ca = 2 : 2 back! pass aust ah! give it back! Give it give, pro-mes - s it’ back! Ah! W362 Nadeschda. us (1885) “My Heart is Weary. German version by Friedrich Fromery. Recitative and Aria. ;: English words by Julian Sturgis, Recit. Allegro. Molto moderato. A. GORING THOMAS. (1851-1892) means {- van! sehreiot er mi f # agitato ¢ poco a poco string, > : =: SS js 63 SS 7 See Sa ee Hespeaks of shame, of dan-ger 10 ourgreat house from Vol-de-mar's mad Er sprichtvonSchmach und Sechan-de fiir un-ser Haus, von Vla-di-mirs Ver- I eae be ss SSS a — fan-ey for a serf-girl, riicktheit fie ei neScta-vin, I~ van was ev-er Doch stetswar [-wan { > s—__ Ig = Shee ; = 1s = espress, =—— ——— o, 1 am = wea - ry, wea - ry ict bin mii - de, mii - de Copyright, 1902 hy G. Schirmer, Ine. 16362 Printed in theU.S. A. Ce Andante con moto. of these brothers) quar- rels die-ses Streitsder Brit - der. pp Oh, my heart is wea - - cy, - ry night and day, Schwer Uegt auf dem Her ~~ ir —bet_Nacht und Tag corese. = * Fordreaming of my chil-dren,anddoomof broth-ers'fray; der Séh-ne ste-tes Ha-dern,und wie ich’ schlichten maj = — ae = pe Hard the fate__ of moth-ers, the ten - der babesthey bear, har-tes Loos der Mut-ter wenn Kin - der sich ent-zwein! —= rr re SS (eae ne # Bi | = jh = =| se362 erese, 151 — ST eee Pegs Se rig = F Theylook for help in trou ~ die, et find but griefand care, WoTrostich such'und Hil - fe, find’ ich Nothund Pein,_ b054 PELE = Se \ Oya Maa Tipe es orese 5 et — == bate i a a me we Sait Pipes res orese dim Theylookforhelp in trow- ble, and find but Wo Trostichsuctlund Hil - fe, da find’ ich sor - = row ec eee ‘; pcaller woe . ress = :: cs — 7 tS there. Oh, my heart is wea - - ry, Pein. Sechwer liegt aufdem Her . - zen ae ed Gon eSpress, ~~ ry night and day, For dream-ing of my chil - dren, bei Nacht und Tag der Séh- ne ste-tes_ Ha - dern, — Sore eee 152 sae orese. sempre Fordreaming of my chil - dren,my heart. is_ wea - ry night and der Séh- ne ste-tes Ha_ dern,ja, —schwer__be - driicktmichNachtund ao aaa te Pp dime rit ee Fordreaming of my chil - dren, and doom of brothers? der Séh-ne ste-tes Ha - dern, und wie ich’s schlichten Listesso tempo. riscluto © name greatand Ihr Va = ter, ihr erese. ry artthou to me, Whohear inthe dark-ness the mir eu-ren Rath, ich hé = redas Mah- nen des what leiht Se ——— 3 Sep ees 3 + 16862 <__ shall be! naht! woes that Un - heils, das shad-ows of sehwarze Ge- sor - row,fly ye far entweichetvon hier, bil - de, 4 Come thegtad to- lasst___ dieMut-ter erese, mor- Fow, come the fair- er hof - fen, Jusst die Lie-be 3S Come_ lasst_ theglad to- die Mut-ter i Tempo I I === pcan dotore Pere He ete ee f Ss 4 =F mor-row, come the fair Ob, my heart is hof- fen, lasst die Lie - be mir. Ach, schwer liegt aufdem Bee 19362 + night and day, Nacht und Tag , 3 Aa 1 i oe — * et =n = SS Se = Fordreaming of my chil-dren and fate of — broth-ers’ fray. der Séh-ne ste-tes Ha-dern, und wie iehs sealichten mag. —— ( : Hard the fate of moth - ers, Har- tes Loos____ der. Mut - ter der babes they bear, They look for help in der_sich ent - zwein! Wo Trost ich such’ und 155 ed : yi = aninandy—~ : : ~ pee 4 pliccrese, and find but grief and care," yes, da find’ ich Noth und Pein, ja, | avimando 23 == t — they look for help in trou ~ ble, and find but — wo Trost ich such’ und Hill - fe, da find’___ ich Tempo f crese. 