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Short Question
1- Data vs Information
2- Field = Attribute = Column = Fact = Property
3- Tuple = Record = Instance = Occurrence = Row
4- Data file = Entity = Table = Relation
5- Database with example
7- File and its type (Program Vs Data )
8- Data dictionary
9- Data independence
10- Data integrity [and its types]
11- Data Security
12- View
13- Index
14- File organization
15- Cardinality Vs Modality
16- Entity Vs Entity instance
17- Synonyms Vs Homonyms
18- Functional dependency
19- Determinant
20- IDE
21- Wizard
22- Degree Vs Order (cardinality)
23- Input mask
24- Wild Card
25- Macros
26- Join
27- Sub-form
28- Form elements (Combo box Vs List)
29- Query
30- Property of relation
31- SQL
32- Field properties
Long Question
1- DBMS Advantages
2- Data Models
3- Keys and its types
4- Database Users [Data Administrator, Database Administrator, End User]
5- ER Diagram
6- Relationships
7- Normalization with its stages


8- Query and its types
9- Form and its types
10- Data types
11- Anomaly (Insertion anomaly, modification, deletion anomaly)
12- Data distribution strategy
13- Functional dependency, Partial dependency and Transitive dependency

C Language
Short Question
1. Introduction to C
2. Computer program and programmer
3. Structured Vs Non structured language
4. C Statement
5. Machine Independence
6. Header file
7. Preprocessor directives
8. Delimiter
10. Conditional operators
11. Linker Vs Loader
12. Identifiers and its types
13. Variable Vs Constant
14. Variable declaration Vs Variable definition
15. Source Code Vs Object
16. Lvalue Vs Rvalue
17. Data types and its types
18. Overflow Vs Underflow
19. Assignment statement
20. Standard Input Vs Standard Output
21. printf() Vs scanf()
22. Format specifier
23. Escape sequence
24. Field width
25. Control Structure
26. If statement OR if-else statement
27. Nested if else statement
28. Loop Or repetition Or iterative control structure
29. while Vs do-while loop
30. goto statement
31. continue Vs break statement
32. counter controlled Vs Sentinel Controlled
33. Nested loop
34. Function and its types
35. Function prototype
36. Formal Vs Actual parameters


37. Global variable Vs Local variable
38. Static variable
39. Stream and its types
40. String
41. Array
42. Pointer
43. Data file Vs Program file
44. EOF Vs Newline

Long Question
1. Briefly describe the basic structure of a C program.
2. While writing a C program, how many types of errors can occur? Discuss briefly. Which one is
the most difficult to locate and remove? Justify your answer.
3. Describe the characteristics of high-level programming languages.
1. Describe language processors or translators and their use. Discuss different types of language
2. What is meant by type casting? Also explain types of casting.
3. Write down the rules for naming variables in C language.
4. Define Operator and different types of operator.
5. What is “switch” statement? Explain its working with example. (Draw flow chart)
6. Define for loop. Explain its working with example.
7. Briefly explain the benefits of using functions.
8. What is a stream? Briefly explain the types of Streams.
9. What is the procedure of opening a file in C language? List different modes of opening a file.

Database (Practical Programs)

1. Explain the procedure to apply primary key on table.

2. Explain the procedure for creating simple form.
3. How a table is created in Design View?
4. What are the two table views available in Access? How do you switch between them?
5. Explain the procedure for opening an existing database in MS Access.
6. What are check boxes and option buttons? Explain the procedure of adding these objects to a form.

C-Language (Practical Programs)


1. Write a program that input 3-digits number from the user and display its reverse. For example, if
the user enters 725, it displays 527.
2. Write a program that gets temperature from the user in Fahrenheit and converts it into Celsius
degrees using the formula { C = 5/9 (F – 32) }
3. Write a program that inputs a character and displays whether it is a vowel or not.
4. Write a program that displays first five numbers and their sum using while loop.
5. Write a program that inputs a number form the user and displays whether it is even or odd.
6. Write a program that inputs a number form the user and displays the factorial of that number.
7. Write a program that inputs a number from the user and displays a table for that number.
8. Write a program to input two values from the keyboard and then to print the larger number on the
computer screen?
9. Write a program that input two numbers in main function. Passes these numbers to a function.
The function displays the maximum number in C language.
10. Write a program that input three values from the keyboard and then print the greatest numbers on
11. Write a program that input three values from the keyboard and then print the smallest numbers on
12. Write a program that inputs two numbers swap them. Print the values of variables before
swapping and after swapping.
13. Write a program that takes a number and calculate and display its factorial by using a function.
14. Write a program that prints a table by using a function.
15. Write a program that takes two numbers and calculate and display firs function raised to power
second by using a function.
16. Write a program that inputs two numbers and finds whether these numbers are equal or not using
if-else structure.
17. Program to display sum of series
Marks Grade 1+1/2+1/3+……….+1/n.
80 – 100 A 18. Write a program that displays
60 – 79 B counting from 20 to 1 using for
40 – 59 C
0 – 39 F
19. Write a program in C language
that takes marks as input and calculates grade according to the following criteria.



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