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Consrction an Building Matra 26 2019) 259-279 Contents lists available at ScionooDiroct Construction and Building Materials journal homepage: = Mechanical and damage mechanisms of reinforced ultra high performance concrete under tensile loading i Chen Bian, Jun-Yan Wang” Key Laboratory of Advanced Chil Engineering Maer, Toni Univers, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 20180, China + Mechanical and damage mechanisms of RUHPC depends on the tensile performance of UHPC. ‘Reduction ofthe tensile strength of UHPC in RUHPC was observed, {AE analysis method shows further insight into the tensile damage evolution of RUHPCS. {int index can characterize the damage distribution nonuniformity of RUHPC. ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Fre oy Received 26 January 2019 Received in revised form 13 May 2019 Deceted 17 July 2019 Understanding the tensile mechanism of reinforced ultrahigh performance concrete (RUHPC) is impor- tant fr structural design and application of ultra high performance concrete (UHPC).n this study, the direct tensile test accompanied with crack width detection and acoustic emission (AE) source locating ‘were conducted on RUHPC specimens with the longitudinal reinforcement ratios of 0%, 2.3% and 4.6%, ‘Two types of RUHPCS were studied: high strain hardening RUHPC (HSH-RUHPC) and stain softening RUPE. (SS-RUHEPC). Experimental results included the tensile stress (Ioad)-srain curves, the crack ‘wideh-strain curves andthe AE source distribution maps under tensile loading, The tensile mechanisms ‘were elaborated fr two aspects. From the view of mechanical mechanism, during Stage tthe elastic stage) and Stage Il (the elasicplastic stage): (1) HSH-RUHPC had globally uniform stress distribution “iil the steel rebar in SS-RUHPC changed fom total elastic state to partial yielding and finaly to partial strain hardening; (2) the reduction of the tensile strength of UHPC was observed in RUHP, which was ‘more obvious wit the higher reinforcement rato, From the view of damage evolution mechanism based ‘0m AE analysis method atthe micro level (1) HSH-RUHPC exhibited a homogeneous damage distaibution ‘owing to is mtiple-mieto-cracking mode before steel yielding: (2) S-RUHDC showed several damage ‘concentrations a crack positions after UHC softening. due to its soveral-macro-cracking. mode. Meanwhile, Gini index was proved tobe an effective parameter 10 evaluate the distribution nonutior- rity ofthe internal damages of RUHPC. eywords: Retfrec uta high performance conrete Sain hardening Stain sttening elle mechanical mechani Tensile damage evolution mechanism >ewusticemsion, © 2019 Elsevier Lx, Al rights reserved 1. Introduction Ulta high performance concrete (UHPC) is composed of com- pact cementitious matrix combined with a high amount of fibers In consideration of the challenges of the work zone safety and environmental impacts, USA and China have been promoting aceel- erated bridge construction (ABC) methods using prefabricated bridge elements [1]. Previous studies have shown that the use of prefabricated bridge elements can significantly accelerate the con- struction and rehabilitation of bridge decks, and dramatically min- mize delays and disruptions to the community [2 © Goresponding author. mal odes 125290.0niesucn J. Wane nap: doiog/10.1016(conbuitaat2018.07.162 (950-0518/0 2019 Elsevier Ud Al rights reserve [5.4 Due to the high tensile strength and excellent bonding with steel rebar, UHPC has been used in the construction of prefabri- cated double T UHPC girder. The UHPC girder can significantiy reduce the self-weight for fast installation and save the maintain- ing cost during the service life, Fig. 1 shows a case using UHPC git- der in a bridge constructed in Shanghai, 2017. The UHPC used in this case isa kind of high strain hardening UHPC cured under nor- ‘mal condition provided by the authors, ‘The high strain hardening UHPC refers to a kind of UHPC whose ‘ultimate tensile strain jy i higher than the yield strain cy of the 20 Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, ‘Nomenclature Je elastic tensile strength of UHPC fe elastic tensile strain of UPC corresponding to fn Jin. ultimate tensile strength of UHPC Sim ultimate tensile strain of UHPC corresponding £0 fry Fy” Yield strength of steel rebar 2% yield strain of see rebar corresponding tf, x stain at initial strain hardening stage of steel rebar Fe tensile loading capacity of RUHPC atthe elastic stage Frey tensile loading capacity of RUHPC atthe elastic-plastic stage fig Tensile strain of RUHPC corresponding 0 Fe fey tensile strain of RUHPC corresponding to Fay Fr tensile load of RUHPC Fx tensile load of steel rebar Fy tensile load of UPC 1 Gini index ‘A area between the Lorenz curve and the horizontal coor- dinate R area between the idealized even distribution curve and ‘the horizontal coordinate Marea between the idealized concentrated distribution ‘curve and the horizontal coordinate steel rebar, typically about 2000, (micro strain). Due to the high clastic modulus of steel fibers (6~7 times of that of PVA fiber) and the tailored strong bonding between steel fiber and UHPC matrix high strain hardening UHPC presents multiple micro-cracks (smal- ler than 005 mm) during the strain hardening stage (9). The crack width controlling ability guarantees high strain hardening UPC to bea macro crack free concrete cover for the steel rebar, which will benefit the durability of the UHPC girder during the service life. By contrast, strain softening UHPC presents cracking localization dur- ing the post-peak region under tensile loading. At present, the effect of tensile properties (strain hardening or strain softening) fn the tensile mechanism of reinforced ultra high performance concrete (RUHPC) is still not well known. {@) Single shape UHPC dirder for structural test So far, relevant studies remain scarce on RUHPC as one typical performance fiber reinforced cement based composite (RHPFRCC}. The tensile behavior of RHPFRCC has been investigated by some researchers as shown in Table 1 [6-12]. As shown in Table 1, some researches revealed that RHPFRCC per- formed