16362 animendo b bbe ty —" = ee: aba ae Sea : =} : ===> las! they find but grief. and sor - row_ Trost such’ und Hil - - fe, da find’ ich_ be pt Biawere = = ete 7a tebe tS there, a - las, Noth, da find. ich aninando om col canto —— they find bot grief, they find but — grieL_ and sor - row Noth, wo Trost_ ich su~ che, wo Trost ich suche, find’ ich Noth und : a aE F ——— ri Orfeo. . (1762,) “Che fard senza Euridice.,, Scene and Rondo. ©.W. von GLUCK. (074-1987.) Recit. — = i (Sa as Ahi - me! do - ve tra - A - las! why hast thow Sens re eee ve oa : spin-se un de -li - rio da- mor? Spo - sa. suffer in a mad-ness of — love?, Alle; tbe Rae See eee oF = tS S————— Eu-ri - di ri - di- ce! Con - sor - te. Ah! pit non vi-ve.. la My — own one! She lives no longer, — I 16362 158 chia-mo in-van! eall her in vain. (ry Seay me! la‘per-do © di nuo-vo e per sempre! oh leg-ge! oh mor-te! oh ri- misty to loseher a - gain and for ev-er! O judgment, O sad death,cru-el = : =p 7 oe cor do cru -gt © NOW Ro $0 = cor-S0.. non ma-van = za con - te col ctection! [| have no help-er, naught gives me con-so - 4 ic = = - = e— : = = [De SS —— = = = aw siglo... io veggoso-Jo (Oh__ fie-ra vi-sta!) il lut-tu - 0 - so aspet-to del lation,naught can! image, ( fearful_vision!)naught but the dark,gloomy aspect, the Yor-ri-do mio s -ria-ti, sor-te re-a.. Son di-spera-to! horrors of my being! Now fate maywreakher vengeance, Iam despairing. 159 Che fa . ro senzaKu - ri -di-ce? — Do-veanird senza jl mio Live without my Eu - ri-di-ce! Can I five without my ben? love? ben? Do -vean - dro sen-zail mio_ ben? love? whith-er_ _ wan- der love? 18362 160 Fh re = set ee eae: Eu-ri - di - ce! oh Di - of ri - spon-di-. Eu-ri - di ~ce! Oh, Heav-ent now tell, sme, etgs Adagio. == = eee | ri - spon - - - #7 pu-reil tuo fe ~ Oo tell me, L_ am— for ev-er thy true roe TF ¥ z af : fia aa > Tempo I. eee ee - a de - le, ioson pu-reil tuo fe - del, il_ tu-o fe ~de-let Che fa- lov-er, 1 am for. ev-er thy true lov-er,true lov-er! Live with- ie Ss SS SS A ee + = oe @ See: 7 = i= rd senza fu - ri - di-ce? — Dovean-drd.senzail mio ben? Che. fa - out my Eu - ri - di -ce! Could} live with-out my lave? In my 16368 164 bre Petes rean - Fa pal a Whither _ re do - woe, where can I Pepa - ro sen-zail mio ben? Do + vean- wan-der_ with no fove, whither— Pr Pf oer 7 love? Bu —_—_—— ben? Eu- == i$ : we = IF Moderato. > ri- di - cet ri - di - cet Bu-ri - di - cet = F pe SHS 4 re pS AS cee = Ah! non ma-van-za_— pil. soe -cor- 80, pit_spe -ran-za fe a Thro’darkness groping, no hefp giv-en, Noth-ing hoping fromearthor ——-. aie = + SF 777 Tempo J. mon - do, heay-en, né_ from earth — dal 1 Che fa - ro sen; Bu - ri or heavn! Live with -out = my Eu - ri- =e oa fp ts 4 = QS | Sate Se ee oS SS ae di - ce? Dovean-drd senzail mio ben? Che fa - ro?