The Value of Literature

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Literature is an art of written works that uses words that have deep meanings. It uses symbols,
emotions, feelings, love and many other things. It is where we can express our deeper thoughts about what
we are thinking. It is about sharing your story or creating a story based on your imaginative way. Literature
can influence us in many other way, so we need to understand how literature works. Literature is an infinite
idea that we want to imagine. Literature can create a character of what you want, just write what you want
and focus of what you wan to do in creating the story. Literature like reading novels about love can easily
catch your attention and learn what the writers have experienced it. Literature can also share information in
all parts of the world on what is the culture in a country, learning about things that we do not know about.
Sometimes people have unique way of thinking so they want to share the world of their words how they
know about.
Let’s focus of how literature influenced me as a student. I have watched a ton of movies but never
reading about the novel. I read books seldom because I am too bored in reading words that has no pictures.
But I like to watch and have some thrill but movies are not accurately follow what the story in the book. I
like also to read poems and reading the lyrics of a song because it can express what is the writer’s feeling
in writing his or her piece. In reading books, I can use my imagination but only for a few because I can’t
imagine how the story works because I lack at understanding the words that have deeper meanings. I also
lack in understanding words that I can’t give the meaning. I need to learn why reading is great because
reading can expand the mind and continue to understand words that I don’t know like expanding my
vocabulary. The great thing about literature is that making you entertaining and getting your attention in
what is your taste in reading stories. What I like about movies is that they create the image that is portraying
the whole story. It is easier to understand in pictures but some novels or stories that can’t be act in the movie
is hard. That is why I am influenced because I am curious of what the real story and not by cutting it. I just
need to make my mind an imaginative way in reading a story so that I can write my own stories too and
making stories can change you and change for the better.
I once been influenced by literature in creating a short story, a story about how I experienced in the
past. It is heavy for me to deal with these emotions so I write it to feel light. Making literature is what
writers can letting go of the feelings in a story so that they will be free and move on from the past. We are
free to create a piece, we just need to learn how to be yourself and write whatever your heart desires to
write. Also I am influenced about reading the history because to learn what happened in the past. Learning
the past can teach us a moral lesson of what happened to that person and how they achieve victorious. We
can learn their skills of how they commit success. And in literature I read about some of the works that I
am curious about like searching in google and expanding the idea of what I watched and also searching the
opinions of people that are trending in the world like now like the corona virus and how its affecting a lot
of people and reading its history about it. It gives us information when reading facts about their works. It
helps you understand better and making you curious and question it.
In summarizing about how literature influences me, it can expand my imaginations and making a
lot of possibilities in reading a story. It catches the attention why they write stories and opinions. It is a
magic language that can make yourself being a part of a story. It influences us to make use the literature in
making our own by expressing of how we feel. If you are feeling heavy, then it is the right time to create a
piece to make your body lessen of what your problems are. Literature teaches about life and changes your
life because not just for the sake of it but with genuine interest, the whole perception of looking at life
changes. You just don't confine yourself to a shallow surface but actually go to the depth of everything.
Literature makes us a better person!

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