the tension stiffening, some described the multiple crack- ing behaviors of RHPFRCC specimens in uniaxial tension, Others conducted the analysis on strain profiles of steel rebar along the ‘member length. Rare researches focused on the damage evolution ‘mechanism of RHPFRCC under tensile loading. Under the service- ability Iimit state, the UHPC would be in a plastic state while the Stee! bar still in an elastic state. Damage will generate due to the interaction between UHPC and steel rebar. The damage mechanism (b) Double shape UHPC irder for construction (0 Opened to trafic Fig 1. Pretaricated UPC girder fr acelerted bridge construction (ABC) in Shanghai 2017 Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 261 erste review of HPFRCC Details of pein Material ross seaion —_Relnforement Contents ain oncasons et ‘ypes dimension sto UHPC 160mm = 1admm 1, 25K AE Anexperimental study on (1) The stuenath of UHPC® (6) tense chavo of composed ofthe see reinforced UMPC Strength and a eontibuton orn (2) Te tension sitening ery high duct the wery high bond and tensile strength of UHPC unre 40mm Hom 24% Am experimental study on The tensile behavior at (7) tense behavior of reinforced UAPC may be ‘elnforced UHC ‘eseribed by the nar Superposition othe tensile bet of UIT ad sted Ee 90mm « 90m ‘An experimental study on (1) Reinforced BCC developed} Tomm» 2Omm O92% 14% theensionstifening mae signifier tenon 150mm = 130mm Uo behavior of relfored ECC Senin han reiforced NC: (2) tormation capacities of felforced ECe members were greatly reduced compare to reinforced NC (Gye required minimum Felforcement aloo {eveop fll dct of reinforced ECC was ‘determined : item HPRRCC: 127 mm 127MM 1.2% An experimental study on (1) Alrenforced specimens [8 crc the elastic and plastic tested here ented (2) scree Fesponee of thre kins of mpl cracking in unas Gece Iild tee rsnforced tension FHPFRCCS in uionial (2) Te embedded tet in tension ORES ete sey Stain hardening a rete relative to tadtonl GA medi approach based on planar analy to ‘stimate lena stent of Felforced HIPERCE ‘omnponeets sing tension stltening data i proposed feo oom oom 114s ‘Anexprimental study of (1) ECC was shown to —_(10) feinfored ECC ons create the siffnes ofthe tension siflening process comps and maintain ing an image-based linea tiles Uoushout ‘leformation metsrement texting Bnd analysis system (2) The cocking process of reinforced ECC conssetty Showed multiple cracking ‘with corsiderabiy smaller ‘rack with tan thos in reinforced NC () The tensile stain beater fd ECC ant tow Ems GFRP bee ‘on tobe compaiie resulting ina good composite rneees NA. Na ‘An experimental study on (1) Muliple racking wat [11] FRC Sinderstanding he ‘served in al eitoreed Eee Traction between the HPRECE dogbones tested reinforcement andthe heres (2) The tite cracking ‘served in all specimens is Iypatesized to have eto beh sites yang 2nd ardening i he reinforcement (continue on nest ase) Table 1 comin) Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, ‘Detlef =pcimen ‘inet Grae waion —Reforcnent Coos ‘ian concn er ‘per dimen io SRO 12am tem Vt “he expeineatal sady on (1) Raced SERRE) i Gickinttion and” specimens exhbied 3 — Progen efrced neal ge ension aE cements terion silening tan especies 4]; eee wath es Uy (2) The presence of xe tenhanees tension stifling, Fesulng nastier member response wi mare cacks bute dermation Note: ICC is EngincredComenisous Compost; HPC High lerornance ber Rcinored Cement Based Compute: FRC is Fiber Relrced Concrete; SCFRC Sal ‘of UHPC has significant effect on the crack width controlling abil ity, permeability and stiffness degradation of RUHPC structure. ‘Acoustic emission (AE) technique provides a possible avenue to detect internal damages of concrete from the microcosmie point of View effectively [13-18]. AE source locating is a method co obtain [AE source distribution in three-dimensional space, Specific details ‘of the AE analysis method can be found in the Ref. [5]. To quanti- tatively describe the distribution nonuniformity of AE sources, proper statistical tools can be applied such as Lorenz curve (19) ‘and Gini index [20], Both have been widely applied in economics, ‘ecology and medicine but is absent in civil engineering [21]. Thus inthis paper, Lorenz curve and Gini index are used in the damage nonuniformity index calculation of RUHPC specimens under ten- sile loading. ‘As a result, the objective of this study is to analyze the tensile ‘mechanism of RUHPC. To achieve this objective. the direct tensile test accompanied with crack width detection and AE source locat- ing were conducted on RUHPC specimens in the work herein. The effects of UHPC types (high strain hardening UHPC, strain softening UHPC) and longitudinal reinforcement ratios (OX, 2.3% and 4.6%) on tensile properties of RUHPC were investigated. The tensile ‘mechanical mechanism of RUHPC was analyzed based on the ten- sile load-strain curve, while the tensile damage evolution mecha- nism of RUPC was studied by AE analysis method at the micro level. 2. xpeiaental prograsa Direct tense est accompanied ith cack width detection and AE Source oct: Ing was conducted o study the tensile mechanism of RUMPC There ares ind of specimens, whose dtalls and naming convention are shows in Table 2 21. UMPC materi ‘The performance of UHPC matrix and sce! fiber both cn inence the tensile behavior of UMPC: namely stra hardening or strain softening Behavior. In this apr. HSH-UHPC and SS-UHPC were made By changing the vumefraction sel Fier bast on the same UHRC mari inthis oper UHPC mere seed here consi af thre componens: ate, lane premixed powder sn tel fibers Tle > prevides the mix proportion of Une mat type ofsaight se! be with bras couting was sed won peop fetes ae given Tabi The volume action of tee bers wsed in HSH UPC Sind SS-UHPC was 20% and respective ‘Alaboratory mer with He exp was set prepare the UPC mi ‘ded sadly apd mbeed for anther Simin. Whe the mistre shoved te sue ‘ble workable! bers were dispersed ino the meu and mixed for ana Simin art of mater prepsation shown ns 2 nal the UPC mi ture was place in dhe lds without vibration de os elcorpacting rope ‘Since te eating method has