_ Do - vean- di - ce! Whither wan - der with no love? In_ my woe, where can I : _ We SS t =n x 7 zy dra2_ Che fa - rd_sen-zail mio ben? Do - vean -dro?_ Che fa - Whither wan-der_ with no_ ove? Where can I go, in_ my 7 a7 ? eer eee —— ro? Do - vean - dro Sen-zail_ mio ben, sen - zajl mio ben, woe? Whith-er_ wander with no love, with - out my_ love, mio bei my love? 163. Le Prophete. (1849) «Ah! mon fils!» English version by i H. Millard. Arioso. GIACOMO MEYERBEER. (1791-1864) Allegro molto moderato. fs Andante espressivo. Ah! mon fils, Ab! my Son! Ta pau - vre Thy lov - ing te fut plus che - re Ber - tha, que ta Ber- to thee was dear - er Ber - tha, than was Ber- poco _crese. 16362 164 dinin. p — So - = yt + = + =e epee £ = S| tha, que ton a mour! Ah! aht non tha, who claimé thy heart! Ah! Ah! my Seca * tu viens,hé-las! de donner pour ta me- -re plus For thou, a -las! thou dost give for thy Moth- -er more bon - heur! que la vie, en don-nart ton bon-heur, ton than thy life, For thou giv'’st all thé joy of thy soul! 16362 ee + ciel, que vers le ciel _ sé - le - ve heav'ny, now up— to heavn dolee et May hea molto erese. my_ pray’, —____my 2 ar sois bé - ni — en's bless - er be with thee, my Son,__ bless-ed be, bless - ed be, z ES et 4k 3 eae 7 Ces eg SS eS ts G E dans le Seigneur, mon fils, sois bé-ni,_ sois bé- ni, sis bé ev __—._ bless-ed ¢ _ _P. - : = EE =] EE a= SS = we — f ni dans (@=——__ sei - gneur, sois be - be. for ev- - -er - more, Bless thee 166 Gudensa_ sois bé . ni dans le May heav'n's choic -est_ blessing mon fils, my Son, mon fils, my Son, ae rallent. _stringendo > pea aa: Stet ep 2 2 gneur, sois bé - ni da Sei na Fo a oe fall, May heaviis choicest blessing fall, onl aut RESCH ‘May heav’n bless thee eal a He oO eee Ee (@ a a Deer t sempre dimin. 16362 167 Le Prophete. (1849) «Donnez, donnez» English version by Romance. A. Millard. GIACOMO MEYERBEER. : : (a791.as64) Andantino quasi allegretto. q eee Eee Sere eee smors. mf sostenuto Don - nez,— don - nez— a give alms, un poco rail. PP YE = = ; u - fe. paavre @ - me, Ou-vrez - tui le pa-ra-dis, le pa -ra- one. poor soul cher ish, And open wide the gatesof heavn,the gates of 16362 dolce Don - nez,— don - eZ a Give alms! give alms, or Ia par fem-me Qui prie, hédas! qui prie,_ hé pe fom wl per Who prays, a-las! who grays a- our_ son her son to Ra. * Ra, a == = Be Be fe Te ee = ae eae Seigneur, dou - rez de grace aut Givealms, give alms,Q no-ble sir, give alms to her, tte eS =p 5 rs f FE = a tempo sein de vo - tre ~ches - se, pi - tid, st give, of thy wealth be - stow- ing, Ani pit-y, go eae : gneur 6 - pu- r,_no_tong-er paren = ——— + severe canna Reson Barre dim. Ient!_ Don-nez pour dire u-ne mes-se, hé- las! mon paiivre en- shun, Relieve my heart ower-flow-ing, A - las! for my — dar - ling a pinta a . cresc———| hé - last. & mon pau-vreen-fant, a - last. for my dar - ling son! (weeping) ah! &h! -vreen ~ fant! ah! ah! -ling son! 3 i-tiét don-nez! ah! ah! ah! hnyboan -ty give, sht_ah! a! Vai faim, — jai froid! wim - por- I thirst, Tm cold, what —_mat- aN Ost 2 spore, 170 cor! bien -t6t__ tom-be est plus froide en - ere long tomb is more chill and fone! oa t p col canto P marcato _ gla - c6-6 et morte, Qui done prie-ra pour son will there re - pos Who then will pray for my pose Pt qui done jrie-ra pour son sort?” who then will pray for my son? =2 Ras ated = = aeeel dim. pall. qui done prie-ta, qui done prie-Fa pour {ai, quiddne? Aut = who then will pray, who then will pray for _him,whothen?0!