1st Year Physics Practical PDF

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Important Features

1- Brief Experiment according to paper pattern.

2- Important Short Questions.
3- Graph and solution according to paper pattern.
4- Additional short questions.
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Guess For graph:
1. Draw a graph between the length L and time period
square 𝑇 2 of a simple pendulum from the given
data. Measure the slop of the graph and calculate
the length of the second’s pendulum.
2. Draw a graphbetween load ‘F’ and mean extension
‘x’ recording by loaded spring suspended vertically.
Take F and X along abscissa and ordinate respectivly.
3. Draw a graph betwwen√𝐿 and T from the given data
of simple pendulum experiment taking √𝐿 and T
along abscissa and ordinate respectivly.
4. Plot a graph between distance of the object and
distance of the image of q from the given data
recorded for a convex lens by parallax method taking
p and q along abscissa and ordinate respectivly.
1 1
5. Plot a graph between and for a concave mirror
𝑝 𝑞
from the given data recorded by parallax method
1 1
taking along abscissa and ordinate respectively.
𝑝 𝑞
1 1
6. Plot a graph between and from the given data
𝑝 𝑞
worked out by measuring the distance of an object
and distance q of its image from a convex lens by
1 1
parallax method. Take and along abscissa and
𝑝 𝑞
ordinate respectivly.

By Exam point of view you will find graph and you have
to solve the questions asked by the examiner.
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Remember me in your prayer please.
A humble request by Admin Arslan

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