effect onthe mechani properties of UPC 2-2 able? Specie deals overs Specimen name ‘Specimen nomber enforcement ratio Sioa rebar Sin sftening UPC ssunre High strain hardening UHC RUC 2s ‘ope HRB400 rebar HH-RUHRC 46 “wo HRN rebses able? Mu proportions of UAPE mate. Cement Se tame roana er (Quit ed water Superpbsicaer 7 03 @ Ey 2 Don abled Propet of ee bes. Tiber ypes Tensile stengihiMPs ‘Este medulusiGPa—_tangjaun ———Diametejum pect ato ——_—Densiyagi >) ‘Stee ber 2500 200 6 200 0 7550 Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 \ Dry mix of UHPC premixed powder ‘Adding water 3 min ‘Adding steel fibers 3min UHPC mixture Fig 2. A flow char of materia preparation ‘he same casting method was used for al the specimens in his paper. UAPC mix {ore speed fom one corer of the mold to ater for 35 times the ‘old. Castine pt of dogo species ae shown ns 2 Compressive streagt (100 mm eae specimen) of UHPC was blaine accor ‘ng to Chinese standard CBE 31387-2015 [25] ung a universal testing machine (UTR with a maximo lod capacity of 300K, The 284 average compressive Strength (Hee specimens) of HSHVUMC and SS-UMPC were 1187 MDs ad 22, Sel oar For RUHPC specimens, HREAGO deformed stel rebar with dlameter of 12mm and length of 500mm Was used forthe longiudina lnfercment. Tce bare sel ebats were tested fo obtain thei fone sess characteristics They Were {ested ina universal sting machine and a 50mm extensometes was sed 1 mee Sure the tense stan, Fly, the tensile stress-strain relationship of tel rebar ‘was abined 3 shone in ig AS show Fo the steel Febsrose the ‘hed sre of around 480 MPa and the el tan of around 2500). Customized perforated acrylic plates 4 “Tensile sres/MPa o8ESEESEEEES S 1000 20003000 4000 5000 6000 7000 ‘Tensile strain/ne (4) Stross-sirain curves of thre FIR 40 deformed sel rbars Buseeaes Tensile stress MPa 088s © 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 a0 7000 ‘Tensile strain ue () Average stress stin cue ofthe HRB 400 deformed ste! ebar Fig. 4. Tensile stress-strain relationship of HRB 400 deformed stel reba. 25, Test methods The testis made up of tree pars which proceed simultaneously: (1 ret ten siete (2) era wits detection an (3) AE souree cating Tense ses os). oer Fig 3. Casting pte of doy-bone specimens. sta curve was attained by direct ens et. he crack width-tensile stan cue ‘wae aequred by crack eden dtecion and. AE source dation map Was ‘obtained by AE source locating in 21, Test meta for eet tense est Det tense test was cared al through universal testing machine (WDW- 300 Servo-contoled testing syst) running i displacement contol manne. The wt tense test sytem sive in Fi 5 whet: (1) a dog bone shaped specimen {3s show in ga) was fabricated according to the dimension a sown In 5 (bye (2)aset customize fture was wad to avoid secondary fecal srs and to fersure a eenicloading condition as shown in Fiz) (3) atest frame mas Smounsed tothe specimen to measire te tensile elongation by wing wo linea “arial dierent transormers(LWDTS), whose gue length wae 130 om, sto Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, “crack age was taken by 3 Canon camera with 2 micro photo ens (P-E65mNm 8 15x) Aming at talng the crack image more clearly, he food ate ofthe ‘iret tensile fst a se 35 0.1 mn. 5. Test method for AE source ocating [AE Source locating Was caved ut in parallel with the dict tensile test a5 ym in Pie) Eb AE transducers were placed in a rectangular ray lust shove the surface of doubles ofthe tensile specimen 0 ick op AE sia oi ing from specimens. ln this stu. pen lead test and AE sure locating were ct enki lead vest was sty done acorn tt purpose wis to determine the AE wave reba ASTI £976.09 standard [26 lacy eho he spe System vs selected as 35, the preamplifier gin was seta 40 8 and the sam 232, Tet method Jor cock with dtetion Dering he rc tensile eto methods were combined to detect the crack peti a shin 6(1)the crak with wat measured dey by the ace Width measuring instrament with QT mu resauton (2) a the same tne the pling eery wa eta 3 HE 'AE sure Toating aimed at characterizing the damage culation press of Uy itera damages of pecans were decd by eight AE trance onthe ed 5238 3% reinforcement ato a 2 {usec (@) Specimen (0) 4.0% reinforcement ratio ALA section (b) Dimensions and reinforcement ratios (6) Test setup Fig 5, Direct teil est system or UH: ah il fay mt 22 a (a) Crack deteetion with the width measuring instrament Fig 6. Crack measuring (6) Crack is wge taken by a Canon camera, mths, Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 265, ‘© AE transducers in pencil test . Thickness: g S| )25/sbJozs| | ay) Te Unit m87594 ‘AE transducers in diect tensile test Sere Ree Ce Window3: AE data analy Fig 7. AE analysis system, surface of specimens AE Source lating can be determined by time diferences among the recorded signals from these eight AE wansducers Through the AE Dreamplifr and the tiger signal identifier, all waveforms were recorded and Stored ya windows-based AE data operation program to eatrat the AE parameters for analysis Pally the coordinates and origin ie o AE sources were monitored by this syatem to pit the AE source triton maps at diferent tensile ta, ‘mm » 100mm = 500mm. 3. Tensile mechanical mechanism of RUHPCS 3.1, Tensile stress.strain curves of HSH-UHPC and SS-UHPC Tensile stress-strain curves of UHPCs are presented in Fi 8. AS shown in Fig. S{a), the elastic tensile strength fine of HSH-UHPC ranges from 9.3 MPa to 10:3 MPa and the corresponding strain cine is about 200i. The ultimate tensile strength fy, canges from 11.2 MPa to 12.0MPa, and the corresponding strain ‘yy reaches about 4000 j-5000 je. As shown in Fig, 8(b, the elastic tensile strength fiye of SS-UHPC ranges from 10.1 MPa to 10.6MPa and the corresponding strain ce is around 200). Both fire and re fof SS-UHPC are close to those of HSH-UHPC because the same LUHPC matrix is present. The residual tensile strength of SS-UHPC is 70%-86% of its elastic tensile strength fy. at a corresponding, strain of 2000 pe 3.2. Tensile performance of HSH-RUHPCS The tensile load-strain curves of HSH-RUHPCS are presented in Fig. 9. A typical specimen of HSH-RUHPC was taken for example as shown in Fig. 