_ a tem : motto ole S.. crest == = ee Sey G4 sofas er sein de vo-tre Tr - ches Sei-gneur &-pu-lent! Don. give, of thy wealth be And pity, 3 fong-er shun, — Re- dim. = nez — pourdire u-ne mes-se, Hé- las! & mon pan-vreenfant! lieve my heart o-ver-flowing, A - las! for my dar - ling son! 2 co fa. * molto crese = fedim las! & mon pav-vreenfant! hé «last 2 monpau - vreen- Jas! for my dar - fing son! alas! a + las! formy dar-— -ling (oveeping) (weeping) fant! Ah! ah! ah! pi - ti! don-nez! Ah! aht ah! son! Ah! ah! ah! — thy boun - ty give! Ah! ah! ah! 172 La Reine de Chypre. (1841) «Le Gondolier dans sa pauvre nacelle» ia. JACQUES F. HALEVY. English version by Ar oS tees) Mrs. 0. B. Boise. Andantino. Te gon-do - lier dans sa pau-vre na - celle, Re-tour ~ me aux The gon-do - lier at the clos-ing of day’ Re-turnsto his ow le bon-heur Tat - tend La elo ~ che where his lov - ed ones dwell: Then to — the 7 7 sain-te a TE-gli- se Tap-pel- le, il va pri- er, il va dor-mir con- church he is stmmond to pray By the sol-emn tones___ of the an - cient ——— = ie Printed ia thel.S. A. wane Copyright, 1908, by G. Schirmer, Inc. 173 tent. Ah!sous vos toits hos-pi-ta - liers_ Pri-ez pour bell Un-der that roof, sim-ple but dear, Oh! pray for me moi, bons gon- do - liers, pri-ez pour moi,——bonsgondo-liers! me,— kind gon-do - lier, Oh pray for _me,—___kind gondo-lier! Pour moi,— qui ai plusdespé-ran - ce, Plus de bon- -——~_ A ~ las,—for me all joy is ban-ishedGonewith my — de et plus Wa - mour,—— Bé-ves heu - reux___ for my youthful dreams.— Oh! vis. W362 swt +k bts 2S ee sarin fal i e 7 fan ~ ce, Vous a-vez fai____commeun beau jour! van-ished,Gonelike the warmth fromdaysbrigh beams! dear, Ohtpray for Re - yesheu-reux, yous a&-vez fui Gone like the warmth. re lier! Vis _- ion of love, Youtils fe Ah\sous vos toits hospi-ta- Under that roof, simple but ee liers, Pri-ez pour moi,— bons gon-do - liers,pri-ez pour moT;—_bonsgondo- me, good gon-do - lier, Ohlpray forme,’ good gondo- ‘ves d'a-mour, sun-ny dreams, a comme un bean of days bright Sy a 175 A, Allegro. Recit, Que vois-je, d 1 We te ‘Lo! what” is, Ciel! dans ce saint li - vre, un bil-1ét this between these pa - ges? a letter! is tips ——~ win &- chit” de ¢ 1 ab G6 - rardt Tis the hand of Ge-rard! of Ge - rard! IS wee 5 mon Dieu! au cou-rage, 8 Pa-mourje Ye-nais, je me Hear me, God! Blessed words,bringing courage and hope, sweet be - ‘o Sf Bee |Fe L 176 li-vre; La mon bon-heur, ma perte ou mon sa ~ lut! Pour-qaoi fre - lief that our pray’ is heard,that my an-guish is oer! Oh heart of f pour-quoi trem - bler? Quand la voix de Gé- why dost thou fear? ‘pis the voice of Ge - Moderato. —_ rard i-ci__va map-pe-ler? Non, _—___— Gé-rard, rard,he