9[6-(@), The tensile load-strain curves of HSH: RUHPCs could he divided into stage 1 (the elastic stage), stage Il (the elastic-plastic stage) and stage Ill (the plastic stage). The frst {wo stages showed a smooth transition. The curve slope at stage i ‘was almost the same as that of bare steel rebar. Furthermore, the strain at the beginning of stage Ill was almost the same as the yield strain of HRB400 steel rebar (around 2500). It was supposed that there was hardly slip generated between HSH-UHPC and steel tebar before the yielding of steel rebar. For HSH-RUHPC-1 and HSH- RUHPC-I, the total tensile loading capacity at the end of stage 1 ‘was 30KN, 35KN, respectively while that at the end of stage I ‘was IIOKN, 170KN, respectively. ‘The schematic illustration of tensile load-strain curve of HSH- RUHPC is shown in Fig. 10. Point A refers to the end of the Stage |, where UHPC is supposed to reach the elastic limit. Fe and fe rr B 2 eu EPR GIP Or 210 Se gs go a6 as ea —aseuec 2 —nsi-unrca ; —asiuics o ‘© 10002000 30004000 S000 60007000 Tensile strai/ne (0) Tre specimens of ISI-UIPC “ 8 R n 0 "5 gs 7 BG He 24 E3 2 1 —ssunres ° ©1000 2000 +3000 490050006000 7000 tensile strain/ue (6) The specinens of S-UHPC Fig. Tense ses strain cares of UNIS, 266 Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, Fema: jee a Tenslesteaae (a) Three specimens of HSH-RUHPC-L 0°38 Ho)” is” 300” soon” 0 soo Tenslesteaae (b) Three specimens of HSH-RUHPC-IL “Tensile strainje sarison of steel rebar and EISH-RUHPC-1 0 500 1000 1500 20003500 3000” 3600-4000 ‘Tensilestrainye (@) Compatison of steel rebar and HSH-RUHPC-IL Fig. 9. Tele loadsa curves of HSH-RUHPCS, ‘are defined as the tensile loading capacity and the corresponding strain of RUHPC at Point A, respectively. Point B refers to the end of the Stage I, where steel rebar begins to yield. Fp aNd gy are Stage 111 Tensile load F = Tensile strain © Fig. 10, schematic illustration of tes oad-stain curve of HSH-RUHPC, defined as the tensile loading capacity and the corresponding, strain of RUHPC at Point B, respectively. ‘The mechanical analytical model of different stages of HSH- RUHPC is shown in Fig. 11. At Stage I such as Point A in Fig. 11 (a), HSH-UHPC and steel rebar were both in the elastic stages, ‘where HSH-UHPC was the main contributor to the total loading, ‘capacity, At Stage Il such as Point B in Fig. 11(b), HSH-UHPC was in the strain hardening stage while the steel rebar was still in the clastic stage. During this stage, the loading capacity provided by HSH-UHPC was almost stable, the contribution of steel rebar 0 the total loading capacity increased with the increase ofthe tensile strain and finally became the main contributor to the total loading ‘capacity at point B. At Stage Il, HSH-UHPC and steel rebar were both in the plastic stages, where the total loading capacity kept ‘constant at the beginning and decreased later due to the strain softening of HSH-UHPC. During Stage I and Stage Il, the tensile deformation of HSH UHPC was consistent with that of steel rebar and the strain hard- ‘ening behavior of HSH-UHPC ensured a globally uniform stress dis tribution of HSH-RUHPC. 3.3 Tensile performance of 8-RUHPCS ‘The tensile load-strain curves of $-RUHPCs are given in Fi. 12 ‘Atypical specimen of SS-RUHPC was taken for example as shown in Fig. 12(€)(q), Similar to HSH-RUHPCS, the tensile load-strain ‘curves of SS-RUHPCS can also be divided into stage |, stage Il and stage Ill. The first two stages showed a horizontal transition as ‘marked in Fig. 12(c)-(d), which may be related to the strain soften- ing behavior of $S-UHPC. The corresponding strain at the end of stage Il was higher than the yield strain ¢, of HRB400 steel rebar (around 2500j1:) and the difference between these two strains was about 1000 for SS-RUHPC-I and 2604: for SS-RUHPC-IL. It ‘was supposed that there was slip generated between S5-UHPC and steel rebar before the yielding of steel rebar. For HSH- RUHPC-1 and HSH-RUHPC-I, the total tensile loading capacity at the end of stage I was 30 KN, 35 KN, respectively while that at the end of stage Il was 110 KN, 166 KN, respectively. ‘The schematic illustration of tensile load-strain curve SS-RUHPC is shown in Fig. 13. Point A refers to the end of the Stage I, where UHPC is supposed to reach the elastic limit. Fe and fe are defined as the tensile loading capacity and the corresponding strain of Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 261 RUHPC at Point A, respectively. Point B refers to the end of the hor- _The mechanical analytical model of different stages is shown in ‘zontal transition a the initial stage of Stage ML Point Crefers tothe Fig 14. At Stage I such as Point A in Fig. 14(a), SS-UHPC and steel point corresponding to the yield strain sof steel rebar at Stage I, rebar were both in the elastic stage, duting which SS-UHPC was Point D refers to the end of the Stage Il, Fey afd gj are defined as the main contributor to the total loading capacity the tensile loading capacity and the corresponding strain of RUHPC ‘From Point A to Point B of Stage Il as shown in Fig. 14(a) at Point D, respectively and (b), 8S-UHPC suffered from strain softening and the first Load state at Poin "unre 4 Load analysis a FrFyt Fey (© Stress state a Pot A unc Stel rte 1 1 Bro ee ;| oy tor Teese 6 (2) Stage (the elastic stage) point Ain Fig. 10 Loa ont Fy i Cond anaii : Fu poo 5 Figs Tensile sain & FoFut Puy 1 Stress state at Paint ‘Tensile stress ¢ Pee Tensile sane 5 (b) Stage Il (the elastic-plastic stage) at point B in Fig. 10 Fig 1. Mensa analyte! mode of HSH RUB 208 Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, mmacro-crack opening gradually and its loading capacity reduced ‘accordingly. While at the same time, the contribution provided by steel rebar at erack position kept increasing due to its elastic Tense stains (9) Throe spocimens of SS-RUHPCL 200 serum so | —SSRUHPCH (@) The spose SE RUFC 200 — ssxuret = oe Dn ea 100 Trent ie? “ 0500 Yoon S00 S000” 2500" so $500" 4000 Tensilestraine (osConparin of er and SS RUHL 20 (4) Comparison of el ear ad 8S-RUHPCAL Fig. 12. Tensile lad-strain cures of SS-RUHPCS behavior. ‘constant. From Point B to Point C as shown in Fig. 14(b) and (e), the strain softening effect of SS-UHPC reduced and the loading capac- ity of SS-UHPC decreased slowly, while the loading capacity of steel rebar was increasing linearly. Therefore, other macro- ‘cracks generated and the steel rebar gradually became the main ‘contributor to the total loading capacity. Finally several macto- ‘cracks were formed at Point C corresponding tothe stress concen- tration points in Fig. 14(c), where the steel rebar at crack posi- tions yielded and the steel rebar at uncracking regions was stil in the elastic stage. Hence. the total loading capacity of $S- RUHPC was able to increase until Point D in Fig. 14(d), where some parts of the steel rebar at cracking positions entered the strain hardening stage. In the entire process, the steel rebar chan- ged from total elastic state to partial yielding and finally to partial strain hardening ‘Therefore, the total loading capacity remained 3.4, Analysis of tension stiffening effect of RUHIPCS The total tensile loading capacity of RUHPC is made up of steel rebar and UHPC [27]. By deducting the bare steel rebar response from the tensile load-strain curve, the contributions of UHPC in the RUHPCS, often called the tension stiffening effect (3.9), are ‘obtained and compared with UHPC in the direct tensile test as shown in Fig. 15. ‘As shown in Fig, 15(a), the elastic tensile strength fe of HSH- UHPC in HSH-RUHPC-1 and HSH-RUHPC-II were about 5 MPa, 43 MPa, respectively, which were 69.4%, 99.7% of that inthe direct tensile test of HSH-UHPC, while the ultimate tensile strength of HSH-UHPC in HSH-RUHPC1 and HSH-RUHPC-I were about 7.8 MPa, 5.5 MPa, respectively, which were 68.4%, 48.2% of that In ditect tensile test. As shown in Fig. 15(b), the elastic tensile strength fixe of SS-UHPC in SS-RUHPC-1 and SS-RUHPC-II were about 6.5 MPa, 4.5 MPa, respectively, which were 61.9%, 42.9% of that in direct tensile test, while the residual tensile strength of ‘SS-UHPC in SS-RUHPC-| and SS-RUHPC-I a a corresponding strain ‘of 2000): were about 4.5 MPa, 3.7 MPa, respectively, which was 56.2%, 45.3% of that in direct tensile test. Tecan be found that the tensile strength of UHPC in RUHPCS was, lower than that in the direct tensile test as shown in Fig. 15. Besides, the higher the steel ratio is, the more significant the redue- tion of the tensile strength of UHPC is, The localized stress concen- tration of UHPC around the ribs and the reduction of the tensile strength of UHPC in RUHPCs were most likely due to the interac- Be “Tensile strain & Fig. 12, Schematic illastation of test lad-strai curve of S-RUNFC Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 269 tion between UHPC and the ribs of steel rebar as shown in Fig. 16. provided in the next section. A more spread-out distribution of AE The evidence may be provided by the comparison of AE source dis- sources was observed throughout the HSH-RUHPCs compared with tribution maps of HSH-UMPC in Fig. 19 and HSH-RUHPCs in Fig. 20. HSH-UHDPC. Lond state at Point A — npc Steel rebar Tensile load F 1 Suess state at Point A UHC Z 3 & stressanalysig é Qe z o : Sun Tensile sane (a) Stage I (the elastic stage) at point A in Fig. 13 1 1, fe oats ark postin of point B Fat oad anaisis] Fl ! | ca Temiesmaine ie Fat Fuy oes ste at cack oto of poi 8 unre JeaaSicctrebar ‘Stress analyai] Foe Tensilesrain © (b) Stage II (the elastic-plastic stage) at point B in Fig. 13, Fig. 14. Mechanical nal model of -RUMEPC. Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, Load analysis I TOE ‘Crack position ‘Crack position Crick postion ‘Stress analysis Load analysis on Lh \] WTI 1] ] iT] j Li UL ee Tensile lood F “Tensile sine Ses atte at crackpostin i ain unre Sts her Tensile stress Suet) Temsilestaine Fah (c) Stage Il (the elastic-plastic stage) at point C in Fig.13 Crack position ‘Stress analysis Load sat at erck posto Poet D f= unve jar Stoo har ee J Tensile load F ‘Tensile stain e + FF yt Foy Tensile stress 0 Gueey Tensile strain (4) Stage II (the elastic-plastic stage) at point D in Fig. 13, Fig. 14 (comet) Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 m Tene stress7MtPa asi ist unre sti RUPE ‘Tenste strain (a) HSH-RUHPC ss une i ss vnc 8 erste tresMPa ‘Tensile strains (b) SS-RUHPC Fig. 15, Tension stillening elect of RUHPCS Danmage of UPC ‘round rib “orp open UFC Fig. 16, teteraction beeen UHPC ad tet ree a feu coe a eS, 2 Zor & i © 500 1900 1500 2000 2500 3000 3507 4000 Tensile strainyie Fi. 17. Maximum crack sidth-tensile strain cures of HSH-UMPC and HSH aes. 4. Tensile damage evolution mechanism of RUHPCs based on AE analysis method 4.1 Tensile damage evolution of HSH-RUHPCS 4.11. Crack wideh-rensile strain curves of HSH-RUHPCS ‘The 0.05 mm crack width is usually critical for concrete perme- ability. In this paper, a micro-crack is defined as a crack invisible to the naked eyes (less than 0.05 mm), while a macro-crackis defined asa crack visible to the naked eyes (more than 0.05 mm) (28) Crack width-tensile strain curves of HSH-UHPC and HSH- RUHPCs are shown in Fig. 17. As shown in Fig. 17, for HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPCS, their micro-crack widths at the yield strain c, of steel rebar (around 2500.) were all below 0.03 mm. This phe- nomenon suggested that HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPCS both demonstrated a good crack width controlling ability due to the ‘multiple micro-cracks opening. ‘To present the crack opening process during the strain harden- ing stage, photos of a HSH-RUHPC-II specimen as an example were taken at different tensile strains and given in Fig. 18. As shown in Fig. 18, the ist detectable crack (bigger than 0.01 mm) generated at the strain of 6671, which was much higher than the elastic ten- sile strain cije of HSH-UHPC (around 200jc). It is supposed that rnon-detectable micro defects (or cracks) smaller than 0.01 mm generated hetween 200% and 66712. When the tensile strain increased to 3000jc, the width of detectable crack lightly increased to 0.03 mm and the number of the detectable cracks ‘was only four. Therefore, more non-detectable micro defects were presumed to continuously generate to balance the total corre- sponding tensile deformation (0.45 mm) of the HSH-RUHPC-I specimen at the strain of 3000ue, given a gauge length of 150mm. This phenomenon can be well explained by AE analysis ‘method in the following section. 