call_eth me to hear. No, ——__— Ge-rard, a tempo fil. le de Ye-ni - se, Fi-dele & la foi pro-mi - se, Sait at- child__ of no-ble Ven-ice Hath learnedhowtokeep a prom - ise, How to dre et souf - frir, Sait ai - mer, sait ai-mer et mou - fer, her pain to de - ny, How, if need be, to P 16a62 177 Allegro. rir! die! Fees SS SS Je vais le voir, lui mon bien, luima vi-e, De trans- Oncemoreto see him, my love, Oh!what transport,what sur - eee £ _— mon &- me est fa-vi tearsof joy fillmine eyes! port, de sur-pri-se, ah prise! Rapturethrillsme, ahi 4 \ 7 Con spirit Mon Dieu,so-yez bé-ni! Vous per-met -tez qui-ci God, thouart mer-ci-ful, grant - ing my one_re-quest! 16362 178 Sa voixrendea moncour Et Tes-poir et le bon-heur! Hope once more fills my breast,bringing sweet con-tent and rest. ao ef pp ce Bless-ed hopemypray’t voie - ing, = =———_ rd. Ge Vient calmer ma souf-fran - -ce! E - cou-tez-moigmon Dieu, Grief givesway to re - joice - -ing! Oh, hearme,biessed God! a tempo, Tpnlenealn pe Et que ce triste a-dieu Mon - te vers vous,seigneur, Et calme votre ri- Let my thanksreach thy throne,Calm- ing thy righteous wrath, May remorseforsin, colla voce 16362 \doleess. Nentend What dot urla vague tran-quil-le, onthetranquil sea rid-ing? ae oa PP He Glis-ser ra- pi - de ~ ment How it float-eth a - long ia pa u-ne bar-que do- ci - le? oer thesmooth billow glid_- ing! —~ —~ 180 Mais non! But, no! cor, tout re - po-se en- By ~"ry- thing is eee : tout est eal - me, naught is moy- ing, Pp tout dort all sleeps. eee HE eet Mon Dieu, veil - lez sur lui Lord, Thow dost rule the sea; ea Sa Voix rende & mon coeur Then shall all__con-flict cease, Seer Hanes ere mai Et. per-met - tez qWi- ci Let—— him re - turn to me. —— Et Yes-poir et_ le bon-heur. Then for me_. there dawn -eth peace To ——— 181 Cet - te douce es-pé. ran - ce Bless- ed hope prayer voir - ing, Vient ca] mer ma souf-fran - Grief gives way to re ~ joie Animato. moi, mon Dieu, bless - 7 -ed Lord! Wwa62 AL z aL 4 ~ dieu throne, Et cal-me vo- tre ri- wrath, May remorse for sin a - 16362 183 guer. Je vais le voir, mon Dien, — ma_vie, Ah, — de bon- tone. Once more be - hold the one 1 fove! Oh, hay-py hour mon me est rem-pli- e! Je vais le voir, mon bien, — ma hour my con-stan-cy to prove; A-gain to hear his voice! Let vi- e lui, mon bien, ui, = ma_vi- - e! Heu-reux ins- heart and soul re- joice! Oh, what trans- =port to see his heu- reux what ec 16362 184 what ec = es = poir, je le voir! and pain are For soon je le voir! whom a-dore! W636 185 Rienzi. (1842) »Gerechter Gott ipo RICHARD WAGNER. Recitative and Aria. 13-1883 Molto agitato(é= 10) eee ala Recit. Gerech - ter Almighty So ists entschie-den schon! Ere long their swords will clash! @_teng re Pins _—- Wat -" fen schreitlas Volk ~ "Kein Traum ists mehr! car - nage once a - gain, a-new to fight! ge uf 186 ease = et Piacere bp—bo== aE be = = ie = 2a, Se - de;nimm’ mich Jam - ~ mer-vol-fen a-vert from this fearful a Wo giebts ein ri - ble Schick sal das dem mei - - nen__ gleicht? thoughts —_—_ i mind ____dis - tress; lies mich death, and dir, ver-fal-len, finst ~ - "re Macht? Ri- to this poor heart re- lief. Rie 16362 heil-vol - ler! Weich ein Loos am - bi - tious, see thy works! Ja tiee @ piacere beschwurst du auf dies un - gliicksel-‘ge Haupt? All Rome bythee is cast in mournful gloom, colla parte “hin wen? ich dle ir - ren Schritte? Wohin das new blood - shed shéll deep- = ly _—sor-row, Thy ray be - Schwert, i - ters Zier? stow, - teous Lord! * Pitt tranguillo ed_espress. __ wa re Af = —> i 7 Se eae ‘ =f Wendich’s auf dich, I- re-nen’s Bruder? zieh’ ich’sauf mei-nes Va-ters My soul per- plex advicewould_bor-row, Du - ty or love shall have my \ = at ero 8 188 Andante. Haupt? sword? molto espress. In sei - ner Bhi - the Oh, dreams of youth, so bleicht meinLe-ben,da-hin, da- hin ist allmeinRit-ter-thum,der Tha - ten Hoffaung dear, so tender, A-way, @ - way,sweet visions of past time; All bliss - ful hopes 1 @ pigeere ckundRuhm. — Mit Would ist __ ver-lo - ren, meinHaupt kréntnimmer,krént _nimmer Gli must sur-ren-der, My life doth wither, doth with-er in — its prime! 16362 - bem Flor ii — sich but one star light Stern im er-sten Ju - géndglanz, durch diist - re Glu - then aw - ful gloom of this darknight! — Love,Love him - self, that a 000 eves, , = 4 - 5 7 i nee ee . + Satara hoor ae ler schnsten ‘Lie- be Strahl ins Hera. Mit trit bém swayil_my— breast, Now — crus by grief thisheart hath Teftt Would but one Flof dm-hiillt mein Stern sich im er-sten Ju-gend-glanz, durch dist ~ star now break_with light Thegloom of this dark night! Love, Love—_ him ee Vv === Glu’ thendrin - get selbst der sekénsten Lie - be,der schén - sten self, that sway'’d my breast, by grief now con - querd,by grief___ now —=, — SvT dolce 16362 190 un po fard. Lie - be Strahl ins Herz, der sehdn - sten Lie - “be Strahl in’s con - querdme hath left! by grief___now con- — ~ quer, me_ hath on -_querddme ha espress. Herz. In sei-ner Blii- the left! Oh dreams of youth, so a tempo bleicht mein Le- ben, da-hin, da - hin ist all mein Rit - ter-thum, dear,—__so_ten- der, A- way, a - way, sweet visions of past time! erese.__ — 3 Pes == Z = Tha - ten Hoff-nung ren,mein Haupt kront bliss - ful hopes T der, My life— doth niin - - - mer Glick und Ruhm! mein Haupt — krént with - = : - er_ in its my life doth tot fi a = 2— So Pe is i t ea += - = == =e ae Se nim - mer,ach!. nim - merGliick— und Ruhm, mein Haupt — kront with - er, abt with - er in its_ prime, my life doth ss ePtebe = - + # —— 7s = a oa i =f fet Pu, a Se = ae SB eS as eo — a nim - mer,ach! nimmer Gliick und with - er, “ZA wither in its = ae Wydhe Ruhm,mein Haupt krént nim - - - mer cite und Ruhm! prime, my life doth with - ge in_________ ts prjmet b Allegro. (Ban hort mit der grossen Glocke ay ” i‘ The bell of the Capitol is heard toting yp 0k molto agitate cE ——2— 2 — ¢ 3 = = = 4 vA Wo war Ha! wo bin ich jetzt? die Where am Ah, what now to do? That f sere fe» # Ties | = — =| Gott, es wird zu Heav'n! what aw - ful sempre _crese. E = spiit! Was nun be sound! The time is sempre crese. - gin - fly ~ hin- aus zum yes, to my

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