4.1.2. Damage evolution process of HSH-RUHPCS using AE analysis method ‘AE analysis method can effectively detect the internal damages, ‘of UHPC under direct loading from the microcosmic point of view. {AE source distribution maps of a typical specimen of HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPCs are shown in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20, respectively The values in brackets are the accumulated numbers of AE sources that can be registered by AE analysis system. ‘The damage evolution mechanism of HSH-UHPC and HSH- RUHPCs is similar as shown in Figs. 19 and 20. It can be seen that there were few AE sources generated during the elastic stage of LHSH-UHPC and the stage lof HSH-RUHPCs. When the tensile strain reached 1000qc, the accumulated numbers of AE sources were 47, 152 and 132 in HSH-UHPC, HSH-RUHPC-I and HSH-RUHPC-I, respectively. These AE sources were distributed homogeneously, reflecting that multiple miero-cracks (or defeets) were distributed all over the specimen, which indicated a globally uniform stress sate [29], AE analysis method provides strong evidence to the rnon-detectable defects (lower than 0.01 mm) and makes a clear explanation to the damage evolution process of the HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPCs at the micro level 4.2, Tensile damage evolution of SS-RUHPCS 42.1. Crack width-tensile strain curves of SS-RUHPCS Crack wideh-tensle strain curves of SS-UHPC and SS-RUHPCS are illustrated in Fig, 21. As shown in Fi. 21, steel rebar improved the crack width controling ability of SS-UHPC significantly. The crack width of SS-UHPC at a strain of 2500 was 0.36 mm, while the crack width of SS-RUHPC-1 and SS-RUHPC-I at a strain of ra ‘Tensile stress/MPa 2000 3000 Tensile strain/ue Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, Maer Fe), FAI) Fig. 19, AE source dation maps of HSH-URFC .2500q1e was about 0.1 mm, which was almost 3-4 times ofthat of HSH-RUHPCs. Photos of a SS-RUHPC-II specimen as an example were taken at different tensile strains and given in Fig. 22. As shown in Fig. 22, the SS-RUHPCII specimen has maximum crack width of 0.02 mm at a tensile strain of 300ue and has maximum crack width of 0.06 mm at a tensile strain of 2000. By contrast, the HSH- RUHPC-I specimen can withstand a tensile strain up to 2000) to control the maximum crack width lower than 0.02 mm, which ‘means a much better crack width controlling ability. Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 m Tensile loadkN 2 2.2 “Tensile strainine CS Om Ba), C82) Fars) on P60) nk. (b) HSH-RUHPC-T Fig. 20, AE source distin maps of HSH-RUBECS 180 150 z 3 x0 2 0 Zo Ea ° Tensile strain/ue as ssure 7 fas} === snares i seman in $03 | ier $9 71 snicro-crack (005m) 7 fu dor ° 000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 “Tensile strainpe Fig. 21, Maximum crack widens tan curves of SS-UMPC and SS-RUHPCS 422. Damage evolution process of $S-RUHPCS using AE analysis ‘method AE source disteibution maps of a typical specimen of $S-UHPC and SS-RUHPCs are shown in Fig. 23 and Fig. 24, respectively. For 'SS-UHPC and SS-RUHPCS, there were few AE sources during the elastic stage of SS-UHPC and the stage I of SS-RUHPCS. At the end of elastic stage for SS-UHPC and HSH-UHPC, as shown in Figs. 23 and 19, the accumulated numbers of AE sources were 64 and 0, respectively. At the end of stage 1 for SS-RUHPC-1, SS-RUHPCH, HSH-RUHPCAI and HSH-RUHPC-I, as shown in Fig, 24(a),(b), (a) and (b), the accumulated numbers of AE sources were 34, 33, 3 and 3, respectively. It shows that when the UHPC matrix cracked, HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPCS hardly had AE sources while SS- LUHPC and $S-RUHPCs showed a remarkable number of AE sources These AE sources in SS-UHPC were supposed to generate by the debonding of the fiber and UHPC matrix. Therefor, the steel fibers bridging the micro-cracks in HSH-UHPC may still have well bond- ing with UHPC matrix and contribute to the increasing tensile load- ing capacity at the strain hardening stage, given an elongation of the stee! fibers. By contrast, the steel! fibers bridging the cracks in SS-UHPC may suffer from slippage and pull-out from the UHPC ‘matrix and result in a decrease in tensile loading capacity at the strain softening stage. ‘With the tensile strain increasing, most AE sources in SS-UHPC and SS-RUHPCs were regulatly distributed on the same plane sub- ‘sequently. The location of these concentrated AE sources basically concurred with the actual location of macro-cracks. Most AE sources of SS-UHPC specimen were regularly distributed on one single plane while those of SS-RUHPC specimens were finally dis- tributed on three planes, which meant the generation of three ‘macro-cracks. It could be found that the damage was more concentrated in SS- UHPC and SS-RUHPC, and more evenly distributed in HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPC before 40001. The reason was that SS-UHPC land SS-RUHPC immediately showed erack localization after elastie stage, while HSH-UHPC and HSH-RUHPC showed multiple micro- cracks with width less than 0.05 mm before 400041. 43, Damage distribution regularity analysis of RUHPCS using AE analysis method 43.1, Analysis of AE sources distribution of RUHPCS ‘To deeply understand the distribution of AE sources along the height of RUHPC specimens, ten equal ranges were divided along, i 2 aay Prt Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, ee te ! 7 Fig. 22, clack pcos of SS-RUMPCH at dferet srl. “ 2 MH oe 85 DOD sw RBH g bps 0] so 0) Z0 __oamey tena “ Si am Stet SHH 7 E atti] add || 2 3 «Haan atl) add || aif || Ea a 2 2 fa 2) ae atl sey a ari a im . ee eae a . “Tensile strainne PE hE he Hew ee Fig. 23, AE source dstibution maps of S-UHPE. the height of S00 mm to count the number of AE sources at differ ent tensile strains (1000jc, 2000ne, 2500p: and 4000, respec- tively). The results are shown in Tables 5-8 according to Figs. 20 ‘and 24, Point C, point D, point E and point Fare in accordance with those in Figs. 20 and 24. For each point of these four points, the ‘maximum number of AE sources and its corresponding maximum ratio of ten equal ranges are in bold font as shown in Tables 5-8. ‘As shown in Tables 5 and 6, the maximum ratio of total AE sources for each range along specimen height at different strains (Point C. point D, point E and point F) was 20.39% for HSH. RUHPC-! and 20.45% for HSH-RUHPC-I, respectively. I's interest- ing to find that the range with maximum number of AE sources was changing, such as Range 3 at point C, Range 7 at point D and Range 8 at point F for HSH-RUHPC-I, ‘Tables 7 and § shows that the maximum ratio of total AE sources for each range along specimen height at different strains (Point C, point D, point E and point F) was 58.25% for SS-RUHPC-1 and 45.12% for $S-RUHPC-II, respectively. Particularly, the range Ban J-¥. Wang/ Contraction cd ung Materials 26 (2019) 250-279 ns Specimen unloaded . Se son ea 30 sii z|| 2 : a 3 ee hin (a) SS-RUHPC-1 . So 180 asoo.a a ala] a En faa sii] 3 : a” aH ary 2 {o) Ge | = oN a * a 0 BS 4 wo} 0) ee “| ae aioe (b) SS-RUHPC-IL Fig 24 AE source dstibtion maps o SS-RUHPCS. ‘ates Nino AE sources or HSH-RUKFC Tange fang ang Fin ORE) Pane DrDHE Tare) Pome Room ode SPEER! Number of —aiooTioal Nunberof Ratoafiwal Numbered taibofwal Rumberof Rave ofwal AEiwures Absoweey: —Afsoures AE sowenps —ABsowees AEsoueris Arson AEsowUeE Taso) 3 325 35 378 2 sod ; sar an io 3 fans i 2n9 ia tee ¢feszeoy i Tie to nae 3 [amasol 3 so soe 33 & asco] ‘ 1250 tas a8 > [amsso] a 2030 nat 1536 5 asnacoy a tse 808 ras 5 laos] 8 Eres in so to lstsoo) 5 a0 re as out__[0500) tse ‘a to ‘o ie 6 Nitro AE sources or HSH-RUMFCAL Tange tage ang Fin OH) Fein 000050 a E0083) one Rom Coce —SPeMEN NE! Nunper of Rao TOG! Number of faioaf tal Nanberof—favnof wal Namberof Rao ool AEwores Absoweeyst AfsounesAEmowenys Arsowees Atsaueahy Asura Aboot Taso) 5 379 7 ar 7 2 2 309 2s ; 30 0 rig a ox 2 Sot 3 oats » 2a Po 1539 a 3 5 ris 4 tesco) 3 Sea 2 San 2 an ? oo 3 [amasol Me 151 6 a8 6 oar x om & asco) 0 1288 2 aes a tia a se > famsso] 3 tar 2 963 = sae % 136 5 ssn} & a6 3 ie “ "sat © set 5 laos] ; sho 3 a ” Ser Ss nn to lsasoo) 3 ss ‘0 ‘ 0 Ser is Soe ‘otal (0500) ba 100 2M 100 255 10 3 1 Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, Nec of AE sour S-RUHFCL Range Range lone Pein C0004) Poin 2000, Point £2500u2) Point A000 Cede specimen Hie! Numerof—_satvoftaal Ramker of Kalorama) Number of Ratnafrmal” Number of Ratio of eal ‘ESouces__A€sourcea_AEsmurces__Absourese__AEsurces_AFsoucais__Afsouces_ AF eucels 7 (050) 2 194 7 358 1 330 ro 37 2 tsat00) 2 194 7 355 7 2a ? ao 3 frooss0) 6 ss b eo ‘9 aa ‘9 esr 4 frsnaoo) 4 38 6 1827 a 02 a 140 5 faonaso| 4 38 ‘ 20 3 156 3 v7 & ——_fasn3e0) in ne b ‘0 0 Sos in as 7 pen3s0| a 5825 8 Saor us sanz 1s sun 3 fpsno0, 7 0 Fs 2269 3 1289 2 1130 8 taonaso| 2 154 0 50 0 391 0 aaa to {as05001 3 21 3 32 3 7 5 103 Teal [50 tos too tor tan se fay in tao ables ange Range long Pinr C07 Peis 000) Peis F500 Pei Foo Code specimen Mis! Numberof Ratio ofttal Numer of Rao ool Number of Raioofttal ‘Number of Ratio of al 7 sources _A€sourceit__AEsoores_Absouresi _ABsources _ABsoucsis_ABsouces_ AF Sourees 71050) 4 5 + 261 + 196 * 137 2 sao) 3 306 3 196 3 ia 3 hie 3 froosso1 ” 4512 is wat " dae 100 gaa 4 (isnz00} ° 0 ° 0 ° a 7 Ds 5 faonaso| 4 ‘ee 4 det 4 196 4 is 6 fasn300) 2 as “ 2876 so ast ‘0 1361 7 f30n3s0) ° a 7 se ° aa ° 333, 3 psnaoo| 1 S280 ca ano “0 361 5 bat Sasso] 1 iD 1 ass : ue ; ne to (asso ° ° ° 0 ° a ° ° Taal (05001 2 100 153 100 104 100 255 100 with maximum number of AE sources was constant, that is, Range 7 or SS-RUHPC-I and Range 3 for SS-RUHPC-I, corresponding to the localized crack. ‘AE source number distribution is plotted in Fig. 25 to further analyze the distribution regularity of AE sources. It shows that for HSH-RUHPCS, che difference of AE source number at each range ‘was small and the number of AE sources at each range before 4000442 was basically below 60. It reflects that the internal damage was relatively uniform along the specimen height before 4000): ‘due to collaborative working between steel rebar and HSH-UHPC. However, in terms of $S-RUHPCS, the fluctuation of AE source ‘number was significant and the maximum number of AE sources of each range after 2000uz was more than 60. Both $S-RUHPC-1 and $S-RUHPC-I had several peaks of AE source number, for exam- ple, Range 3, Range 6 and Range 8 for SS-RUKPC-II which were cor- Fesponded to three macro-cracks. The number of AE sources at the ‘concentrated ranges was several times of that between adjacent ranges, which represented the damage concentration. The reason ‘of damage concentration was stress redistribution between the SS-UHPC matrix and steel rebar, leading to a sudden increase of the steel rebar strain and the erack width at the crack positions. 43.2. AE sources distribution nonuniformity based on Loren curve ‘and Gin! index “To better evaluate the distribution nonuniformity of AE sources along the height of RUHPC specimens, Lorenz curve and Gini index: ‘were selected [19.20]. The proposed Lorenz curve of AE sources isa ‘dynamic mirror of the nonuniform distribution along specimen height. The data samples were chosen from Tables 5-8, including range code and ratio of tatal AE sources ‘The data samples were sorted in descending order according to ratio of total AE sources. Thus the Lorenz curves of four kinds of UHC are drawn in Fig. 26, where the vertical coordinate is the ‘accumulated percentage of AE sources and the horizontal coordi- hate isthe aecumulated range number. More detailed information about drawing Lorenz curve can be found in the reference (30). The ‘diagonal line means idealized even distribution while the level line ‘means idealized concentrated distribution. The more convex the ‘curve is, the more nonuniform the distribution is. I's obvious that the Lorenz curve of HSH-RUHPCs was less convex than that of $S- RUHPCS, indicating that the distribution of the AE sources in HSH- RUHPCS was more uniform than that of SS-RUHPCS, In order to give an overall evaluation of such distribution nonuniform. the Gini index Js defined in Eq. (1) as a quantitative ‘metric between 0 and 1, The more convex curve leads to the larger Gini index J, implying the more nonuniform distribution. ALR MOR Parameter A is the area between the Lorenz curve and the hor- ieontal coordinate, parameter R is the area between the idealized ‘even distribution curve and the horizontal coordinate, parameter 1M is the area between the idealized concentrated distribution ‘curve and the horizontal coordinate, Parameter A can be integrated by Matlab software Gini index 1 at different strains was calculated according to the Lorenz curve and the results are liste in Fig. 27. It shows that the Gini index [of HSH-RUHPC was lower than 0.33 and Gini index I of 'SS-RUHPC was higher than 0.49, respectively. showing that the AE source distribution along specimen height for SS-RUHPC was more ‘concentrated. With the increase of the tensile strain during 1000- 1 a Bian JV. Wang/ Contraction ond ng Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 f*-Point C(1000p2) —*-Point D2000n2) —*- Point E(2500q1s) | —*~Point F(4000n2)| 160 160 340 140 E10 $120 100 5 100 2 90 2 0 2 6 2 60 240 3 40 20 20 ° ed 12345678910 12345678910 Range Code Range code 160 140 me g 5 20 5 = 100 g oe 3 2 240 20 od 12345678910 12345678910 Range code Range code Fg 25, AE source une ition of RUN 40001, Gini index 1 of HSH-RUHPC was almost stable due to the random and even distribution of multiple-micro-cracks, while Gini index 1 of $S-RUHPC decreased firstly due to the development of several-macro-cracks and then increased slightly due to the appearance of the localization of the main crack. The difference in Lorenz curve and Gini index I between HSH- RUHPCs and SS-RUHPCs was remarkable. As a result, Lorena curve and Gini index Tis an effective and visual method to characterize ‘the nonuniformity distribution of the internal damages of RUHPCs using AE analysis method, 5. Conclusions In this paper, the direct tensile test accompanied with crack ‘width detection and AE source locating was conducted to investi- gate the tensile mechanical mechanism as well asthe tensile dam- ‘age evolution mechanism of RUHPC. Main conclusions are given as follows. (1) HSH-UHPC used herein had the elastic tensile strength rani ing from 9.3 MPa to 10.3 MPa at a corresponding strain of about 200j¢, and ultimate tensile strength ranging from 112MPa to 12MPa at ultimate strain of about 4000- 5000. SS-UHPC used herein had elastic tensile strength ranging from 10.1 MPa to 10.6 MPa at a corresponding strain of about 200u6, and the residual tensile strength ranging from 7.1MPa to 9.1 MPa at a corresponding strain of 2000). (2) During Stage I (the clastic stage) and Stage Il (the elastic- plastic stage), HSH-RUHPC had a globally uniform stress contribution due to the compatible deformation between HSH-UHPC and steel rebar while the steel rebar in SS- RUHPC changed from total elastic state to partial yielding and finally to partial strain hardening. (3) The interaction between the UHPC and the ribs of steel bar may cause the localized stress concentration of UHPC around the sibs, resulting in the reduction of the tensile strength of UHPC in RUHPC. Besides, the higher the steel ratio is, the more significant the reduction in the tensile strength of UHPC is. (4) HSH-RUHPC showed a multiple-micro-cracking mode and its crack width was about 0.03 mm at the tensile strain of 250,12. SS-RUHPC displayed a. several-macto-cracking ‘mode and its crack width was around 0.1 mm at the tensile a Bin, J, Wans/ Construction and Bung Maes 225 (2019) 259-279, — Lorenz curve ~~~ Idealized even distrib n ~~ Idealized concentrated distribution * Point C(1000p2) —*-Point D2000ne) Point E@SOOpe) —*~Point F(4000u6) 100 £0 Eso 70 E60 = eo 230 220 =10 0 012345678910 0123456789 10 Accumulated range number Accumulated range number Accumulated percentage/% oS 88S 883888 100 oe 2 sssssses Accumulated percentas Accumulated percentage/% esessssas 10 (1 2345 6 7 8 9 18 01234567890 Accumulated range number ‘Accumulated range number Fig. 26, A source dsribation of RUNPCS strain of 2500. The effect of increasing reinforcement ratio ‘on the improvement of crack width controlling ability for $S- RUHPC was more significant than that of HSH-RUHPC. (5) Based on AE analysis method, HSH-RUHPC exhibited a ss-RUHPC © $8-RUHPCAIL homogeneous damage distribution before steel yielding due t its multiple-micro-cracking, mode while SS-RUHPC showed the damage concentration at the crack position ‘due to the stress redistribution caused by the strain soften- ing of SS-UHPC. AE analysis method provides strong evi- dence to the non-detectable defects (lower than 0.01 mm) and makes a clear explanation to the damage evolution pro- ‘ess of RUHPCS at the micro level (6) Gini index I was proved to be an effective parameter to char- acterize the nonuniformity distribution ofthe internal dam- fages of RUHPCS using AE analysis method. Gini index of HSH-RUHPC was lower than 0.33 and that of §S-RUHPC was higher than 0.49. GHSH-RUHPC @HSH-RUHPC.IL 2 Gin index J of AE source distribution Declaration of Competing Interest 2500 ee We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships ig 2. Gin index 1 of AE source distribution for RLS, with other people or organizations that can inappropriately Ban, J-¥. Wang/Constracion and ling Materials 26 (2019) 259-279 cy influence our work, there is no professional or other personal inter~ est of any nature or kind in any product, service andjor company ‘that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, fr the review of, the manuscript entitled, “Mechanical and damage ‘mechanisms of reinforced ultra high performance concrete under tensile loading’. Acknowledgments, This work was supported by the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province [grant number 2019-GXKY-01], the National Nature Science Foundation of China [grant number 51609172] and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Project [grant number 17D21204200], The financial supports are greatly appreciated. References LMA. Kran, Aeclerated bridge construction: best practices and techniqes. 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